Truth or Dare #13... but not really

In the Nether
Zenix: Following Zeke's idea... True Love mustn't be kept a part darling~
Kateyln: Um... mustn't? darling? Where did this language come from?
Zenix: ..... romance movies
Kateyln: ..... you suck
Zeke: ZENIX?!
Zenix: hey Zeke
Zeke: who is she
Kateyln: wow, you Nether people are really bad at everything huh
Me: Kateyln... is that appears next to Zeke
Kateyln: WOLFIE!!
Zeke: hmph... if the girl makes Wolfie happy she may stay with us
Zenix: Pfft... that was happening anyway
Kateyln and Wolfie hug for a long time
the boys leave
Me: We need to find a way out....
Kateyln: I don t think I can stand being in this place much longer....
Me: Agreed
Kateyln: Why do they want us?
Me: "True Love", wives, ruling the Nether together, maybe even for company
Me: same here-
Zeke: Time to eat
Kateyln: .....
Me: ......
Zenix: grabs us and pulls us to the table
Kateyln: I hate you both
Zenix: You hated Travis at first too
Kateyln: no I didn't
Me: no she didn't.... she TOTALLY liked him but didn't know how to show her emotions
Kateyln: and now I do.... and i'm angry
Me: and you don't like Katelyn when she's angry....😂
Kateyln: Turns to her Jury of Nine form
Me: Turns full Wolf
The girls: LET US GO
Zeke: I'm afraid we can't do that....
Kateyln: I'm pregnant
Zenix: ......

AHAHAHA sorry... back to the story

Kateyln: So you're willing to be 'with me' but having a Travlyn baby running around and asking... "Where's my REAL dad?"
Zenix: ......
Zeke: Dude your plan was flawed
Kateyln: hm?
Zenix: ..... if it means I still have my True Love
Zeke: You will stop talking Wolfie... i'm getting quite impatient with your temper
Kateyln: will you boys QUIT TALKING LIKE OLD ENGLISH MEN?!
Me: Honestly it's sooooo annoying
Zeke: Go to your room Wolfie
Me: No... I am a free, independent woman who doesn't take orders from idiotic shadow knights or ANYONE I DONT WANT TO!! So i august you LET ME AND KATEYLN GO BEFORE WE BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA YOU!
Zenix: She does have quite the temper
Zeke: I know sometimes it really cut-
The boys: awww~💚
Kateyln: smacks them both Quit it.... you're both disgusting, come on Wolfie...
Me: I will NEVER love you
Zeke: When Im the only one to love you WILL love me... I know it
Truth or Dare
Laurence: hey guys
Travis: .....
Aphmau: ......
Cadenza: ......
Aaron: look guys, Lucinda said if we
don't play we'll never see them again
Garroth: But we already know that we aren't gonna see them anyway
Dante: I have an Idea Laurence Truth or Dare?
Laurence: dude... now is not the time
Nicole: Laurence just do it.... I know what he's doing, it might work
Laurence: Dare
Dante: I dare you to go into the Nether Cough and save Wolfie and Kateyln Cough You can bring 3 other people
Laurence: .......
Travis: I'm coming with you, and i'm not taking No for an answer.... they took Kateyln I am getting my revenge
Aphmau: I'm coming too, they're my friends and I want to help them like they helped me
Cadenza: ok so Laurence, Travis & Aphmau
Laurence: .....
Aphmau: Laurence what's wrong?
Travis: ya you're never this quiet
Laurence: it's just....the Nether.... bad memories, Shadow Knight feelings, ya know
Travis: I understand... it brings out the bad in all of is
Aphmau: You'll be fine, remember... Wolfie
Laurence: sorry I just-
Garroth: Bro, we understand... just bring them back safe
Travis: Heh...ya know, they won't want us saving them... I mean they're strong and might feel that they're pride has been hurt etc etc.
Aphmau: They'll get over it, they just wanna be out of the Nether
Laurence: yeah... let's go
In the Nether
Laurence: wow... this place has changed
Aphmau: look, that's probably where they are
Travis: geez could they make it more obvious?!
Laurence: it is the tallest place.... on a hill
Aphmau: well it just makes it easier in us
Laurence: ok hurry up, i want to find them as soon as possible
They change into their "forms"
Aphmau: Irene/lady w/wings (don't judge)
Laurence: Shadow Knight
Travis: Demon Warlock
Nether Fortress (where Kate & Wolf are)
Katelyn: All they have are shadow knight forms right?
Me: as far as I know....
Katelyn: good, we can overpower some idiotic Shadow Knights without any issues
Me: As our "forms" right
Katelyn: right, we just need to-
Zeke: Girls, downstairs now
Me: ugh I swear to Irene....
Katelyn: I know, but just go with it
Kateyln: what do you want?
Zenix: To take you out to dinner of course!
Zeke: What do you think we are savages
Me: Pfft obviously not, have you heard yourselves?!
Kateyln: AYYYY
They high five
Kateyln: WE are savages
Zeke: anyway, come on we have reservations
Me: Do we have to dress up
Zenix: Is that even a question
Kateyln: so no then?
Zeke: yes you have to dress up!
Kateyln & me: UGHHHHH

Kateyln wears:

Wolfie wears:

Both: ew... dresses they both cringe and walk down the stairs
Kateyln: how am i supposed to fight in this?!
Me: I know... at least it's not a skirt
Kateyln: AGREED!! those things don't let you move your legs
Zeke: You look adorable Wolfie
Zenix: Absolutely stunning Kateyln

Zeke is wearing:

Zenix is wearing:

Zenix: let's go

In the Nether (Laurence, Aph & Travis)
Laurence: finally here
Travis: Let's just go in, there's no point in knocking... we just want our girlfriends back
Aphmau: ahem and our friends
the boys blush
Travis: heh...heh... yeahhhh
Laurence: opens the door to the Nether fortress where the girls are being held
Aphmau: wha- they're not here... how?!
Travis: they must've left, let's search the rooms
Aphmau goes upstairs and discovers the girl's room (Katelyn & Wolfie's room) GUYS I FOUND WHERE THEY WERE BEING HELD!
The boys run upstairs and discover two beds, one blue the other green Kateyln and Wolfie's favorite colors. They also discover a closet full of clothes for the girls to wear along with shoes. They go into the bathroom and discover a bunch of makeup (which they didn't touch CUZ THEY DONT WEAR IT), a brush, and two toothbrushes and a bottle of toothpaste.
Laurence: where could they be...
Travis: .... did you hear that?
Aphmau: n-
Travis: SHHHH
Laurence: ....footsteps
Aphmau: I hear them too
They have no time to hide as the door opens

Sorry for not really having ANY Truth or Dares...this is just building up the tension and such for the next chapter and stuff ( i don't wanna give away anything) plz comment what you want with the story, like if u don't want the story line thing and if you want more truth or dares etc..... so...CUE OUTRO

Thanks for reading this Truth or Dare book-thing!! plz comment Dares and Truths (that can include me 😉😉)
Also thanks for 800 reads!! It really means a lot to know my story is being seen and read by you FANTASTIC people!!😄
Thank you so much!!

~Wolfie 🐺💚

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