Ever After
Finished - April 2, 2020
Word Count - 9365
Music - Timeless - Path to Queensgarden
Based off the Fairy Tale Cinderella and the movie Ever After. Prince Natsu and Servant Lucy are best friends, Natsu arranges a Ball specifically so Lucy can come.
P.S. This story is really long, its more like small book than a one-shot. Hope you enjoy it!
This story starts years ago on a special day. A day where a boy meets a girl, both fleeing from something. But in the end they find something even more powerful.
No older than nineteen, a young boy found himself running away. Away from his pestering parents and the weight of their commands. He fled to the forest in an attempt to find comfort in the trees. He could still hear his Manservant calling out to him, ordering him to return.
But he wouldn't listen, he was the Prince of Magnolia. He could do anything he wanted!
Therefore, he ran. Ran and ran until his legs couldn't carry him any longer. He was deep in the woods and didn't recognize anything around him. At this point he almost regret running so far, but his pride kept him from self doubt.
The forest was quiet, not a noise the boy was used to. He had become accustom to the busy scheduled of Palace life, constantly surrounded by servants, tutors and lecturers. The woods were much more peaceful, it was a nice change.
The boy had fled from his hunting instructor, his mind too full to process the judgmental coach. Therefore the impatient teen ran into the forest instead of completing his training. But he was happy he did, he needed a mental break.
As he walked further, he stumbled upon a large Willow tree. He rushed to it and examined its beauty. However, as he drew near he heard a soft voice. A soft hum reverberated through the air, singing a sad melody.
He tiptoed around the tree to see a girl sitting against its rough bark, her eyes down cast and clothes tattered. Her face covered in dirt, but her hair shined bright. He couldn't help notice how pretty she was, even if she was dirty.
"Hello?" He asked.
The girl physically jumped, not aware of his presence. She quickly stood and looked him over curiously.
"What are you doing here?" She asked stunned.
"What? Is this your spot? No one else allowed?" The boy teased.
"N-No." The words caught in her throat. "Its just, I've never seen any one here before. No one dares venture this deep into the woods."
"Well you obviously do." He pointed out.
"Thats different!" She gripped her dress.
"Why? What are you doing way out here?"
The girl didn't answer, but looked down at her feet.
"Are you looking for something? Are you lost?" He tried again.
"No." At least she answered.
"Then what are you doing?"
"I...Im." She struggled, not knowing if she should tell him the truth. "Im hiding."
The boy stopped. She was hiding too? What could she be hiding from?
"You too huh?" The boy forced a meager chuckle.
Both teens stood in an understanding silence. Neither one needing to say anything, but already understanding each others situations.
"Hey." He finally spoke. "Whats your name?"
The girl looked up and smiled. "Im Lucy."
"Nice to meet you Lucy. My name is Natsu. We should meet back here sometime."
"Natsu." She paused, thinking about his name. "I would like that."
A large Villa, surrounded by a forest lay quiet. However, in the expansive house lived only four people. A mother with her two daughters and one servant.
Before Jude Heartfilia had passed away, he had married Lady Malinda Ferez. She was a greedy woman who loathed his only daughter, Lucy. Therefore, once Jude died, there was no reason for Malinda to keep Lucy as her own. But the girl became useful when the family's bank account "somehow" vanished as did all the servants. Lucy knew nothing about her former family, not remembering her father or previous life at all. Instead Lucy was forced into the position of sole runner of the villa, single handedly cleaning, cooking, gardening, shopping, organizing and planning everything for the exuberant family.
Somehow, Lucy didn't mind. She had a roof over her head and a place to sleep. She knew many people without those things, therefore she was grateful. Plus, she had nothing else to compare it to, Lucy lived a very sheltered life and didn't think about life beyond the Villa.
Currently, Lucy was attempting to finish her afternoon chores. She collected the fresh fruits from the garden in her apron and carried them into the kitchen. Taking them out one by one, she carefully placed them into weaved baskets on the counter.
Shaking out her dusty apron, she grabbed a bag of dried corn and poured some into a small metal dish. Closing the bag, she returned it and opened the back door.
"Lunch time!" Lucy called out to the chickens. They all came running towards the sound of her voice and flocked around her feet. Grabbing a handful of corn, she tossed it in the air around the birds. They immediately rushed to where the food landed and gobbled it up.
Lucy continued more of her daily chores until she felt satisfied that she had completed them all. Once she was done, she went to report to her Master, Malinda.
Wearily, she turned the corner. Malinda sat upon a cushioned chair reading a book, her spectacles almost falling off the bridge of her nose.
Lucy knocked lightly on the door frame. "I am all finished the the afternoon duties."
Malinda's head slowly turned up, her squinted eyes peering darkly at her. "Did you dust the library?"
Lucy nodded.
"Clean the kitchen? Feed the animals? Empty the fireplace? Sweep the entry way? Shake out the curtains? Collect the vegetables? Do the laundry? Bathe the cat?" Her pursed lips spoke each word extremely slowly.
"How informal! Address me properly, you know better." She spat angrily.
"My apologies, Malinda." Lucy bowed her head. "I will take my leave now."
"Yes. Do not let me see you until dinner. But it better not be late." Her eyes returned to their book.
Lucy turned and left without another word. She was about to exit through the back door when she was stopped.
"Hey there, Lucinda Cinder." Malinda's firstborn, Savina blocked her path. "Where do you think you are going?"
Savina shoved Lucy slightly and she stumbled backwards, but Lucy knew better than to fight back.
"Why do you always leave after your finish your chores? You meeting someone?" Savina jabbed her pointed finger into Lucy's collar painfully.
Lucy bit her tongue, she knew Savina was only trying to get a reaction from her.
"Look at you. You are filthy! Covered in mud and soot. No one would ever meet up with you looking like that. Cinder." Savina emphasized the nickname "Cinder", knowing how much Lucy didn't like it.
Lucy looked herself over. It was true, she was a mess. Her brown dress was tattered and needed washing. Her once white apron, was now many different shades of grey, black and brown. Lucy's hands were stained from cleaning out the ashen fireplace and her hair was nothing short of a birds nest.
"Leave her alone Savina." Lucy heard a stern voice come from the stairs.
Both girls looked up to see Levy, the second sister. Lucy internally smiled, thankful for her arrival.
"Oh come on Levy. Why are you so nice to this eyesore!" Savina gestured towards Lucy.
"Is it so hard to spare a little kindness?" Levy moved herself in-between Savina and Lucy.
Savina puffed up her shoulders and stomped away, not bothering to answer her rhetorical question. Levy turned back to Lucy and sighed.
"Why don't you stand up to her?"
"You know I can't. Malinda would kill me."
"She would not kill you." Levy crossed her arms.
"Okay, maybe not. But she would punish me."
"I wish it didn't have to be this way." Levy's eyes fell sad.
"We both do. But right now Im late, I have to meet up with Natsu." Lucy bounced up on her toes.
"Why didn't you say so? Go!" Levy cheered her on and pushed Lucy out the door.
Quickly she sprinted away and climbed over the hedges that's bordered the garden. With great excitment Lucy sprinted into the forest, eager to see her friend. As she ran, Lucy spat into her fingers and attempted to wipe away the black goo from them. Rubbing her fingernails into the under folds of her dress; she tried to make herself looks at least a bit more presentable.
Lucy was accustom to Savina's shrewd comments, however, her words still stung and made Lucy self conscious. After all, she was right. Lucy was a complete disaster and Natsu didn't deserve that. Nevertheless, this fact didn't stop her. She was about to see Natsu, the Prince! Her best friend.
She finally reached the Willow and slowed her jog to a brisk waltz. Leaning against the bark, Natsu stood waiting for her. He hadn't noticed her yet, so he looked quite bored. Spinning a flower around and around in his fingers.
Lucy watched him as he waited for her to arrive. Dressed in his hunting gear of white pants which tucked into brown leather boots. His dark, long sleeved coat traveled down to his thighs was trimmed with gold buttons. Natsu's face was placid, starring off into space as if he was in deep thought.
"Natsu." Lucy called out to him.
He turned his head and his eyes immediately lit up at the sight of her. "Luce!"
"Sorry Im late." She finally entered the fuzzy branches of the willow. "Have you waited long?
"No. We just finished our practice, I also just got here."
This had become a routine, meeting up twice a week at the Willow tree in the afternoons. The days Natsu had hunting practice, Lucy would finish her chores early to meet him. They quietly enjoyed their short time together. Filling it with conversation, teasing and even sometimes games. Natsu and Lucy had become extremely close.
Sitting on the grass Natsu spoke nervously. "I have something to tell you."
"You know you can tell me anything Natsu."
"I know, but this is a bit..."
"Natsu!" She stopped him. "I've known you for six years, you can tell me."
"Has it really been six years?" He stated in bewilderment.
"Yeah..."Lucy sighed.
"I feel like I've known you for forever."
"I feel like I just met you, as if time has flown by since the day we met." She confessed.
"I guess it also feels like that too." Natsu chuckled.
"How can it feel so long and so short at the same time?"
"Who knows." Natsu shrugged.
"So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Lucy asked, remember their previous conversation.
"Oh yeah!" He sprung up in sudden excitement. "My family is hosting a Ball!"
"A Ball?" Lucy repeated sadly, for she knew she would never be able to attend.
"Yeah and guess what?!" Natsu's energy level did not lower, which made Lucy worry.
"I convinced my parents to invite the entire Kingdom of Magnolia!"
"You what?!"
"Yup!" Natsu folded his arms proudly.
"Do you have any idea how many people will be there?! You must be insane!"
"Not insane. This way, you can come Luce." He smiled genuinely at her.
Lucy's heart chocked, he did all that for her? "Natsu...even then. You know I can't go. Malinda won't let me go out in public."
Yet another one of Malinda's manipulative rules. Lucy was not allowed to leave the house without her permission and she was never ever allowed to show her face to anyone outside of the immediate family. Malinda didn't know about Natsu and if she did...goodbye Lucy.
"That's why I specifically stated that 'All Maidens are Required to Attend'." Natsu looked extremely smug.
Lucy sighed and smiled at his kindness. She shook her head at the drastic measures he was willing to take for her. "I can't promise anything."
"That is enough for me." Natsu beamed with joy and wrapped her into a tight hug.
He got a little carried away and squeezed her, Lucy not able to breathe from his enthusiasm. She pat his arm, telling him to let her go. As much as she wanted to stay, Lucy knew she had to leave.
"Unfortunately, it's time for me to go." Lucy filled her lungs sadly.
"I wish you didn't have to." Natsu looked down, saddened.
"I know, but even you have things to do." She reminded him.
"Yeah, but everything else is boring without you." He whined.
Lucy smiled to herself, knowing the meaning behind his words. Yet, she too felt the same way. Meeting with Natsu was the highlight of her week. Now that their time was up, she had nothing else to look forward to until their next visit.
"I better get back before Malinda notices I am gone." Lucy turned to leave.
"Luce wait!" He grabbed her fleeing hand. "Please really try to come to the Ball."
"I promise to do my best."
Satisfied with her answer, Natsu reluctantly let go of her hand. Lucy gave him one last smile and turned back to the Villa. So they parted, having hope that they will meet again at the Royal Ball.
Natsu swung his leg over, in one swift movement he dismounted his horse. Greeting him at the gate was his Steward Grey, the two boys had become great friends over the many years Grey had served the Dragneel Family. Grey was one of the few people who knew about Natsu's secret meetings with Lucy, however he had never met her. No one had, but they had heard a lot about her.
"Welcome back, my Lord." Grey bowed slightly at the arriving of his Master.
"Thanks Grey." Natsu handed his servant the reigns to lead his horse back to the stables. "I'll meet you in my quarters, we have lots to talk about. For now, I must speak to my Father."
Grey winked and lead the sturdy horse away from the front gate.
Natsu quickly sprinted to his Fathers office, passing open hallways and large corridors. Jogging past staff carrying laundry he finally arrived at the large, hand carved door of the Kings Personal Study.
Natsu leaned his trained ear on the wood and listened, he didn't want to interrupt any potential conversations his important father might be having. Upon hearing the silence, he knocked on the door.
"Come in." King Igneel's professional voice boomed from behind the doors.
Natsu opens the doors and met eyes with his father. Igneel was well of age, but looked anything but old. His once fiery hair, now a muted auburn grey. But his eyes held the kindness and strength of a leader.
"Father, I have the most amazing news!" Natsu grinned widely.
Igneel's polished persona disappeared in the presence of his son. "My Boy! Please tell me all about it!"
Natsu sat down in a chair across from Igneel's deck, his legs bouncing with excitement. Natsu was so giddy, he could hardly contain himself. "You are finally going to meet her."
"The girl you have told me so much about?" Igneel sat on the edge of his chair.
"Yes! She is coming to the Ball."
"That is wonderful news! I shall arrange her transportation, from what country does she reside?" The King drew out a paper and dipped his pen into the tiny ink bottle.
Natsu gulped, for he was finally going to tell his Father everything. He was extremely nervous how he would react to the news.
"She is not from a different country."
"Is that so." Igneel looked slightly disappointed. "Well, what is her Family name?"
"She doesn't come from a Noble Family."
Igneel's face continued to look more confused. "She must have a last name of some kind."
"Her name is Lucy, she is a servant in the house the Lady Malinda Ferez ."
"Really son? Out of all people in the world...out of all the people in this Kingdom, you choose to fall in love with a servant?!"
"I know it's not the best scenario, Father. I love her. She has great potential of becoming a real Princess and is already a hard worker. Please, wait until you meet her to make any rash decisions." Natsu begged.
"Rash decisions? You are telling me not to be rash?" Igneel scoffed.
"Father. Trust me."
Igneel looked Natsu in the eye and saw the unwavering determination. His shoulders relaxed and sighed in defeat. "Alright, I will give her a chance. One night at the Ball, if she has as much potential as you say, you will have my blessing."
Natsu leaped from his chair, eyes wide. "Thank you Father!"
"Don't get all mushy on me." Igneel shewed the boy away. "Now go plan that Ball, it will need to be perfect."
"You have my word."
The day had arrived, the Ball was only hours away and Lucy was completely tied up with work. The Royal Courts made an official announcement that spread wildly around the Kingdom, therefore Malinda filled her plate.
Even after lunch, Lucy still have dozens of things to get done before she could even think about getting ready herself. Lucy was responsible for dressing her sisters and making sure that their dresses were pressed (by hand), their hair and makeup painted to perfection.
Not only this, but" for some reason" Lucy had to clean the entire Villa top to bottom. That means scrubbing the floors, washing the curtains, and dusting the highest reaches of every nook. Lucy knew the reason for her exhausting list was because Malinda didn't want Lucy to go to the Ball. Therefore, she saw the only way to keep her from going would be to make her too tired or never able to finish.
Lucy knew very well that Malinda was manipulating her, but Lucy couldn't do anything about it. Therefore she sucked up her pride and simply attempted to complete her multitudes of tasks before dinner.
"Have you finished pressing that yet?" Savina burst into the small servants room and started to dig threw Lucy's supplies.
"Just a few more minutes." Lucy made sure her words didn't hint towards any irritation.
Savina glared at her and continued to rummage threw Lucy's things. She picked out her spools of thread and examined each one, extremely bored.
"Do you need something?" Lucy asked politely as possible.
"I need you to finish my dress." She spat.
"This is going to take as long as it needs, would you rather it be burned by the iron?" She asked with more than touch of sarcasm.
"How dare you?!" Savina raised her hand and slapped her across the face.
Lucy was surprised by the physical shock of the hit, however, she was not astonished by the action. Lucy saw it coming, for she knew her outburst would be rewarded by physical force.
A metallic flavor touched her tastebuds, Lucy gently placed her finger on her lip. Lifting it back up to eye level, she saw it was stained red. She couldn't see it, but Lucy most definitely had a busted lip.
"Now finish that dress in ten minutes or I will be less gracious when I return." Savina stomped out of the room.
Good thing too, for Lucy was about to return her gracious favor.
One thing after another and Lucy finally finished the massive list Malinda had given her. It was about 7:30 and the Royal Ball started at 9:00, but they needed to leave by 8:30 to get there in time. Lucy heaved her weary bones up the stairs to her "room" and mentally prepared herself to get physically ready.
Falling into her room she practically collapsed on the wooden floor. She stared up at the whole in the ceiling, gazing at the stars poking threw the roofing tiles. She loved to look at the stars, she always felt more connected to them than anything else.
Tearing herself from the floor she stumbled to her wardrobe and unhooked her one nice dress. It was nothing spectacular, in fact it was simply commoners clothes. But it was extremely nicer than her daily garb. It was a simple peachy pink cotton dress, it held no stitchery or ribbons, but she felt beautiful wearing it.
Lucy combed out her hair and washed her face and fingernails. She didn't own any makeup, but she had never applied it on herself before either. The only cosmetic experience she has was doing it for her sisters.
Satisfied, Lucy tucked her toes into her brown flats and descended the stairs. This was going to be the hard part. Lucy had to convince Malinda to let her ride with them to the Ball, which was very unlikely.
As she reached the main floor, Lucy caught their eyes. She could see the glee in Levy's gaze, unfortunately Malinda and Savina's foul glares overpowered Levy's positivity.
"What do you think you are doing?" Malinda looked abhorred.
"I finished all you requested of me, I wish to go to the Ball with you." Lucy pushed, determined.
"You? Come to the Ball with us?!" Savina cackled, horrified.
"Yes, it specifically says that 'All Maidens are Required to Attend'!"
"Im sorry sweetie." Malinda approached her gently, her eyes holding false empathy. "But, you cannot come."
"Why?" Lucy looked confused.
"Well." Malinda circled her, eyeing Lucy up and down judgmentally. "Because your dress is ripped."
"No it's not."
"It isn't? Oh, well we have to fix that." Malinda smirked.
Savina understood her Mothers intentions and jumped at the opportunity. Like a wild cat Savina latched onto Lucy's dress and yanked the shoulder fabric off. "Your name suits you, Cinder!"
Lucy exclaimed in shook, then looked down at her ruined apparel. She was completely beside herself with anger and could not hold in her feelings anymore.
"You witch!" Lucy screamed at the suddenly frightened girl and swung her hand out, connecting her palm with Savina's heavily painted cheek.
Savina shrunk into herself and clutched her bleeding lip in fright.
"Thats for this." Lucy pointed to her own scabbed lip.
"You insolent brat!"
Lucy looked up to see Malinda charge. She grabbed a handful of Lucy's hair and dragged her into the Study. Without releasing her, Manilda grabbed something from a drawer and roughly pushed Lucy face first into the wall.
Before she had time to collect herself, Malinda released her and a loud snap echoed threw the small room. Not a second later pain erupted from Lucy's back and she let out an awful yell. The sound repeated itself again and again. Each time, Lucy could feel the skin leaving her spine and her voice became horse.
Her strength left as she was barely able to stay up on her knees, her body over exhausted. Without the strength to speak, she mentally begged for the pain to stop.
Malinda curled up her bloodied whip and returned it to the drawer. "I believe you have learned your lesson. Now, clean up this blood and go to your room. I expect this place to be spotless when we return tonight at midnight."
Lucy barely comprehended the words she had spoken, her mind clouded over. She watched Malinda open the door and walk out, but that was all she saw before her vision went dark.
Pacing back and forth, Natsu could not stay still. His nerves were on overload and he couldn't control his nerves. The Ball was only a hour away!
He had been preparing for this night for months and everything must go to plan! Natsu set up this entire Ball so he could introduce Lucy to his Father and ask her to marry him.
But Lucy was unpredictable, she was a servant in a large house. What if she didn't come? What if she says no? Hundreds of questions filled Natsu's unrelenting mind.
"Seriously? Will you settle down?! You are giving me a headache just watching you!" Grey's voice brought Natsu back to reality.
"I can't calm down!" Natsu sneered, full of frustration.
"You worrying about it will only make things worse." Grey folded his arms. "Just chill."
Natsu threw him an annoyed glance, making Grey roll his eyes.
"You have planned and double planned everything to a "T". What could possibly go wrong?"
"You haven't met her family." Natsu warned.
"Have you?" Grey smirked, knowing the answer.
"Thats not the point!" Natsu growled.
"If this girl is as amazing as you say, then she will definitely come."
Natsu felt his shoulders relax slightly. For as much as he didn't like to admit it, Grey was right.
"Alright, you win." Natsu sighed.
Grey widened his eyes, he never won. "Wait. Really?"
"Yep, now let's finish getting ready. We have a big night ahead of us."
Grey grinned and sighed happily. "Yes Sir."
Everything was fuzzy and Lucy's thoughts were jumbled. As if someone threw all her memories into a jar and decided to shake them around.
Lucy opened her eyes to see she was laying on her stomach on the living room couch. She was never allowed to sit, let alone lay on any of the furniture. With vision still blurry she moved her hand to lift herself from the cushions. The moment she pushed up, fire sped across her back. She yelped loudly as tears sprouted from her eyes and breathing suddenly quickened.
"Lucy!" Someone called her name and rushed to her side.
Small hands gripped her shoulders softly and a sweet face came into view.
"Levy?" Lucy croaked. "What are you doing here, you have to go to the Ball."
"To hell with the Ball!" Levy took a wet towel and rung it out. "I couldn't stand by and leave you here like this."
She gently placed the warm towel on Lucy's stripped back, Lucy culled her toes and held in her gulps of pain.
"Shhh...its okay. I know it hurts." Levy tried to ease the squirming girl.
"Thank you." She managed to say.
Levy carefully cleaned and tended Lucy's many wounds, her back now completely covered in bandages.
"Come on, let's get you dressed." Levy helped Lucy climb the stairs, but to Lucy's surprise, Levy did not take her back to her room. Instead, they ended up in Malinda's room.
"Levy, what are we doing in here?"
"We have to find you a dress that will cover your back." She stated simply. Flipping through the closest she pulled out a dark maroon dress with glee. "How about this one?"
"Levy. I know what you're thinking, but I can't go to the Ball now." Lucy urged.
"Too gothic? Yeah your right" Upon a second inspection she placed the dress back and continued her search.
"No Levy. I can't go, not now." Lucy stood weakly.
"You told me that you had to go! You wanted to go more than anything!"
"But-" Lucy tried to speak, but was interrupted.
"You have to go! Maybe not for yourself, but for Natsu! He is waiting for you, what will he think if you don't show?!"
Lucy stopped, Levy was right. Slowly Lucy nodded softly.
"Alright, but do we have to use one of Malinda's dresses?"
"Unfortunately yes. You won't fit into any of mine and Savina is too much of a skank, so all her nice dresses are backless." Levy searched the massive closet.
Lucy sighed and gave into this evil plot.
"Here we go!" Levy pulled out a beautiful blue gown and held it up to Lucy's hunched frame.
She couldn't help but stare at its gorgeous fabric, she had never seen Malinda ware this particular dress before. Again it was simple, but the deep blue shined with highlights of gold. As if the sky and the stars were mended into its silky drapery.
"How wonderful." Lucy couldn't tare her eyes away.
"I think this will be perfect for you!" Levy patted herself on the back for her accomplishment.
"I don't know. This dress is too lovely for someone like me. I have never worn anything like this before."
"You are being unfair to yourself. Now get changed, we have a Ball to attend!"
Lucy didn't answer, instead she took a deep breath and lifted her spirits. She was going to a Ball, she was going to see Natsu! Therefore she needed to put her best face on.
"Alright, let's go!"
Natsu stood at the edge of the Ballroom, his eyes never stopping their constant inspections of the large room. The Ball was well underway and Lucy wasn't there yet. Natsu was starting to loose hope that she would ever arrive.
All his plans gone to waste, for the one person he wanted was not there.
"Well son, it's time to meet this girl you told me so much about!" Igneel emerged loudly from the crowd. His belly full and a glass of wine in his hand, looking at happy as can be.
"Sorry Father, but it looks like she couldn't make it tonight." Natsu's face fell drastically.
"She's not here?! You mean you invited the entire Kingdom and she is a no-show?" Igneel almost dropped his glass.
"I know, I am s-" Natsu stopped, for out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of blue.
"Son?" Igneel noticed the Prince's change of countenance and turned around to see what he was looking at.
Natsu saw her, she was walking in the front doors, she was here! She was gorgeous. He needed to see her closer. Without finishing his conversation he sped to the entrance, not stopping for anyone, he selfishly ignored people calling for his attention.
The moment Lucy walked through the giant doors she entered a marvelous room, she felt completely out of place and overwhelmed. She had never seen so many people before and never did she think she would blend in with their glamor.
The ceiling was probably a hundred feet high and the walls were covered with many different colors of drapery, the visible parts of the floor were many different verities of polished stone. Flashy chandeliers hung from the expansive ceiling, lighting the room brightly.
"Come on Lucy, let's get something to drink." Levy brought her attention back down.
Lucy realized she was still standing in front of the doors, her feet too enraptured to move. She took her first step into the new world. They walked slowly to the side of the room to dozens of grand tables, filled with snacks. Fancy little truffles, sandwich triangles, mini cakes and appetizers she couldn't name.
Lucy picked up a crystal glass and took a sip of its contents, her mouth exploded with flavor. Tiny bubbles floated up from the bottom of it as the liquid fizzed in her mouth.
"Wow. What is this?" She asked Levy.
"I believe its soda, a new trade from the East." Levy too took a sip. "I like it."
"Me too." Lucy giggled.
Lucy took another look around the Ballroom, she noticed all the people. They were all dressed with jewels and the grandest gowns. Their hair pinned up with precious gems and decorated with gloves and rings. Lucy didn't own any such things. Her hair was down plainly and she wore no jewelry.
Suddenly she left extremely self conscious. Especially when she saw two women look at her from under their fans and whisper something to each other. They were not fooled by her fancy dress, they knew that she did not belong there.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Lucy turned to her sister.
But before Levy could answer a familiar voice caught their attention. "Lucy!"
Both girls looked up and saw the Prince. Everyone in the area bowed, except for Lucy, she had never bowed to him before. Levy pulled her down to show respect to the Royal family. Lucy mentally slapped herself for not following suit.
"Luce, you made it!" Lucy straightened and nodded shyly.
Natsu looked incredible, he wasn't dressed too far from his normal clothes. But he always looked splendid to Lucy.
Natsu was over the moon, Lucy had arrived! Natsu could barely contain himself, she was enchanting. Her face seemed to glow, her hair looked smooth and her entire presence shined. He had never seen her clean before, so for the first time he saw her all pale features. How naturally rose her cheeks blushed and how colorful her lips seemed to pop.
She wasn't wearing any makeup, but she didn't need any, she was beautiful.
"May I steal her for a moment?" Natsu asked Levy politely.
"Of corse, your Highness." Levy bowed again.
Natsu nodded his head, took Lucy's hand and lead her away. "I want you to meet my Father."
"Your Father, the King?!" Lucy gasped.
"Yeah. Why not?"
"Natsu, he is the King!"
"And I am the Prince, remember?" Natsu laughed.
Lucy held her tongue, she always seemed to forget her friends position. Together they walked to the back of the Ballroom and walked up a flight of stairs to a large balcony that overlooked the room. Natsu noticed how Lucy stared in awe, gazing over the grand area.
"You look beautiful." He whispered into her ear.
His words obviously took her by surprise and she flipped her head towards him, her cheeks much redder than before. "T-Thanks."
Her reaction was much cutter than he had expected it to be, he needed to do this more!
Natsu took her hand again and lead her to a well dressed man, he held a goblet of wine and roared a contagious laugh.
"Father, I would like you to meet Lucy."
Lucy bowed deeply, almost scared of this great man. When the King layed eyes on her, his expression changed from overly silly to serene and calm. The man looked her over with an almost sad complexion, kind, wise eyes stared deep into her soul. Lucy couldn't help but feel self-conscious.
"Come here my child." The King held out his hand.
Lucy gave Natsu a worried look, but he smiled and nodded. Gulping, Lucy took the King's hand, he pulled her closer to him and grinned gently. "So, you must be Lucy."
"Yes, your majesty."
"I have heard a lot about you." He laughed.
"You have?" Lucy was confused, he knew her?
"Oh yes, my son speaks very highly of you." Igneel looked more at Natsu than Lucy, the comment obviously aimed towards his son.
Lucy blushed and looked down. She didn't know Natsu thought that way about her.
"You look familiar, what is your last name?" He asked.
Lucy suddenly felt ashamed. "I do not know my Family name. My parents died when I was very little."
"That is a shame." Igneel frowned. "Where do you live now?"
"I live in the Ferez Villa, just south of the Magnolia Forest."
"Ferez..." He repeated. "Would your full name happen to be Lucinda?"
"How did you know?" Lucy caught her breath surprised.
"Alright, enough interrogation Father." Natsu split them up with a fake laugh.
"You are right, my apologies Miss."
"No worries." Lucy smiled softly.
"Come on Luce, you owe me a dance." Natsu took her hand again and they walked down the stairs.
"Natsu, you know I can't dance." She whispered.
"You'll be great!" Natsu pulled her to the dance floor.
"No, I can't." Her voice sounded more urgent.
"Come on Luce." He insisted again and pulled her closer to him. However, in this action he pressed his hand on her back. Sending a large wave on pain rocketing across her open wounds, she let out a painful cry from the sharp constrain.
This caught the attention of all the surrounding people, stopping their movements to stare at them. Natsu retracted his hands from her immediately, not having expected her to scream at his touch. Something was wrong.
He noticed the odd looks they were getting and once again lead Lucy away. He took her outside to the garden to find out what was wrong.
Once they were alone, he peered down at her glum face with worry.
"Hey." He tucked his finger under her chin and lifted her head up. "What's goin on?"
"Nothing, I just don't want to dance." Tears pricked the corner of her eyes and Natsu noticed.
"I know something else is bothering you. So what is it?" He used a stronger voice.
"Im not supposed to be here." She sighed.
"What are you talking about?! I made this whole evening so you could come."
"I know and it's wonderful! But I can't let Malinda see me."
Natsu didn't understand. "Why not?"
"I technically wasn't allowed to come. So Levy helped me sneak out after they left." Lucy looked at her toes. "Thats why we were late."
"Then we'll just stay outside for the rest of the night." Natsu placed his knuckles on his hips.
"Don't you have duties? You organized this event, Im sure people of higher standing will want to meet with you."
"Its true, I organized this. But I designed it so that I could spend time with you, so that is exactly what I'll do."
Lucy rolled her eyes and gave in, in all honesty, she wanted to spend time with him too. Therefore she stopped arguing and let herself simply enjoy the moment.
They talked at the fountain and chased each other around the garden. Laughter rang throughout the greenery as the time flew by. The small box in Natsu's pocket grew heavier and heavier as he was running out of time.
Together they sat down on the lip of the fountain, Lucy looked up at the dark sky. Her eyes reflected the many twinkling stars above, putting Natsu in a trace by her.
"Aren't they beautiful?" Her eyes danced from each glowing light.
Natsu looked up with her to see the magnificent galaxy, she was correct, the sight was amazing. A swirl of black, blue and purple with scattered drops of golden light. But he was more interested in looking at Lucy.
Placing his free hand in his pocket, Natsu gripped the velvet box tightly. Anxiety shooting through his entire being. Was he ready for this? Was she?
Just when he was about to speak, he noticed Lucy's hand started to shake. Her nimble fingers suddenly gripped his tightly. Natsu looked up at her to see an expression he had never seen from Lucy before. Fear. Her eyes wide and unblinking, her lips trembled, her whole being screamed silently.
Natsu followed her terrified gaze and saw two women starring at them from across the courtyard. He didn't recognize these women, but they did not look friendly. He felt a sudden hatred towards them, if they had such a negative affect on Lucy, they were no friends of his.
Lucy abruptly removed her hand from his and stood. Natsu could tell she was scared and immediately rose with her.
"I-I have go to." Lucy shuffled her feet anxiously, her voice verbally shaken.
"Luce, wait." He tried to reach for her, but she was determined to leave.
Lucy could feel her heart beat accelerate, her mind was blinded and focused only on one word; leave! She struggled to escape Natsu's reaching grasp and simply ran.
She didn't have the right mentality to say goodbye, instead she fled. Lucy wanted nothing more than to stay, stay with Natsu forever. But she had been caught by Malinda and there would be hell tonight.
She barely heard someone yell. "Close the gate! Don't let anyone leave!"
But before she was shut in, Lucy slipped through with ease and sprinted into the city beyond. She ran as fast as she could, knowing she would not beat the speed of Malinda's carriage. These were her last moments of peace before she arrived home, so she slowed her pace and tried to prepare herself for the next events.
She was thinking much clearer now and realized she didn't need to return home at all. She could simply run away and avoid this night. She had nothing at the Villa anyway, there was no reason for her to go back.
Then she remembered. The kind soul, the person that stayed behind to look after Lucy when she was hurt. Levy. She could not leave Levy to be punished alone. Levy was her sister, not just a friend, but a real chosen sister. Therefore Lucy had to return.
Lucy walked along the dirt roads and finally reached the Villa. Her body exhausted, but mind racing. She quietly opened the door, hoping she could sneak up the stairs.
However, fate had other plans. Standing in the entry way stood Malinda, her face scrunched in fury as her fingers tapped against her forearms angrily.
Lucy decided to stay silent, for she didn't want to aggravate her any more than she already was.
"After all I have done. After everything I have given you. You do THIS!" Malinda screeched.
Lucy stayed silent.
"How dare you disobey me and in that dress!"
"I had never seen you ware it before, I though maybe you didn't like it." Lucy tried to hold her own.
Before Lucy could continue Malinda tore the dress off her, stripping Lucy down to her underdress slip.
"This is my dress! You will not dirty it!" Malinda raged.
"Im sorry!"
"I don't want to hear your pathetic apologies!" Malinda dragged Lucy back to her Study.
Shoving Lucy to the ground she opened the drawer of her desk and retrieved the leather lash from inside.
"Please, no more." Lucy begged.
"I thought I already taught you this lesson." She raised the whip and let it rain down upon her.
Lucy blocked herself with her arms, but they were not safe from the many lashes. She attempted to curl herself against the wall, but this only left her with less room of escape. Again and again she was battered by the only Mother she had ever known. The physical pain hurt immensely, but Malinda's callous actions hurt Lucy's heart more.
Once she was satisfied Malinda finally stopped her attacks and dropped the weapon. She strode to her desk and started placing numbers into her rotary phone. Lucy could barely make out her words and only caught a few sentences of her conversation.
" ... cargo for you ...in any condition?...good..." Her words faded in and out.
She could see Malinda smile wide and hang up the phone. She traveled back into Lucy's view and laughed cruelly. "Goodbye Cinder."
For the second time in one day her world went dark.
It was the morning after the Ball and Natsu was already wide awake. He barely slept through the night, for he was confused and worried about Lucy's sudden departure.
Natsu was already sat at the breakfast table when his Father arrived. This took the King by surprise, usually his son would be in bed at least until his first appointment.
"Natsu, you are up." Igneel stated stunned. "Did something happen last night with Lucy? Did she turn you down?"
"No. I didn't even have the chance to ask her." Natsu mumbled.
"Then what happened? I need details boy." Igneel looked way too excited.
"Something, rather someone scared her at the Ball and she ran away."
"How on earth did she outrun you? And in a dress!" Igneel laughed and pounded the table.
"She's tougher than she looks." Natsu defended himself.
"Well, you must find her!" Igneel rose from the table.
"You mean, I have your blessing?" Natsu beamed.
"You always have my blessing. I trust your judgement."
"Thank you Father. I am going to go back to the Forest and see if she is there." Natsu was filled with a new found energy.
"One thing before you run off." Igneel's voice deepened and grew serious. "I know who Lucy really is."
"What?" Natsu fell back into his chair.
"I did some digging last night and I found the Ferez Family. Specifically Malinda Ferez, that is Lucy's Master correct?"
Natsu nodded, fully focused on this conversation.
"Malinda Ferez moved to Magnolia through marriage. She was a widow in need of a husband, therefore she moved here to marry a widower named Jude Heartfilia. His late wife leaving him a single daughter. However, not long after Malinda and Jude's binding, Jude fell ill and died. His daughter, the only living heir of the Heartfilia title disappeared."
"You think that Lucy is..." Natsu tried to process all this information.
"It was just a theory at first, but that dress that Lucy wore last night proved it. That dress belonged to Layla Heartfilia, Lucy's mother."
"How do you know that?" Natsu asked suspiciously.
"Because I gave it to her." Igneel scoffed. "The Heartfilia's were great friends of mine. In fact, if time were different, you and Lucy would have been childhood friends."
"Then how come I never met her before?" Natsu tried to process this news.
"Jude changed after Layla died. Nothing was the same after that." Igneels face fell sadly.
"So Luce is the true heir of the Heartfilia fortune?"
"And of Noble blood."
"I have to tell her!" Natsu couldn't stay sitting a moment longer. He leaped from his chair and sprinted to the stables. "Grey, ready our horses!"
The Steward looked completely frazzled by this random order. "This early in the morning?"
"Now Grey!"
"Alright alright. Im on it."
Not even ten minutes later, the two men rode out of the Palace and straight into the woods. Galloping through the thick growth, they powered passed travelers and woodland homes. Finally they reached the willow tree, Natsu and Lucy's secret meeting place. But she was not there. He hadn't expected her to be there, it wasn't the right time of day nor the right day of the week. But she could walk here from her Villa, therefore she must live nearby.
Natsu took off in the direction she would arrive and headed straight, praying he would find something. After a surprisingly long ride he came upon a building. Nothing too fancy, but quaint enough for a small family. Though he was used to living in a giant palace, so everything looked small to him.
Natsu and Grey slowly approached the house and slid off their saddles. They tied the reigns to the fence just beyond the gate and knocked on the front door.
A small girl answered, Natsu recognized her, this was the girl that accompanied Lucy to the Ball. If he remembered correctly, her name was Levy.
"You Majesty!" She looked quite startled to see the Prince at her door and bowed respectfully. As she stood Natsu noticed a large bruise on her left cheek. It was not there last night.
"May we come in?" Grey asked politely.
Levy nodded quickly and opened the door wider for them to enter.
"Levy! Who is here?" A high pitched yell burst from the hallway. "Who on earth would come here this early in the-" A girl stomped into view and quickly stopped herself when she realized exactly who was standing in their presence.
"F-F-Forgive me, my Lord." She bowed.
Natsu immediately recognized this woman as well. She was one of the two people that had scared Lucy away from him. She was definitely less intimidating than the other mysterious woman, but she had an air about her that Natsu couldn't shake.
"We are looking for someone. Please we need every member of this house to meet in the living room." Grey took the lead, noticing Natsu's immediate judgement. This was probably for the best, because Natsu didn't know how well he could control his temper.
"As you wish, Your Highness." The girls bowed and lead them into a separate room.
Not even a minute later a third woman joined them to sit on the couches. This woman's piercing eyes and ridged nose too familiar to Natsu, this must be Malinda Ferez.
"Is it just the three of you living here?" Grey inquired.
"Yes, my Lord." Malinda spoke confidently, Natsu already couldn't stand her.
"This is a large Villa, you have no servants or maids?"
"None, my Lord." Malinda continued to lie.
Natsu felt the need to move his legs, otherwise he would explode. Therefore he stood and looked around the room.
"When was the last time you had any house help?" Grey continued to press questions.
"Over fifteen years ago. We prefer the simple life here."
Natsu saw a door and felt the need to look inside. "My I look around a bit?" Natsu forced a polite tone to leave his lips.
"No you may not. That is my personal Study, you have no business in there."
This did not help Natsu's temper, in fact it made him even more curious about what lay beyond. "I am the Prince of Magnolia, I am searching for something very important to me. Therefore this is my business."
"Fine, but do not touch anything." Malinda gave him a glare.
"No promises." Natsu whispered under his breath and opened the door. Inside the small room was nothing more than shelves and a large wooden desk. Everything looked very clean, too clean. Not a spec of dust anywhere, even the walls looked to be recently scrubbed. Something was not right.
With nothing more to inspect he returned back into the living room and starred down at Malinda.
"Thank you for answering our questions Ma'am." Grey tipped his hat and stood up to leave.
While Grey was distracting the other two ladies, Natsu inconspicuously tapped Levy on the shoulder and whispered. "Where is Lucy?"
Levy looked like she wanted to answer, but her eyes glanced over to her Mother in fear.
"Please Levy. Help me find her." Natsu begged.
Her sad eyes filled with tears as she started to speak. "Mother...s-she..."
"What did she do?"
"She sold her." Natsu's heart dropped in horror. "She sold her to slave traders. Her ship leaves from the West Port at noon."
Natsu was speechless. How could anyone do something so cruel? Especially to someone so kind as Lucy!
"Thank you." Natsu kissed the girl's forehead and quickly left. He had to restrain himself from punching the lights out of Malinda as he passed her by.
Grey noticed Natsu's quick departure and said a formal goodbye to the Family and joined his Master.
"We have a lead!" Natsu mounted his horse. "But we have very little time, we need to be fast!"
Grey saddled his own horse as they traveled quickly West.
At this point Lucy couldn't trust anything or anyone. She was alone, mentally and physically forsaken. The only people she ever had connections with were Levy and Natsu.
Natsu was the Prince, he would easily forget her and move on to find his Princess. Levy, she had her family and friends outside the household, she would be alright.
Thinking back to last night's events, Lucy realized she couldn't remember much. She could recall men dragging her out of the house and the yells of Levy in protest. Other than that it was all blurry.
Lucy had woke up in a small cell, which had one window that looked out to the sea. Her eyes fixated on the blue horizon, she starred off, not truly looking at anything. The slight rocking of the foundation told her that she was on a boat. The floor of her cell was covered in hay, as if she were an animal. Lucy sat still limply, with her legs bent beside her flatly. It was not a comfortable position, but she didn't have the energy to fix it. Still dressed in her slip from her gown, the once silky white fabric was torn and dirty. The bandages Levy had so carefully wrapped, hung loose and dirty around Lucy's ribs.
Her arms were coated in layers of dried blood from the lashes on her arms. She was grateful that they had scabbed over in time, otherwise the hay would get in her her wounds and infect them.
She couldn't even feel her cuts anymore, her whole body felt numb. Her mind too preoccupied to think about anything else other than last night's crisis.
From above deck, she could hear the shuffling of multiple feet and yelling. Ignoring it, she knew that probably meant they were about to set sail. Her eyes didn't even bother to look up when she heard loud footsteps stomp down the stairs. Completely lost on her hopeless thoughts.
Once Natsu had boarded the correct ship he had barked wildly at the men, demanding to see Lucy. Unfortunately, the men didn't know Lucy by her name, for all the prisoners were given identification numbers. Plus, these men were not to blame for Lucy's arrival upon their ship.
When he realized he was getting nowhere with the men, he took matters into his own hands and decided to search the desks himself. Upon entering the lower deck his nose was filled with a putrid stench, smelling of human waste and rotting wood.
He passed dozens of metal cages containing all sorts of different people. This could not be legal! From the awful sight, he was even more determined to find Lucy.
Natsu searched the entire level before descending a second set of stairs. The smell there was even worse than the deck above. The cages on this level looked thicker and stronger, most likely for the "more expensive" merchandise.
In a cage against the wall he saw blonde, but much less than he had expected. It was Lucy, but her long light hair had been chopped, probably sold for its color. Her hair now floated just above her shoulders.
After the shock of her different style he called out to her. "Lucy!"
At first she didn't respond, but she slowly turned her head. Lucy's eyes were dim and fallen, but the moment she caught sight of him, they regained a small bit of life.
"Natsu?" Her voice barely over a whisper.
"Lucy!" Natsu ran up to her cell and grabbed the bars.
But the sudden movement must have scared her and she covered her face in fear. Natsu was stunned by this reaction, did she really think he was going to hurt her? He would never do such a thing!
This was when Natsu noticed her wounds, she had dozens, if not more. Her fearful hands shielded her, which perfectly lined her scars together. Natsu horrifyingly realized that they were defensive wounds, she had attained her scars from trying to protect herself.
Grey caught up and handed Natsu the jailer keys. "Thought you might want these."
"Thanks." Natsu took them and approached the lock gently. He made sure that he didn't make any sudden movements, not wanting to scare her again. He unlocked the door and entered, Lucy watched him but hadn't stood herself.
"Are you really here?" Her eyes filled with tears.
"Yeah." Natsu reached out slowly and placed her into his lap. "Come on, let's go home."
"I can't go back there."
"Thats not the home I was talking about Luce." Natsu laughed slightly.
"What?" She looked deeply confused.
"I want you to come live with me in the Palace."
"I can't do that. Im not royalty."
"Maybe we should change that." Natsu placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small black box.
At first Lucy didn't understand, but her eyes widened when he opened it. Inside was a ring, a beautiful gold band, embroidered with roses. It was simple, not holding any large stone and Lucy loved it.
"I know you aren't the flashy type, so I thought this would suit you." Natsu blushed.
Lucy couldn't contain her tears and sobbed joyfully, clinging unto his free hand tightly.
"Lucy Heartfilia, will you be my Princess?" He asked from his sitting position, her back gently leaned against his chest.
Lucy couldn't form words and simply nodded her head vigorously. She took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her dirty, trembling fingers.
It seemed like the weight from Natsu's shoulders vanished, he was the happiest man in the world. He took her newly ringed hand and kissed the top of her dirty knuckles.
"Lets go home."
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