Episode 6

'An eye for an eye. A wrong for a wrong.'

Gauri was about to pour a glass of water when Ishana yelled from the living room: get me some water too.

Gauri groaned as she poured a glass of water for Arjun and a glass for the brat then went to give it to them. She gave a glass of water to Ishana first. Then she went to give it to their guest. When she went to give it to him, he said: wow Om, your family finally have good taste in maids.

Arjun winked at her again whilst Om rolled his eyes then looked at Gauri who picked up the broom. He saw that she was feeling a little uncomfortable.

Om: umm Gauri, check if Shwetaji has anything for you to do.

Gauri: I was told by Jhanvi mam to sweep the living room floor.

Om was about to speak when Ishana said: let her sweep the floor. By the way Gajra, whilst you sweep the floor, clean this.....

She poured the water on the fall. Gauri watched as the water fell on the floor. During this moment, Gauri was thinking about just grabbing Ishana by the neck to strangle her and then go in her naagin form to give her a snake bite since her one bite could kill anyone. But she resisted the urge since Ishana was not technically on her kill list.

Arjun was though.

Gauri looked at Arjun with hatred in her eyes when Ishana grabbed her face with one hand to make Gauri face her.

Ishana: clean this floor up. If someone slips then it's your fault right?

Om: Ishana, can I talk to you alone please?

Ishana: of course Om baby.

Clearly she failed to hear the frustration and anger in his voice.

Om got up from the sofa and grabbed Ishana's wrist bringing her to a side near the kitchen. Gauri went into the kitchen to get a cloth, but really she went to the kitchen so she could hear what Om was going to say to that witch Ishana.

Om: Ishana, what is up with your attitude? I know you are also stressed about the wedding like a lot of us here but come on, your attitude is getting a bit unbearable.

Ishana: unbearable?

Om: yes unbearable.

Ishana: you have known me since preschool and you are telling me now that my attitude is unbearable?! Wow.

Om: I don't know what's gotten into you and why you are acting like this but please Ishana! Can you just sort this attitude of yours out a bit? Please?

Ishana: first of all Gayatri....

Om: Gauri.

Ishana: whatever. Anyway Girika's job is to serve us. She is supposed to clean our house, make us food, clean this, clean that, handle our mess. I was just making sure that she was doing her job. Second of all, why the hell do you care? I told you not to bother about her. Third of all, Griva is not special. She, like all the other servants, needs to do her job so please stop having a problem.

Om: but what was the point of pouring the water on the floor?

Ishana: I did that by mistake!

Om: mistake? More like on purpose.

Ishana: yaar stop having a problem with everything. Now go be with Arjun and make sure that Hema is doing her work.

Om: that's not even close to her name.

Ishana: just go, I need to take a call.

Om groaned and left. He didn't want to deal with Ishana's brattiness anymore. This brattiness had come out of nowhere.

Gauri, knowing that he was going to go to the living room, quickly grabbed a random cloth to go into the living room. She wanted to hear what Ishana was going to talk about on the phone but sadly, life wasn't always fair.

Gauri entered the living room the same time Om did.

Arjun: what took you so long beautiful?

Gauri: I was trying to find a cloth.

She said as she went on her knees to clean the water that Ishana intentionally dropped on the floor. Om noticed his friend staring at Gauri in a luscious way. He was going to say something when Rudy came with something in his hand. Lord knows what it was. Om wondered what the hell this duffer had in his hands.

Rudy: hey Arjun bro and Om.

Om: hi...

Rudy never really said 'hi' to him.

Arjun: hey Rudy.

Rudy: hi Gauri.

Gauri looked up at Rudy and said: hi. What do you want me to do for you?

Rudy: kuch nahi...Arjun bro, you know since yesterday I have been having this strange feeling. I don't know why...

Arjun: oh really why?

Rudy: this new maid.

He said looking at Gauri. Gauri looked up once again....what was this man on about? Om was also confused. Would any of his family and Ishana just give Gauri a break already? She was only new and she was just trying to earn money for herself since sadly in order to survive in the world, you needed money.

Arjun: how can you suspect such a sexy maid?

Gauri rolled her eyes as he said that, thinking to herself: these humans are so dirty-minded. They always have these dirty thoughts.

Rudy: she isn't sexy bro. You always have such a bad taste in women. Honestly. Gauri, I need to give you something.

Gauri: kya?

Rudy finally revealed the thing that was in his hand. Om realised what it was and knew that his brother was very much likely to shake the garlic from the garlic shaker on Gauri.

Om: Rudy, don't be a kid.

He said as he got up to stop Rudy but it was too late, he had shaked it on Gauri...urgh does anyone in this house who was not a servant had anything called brain cells?

Gauri: what the hell? Why did you shake garlic on me?

Om: exactly Rudy. Tell us why you shaked garlic on her.

Rudy: I was just seeing if she was a vampire because did you know that vampires hate garlic?

Gauri: I am not a vampire, what was the point of doing this?

Rudy: I just get a weird feeling from you. If you are not a vampire, you could be a werewolf or maybe a ghost!

Om rolled his eyes and said to his brother: get lost Rudra.

Rudy: okay. Besides I have better things to do.

Om: sure.

Rudy left the three in the living room. Gauri got up to place the cloth back in the kitchen and then she went back to the living room, picking up the broom to clean the floor. She was honestly hating this job but she had to suck up all her complaints and everything because at the end of the day, being a servant for these spoilt brats would be worth it.

Ishana came and smiled seeing Gauri working. She sat next to Om and said: Arjun, I need to talk to you if that's okay.

Arjun: of course.

Ishana: and Om baby, before I came, Jhanvi mum wanted you to come and see if the kurta for the haldi fits you.

Om: theek hai.

Ishana smiled as the two men stood up and Arjun went with Ishana whilst Om went by himself to see the kurta Jhanvi wanted him to try on. Gauri was done sweeping the floor and kept the broom to where she found it. Shweta came to her and told her to dust some of the photo frames. Gauri sighed the moment Shweta left and got a clean piece of cloth so that she could dust the photo frames. The first photo she decided to dust was of the same little boy she saw in the family portrait earlier...the little boy with his hair a little long and very silky. It was a black and white photo and he was wearing a kurta. He wore the most innocent smile ever.

She looked at him and once again, something flashed in her mind....she saw a riverside, the riverside that was often found in the jungle. The vision in her mind was still blurred but she could make out the little things. She could tell that the little girl was her but she couldn't tell who the boy was.

Little Gauri: do you know swimming?

Boy: nahi. You?

Little Gauri nodded and then jumped into the water.

Little Gauri: if you don't know swimming, I can teach you.

Boy: nahi it's fine.

Little Gauri: theek hai, toh phir take off your shoes and keep your feet in the pond.

The little boy nodded as he did what she told him to do.

Gauri came back to reality. Why was she thinking about her being with some little boy when she herself was a young naagin? Why was she thinking about memories that definitely didn't happen in real life?

Maybe she was just having stupid illusions for no reason.

Meanwhile Ishana brought Arjun to a side and said: do you like the new maid?

Arjun: that Gauri person?

Ishana: yeah the Gita person.

Arjun: I do, she is so pretty. Think I can get her in my bed?

Ishana: of course, you are Arjun after all. I wonder which woman has not fallen in love with you.

Arjun: you obviously.

Ishana: haan it's my fault that I fell for Abhay and now I have to deal with this whole marriage drama.

Arjun: has he called you yet?

Ishana: he has. The plan is all sorted. I need my ticket to be a one way ticket for Paris. Anyway about Gaila...

Arjun: who's Gaila?

Ishana: the new maid idiot!

Arjun: oh Gauri, yeah continue.

Ishana: flirt with her, flirt with her all you want. Just keep her away from Om. If you can, humiliate her in public. Make people laugh at her because I don't like that bitch. I really don't like her and please I'd do anything just to see that girl get laughed at.

Arjun: for an old friend, I'll do anything.

Ishana: thank you.

They hugged. Ishana smirked. Knowing Arjun, he would manage to embarrass Gauri someway or another in the haldi ceremony today.


It was finally nearly time for the haldi ceremony. Gauri was about to go into the place she was staying at to take a shower since she didn't get a chance to get rid of the garlic. Before she went, Pakhi stopped her.

Gauri: kya hua?

Pakhi: Miss Katrina Kaif, it's the haldi ceremony today and we are all requested to wear the yellow sarees so here is the yellow sari for you.

Gauri: thank you.

She said as Pakhi gave Gauri the sari and went away. Gauri went to her place and took a quick shower then after the shower, she went to put on the new sari on her. Once she was done draping the sari on her, she looked at herself in the mirror that was in the tiny bathroom. She was wearing a mustard cotton silk sari with gathers and it was adorned with zari, zardosi, moti and resham floral butti. The silk sari was also styled with a detached draped pallo with embroidered border and it was paired with a cream raw silk high neck blouse with center embroidery in floral motif. She kept her colourful bangles on her wrists then she grabbed a hair tie and was about to tie her hair up...

At that moment, she remembered Om telling her yesterday that open hair suited her more. Remembering this, she kept the hair tie to a side, leaving her long hair open and then left the place.

She went into the ancestral mansion and was immediately given a tray by Anika.

Anika: mind giving these drinks to the guests please?

Gauri nodded as she walked away from Anika to give the drinks to the guests. Rudy went up to Anika and said: if this new maid is not a vampire, what could she be?

Anika: I don't know. I agree that there is something strange about her but I refuse to believe that she is some mythical creature.

Rudy: well I think that she is. If she is not a vampire, could she be a zombie?

Anika: are you mad?!

Rudy: no.

Anika rolled her eyes.

In the meantime, as Gauri was giving drinks to the guests, her eyes suddenly caught Om walking down the golden stairs. He was dressed in a white kurta and had left some of the top buttons undone. He left his hair open as well. She looked at him as she gave the guests their drinks.

She never thought she would think that a human being actually looked kind of attractive. Urgh why was she thinking about how a human looked attractive and especially about a human who was attractive and who was about to marry a spoiled brat who seriously needed help?

Om's eyes caught Gauri who was still serving the guests drinks. He gave a small smile seeing her...she managed to make a simple sari look so expensive and so beautiful. He saw her smile. Her smile was pure and it was beautiful just like her.

He didn't realise it when he first met her but now he noticed that there was something about her smile...had he by any chance seen her smile when he was younger?

No...of course not...he didn't even know a Gauri when he was younger. He was thinking a bit too much. Dadi came to him, smiling and brought her to his seat. Ishana's mother and Jhanvi kept the mustard yellow chuni in between Ishana and Om as it was time to apply haldi to the soon to be married couple.

As per tradition, haldi was to be applied to the groom first so Dadi was the first person to apply the pastel yellow paste on Om....she was the first since if there was any family member Om was close to, it was Dadi. Though he didn't often tell her how he felt, she was still there for her. She raised him and even made him realise his talent.....his talent for something that he couldn't bear to talk about anymore.

Jhanvi then applied haldi on Om then Tej did. Gauri looked at Tej and thought to herself: haan smile karo. Smile because tough times are coming.

After Om's brothers adorned him with haldi, it was Arjun's turn. Gauri's attention focused on Arjun...

Gauri in mind: I don't see how you can enjoy this function, be smiling when you commited a sin. You smiling is a crime itself. Enjoy, smile because soon you won't even be able to breathe!

Jhanvi: now the servants can apply haldi to Om.

Gauri was made to go last. When it was her turn though, she dipped her hand into the bowl of pastel yellow paste and stroked her hand on his cheek.

For some reason, it felt weird. It was weird that Gauri was applying haldi to Om...it was almost as if she wasn't supposed to apply haldi on him. Perhaps the universe didn't want her to apply haldi to Om...

Also when Gauri applied haldi on Om, they both felt this kind of feeling. A feeling when butterflies decide to fly free in your stomach. That was the feeling these two were feeling.

Jhanvi: Gauri, I want you to take this haldi bowl to Ishana's side.

Gauri nodded as she picked up the bowl and looked at Om before she left.

Om in mind: why did it feel weird when Gauri applied haldi to me?

Gauri brought the haldi to Ishana's side.

Ishana: thank you Gehna.

Gauri: it's Gauri and your welcome.

Ishana smiled as Gauri went away. Gauri watched as she kept snacks on the plates. She saw a tall woman dressed in some bright flamboyant sari with the veil covering her face. This woman came to Ishana and applied haldi to her.

Gauri had saw that Ishana only gave a small smile to everyone else who applied haldi on her but when this tall woman applied haldi on her, then Ishana gave such a big smile.

Gauri was a little confused when the music started playing and the guests started to dance. Gauri gave a little sigh. Was loud music always necessary in these weddings?

As people were dancing and as she served them, Arjun came up to Gauri.

Arjun: will you dance with me?

Gauri: I don't know how to dance.

Arjun: arre that doesn't matter, come on and dance with me.

Gauri: I have work to do.

Arjun: come on yaar. You should be honoured that I am asking you to dance with me...I only ask sexy and hot girls to dance with me.

Gauri made a disgusted face and said: so ask a hot and sexy girl to dance.

Arjun: you are that sexy and hot girl.

Gauri: I need to work, I don't know how to dance so please find someone else.

Arjun: so you won't dance with me?

Gauri shook her head.

Arjun got mad. He was not used to getting refused by girls so he grabbed hold of Gauri's sari skirt.

Gauri: leave me!

She said but it was too late. Arjun teared her sari skirt. Ishana couldn't help but let out a small quiet giggle as she smirked. Everyone saw but no one said anything....well no one expect...

Om: what the hell Arjun? I didn't think that you would do such a thing to a girl!

Arjun: chill Om. Don't get so hyped up.

Om: don't you feel any shame for tearing Gauri's sari?

Arjun: Om, relax. It's not a big deal!

Om: can you even hear yourself speak? It's people like you who manage to kill humanity!

Gauri in mind: I agree.

Arjun: Om, can you just take a chill pill? Don't get annoyed. You should be concerned about Ishana not Gauri. Ishana deserves your attention.

Om: I always give Ishana my attention and concern. Is it my fault that I care for other people?

Arjun: then is it my fault that this girl said no and she was just killing the mood?

Om: when someone says no, it doesn't mean anything else. No simply means no!

Arjun: for the last time Om, relax.

Om: say sorry to her at least.

Arjun: I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I even say sorry?

Om sighed then looked at Gauri.

Om: come with me.

He said and grabbed Gauri's wrist. Normally Ishana would say something but she didn't. She smiled at the tall woman who she earlier gave a big smile to as everyone went back to their gossip talks.

Precap: 'Why is Om sign on your hand?'

Who gets the Om sign on their hand?

Is there really a woman in that bright sari or someone else?

Will Om find out about this Abhay?

Will Gauri manage to kill Arjun?

Target: 20+ votes and 10+ comments

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