Promise: Jumin X Reader (Fluff)

(It's been SOOO long since I made a Jumin X Reader. Imma make this fluff too, since it's been so long. (F/B/N)=Full Brother Name. Yes, I made Jumin's father nice and supportive.)

"I'm sorry I'm leaving you, but I will see you in the future again, I promise."

  The boy walked over to you and grabbed your hand.

  "(Y/N)... promise to never forget me... I love you."

  Your eyes teared up as you responded, "I will never forget you... we will see each other again, someday, it's a promise. I love you Jumin, bye." You got into the sleek black limo as you drove to the airport to live in Japan.

It's been 9 years since you've been to Korea. You are moving back for your father's business, while your brother is the heir of the company, so you have to help him. Once you got off the plane, you see your grandmother waiting for you. She sees you and you walk over.

"Grandma, it's so nice to see you again after all these years," you said hugging her.

"Oh, it's so good to see you back, (Y/N). It's been too long... but where is your brother?"

"Oh, he actually comes tomorrow, and he will get a limo apparently. Stupid bi-I mean brother," you changed your sentence quickly since your grandmother was eyeing you.

"Ok, then let's go. You need sleep since your brother might pick you up tomorrow. By the way, do you want some candy?"

"Ahaha, no thank you grandma, but how long will it be until we get the the house?"

"About 3 hours honey."

  "Ugh, then can I sleep?"

  "No! You have to stay awake so you can have a good amount of sleep before your brother picks you up," she said scolding you.

  "Yes, Grandma," you pouted.

  It was a longer ride than you anticipated. You had to get snacks twice since you ate them all. Finally after 3 hours of mostly sitting while your grandma talked about her old days, you arrived.


  "Weren't you on the plane for longer?"

  "No, I was only on there for about two hours, silly."

  "Oh, well, let's get your stuff inside. I'll make some dinner, then we will go to bed," she said with her cute grandma smile.

  You might have not like the plan, but you agreed since you LOVED your grandma. She was probably the only one who understood your situation, since all you want to do is do what you want. Not what your brother or father want, it gets tiring.

  "Ok, I'm gonna put my stuff inside. Make dinner delicious Grandma!"

  "Do you know who you're talking to, I always make delicious dinner."

  You laugh at her remark as you moved your stuff inside. It took about an hour to get your stuff in the house and then unpack; it was a hassle.

  Your Grandma didn't call you for dinner yet, so you drew an anime character. He had black hair, silver eyes, and looked very handsome. You thought you have never made a character this great before, but you forgot where you got your inspiration from. You tried to remember, but you just couldn't. You drew him for a few minutes until your Grandma finally called you down for dinner.

  "Ok, time to eat," you said.

  "Be sure to finish a little faster than you normally do. If you don't, I have to take some of your food away and save it for tomorrow."

  "Nuu, I'll finish it... in 10 minutes!" You had no idea why you said that, because it took you an hour to eat most of the time, but successfully finished in 15 minutes, and luckily your Grandma didn't take it.

  "Get ready for bed, you've got a busy day ahead of you."

  "Ok, good night Grandma, love you."

  You got ready for bed and fell asleep.

  "(Y/N), get up. Your brother is almost here."

  You woke up as you quickly got out of bed and changed. This was the fastest you have ever gotten up and actually looked nice, for rushing everything on.

  "He's here! I'm gonna say hi, so you should wait for him in the car."


  Your grandma and your brother talked for a few minutes until he came back to the car.

  "(Y/N)! I want you to meet someone!"

  "What does that have to do with me?"

  "I don't want to meet someone so scary alone," he pouted but then continued, "so I want you to meet him while I'm at it!"

  You groan at him, but then agree anyway.

You arrived at a big tall building called C&R. It looked like you had been here before, but you couldn't remember.

  "Ok, let's go inside!" your brother yelled with cheerfulness.

  You don't understand why he's the heir of the you father's company, considering he acts like a child.

  "K, lead the way."

  You both arrived at a meeting room that was bigger than a normal meeting room. There were so many workers, but then the door opens. A man with midnight black hair and shining silver eyes came into the room. He looked very emotionless, but handsome.

  He walked to the front of the room and discussed a topic as all of you listened. While you were listening, you actually weren't, he reminded you of someone. You tried to remember, and you did. You remembered that he looks exactly like the character you love drawing, besides the animation. You just didn't understand how much they actually look alike. You tried to shrug it off, but his personality was also exactly like you want the character's to be. Serious, calm, and confident.

  After the meeting was over, you approached him.

  "E-excu-" he interrupted by saying, "No, I'm not interested."

  You didn't understand what he met until you repeated the words in your head. You didn't care about what he thought, though, because it wasn't your intention.

  "Well, what I was trying to say was, have we met before?"

  He took a glance at you and says, "No, I do not think so. Now please, leave me be."

  You were raging on the inside from the rudeness, but you tried to control it. Alas, you couldn't; you walked away and said, "Rude ass."

  He was surprised by your language, not that you saw, but you actually ran into someone older. The old man then said, "(Y/N)?"


  "It's been so long girly!" he said hugging you out of nowhere.

  "Um, who are you exactly?"

  "I'm Jumin's father. Remember, it was only about nine years ago. There's no way you would forget Jumin and I."

  You had no idea what he was talking about. Have you met him and that rude man when you were young. If so, you don't remember at all.

  "Um, I'm sorry, but I don't think we know each other. You might be mistaking me with another (Y/N) that looks like me."

  "No, it's definitely you. I should tell Jumin. He'll be so happy, since he's been waiting for you to come back."

  Did you have amnesia or something, because maybe you did. The only thing that could potentially prove you met them is the drawing. The problem is, is that you found that picture when you were released from the hospital.

  Hospital? That's right, I was in the hospital. But, father said I fainted and that's it. I should ask (B/N).

  "I-I'm sorry, but could we do this later. I need to ask my brother something. Excuse me..."

  He then said when you were walking away, "We'll meet in an hour I guess. Here though, of course."

  You actually wanted to go, even if you actually haven't met them before. You could tell them the truth. So when you were walking away, you responded loudly, "Sure!"

  You then were walking to the restaurant that your brother said he was going to be.

  "(B/N), I need to ask you something," you said as you sat down in the chair next to him.

  He choked, since you scared him, but it took him awhile to stop coughing, but he eventually asked you, "What is it?"

  "Well, the C&R director, Mr. Han, said his son, himself and I have met each other. I'm wondering if we have met before."

  He looked down, then said, "I don't think you have met them before."

  You could tell he was lying. "Bullshit, tell me the truth right now (F/B/N)."

  He sighed in defeat.

  "Ok, dad told me not to tell you this, but you have met them before."

  "How, and what was our relationship with each other. It looked like I was part of their family or something."

  He gave a disappointed sigh. "Don't you get it? You were part of that family. Mr. Han loved you, as a daughter, and Jumin... he was your lover..."

  You were shocked. You didn't know want to say or what emotions you were feeling.

  "What do you mean... lover."

  "You were his girlfriend at the time, but dad didn't like that. He wanted you to marry someone from a company with even more money than the C&R company. The worst part is... was that he asked dad permission to marry you, but he said no. He was devastated, but yet, he was going to do it. The only reason why, was that so he wouldn't propose to you... because he found out, from you, actually."


  "You were talking with me saying how much Jumin loves you and you love him. Then you said 'he actually might propose to me'. Dad wouldn't accept that, so he had the whole family move."

  "Why don't I remember. Why did you hide this from me? Why?!" You were getting looks in the restaurant, but you didn't care.

  "You actually were beat almost to death by 7 girls. You tried to fight them off, but couldn't because of the numbers. They severely injured your head, causing some amnesia. The reason we didn't tell was so that dad could get what he wanted; you not getting married to Jumin, and if you saw him again, it wouldn't happen.

  You couldn't speak. Memories came flooding in like a flash flood. You couldn't contain yourself and started crying. He comforted you, saying, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."

  You eventually stopped and got up to use the restroom to wash your face. You had about 15 minutes to go back upstairs to meet Jumin and Mr. Han.

  "(Y/N)! There you are! Jumin and I have been waiting."

  You smiled. "Hello Mr. Han... and Jumin. I'm... (L/N) (F/N)."

  Jumin's eyes widened.

  "I finally remember everything now. Now, I have fulfilled my promise... just like I said, Jumin."

  Jumin then walked up to you and hugged you. All of the feelings towards him coming back like lightning.

  "I missed you (Y/N)."

  "I did too," you parted the hug and kissed him while he returned it.

  "Get a room you two," Jumin's father said happily.

  After that, you told Jumin everything as you both spent the rest of your lives together.
( ( ̄▽ ̄) It's all I got to say, besides this! Lolz!)
Laterz! \\\٩(๑'^'๑)۶////

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