Chapter 3

This continues from the previous chapter. Enjoy.

Kyoya pov

            Anjelica left the room and I asked "she threw away somethings. what was it?" "I don't know it looked like a paper." "you hold her for a minute while I go see." I gave Anjelica's niece to Haurhi. I go to the thrash and see only a crush paper. I grab it and open it and read it. I read it I take it to the others. "What is it?" Tamaki asked. "It's a note. It says 'they're come after you jelly, me, and Mel. Watch Mel never lose sight of her. I will see you soon. I will protect you. Don't show this to anyone.' We will not tell her we saw this. Watch her and the baby. If she brings this up and says she scared tell her we know." "I wonder if that was wrong with her his morning?" Haurhi muttered under her breath.

      "What happened this morning Haurhi?" I asked. "This morning when I woke her up she had tears on her face and looked like she had seen a ghost." She said. "Did you ask about the dream?" I asked. "No, she said she was fine. So I dropped it I'm not going to force her to talk when she doesn't want to." Haurhi and walked away.

Anjelica pov (I think I did Kyoya pov very badly please tell me how I did)

   "Yes" then my dad's tablet want off. I answer it. "Hey Mariah. I have Natali here with me" "yay I turn on the camera." I turn on camera. I see my mom and Natali. "Hey jelly!" I chuckle and say "hey Natali." "I miss you." "Me too." "Are you with the hosts?" "Yes. Look." I show her the host they introduced themselves and she does the same. I left the room. After a while Haurhi comes in. "Anjelica we have to go to the store to get everything we need for Melanie." Haurhi said. "Okay." "Wait your niece is there to?!" "Yes i found her in bathtub." "Where is she?" "To think of it last I saw her sleeping on Kyoya. Let's go see." I said. I find Kyoya and Mel asleep in a chair. I smiled and chuckle quietly. I show Natali.

        She puts her head in a pillow to muffle the laughter. "Well good luck with that, your mom is taking me to the movies. Because I have to see one or my mom going to be suspicious. Bye." "Bye Natali, oh I forgot the bitch threw my stuff in the pond so I can't talk on wattpad." "Awwww that bitch. For how long?" "I need to leave it in uncooked rice for three days. Soooo four days." "Awww we'll talk to in four days." She hung up. I go to Haurhi and say chuckling "I don't think we well be able to." "Why?" "Because Kyoya sleep too and I'm not waking him." "what?" Everyone goes to see.

          "They look soo cute together like that." The twins said and tamaki started to yell. I cover him mouth before he wakes them up. "Tamaki do you really want to deal with an angry Kyoya and a crying baby who will cry her head off. Because I can barely deal with Mel's crying I doubt it would be better the have an angry Kyoya." I whispered. "No, but you have to get the baby things." He said and I sigh. "What if Mel wake him up?" The twins ask. "I don't know." Then Mel wakes up. She starts crying because she can't find me. The guy hold me back so I won't get her. I glare at them and they got scared but they did let go. "It's okay Mel. I'm here." Said a voice I look and its Kyoya. They let go.

           I walk over and say "Kyoya I have to take Mel so I can buy thing for her." "Okay." He said with a sigh. "Come on Mel let's go buy you milk." I said putting her in the carrier. I give her a bottle and grab her stuff and my stuff. Me and Haurhi go to the store and buy everything we need and rice. Then get the crib from storage. Haurhi open the door and I walk in. Haurhi puts the crib in our room. Once she put it in there I put Mel in. She stayed asleep. Then I go help put everything away. "Why did you buy a big bag of rice we already have rice?" Haurhi asked taking out the rice. "Oh, that's for my tablet. It fell in the water so I have to leave it in uncooked rice for three days." I said.

         I get my tablet and took of the case. I open the rice and up my tablet in the rice I look at the time it's 7:00. Now I have to wait three days. Yay...not. We finished putting everything away expected things we need for dinner. I was doing homework and Ranka comes home. " have to tell you something." "Okay what is it?" "Well back at my home I have a niece. Well I found her in the bathtub." "Where is she?" "She asleep she is also one." "Yay. A baby in the house. Does she like being dressed up?" "I think. She let the twins dress her up. Oh, I forgot to give them back the dress. I'll just give it to them tomorrow." "Can I see her" and then I hear crying. I quickly get up and run to the room.

        "Your okay Mel. I'm here." I said and picked her up. She put her head on my shoulder. I pat her back and say "your okay Mel." Then I walk back to the dining room where I left Ranka. "Sorry about leaving like that. I forgot to buy a nightlight for her." "It's okay, can I hold her?" "You have to asked her. She doesn't really like strangers." "Okay what her name?" "Melanie but just call her Mel." "Mel can I hold you?" Mel lifts her head and looks at Ranka. Then she pushes away from me and reaches out to Ranka so he can hold her. He gets her from me. "She so cute." He said. "Can you watch her while I finish my homework." I asked. "Sure." He said very happily. I finish my homework and then out of nowhere Ranka asked "what were you dreaming last night? I heard you crying and screaming."

         "I don't know but it was weird. I wake up at my home in my bed. I yelled for my parents. My family all came running in my room. They all were relieved that I was home and hugged me. I hugged back then I hear a squeak noise the one doers make. I look at my door and see Mel. Then she starts talking like she was a teenager saying "Riah! Wake up! They're coming" while she hit me lightly with an wicked grin. Which scared me so I asked "who?" and she said "Michelle Sanchez. Live." She said look up at me with an wicked smirk. "What are you--" she cut me off saying "no time to talk it's time to wake up Riah. Wake up Anjelica!" She yelled the last part then I wake up." I said.

         "live? Where have I heard of that? Like live industry?" He said playing with Mel. "I don't know what that is." Then Haurhi came in with dinner. We eat and I feed Mel off my plate. I finished. "I'm going to go give Mel a bath." I said. "Okay don't forget the baby soap we bought today." She hands me the soap. I grab the soap and go to our room to get Mel a diaper and clothes. I also get my nightgown, the soap I bought for my dandruff, my brush, and the towel I used yesterday. I go to the restroom with everything. I take a quick shower then start bathing Mel. I dry off and put on my clothes. Then I dry off Mel, dress her, and brush her hair.

       Once I was done with her I grab all of mine and Mel's stuff off the floor. I open the door and put everything in mine and Haurhi's room. Once again I find Haurhi going homework and studying. Then Mel bugs her. "Mel don't bug her she busy," I said. "It's okay I was studying until you got out of the shower." She said. "Come on Mel let's go see Ranka." "Ya!" She yells. "Wait did you tell her my dad's name?" Haurhi asked. "To think of it, no, and she very friendly with him. But she doesn't like strangers. That weird she normally cries around new people." I said puzzled looking at Mel. "Well that weird." "Okay come on Mel let's go see Ranka." I said. I hold out my hand and she grabs it. I take her to Ranka.

          "Ampa." She said and ran up to Ranka. "That why she so friendly?" I thought out loud. "Why dear?" He said picking up Mel. "She thinks you my dad. I don't know why when she only met you once." I said. "Really?" He asked puzzled. "Yes, she just called you Ampa. That what she calls my dad sometimes that and/or grandpa, and/or daddy. That good because now I don't have to worry about get my dad here. She really attached to my dad." I said smiling. "Why is that?" "Well my dad takes care of her the most because her mother works when school started again she was alone with him practically all day." Now I have to experiment on this to see who she thinks who. "Well that an honor." He said smiling very brightly. I look at the time it's 8:00 again. I plug in my dad's tablet and call my mom. She answers.

        "Hi Mariah." "How was the movie?" "It was good." "Is Natali still with you?" "Yes I'm here!" She yells. I laugh. "What are you doing?" My mom asked. "Nothing. Ranka has Mel. She thinks he's dad." "No!" "Who was that?" I asked. "That was your father." "She thinks what?!" He yelled. "She thinks Ranka is you. She called him Ampa not to long. When I was hosting there was there two boys who reminded me of Chris and Mik." "What?!" Three voice said. One my dad and the other two my brothers. "How?" My brothers asked. "They had the same hair and eye color. Not to mention same names." I said.

         "What were you doing with boys?" My dad asked. "I was hosting. Don't worry I won't get a boyfriend before telling you that I like someone. I'm doing it to help Haurhi. Oh, and I'm might be in trouble." "I told you to behave!" My mom. "With who!" Natali asked. "I am really what happened with that girl at school. This is the very close to the same thing she just being a jealous bitch. I'm defending myself! With that girl in the first episode. Tamaki's regular guest." I said and realize I just cursed to my parents about that girl. They turn on the camera. I don't turn it on. "Anjelica Mariah Sanchez turn on the camera!" My mom yells at me. I turn on the camera to see and family in the van pulled over.

           "What did you say?" My mom asked. "Okay I said bitch." I said. "When did you start cursing and did you curse at her?" My dad asked. "Natali how long ago when the girls broke me into cursing? Oh and yes I did curse at her and I don't regret it nor will I say sorry. She threw mine and Haurhi's things in the pond." I said mad. "What else don't we know?" My mom asked. "A lot. But I don't tell you because your mostly go to press charges an a lot of my friends. I don't have to tell you everything. Natali you better not tell them anything about the girls or anything that happens. You leave her out of this don't asked her. Even if you tell her parents you will have to explain where I am. I'll tell you when I want to. Let me go check on Mel really quick." I said and left the room and see Ranka playing with Mel. I smile and go back to my family. "So what's happening now?" Natali asked change subject. "Well, tomorrow is when the girl request to see Haurhi. She might also request to see me too. Maybe at that same time or different. I already apologized to Tamaki but never to her. For today and what I might said tomorrow." I said. "Why did you apologize for today?" Natali asked.

           "Well I threatened her after cursing at her. I did that to see if she would complain to Tamaki it worked. Because this girl is jealous and stooped so low that she threw out thing in the pond. Tamaki got mad that I did that. He asked for my reasons. I told him I hide my feelings and I know for a fact she threw our stuff in the pond and I asked him what she told him. He said She told him that I called her a bitch and I threatened her touch Mel. I asked hedid she tell you why I told her that. He said no and I said she was was talking shit about me and that she just jealous of me and Haurhi. I told him not to do anything about until tomorrow. Then I apologize to him not to her. I hear Mel crying so I walked away and the crying stopped. I go see was happening. I see the twins did freak out but started to play with her. Then I can smell her diaper. I walk over and get her form the twins. I change her. I asked her if she want to go with anyone and she ran to Kyoya. She fell asleep on him. After a while I got a call for you. After that call we had Mel wake up Kyoya because Kyoya fell asleep with Mel who was snuggle to him. I did want Mel to wake up Kyoya with her cry but the twins and Tamaki were holding me back. Me and Haurhi went to the store again to buy Mel her things she needs. I did my homework. Ranka asked what I was dream last night because I was crying and screaming in my sleep." I look at Natali and what her reaction closely.

         "I said I dreamt I woke up in my room in my bed. I screamed from my parents and all of my family walked in. We talk you said you all happy that I was back and you all hugged me and I hugged back when we finish my door makes that noise the door make when you open them. And Mel was there. She said in a teenager voice "Riah! Wake up. They're coming!" She said with and wicked grin and lightly hitting me. I asked "who?" And she stops and looks up rapt me with an wicked smirk saying "Michelle Sanchez. Live." Then I asked "what are you--" but she cut me off saying "no time to talk it's time to wake up Riah. Wake up Anjelica." She yelled the last part and I woke up." I'm still looking at Natali she looks shock but not. Did she really send that letter.

           "Ranka asked like live industry. I said I don't know." Natali now looks like she knows everything that happening to me. I then look at the time and it's 8:30. "Well I have to go, bye." I said. "Bye talk to you soon." My mom said. They all say bye. Then I hang up. I go back to Ranka to see both a sleeping Ranka and Mel. Then I go to Haurhi who is now in our room. "Haurhi look in the living room." "Why?" "I need to know if we have to move them or leave them there." "What?" Then she goes to the living room. "We can leave them there we just have to put pillows under there heads and put blankets over them." She said. She gets the blankets and I get the pillows. We do that and we go to bed.

          "Haurhi we might wake up like very early." I said. She sigh and said "then we get sleep. Wait did you take you medicine?" "No, I don't have them, Kyoya still has them." "Just go to sleep." She said and we both want to sleep.

Next day at 3 in the morning

Mel is crying. "Anjelica go get Mel." Haurhi said grumpy because it's three in the morning! "Ugh!" I get up and make a bottle. I go to the living room. I see Ranka has been wake. "I'll take her." I said and grabbed her from him. I give her a bottle and she falls asleep in my arms. "Ranka go to your bed and see if you can sleep more." I said and he leaves very tired. I put Mel in the crib. She stayed asleep while drinking her bottle. I lay Down and fall asleep.

Time skip to 5:30 in the morning

  Once again Mel is crying. "Ugh!" I get up and look at the time it's 5:30 now. Might as will get ready for school. I pick up Mel make another bottle I give it to her and she falls asleep I put her back in her crib started getting ready. I made pancakes for breakfast. Ranka comes in the kitchen and I look at the time it's 6:10. "What are you doing up, Anjelica?" He asked. "Mel. She wake me up again at 5:30. There pancakes if you want some. I'm going to wake up Haurhi." I said and left to wake up Haurhi. I wake her up and say it's 6:10. She automatically gets up. I get six bottles really for the day because yesterday she had three bottles only packed.

       Haurhi made lunch after eating. I eat and cut half of one of my pancakes for Mel. Just then she starts crying. I get her and give her the half of the pancakes with only butter because she doesn't like syrup. She eats it all. Haurhi finished make lunch. It's now 6:30. I get my stuff and Mel's stuff. Haurhi has her stuff just wait on me. I pit Mel in the baby carrier. We leave saying be to Ranka.

Time skip by because I don't know what to do, Mel's crying, and it's my last class

        I change her diaper last class. I give her a bottle and she stops crying. Now the teacher continue with class because he stopped again because of Mel's crying. Once class was done the teacher stops me before I leave. "I see your getting the hang of taking care of a baby." He said with a smile. "Oh, yes. I got everything I need to take care of her. Yesterday all she need was a diaper change I forgot because I was frustrated and scared to take care of her. But I'm not scared anymore." I said with a smile. "Good if you need help just ask. You can leave now." He said. I leave and go to the host club. I get there and see everyone. I'm smiling.

         "Well you got the hang of taking care of her." The twins said. "Yeah. But I'm still tried. She woke us up at three. I put her back to sleep then she woke me up at five thirty. I just got up took care of her and she fell asleep again. Then I got really. But I'm happy I'm getting use to this. Oh, after hosting I need to see somethings and I need all of you." I said. "Okay." The twin." Alright jelly-chan." Honey said and Mori nodded. "Okay."Tamaki said. "For what?" Kyoya asked. "I want to see who Mel thinks you all right." I said smiling. "Fine." He said. Hosting just started and we welcome our guests. The bitch request me. I losted my smile. I sit at a table with Ayanokoji(a.k.a the bitch). I have Mel in my arms. She asked about how my stuff ended up in the pond. "Oh, well you threw my stuff in the pond. Oh, and you fell for my trap." I asked. "Ha did that no one will believe you. Your just a stupid whore." Oh hell no did you just called me a whore.

           "Ha, say the jealous bitch who doesn't know my niece. You don't know where I'm from. I know everything you whore. I'm not jealous and I don't stoop so low that I throw someone thing in a pond make that two. I'm smart. I don't give a fuck what you say because your just jealous. And you can't pull your trick on me because I'm a girl. My trip was to get you to tell Tamaki what I said. That provide you jealous because you tried to get me in trouble." I said and somehow she got Mel. "Oh, bitch. You want to give her back right now and I won't hit you." She kept her. I brag Mel, hit her, and knock over her chair with one of my legs.

          "Don't you ever touch her. She like my baby but she is my niece bitch. Don't mess with me. I don't have family here so you can do anything to my family." I growled smirking and walked away. I walk over to Kyoya who looks mad. "I don't care I warned her not to touch Mel. And I'm sure Tamaki told you all. She called me a stupid whore and touched Mel and didn't give her back. I had to snack her back." I said pissed. "Just watch her when she's talking to Haurhi." I said and walking to change Mel's diaper. I change Mel's diaper and threw it away. Tamaki came over to me.

          "Why did you do that?!" He yells at me. "Because that bitch touch Mel and called me a stupid whore. I told I'm not apologizing to her. I apologize in advance to you. I will ever said sorry. This is the second time that I don't regret what I said! I have ever yelled look in someone's eyes and yelled to there face that I don't care about them and I hate them! But this I don't regret I never will." I said walking away with Mel in my arms. "Why are you so defensive now?! You weren't before!" He yelled at me.

           "Because I'm being told some people are come after me and Mel! How would you fell to that?! I'm scared! I don't want to be taken! I don't want Mel to be taken from me! She my only family I have here! Just go watch Haurhi and Ayanokoji. But don't intrude until need." I yelled crying. I run out with Mel and her bag with me. Ran until I was in the rose maze. I give Mel a bottle and she falls asleep. I ended up falling crying asleep.

       I wake up feeling nothing in my arms. "No let me go! Where's Mel?!" I started yelling trying to get out of who's ever holding me. "Jelly-chan it's okay I have her." I open my eyes and see Mori's holding me and next to him walking is honey who has Mel. I calm down. "What happened?" I asked. "After you yelled at Tama-chan you ran away crying. Everything continue. After a while tama-chan sent us to find you." "Oh, thank you for getting me out of that maze I probably would have stayed lost in there. Um...Mori can you put me down now?" I said. Then he puts me down.

         Wait why can't I fell me legs. "Honey-sempai why can't I fell my legs?" He looked worried and muttered "she said it would have wear off by now." "Honey-sempai what are talk about?" "Oh nothing try to move your legs." I try to move them but they won't move. "Honey-sempai who was she you were talking about. What happened when you found me? Tell me was I almost taken." He sigh and said "yes, but some girl saved you." "What did she look like?" I asked "She had straight long dark brown hair, brown eyes with glasses." He described her. "Did she give you a name or reason why she saved me." I said. "She said she is a friend of your. Why do you think you know her." He said.

       "Yes. I think it's Natali. The thing I throw away yesterday and spaced out was a letter. Its scared me because I have a dream that night before almost saying the same thing but Mel was saying they're coming after me and they're coming. She even gave me a name and a word. The name Michelle Sanchez. The word was live." I said. That went we got to the club room door. "Try to move your legs again." Honey-sempai said. I move my legs a little. Mori puts me down but helps me walk around in circles. I slowly walk then start to gain speed. Once I can walk at normal speed Mori lets me go. I stopped when he let go. I step forward and walk to the club room door without a problem.

        Before I opened the door honey gives me Mel. I finally smile. I open the door. And I see Ayanokoji talking with Haurhi. Haurhi figure out what's wrong with her. Then Ayanokoji yells that Haurhi is attaching her. The twins pour water all over them. I smile that Ayanokoji got drenched in water. I was about to move from the door when she ran to the door and grabs Mel. "Oh , hell no bitch!!!" I said and ran after her. She slipped on a banana peel. I bitch slap her on her face and take Mel from her. "Don't touch her you bitch!!!" I walk away with a very red hand carry Mel. To think of it why hasn't she woke up yet. I look at her she breathing very fant.

        I ran back to the club room and run up to Kyoya "Kyoya help me! Mel her breathing!" Tamaki had just found out Haurhi is a girl. Kyoya checks Mel and then say "clubs over due today's events." He said and the girls all leave. "Kyoya what's wrong with her?! Honey-sempai do you know anything what happened?! Did she tell you anything about Mel?!" I asked worried. "No she didn't tell us anything about Mel-chan." Honey-sempai said. "She might be poisoned." Kyoya said. "With what? all I gave her today was half a butter pancake, whatever Haurhi made for lunch, and milk! Did they poison her?! Kyoya help her I don't want to lose her?!" I crying.

          Kyoya calls someone. "I'm taking her to one of my family hospital." Kyoya said. "I'm coming with you. I can't leave her. She didn't like strangers! I need to be with her! I feel better that she with me! I'm scared! Why is this happening to me?!" I yelled crying. "Anjelica we read the note." "Calm down." Your okay."  "We all protect you." " How can I tell my parents this?! How can I ask my friend if they're somehow protecting me?! How can I just sop someone and not feel anything but anger?! How can I just curse at someone without any feelings but anger?!" I cried not feeling anything but lost. "I-I-I c-c-can't f-f-feel my legs." I said my arms when limp and my legs dropped. Mori caught me. "Why can't I feel?!" I asked.

Well cliffhanger! sorry but I'm giving to post the next chapter later today. This chapter ended the first episode. Find out what happened to me and Mel. Bye! please vote and comment on how I'm doing. Thank you for reading. Date: 7/24/16 Words: 4736

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