Part 85: The LOV on the case
Everyone waiting in the hall was tense.
"Why didn't I know about this?" Aizawa asked Miss Joke tightly.
"It's hard to explain." She twiddled her fingers.
"Try," he said flatly.
Miss Joke didn't know what to say.
"Shine convinced the LOV to leave us alone before, when they attacked us," Momo tried to help, "in exchange for not turning them in. They saw how powerful she was, and they agreed to it." This was the truth, just not the whole truth.
"Why not just take her out, then?" Aizawa said, "If they figured out how to block her powers. I know what happened before...and apparently, all of you know something I don't. Even the Rabbit back there seems to know."
"That's just rude," Mirko said, as they came down the hall.
"Looks like you're in trouble," Dabi said to Shine, like a younger sibling would after tattling on their sister.
Shine rolled her eyes at him. "It's the least of my concerns."
"It's not the least of mine," Aizawa said, "I'm not a fool, Likstar... All this time, you've been sneaking out... How much of it was involved in this?"
"What happens if I say all of it was?" Shine said weakly.
Aizawa's eyes turned red. "You don't want to know."
"It doesn't matter anyway." Shine walked past him. "After what happened to Wally, I don't care what you do to me anymore... I just want to get Eri back."
"You know," Dabi said, as they were all about to follow her out, "the League may be backstabbers, but at the end of the day, we get what she's about, and you stupid heroes don't. There's no justice in life, that's for sure."
Shoto glared at him. "You really think you understand her? Why did you try to kill her, then?"
Dabi recoiled. Momo nudged Shoto. Why was he provoking someone they came to for help?
"Because we understand her," Dabi finally retorted darkly, "Sounds sick, huh? But that's the way it is."
"Well, we get it just fine." Bakugo was pissed at Dabi still. "And your dumba-- is still not fully on one side or the other, is it? So why don't you piss off? Don't talk about freaking justice if you can't even be honest with yourself, moron!"
"Bakugo!" Momo was shocked.
"Don't provoke the villain," Aizawa reprimanded him.
Bakugo just laughed. "Please... Guy's a total wuss."
He walked away without another glance at Dabi, who was glaring at him but shuffled off back the other way.
"Hmm." Mirko seemed to find that amusing. "Kid has spunk."
"He's like a mini-version of you," Miss Joke said to her.
Shoto gave them the strangest look right then.
* * *
In addition to the agreement, the LOV had also told Shine to give them at least a day or so, and unfortunately, that was still faster than the Police could ever hope to be. Overhaul's gang, such as it was, was cloaked in many levels of complicated secrecy. Taking him down the first time had been hard enough.
Eri's existence was such a closely guarded secret in the higher ups, that few people knew who she was or the amount of power she possessed. Why she was really staying at UA was a secret.
Even the students didn't know the full story, mostly, but Momo, Shoto, Bakugo, Kaminari, and Jiro got filled in after they got back. None of them could sleep anyway.
Shine didn't want to talk to them. She went back to Wally as soon as they got to the school, but Aizawa told them. He figured he might as well.
He wasn't one to sugarcoat, and the full truth shocked them all.
In all honesty, it couldn't be said there wasn't some fear on their part. Though Momo was more sorry for Eri than she was afraid.
Shoto felt like he could understand in a way: being afraid of your quirk was nothing new to him...but still...
The other three didn't know what to think.
"Sure, we all know our quirks could be used to kill, but we've never actually had that happen," Kaminari said.
"It may sound like it's worse for Eri," Aizawa said, "but really your quirk going out of control is just as deadly, Kaminari... It all depends. But in her case, control was an issue. We think partly due to the trauma she underwent. She's been showing real progress at UA. She hasn't had an incident in a long time. With a few more years, she could probably use it at will. By the time she's your age, we think she may even be able to target specifically what she wants to Rewind. Her quirk could be a blessing like the world has seldom ever seen...or a curse." He shook his head.
"But if Eri herself keeps thinking of it that way, she'll never learn. Likstar and West were good with her. Whatever they were telling her, it was working. She was starting to be less hostile toward herself."
He gave himself none of the credit for that, Miss Joke noted (she was still there-- she wanted to hear this too).
"But we fear further exposure to Overhaul or his gang will undo all that." Aizawa was grim. "It may already be too late. Just getting taken at all..." He trailed off.
"Maybe she's stronger than you think." Shoto tried to be helpful.
"No one is that strong," Aizawa said, "least of all a kid. Not many people would be so brave even as she was."
They wished he'd stop talking about her in the past tense. Eraserhead was always so morbid when he was upset.
"Eraser, people can surprise you." Miss Joke was trying to avoid making all the students cry. "Let's not give up hope yet... I mean, it's a miracle the LOV of all people agreed to help us out."
"Like I trust them." Aizawa was still ticked about that. "They are probably just working with the gang and lying about it."
"I didn't think so," Momo said, "They seemed sincere."
"I'd have to say, that wasn't much like acting," Miss Joke agreed, "They didn't hesitate or try to talk around us. The LOV has never been subtle. I'm inclined to think they actually had no idea what was happening."
"If that is true, we're even more screwed. With the underground network they have, that they could have not heard about it is concerning." Aizawa was determined to be grim.
"But I think it's don't ask if you don't want to know with the underground." Miss Joke was still trying to be an optimist. "Maybe they'll come through."
"Joke, are you seriously trying to say we should be relying on villains?" Aizawa said.
"The same ones who tried to murder half of you not a month ago?" Aizawa added.
Silence again.
Aizawa got up. "This is insane... Eri is gone... Even if we find her...she'll be in pieces. All we can do is hope we can put her together again." He went toward his office.
Momo put her face in her hands. "Poor Mr. Aizawa."
"What if he's right?" Shoto was always a little weak to morbidity, and he was starting to slip. "Maybe it's already too late... What will she be like if we do find her...? And that's a really long shot as it is... How could we have let this happen?"
Miss Joke slapped him, though lightly. "Don't you start with that now, Todoroki-san," she said emphatically, "Eraser's just upset. There's more than one way to look at this. Glass half empty, half full, you know. On the other hand, we could never expect to get to her as quickly if we waited for the while this may be sort of is practical. And what's more, your supervisor has managed to earn the loyalty of some of the worst criminals in the world...which sounds bad but it also quite remarkable. So, don't get all down. There's always hope, right? Have a little faith."
"But there's nothing to have faith in," Shoto said, "We failed, the Pros failed...and if you mean in a Higher Power, like Likstar's faith, then I don't see what He has to do with this... He didn't stop it... I don't think there is a God. Too many innocent people suffer."
He sounded so bitter at the last.
Miss Joke tilted her head. "I can't give you one of Shine's answers, which usually make my head spin..." All the students nodded because they could relate. Kaminari even chuckled wryly.
"But maybe it's like this..." Miss Joke tapped her head. "Maybe...suffering is just part of life. And it doesn't prove anything. I mean, millions of people reject the idea of a higher power based on it, and millions turn to the idea because of it, so there's probably arguments on both sides...but I think bad stuff just happens because of bad people, and maybe it's not that complicated. But if we can stop it...that's what matters, is knowing if you can stop it. I mean, if you spend all your time angry at the universe, or God, because it happens, then you'll forget about actually doing what you can to undo some of it. Whatever you can say about Likstar, she works harder than anyone I've ever met to spread goodness around, so maybe it's just better to believe in something. Maybe she's even right," she shrugged, "There's a lot I can't explain about these things."
Momo smiled. "That makes two of us."
"Three," Kaminari said, "No surprise there though, right?"
"Four," Jiro said grimly. Then glared at them as if daring them to show surprise.
"Five." Bakugo didn't make eye contact.
"Six, I guess," Shoto said, "Wish I understood more."
"Kid, at my age," Miss Joke said, "I've come to see one thing: You understand more when you don't try, sometimes. Just let it happen... What do we call that...? Intuition."
"I don't think I have one of those," Shoto said.
They laughed at his seriousness.
"Wait, you're not that old though," Kaminari said to Miss Joke, confused.
Miss Joke hugged him. "Thanks, you're so sweet."
Kaminari was embarrassed but not unhappy. "Oh...uh, sure."
Jiro frowned. "Stop goofin' around. What should we do now?"
"I'm gong to sleep," Miss Joke said, "Oh...wait... how am I getting home?" She supposed she should find Shine.
* * *
Shine was sitting with Wally, who was asleep but fitfully so.
Recovery Girl had told her that his injuries were causing circulation problems... Basically if they couldn't fix it...he might lose his limbs.
Shine wasn't sure what to say about it. She felt numb.
Being a superhero was everything to Wally. His whole life was built around it... What could you say to him about it?
He'd had his powers blocked before, but...this was just so much more hideous and horrible.
Between that and Eri she wasn't sure what had her more distressed. She was wide awake, though she was exhausted. Recovery Girl told her she should rest, but she shook her head. She couldn't sleep. She was sure of it.
Wally woke up a some point and touched her hand. She looked up. "Oh, hi..."
"I know..." Wally said grimly, "Don't worry about telling me...I'm not stupid..."
Shine swallowed. Her mouth felt dry. "There's still a chance."
"I know.... You guys just have to catch that guy, right? Or maybe there's a way..." Wally winced as he moved too much. "So don't worry about it. It's not over yet, right?"
"But nothing is certain," Shine couldn't help saying. She was always the realist--at times the pessimist-- out of the two of them.
"So when is it ever?" Wally put on his classic Flash laughing in the dark smile. "Just have some faith, right? That's what you'd say if you were me."
"If I were you...I don't know what I'd say," Shine said, "I've never been in this position before. I'm not sure I could be so brave."
"Oh, you know it's all just an act for the kids."
"The kids aren't here."
"Well, I gotta impress my girlfriend," Wally said.
Shine started crying again. "Please don't say that..."
"Sorry..." Wally felt bad. "It was just a joke."
"Be upset if you want. I can't stand this..." Shine muttered.
"I really don't know if I can be upset..." Wally mused. He sighed a little. "Shine, you can't be strong enough for both of us, you know."
"Neither can you," She said defensively, "Don't try to keep it together for me."
"Well, I'm not gonna give up just yet. And I know you aren't either, so let's not panic," Wally said more lightly. "Eri's the one I'm worried about. I always bounce back."
Shine just shook her head.
Wally took her hand. "You one time, losing my powers would have been one of the worst hings I could think of, after my friends and family maybe... I mean, don't get me wrong, it still sucks...but I feel a little better this time around... I mean, they can't take away the gifts, right? I'm not gonna be useless even if this doesn't turn around...just different. And I know that you don't care about things like that. You proved it I'm a lot better off than most supers, when you think about it."
Shine smiled a watery smile. "I think you're too good for me."
"I'm serious though," Wally said.
"I know... That's why I love you.... Well, one of the reasons."
"I thought it was 'cause I was cute."
"It is," Shine said, finally lightening up a little, "but I find positivity really attractive at times like this."
"Shine, we're in public," Wally said.
"No we aren't, but now you made it weird." Shine's homeschooled side kicked in, and she turned red.
To be honest, Wally said things like that partly because her reaction was so funny, though he felt kind of guilty about it, but it was too funny to pass up.
"I think you two are the most glass half full couple I've seen." Miss Joke came in, sounding impressed. "You're so alike. I'm pretty sure you'd both still find a thing to be hopeful about if you got hit by a bus."
"I've been hit by a bus," Wally said. [I'm sure that's happened to the Flash. I can't prove it, but it sounds right.] "The plus side is, then you can say to people 'even if you throw me under the bus, I'll just bounce back'."
"That was bad," Miss Joke laughed.
"I thought it was funny," Wally said. Then winced. "Ow...this does hurt a lot though...I can't help wondering..." but he decided not to finish that thought. They were all wondering about Eri anyway.
"Why did you agree?" Twice wanted to know when the LOV informed him what he'd missed.
"Yeah, why the h--- should we care about that kid?" Toga said.
"Have you no soul?" Spinner asked.
"I don't think so..." Toga said weirdly.
"Overhaul deserves to be humiliated, if he's really behind this." Shigaraki said. "I can't believe he got out of prison. The nerve!"
"Oh, yeah, the nerve..." Dabi said dryly.
"Dabi, do you have something helpful to say?" Shigaraki snapped.
"Nothing comes to mind."
"Then shut up"
"Wow, you're touchy," Twice said. "No he's not...yes he is...shut up!"
"I'm dubbing that the "shuddup" voice, anyone gonna protest?" Dabi said.
No one did.
"I'm starting to think that's Jin's real voice," Compress theorized, "and all the others are just to annoy him."
"You know, that makes sense," Dabi said. "But who here doesn't have voices in their head in some way shape or form, right?"
They shrugged.
"Not like me..." Twice said in a low tone.
Shigaraki ignored them. "Compress, better get on this case. Who can we use?"
"Giran probably knows," Compress reasoned, "but he saw the girl, and I think he'd be suspicious, plus he'd charge us an arm and a leg for it. We already paid him for scouting...but the other option is to scrape the bottom of the barrel with regular informants."
"Who'd be most likely to know..." Spinner mused.
"Our guy watching Tartaros didn't tell us anything about this," Dabi pointed out. "We do still have a plant there right?"
"I'd more of call it a bribed informant who doesn't know who he's working for," Shigaraki said. "And we haven't heard from him in a long time...which is suspicious, coupled with this new info. Kurogiri would have come to us first if he could have, but how could they hold him hostage? He's literally all smoke."
"You see, I don't want to find out first hand how that's a thing," Dabi said. "But quirk blocking sounds pretty likely...maybe they figured out a way to block on command, so they can make him do what they want."
"Forcible Quirk Activation is AFO's thing, though," Spinner said.
"Wasn't AFO in the same prison as Stain, Overhaul, and Kurogiri." Compress said.
"That was our plan, you know perfectly well," Shigaraki snapped. "But this was not when we were going to do the break. And now it's looking like we won't be able to...I'm real pissed at Chisaki right now. This is all that b-----d's fault."
"Let's focus on finding him then," Compress redirected the conversation. "Why not use our newest recruits? They need a test run."
"Good idea...and they're street wise," Shigaraki said. "Get them in here."
Spinner went out and came back a few minutes later.
Dabi and Twice hadn't met the latest recruits yet, Compress had found these two. He said they were siblings.
One was a thin little guy who looked half starved, but had a beady, rat like look in his eye.
The other was a girl who had a similar face to him but purple hair with blonde roots, and purple eyes, and purple lipstick just to make it really overstated. And nail polish too, though it was hard to see that in the dim light.
"Code names Lethe and Medea." Compress presented them. "Mostly in for petty theft, but they have potential, in my opinion."
"Well, Giran keeps bringing us trash anyway," Shigaraki said. "What do you two do?"
Lethe and Medea exchanged a look. "Why should we tell you right off? What kind of job are you giving us?"
"Smarta---es huh?" Shigaraki hated when the new recruits were all mouthy, like Dabi. "Can you do information runs or not?"
"I'm the best at those," Lethe said, straightening. "People never even know I was there when I get intel. What do you need?"
"Compress, explain," Shigaraki was tired of going over it. [mood]
Compress nodded. "In short, this is what we need you to do..."
[Lethe and Medea are OCs my sister came up with that of course I had to use. They have an interesting back story, and if you googled their names, you can probably guess their powers.
Yeah, it's going to be interesting. I wanted to stay off adding more canon villains because it would change my story too much, so I made up ones instead.]
* * *
No one slept well that night, and Aizawa worst of all. In fact, he didn't sleep.
There was no class with him the next day, and none of the other teachers or students themselves could focus.
Shine seemed resolute though.
No one expected to hear from the LOV that day, they figured it would take at least two or three...and it would take the police that long too to even find her, but the hope was once the LOV found her, they could get to her faster than anyone else could.
Mirko was patrolling when Hawks found her.
Hawks looked freaked out. "Rumi? So you were did he know?"
Mirko slowed to a stop. "What do you want fly boy?"
"Okay, first, I'm a bird, not a fly," Hawks said, with a straight face. "And second...this is going to sound really weird, but...would you kill me if I told you a villain asked me to tell you something?"
"Was it the LOV?" Mirko didn't miss a beat.
"How did you--" Hawks stopped. "You were expecting it?"
"Duh. What did they say, and I swear, if it's 'she's dead' I'm going to murder someone." Mirko said.
"Actually, it was "got her," so I hope that means not dead," Hawks held up his hands. "Uh...Rumi, why is the LOV sending you a message about a...person?"
"Why are they using you as a messenger bird? I think we both have questions here," Mirko frowned at him.
"Well, I happened to be in the area and stumbled on one, and they just dropped this bomb on me, but it sounded important..." Hawks began.
"Bull-----" Mirko cut him off. "Fine, don't tell me. But fly over to UA will you and deliver the same message. Course it'd be faster to call, but we all agreed to a no phones policy."
"But I'm not a messenger hawk," Hawks said. "This ain't Avatar, I want an explanation."
"Ask them," Mirko flipped him off. "I gotta bounce." She jumped off the roof.
"Why are we friends again...?" Hawks asked himself.
* * *
Hawks showing up was the last thing anyone expected at UA. Mirko really should have told him who he was looking for, but by a stroke of good luck, Aizawa was the one in the office when he buzzed in, not Nezu, who actually was covering for his class.
Aizawa got him in before anyone else saw, and then called everyone else concerned.
Hawks was really confounded, but Shine said he might as well just help them if he was going to be this far involved, and if he wanted an explanation.
Not sure what else to do, he agreed...especially once he knew what it all was about.
"A kid? That's a new low for the LOV," he said.
"It's not the LOV," Momo told him. "It's Overhaul's gang...or at least some of them."
"Huh?" Hawks was confused. "But the LOV delivered the message."
"Yes, they are helping us, we have to meet up with them now," Shine said impatiently, strapping on her emergency mission pack. "Everyone ready?"
"I guess," Shoto put on his wrist guards.
"H----yeah!" Bakugo said.
"As we'll ever be," Jiro said, adjusting her amp.
"Let's go," Aizawa was impatient.
Shine opened a portal.
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