Something is breaking
I know I haven't been updating, but I've been catching up with college work and exams, Sorry but here it is, I'll try and keep up with writing since I'm nearly done with work, and place there's a scene I've been dying to write
Hajime griped Yamato's hand while holding back his punch, stopping him from attacking seitarou " what are you doing?" He glared, which Yamato continued to stare " stand down"
But it was like the guard was possessed
" calm down! Stop this!" Seitarou exclaimed " there's no reason to fight!"
Yamato goes in for a punch, which hajime dodged and delivers a hand punch to the face, knocking him across the room
"Rock...if this is a joke, it is a really shitty one." Akira grit her teeth, to pry his hand off of her scalp as Jyugo did
"What's going on with you? Was it something we did? Hey! Talk to me!" He shout trying to reason with him.
This only seemed to irritate him since he smashed Jyugo's head into the wall making me spit up more blood
" Jyugo!" Aki exclaimed, and she screamed when Rock punched her in the stomach, then flung her to the other side of the hall, making her spat out blood when her back hit the floor
On the office
Yamato's body lay on the ground motionless " damn this is bad...." hajime muttered " I just organized those papers.."
" how can you think about paperwork Right now!?! The deputy supervisor could be serious hurt!" Seitarou exclaimed
" Yamato's tough, don't worry about him" hajime grumbled
" how can I not?! He's unconscious!" Seitarou walks to him with the Ned kit " deputy supervisor? Hey...can you hear me?"
Hajime looked at him with a peeved off expression ' I didn't even start it...why and I being yelled at? While he gets tendered care' " it's pluplexing...I wonder...hey seitarou"
" yes?" He replied
" be careful, Yamato might-" before he could react, seitarou was punched into the wall, then collapsed unconscious
Hajime glaring at the guard
Back to the other two
After he smashed jyugo's head into the wall he released him "What's wrong with you?" He starts having flashes of his time with rock and then the memory of what elf says comes back to mind ' something is changing....'
"Say something rock! Let me help you!" He shout at his cell mate, voice wavering with concern
Rock say nothing, but only moved his arm getting ready to punch again.
"What is this? Did something happen to you?" Jyugo ask again only for him to get into a fighting stance, ready to attack again
"HEY!" Just then they turned to see Uno shouting from the cell and grasping at bars. "Jyugo, the hell are you and Rock doing out there?!" He shouts in concern " what did you do to Aki?!"
"Uno?" Jyugo ask aloud.
Uno seemed to caught Rock's attention because he was no longer paying attention to him but he was heading towards our cell that held their two friends.
Jyugo jump in front of him to stop his route to the cell.
"Just hold on. Look, Rock, was there something I did to upset you? If I did I'm sorry, I really am." He said in a pleading tone
Rock only gave him a death glare and snarled at him
"Hey you don't have to tell me, okay? It's just you seem so different. I'm worried about you. If you're alright then just say so." Jyugo say warily while taking steps back while Rock advances forward.
"You're gonna go see Uno and Nico now?"
"Were they just fighting?" Nico ask warily from our cell. "Yeah they are. Where are the guards!" Uno shouts in frustration.
" jyugo!" Aki exclaimed as he collapsed
Jyugo after down, and the only one left standing was Aki, with rock looking towards her menacingly
"I've got to ask, you wouldn't do this to them would you? You aren't going to hurt anymore else?" She ask walking backwards.
Something is out of control....
Her back was against the door "Hey, Rock, is that really you in there?" Her only reply was another punch to the stomach, spitting up more blood, and making a dent in our cell door which made both Uno and Nico jump from the sudden brutality.
"Hey Aki, open the door and we'll help!" Uno shouts from inside our cell. "Damn it! Aki! You have to open the door!"
"Sorry. No can do." She say while struggling to stand on her two feet. "What are you saying?! I know you can unlock it! Just let me out there, and whatever this is I'll take care of it!" Uno shouts once more, getting desperate and worried while nico was shaking on the group clenching his head
"No you won't. I will. I will deal with him somehow I'm a guard here and that's my priority!" She grit her teeth from the pain
Rock getting ready to deliver another blow to her body.
As it got close, both Uno and Jyugo yelled about her name
" Aki!"
In the office
Hajime clapped his heads removing the dust after he took down the deputy supervisor " well that was a pain is the ass...what the hell got into you yamato?" He says with his hands on his hips "hmm?" He then noticed something on the back of his neck, which looked like a yellow slip of paper with weird writing on it " is that?..."
Back the others
Rocks fist was against the door, blood slipping down but there was no Aki against the door
She had already been tackled out of the way, by a familiar pink haired male, She looked up surprised at her saviour, who helped her up
"Tsukumo?" She ask out of thin air still surprised by our sudden appearance.
" just in time" nico says in relief
" he was at building 5 too..." Uno remembers, remaining wary even if he was in the cell
The guy remained silent "What happened?....your hurt...." she says still in shock "Wait! Did they do something to you too?!" She grabbed him by the shoulders " is the real tsukumo in there?! Telll me your still yourself!" She exclaimed " answer me!" Almost like she was crying
He moved his mask down, revealing his face smiling slightly " I'm perfectly fine, calm down, nothings change" he assured " I'm still my true self" while she stared him as he placed a hand on her shoulder " just like you said to be" he smiled
He then turned to rock who removed his fist from the door "However I can't say the same for Rock and Yamato....both of them were strangely quiet on the way back here"
" so you followed Rock?..." Jyugo asked limping over still confused to what was going on
" that's right, and whatever's affecting Rock must have gotten yamato too,
the guards are probably dealing with the same problem we are, Which is why no ones shown up"
Jyugo gets up " we haven't been any help, neither of us can't seem to get through to him, no matter what we say, we're lucky you came, we wouldn't have stood a chance, otherwise, look you should know whatever this is, it's probably linked to me,
There no other reason I can think of" Jyugo says while clenching his arm shaking
" why Rock...why he would...turn like this...this is happening because I'm still here!...if I'd left...then he'd be done right now!....fine..."
" look Jyugo." Tsukumo began
"BEHIND YOU!!!" Uno shouts, the three gasp and turn to see rock about to punch, but tsukumo dodged him, grabbing his arm and flipping him into the ground
" I don't know why you think this is your fault, and to be honest" He turned and faced him " I can't speak to your past, all I know is what I've seen here, I see that your afraid and lost, both of you..." both his and her eyes widened
" but despite that, you were able to tell something was wrong with your friend, he brutally attacked you, and you refused to fight back, maybe you realised that he wasn't himself, or maybe you've drawn A line that you'll never cross again" Aki flinched after hearing that line
" for others who turned to anger, you both did everything in your keep your friend safe" both just looked at him not knowing what to say " it was clear to me that you wanted to stop rock, and to help him, that you placed yourselves between your friends in danger" he smiled and lifted a finger to his mouth " and seeing that moved me to do the same, perhaps
I misjudged something, but I suspect if we spoke to nico and uno, they'd agree"
Just the rock got back up, but Uno spotted something on the back of rocks neck, which looked like talisman
" hey guys!" He yelled grabbing the bars " there's something on the back of rocks neck! Like a talisman!"
Aki's eyes widened " a talisman?...." her throat went dry
" really?" Tsukumo quickly moved, and tried to take it off, but rock caught his arm and threw him to the ground
Making him cry out in pain, as rock lifted his body up, Aki moved forward" put him down! Now!" She yelled
" Aki no!" Jyugo yelled
Rock seemed to hear her and looked, tsukumo looked at rock before he dropped him and rock started walking towards her
" rock, please...don't make me!" For a split second she gasped when she felt a spark come from her hand 'no!' She clenched it shut and covered it with her own hand ' I can't!...I' she panicked as he bit close, raising his hand, she clenched her eyes shut, but just then he collapsed " rock?!"
Tsukumo stood behind him holding the paper, he then looked at it " this looks familiar"
With hajime
He too was looking at the talisman he took off of yamato " I've seen this before
Building 5
Samon was going through somethings in the draws when he noticed the one empty " that's weird, the talismans, their gone...."
Everyone sat in silence as kaguya placed a the two I hired inmates in bed, Aki sat on the sofa with bandages around her arm
" I swear, there must be something wrong with your building, I get as many patients from it as the rest combined" otogi grumbled, then starts walking away " it' would be best if you spent the night here kid"
" please take care" kaguya bowed before following the man
" so eh...rock hasn't woken up yet..." nico says filling the silence " doctor otogi told me he isn't hurt or anything, he's just in a deep sleep right now, it's the same story with yamato...I think he attacked seitarou, they've still got him In intensive care...I'm got quiet all of a sudden"
" anyway, that talisman" Uno says making nico look up " I heard that yamato had one on too, doubt that's a coincidence, rock stopped moving as soon as we took his off right?"
" he did..." Jyugo answered
" I'm not exactly sure where but I've seen
One of them before" nico says
" really?" Uno asked
"I'm trying to remember" he starts pondering
" it was probably on someone from building 5 , they use them on a few special prisoners there, I've heard a little bit about their work"
Jyugo's eye widened " tsukumo, you weren't hurt hurt bad were you?" He asked
" well none of my bones were broken, but I could stand to practice breaking my falls" he smiled slightly to the side
While nico and stare at him with a poker face " huh? something wrong?" He asked confused
"It's just...have you always been this type of carat er man?"
" where's your ninja voice?" Nico asked making tsukumo turn to the side face palming 'stupid! stupid! stupid!'
He covered his face embarrassed " I broke my cover how embarrassing!"
" wait! So you aren't a ninja!?" Uno exclaimed
" no...I am...I just-" " what?! Tsukumo isn't really a ninja!?"
The two were at his opposite side Lu of his hand shaking their fists " I...sort of am..."
" he's a Japanese ninja imposter!" The tow yell
"It's...kinda a long story..."
" knock it off" Aki groaned getting up " ninjas don't use their real voices, it's so they cover their identity, he's a ninja" she says as she starts walking for the door
" wait! Aki! Where you going? Your still hurt!" Jyugo yelled
" were else am I going?" She says before leaving the room, leaving the stunned faces
After Aki left
" listen, rock wasn't himself back there, talismans aside the rock I know isn't like that" Jyugo says
" building 5 development those talismans in order to suppress certain chi users, for a master of chin Jong like upa, it essentially functions to keep his powers in check, to keep him from being dangerous to those around him" tsukumo explains
" Kay, wait a sec" Uno says lifting a hand " I don't think rock and Yamato know any chi jong at all"
Tsukumo lifts a finger near his mouth " this is only a theory, but if the primary function of the talisman is to keep whosever wearing it under control, then Perhaps when it's placed on a non chi user, the power exerts is even greater"
" so you think, those talismans were controlling their mines?" Nico asked
Kiji was sitting in the break room with a cup of coffee when hajime walked in " hajime, good morning" he greeted " what brings you here to the break room at this hour?" He asked
" I could ask you the same thing" hajime responded
" I'm just passing through after turning in a few papers" kiji says
" any idea where the monkey is?" hajime asked looking around " I've been trying to get a hold of him"
" hey now, your not trying to start a fight are you?" Kiji questioned
"No" hajime says the lifts up the talisman " I just want to ask him about this"
Kiji's eyes widened a little " that's one of the talismans they use in building 5"
" and building five is where it should be" hajime stated " hence my need to speak with him"
" do me a favour if you actually manage to find him" kiji says sitting down " tell him
I'll be stopping by tomorrow"
" why should I? You can talk to him yourself" hajime grumbled
" your on the way to see him regardless, just do it" kiji says " besides I can't get a hold of him either"
Back in the infirmary
"Okay fine, let's say yamato and rock were controlled by these things, that still doesn't tell us who's behind it all" Uno reminds "Those two are both pretty tough guys"
"It can't of been easy to get those talismans on them, What do you think would make it worth doing?" He asked Tsukumo
"No clue but whoever put them on had time to pick a good place, You think they would've resisted" he muttered
"You were at building 5, Any idea why your still okay?" Nico asked
"Thats been bothering me too" Tsukumo says "I was with them the whole time and I didn't notice anything strange" he raised his finger under his chin pondering "But then again, I doubt I would've, I was occupied training, Didn't even go inside" he murmured
"The more we find out the more confused I get" Uno groaned
Meanwhile Jyugo was thinking about something else 'He said that they'd be coming...For the people around me....Could these attacks be related...This might be something else....And it might be the beginning' he clenched his fist, and Uno seemed to
After some silence
"Alright how about this" Uno says shrugging "We clearly not gonna figure out anything else by guessing or arguing so why don't we just go to the source"
Jyugo's eye widened while Uno winked
Time skip
"No way in hell." Hajime growls at him.
"Well why not?!" Uno yelled at him
Nico to attend to Jyugo's wounds from yesterday.
"The obvious reason. What you think you're aloud to have free run of the whole damn prison? Piss off and don't ask me stupid questions in the morning."
"What's the big deal?! You're about to go their anyway, so just take us with you."
"Who said that I'm going?" He glared
"Something happened to Rock and Yamato while they were there. You can't figure out what unless you go yourself. We want to go for the same reason you do. Rock's our friend, we have every right to find out what happened to him. We can help you what's going on. And we aren't going to rest until we seen it with our own eyes." Uno says trying to negotiate with Hajime.
"Sorry dumbass, but this is my job not yours. You have no part in this." Hajime says while turning on his heel to leave " just stay out of my way"
"Oh well, I tried to ask nicely but I guess it couldn't be helped." Uno says while locking all three of us in a head lock
"Looks like we'll just have to go on our own then." That seemed to make Hajime stop in his tracks as he was fixing to leave.
"You heard me. I asked for permission out of the goodness of my heart, but if your to busy what with both Seitarou and Yamato our of commission we'll just plan to meet you there. I thought I would talk to you first, since I found it unnecessary to add to tour work load, but screw it. What's wrong? You didn't forget you were talking to the best jail breakers in the world did you?"
" you think you can get there on your own?" Hajime ask nonchalantly
"Who's to say, but with both Jyugo Here i know we'll at least get out of this building at least" While hajime seemed to flinch
"I wonder if we were to start roaming around the prison who would actually get blamed for it?" He say
"Are you trying to threaten me?"hjaime glared
" you can call it what you want bud, we asked Nicely you turned us down and here we are" Uno shrugged " so we can play like this, or we could partner up" he grinned
" I think your confused, it's only a partnership of both sides benefit, I wouldn't gain squat if you punks tag along, this is just blackmail" hajime said
"I only make a deal if it's tilted to my favour" Uno says while pointing upwards
" your a terrible partner" hajime stated
" say isn't the warden gone as well, and Aki in charge in her place, what an opportunity"
" wait you know about that too?" Hajime asked
" unos a mad man" nico whispered to Jyugo as they stood behind them " he's actually negotiating with hajime"
" this sort of thing is what he's best at" Jyugo states
" so what's it gonna be then?" Uno questioned which pointing at the guard " are you gonna take us with you or aren't ya! Is it really worth betting that nothing will happen if you leave us here unguarded?"
Hajime's thinking ' damn it, pesky rats got me backed into a corner, their too slippery to leave here, if I just take number 15, chances are the other two won't wait patiently, if they do anything worst than escaping it will be my ass on the line, yamato and seitarou are getting medical treatment so I can't have them watch cell 13!.....aki's no where to be found and had probably gone ahead of me....and if I ask the other guards for help...I'm the only one who can catch them, number 11 even knows where the traps are...who knows how many he could set off with out me's a miracle headquarters didn't take notice the last time...'
he began to sulk on the wall with his head against it
"Hurry up." Uno says annoyed
10 minutes later
Hajime finally came out of his thought party once he hit our wall " alright!" He growled
" huh?" They looked up from their card game
" but just this once"
Uno immediately jumped up " oh hell yeah!" He gave a peace symbol to the two behind him
" wow..." Jyugo says inpressed
" amazing!" Nico says
" however!" Hajime adds with a hand on the guys shoulder looking scary as hell " if you punks cause me any trouble...I will hurt you..."
" ye...yea sir..."
" hurray!" Nico cheered and double high fives Jyugo
" was all a mixup" hajime grumbled
Once the group got there the building looked so deserted, no one was even in there, not even any guards outside "whoa ho, building 5 looks kinda ritzy" Uno whistles
"I've only seen places like this on my manga" nico says holding a bag over his head
" hey, what you got in there?" Uno asked
"It's got my medicine inside, seitarou actually made it for me" nico says then turns sad " poor guy...goodnight sweet Prince...bye"
" he was a good person..." Uno says while turning to the side, letting out a sniffle
" i think he's alive" Jyugo says
There was something above watching the group, which Hajime seemed to feel, but when he looked there was nothing there
" hey mitsuru" he says turning on the walkie in talkie in his hand
" that's my name!"
" give me what you have on building 5" hajime says
" oh me, I'm doing great thanks for askingl he says while stroking kuu " nah, I'm not busy, sure thing!" He lifts an ame " things are nice and calm here at building 13 by the way, your welcome for keeping an eye on things for ya"
" shut up!" Hajime says " it doesn't seem like anyone's here, or Aki, can you contact her or one of the guards for me?" He asked
" haven't you heard, we already tried, build 5 has been completely unresponsive for hours now, and we haven't heard from our little bird either, but hey none of the emergency alarms have gone off, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, their probably all taken a long lunch break, all at once"
" wait so..." hajime trailed off
"Yep, i don't see a single guard on these security camera's" mitsuru says while looking at the cameras all the halls were empty, not a person insight
" then where are they?!"
" I'm am quite eager to hear the answer to that question, just as soon as you find out for me, have a good time!" He chimmed
"That obnoxious bastard" hajime says staring down at the device while the others inspect the door
" by the way how did this cat get in here-" Uh I didn't catch that, your cutting out on me! Sorry!" He immediately hanged up
" how does this door supposed to open?" Nico wondered
" can you figure it out Jyugo?" Uno asked
"Probably Yeah...." Jyugo says nonchalantly, but before he could even make it to the door they swung open.
" that was quick..." Uno says while they stare in surprisr
"Don't open things you aren't supposed to!" Hajime shouts and Jyugo while hitting him upside the head
. "I didn't do anything! It opened on its own this time!" Jyugo shouts in defense.
As soon as he said that they all made their way to the double doors and enters the building.
Hajime looked around ' it's does seem to be deserted...'
As soon as we stopped a cage fell from the ceiling encasing Hajime inside, and leaving the rest of us shocked.
"What the hell just happened?!" Uno ask shocked. "We only just got here! What did you idiots touch!" Hajime shouts
"We didn't touch anything. We were just walking." Jyugo says nonchalantly.
"You punks are stupid enough to fall into a trap just by walking!"
"About that, we didn't fall into a trap. You did." Uno said
"WHAT THE HELL!" Hajime bellows
Uno started laughing, Holding his stomach laughing tears coming out of his eyes from laughing so hard. "You look just like a gorilla at the zoo! You just made my day!" Uno said.
"When I get out of here I will end you! Screw these bars I can break them!" Hajime said trying to break the bars only for handcuffs to wrap themselves around his wrists and ankles.
" ugh..."
It made Uno laugh even harder and Nico to join them while Jugo looked at them with a deadpanned expression.
"Now you've gone and gotten yourself handcuffed man you must feel like an idiot right now!" Uno said in between laughter.
"Are you trying to make us laugh Hajime because if you are it's really working." Nico said tears of laughter pouring out his eyes
"Yeah yeah laugh it up. You'll get yours soon." Hajime said angrily
"Your set up for some serious role play." Uno said teasingly putting his hand in front of his mouth
. "The cage and cuffs look only work on real inmates though but hey at least you tried." Nico said coping Uno
. "Shut up!" Hajime shouted. "If you want us to stop so bad then why don't you come out and make us?" Uno asked tears in his eyes, the cameras repeating what he said three times before falling through a trap door that opened below them.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!" They screamed as they fell down to who knows where.
"It's what you get." Hajime said flipping them off.
"You should be worried danm it!" the boys shouted.
Someone actually walked up the cafe making hajime turn to him "
Huh, didn't think you'd be this easy to catch" the state
" tch, didn't realise I was being hunted" hajime glared
The figure turned out....
To be inori?!??
Who just gave a wave " what's up?"
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