He's a Creep
Mia laid on her new bed for the next couple of weeks (or for however long it'd take for the videos). It was very awkward anyway, though, seeing as Dark gave her Celine's old room on the part of the mansion where 'Who Killed Markipler' was filmed.
She tried not to let it get to her, though. Marvin and Jackie were sharing Actor Mark's old room. Henrik and Chase were sharing a guestroom, Sean (and Evelien when she arrived) was in Mark's house in his guestroom and Anti . . . ..
Anti was stuck with Jameson in Celine's old seer room next door to her room . . or well . . where Mia was now staying in for now.
It was just a very weird situation for everyone as always when they had to come stay over but there was literally no room otherwise.
Anyway, it had been a very long first day. Granted, everyone was just hanging out but it was EXHAUSTING. Mia didn't like hanging around so many people all at once, even if they were all practically family to her.
Some of the Ipliers still flirted with her even though she made it perfectly clear she wasn't interested. She nearly strangled Illinois but thought it best not to just in case he liked it. Not to mention Wilford's weird way of flirting.
Unconsciously, unwrapping foil, she snapped out a square of dark chocolate that Dark had gifted her again, 'I wonder where he gets it from?' she wondered briefly but shook her head at it. It didn't really matter.
'Probably straight from Europe, though, knowing him. He always goes overboard on everything whether he knows it or not'
She giggled at the thought. No one would ever realize that no matter how cute Dark looked or 'ideal', he'd always be like a brother to her, always venting to her, making sure she was okay, gifting her chocolate she loved when he knew Henrik was being a dick. . . .
Yeah, Henrik called her out again at dinner tonight on how much she was eating but she was actually surprised at the result this time.
At the table, everyone was eating and enjoying each other's company. Mia was on her second helping of pizza with breadsticks on the side when Henrik made the comment.
"Mia, you really should control yourself. Remember your portion control problems? One helping is enough"
It was embarrassing but Henrik seemed to think he was just looking out for her. Classic toxic parenting.
Mia slowly put down her pizza slice and Dark seemed to look pissed, about ready to tell off Henrik.
Until someone else did it first.
"Oi fooking lay off, her will ya!?" Anti shoved the doctor, "Let her fooking eat what she wants! We don't tell YOU how much coffee to drink! Besides, it's not like you haven't eaten just as much as her tonight"
Everyone was surprised by Anti's defense but he kept eating as if it were nothing, "Eat your fucking food, girl"
Dark's eye twitched, about ready to tell him to be more polite but fell into silence, seeing Mia start to eat again. A light blush on her face and a small smile.
Everyone had gone quiet at first but soon, the air bubbled with conversation once more, the disturbance forgotten.
End of Flashback
Mia smiled at the memory. She didn't think Anti would ever come to anyone's defense like that. She still loved Henrik deeply but sometimes, he could be a real insensitive prick.
Suddenly her light flickered and she licked her lips of the chocolate, "You can come out, Anti. I'm decent"
The light buzzed before Anti finally glitched his body in the room, "Fucking hell. Didn't think a mute could be so damn annoying in his sleep. For someone who can't talk, he can sure fucking snore!"
Mia chuckled, "Yeah, he's an odd one . . . .so why were you in Dark's office earlier today?"
Anti seemed to pale, "What?"
She gave him the 'look', "You can't fool me. I'm not stupid, Anti. I saw the lamp on his desk flicker. I know it was you"
He shrugged, "Nothing . . . I was just watching was all. I don't like Dark"
"Could have guessed that. So why are you in my room, again?"
He shrugged again, "Jameson's snoring"
She rolled her eyes, "Oh, get out, dude. I'll see you in the morning. Good luck"
He whined, "What? Come on~! Can't I just stay in here with you and lay on the floor . . .or in your computer? I'll be good! I promise!"
"Yeah, I don't trust that." she laughed, "Get out . . . but also . . . thanks for earlier."
He rolled his eyes, "I mean you could thank me by letting me have a good night's sleep but I suppose this'll have to do. Whatever. Let me have a chocolate"
She held it to her, "I thought you didn't want ME to eat it? Why do YOU want it?"
"Well if it's drugged, I'd like to know so I could maybe sleep SOMEHOW. Now hand it over"
She snorted but gave him a chunk and he munched with a hum, "Huh . . it's actually pretty good. Maybe he's just trying to seduce you the old fashioned way after all"
She rolled her eyes again but didn't argue. None of them would believe Dark was asexual anyway.
"Get out"
"Yeah yeah. Tomorrow's the big day. You should get some rest too instead of consuming tons of sugar! You'll get a crash first thing in the morning, dumbass"
But before she could retort, he was gone. Where, she didn't know but she doubted he had went back to the other room with Jameson.
'He is right, though. I should get some sleep'
Anti didn't know why he chose to bother Mia specifically but he had to do it for Jackie as per their deal. Or so that's what he told himself.
Something wasn't right in that house and he was going to find out what. He glitched down in the living room.
It was sort of dark but not so much that he couldn't see where he was going.
He was tempted on flopping onto the couch but saw that someone was already laying on it. The closer he looked, he saw it was Bim. He wouldn't ask why but he WAS curious.
Instead, though, Anti just walked on into the other part of the living room where there was another couch. No one was in it so he made himself comfortable and cuddled into it.
Waking up in the middle of the night, Anti jolted slightly feeling as if he were falling. Blinking, though, he realized he was still on the couch. He stretched and went to look over at the clock.
'3AM . . .. great . . . . Maybe I can still get some more sleep, though.'
But before he could lay back down, he felt a sort of disturbance. He looked around more and froze.
He could just see the top of the stairs from where he was but he saw black shoes and black pants.
'Dark? The fuck is HE doing?'
The feet were just . . . there. He was just standing there.
It seemed like several minutes before he started to walk down the stairs and Anti quickly laid back down, pretending to be asleep . . or one with the couch, hoping Dark didn't see him.
It didn't look like he did, though and Anti watched as he went into the kitchen.
'The hell?'
Way too curious, Anti got up and crept slowly and silently towards where Dark disappeared. He had to admit, even he was creeped out but he'd never admit he was afraid. Even if Dark was stronger than him, he'd never back down.
But there in the night, Anti saw Dark standing in front of the basement door. Just standing there.
Anti couldn't bring himself to alert him of his presence. It was so weird. So creepy. Dark just STOOD there. Finally perturbed enough, Anti crept back into the living room, leaving him be, 'Something's definitely not right . .should I tell Jackie? Or Sean?'
He couldn't go back to sleep and he never heard Dark go back upstairs. He couldn't just fall asleep knowing the bastard could be around any corner waiting to creep on him . . or kill him.
Finally others started to wake up, too and Anti groaned, picking himself up. He didn't see Dark anywhere despite not hearing his footsteps leave but he was fine with not confronting him yet this morning.
Bim was getting coffee and moaned at the taste, he assumed, "Long night? Hey, I don't think we've officially met! I'm Bim Trimmer and-"
"You were on the couch last night. Why?"
Bim blinked stunned at the sudden question but smiled sheepishly, "The Jims were being loud. My room's next to theirs and I'm a light sleeper. Sometimes I like to sleep on the couch in silence, is all"
"I was sleeping on the other couch in the living room on the other side of the house. Did you see Dark last night?"
Bim nodded, "Yeah, he's got a problem."
'I knew it!'
"He sleep-walks nearly every night now, it seems" Bim finished.
"Wait, what?"
"Well yeah. Dark's under a lot of stress. It's only natural for his body to react in such ways. Or at least, that's what Dr. Iplier says. Dark's been sleep-walking a lot lately and it's annoying and weird sometimes but otherwise pretty harmless. We've just been told not to wake him up and leave him be otherwise he could freak out on us"
"Oh" Anti should have realized it was sleepwalking but he wanted to hard to believe that Dark was just weird.
Bim went on to talk about other things but Anti ignored him, walking back to the other part of the mansion back to him and Jameson's room. He knew by now that Jameson liked to wake up early but it was too early to stay up for Anti. He met Jameson on the way but kept going and shut the door behind him, going back to sleep in his own bed. He could rest a little easier now after last's night weird encounter knowing it was just normal sleepwalking behavior.
Or at least that's what he forced himself to believe.
Maybe he didn't even have to tell Jackie about it.
Mia sipped on her coffee with a small smile and stretch, "Man what a day already. I could just go back to sleep, it feels so cozy"
Jackie pouted, "It's raining out, Mia"
"Yeah, I know!" she grinned, "It's the best kind of weather there is for getting comfy!"
"Which means we can't do any recording until the rain stops" he clarified.
Mia nodded, not perturbed by that, "Yeah, I know! It means I don't have to do anything, either like make you guys stronger! It's a good and comfy day!"
Jackie couldn't help but smirk, "Yeah, I guess you'd be excited about that, wouldn't you?"
Bim interjected in the conversation, "Say, I wasn't going to say anything but does Anti have sleeping problems, too?"
Jackie shrugged, "Hell if I know. Why?"
Bim looked out the window at the rain in the back yard, "Well he was downstairs here last night sleeping on the couch in the rec room. Asked about Dark and that. Told him he was sleep walking. All that jazz. Surprised you guys didn't tell him"
"He's still doing that?" Mia grew worried for her friend suddenly, "Why didn't he tell me? I thought he was getting over it"
"I'm guessing it's all the stress of you guys being here" Bim had no filter, "And Anti"
Jackie exhaled, "Yeah, I guess that'd worry just about anyone but why was he down here instead of his guestroom?"
Mia answered for him, "He's sharing with Jameson, remember?"
"Ah yeah . . the snoring" Jackie nodded, "You'd think his sleeping noises would be quieter"
'Should I go check on him?' oddly enough, both Mia AND Jackie had the same thought running in their heads.
But Jackie said it first, "I'm gonna go wake up the lazy bastard. Can't have him sleeping the whole day away"
"Wish I could" Mia sighed.
Just then more of the egos started to come down the stairs, including Dark, ready to join them all for breakfast.
Jackie had ignored Mia's comment and walked back into the other part of the building to where Anti and Jameson's temp rooms were.
He didn't give a shit about being polite and just barged in to see Anti sprawled out on his bed looking too comfortable albeit tired. He walked over carefully before slapping him across the face.
"GUH! WHA!?" Anti flinched, looking around. Only to glare up at Jackie, "I will fucking kill you one day. . . ."
Jackie shrugged, "So Dark sleepwalks"
Anti just snorted and flopped back on the bed looking up at him on his back, "Mm . . . You say that like you already knew. Bim tell ya?"
"Yeah. If you want, you can trade rooms with me. Jameson snores but at least he doesn't compliment himself loudly in his sleep like Marvin"
"No thanks . . . . . I still say the bastard's doing something. I didn't tell ya yesterday, I guess. His desk is way too squeaky clean. Nothing in his room that's fishy at all"
"Okay?" Jackie didn't get it, "Then maybe he's not actually-"
"Anyone that's NOT hiding something wouldn't have NOTHING on their desk like him. No secret in his drawers. No porn on his computer. Nothing under his bed or closet."
Jackie stared at him, "Dude. . . you didn't have to go THAT far"
Anti stretched and turned on his side facing away from him, "If you don't want me involved in your little secret protection shit, then you should have realized ahead of time I'd go through all his business"
"Yeah I guess you're right"
"Of course I am. . . Now get the fuck out so I can actually sleep"
"Dark's up. You really don't wanna get in his face and interrogate him on anything?"
Anti glitched standing up, eyes bright and lit up with insane excitement, "Well when you put it THAT way!"
He glitched out of the room, leaving Jackie by himself.
Jackie growled but left, too, the normal way.
Dark sat at the dining table with tired eyes and a small cup of black tea. Wilford was next to him with an easel and appeared to be vigorously . . . drawing him?
Mia wasn't interested in what Wilford was really drawing but she did notice Dark was more ragged than usual. This morning, he had a button on his vest that wasn't done up right which was very suspicious.
With a sigh, she leaned towards him and started to do it right. Dark put down his cup and stared at her but realized what she was doing, keeping quiet so no one would notice. They did, though.
When done, she looked back up at him, "Are you okay?"
Dark's eyes squinted seeming maybe a little offended, "Of course I am. Eat your breakfast. You'll need the energy for later today if the rain ever stops"
What a way to be reminded again and again. Mia's hopes dropped when she looked outside and the clouds seemed lighter signifying that the rain might almost be over.
She wasn't looking forward to today, being used as a steroid but they really wanted to do this video with stunts so why crush their hopes?
"Hey creep!" Anti suddenly glitched on the table leaning forward and squatting in front of Dark so they were eye to eye.
"ANTI!" Mai shouted at him, "Get off the fucking table! That's rude!"
Anti ignored her, though, staring right into Dark's black pupils, "The fuck was that all about last night, ya weirdo? And why the hell don't you have any porn on your computer or anything in your fucking room or office?! It's weird! Too clean! You doing something fishy, ya freak!?"
Dark snorted softly and blinked at him, "You were in my computer?"
Anti grabbed him by the shirt collar, "Answer me, asshole"
"Anti!" Marvin even yelled at him, "Let him go and be fucking normal, please! You're causing a scene!"
"He's SO gonna get his ass kicked" Yandere giggled.
Yancy nudged them, "Five bucks says Dark kills him this time"
Dark stood up, making Anti have to regain his balance and glitch back onto the floor instead, "You were staring at the basement door last night for hours. Just fucking TELL me that isn't weird!"
But just as Jackie appeared in the room, Dark gave Anti a small smile, making chills go down his spine.
"Antisepticeye . . . Sometimes I sleep-walk. I supposed I should have told you Septics that sooner. But just because I don't have porn on my computer doesn't mean that's weird. And as for being clean? I have OCD. Big deal"
"Every guy looks at porn!" Anti shouted, "You don't even have it in your browser history!"
"Oh so just because I'm a decent human being means I'm weird?" Dark rolled it back on him, "Sounds like YOU are the one with problems, Anti"
"OOOOOO!" Wilford laughed, "Darky got you there, glitchy!"
Mia intervened, "Look, just relax, Anti." she tried, "Dark's not hiding anything and if he is, it doesn't involve us. So just-"
Anti growled and shook her off of him, "Oh shut the fuck up! You're so far up his fucking ass, it's pathetic! You can't see the obvious because you're too busy being his little bitch!"
There was a sudden crack in the air.
Everyone stopped and went quiet.
Anti even went silent as Mia slapped him across the face HARD.
The girl seethed, "It was my decision not to kick you out, Anti. Remember that I can revoke that, asshole"
The front door opened and Mark, Amy Sean and Evelien came in. Sean shuddered, "Whoo! Cold air coming in here! Guys! Look! Evelien's plane got here early!"
"Hi guys!" she smiled at them all.
But everyone was still shocked at the morning drama.
Mia wasn't in the right headspace anymore and walked away out the room.
Jackie tried to stop her but she shook him off, "Leave me alone"
Anti could feel everyone's glare on him. Even Dark's glare made him feel bad. He was just trying to make Dark look bad.
Did he go too far?
Everyone's looks on him and Mia's hit said yes.
'Dammit . . . . again?'
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