{REQUESTED} No Dreams: Jumin X Reader (Fluff)

(This was requested by GiaBird. Oh my... so disappointed in myself. I haven't updated in two weeks. I'm so sorry about that. School's been kicking my butt. The end of the quarter is soon, on Tuesday, and I've been working on 3 missing Math homework, a rough draft of a story and missing assignments for English and turn in something for Geography on Monday. Sorry, hope you enjoy this long rushes chapter ( ̄∀ ̄))

  "So wait, you don't have dreams?"

  "Nope," you replied to your co-worker friend.

"Really, that's kinda strange. So, how did it happen?"

You remember it like it was yesterday. That bitch.

"Well, a girl in a grade higher than me called me over to her house. She had a lake near her house and told me to meet her there. I went thinking she wanted to hang out, so I went. I saw her with her friend, but when I reached them, they pushed me to the ground. Her other older than her friend then dragged me to the lake and threw me on it. The impact was so hard, I hit my head and then the ice broke making me fall into the water. I heard them scream as they call for help while I was knocked out. So that's why I don't have dreams," you say with a sigh.

"Damn, that's brutal. Effing brats. They were also older which makes them big dicks."

"Ya, but I have gotten used to it. So it's no big deal."

"But it is! You see things that you couldn't imagine or things that won't happen in real life! It's amazing, you need to get surgery."

"N-no thanks, I'm fine. I haven't had dreams in a decade. Plus... I don't want surgery, and I also don't think it exists," you said laughing a bit.

"Oh! Look at the time. I have to go home to my dorky boyfriend. I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)-ssi."

  "Bye Chin-Sun-ssi!"

  She took off her apron as she left the cafe. It is 5:09 right now. You still have 4 hours left until you could go home.

  4 hours passed as you are the only one left. You walked to the door and turned the sign from open to closed. Since the janitor left, but finished cleaning, you just took off your apron and grabbed your things while you turned the lights off. Once you did that, you exited through the back and locked the doors, walking back to your apartment.

  You arrived at your apartment feeling dead tired as you worked 2 more hours than you were supposed to. Why? Because there was a freakin' event happening and the 'most experienced' had to stay and work their asses off.

  You walked to your bed and plopped on it not caring that you didn't change into comfortable clothes. You just kicked your shoes off and wrapped yourself in the blanket going into a deep slumber.

  "What the hell did you do?!" You yell.

  "I simply just drove, that's all," responded the man in a suit.

  "Well, you're obviously a terrible driver, and now you have to get me a new bike."

  "No, it was simply in my way, now tell me your name."

  "Tell me yours."

  "Yours first."

  "Fine, I'm (L/N) (Y/N), and you are?"

  "I'm Han Jumin."

  You have no idea who this man is, but he totally ran over your bike. He also dented his really nice car. It looks so expensive. To be honest, that car could probably buy you.

  "We meet again I see."

  "I guess so," you reply still mad he didn't give you money for running over your bike and others'.

  "I've came here since I wanted my cat, Elizabeth 3rd, to try something new. She loves to eat sweet things, so I'm here to buy something from here."

  "Well, what would you like sir?" You ask trying not to be rude.

  "I would like that," he said pointing to a Taiyaki.

  "What kind of flavor?"

  "What flavors are there?"

  Has this guy been living under a rock? You then say, "We have red bean, chocolate, custard, cheese, and sweet potato."

  "I'd like the chocolate one please."

  "Ok, coming right up. Anything else you want?"

  "No, but here's my tip."

  He gave you 100 freakin' dollars. Is this guy insane. I mean you couldn't care less, but damn. Giving someone this much money for a tip is extreme.

  "Oh, also, I must leave. So I will give you my address and you go over there to drop off this 'thing', yes?"

  "Um," your manager walks by and you see him nod furiously 'yes' at you, so you say, "ya, I guess I'll do that. But how do I get in, cause you look rich and I see body guards outside."

  "Simple. Just tell them you're there to drop something off. Also, if Elizabeth 3rd likes this 'Taiyaki', then I will come by again and have you come 4 times a week."

  Your jaw drops. This is going to be 'fun'.

  It's been two weeks and you're still delivering Taiyaki to Elizabeth 3rd, and Jumin Han. It's so weird, he even told you to stay because the cat likes you last week. So technically, you feel like a babysitter, but for some reason, you don't care. Why? Because you get paid 100 dollars every time you come. So it doesn't matter to you.

  Today is the day you get to pay a visit to the sweet Elizabeth 3rd. You have grown quite attached to her than you thought. Sometimes, Jumin Han comes home and smiles at how Elizabeth 3rd is with you. It's weird... you like seeing Jumin smile. It's cute, sweet, and you heard nobody ever sees him smile. So you feel lucky you get to.

  Wait... do I like him?

  Every time you see Jumin, your heart can't stop beating. Yes, you have gotten along pretty well, I mean, it has been 2 months now.

  Now you can't stop thinking about him. You think about him when you're sleeping, eating, bathing, working, just everywhere. You want to be with him, you want to love him as he does the same, you want to maybe build a life together... but that won't happen. You're just a girl with not that much money while he's a CEO of a company and a billionaire or more. Also, he doesn't love you. He doesn't love anyone. It's a one-sided love that you will probably never get out of.

You can't keep these feelings forever, it's been 5 months now. Since you go today, you stay longer than normal, waiting for Jumin to come home.

You wait and wait until it's finally coming close to 9 and he is finally home.

"Jumin, I'm sorry, but I'm still here... Elizabeth 3rd wouldn't go to sleep."

Why did you lie? You should've told the truth.

"It's fine, I don't mind," he said giving you a gentle warm smile.

"Ok, that's good."

There was an awkward silence between the two of you, but it was broken by Elizabeth 3rd meowing then rubbing herself against your leg.

You look down and bend down to her level petting her.

"Hey there pretty girl, did you wake up?"

Crap. You're screwed. You just said she had a hard time sleeping and she's not asleep yet.

"I thought you said she was awake?" Jumin asks curiously.

Well, no point in hiding it now.

"A-actually... I stayed because I wanted to tell you something. It's important... well, to me that is," you say while you stop petting Elizabeth 3rd and stand up.

"Go ahead," he said in a calming voice.

"I-I think I... love you Jumin. I-I can't stop thinking about you, I'm excited when I come over, I think about what kind of romantic relationship we can have. I know that it's ridiculous to think those things, but that's how much I love you. Even if you don't, I will love you until I find someone that's better, and I don't think that will happen. I also know that you don't love me... you don't love anybody and you never had except probably maybe your family, and that's a big 'if'. I just... I couldn't keep these feelings in any longer or I-I might explode. It-it's so hard. I see you almost every day of the week and it hurts my heart I can't be with you. So with that... I love you Han Jumin!"

He looked shocked, maybe astonished. But you couldn't handle it so you grabbed your bag and left while Jumin stood there like a statue.

It's been two weeks since you've seen Jumin. You were sad he doesn't feel the same, but what can you do. You don't control his feelings. You can influence them or change them, but you can never control them. So you tried to not think about him and tried to get over him, but you honestly couldn't. You've loved that man for the past 5 months. It's kinda hard to do that in 2 or less weeks.

Then one day, you get a call from Jumin, considering you gave him your number a while ago.


"Come over, please."

You were hesitant, but you said, "ok." You don't even know why he wants you to come over to his place, but you go anyways.

You arrive afraid to enter as the body guards move out of your way.

One of them asks, "Are you going in?"

You nod, but the other one says, "I promise it's nothing bad. We hear what he says sometimes, and it's nothing bad."

You give a hesitant breath as you say, "Thank you," and walk in.

There you see Jimin pacing around and talking to himself. Which is VERY unusual.


"(Y-Y/N), h-hey there."

He's also never been that nervous. You have to get to the bottom of this.

"Jumin, is everything ok. You called me out of the blue and you're also not acting like yourself..."

He looked down guiltily. He then looked up with a sudden confidence that you have not seen in a long time.

"For the first time... I'm calling myself stupid. I am a stupid bastard."

You are now confused. Why is he saying this stuff to you?

He continues with, "I should have said something 2 weeks ago. I shouldn't have let you get hurt like that. To be honest, I don't care if I hurt others' feelings, but yours, for some odd reason, I care about yours. I care if you're sad, happy, excited, angry, confused, tired, sick, and jealous. I love it when you smile, laugh, pout, talk, walk, everything you do. (Y/N), I love you, and I'll say it an infinite of times, because that's how much I love you. I never knew I was capable of loving someone, but now I know for sure. Please (Y/N), forgive me and be with me..."

  You couldn't believe what you just heard. Jumin loves you like you love him. Tears begin to slip between your eyes as they gently fall on your face rolling to the floor.

  "Are you o-," you interrupted him by saying, "I'm fine, I'm just so happy you feel the same. I-I'm just so happy, I-I could kiss you! Wait! I mean..."

  He then walked closer to you until your chests were barely touching. He took one tiny step as the both of you are now extremely close. He gently grabbed your chin by his index finger and thumb lifting it up.

  "I love you (Y/N), now please be with me until we die..." He then moved his face towards you as the both of you kissed. It was a gentle little touch of the lips together, but full of passion and love. You both moved away blushing a little.

  "I love you too Jumin, and I will spend the rest of my life with you for as long as I can," you smiled and then hugged him burying your face in his chest as he hugged back.

  "(Y/N), will you marry me?" Jumin asked kneeling down.

  You smile and reply, "Yes! I will I will!"

  "Do you, Han Jumin, take the honor of being (L/N) (Y/N) lawfully wedded wife?"

  "I do."

  "And do you, (L/N) (Y/N), take Han Jumin as your lawfully wedded husband?"

  "I do!"

  "You may kiss the bride."

The both of you kissed as others cheered in the crowd.

  "Jumin! I'm pregnant! We're going to have a baby!"

  "R-really?! I-I'm so happy (Y/N)! When's the date?" Jumin said crying a little hugging you tightly.

  "It should be in 7 more months," you said happily.

  "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Han, you have a healthy baby boy."

  Both of you cry at the sight of this new life you brought in each other's life.

  "What's his name (Y/N)?"

  "The name we both wanted to give him... Han Taemin."

"M-my mother passed today Jumin... I don't know what to do?" You said crying.

"Everything will be ok, I promise. Taemin and I will help you through this," Jumin said hugging you tightly, like the day Taemin was born.


"Jumin, I'm pregnant again!"

"W-we are?! Th-this is amazing," he said with a smile like when you told him the first time happened.

"It better be silly."

"Congratulations on your second child Mr. Mrs. Han you have a healthy baby girl."

"Hey Taemin, do you have a name for your baby sister?" Jumin asked Taemin.

"I thought I was having a baby brother?"

"I'm sorry Taemin, but I'm positive she'll be like a little brother to you, right Jumin."

"Of course n-," you give him a glare as he said, "Y-Yep, of course. Just, we want you to name your baby sister, unless you don't want to, cause we can name her your name," Jumin said in a jokingly voice.

"N-no! What about Mi-Joo?"

"Perfect, Mi-Joo it is," you both say in a unison as if you were reading each other's minds smiling.

"Jumin. I'm pregnant again!"

"I can already tell (Y/N). You're doing the same habits you were doing when you were pregnant with Taemin and Mi-Joo," he said giving you a deep chuckle.

"Dang, I thought I could keep it from you, guess not," you said hugging Jumin like with the other kids.

"J-Jumin, I just came back from the doctor..."

"What did they say? Is it a boy, girl?"

"No Jumin... I-I had a miscarriage," you said collapsing in his arms. Luckily he caught you.

"I-I had a miscarriage of one of my babies, what am I going to do! They dyed in my stomach! Jumin, what am I going to tell the kids?!" You said sobbing loudly.

You heard Jumin choke on his own words, but stayed strong for you.

"W-We'll get through this. There's a reason for things, just like you said to me. Now you have a family to help you through everything. To lean on, depend on, to help you, make you feel better, and that's because that's what family is for. We may have lost our baby, but we will get through this like we always do. I don't care how long, as long as we get through it and it's no longer a burden before we pass," you both hugged each other.

The both of you told the kids as they helped you through it, making you feel better.

"We're grandparents! We're grandparents!"

Both Taemin and Mi-Joo got married to their wonderful loved ones, and Taemin has kids while Mi-Joo and her husband are working on it. Both you and Jumin were ecstatic.

The both of you held them in your arms.

Then they kept on coming, from both of your precious kids as the both of you grew old together.

"Mr. Han, I'm sorry to say this, but you are dying."

One of the worst things you've heard in your life. You couldn't believe it. You turned to Jumin and hugged him crying as he patted you.

The both of you went home as you were very depressed from the bad news.

"(Y/N), don't get beaten over this. Everybody has to go someday. So... let's spend my last moments together, so you can never forget me."

You smiled at his words and said, "ok."

You traveled for awhile, but you came back so Jumin could say goodbye to his grandchildren, considering you don't know when he will pass. The kids also knew and were very sad, but tried to stay strong for you, each other, and their father.

"Jumin, please not now. I don't want you to leave yet."

"I-I'm sorry... (Y-Y/N). I w-will always l-love you. Tell the k-kids I love them, th-their kids too... and I-I love y-you. G-Goodbye, my love." He smiled as you held his hand, until his life was completely out of his body.

"I love you too Jumin..."

Your eyes opened, wet and sticky, a loud noise ringing in your ears.


Everything floods back. You lived almost your whole life in a dream. Your first dream in years, the best dream you have and will ever had has ended. Does Jumin even exist, will that life ever exist.

You sob for a bit since you lived your life in a dream in a matter of 10 hours. You finally get it together as you get ready for work.

You leave work on your bike. You then arrive leaving your bike in that bike parking place. You walk to the front, about to enter until you hear someone hit something else hard.

You turn around seeing your bike run over.

"What the hell did you do?!" You yell.

  "I simply just drove, that's all," responded the man in a suit.

Wait, that's Jumin.

Wait, that's (Y/N).


(Sorry this was really long. I had to make up for not updating in two weeks. Again, sorry for updating SO late.)

Laterz! (T ^ T)

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