Never Change


I get up early, put on a pot of coffee and start making breakfast. My silk robe is pulled tight around my body and tied up, slippers on my feet and the heat is turned up. It's a bit chilly in here still so I bake cinnamon rolls (Willow's favorite) in hopes the oven will warm it up in here. Lindsey stumbles down the stairs shirtless and wearing pajama bottoms. He wraps his arms around me and moves my hair aside to kiss my neck.

"Mmmm...good morning" Lindsey says, his voice soft and low in my ear.

"Good morning, Linds"

"Did you have trouble sleeping?"

"Nope, just thought I'd get up and make something special for you and the girls. First day of school and all"

"That's awful nice of you"

I smile. "Are they up yet?"

"I heard some shuffling around in their rooms"

"Thanks, Linds" I say sarcastically. He's really no help at all. Just then I see my blonde haired, blue eyed teenage daughter bounce down the stairs.

"Aria! Good morning!" I say and she waves.

"Good morning, mama! Ooh food! I thought I smelled something good. Knew it couldn't have been Dad's doing!" Lindsey feigns offense but quickly smiles.

"Gee thanks, Aria" he says. "Um...what are you wearing?"


"You're not wearing that."

"Mommy, please tell him it's okay! You bought it for me!"

"She did what?" Lindsey turns back to me and I feel like I'm in hot water.

"It's cute. Just a little dress"

"A very little dress."

"She's wearing tights and boots. She's covered up."

He groans and gives us a look of defeat. "I'm never going to win. I'm outnumbered by girls" he says and Aria and I laugh.

"Do you have your bag?" I ask her.

"It's somewhere" she says with a shrug, sitting at the kitchen table. "Is any of it done? I'm hungry" she says, watching me cook.

"Bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls should be out in a second. Where's your sister?"

"She's awake but I don't know how 'done'. I heard her singing as I passed the bathroom"

I roll my eyes, knowing she's taking the longest shower ever. "Will you go grab her? You're both going to be late"

"Uhhhh" she groans. "Do I have to?"

"After all I've done for you and you can't do one little favor for your mother? I carried you for 9 months, you were 9lbs and..."

"No pain meds, ruined your beautiful birthday party when I wasn't due for three weeks...I've heard it a million times. No need for a guilt trip, I'll get her, mama"

"Good girl. Thank you" My tall daughter rolls her eyes dramatically, showing me she's joking and starts up the stairs. Lindsey comes back over to me, having changed into a tee shirt and jeans. "Welcome back, handsome" I say, stroking his face. Breakfast is finished and I turn off the stove.

"Delicious" he says.

"You're welcome to eat. It's all here on the table"

"I meant you, Mrs Buckingham" He kisses my neck and I turn around in his arms, my arms going around his neck. He deepens the kiss, tangling his hand in my long hair, the other on my back side. We make out for a few minutes, hands frantically groping each other's bodies. He lifts me onto the counter and I pull him into me with my legs, wrapping them around his waist. He's positioned between my thighs, stroking my sides over my silk robe. He loosens the silk tie and pulls the shoulders down to expose the skin there, kissing down my neck and bare shoulder. Just when it gets good, we hear someone clear their throat.

"Mom, Dad, gross!" Willow shouts. My cheeks flush pink and I readjust my robe around me. "Aren't you guys like, old?"

"We're old, as you say, but not dead" Lindsey says and girls just stare at us with disgusted expressions on their beautiful faces.

"Eat girls, you're going to be late"

"Cinnamon rolls? Awesome!" Willow says, no longer caring about the make out session they walked in on, and plops one onto a plate. She sits down at the table, ripping the cinnamon roll into smaller pieces with her pale pink painted fingernails. Her long wavy dark hair is piled up in a messy bun, her tortoise shell prescription glasses perched on top of her head. I watch them laugh and talk together until suddenly it dead stops.

"Um...are those my shoes?" Aria asks Willow.


"You were in my room! I've been looking for these!" She points to the navy blue leather ballet flats her baby sister is wearing with her skinny jeans, band tee shirt and cardigan combination.

"I'm sorry, I really like them and I was afraid you'd say no"

"So you took them?!" Aria is clearly irritated, her hair swishing around as she shakes her head in disapproval. With arms folded over her chest she glares at her sister. "Willow...." She looks up at her pleadingly and Aria sighs. "Okay, they look cute on you so it's totally fine this time. Next time, you have to ask. Or maybe Daddy can order you a pair of your own" she says, loud enough for us to hear.

"Subtle" Lindsey says, sitting down at the table.

"I try" Aria says with a wink and sits back down.

The girls go back to talking and Karen arrives to take them to school.

"We have rehearsals, girls, but we will see you tonight." I tell them, getting ready to go upstairs to get ready.

"Wait, I have a permission slip for you to sign." Willow says.

"How do you have a permission slip on your first day back?" Lindsey asks.

"They sent it home over the summer but I forgot to give it to you"

"What's it for?" I snatch the paper from Lindsey's hands before he signs it blindly. "DC?! You're going on a class trip across the country?!"

"Pleeeeease" she begs. "It won't be until spring break, I just really want to go. There will be projects and stuff and it's so much better if I actually go than watch a dumb movie or read about it. Pretty please, mommy"

She bats her enviably long lashes and the look on her sweet face..."Ugh, fine, but we will be talking about this later, okay? I don't like the idea of my thirteen year old daughter going cross country with an overwhelmed and over worked teacher who has to manage hundreds of kids on their own"

"They're asking for chaperones" Aria says in a sing song voice and Willow swats at her.

"Chaperones! Oh, Steph! Wouldn't that be so fun? We could be chaperones. We could be by our baby's side the whole time, holding her hand, eating lunch with her and being around all of her little friends..." Lindsey teases. "Then I can tell them all of our stories of being on the road, babe" He elbows me in hopes I will join in and I give him a half smile. He does amuse me after all.

"No, we can't do that, Linds. Stop pestering my baby" I stroke her face as she's totally embarrassed now. "Sign it and leave her alone" I hand the paper back to him and he signs it, giving it back to Willow. "When I get home, we are talking. The only reason I let your father sign it is because there is a deadline and if we do decide to let you go, you won't be able to if you don't turn it in today"

"Thank you mommy, you're the best!" Willow hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek.

"Hey what about me?" Lindsey chimes in.

"Okay, you're pretty good too. Thanks for signing it daddy"

"You're welcome, sweet girl" He kisses the top of her head and the girls grab their bags and head out to the car with Karen.

"Stevie, I will see you later. We have a lot to arrange for this upcoming tour for you and Lindsey." Karen says.

"Thank you for everything"

"No problem. See you in a bit" She waves and shuts the door behind her.

"So now what do we do?" Lindsey asks, realizing that we are the only people home. Both girls are on their way to school and we have nothing to do until rehearsals tonight. I think for a moment and look him dead in the eye.

"You know....I think I have an idea" I pull him to me by the collar of his shirt and kiss him hard on the mouth. "You game?" I ask as we pull apart.

"You know it, baby girl." He says in a soft, sexy tone and I head up the stairs with him following close behind. "Great view from back here"

"There will be a much nicer view up there, hurry up old man" I tell him. He smacks my bum, running past me to our room and I shake my head. Sometimes I think he never grew up.

A/N: sorry for any mistakes. I don't know, should I end it here or would you like to read more about our little family?

Edit: Ending here for now but will not mark it complete, leaving it open for a continuation or another sequel in the future. Thank you for the votes, comments etc. You guys are are amazing!

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