The bell rings and school is out. Finally,I can get some fresh air this weekend. Things are going well except for that boy that has to be my partner.
But little did she know,deep down she wants his presence.
I don't know why but I feel something's kinda off with Evie. I usually don't mind what people would say to me but if it's her.
I sighed and walk my way out of this crowded hallways. It's like you're stuck in an ocean with angry waves around you. My breath were getting heavy until I was pulled inside a class.
I was panting and I turn around to see Tim. He had a concerned look on his face. Furrowed eyebrows and his panting as well. His hand's still on mine's. He noticed and let go of our touch,his face were flushed with redness.
I don't know why but I felt a little disappointed after he let go of my hand. Our hands retreating back to where it supposed to be. I was balancing my breath after the rushing in the hallway.
Tim cleared his throat gaining my attention to look at him. "Let's wait until it got clear out. It's easier that way," he put his free hand on his pocket as he looked down to his shoes. "I saw you panting earlier. Do you have asthma?" He looked up to me. Startling me a little since I was watching him ever since his hand on mine. Oops.
I snapped into reality and recalled back what he said just now. To be honest,I wasn't listening. My face is probably red right now. "I- I'm sorry what?" I stuttered. Cut that shit out. I never stutter in front of someone.
He cocked his eyebrow at me,half amused. I brace myself for what he's gonna say next as I bit my lip and fiddled the strap of my bookbag. He smirked as he shifted a little.
"I said,Do you have asthma?" He looked at me again. Oh right.
I heard him say something about 'I saw you panting' shit. I guess he knows? There's no need to lie when you already got caught,so I whispered,"yeah. I do. I got it when I was small." He nodded.
I took a step forward to see the hallway is not that crowded anymore. Which is good. "Hey,the hallway is not that crowded anymore. We can go out now."
"I know. Bye pretty girl." He flirts as he brushed pass me. Or I thought he's flirting. Pretty girl huh? Then I'll call him pretty boy.
My mouth was making a hole for the flies to get in. I'm kidding about the flies part. I was standing there stunned.
"Um okay?" I look at the corner where he just went. "Anddd he's gone. Great." I muttered,feeling pissed.
I walk myself home and took a nice aarm shower. Mom and dad brought Jenny with them to work so it's just me. Home alone, at the moment.
I look at the clock on my wall and it's 3.30pm. I have to babysit at 4pm. Which just a few blocks away from home. The walk took 15 minutes so I got 15 minutes to chill right now.
I went to the kitchen and make myself food. I checked the rice pot to see there's still rice and not rotten,yet. I cooked some scrambled eggs and put it in a bowl with the rice I took,put some soy sauce in it for the last touch. I mixed it up and víola.
After I'm done eating,I washed my plate and dried it off. Pick up my small bag and fill it with necessities inside. I looked at myself on the mirror and adjusted my baby hair on my face.
I locked the door and put on my headphone. I press shuffle on my playlist as I begin my walk to the house.
Actually,I sent out flyers on metal poles for babysitting and people would just message me.
I ringed the doorbell and waited for a few seconds. I heard a 'coming!' Beyond the door. The door eventually opened and revealed a woman in her early-thirties tying her hair in a low ponytail.
Then a kid about 3 years old came to view and was just below her hips,tugging her mother's shirt from below. She smiled at me,"Hi,you must be the babysitter. Naomi right?" As she ushered me inside,closing the door afterwards.
"Oh yea. That's me. So how many kids do I have to babysit?" I said as I walking through the living room and sat down on a sofa. The woman and her child followed in suit.
"Wait,before that. A proper introduction first. So I'm the mother of 3 kids. 2 boys and a girl. The eldest probably is walking his way home right now so he'll probably arrive here later." She gestured to the girl beside her,The child earlier. "This is the 2nd child,Crystal. Another one is sleeping upstairs,I'll bring him down in a bit."
I fidget my fingers as I waited for her introduction to finish. It's a habit of mine. Its depends on the situation. This 'finger fidget' is a normal one. So it doesn't mean I'm nervous. She continued,"and for the final person is of course their mother. I'm Bree Jackson. Nice to meet you." She extends her hand out for me to shake. I sent her a warm smile of mine as I took her handshake.
I murmured the same thing to her. "So the question before that.." I mentioned the my question earlier. She looked confused for a second and suddenly remembered.
"Oh right. So I'm gonna be gone until 10PM. My son will help you out so don't worry. Just take care of the small ones. Make sure to give them what they're supposed to have." She ordered. I made a face that shows 'what supposed to have?' Face. She recognises it and continue,"such as milk or their baby food,ya know obvious stuff." She checked her watch on her wrist. She stood up and sighed. "Alright I gotta go now."
Crystal tugging her shirt once again as a signal to her mother to not go and leave her alone with some stranger. I mentally scoffed.
It's not like I'm gonna kidnap her or something.
Bree picked her up and say,"Be good to Aunty Naomi alright? I'll see you tonight. Listen to her and your brother okay? I love you." She pecked her lips to her child's cheek.
I smiled at scene happening in front of me. It was a weak smile. Or more like sad one. I adjusted the strap of my purse on my shoulder.
Wish mom would do that nowadays...
"Can you look after her for a second? I gotta go take the little one upstairs." Before I could even nod,she already zoomed her way upstairs.
I look at Crystal. She looked at me,her finger was in he rmouth as her saliva drooling down to her shirt. I took a tissue from purse and wiped it off from her mouth.
"Hi Crystal. I'm gonna be your Babysitter for today. How are you?" I said in a cheery tone to make that kid motivated and comfortable.
"I'm fine. Thank you Aunty." She said in her child-like voice.
Awwww so cute!
I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and Bree was holding a sleeping baby in her arms. He's about 1 year old or a few months baby. "If Theo here is crying,just pat his back gently and shushing him. Make him milk too. He knows it so he should be okay. He's 1 year old."
"Okay. So that's it?"
"Yeah,that's probably-" Bree was cut off by a voice behind me.
Heyooo im back with another UPDATE. So um i have this crush towards my cousin's bodyguard..
He's married sadly. He's also older than me so eh. I have no intentions for making myself that Im rich and shit but im not. Just an update about my love life and my life update to yall<3
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