Truth or Dare #22
Me: Helloooooo guys! Are you ready for some Truths and Dareeeees?
Zane: no not re-
Aphmau: elbows Zane YAS!
Me: Alright! The first one is for Garroth! Truth or Dare?
Garroth: ummm... Dare
Me: fangirl scream ok ok... Your Dare is for you to... KISS CADENZ!!!!
Laurence: um what?! That's my sist-
Garroth: um I-
Katelyn: hurry up Stutter King, Cadenza wants her kiss.
Cadenza: What I-
Garroth cuts her off by walking over to her and kissing her... Laurence is giving them the evil eye and all the girls and Travis are fangirling.
2 minutes later... Lol who read it as the SpongeBob narrator voice *raises hand* HA ME TOO!
Laurence: that was a LITTLE LONG don't ya think?!
Cadenza: LAURENCE! blushes
Katelyn: punches Laurence the SHIP!
Me: okie! The next one is a TRUTH for... Zane!
Zane: ugh why me?
Me: Is it true that you secretly love the color pink?
Travis: and maybe Zanes he laughs
Zane: yesbutmyfavoritecolorisblack
Aphmau: awwww!
Kawaii~Chan: AHH its so Kawaii!
Garroth: my baby brother has a soft side!~
Zane: Shut up
Me: heh, sorry Zane... now the next o-
door breaks
Rebekah: I'm back~
Laurence: no.... no no noooo
Katelyn: oh I swear to Irene
Me: Will you stop? He's not your flipping Senpai! He's my BOYFRIEND!
Rebekah: Listen I didn't break outta jail for nothing... come on Laurence~
She tries to grab Laurence by the arm but he pulls away
Laurence: I'm not going with you, just save yourself the embarrassment and walk yourself back to jail OHHHHHHH! What a savage
Rebekah: I'm glad I released my friends... Zeke? Zenix? oh! and I even found the lovely Michi to help me out, all in exchange for something. Or should I say someONE! hehe~
Zeke: Wolfie... I forgive you, everyone makes mistakes, I love you~
Zenix: Katelyn, I'm here for you I'll do anything for you! I love you~
Michi: Hmph... Since Rebekah wants Laurence, Michi will settle for Aaron ~Nya!
Aphmau: Say what?
Rebekah: Welp good luck! Let's go Laurence she splashed a Love Potion on him and whisked him away to her home
Me: NO! Laurence...
Zeke: Wolfie it's ok you have me...
Me: NO I-
Zeke grabbed her wrists and pinned her up against a wall, his forehead against hers. He smirked and splashed a Love Potion on her before kissing her
Zenix: Now now hon... no need to be so rash-
Zenix: I didn't want to do th-
Travis: EXUSE ME! She has a child and a HUSBAND!
Zenix: Then I'll take the child too
Lol da references
Katelyn: Don't touch my kid... I swear to Irene if you do it will be the thing you most regret before you die and go to the burning pit of hell
Zenix: ah I missed you so much Katelyn~ come on let's go he ALSO splashes a Love Potion on her
Michi: Aaron~Nya!
Aaron: Michi stay away
Michi: hmph! Michi didn't even do anything! How rude~Nya!
Aaron: I know what your planning and I have a girlfriend
Michi: of course you do~Nya! But Michi wants what Michi wants~Nya!
She ALSO ALSO splashes a Love Potion on Aaron
Then they all jumped through different portals right before Zenix yelled...
Zenix: Adios~ have fun without your friends!
Wolfie's Portal
Zeke: were here bebe~
Me: where exactly is here?
Zeke: you don't remember?
Me: No... but I have this headache, so maybe that's why I can't remember. All I care about is you... and you're here... so I'm perfect~
Zeke: Heh... you don't know how long I've waited... ANYWAY we're at my house!
Me: Why did we go though a portal then?
Zeke: Because I live in the Nether
Katelyn's Portal
Zenix: Hey hon... are you up?
Katelyn: wha- where am I?
Zenix: A wonderful place, and where I -and you- live!
Katelyn: what's it called?
Zenix: The End
Katelyn: This isn't a story
Hehe... what noooo
Zenix: no no... that's what this dimension is called, and our new home...
Katelyn: awesome! Heh... Irene I have a huge headache! But whatever, I missed you! Ever since we broke up ya know... you've been on my mind... I love you so much Zenix~
Zenix: Heh... I love you too
Aaron's Portal
Aaron: Michi bebe... where are we?
Michi: Hm? Oh! We're at my house~Nya!
Aaron: I didn't know you had an underwater house! It's so cute hon~
Michi: Thanks~Nya!
Aaron: Did I mention how adorable you are?
Michi: Aaron~Nya!! Hehe Michi like~Nya!
Aaron takes off his shirt
Aaron: Geez its hot... heh I hope you don't mind bebe
Aaron kisses Michi
Aaron: I'm tired... night hon~
Michi: Night~Nya! Hehe... this is purrrrrfect!
Laurence's Portal
Rebekah: Senpai? Are you up?
Laurence: Yes bebe
Rebekah: Good! I was afraid that girl hurt you...
Laurence: huh? What girl?
Rebekah: That werewolf girl... Wolfie
Laurence: Oh her, pfft you worry too much
Rebekah: I know but it's because I love you Senpai!
Laurence: I love you too~
Rebekah: Could I have a kiss bebe?
Laurence: heh couldn't get enough of me could you?
Rebekah: Never
Laurence kisses her and Rebekah grabs him and says...
Rebekah: I'm NEVER letting you leave me
Wolfie's thoughts....
I love Zeke so much.... but I feel empty, like I'm missing something. I know it's weird, I have everything I could want! A lovely place with a lovely boy but... I don't know
Thanks for reading this Truth or Dare book-thing!! plz comment Dares and Truths (that can include me 😉😉)
Also thanks for 2.88K reads!! It really means a lot to know my story is being seen and read by you New Year-y people!!😄
Thank you so much!!
Happy Holidays!! ❄🎄🦌
~Wolfie 🐺💚
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