twenty-four karat magic
"ON BEHALF of RCM slash CBT Globalnet slash Sanyoid, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Big Time Rush's Elevate has sold over five hundred thousand copies and to present them with their first U.S. gold record." Griffin said, "Now, smile, everyone."
Today was a good day. Big Time Rush was being presented with a gold record and were having their picture taking, but Big Time Rush wouldn't be who they were if it wasn't for Gustavo and Gabriela (Kelly also) so they were also in the photo.
It was very different for Gabriela to be in the flashing lights this way. So, yes, she felt like she had made it somewhere.
"So, we all get gold records?" James asked.
"It's a tough economy, fellas, so we only made one."
"But you can come visit it here at the studio anytime you like." Gustavo said.
"No, you can come to the crib and see it anytime you like." Carlos said.
"I actually already have a spot for it on the wall."
"Okay, well I need it near me." James said.
"Maybe we could talk about this later when people aren't taking our pictures." Gabriela said.
James huffed, "Fine."
It didn't last long as Carlos began pulling on the plaque again.
Eventually, they gave up and left it with Gustavo.
"Seriously? One record?" Carlos questioned.
The five of them walked through the Palm Woods as Logan, James, and Carlos bickered about the record.
Kendall pulled back on his laced hands with Gabriela.
"That could've gone worse." Gabriela said.
"Everything was fine."
"You're lying."
Things between the two of them weren't so awkward anymore... the tension was still somewhat there, but they were better nonetheless.
"So, we're all set for my birthday cabana lunch that you've set up?" Gabriela asked.
"You know it."
Gabriela smiled, "Heard you got me this gift I'm going to love."
"Who told you?"
"Carlos. I don't know what it is, but he'd said I would love it."
"Well, it is upstairs right now ready to be wrapped."
"Okay, well, I'll see you at two."
"Don't be late."
Gabriela kissed him goodbye and headed upstairs.
"I FORGOT Gabriela's birthday."
"How could you forget your girlfriend's birthday?" Logan asked, "Even I got her something."
"I thought it was the twenty-second, but it's the twenty-first." Kendall said, walking towards Logan, "Twenty-second, twenty-first... they rhyme."
"They don't rhyme."
"Now I can't get her gift. I was gonna get her a gold necklace, but we don't get paid until tomorrow, and right now, I only have half the money."
"This looks like a job for super friend and his power card. Yow!" Logan smiled, "Okay, look, I'll put half of the necklace on my debit card, and you can pay me back tomorrow."
"Oh, thank you, buddy."
"No, thank super friend. Now... does anyone else need super friend's help?"
GABRIELA KNOCKED on the door and waited for an answer.
The door finally opened and Jo smiled, "Hey, come in."
Gabriela smiled back and walked inside her apartment. Jo did have to get a new one due to the fact she didn't move out.
Gabriela sat down on Jo's couch and waited for her to sit down near her.
Though Gabriela had convinced Jo to stay at the Palm Woods, things between the two of them were definitely more awkward than what they were between her and Kendall.
Jo sat down next to her, "First of all, happy birthday, secondly... I know things have been awkward between us and it shouldn't have to be. Kendall and I talked-"
"You two talked?"
"Yeah... he actually came to me." Jo said, "He made it very, very clear that he liked you."
THAT NIGHT when Kendall decided to avoid the two girls, his first stop was Jo.
He knocked on her door and waited for an answer. She slowly opened the door and smiled.
Kendall knew he waited to be with Gabriela, so at the end of the day, he felt like he had to let Jo know.
He sighed, "Gabriela is my girlfriend and I shouldn't have done what I did today. I don't know even know if she's going to continue this relationship, but I think it's best to know that, she's the person I want to be with."
"I understand." Jo said, "Can I ask you something?"
"Did you like her... whenever we were dating?"
Honest hour. Wasn't any need to lie about it.
"I liked the both of you." Kendall answered, "It sounds really messed up and wrong, but trust me, when I was with you I genuinely liked being with you."
"Thanks for coming to talk to me, Kendall. I hope things work out between you and Gabriela."
"So do I."
GABRIELA'S LISTENED to Jo's small story.
"It was just as wrong for me to try and pressure Kendall to get back together like how we were. You said that he was your boyfriend and I should've respected that and I'm sorry."
Gabriela gave her a small smile and pulled her into a hug.
Gabriela didn't want anything to be awkward or weird between her and Jo and it shouldn't be.
What Gabriela wanted was to have her friendship with Jo to be what it was before, but ten times better.
"DUDE, I cannot thank you enough. Gabi is going to love this." Kendall smiled.
He looked down at the necklace that he knew Gabriela was going to like.
"All in a day's work, citizen."
"Okay, now I just have to get us a nice and quiet cabana, get balloons, food- oh! And I have to wrap the necklace."
"Never fear!" Logan shouted, "Super friend and his gift-wrapping powers are here."
"So, you just gonna keep up with the super friend thing all day?"
"I thought it was fun. What, you don't like it?"
"Thank you."
KENDALL CAME back with both hands full.
Logan was pacing around the room, a bit worried for what was to come.
"Best boyfriend ever." Kendall smiled, "I got the birthday lunch, the balloons, now all I need is Gabriela's gift-wrapped good necklace, courtesy of super friend."
"So, where is it?"
"Where's what?"
"The gold necklace."
"You'd didn't lose it, did you?"
"No, no. I know exactly where it is." Logan said, "Camille thought it was for her because it's our fifteen month anniversary and I'm your super friend and don't hurt me. I have powers."
"You gave it to Camille?"
"You didn't see her face. I couldn't say no, okay? And I didn't want to be a terrible boyfriend."
"But now I'm gonna be a terrible boyfriend... again." Kendall said, "I have a special lunch with Gabriela in one hour. What am I supposed to give her?"
GABRIELA FOUND herself back in her apartment with Lucy as the two of them threw sticky balls on the ceiling while hanging upside down on the edge of her bed.
It was part of Lucy's birthday package for Gabriela.
"So, excited for your date with Kendall?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah, yeah I am." Gabriela said, "He apparently got me this gift that I was going to love."
"Compared to all the other boys gave you?"
The two of them looked over at the gifts they gave her.
"They said it was part thank you gift and happy birthday gifts, but no one is complaining."
"How'd your conversation with Jo go?"
"It was okay, I think we'll be fine."
Lucy nodded, "Does that mean I have to like her?"
"I would prefer it, but I'm not going to force you to hang out with her or anything."
Lucy meant what she said. Gabriela was like her sister. So, if it affected Gabriela it affected her.
"OKAY, SEE that?" Kendall asked, "That's a reserved cabana for a special lunch in one hour with my girlfriend."
Logan nodded.
"Now see that? That's your girlfriend wearing my girlfriend's birthday present around her neck."
"I don't like where this is going."
"So use your superpowers, tell her you messed up, and get that gold necklace back."
"The super friend is on the case."
Mission failed... big time.
Logan made his way back up to the apartment to find Kendall making cupcakes.
"Yeah, you're not getting that necklace back."
"Ten minutes. Gabriela's cabana birthday lunch is in ten minutes, and I have no present!"
Logan held a wrapped pineapple.
"No! I need the necklace."
"I can't take it back. Camille will be crushed and hate me. Technically, I did pay for half of it."
Kendall only stared.
"Okay, what I mean is, I need a super friend. Okay? Help me, super friend."
"Fine. I'll be a super friend."
"You didn't do the pose. You got to do the-"
"Not doing it!"
"Okay, we'll work on the pose later."
"We just need to get Camille to give us the necklace back for her one day. Then, when we get paid tomorrow, we'll go buy another gold necklace so both of our girlfriends will be happy."
"Genius. How?
"You're gonna tell Camille you need to get the necklace engraved and you'll have it back to her by tomorrow. But really, you're gonna give it to me so I can give it to Gabriela in ten minutes."
"Done. Superfriends, away!"
"I'm not doing it!"
"Yes, you are!"
Logan got the necklace back, but Camille wanted it back in one hour and wanted to show it to the girls after Gabriela's birthday lunch.
"One hour? I can only give Gabriela her birthday present for one hour?"
So, that was the plan.
Gabriela sat with Kendall in the cabana as he showed her the necklace.
She smiled, "You didn't have to buy that."
"But I wanted to. Happy birthday."
He handed her the necklace and she looked at it in awe.
"This is the nicest birthday gift I've ever gotten. And I'm never taking it off, ever."
"Never ever." She smiled, "I can't wait to show the other girls what my awesome boyfriend got me for my birthday."
"But you can't show them your necklace because it's dirty and tarnished."
"You just got it... why would it be dirty?"
"Here, look. I'll show you."
"Oh, look, you got me to take it off." She joked.
She took the necklace off and tried to hand it to him, but he "accidentally" dropped it in his food.
"Oops. Uh... let me... oh, where is it? Uh, see? Let me go get this cleaned, and I'll have it back to you by tomorrow."
"I'm pretty sure one of the girls has a jewelry cleaner." Gabriela said, "I could use one of theirs and be back in ten minutes."
She held her hand out, "No!" Kendall shouted, "You can't clean your own jewelry on your birthday. My mom has a cleaner and I'll go clean it and be back in ten minutes."
Kendall dashed off and made his way to Logan.
He had been gone for a while and Gabriela had gotten a text from Camille.
Putting two and two together they figured out the current situation and both of them made their way to the boys' apartment.
"I'm afraid the super friends are super bad boyfriends." Kendall said.
"No, you're not."
Logan and Kendall turned and saw Camille and Gabriela now standing in the room.
"Uh, why are you here?" Kendall asked.
"We're friends. We talk." Camille said.
Gabriela stepped forward, "And it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on."
"And you saw how much I loved that necklace and didn't want to hurt me and tell me it wasn't mine."
"You were confused about my birthday and wanted to get me a super nice gift and tried to make things go nice and smooth today and I thank you for that." Gabriela smiled.
"But I abandoned your cabana lunch."
"To try and get the necklace back to Logan so he could give it to Camille."
"We only bought one gold necklace." Logan said.
They held up a now broken necklace.
"No, you bought to gold bracelets." Camille said.
"That maybe you could give us at our birthday, anniversary dinner."
"WE'RE SO lucky."
"We have super boyfriends."
"Well, what can we say?" Logan smiled.
"You can say you're going out tomorrow to get these fixed."
The two girls flipped their wrists to show that they had duct-taped the broken necklace together.
"Yep. First thing in the morning, we're going right to the jewelry store."
"We will do that."
The four of them talked by the pool for a while before Gabriela and Kendall left Camille and Logan alone for their anniversary.
"Well, this was fun." Gabriela said, "But I think Kendall and I are going head upstairs."
Camille smiled, "Alright. See you guys tomorrow."
The two of them stood and walked into the Palm Woods hand-in-hand.
Gabriela stood still halfway, causing Kendall to turn and face her.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
Kendall sighed, "I wanted today to be perfect and tried-"
She smiled and pressed his cheeks with her hands.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"You said you tried and that's all that matters."
Gabriela was a simple person and Kendall knew that, but it was her birthday and he knew that she deserved the best that day.
"Stop thinking about it." She said, "You tried, you wanted to help Logan and you did. I'm not upset with you."
"You're not?"
She pulled herself into a hug with him, "No, why would I be upset with you?"
She felt him let out a breath and he kissed the top of her head.
"Don't be hard on yourself, Kendall." Gabriela said and looked up at him, "Now, what we're going to do is go upstairs and watch a movie."
Kendall smiled.
Yeah, Kendall and Gabriela had problems. What couple didn't? But they would figure it out and be in a good spot.
Kendall and Gabriela were in a good spot.
im gonna watch euphoria for the first time 😎 i never did this 😐 i did this and now i can't watch it ever again
that's sexc
thanks for 11.6k reads
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