Took long to write this, but yay. I'm bACK
.: Six's P.o.V. :.
.: First Person :.
It was the Minotaur.
Quickly I dodged to the side, the two boys did too. Like all other bulls in the world the Minotaur charged straight, crashing into some books and toppling it over, crashing or bouncing off his head and back. It huffed before backing up and turned to us, the three of us started to run away before it would impale one of us.
"What is that?!" Seven shouted. I faced him with an 'Are You Serious Face and remembered he didn't clearly know much about the Myths. Obviously he wouldn't know.
"It's the Minotaur, Seven!" I answered, "You know, half bull half man?"
Seven's face filled with fear once I told him that, probably he heard stories about the monster, "Oh right," he gulped once the Minotaur bellowed. We zipped away to another side of the labrynth like Library, everywhere was bookselves and towering books.
The Minotaur body slammed a stack of books and pursued us. He charged straight for Seven.
"Seven watch out!" I warned, Seven was late to realize it and the Minotaur slapped him away with the back of his big hand, Seven flew and his back slammed the stacks of books, toppling it over. The sack left Seven's hands and rolled away.
"Seven!" I gasped while running up to him, the Minotaur glared at me and I froze in fear. The Minotaur charged, but Mono turned to a big brown bull and with his horns he scratched the Minotaur's side. Mono stood infront of me, he looked at me and motioned his gaze to Seven, telling me that I should hurry.
I nodded and ran for Seven, I jumped over the books and saw he was under some of them. I quickly tossed them away and saw Seven groaning, "Seven! You okay?"
Seven carefully lifted his head, "I think so, a bit sore," he mumbled and I helped him up, boy he was heavy.
The Minotaur bellowed behind us and I turned to see his attention focused now on Mono and the monster charged straight for him. Mono quickly turned to brownish cheetah and dodged, jumping over to the Minotaur's back and clawing it, causing some more injuries for the half man monster.
The Minotaur roared in pain, Mono kept scratching as the Minotaur started shaking and jumping. Mono used his claws to hold on. Seven and I just watched in bizarre seeing it turned to one of those intense Bull Riding Rodeos but instead of a person it was a cheetah.
The Minotaur bucked strongly and made Mono fly off. Mono clawed the books and climbed to the top, he turned back to his human form and looked at us, "Don't just stand there, do something!" Mono shouted.
I blinked, realizing we were just standing there, "O-oh right!" I stammered while looking over the Minotaur. He huffed while shaking his head and running to the book stack Mono was on, trying to shake him off. I scanned around the monster and looked down to see the sack that Seven let go.
My eyes widened once I realized what was in the sack.
"Seven! Mono! I have an idea!" I announced.
"Just try to get the Minotaur's attention! Both of you!" I said while pointing to the sack. Mono hopped to another book stack when the Minotaur managed to topple the one he stood on, "Well I am already holding his attention that this dude is very mad at me!" He said.
"Seven go help him, I'll get the sack," I said and Seven nodded, using all his strength to run to the Minotaur and using his sword he swung, cutting the Minotaur's hind leg. The Minotaur bellowed and now focused his attention to Seven, huffing through his nostrils before charging for him.
"Uh... good bull?" Seven said before the Minotaur roared and pursured him, Seven yelled and ran away, I watched as they obviously went where the sack laid. Sighing, I ran for them before they squished the sack. Mono chased for the two while he stood on the stacks of books then jumped once he was near, turning to a brown saber tiger - yes those prehistoric extinct cats - mid-jump and bit the Minotaur's side.
The Minotaur was not happy, at all.
I saw the sack was just on the other side of where the Minotaur stood, the Minotaur stood and tried shaking Mono off while swaying his hands around to hit Seven.
While the Minotaur was occupied by the two boys, I quickly slid under the Minotaur and reached the other side. I grabbed the sack's rope, and turned to see the Minotaur bucked trying to make Mono fly off once again and I quickly dodged him before he would trample me.
"Okay now get away from there!" I said while avoiding the Minotaur and running to where Seven stood. Mono let go of the Minotaur and turned to a horse, quickly zipping away to us before the Minotaur would grab him.
The Minotaur glared at us and charged, his horns ready to impale us all, I stood infront of him while opening the sack, reaching my hand in I felt the Medusa's snaky hair and held on it.
"Close your eyes!" I shouted while closing my eyes shut and pulling out Medusa's head, with my other hand I pulled the eyelids open so the Minotaur could get a full on out blow of the dead Medusa's stone turning powers.
I heard something crack, I reached down for the sack and quickly shoved the Medusa's head into the sack before slightly opening my eye, taking a peek.
The Minotaur was a statue, stood frozen in fear as it tried to stop himself from charging for us. I smirked while opening my eyes wide, it worked perfectly.
"Can we open our eyes now?" Seven asked and I turned to see him and Mono - who turned back to human form - looking away, no doubt their eyes were still closed. "Yes you can," I said and they faced the statue Minotaur, Seven's face went slack with shock, "I guess the eyes do work."
"Of course they would," Mono said, I turned to him, "Hey Mono you can turn to a saber? I thought those were extinct."
"I can turn to any land animal, Six," Mono explained hastily and Seven snickered, "So you can turn to a dinosaur?" He joked.
Mono glared at Seven, "Yes I could, when I want to," he said and Seven lit up, "Wait you're serious?"
"Obviously," Mono said with a hint of amusement in his voice. Seven's jaw dropped and he smirked, "Can you turn into one now?"
Mono huffed, "We're wasting time, let's go already."
"Nooo not without seeing a dinosaur Mono, Six you'd want to see one too right?" Seven asked me and I shrugged, "I guess, well I've never seen dinosaurs before."
"See! Now turn into one!" Seven said happily, I am betting this won't bode well, "Not now," Mono said and Seven pouted, "You're bluffing!"
Mono clicked his tounge, "Oh we'll see who's bluffing-"
The three of us jolted from the voice that echoed through the library. I recognized it as the Janitor's voice. The three of us ran and quickly hid behind one of the towering books, I peeked out to see the Janitor waddling into the aisle, on his hand was a rope tied to a loop.
Author: Lemme have this moment to think the Janitor yee-hawing while catching the Minotaur like a country dude-- pfft.
If I could remember from the stories, Asterion was the name of the Minotaur, and... tons of disgustings stuff like the Queen of Crete getting attracted to a prized white bull and doing that it which caused the Minotaur--
Ugh no, no, no. I don't want to think of that. I read too much books.
"What are you doing toppling my books?!" The Janitor growled while waiting for the Minotaur to respond, the Janitor's eyebrows furrowed, "Asterion?! Minotaur?!" He reached out blindly to know where the Minotaur stood and patted his stony back.
The Janitor gasped while retracting his arm, "What happened to you?!" He schreeched while running up and feeling the Minotaur's head, "You're turned to stone!"
No schist, I thought while I see Mono and Seven slowly backing up and I followed, the Janitor was still occupied, debaffled why the Minotaur had turned to stone so it was the best time to escape before he noticed us.
We quickly dashed away, the Janitor started patting the floorboards and sniffing the air, "Come back here you little runts!" He growled and I urged an invisible wall behind me, it worked and the Janitor head slammed to the wall.
It made me a but weak for such a magic stunt but I urged on, Mono turned to a cheetah and quickly ran to the corner. Seven and I followed him, we saw a thick locked metal door at the end of the hall and Mono stopped and turned back to his human form, "Hurry! You guys get on and brace yourseleves," he said.
Seven and I stopped once we were close enough, "What?" Mono sighed and turned big.
Holy Hera he could turn into a dinosaur.
Mono turned to a brownish T-Rex, he roared urgently at us and we both climbed unto his back, the Janitor roared behind chasing up on us and managed to destroy my invisible wall. Mono backed up and charged, slamming the door like nothing.
The bolts broke and caused a smoke screen, Seven and I ducked before some metal shards or bolts hit us in the head. Mono thundered away and went into another room by once again body slamming the door, using his tail he threw some big crates and blocked the entrance.
Mono lied down while in his dinosaur form and we slipped down from his back, he turned back to human gasping while turning to Seven, "Told ya I turn to a dinosaur," he said before collasping.
Seven and I ran beside him, "Mono?! You okay?" I shook him and he sighed, "Just a bit tired, Six. Using a dinosaur makes me tired quickly unlike the other kinds of animals. That and I turned to too much animals already," he explained while carefully pushing himself up.
"Well, I do get tired too when using the Mist too much," I said while helping him up, the Janitor shouted behind us and passed by the hall we were in that Mono blocked.
"Okay, that helped us get away from that blind old man, let's go where this would lead us," Mono suggested and we both nodded while walking deeper into the hall we went in.
.: Third Person :.
"What?!" The Lady screeched while turning to the Janitor, after a few hours that he couldn't find the three brats, he quickly went to report to the Lady. He winced when the Lady rose her voice and waddled backwards, "The Minotaur and Medusa have been killed, Madam," he repeated.
The Lady scowled and slammed her fist on the table, "I had a hard time buying off that bull monster from that auction! And ugh don't get me started with Medusa!" She growled and turned, storming to the stout Janitor, "Who did this? Do you know who did it?" She spat and the Janitor cowered in fear.
"The two brats' voices were familiar, the one I captured just a few hours ago. And the other... it is him," the Janitor said and the Lady scoffed, "I know they are all brats, but what are their names?!"
The Janitor gulped in fear while trying to back away from the Lady before she could strangle him with her magic, "Six, Seven, and... Mono, Madam," he said.
The Lady's eyes widened and she balled her hand to a fist, the black magic swirling around her fingertips and flickering to her arm, "Those... three..."
The Janitor cowered away, making sure the Lady wouldn't cast out her magic to him, "Yes Madam... Quite a weird trio but they're all misfits," he said.
The Lady nodded while sighing, calming down, "I do not appreciate that you interrupted my chat with a special guest, but seeing those three, those said three, are the ones who killed the Minotaur and Medusa. I think my special guest can help me slow one of them down," she said while turning to the other woman sitting on the lounge, smirking under her mask, "You can curse the one child with hunger with your powers, right? In exchange I would feed you as many meat you'd want."
The other woman smirked, "Oh I'd love that," she licked her lips and stood up, "Which one?"
"The first child, and the most important one. The child of Hecate."
I was just so frikin lazy but NOW I'VE DONE IT, oh and I am quite busy with my other fanfic so yeah.
But mostly I'm lazy cuz I am l a g g i n g.
Oh wekp, I ate too much sugar and wow sugar rush is true my head hurts and I can see the world in a new view.
Wattpad: Publish Finished.
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