Busy Little Bee
"Happy New Year" he says, kissing me passionately. It's midnight so it's officially our anniversary. I hear fireworks going off outside and we scramble onto the balcony to watch.
"Where are they coming from?" I ask.
"I don't know. Maybe from the center of town. All I know is we've got the best view"
"That we do" He hugs me into his side. "Happy 7 years, Mr Buckingham."
"Happy 7 years, Mrs Buckingham. I think I love you more now than I ever have in my entire life."
"You're too good to me" I say, kissing him again. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Lots and lots of terrible things!" He says, growling at me. I turn to run, giggling and he tackles me onto the bed. "You beautiful thing!" He strokes my face, running his hand down the front of my body.
"Make love to me. This next year will be so busy and I want time to stop for just a little while"
"My pleasure"
Physically the touches were so soft but our emotions were on fire. The passion in the room was intense and the marks of our love were evident on both of us afterward. We lay together in the after glow, our naked bodies nearly melting into one under our warm blankets.
"I wish we could stay just like this forever"
"Me too. Are you sure you have to tour?"
I nod. "I don't really want to go, you know that.
"I feel like we just got home. When do tickets for this tour go on sale?"
"April but I have other engagements prior"
"Busy little bee" he says and I can tell in his tone he doesn't like this. "If tickets are released for sale in April, then you've already picked someone as your co-headliner..."
"Uh...yeah." I don't want him to be upset and have this ruin our anniversary.
"I don't remember you telling me. Who is it? Sheryl?"
"No, um...Don." I say. I feel the need to flee, tucking the blanket around me so I can make my escape. It's no secret that Lindsey doesn't like Don and his presence in my life has caused problems before.
"Henley?" He asks as I nod slowly.
"Leather and Lace." He says. "Nice! That will be cool for fans to see"
"Wait...what? Where is jealous, angry Lindsey?" I ask, clearly caught off guard and he laughs.
"Do you want me to start yelling and screaming or something?"
"No, just...I half expected you to"
"No way! You're my woman and you come home to me. Plus he's married, has kids...he's no threat to me" he says confidently.
"You are so sexy right now" I tell him, getting comfortable again. I kiss all over his chest and guide my hand over his hardening member. "Thank you for being understanding."
"That's kind of my job as you're husband, to be understanding and not fly off the handle all the time. I'm the lucky one." He says. "Jesus, Steph..." He groans and I bite my lip.
"Do you want me?" I ask
"When don't I want you?"
He pulls me on top of him and wraps his arms around me. We make love again, as I'm so turned on by how amazing he has been.
The new Lindsey is just as good as he always was.
The morning sun shines through our windows and I wake slowly. Lindsey isn't beside me and I hear ruckus going on downstairs. I quickly put on some little silk shorts and a camisole, and tie my silk robe around me. I wash my face and pat cold water into my skin to wake me up. I descend the stairs and make my way to the kitchen where I see the girls helping Lindsey make breakfast. I watch for a minute, so grateful that this is my life. It's beautiful and crazy and all mine. Lindsey spots me and goes to pour me a cup of coffee.
"Good morning, beautiful" he says, kissing my hair. I wrap my arms around his waist briefly and greet him with a sleepy smile. Ive never been a morning person so I'm not really ready to talk yet.
"Look at us, Mommy!" Aria has a little bit of dried pancake batter on her nose and both of our little ones are wearing miniature aprons. "We are chefs!" I sip my coffee, trying to wake up a little more. I hug her and kiss her cheek then greet Willow in the same way.
"Great job girls! Good morning all three of you!" My voice is soft, low and husky and even though Lindsey isn't looking at me, he smiles. He always tells me how much he loves my voice in the morning.
"Daddy is the bestest at pancakes" Willow announces.
"Is he? What about me? You said I was the bestest"
"You are! And auntie Karen is the bestest and nana is the bestest!"
I giggle, "Well, thank you my darling. I think you're the bestest too. And so is your sister"
The girls smile brightly hearing the praise and go back to cooking. I sit at the kitchen table, taking in everything about them. Aria's blonde hair tied up on top of her head in a messy bun, her big blue eyes lighting up when Lindsey pours a little batter into the pan. She loves to watch them transform, liquid to solid. It fascinates her. I hear her exclaiming wow and telling her daddy how cool that is. Willow has a matching little bun on her head, both clearly done by their father. Her messy dark curls falling out at the base of her neck. My tiny girl fighting for space among the taller, bigger people. Lindsey moves aside to let them watch and he is keeping them so safe, reminding them of the heat from the stove and that they have to take turns and share.
"All done!" Willow announces and I'm shaken from my near-meditation. I could truly watch them all day. They are such a great team. Aria spreads butter on the pancakes she has chosen for herself and gives the biggest one to her little sister because they're her favorite.
"Do you need help, Willola?" Big sister asks, and Willow nods, giggling at the silly nickname and letting Aria cut her pancake into pieces with a dull child's knife. "Can I help you too, mommy?"
"Yes, of course." I say, grabbing a plate from the cabinet and letting her lay the pancakes onto it. Lindsey stands back, letting them take over. They have it all figured out. "Thank you, my sweet beautiful girls"
"I love you" They say in unison, then giggle at each other. They hop down from their step stools and go to the kitchen table to eat. Lindsey is the last to plate his food, pouring us each another cup of coffee.
"Karen will be coming by to discuss your schedule again" Lindsey says, once we are all settling into our meal.
I sigh. "I'm really not interested"
"I know, babe. But it's gotta be done. You're going to be leaving us soon"
"Don't say it like that." I tell him. "I already feel awful about it"
"I know, and I don't mean to make you feel bad. The sooner it's all taken care of and under way, the quicker you get to come back. And we can always visit you"
"I would like that"
"Me too!" Aria says.
"Me three" Willow says, her mouth full.
"Then I guess it's settled" Lindsey says with a laugh.
"I guess so" I confirm, going back to my pancakes that are swimming in syrup because of a certain overzealous toddler.
I have told myself many times that I will savor this. I will take everything in because I will miss them so much. I want to remember the pale blonde streak that suddenly appeared in Aria's hair in the underneath layer, contrasting with its once strawberry color. If I look for it, I can still see it as her hair is now a totally pale gold color. I want to remember the little beauty mark on her jaw and the way she falls into fits of giggles so easily. I want to remember Willow's determination and passion. I want to remember how her curls randomly spiral in a different direction midway down the strand. I want to remember how she clings to me when she falls asleep in my arms, just as she did when she was a baby. And Lindsey...the love of my life. I try to remember him as a young man when we first met and skip right past all the trouble. I see him crying when we saw each of our daughters for the first time and how he rough houses with them until they tackle him to the ground and he begs for mercy. I try to remember the first time he played my song for me and how he gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams. With them behind me, I know I will not fall. I will carry them with me wherever I go this year.
A/N: A little more cuteness. Why not? I love the sweet sisters! Thank you Laceandpaperflowers for being an amazing friend.
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