Part 87: Touchdown in the Concentration Camp

"We are not letting a villain come with us." Aizawa had been arguing with Shine for 5 minutes straight. "For all the reasons I just listed, and it wasn't part of the agreement."

His reasons were as follows. 1: Dabi was a villain. 2: They couldn't trust that this wasn't just the perfect set up for a joint op between the gang and the League. 3: Shine wouldn't tell them why the LOV wanted him to come.

Shine sighed. "Dabi...want to step in here?"

"Not really." Dabi was sullen. "I'm going whether pencil man likes it or not, so just shut up and let's go."

"Let's put it to vote," Miss Joke said.

"No, that'll never work," Shine said, "Everyone will vote against it except you, me, Momo, and Bakugo."

The looks on everyone's faces were priceless...because she was exactly right.

"Well, then we have our answers," Aizawa said.

"Let me put it to you this way." Shine held up a watch. "Dabi will come whether you like it or not. Some way or the other, and we are using up precious time. Shall we keep arguing, or shall we move on?"

Aizawa glared at her. "If this goes wrong, I'm holding you fully responsible for his actions. Have fun explaining to the authorities if we get caught."

The students were shocked at that threat...but Shine was too upset already to really get more rattled by anything. She looked away.

"Between the death threat in there and that, it really sucks to be you," Dabi said to Shine.

Mirko kicked him in the shin.

"Hey?! What was that for, Bugs?" he said.

"Just felt like it." Mirko looked away.

"Death threat?" Momo repeated.

"Let's fly," Hawks interrupted. His feathers swirled around and picked them up. "I've got my GPS on this." He touched his glasses. "I hope those directions were right. And, Miss Likstar, for your comfort, I will personally carry you."

"That's not that comforting, Hawks, but I'll take it over riding a feather," Shine said.

"We're doing what?" Bakugo looked nervous.

The feathers took off at a huge speed into the air, not as fast as a jet, but about as fast as an eagle or hawk, naturally.

Hawks led the way, holding Shine carefully. Shine covered her eyes or else looked only upward.

"Eh, I hate this." Mirko held her ears down as the air rushed past. "Never gets any better."

"My eyes are stinging, man," Kaminari said.

"You have sunglasses!" Jiro yelled at him.

"Oh...right..." He pushed them down. "I forgot because it's dark..."

"So..." Momo addressed Dabi-- he was closer to her-- "uh...why are you joining us? I mean, really?"

"None of your business," Dabi said coldly.


Momo tugged her bangs. "Uh, did you mean by death threat?"

Dabi didn't care if she knew that. It would just freak her out. "Oh, boss says he'll kill Shine if I don't come back."

"What?!" Momo almost yelled, but of course, it was drowned out by the wind, so hardly anyone even heard it.

Shoto glanced her way, but couldn't make out what was going on.

"Well, don't lose your over-confidence now." Dabi was mean. "I'm sure it'll be fine... It's not like we have anything to worry about."

"I...think you're being sarcastic," Momo said. It was hard to tell with Dabi.

"Oh, really?" There it was again.

"I...guess you don't like us, at all..." Momo surmised.

"Nope. What tipped you off? Was it the obvious disdain or the vendetta of the League?" Dabi said.

"Actually, it's that you're not trying to get along with us even though your life could end up being in our hands if we all have to work together," Momo said.

Dabi didn't expect that level of sass from "princess" of all people. He shrugged. "I don't pretend."

"I guess I'd respect that, if I could understand why you're so adverse to us... We never did anything to you," Momo said, "But...I know...hero society is not I'll try to overlook all your cruel words because of Eri...and because I need to make sure Shine is okay... We owe her big, after all...and I suppose, I should also thank you..."

"For what?" Dabi blinked. This had to be a set up for an insult.

"Shine told me that you helped me. I'm afraid I was pretty out of it, so I didn't remember very well, and I didn't get a chance to bring it up at...the previous encounter...but thank you." Momo was rather prim, as she didn't feel that grateful under the circumstances, but it was her nature to say what she thought she should say regardless.

Dabi really didn't expect that--and was kind of pissed that Shine told them about it.

"Don't get the wrong idea. That wasn't because I felt bad for you losers. It was just part of the deal. The deal's off now. Don't expect me to bail your a---- out next time you get in trouble."

"You know, despite what you clearly think, I'm not stupid." Momo changed her tone. "You helped Jiro too, didn't you? Shine knew that's what you were doing...and you didn't really try to kill Bakugo and Todoroki...and you warned us... I won't mention it to the Pros because I'm told it's supposed to be secret, but I don't think you're quite as bad as you want us to think, Mr. Dabi."

"Don't call me that. And all that was just part of the deal, nothing more."

"I don't believe that." Momo was staunch. "I think you like Shine because she's kind and she's loyal, even to villains...and I don't understand her at all, but I suppose if I was one, I'd like that she's that way. She sticks up for you a lot, you know... I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to keep you safe, as with all of us... I'm just hoping you don't intend to jeopardize that by any more betrayals, because this is already a really risky maneuver, and I'm not sure any of us will make it out anyway. I'm just asking you, if you can't do it for us heroes, then do it for her. She's really your friend."

"Shut up," Dabi said. He scowled at the ground. It sure was a long way down if Hawks just "accidentally" forgot he was there. "I don't know what you think you're doing. Hearing all that just makes me want to screw you all over more. Like I should listen to you. You'd all turn me in if Likstar wasn't holding you in check, and it wouldn't matter whether I was being real about this or not. It makes no difference. Just go on thinking I'm crazy. It's easier for everyone."

"Are you crazy?" Momo asked, very innocently.

Dabi snorted. "What do you think?"

"I don't know," she said, "You don't seem crazy."

"I'm in the League. I kill people. That makes me crazy," Dabi said dryly.

"Not everyone," Momo had to swallow with some difficulty, "who kills people is crazy...I suppose..."

Dabi snickered. "Don't kill yourself trying to bend over backwards there, Princess."

"I get it..." Momo said meekly, "You hate me...because I'm a hero...and I'm supposed to hate you, because you're a villain, and you've done horrible things I would never do...but I don't want to hate anyone... I don't know what to do, but I want to be fair... I guess that won't mean much to you, huh? But I thought I should say something."

Dabi didn't reply. He didn't really know what to say.

* * *

Both too long and too short a time later, they were flying over a dark, abandoned wasteland... Well, there were trees. It was an ordinary looking part of the country, where no one would come normally. Shine thought it was funny that in such a small country there was still miles of uninhabited land--then reflected that her own home state, one of the most crowded in America, had miles of forest and desert in it that no one lived in... Go figure.

But it was a wasteland when they saw the part they were aiming for-- no trees behind the walls...barbed wire on top of them... In all this time, one would think trees would have regrown. Wasn't it 100 years ago?

In fact, why would any buildings still be standing?

Unmistakably, even from this high up, the buildings they did see were newer than 100 years old and in better condition.

Shine realized uncomfortably that there was no way Overhaul's gang could have done this. Someone else had rebuilt this camp for their own reasons... He was just using it.

But she didn't share that thought out loud. It didn't seem like the time.

Hawks had been pretty nice to her this whole time and not tried to scare her, but he stopped rather short and lurched in a way that made her feel like she was going to plummet out of the air. It was only so he could correct his course, but she still dug into his arm like it was her lifeline... Yeah, running was so much better than flying. She thanked her lucky stars Wally didn't have the power of flight. A blessing in disguise.

"Uh, I'm not gonna drop you just because I'm turning..." Hawks said, a little puzzled.

"Just get me down..." Shine said through clenched teeth.

Hawks lowered, and the feathers brought everyone else down inside the wall. No sign of any security cameras.

"The tech in this place is still 100 years old from the look of it..." Miss Joke noted.

"That's lucky for us," Aizawa said, "I doubt that so soon after getting out, Overhaul has the funds to install a lot of fancy security in this dump."

"Overhaul was never rolling in the dough anyway. That's why he came to us," Dabi volunteered sullenly.

Mirko tilted one ear. "I don't hear anything..."

Jiro put her jack to the ground too. "It's a big place. I can hear some footsteps, but they're too faint to count... I can't identify anyone specifically from that."

Mirko looked annoyed at her but then shrugged. "There could still be some security, though. Maybe a patrol? How many dogs does this Overhaul guy have?"

"I don't remember that he had any dogs," Kaminari said, "Wasn't it just bad guys?"

Mirko looked at him weirdly. "What do you think I meant by dogs? It's called a metaphor, kid."

"Oh." Kaminari looked embarrassed.

"We should still be quiet even if there're no cameras," Aizawa said. He tried to remember who in the gang might still be loyal to Overhaul and good at detecting...but he hadn't met that many of them...

"Do you think they'll still wear those bird mask things?" Miss Joke asked.

"Plague doctor masks," Shine corrected, "You know those don't actually work."

"Tell Overhaul that. He's all 'it keeps out the filth.'" Dabi did a very bad impression of Chisaki's nasally tone. Which was lost on most of them who hadn't met him.

"Didn't Compress say he was a germaphobe?" Bakugo recalled.

"Yeah. Major," Dabi said, "Though it didn't stop him from getting covered in blood."

They stared at him.

"Could you maybe not give the kids nightmares?" Miss Joke said.

"It's the truth. If they can't handle that, they shouldn't have come." Dabi was unapologetic.

"Gruesome as it is, Dabi is providing us with valuable information," Shine spoke, "He is the only one of us who's met Overhaul in person, save for Eraser, and you didn't really talk to him, did you, Aizawa?"

"I wouldn't have had much to say," Aizawa said coldly.

"Then we should listen," Shine said, "Anything else we should know, Dabi?"

Dabi thought about it. "I remember that Overhaul said a lot of the same things you said later, Likstar, about the League's lack of goals... Then he killed Magna. So we decided to get revenge on the b------d. With Kurogiri now, he's just dug himself in deeper."

"Why did he kill Magna?" Shine asked.

"Magna attacked, but things were tense," Dabi said, "Then Shigaraki killed one of his goons, and they took Compress's arm."

"So it was fair," Mirko said.

Dabi glared at her. "Who says we want to trade lives? That's stupid, and the gang had way more numbers than us. An all out war would have been a bad idea. So letting the Pros do it for us made the most sense, just like this time. We just took his arms so he knew it was us."

The LOV's planning made the others shudder, but Shine took it very calmly. "You know, I wouldn't have let him know it was me, if I were you."

"He'd figure it out. He's not stupid, just sick," Dabi said.

"He was stupid to think Shigaraki would let that go," Shine said, "He's far too vindictive for that."

"So Overhaul can't read people like you can. The point is, like h--- were we going to work with the prick after that," Dabi shrugged, "Can you use any of that against him or not, Likstar?"

He seemed to be purposely only talking to her, the others noticed.

Shine tugged her hair. "To do what?"

"Exploit his weaknesses, of course. That's what you do, isn't it?"

"No, I don't do that," Shine said.

"Yes, you do," Dabi argued, "Don't try to deny it. Just 'cause you like to say you're all nice and kind and stuff doesn't mean at heart you're not just as manipulative as the rest of us."

"Hey, don't talk about her like she's like you," Shoto said, angrily, "Likstar is nothing like a villain. You just want to put everyone in your box to feel better about yourself."

Dabi just snickered. "I do, huh? Sure it's not the other way around, Snowflake?"

"Dabi," Shine said warningly, "Make my job easier, please. Remember? I won't stop him from punching you if you're going to run your mouth like this. I'm sure Shigaraki will believe me if I say it was your own fault you got hurt."

Dabi rolled his eyes. "Anyway, the point is, you're just as tricky as one of us, so come up with something. This isn't my strong point."

"I might be able to do something with it," Shine said, "but only if I meet Chisaki myself, and that's not a wish I have... For now, let's focus on what we do know. He has some idea of fair play...but it's twisted. He's willing to exploit people even when it's not fair. He only bargains when he has a use for someone he can't force to cooperate, such as the LOV... So we can count on him using any leverage he has on us, if he finds us, to force us to comply. No Mr. Nice Guy...but our biggest problem is lackeys, I would say. A guy like that isn't that strong on his own. Why are they loyal enough to him to support him after knowing what he was about? And why do they care so little for their own quirks they'd work for him?"

"Ah, that's easy," Dabi said, "He gave them a life...a place to fit in. Plenty of them are like us-- freaks, outcasts, psychos. Oh, most villains are just people who can't swing it in society as normal citizens. But you knew that..."

"Yes...I'm not surprised." Shine was still acting like talking to a villain in this manner was normal, to the other's chagrin. "And do they understand how disposable they are to him?"

"According to Twice, they don't care," Dabi recalled, "They don't have any will of their own or goals, not like us in the League. We all have something we want. Shigaraki is going to provide us with that thing. But the gang is different. They're like dogs-- minions, really."

"So reasoning with them is out," Shine said, "They won't turn on him for any personal gain, will they? We can't convince them to try to save themselves, nothing like that."

"I wouldn't say so, no," Dabi said. 

"On top of that," Aizawa put in, a little grumpily, "they are fine with him using their quirks for himself, which he can do if they are close enough to combine with him. I heard that there was one who was a bit more fair to Fat Gum and Red Riot because he wanted a death match...but that would be the exception and not much of one. We don't know if he's even still in the gang. How could all of them have escaped?"

"But you can count on it that they did," Dabi was looking at Shine still. "Because if Overhaul didn't bust out his minions, he'd look bad. He can't afford to lose his image as someone who takes care of his pets. Whether the reports said so or not, I'd bet money on it."

Shine thought for a moment. "Our best move, in this case, is to avoid detection as long as possible. If we can use disguises or some other method to sneak in unnoticed... Geez, I almost wish we brought Hagakure now."

"I could make us disguises," Momo offered.

Shine nodded. "And I don't think all of us can go in together...the Pros especially. If we do run into someone, our best bet is to pretend we're here to join the cause. If they don't believe that, at least we could get taken in farther before they try to capture us. Getting as close to Eri as possible is our goal for now. If I find her, I may be able to use my gift again. Sometimes once I'm in the place itself, I can make a path through it, but it will no doubt drain me more than usual. I can't hop all over rescuing you like I have in the past. I need all of you to be smart about this. Shoto, that means no charging in and using big moves."

Shoto looked chagrined at being called out.

"Bakugo, you can't attack anyone just on sight. Listen to your teammates," Shine said.

Bakugo glared at her but didn't argue.

"And, Mirko, Hawks, at best you're back up here until we can get farther in," Shine said.

"Wait, why are you in charge?" Hawks asked, "You're not with the law, and you're not a Pro. I feel like Eraser should be coming up with a plan."

Eraser shrugged. "This sounds fine so far...but what about the villain?"

"He has a name, Eraser," Shine said, annoyed, "Dabi...well...on the one hand, he's not as easy to recognize, and even if he was, a villain showing up here could be less suspicious than a Pro. I think he can do whatever he feels he needs to do."

Dabi smirked. "Good answer."

"But if he won't cooperate, he's just a liability," Shoto said.

"All of us are, in our own way," Shine said, "Jiro, Kaminari, you're the least likely to be recognized. How much are you willing to take on here...? Remember, setting foot in there puts all of us at risk in many ways. No one should go in who's not ready for that."

They didn't look very ready, but Kaminari swallowed. "What do you want us to do?"

"Scout," Shine said, "Jiro, really, but she'll need back up. Anyone else is too obvious. But you don't have to do it."

"It's fine," Jiro said, "I have the best hearing. This is what I know how to do anyway."

"Well, I mean, I guess we're used to working together," Kaminari said nervously, " So it's probably better if I go, right? We can read each other's signals. We've done it before."

"You need to be really careful not to get caught," Aizawa said.

"Here." Momo handed them dark hooded capes. "I don't know what the masks really look like, but this should help, right?"

"Eh, the mask would just make it harder to communicate anyway," Kaminari said.

[#COVID problems.]

"Okay then, Hawks, if you could fly them closer to that building." Shine pointed to the outline of one they could see in the starlight. There wasn't much of a moon tonight, but that might be a good thing. "You have the wire still?"

Jiro held it up. "Yeah, I got it."

"I'll make more for all of us." Momo turned her back on them so she could do so.

"This is not a very good plan," Mirko said.

"I can't think of a better one," Miss Joke said, "We don't know what to expect in there, so what else can we do?"

No one argued with that.

Hawks did as suggested and flew them close with his feathers. Nothing seemed to notice they were there.

Momo pulled up some night vision goggles. "I don't see anyone around here outside... I can't make out much inside, though. Maybe I should have bought heat sensing goggles instead. I could make some but..."

"Save your quirk. Let's see if this works first," Shine advised, "But let's get out of the open anyway."

"There's a ditch that way." Hawks gestured to their left, where what looked like prison barracks were clustered. Only they had been remodeled into something a bit more secure.

They all snuck toward it. 

"Why's there a ditch in the middle of this yard?" Shoto wondered.

Shine made a noise of disgust. "You really don't want to know."

"I really don't want to get in it now..." Momo muttered.

"Beats discovery though," Hawks said cheerfully. They climbed in carefully. There was a weird smell to the place...but no one had time to think of it. They were tuning into the scouting duo.

* * *

Jiro and Kaminari were right up against the wall of one compound, one that was probably for actual officers, though they didn't know it, based on its design. It was in better shape than the others. It was an ordinary looking building too, with a regular door. The door was locked, naturally, but they were able to jimmy it open using Jiro's quirk and some effort.

Once they had the door open, they slipped into a narrow, dark hallway that was barely lit by a few bulbs in the ceiling that still worked, and some were flickering as it was.

"Spooky..." Kaminari said.

"Shh..." Jiro put her jack to the floor. .

She heard the vibrations of people moving...of some kind of ventilator system going...of doors closing. She tried to zero in on what direction the most noise was coming from... She blinked. "It's almost like there's something under the ground," she said, "Like, it's muffled."

" that bad?" Kaminari asked.

"Of course it is, you moron," Jiro said, "That makes it harder for us to get to it... I'm not sure where it is...but I feel like it's farther into this creepy compound, maybe even at the center of it...and from the sound of it, this place is just a maze of halls. Different buildings, all connected. It doesn't make any sense...but it could take hours to find anything. I can't detect it just by hearing it alone. It's too hard when there's so much in the way."

[Note: The place wouldn't have been like a maze when it was originally built, if it was a camp. This indicates more remodeling since it's original use. Very creepy.]

Jiro held up the wire closer to her mouth. "Did you get that? I think all of us will have to search this place together...which is not great. But it's also really empty mostly on the outermost sections, like all the effort to guard it is closer to the middle, so we could get farther in and not get caught, maybe."

"Right," she heard Aizawa answer, "Good...wait for me to find you. Don't go in alone."

"This is not what I wanted to do, but I guess we have no choice," Shine's voice murmured, "Let's divide up into teams then... Wait for the signal before moving, though."

Jiro and Kaminari sat back, trying not to even breathe loudly while they waited for the others to get organized.

"No time for rest
No pillow for my head
Nowhere to run from this
No way to forget
Around, the shadows creep
Like friends, they cover me
Just wanna lay me down and finally
Try to get some sleep.
We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for

Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
Echoes and the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything can stay the same, or we could change it all
Meet me on the battlefield

We're standing face to face
With our own human race
We commit the sins again, and our sons and daughters pay
Our tainted history is playing on repeat
But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead.
When I was younger, I was named
A generation unafraid
For the heirs to come, be brave.
And meet me on the battlefield

We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for.
Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
Echoes and the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything could stay the same, or we could change it all (we could change it all)
Meet me on the battlefield.
Meet me on the battlefield (we could change it all)"

[This song is so hauntingly beautiful.]

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