Truth or Dare #24
Aaron: Afffffmoo? Wha- I've never seen you in my life.
Aphmau: Yes you have, we wer- we ARE boyfriend and girlfriend
Aaron: Um I think you're a little off-your- rocker. I'm dating a wonderful girl named Michi.
Aphmau cringed
Aphmau: listen, do you know what a Love Potion is?
Aaron: Yes- wait why am I still talking to you?
Aphmau: Because you know me! You're my boyfriend whose been hit with a love potion! Remember Aarmau? An-And KC shipping us.... and Garroth and Laurence getting jealous?
Aaron: I think you mean Aarchi (Michi + Aaron) and I don't know a Garroth. Laurence is dating one of Michi friends Rebekah and was NEVER interested it you. So i suggest you leave before I-
just then Aphmau grabs him and kisses him causing Aaron to faint
Aphmau: EEP! Aaron!!
Aaron: mainqsubdiwnsoamqow....
He opens his eyes slowly
Aaron: A-Aph?
Aphmau: Aaron?! Are you-
Aaron: I had this weird dream... I was whisked away from the Truth or Dare set by, I think it was Michi. It was horrible and I-
Aphmau: It's real.
Aaron: What
Aphmau: I just cured you, my um uh... kissing you.....
Aphmau blushed and Aaron laughed
Aaron: well now we can go back right?
Aphmau: wrong... you have to act like you're madly in love with Michi so we can gather everyone else
Aaron shivered
Aaron: I don't want to go back... She's psycho!
Aphmau: pfft you'll be fiiiiiine. Just don't give yourself away
Katelyn's Portal
Katelyn: owwwwww my head!
Kateyln: Travis Valcrum! Stop yelling I feel like I just was hit in the head with a brick (lol Heros of Olympus reference)
Travis: Whose your boyfriend?
Kateyln: ummm what?
Travis: Who. Is. Your. Boyfriend?
Katelyn: I don't have one
Travis: Wha-
Katelyn: I have a wonderful husband with an adorable child named Taylor
Travis: awww bebe!
Katelyn: Why do you ask?
Travis: Wellllllll Zenix MAY have splashed a love potion on you and took you to The End.
Katelyn: The End? Travis you idiot this isn't a book geez I didn't realized I married such a doofus
Travis: No... the other dimension sweetheart
Katelyn: pfft I knew that... also DONT CALL ME SWEETHEART!
Travis: heh... alright let's get outta here before-
Katelyn: WTF was that
Travis: SHHHHH!
Katelyn: TRA-
Travis: whispers Kate, hon this is Lucinda's home so TRY to be a little... quieter!
Katelyn: whispers Sh*t Travis why the hell are we here?!
Travis: whispers how else was I going t- oh wait... that WAS stupid
Katelyn: whispers yeah you dolt! You're a warlock for Irene's sake
Travis: whispers I just now thought of that
Katelyn: whispers oui now we have to get out of here without her catching us
Travis: whispers I'm sorry!
Click click click
Katelyn: whispers she's close
Click click click
Travis: whispers to the right
Travis and Katelyn hurry down the right hallway right off of the potion room just as Lucinda walked into her potion room mumbling
Lucinda: Ugh that idiotic Rebekah girl! She didn't even let me take my prize!
She turned opening a locked cabinet which revealed a shrine of Travcinda. Lucinda sighed as she stared of a picture of Travis smiling
Lucinda: They let Zenix take Katelyn, Zeke take Wolfie, Michi take Aaron, Rebekah take Laurence... but wouldn't let me take TRAVIS!
Lucinda screamed and threw one of her glass potion bottles in the comer of the room
Travis: whispers She's psycho
Katelyn: whispers No kidding
Travis: whispers alright let's get outta here
Lucinda: sigh Travis~
Katelyn: ew... she's obsessed with you
Travis: pfft who wouldn't be? Have you seen this handsome face he made a duck face and posed then laughed alright let's gooooo!
Wolfie's portal
Wolfie: Zeke bebe! Is breakfast ready yet?
Zeke: One more minute sweetie~
Wolfie: mmmm! I smell your yummy homemade omelet that you make so perfectly~ ugh that was so.... cringe worthy
Zeke: Glad you noticed bebe, I made them just for you... then after we can cuddle
Wolfie: can't wait~ EW NO NO NO NOOO
Zeke: It's ready!
Wolfie: I'll b- RIIIING I'll get it!
W- hello?
A- Operation Escape is a go!
W- Wait! I thought we were calling it Operation Jail Break..
A- Garroth wanted to change it, and I wasn't gonna argue
W- hmph!
A- Oh come on Wolfie! We're saving you!!
W- I AM being treated rather nice here
W- haha I'm just messing with ya, I'm not staying in Hell
A- Cool, try to go to the park again... and this time you won't be coming home.
W- And I couldn't be happier! Thank you for this... saving me and the others
A- No prob!
W- I gtg, Zeke just finished making his "famous" disgusting omelets... bye
A- See ya in a few! bye
End of Call
Zeke: Who was it?
Wolfie: hm? Oh it was... a random person just asking about buying windows or something
Zeke: oh ok now let's go eat some pancakes love~ 💚
Wolfie: ew awesome! Let's go I'm starving! oh that reminds me I have to go to the park later
Zeke: ok love ya bebe~ Also, our wedding is tomorrow
Wolfie: Really?! NO NO NO NO
Zeke: If you aren't home by 7:00 I'm calling the FBI 💚
Wolfie: haha Zeke you're hilarious! See ya oh chiz
Laurence's Portal
Rebekah: Laur~Laur! Could you make me some yummy panckaes
Laurence: Of course my love~ Thank Irene I'm getting outta this hell hole
Rebekah Hey Laur~Laur? How bout some cuddles I'm cold
Laurence: of course! nooooo wait! I would love to bebe but I have to go to the park today to meet up with Aaron
Rebekah: ohhhh Michi's boyfriend?
Laurence: uhh yes! I totally ship Archi! or naw
Rebekah: ok! As long as I get those yummy pancakes~ she kisses him before he walks into the portal
The Meet-Up
Aaron: Ok is everyone here?
Me: Let's find out... Travis?
Travis: Here!
Me: Katelyn?
Katelyn: Here
Me: Aph?
Aphmau: Here!
Me: Aaron?
Aaron: here
Me: Laurence?
Laurence: here bebe~
Me: ugh Laurence get off! Garroth?
Garroth: here!
Me: and then I'm here, ok so what's the plan?
Aphmau: wait we were supposed to have a plan? I thought we were just making a run for the Truth or Dare?!
Laurence: ... that works OK LEGGO!
Laurence picked up Wolfie and started running to Truth or Dare
Me: blushes LAURENCE!
Travis grabs Katelyn and she punches him in the face
Katelyn: You never learn do ya Trashvis 😂
Travis: love you too
They've escaped... they must pay. Wolfie... the reason I'm in this miserable state, will never see them again. I can't stand this anymore. Soon she'll be gone and they can't do anything about it.
Hehe.. sorry am I torturing you?
SORRY GEEZ- HEY! put the pitchforks AWAY!! AHHHHHHH
|five minutes later|
Please don't *gasp* kill meeeee...
Thanks for reading this Truth or Dare book-thing!! plz comment Dares and Truths (that can include me 😉😉)
Also thanks for 5.29K reads!! It really means a lot to know my story is being seen and read by you fangirls and boys!!😄
Thank you so much!!
~Wolfie 🐺💚
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