"Sure, ask away." He answered as he took a bite out of a sandwich, it was lunchtime but this was the best he could do.
"I need you to find out who caused the accident." Saeyoung sat up from his chair in full attention.
"But that's what I've been doing this whole time." He answered as he opened up his archives.
"I know you have but you're doing it the safe way." Saeyoung raised an eyebrow.
"Jumin, you know I'm not in the hacking business anymore, I'm doing what I can-"
"Well, it's not good enough!" He yelled suddenly. Jumin tried to compose himself and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, but I need that information urgently."
"I thought you didn't care that much?"
"Well, I do now. Please get it done if there are any legal problems tell me and I'll get them resolved."
"But Jumin I-" Jumin hung up the phone not wanting to hear excuses. He felt his frustration rise and threw his phone at the wall, hard enough for it to shatter the screen. He sighed and wheeled his chair over to the phone on his desk.
"Hello, inform Jaehee to get me a new phone as soon as possible. And tell the janitor to come here now." Rubbing his temple in frustration, he wheeled himself towards the window giving him a view of the outside.
A stir of anger and scorn was discerned on to his features, but his mind toiled with something far worse, helplessness.
He sat there waiting, feeling these mix of emotions. His thinking warped into a mesh of not knowing exactly how to overcome his lacking, bent on tarnishing any kind of aid, to wanting to protect and prevent it from happening again, fearing most of all what he can't do.
I can do better.
He shut his eyes, exhaling a deep breath before he went back to his desk.
All too soon he heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." He ordered, obviously still annoyed.
"Hello Mr.Han, I'm here to-"
"I know why you're here, just come do your job." You just so happened to be walking through the door and overheard how he spoke to his employee.
"Hey, Jumin." You greeted somewhat shyly, not wanting to anger him further. "Here are the documents of the company your dad mentioned-"
"Where's the report of the company we gave the loan?" He asked completely ignoring what you were saying.
"Jaehee's on that right now and she'll send it to you as soon as she's done with the meeting. For now, I just need you to sign-"
"What the hell do you think you're doing!" He suddenly shouted making you flinch back. "Watch what happens if you let that vase fall, you'll be paying it off the rest of your miserable life." Your forehead furrowed in anger.
"What." It was as if he was daring you to respond. You breathe, controlling yourself, you let out a huff and held your head high.
"Since there's nothing more for me to do here can I go?" He never looked up from his desk as he as he answered.
"Of course you can, it's what you're best at." Your eyes shot open at his comment. Before you could say anything you would regret, you walked away and finished up with your work as quickly as you could.
The day felt as if it were longer than usual. But then came your knight in shining armor to save you from hell...in a red sports car right as you were leaving the building.
"You look a little down." He commented after he rolled the window down. "Hop in." He tried to act cool. You playfully rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest.
"Haven't you heard of stranger danger?"
"I've got candy."
"Oh! Candy!" You opened the passenger seat and got in with a chuckle. It was a quiet and soothing ride until you remembered what happened with Jumin. Your face slowly fell from its smile into a frown. Saeyoung was about to ask but he decided to wait until you two got home.
You opened the door, to Saeran's apartment and went straight to your room and not to the couch like you usually would do. You didn't bother to check to see if Saeran was around, you knew that by this hour he would probably be stuck in his room finishing design work at the last minute.
"Y/n?" Saeyoung said as he leaned on the doorframe of your room.
"You noticed huh." You sat on your bed and held your head in your hands.
"From a mile away, babe." He half smiled sadly and took a seat next to you. "What happened today?" He asked ever so gently.
"It's Jumin." You sighed. "He's been so stressed that he's taking it out on everyone."
"Including you." He added.
"Yeah, remember when I mentioned a long time ago about how Jumin yelled at one of his employees when they poked me with a needle when they were making my uniform?"
"That was nothing compared to what he said to the janitor. And to me." You muttered the last part.
"Huh? What'd he say?"
"I just asked him if I could leave his office to continue doing my work since he didn't need my help and he said 'Of course you can, it's what you're best at.'." You groaned in frustration. "This is exactly why I never wanted to work in a business company!" You kicked your briefcase across the room in anger. "I know he's stressed and all that because of his leg but he shouldn't be such a bitch!" You were already breathing heavily and felt your fist shaking at your sides.
All of a sudden Saeyoung gave you a hug from behind, immediately making you relax.
"I know it's hard." He leaned his head in the crook of your neck. "But think about it this way, in about two weeks he'll get that cast off and everything will be back to normal." He turned you around by your hips and then held your face in his hands. "Soon you won't have to work there anymore and you'll be doing what you love." You knew he was talking about your dream career and chuckled slightly.
"Thanks babe." You gave him a quick peck on the lips then made your way out.
"Hey, where are you going! Don't you wanna have a little fun after a hard day at work?" You laughed out loud and kept going towards your destination.
"Perv! I'm getting real food!" Saeyoung gasped exaggeratingly.
"Oh yeah! Well I'm-"
"PG-13 Saeyoung." Saeran emerged from his room with bags under his eyes. "PG-13!" He repeated as he also made his way to the sacred kitchen.
"Whoa." You said when you got a good look at his face. "What happened to you? You look dead." You tried to inspect him closer but he tiredly swatted you away.
"I'm fine, Y/n. This is just me pulling another all-nighter." He brushed it off and went for some ice cream.
"I'm not buying that, what's going on Saeran, you look a lot more stressed out." Saeyoung then came into the picture making Saeran uncomfortable. He didn't want to say anything and kept doing as he was. "Hey." Saeyoung urged his brother to talk to him. Saeran shyly turned to look at him.
"I think they found me." You lifted an eyebrow in confusion along with Saeyoung.
"Stop being so mysterious and tell us." You asked him to answer not liking the suspension.
"Saeyoung, remember 'The Elites'?" Saeyoung took a moment to think back and then felt his blood run cold.
"But I made sure that any and all information would lead to the old PC."
"Okay WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON." You hated just standing there not understanding what the fuck was happening.
"Th thing is...before, I was the hacker, not Saeyoung." Saeran finally answered.
"It's true. I used to be studying Graphic Design while Saeran was studying programming. I learned a thing or two in the beginning from him, he showed me how he would hack into things like private websites and things like that."
"It was all fun and games in the beginning until I found out I could earn money by doing that. So I did and I was gaining money really fast, I got cocky at some point with a client known as 'The Elite' and eventually got found out. Saeyoung had to come save my ass and from then on we switched, I studied graphic design and he kept going as a hacker." You were in complete and utter shock.
"My life is a lie." You said barely above a whisper.
What was even the purpose of making Mystic Messenger if it's not really based on you people?!
"So now what?" You asked Saeran putting your thoughts to a side. He scratched the back of his head.
"I think I'm in the clear, I tried to take away most of the rumors and edit the ones that were left that would expose me."
"You think??? Uh-huh were going to check those codes now." Saeyoung pushed his brother out of the kitchen and back to his room, followed by the door slamming behind him.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"If it's not one thing, it's the other." You exited the kitchen, not really hungry anymore and looked towards his room. "When will this end?"
~Celestial-Red & MMspaMEM~
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