New year's tournament

The next morning the inmates woke up, after roll call, Hajime got all the inmates from Building 13 and the guards and brought them down to the arena, where the New Years Tournament was being held, all inmates and guards from different buildings were they're in lines Awaiting for the warden to start the speech, After a couple minutes the warden came up and spoke."Greetings guards and inmates!" She greeted. "And a happy New Year to you all!"

"Well this seems like a large venue." Jyugo said in his usual bored tone." Feels like a party!" Nico said, excited for what was yet to come "No one told me the warden was a woman!" Uno exclaimed. "She's beautiful." Rock complimented, Rock was blushing at her beauty, Kyouka looked relatively surprised " I thought I was the only woman here..." she says

"Here at Nanba prison we have a long standing tradition, a unique way of celebrating this holiday, our New Year's tournament will now begin!"

"What kind of tournament is it?" Jyugo asked, All the inmates were confused as to what would happen, A long piece of paper written in Kanji was brought down, written on it was nanba's New Year Joint Cooperation Tournament

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

At her side, kenshiro appeared holding a small pile of papers "I will now announce the participants selected to represent each building." He said in a monotone voice. "What does he mean by paticipents?" Jyugo asked. "The New Year's Tournament is an invent in which inmates and officers are formed into teams." Hajime explained

"Each member of which other team Manages to win this tournament Will be rewarded with a nifty little prize." Seitaro added. " we guards are rewarded a pay bonus." Yamato added as well. "Whereas each victorious inmate will be able to select any single item of their choosing." This made the four inmates gasp. "HAJIME YOU GOT TO LET US COMPETE BRO!" All the boys said in unison. "Damn it Yamato, why did you have to go and tell them." Hajime glared gritting his teeth

"Um...I should mention that it's the warden gets to choose the participants." Seitaro sweat dropped, The conversation died down and both the inmates and guards listened to Kenshiro. "Representing Building 13 we have cell 13."There was a very long pause before, "HOW IS THAT FAIR?!" Both Hajime and Seitaro yelled in confusion and anger, Meanwhile chibi momoko, who was observing from above 'I can't wait to see how he deals with this!!'

Time skip

The group were sitting waiting for the first tournament to started "Sup, Hajime."They turn their heads to see none other than the samon, aka the monkey  "I hear your buildings getting represented by cell 13, my condolences and advances for your loss." Samon says with a smug smirk, his inmates behind him

"Say what?" Hajime ask in an irritated tone, but smirking?. "I'm not sure you're familiar with my cell 8 yet, but you will be when we destroy you in this tournament. " Samon retorts. "I don't care if I win this year, but I sure as hell won't lose to the likes of you." Hajime growls at Samon "My goodness," another voice comes to the groups attention, they all turned to see kiji mitsuba

"you boys are always so aggressive towards one another. Behave yourselves please, My cell 6 is accustomed to class." It was none other than Kiji "Couldn't quite catch that over your perfume." Samon hisses at Kiji."If you think it would be helpful, I would gladly fill your nostrils with cement." Kiji shoots back at the monkey. "Put an end to this threatening banters once, both of you." comes another voice from behind,m high turned out to be kenshiro. "It's disgraceful." he says calmly to both Kiji and Samon

"Stop pretending that you're better than us somehow you pompous mutt!" Samon shouts. "There's only one inmate in cell 10 of building 4. Correct? Must be so sad to know you've lost so soon." Kiji shouts back at Kenshiro. "remains to be seen. You aren't my foe." Kenshiro states calmly"A monkey, dog, and a pheasant." Rock commented. "Pretty freaky bunch." Nico says in a happy mood. "There just some cronies." Jyugo muttered unimpressed. "Who are you calling cronies?!" Both Kiji and Samon shout at Jyugo.

"Happy f*cking New Year! You filthy f*ckers!" Mitsuru says (Christ though mitsuru, watch your freakin language!) "get ready cuz this party's about to kick off! My names mitsuru~and I'll be taking care of the play by play commentary!" He shouts into the microphone. "To win this tournament, one building will have to beat through five different competitions! Inmates! Guards! We do recommend that you all do work together, that is if you intend to become the CHAMPION!" He shouts that last part really loudly, Hajime has fingers in his ears, even Kyouka couldn't help but follow " haha! Mitsuru used to be as spirited as ever!" Yamato laughed, Hajime muttered " anymore spirited and I'll end up deaf"

"And now to announce our first event Calligraphy!" Mitsuru announced. " surprise! Your challenge is to write 'Happy New year'! Whoever has the most beautiful Kakizome penmanship will win this round!" Rock, Nico, Uno started shaking. "But there's no way we can write that!" All of them said in unison. "We're fine as long as we have Jyugo and Kyouka with us!" Uno reassured the other three."they'll definitely pull us through!" Nico added."A Japanese native can do this easy!" Rock said with confidence in his voice.With probably the coolest shot in this anime Jyugo started writing the Calligraphy

He seemed to do a good job as everyone was completely shocked by his style. When he looked really really bad. His writing was slanted and overall just really sloppy, heck most of it didn't even go on the paper, Jyugo then realized that he was a really bad writer and that he had really bad handwriting

"That looks terrible!" The three exclaimed. "I can't believe that we forget that the only thing Jyugo is actually good at is breaking out of prison." Uno said with absolute regret in his voice. "We should have seem that coming." Rock nodded. "We're sorry for believe in you Jyugo." Nico apologized.

."You guys sure know how to hammer in a failure." Jyugo said in the saddest and most depressed voice. "Oh no we won't get passed the first event at this rate!" Uno suddenly realized. "Yeah...I wouldn't worry about it too much." Seitarou literally said out of nowhere. All five looked over at Yamato and Hajime to see that they finished the Calligraphy in the best and most beautiful penmanship

. "Damn are they good!" Jyugo commented. "Both Yamato and Hajime are both licensed Calligraphy teachers." Seitaro yet again appeared out of nowhere. "What?! For real?!" Rock was astonished to just find this out " hey you already forgot about me?!" They turned and saw Kyouka which looked amazing " woah!!! That's Amazing!!!" They exclaimed

"And the highest scoring building is Building 13!" Mitsuru announced.

Meanwhile in the wardens booth, chibi momoko fantasy's the words changed to her name in her imagination and sighs dreamily ' if only I could have him write my name! With those firm graceful strokes! No I can't abuse my power more than I have already!' She shook her head

The next challenge

"Any guesses on what the next event will be?" Nico asked " kite flying?" Rock suggested "And for our second event!" Just then giant objects drop from the sky! And their was a familiar smell coming from the top of each of them"Mochi pounding daruma drop!"

"What the heck is that?!" Rock and Nico were confused. "I'm super lost." Nico admitted. "I think you knock the pucks from underneath the bowl." Uno took a guess. "This is a challenge of power and stamina .In which you must completely make your mochi without letting your daruma hit the dirt! That means every buildings team has TWO OPTIONS! either finish your mochi first or aggressively drop your opponents daruma to win! First up we have building 5 cell 8! Vs building 13 cell 13! NOW GET OUT THERE AND PUND IT BOYS!" Mitsuru shouts cackling like a madman

"So it'll be cell vs cell from now on?" Uno asked."Yeah that's about right." Seitaro nodded.

Yamato came up to all the inmates carrying two large hammers in his hands. "Greetings! Now which one of you like to do battle at my side?" He says "did you volunteer for this one?" Nico asked "Makes sense to me, it looks like raw power is pretty much the key in this challenge." Jyugo repiled. "You seem prepared to the fray 15!" Yamato commented as he handed Jyugo the hammer. As soon as He took the hammer and instantly fell into the ground due to how heavy it was, uno and seitarou yelped in shock "How the heck is this thing so freaking heavy?!" Jyugo tried to get out of the back "Looks like someone needs more training!" Yamato laughs. "What kind of monster are you?!" Jyugo suddenly got out of the position he was in. Rock took the hammer from Jyugo and made it look like it was lighter than it should have been " these things aren't that heavy" rock says

The group started in awe " that's rock for ya" jyugo grinned"Alright 69 you can go with Yamato." Hajime decided. "Wait a second did you just volunteer me?!" Rock exclaimed " technically you volunteered yourself" Kyouka  snickered next to Nico who smiled

The group went back to the seats for the match " this is a pretty awesome view huh?" Nico smiled, seemingly the one who remained chummy "Yes but this place can be kinda dangerous so stay nearby" seitarou instructed

In the arena

"Are you ready number 69?" Yamato ask "Ready as I'll ever be I guess." He shrug him off. "Alright I'll pound the mochi, while you sustain the base." Yamato says. "So why don't you want me attacking they're daruma ?" Rock ask confused "All we have to do to win is finish our mochi before the other team does. I've always preferred the more peaceful plan." Yamato says. "Whatever you say buddy." Rock said, started to get annoyed, the only two thing on his mind were to protect the base

" let's introduce this round contestants! With building 13 Deputy supervisor! Yamato godai! From building five we have officer inori hakkai!

From building 13 cell 13, it's inmate 69! And from building five cell eight! Please Welcome inmate number 2!"

Rock raised an eyebrow " that who I think?..."  from where she sat, Kyouka tried to squint her eyes on the individual but they were too far away, but for some reason she felt something familiar" is everybody ready?! GOOOO!!!" Yamato started pounding on the mochi at an inhumane pace laughing and taking great amusement in it. "Yamato is amazing!" Nico commented. "Certainly muscular." Jyugo muttered

"Looking good up there...keep it up..." Rock yell at Yamato. "Don't let your guard down 69!" He yells back in a cheerful manner. Just then a shadow figure land behind rock and knock a puck out from the bowl. "How could you?!" He ask in astonishment. Rock turn around to face the figure only to say, Yamato barely manages to stabilise himself " that's not good..."

"Uh oh! Building 13s has already lost a block from they're daruma!~" mitsuru announced  "It isn't like you to let opponents strike first Rock." A familiar voice, who pointed the daruma at him "It would seem you've gotten rusty since you switched to 13. To bad." He mocked

"Liang!" Rock shout surprised making Kyouka gasp

" tell me, do those two know each other?" Jyugo asked confused  " yeah, rock was in building 5 at first, so probably " Uno answered " why did he switch?" Nico asked, just then a certain locksmiths eyes rolled towards his female cellmate and sided after seeing the state she was in, tears pouring down her cheeks and covering her mouth with her hands "Kyouka what's wrong!?" Jyugo questioned as the others turned to her concerned

" it's him..." she breathed through her cupped hands

" what?" They blinked

She pulled out her Yang half of the necklace, and gestured to the man rock was fighting

" what?! That's him?!" They exclaimed wide eyed

Back in the arena

Rock annoyingly pointed at the Chinese male "Don't tell me you're still holding a grudge about that one time!" He exclaimed pointing at him"You mean the beating? Why yes, and ever since that day I've done nothing but train for this moment. For the chance to fight you once again and settle our score." Liang charged at Rock, sending him a flying kick, catching him off guard, Rock used the stick of his mallet as a shield, the kick was so strong that it broke the handle in two, Rock managed to find his footing.

"Inmate Number 2 has disarmed 69 with a powerful flying kick! Man that gotta hurt, ouch!" Mitsuru yelled

"I commend you for keeping your feet." Liang smirked

"What are you, a martial arts freak?!" Rock glared

"No more or less than you are." The Chinese mocked, Rock tossed aside what remained of his mallet and got in a fighting stance, "Shut up!"

"Looks like their really going at it!" Yamato said while looking down at the two, "Quite energetically too!"

"seems that peace has left you complacent, Yamato," Inori said as he landed on opposite to said guard. "Inori, shouldn't you be protecting your mortar?" Yamato asks "Number 2, a pretty talented kendo fighter, ive no doubt he can handle that himself. Besides..." he went at Yamato. Yamato reacted quick enough and blocked his hammer with his own. "If I take you out I won't have to bore myself trying to pound 12 hot tubs of rice into mochi!" " you prefer this to the peaceful option aye?" The two struggled pushing each other with sparks flying around them.

"So uh, this events taken a turn." Jyugo said awkwardly. "Building 5 has a lot of compatitive types, they always do this." Hajime waved it off like nothing had happened. " wait! How is this legal?" Uno asks while he and Nico comfort Kyouka

Back to the fight

Then he starts running at rock again while kicking and punching him, since the mallet is gone rock had to use his arms to block, which must hurt " you won't accomplish anything If you only ever block!" The memory of him on the ground bleeding crossed his mind "What changed?! You were willing to strike before! You're the one that taught me how weak I was! Even after they moved you to another building, I continued to train hard! Preparing myself! so I WOULDN'T LOSE TO YOU!" He shouts while trying to strike rock in the face, but He quickly dodge by taking a few steps back.

"I intend to win this tournament, and for my prize I'll build a new training ground so that I can become stronger! And when I'm strong I'll find my girl!" He pointed angry at the muscle man who perked up when he meant Joner a girl " Rock! What do you hope to gain from these games?" He shouts while pointing at him.



"A stone oven!" Rock shout back at him. "Huh?" Liang ask in disbelief "huh?" The others blink

"You're kidding me..." liang sweat dropped

"If I win I'm gonna have them install a nice stone oven in our buildings kitchen!" Rock shout at him "But out of all the things why that?" Liang ask still in disbelief. "Because shiro says he could use one!" Rock exclaimed with a waterfall of tears "Do you have any idea how delicious pizza can be if it's baked in a real stone oven?! And that's just one example! There are dossens of dishes that can benefit from a smokey flare and even distribution of heat!" Liang stared with a poker face as rock rambled

" sticks and stones will break the bones! But words is what their using!" Mitsuru shouted, as the martial artist stared in disbelief

"So he's fight for the kitchen,?" Hajime said dryly "Can't honestly say I'm suprised." Jyugo deadpanned. While minene laughed "and there really is nothing quite an Italian style stone oven pizza!~" Uno sighed heavenly

" how absurd, to think that my rival could devolve into a glutness coward!"

"Rival?" Rock questioned raising an eyebrow "If you think you can defeat me in pursuit of a such a ridiculous goal, then your a fool. I'll end this fight in a matter of seconds! Prepare your selve for China's finest!" He shouted " Liang's outstretched foot was coated in flames, "Secret Technique: Ryuutenshoukayoukyaku!"  His kick formed into a dragon from the Flames that spurt out

" awesome!" Nico said in absolute fascination. "They told me I was signing up for a comedy damn it." Jyugo sighed in annoyance

" I'll show you a distribution of heat!" The Chinese growled, land his kick " rock no!" The group exclaimed

Rock was hit in the arm by Liang's kick but blocked it and was he was fine, which shocked his opponent "Don't ever mock my goals!" Rock scolded Liang basically giving him a life lesson while looking like a complete badass. "Especially if you can't reach your own! And I have more than just one goal!" He started swinging Liang around as if he were lighter than air. "Fighting may not keep my stomach full!"

" no! let go of me!" Liang yelled

"But your right I can't get anything done if I just block!" Rock growled " what are you doing?!" Liang yelled "I love the food in this place, so that's why I'm gonna win!" Rock punched Liang as he was still spinning and he threw him across the battlefield into his own Mochi daruma causing one of the three blocks to be knocked down, and crashed into the stairs on the other side of the arena

"Incredible! Number 2 body has been utterly savaged by a powerful punch by 69!!!" Mitsuru shouts into the mic "That's the power of a balanced diet!" Rock exclaimed, which was probably the worst one liner ever. "You tell him!" Jyugo cheered, Nico cheered Rock

With the Chinese male who lay in the ruble  'Kyouka......' he thought as the picturing his love smiling down at him appeared in his vision   'I'm sorry...I failed you...' He thought before losing consciousness.

  "Liang!" Kyouka exclaimed running to him " 52! Stop!" Hajime yelled, only to groan " seitarou go with her!"

" on it!" The guard ran after her "wait Kyouka!" Uno yelled, but a hand that grabbed his shoulder stopped him which belonged to jyugo  "Let her go." He said " but-" Uno gets cut off " she'll come back, she hasn't seen him for so long, just let her see him alright" jyugo said, making his cellmate hesitantly return to his seat

Meanwhile while Yamato and Inori were fighting...

" number two was defeated with a single punch?! Plus it took a stack from my mortar.."

"You know Inori I think the peaceful living has made me sort of complacent." Yamato commented

" yeah?"

Yamato threw his hammer aside "I think I'll follow Number 69's example! And seek my own path to victory!" Yamato started walking towards Inori with a closed eyes grin on his face. "What a second! Why are you getting all serious now?!" Inori started to back away slightly. "Whatever do you mean? I've been serious since the day I was born." Yamato than punched Inori so heard to not only punch the living day lights out if him but also to send him flying. "Iron fisted Japanese justice!" Yamato exclaimed as Inori was launched into space like Team Rocket. "I'm starting to feel like Number 69 is a bad influence on Yamato." Hajime said as he watched Inori. "I-" Jyugo was interrupted as Inori flew back down and completely destroyed his base. "Holy crap are those two strong." Building 13 won that challenge

Building 5's mochi team is finished! Building 13 is insane!" Yamato and Rock share a high five.

"Hell yeah! We showed those fighters what for!"

"You performed admirably Number 69!"


"So this is happening." The others watched the two celebrating with neutral expressions


Kyouka ran towards the stairs and froze as she saw him lying there " Liang!" She gasped and kneeled down to his side, she sighed in relief when she found he only unconscious, with eyes swirling like a defeated anime character "Oh Liang." Tears leaked from her cheeks, dripping onto his jump suit " Hey! Kyouka!?" Kyouka looked up and gasped to see a familiar face " qi?..." she stared in disbelief " you're here?! is he ok?!" Qi asked worried and also in disbelief to see her  "He'll be fine...he's unconscious" she said devoid of emotion, but it was clear from the tears she was upset. "I'll taking him to the infirmary." She says  " to see you're okay! He's been training endlessly so he could get stronger so one day he'd come find you and protect you...anyway bye!" He yelled as he ran off, leaving a shocked and surprised Kyouka, she glanced towards her unconscious lover and managed a small smile, despite the conditions  "You big goof...." she said.

" number 52!" She looked to see seitarou rushing to her " oh seitarou thank goodness, please help me" she grit her teeth as she lifted his arm over her shoulder while he took the other " oh course, now one two three!" The two lifted him up and carried him toward the infirmary, Kyouka opens the door alerting the man inside

"What's going on here." Doctor Otogi questioned seeing the unconscious body carried in "what happened to him?"

  "He got hurt during the tournament." Kyouka said as they moved Liang to lie down on one of the beds "They always do. This is why I hate the tournament. always increases my workload." He grumbled and got to work with his robot daughter, the two waited for the doctor to finish his work

"Hey 52." Otogi called out gaining they're attention. "Good news, your boyfriend's gonna to be fine." He assured

"Bad news?" She asked tilting her head worried 

" nothing bad, he's gonna be unconscious for a little bit, you can stay here if that makes you feel better, but you'll have to wait outside" he explained " okay" she agreed and followed seitarou out the door " I'll tell the supervisor you're waiting here" he said she sighs taking a seat while he went to inform hajime

  'He's going be ok.' She assured herself


Salmon had watched as his inmate and deputy were defeated and lost the match "Damn, looks like we underestimated them again" he cursed, In the stands, With Kiji and his inmates " I suppose this means we're up against 13 next" he sighed" Foolish brutes" the inmate with the red eyes comments "Well shall we?" Kiji asked "Qui~" the two inmates smirked

" what?!" Rock exclaims after returning and wondering where Kyouka went " that was her boyfriend?!"

" yep and you just threw him across the arena" uno nodded

" no!" Rock covers his face in shame " she's never gonna forgive me!"

" she will, no one could've predicted this" Uno assured patting on the shoulder

Mitsuru's voice blasted from the speakers."Building 13 is looking strong with a 2-0 record! Looks like they'll be keeping the crown unless someone brings up the heat! I think it's time we move on to our third event, next up is Hyakunin Isshu!!"

"Hyakunin what-su?" Nico asked, completely confused"It's like a card game but with poems." Uno explained "100 Of them, one on each card."

"Any idea who we should send in to play that?" The four inmates, since Kyouka hadn't come back yet turn to look at Hajime, "Well we've got one at least." He says and looks to the blue haired guard who'd returned "You're up Seitarou!"

"Sir!" Seitarou salutes with a happy smile."HIM?! ARE YOU SURE?!" Jyugo and uno exclaimed im unison, The inmates circle around. "Wait, so does this mean that you're actually useful for something?!" Uno asked in disbelief "You dont have much presence so I had kind of forgotten you were here." Rock admitted "I didn't know you could read!" Nico said, Seitarou bursts into tears and hugs hajimes arm, "please make them stop being mean to me!"

"The rules for Hyakunin Isshu A.K.A. competitive karuta are very easy, but the game itself requires an intense amount of mental fortitude. Three members must participate and that includes one guard."

"So it's a six player game then?" Rock asks Hajime, "Nah the third's a substitute. In the likely event a player should collapse from mental exhaustion the third is permitted to step in and take his place. So the game can go on." Hajime explained, side eyeing Jyugo "Sounds pretty intense." Rock comments

"I wonder which inmates we should ask to participate." Jyugo's eye twitches nervously 'This is bad, I'm Japanese so they will definitely try to pick me. But not everyone from Japan has dealt with Hyakunin Isshu before, and there are like, ten thousand kanji in the damn language!'

"Let's think about this." Hajime says, still staring at Jyugo. "Oh yeah."

"I can handle this." Uno said, pointing to himself confidently, making jyugo yelp  THIS ISN'T LIKE BLACK JACK YOU MORON?!" He exclaimed "I realise that, but card games are all the same." Uno replied 

"Yeah, that statement is pretty much false." Rock stated "So than who's our third person be?" Seitaro asked. "No no no! We don't need a third person. With all due respect to my cell mates there's no way they can do this, Nico isn't quite brain dead but the other two I have no hope for, plus Kyouka waiting on her boyfriend"

"Shut your damn mouth!" Rock, and Jyugo shouted enraged, Nico looked over, very confused

Time skip

"HEYO! For our next match up we have Building 3's Supervisor Kiji Mitsuba up against Building 13's officer Seitarou Tanabata!" Mitsuru yelled as the deputy stood ready against the supervisor "You know you're actually kind of cute." Kiji said to Seitarou. "Thanks, do you think you could maybe go easy on us?" He asked

"For Building 3's inmates we have Cell 6's Numbers 3 and 82. A dapper yet colourful duo!"

"My name is Trois and I'm so looking forward to playing with you." The guy with short curly green hair and glasses said, The other had short purple hair and a red heart printed on his neck, "And you can call me Honey."

" Please to meet you!" Trois and Honey's pretty boy arora was actually sparkling so much it hurt Uno's eyes." No it's just too bright!"

"That pretty boy aura of theirs is intense" rock says, being slightly blinded "Unos barley hanging in there" nico said, also being blinded "And last from building 13, cell 13 is number 11" mitsuru finished "Wait! I'm handsome! I can do it too!" Uno tried to counter their beauty and sparkles by trying to shoot his own, but it backfired greatly as it was only just a small poof of sparkles

"He's trying to make his own arora." Jyugo explained.. "He lacks the swag to pull it off." Rock answered " wouldn't be that sad if he didn't try so hard" nico said, Uno stopped shouting and dropped to the floor on his stomach. He opened his eyes as the aura still kept glowing and he glared at the source, The source of the brightness came from Honey, Trois, Kiji, and Seitarou "The pretty boys must die!" Uno grit his teeth

Time skip

" alright! The stage is now set for our third event to begin! Woo!" Mitsuru announced "I'm not losing to you..."Uno glared at trois with a low and dangerous voice, meanwhile Seitarou was looking over from his space a little worried 'I didn't have much time to explain the rules to him, hope he'll be okay'

"You should really focus on your opponent at a time before a match" Kiji said catching his attention, he smiled sheepishly "R-Right sorry" 'This kids a blubbering mess, I wonder if Hajime trying to mock me, I'll have to make an example of him'

"And now our first poem!" Mitsuru started reading out the poem"While autumn leaves--"


...Everyone just sat there unblinking...Nobody registered how fast that card was slapped away...Seitarou reached over and picked up the card and held it with a shy smile, "apologies sir."..."Eh?" Kiji simply blinked.Mitsuru continued, "As friends and--"*


"Feel sorrow--"








Kiji couldn't even process what was happening


'impossible...' Kiji thought as he was shocked at how fast the cards were being slapped by the cinnamon bun.Seitarou put his hand on the stack of cards he had made and laughed innocently at Kiji "Sorry." Seitaro apologised sweetly. "I've been told I have a really good memory." Kiji was completely in shock. ' Who is this kid?!' He exclaimed

In the stands

"Nice! I didn't expect less from Seitaro. Spleanded" Yamato congratulated Seitaro. "True, but we have one problem." Hajime pointed over to Uno. Currently Uno was struggling to keep up with the two pretty boys from Kiji's building" something the matter?" Honey coed "I only ask because you yet to get a sing card" honey smirked waving the card "Just shut your trap and let me concentrate on the match will ya" Uno glared

" that pretty boys giving Uno the business." Rock pointed out. "We told him it wouldn't be like regular cards, what do you think he should do?" Nico turned to Jyugo. "About what?." He asked " He's gonna lose" nico said " Hey, it'll work itself out" Jyugo waved off Nico "Yeah you would take that kind of attitude." Rock said to Jyugo's response

Uno was about to pick a card but honey beat him to it, just then trois appeared behind him and said " why don't we change positions honey, if he's actually any good, then he'll be making his move shortly" he says " your right trois, good thinking" Uno just grit his teeth at this as they switched out "your extremely easy to read you know" trois says as honey scoots away

"Huh?" Uno stared confused

"It's quite obvious your looking for an opportunity to cheat "Got it!" but the card was already gone, uno looked up uneasy to see where the card had gone " A little too slow~" trois smirked, holding the card in his hand" How? You Didn't even a damned sound!" Uno exclaimed "Trois a silent killer" honey smirked from behind his cell mate, This was making Uno more frustrated.

"Do you want to know what we want when we win?" Honey smirked mockingly at the frustrated inmate  "Ugh! Why would I care?" Uno glared  "At first we couldn't decide what we wanted once we won these games, but then we discovered something truly remarkable." Honey says "Something we thought was just a rumour, but apparently was right all along." Trois adds on "And we want it for ourselves." they said at once, Uno seriously annoyed "OUT WITH IY ALREADY!"

"To put it bluntly...We want Number 52" Honey smirked, uno's eyes widened in shock, his eyes along with his voice darkened, "What?" "More specifically, we want her transferred to our cell." Honey adds, that smirk still residing on his face, that was finally straw "Like hell I would let that happen." Uno says dangerously low " she's already taken and she's like a sister to me! way in hell I'll let you take her away!"

"It would seem I'll be winning the inmate side of the match." Kiji mocked to appearing near Hajime. "You were crushed so completely that you couldn't even get a single card, not exactly the time to talk smack." Hajime rolled his eyes. "Woohoo! Hurray! I really did good!" Seitarou cheered. "Couldn't even call it a contest!" Yamato said loudly enough for Kiji to hear. "Shut your stupid traps! That inmate has no chance so it'll be a tie!" Kiji assuming that his side would win, Uno just stared as the next card was gone again "Kiji informed me that your an infamous cheater, so I'll make this quick as long as I can win before you've seen my strategy my victory's assured" trois smirked "I'm just a beginner, you should go easy on me" Uno stated

"I'd love to but this is a tournament, and I plan on winning so that girl is transferees to our building" trois smirked, only infuriating the male further " as long as they can prevent number 11 from cheating, my boys will win the match With ease" Kiji smirked. Jyugo started chuckling confusing the man. "What's so funny?!" Kiji demanded. "You don't know anything about him do you?" Jyugo questioned Kijj. "I think I know enough!" Kiji spat back. "Not if you think cheating is the only thing Uno can do." Jyugo smirked he knew exactly what Uno was going to do. "That isn't even half of it, he's a genius." Uno started to get more serious, eyes darkened with a smirk and licked his lips in the most seductive way possible.

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