Kenshiro glared at the man standing in front of him, mainly considering he hadnt heard from any of the other supervisors or akira, and he knew he had something to do with it
" why are you outside?" He questioned " don't tell me you escaped?"
" did you not come here you'd heard about that?" Enki asked " in that case yozakura..." his bands covered his face before he looked at him narrowing his eyes " what was your goal coming here?"
" I wanted to speak with you" Kenshiro states " I wanted to know why your true motives were regarding that 'incident' " he says " even now I don't think yours actions back then we're a simple murder, even this escape...should have a reason"
"I don't want to think to think of you as completely evil, that's precisely why I wanted to know once more what your true thoughts...your true feelings are-"
"Yozakura..." enki interrupted " this is not, something that someone like you could understand"
" again with those'll never change" the guard grumbled " why are you going so far as to push us away?" He wondered " even though there are a lot of people who trust and respect you...And see you as their goal....Even to the people who still believe in you" the warden, and Samon appeared in his head "Even to your own family....You won't tell them your true feelings...Do you see us as people you're unable to place your faith in?....Or are you just disappointed because you believe it's impossible?...Even so...I am among those who still respect enki goku" but once again he's interrupted
"Yozakura...There's an inmate at your place that can produce fire correct? Someone like akira?" A soon as he said that, Kenshiro's eyes widened
"He along with her....are one of my targets for disposal" Kenshiro wasted no time and brought his wipe, glaring at enki furiously "Get out of my way yozakura"
The guard remained in his place, still glaring at the ex-guard "That's right....It's fine this way..." he narrowed his eyes
Time skip
Aki was trying to rest to conserve her energy, but it was hard considering how the two guards were arguing
"Which means I wasn't wrong about what I saw back then!!" Samon furiously yelled as he ran in front of Hajime, tone laced with venom as he pointed his finger at him.
"You can't make excuses anymore, Hajime!" But Hajime just stared at him, ignoring him.
"And aki!" He suddenly turned towards her, which startled her a bit, She felt guilty and bad enough, She kept this secret from most of the people in Nanba, from Samon and her own sister
She thought she'd lost his trust because of this 'Well, this is my fault anyways. I guess I have to eventually face it eventually....'
"Samon...I understand that you're-"
"What were you thinking?! Witnessing an inmate escape and not tell anyone about it all this time?!" He interrupted her, his face etched with anger.
'Yup. There it is...'
"What if you got hurt because of him and the other inmates?!?!"
"....huh..?" Suddenly, Samon grabbed a hold of her shoulders and looked at her in the eyes, her bands still covering her eyes so he didn't notice her other was in commission
His angry face suddenly turned into worry. "What if one day they attack you?! They're still inmates!! What if it happens again?! Like..." he paused, his breath slightly shaken as he thought about what he was going to say.
"Like at the tournament..." His head and voice lowered, weak to the thought.
'Year's Tournament...? Samon was worried for me...?' She then immediately hugged him.
"Samon... I can take care of myself and you know that. Thank you for worrying about my safety, and I'm sorry for keeping this from you." She gently patted his back,
"I promise you, that I will be fine. And that Jyugo will never hurt me, even the other inmates. I know they won't."
After she said that, a few seconds passed before she felt two arms slowly and hesitantly wrap around her, a shaky voice quietly saying "okay"
"Alright that's enough hugging." Hajime interrupted as he forcefully teared Samon away from Aki and Jyugo pulled her by the arm
" hey!" She was about to scold the guard, he was already hit by Samon's constant struggling and yelling.
Like usual, they both argued and Samon looked like he was okay again. "You dodged the question even though I pressed the issue with you then, right? Just what do you think you're doing?!?!" Samon continued to angrily yell at Hajime for not informing about the inmate's ability to escape
. "That was right after exercise drills." Hajime candidly retorted, not even having eye contact with the other. "Liar!! Building 13's exercise drills aren't held at that time!" Samon yelled even more aggressively after Hajime had bluntly ignored him.
"More importantly, monkey-" "DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT! And don't call me monkey!!"
"-Where's inori? I have something I want to ask him." Samon suddenly stopped yelling, and clicked his tongue. "...Like I'd know."
"You said that pretty lightly. He's more or less your subordinate, isn't he? That's why you were betrayed so easily." That seemed to really ticked Samon's anger and he immediately venomously yelled at Hajime, defending Inori. "He's not that kind of person!! That guy...That guy would never betray me!!!"
"If that's the case, then why are you in a place like this? Why did you stay silent and obediently sit here? If you think he didn't betray you, then why the hell did you let him catch you without saying anything?" Hajime sternly said as he towered in front of Samon.
"That- he has those..." "Did you think these handcuffs were 'real'?" Hajime interrupted as he knelt onto the ground and picked up the handcuffs that cuffed him before, showing them to him
"These are just 'fakes'. They won't explode or do anything else. What's the basis for you claiming he wouldn't betray you? What's your reason for thinking that not lying to you means he didn't betray you?" He proceeded, throwing the handcuffs back onto the ground. "If that's what you think, then aren't you being naive? They aren't that simple. People's feelings, that is. Well, it just means you didn't understand what kind of person he is."
As hajime finished, Aki looked at the cuffs he had thrown 'Were the handcuffs really... fake...? Inori wouldnt betray us, not to Samon' she thought
The hallway was silent and the atmosphere tensed.
The only thing heard was Samon's troubled breathing as he clicked his tongue and clenched his fists tighter.
Aki stared at him concerned
The silence didn't last long as Samon started sprinting away, leaving the three behind. "S-Samon!!"
"Hey wait!! Monkey!!!!" Hajime yelled out. He then quickly grabbed Jyugo by the collar and sprinted towards the direction where Samon had left, along with Aki beside them.
Once we finally caught up with Samon, in front of us was an enormous cell, or more like with what's left of it doubt
Enki's cell
The walls were collapsed and crumbled to the ground, The cell bars that were previously wrapped with countless of talismans that were placed were destroyed and melted, metal chains pathetically dangled from the ceiling with some molten on the ground
The red gleams and glisters from the molten metal bars and chains devilishly illuminated the place.
The sight was truly horrific, like a monster had escaped its cage "Looks like they escaped in a pretty flashy manner." Hajime says, which startled Samon
"I've never though they'd be able to break this cage. So that damn Enki was hiding something..."
Aki said nothing, looking the destruction in front, Just the thought of someone that has the power to do this is terrifying ' if he could do this to his cell, then what he could do to the whole prison....' she clenched her fists
"Even so, I find it hard to believe nobody noticed this. The hell are your guys doing? Or maybe they deliberately didn't say anything... I can't understand what Inori's thinking. Just what was he trying to say?" Hajime questioned, though, there was no respond.
"Let's keep going." Samon said as he started walking again, ignoring Hajime's question. "Jeez. First he sprinted here and now he's telling us to go." Hajime clicked his tongue. "Hajime... Bare with him for now." Aki softly said as they began walking.
Inori was sitting around somewhere, smoking, he sighed ' suoervsior...I guess your not coming...' he sighs resting his head in his hand ' I wonder if it was a bad idea to lock those two up together after all...' he thinks about one line he told Qi
' even I've got to properly do my work from time to time....'
He gets up " I've got no choice but to do it since I went and said it...besides, I've got to take responsibility for this then" he rests his sword behind his head " let's go...we building 5 guys have gotta take responsibility for our own mistakes" he says with a serious face
Behind him, were some surveillance dolls
He got and immediately saw the commotion " tch...I heard he was coming too, but...his timing is the worst" he muttered to himself, especially when he saw the blood staining floor " he went and did something unnecessary, I knew I should have locked him up ahead of time too"
Kenshiro was beaten very badly, lying on the ground against some debris, he was alive thank god, but he seemed at his limit " you know this is very diffident than a contest right?" Enki states " you can't possibly stop me" The whole time Kenshiro glared at him
" there is an absolutely difference between myself and a country dog, one that goes beyond strength." He stoped talking when he felt a certain presence, along with what was around him
" what are you doing hakkai?" He questioned, surrounding him, were the surveillance dolls, inori walking up " can't you tell by looking? I'm on this side too, y'know" he replied
The whole time enki had his eyes narrowed at him "We've got out on ways of doing things, Building 5s filled with nothing but prideful guys, It rubs me the wrong way when if I let someone from another building act all cool, I'd completely lose face if I let them do something unnecessary this time too....It's a good plan right? Since those guys are in the way for you and me both" Inori points his sword in enki's direction "I'm going to arrest you, As a part of this traitorous building 5!" He proclaimed
"Traitorous huh?" Enki muttered
Back inside
they came across a small room and let Jyugo unlock the door
Inside were of Hajime and Samon's belongings
Hajime quickly grabbed his cigarettes and lit one, satisfaction in his first puff. "Finally happy got to smoke, huh?" Aki said
"You have no idea how much I needed one." He scoffed as he took some more puffs
Not long after and a sudden mob of Jiang shi came swarming towards us, and the amount was 10 times more than what we fought before. "Why are there so many of them gathered here this time?" Hajime asked as he puffed another smoke.
"Hajime, I'm gonna postpone dealing with Number 15 for now. But I'm gonna report this to the warden later without fail!!" Samon yelled out as he got into stance beside Hajime.
But once again he was ignored. I guess I have to prepare for a lecture from nee-chan...
"Can't we get a break? And why are there so much more than before??" Aki muttered while cracked her knuckles, glaring at the amount of Jiang Shi for making things annoying
. "Number 15." Hajime suddenly said. "W-what..." Jyugo hesitantly replied.
"Don't take those off." Hajime threatened him with a glare, which scared Jyugo right to the core.
"Hey monkey, is it alright if I destroy those Jiang Shi?" Hajime questioned as he clenched his fist. "Yeah. I'm gonna dispose of all of them this time." Samon growled.
A portion of the Jiang Shi then sprinted towards us at high speed, somehow quicker than the ones we've fought before.
"GUYS-" Jyugo tried to say something but before he could the three punched the ones in front so hard, that the impact force made them harshly fly backwards, forcefully hitting the ones at the back too.
They all vigorously hit the end of the hallway onto some cell bars, their bodies and heads exploding everywhere from the impact, scattering blood and guts all over the place.
Even the bars and walls were bent and cracked. Dust and smoke lingered in the air as the many other portions of Jiang Shi made their way out of the dust.
With a crack on the knuckles, they growled. "Next."
While Jyugo looked with a terrified look
As they charge forward, aki's hand starts glowing the electric blue, as they're got close to strike, their attacks were deflected
Aki's electricity had pulled up iron sand from the ground and formed it into a shield above her, people end up treading
Over the stuff so it end up wherever they walk
She used the iron sand shield to push them back, then she formed the iron sand into a blade, and sliced them into pieces
Two of the dolls tried to attack Samon, but as they got close, they suddenly were knocked into each other, then falling to the floor, samon had his hand raised with a blue aura around him
Meanwhile hajime had taken down a bunch, and the last one he ripped off its head
"Tch, they're so brittle they're not even worth the trouble" Hajime muttered, then points at Jyugo " don't you dare move from that spot, if you do, I'll kill you"
" I got it already!" Jyugo exclaimed in a pissed off tone " don't come here just to say that-" he then saw the surveillance doll tried to attack from behind " hey! Above you!"
Before hajime did anything, someone or should I say, aki had sliced it on half " don't leave yourself open Hajime!" aki scolds
" Sorry," he says ' she's acting like my wife...then again...' he blushed at the thought of her as his wife, then threw the head backwards, which ended up hitting samon behind the head "ack!"
He turned to the person who threw it in a rage " hajime...." he growled " are you trying to pick a fight?! Huh?!"
"It was just a coincidence" hajime said arms crossed turning his head away " it's not my fault"
" no way! It was definitely on purpose! Don't mess with me damn it!"
Aki in the back was holding her stomach and clenching her mouth shut
" then it shout fault for standing there" hajime said
" kiiiiii! What was that you asshole?!" Samon screeched, he growled to himself walking past the tall male " I'll definitely kill you one day"
"I'd have to be stupid to get done in by some feeble-minded monkey tail" hajime mocked
" what was that you apathetic gorilla!?"samon growld, the guard jumped up into the air avoiding one of the dolls attacks " I'm definitely going to kick your ass, once all this is over!" he threw his leg down upon the doll, making the floor beneath it crumble
He then Straightens himself, but feels a presents behind him as another doll charges towards in front of him, he placed his hands on the ground, lifting his body up and kicking both of them with the same blue arua
He then backflips and a doll, holding the same weapons as rokuriki did, attempted an attack, but samon leg swiped its arms off and caught the blades in his hands
He then uses them to block another surveillance dolls attack " ki ki, you've got no form at all you damn shabby puppet" he smirked
After swinging at each other, samon finally managed to slice it in half, he jumps up, looking down at the surveillance dolls beneath him, he formed a qi ball, and blasted them to the ground, causing the spear in one of the dolls hands to get sent flying, which he caught
He then stabbed them with the spear, as he was about to finish them off, hajimes words placed in in his head ' if you feel like stopping enki this time, then do it even if you have to kill him!'
For his final move, he kicked the end of the spear and sent them flying at the wall, causing the cealing to collapse around them
After the fight was over he threw the blade backwards, which whacked Janine over the head, causing a bump and ticking him off, his eyes darked as he turned to samon " hey did that on purpose just now didn't you?...."
" hmm? What do you mean? We decided it was an accident right? Ki ki ki" samon replied smugly then laughed
Meanwhile, jyugo and aki watches the whole thing unfold
" asshole... is this your revenge for earlier?.."
" it's your fault for standing there"
" damn monkey! Your mocking me aren't ya?!"
" huh?! Who the hell're you calling a monkey?! It started with you originally didn't it you bald old faces gorilla!"
' what the hell...' Aki and Jyugo thought staring unimpressed
"What was that asshole?..." hajime growled
Hajime flipped Samon over, slamming him onto the ground " who are you callin a old gorilla damn it!!!! "
" mogaaaa!!!!"
Samon then pulled the same move and threw hajime to the floor " then don't call me a monkeeeey!"
" urk!"
Aki sighs shaking her head while Jyugo gives a look
" the hell're you doing you damn mountain monkey!!!!" hajime yelled
" don't call me that!!!!" samon yelled back
Aki sighs and starts walking, without the three noticing, after some time, Hajime and samon stopped fighting " wait where's aki?" Jyugo announced, making the other two freeze, they looked around, only to find her gone " no!" all three started running
The three drive to the doors to find something horrid "Hey, What's the meaning of this?" hajime askrd
There were loads of surveillance dolls, all dead, and ripped and blasted to piece's 'Not good'
Inori pushes a button and some hand held device, som metal polls fall from above "Yozakura, You're in the way Move it" inori smirked
"Damn..." Kenshiro grit his teeth, he jumped back, barely dodging them, they surrounded enki "This is..." kenshiros eyes widened
Inori then aimed his sword forward, multiple talismans flew towards the cage and started glowing " A sealing technique to suppress my ki huh?" enki mutttered
"Should I say, It's done?" inori smirked
Enki closed his eyes 'How foolish..'
Mesa while after fighting all the surveillance dolls, he left the inmates in the guards care, and as he went outside, his eyes widened "Wh...What's the meaning of this?"
Inori turned to acknowledge him "Gee
Whys big sis here?"
"Hold it inori...What is this? Please explain" kiji demanded, inori then noticed ruka behind him 'Oh dear, Looks like he's been done in?...Just how the hell did he pull it off?'
"You locked up hajime,aki and i, And just what were you thinking locking your own supervisor in that basement?" kiji asked while narrowing his eyes at the man, as he narrowed his eyes back "After I asked him, I heard from 71 that you Locked up the inmates there to keep them from getting caught up in thing, but Just what are you thinking? Do you really think you can be forgiven for this no matter the reason?"
"I didn't think if be forgiven or anything" inori replied " I just hated the idea of anyone interesting with my work,Even if it was you supervisors, I didn't want you to interfere with this problem, If I left building 5 to you guys any more than this, before long neither trust, people or the building itself would be needed, I'm going to cancel it this time, If I can do that then I'm prepared for anything, Once something collapses it's pretty hard to fix it, after all." he explained "Besides even if he's a criminal, Or a killer that guys still the supervisors brother, Are you saying I should show more of his brothers crimes?" the guard questioned "Sorry not that twisted" he stated, the memory of enki knocking Samon down flashed in his mind
"At first I thought Maybe he can stop that guy, But the supervisor couldn't overcome his hesitation, At that time I was relieved
Since I knew the supervisor still believed in enki san, That's exactly why I should be the one to do this, It's because their brothers and because he still believe in him, That I'll stop him, I never once thought that our supervisor was weak or pathetic"
He turned and faced the guard properly, with the surveillance dolls standing at both sides of him "Believing in people is an amazing strengh, Let me prove that here and now, I won't let anyone complain"
Rumia grit his teeth "Inori you...For something like that...You planned to turn a blind eye to us so you could capture enki San from the start Huh?" He then looked at him glaring Daggers "Why do you believe in that monkey so much?"
Inori just chuckled "Hey now you don't get to say that when you were jusy happy you could escape, Our supervisors views and intentions are different from yours, Gojou
Your responsible for the crime of letting number 8 escape too. You two better be prepared" his eyes widened
"Hey wait...that's!-"
"Heres my point big sis" inori interrupted "I'm going to clean up this case and building 5, So please give up" he said
Kiji started at him wide eyes, before he yelled "As if id be able to do that! I'm telling you this isn't something you can do something about on your own! Do you understand that your opponant is Enki?!" He exclaimed "Besides no matter how much you didn't want us to get in the
way! How could you use the attack charm on hour on subordinates?!" Inori's eyes widened and turned to kiji confused and bewildered "Attack charm?...What do you mean?..."
Meanwhile behind him the talismans were loosing their glow, and the cage burst open, much to inoris surprise
"No way...So easily...' enki walks out free, brushing the dust off his arm 'No matter how you look at it that was way to fast!'
"Damn! what are you doing hurry up and capture him!" Inori ordered the surveillance dolls, but none of them moved "Whats wrong?! why won't you move
Did I tell to to concentrate at a time like-" just then he heard "Inori move!" He was shoved aside
"Aki?!" Gun in hand....but
Then bam!
Impaled with a spear
The guards eyes widened
"You who cannot use ki probably, Didn't understand" enki says as aki's body hanged in the spear "hakki your making light of treachery...To me treachery means
To Rebel...." the person who impaled Aki removed the spear and she fell " I'm not moving to fix something like you are
Our goals...No the world We see is different, such a worthless goal has no right to be able to stop me, To believe Without knowing how foolish and self destructive an act that is your ki was easy to understand, I learned everything from the ki in those charms, a powerful strength is difficult to hide, Isn't it, Sanzou houdzuki?"
"No....Sanzou noriko?"
"If it means being able to save you then my life is of no importance" she says
Aki's eyes widened as she lay on the ground unable to move 'no can't be....not her!....'
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