Part 82: End of the Festival
Aizawa was taking Eri around the festival very carefully, with a few other staff members, including the new counselor (who vanished at some point saying something about Tensei Iida), when he heard a familiar voice.
"Oh, hi, Eraser!" It was Miss Joke.
"Joke? What are you doing here?" Aizawa sputtered.
"Miss Joke!" Eri said excitedly.
"Hi, cutie." Miss Joke made a smiley face at her. "Now before you ask, Eraser, no, I am not stalking you. I'm patrolling the area. Lot of people out, you know. Gotta keep things safe. Great excuse to go around sampling the festival foods." She held up some food on a stick. "I never thought I'd see you out here though."
"Eri wanted to go," Aizawa said. Eri tugged his arm, and he picked her up resolutely and put her on his shoulders, so she could see better.
"Aww, that's adorable," Miss Joke said, "Maybe they should start calling you Dadzawa now."
"Not funny," Aizawa said.
"I thought it was pretty funny," Emi said.
"That's funny," Eri approved, "It sounds funny. Dad-za-wa..."
Okay, it sounded cute when she said it... Aizawa fought the urge to grin benevolently and basically make it acceptable.
"Well, nice seeing you and all. Good luck." He tried to make an exit.
"Isn't Miss Joke going to come with us?" Eri said, distressed, "She's all by herself, isn't she? She's not without friends, right?"
"Very considerate, Eri...but I am technically patrolling," Emi said. Not that Eri knew what that was.
"Yes, making sure nothing dangerous is going on."
"Dangerous?" Eri said.
Aizawa shot Emi a warning look.
"Oh, you know, like some idiot setting off fireworks in the street," Emi said hastily, "That kind of thing. But why don't you patrol with me? I can show you where to get the best food."
"Okay," Eri agreed before Aizawa could make up an excuse not to. He rolled his eyes. "Fine."
"And you are as putty in her hands." Emi smiled slyly at him. "I see this is the most important girl in your life, Eraser. Not to worry, your secret is safe with me."
Like heck it was! He fumed.
Actually things were still awkward with Miss Joke after their previous meeting. He'd done his best not to think of it a lot, but he couldn't see Nezu the same way. He hadn't come to the festival. He didn't usually though.
But it wasn't as bad as he thought once they were actually moving and talking. Miss Joke didn't bring up UA at all and seemed anxious to keep the mood light.
Eri seemed to like her... 'Course she bribed her with candy before. Cheat.
Aizawa was not good with kids, he thought.
Eri wanted to stop and try to catch a fish, so they did.
"This takes me back to my high school days... I really feel like I was less busy back then. Hero schools have changed," Miss Joke commented, but then she changed the subject quickly. "So, anything else fun planned? Fireworks, maybe?"
"Probably, but it's getting close to Eri's bedtime," Aizawa said.
"But I want to see the fireworks," Eri said.
"I guess," Aizawa sighed.
"I have the perfect place to get a good view of them, then," Emi said, "You'll like it too. It's on a roof."
Aizawa had his doubts, but Eri seemed anxious to try it, so he didn't protest.
* * *
The group of the boys and Ibara were mostly doing a sort of impromptu patrol-- Iida's idea.
Sato and Shoji said they wanted to go off and get food though, so he agreed to put it on hold.
Ibara was still a little divided about this. "I fear my family would not consider it very devout for me to be here..."
"If you prefer, we can take you back to the school," Iida offered.
"No, that's...dismal..." Ibara said, "Not that I should complain, but...well, surely there's no harm in just patrolling around. And looking at the decorations."
"I don't see any harm in that," Iida agreed, "and as Pro you might have to do that on a holiday anyway. It's a sacrifice we must be willing to make as heroes!"
"You always think of that first, hmm?" Ibara noted.
"Well, yes, of course. I have a rich family legacy to uphold," Iida said.
"It must be a great responsibility," Ibara said, "but also a blessing to have such an example to live by. Many are not so fortunate."
"That is very true," Iida agreed, "I particularly want to be like my brother."
"I remember you've mentioned him before... Ingenium, correct?" Ibara asked.
"Yes..." Iida looked a little somber. "His career was cut short, so I will be taking his name and carrying it on."
"Oh, that's noble, I'm sure."
"It's the least I can do. He's the best older brother in the world." Iida was unashamed of saying this outright.
Ibara smiled. "You're very proud of your family."
"Of course."
"I like that. It's good not to be ashamed of who you are." Ibara raised her hand for dramatic effect. "We should be a beacon of light to the world, not hiding from it."
"That's right," Iida agreed, "I remember, now, your speech at the festival. It's good to uphold personal standards even in the face of public pressure."
Ibara hadn't really seen it that way. "Hmm, I did think maybe I was too sensitive about that. I know Present Mic only meant to praise me. I am humbled by that...but still, words are important."
"Yes, well, it's okay to have a personal code, though," Iida said, a little regretfully. He was thinking of Stain.
"It helps us stay on the right path, to remember what we represent to the world," Ibara said, "And we represent more than ourselves. That is what it means to be true to our faith. I think what you believe is what makes you who you are. But words are all a part of that."
[Fyi, I hated what season 5 did to her character. It changed it from pure to creepy-- made no sense at all. So I've elected to ignore it. I mean, seriously going from not wanting to be an assassin to being okay with calling down hell's judgement or whatever? That doesn't make sense at all, and isn't like any person I've met myself. Not hating on the show, just thought it was weird.]
"That's an interesting thought..." Iida mused, "Like the name Ingenium is a whole legacy. Not just a word."
"Exactly. That's how I feel about it," Ibara agreed, "Most people don't understand..."
"It's true. I think many people don't know the responsibility of a legacy. I can't really blame them for that though," Iida said.
"But it's nice to have someone understand anyway," Ibara said sweetly.
"I suppose." Iida never really thought about it before. He wasn't the type to find common ground.
[Yes, I ship this. Yes, I know it's a crack ship. So sue me. I think it makes sense. Also there was that one panel she looked at him kind of admiringly, so I think, who knows? People have shipped for less.]
* * *
Bakugo had gotten lost in fact, and then, refusing to admit it, he'd not answered Kirishima's texts, but he started making his way toward the carnival.
On the way, he almost ran into a procession of dancers or street performers of some kind.
This was lame, he thought. He should've just gone with a different group.
"Hey, I know you," someone addressed him. Bakugo prepared for another stupid fan.
But instead, he looked, and it was an old lady who looked vaguely familiar. "Uh...who are you?"
"You don't remember me? I'm Nana...Camie's grandma?" the lady said.
Bakugo blinked. "Oh, yeah... Hey..." He started to walk on. He was not doing this s--- today.
"What? Are you just walking away from me? How rude," Nana said, using a parasol to hook his arm, "And my Camie said you were a nice boy."
"She wouldn't say that," Bakugo muttered.
"You look more like one of those bad boy types the young girls are so crazy about, or...what is it? Cray-cray, that's what Came-chan says," Nana said, "Eh, I'm too old for this new slang. Where's your family?"
"My class came," Bakugo said grumpily, "I'm not hanging with them right now. And Fyi, I'm a hero student."
"I know what you are, stupid," Nana said, "Well, if you're alone, that's not right. You should join us."
"No," Bakugo said.
"But Camie would be thrilled to have a friend here, I'm sure," Nana said.
Bakugo froze. "Why would Mrs. Illusion be here? With you?"
"Oh, Camie and I always celebrate this festival together, because I'm a 'totes lit' grandma." Nana made air quotations. "And she's more fun than my son and daughter in law. They never want to do anything interesting." She tapped her chin with one manicured nail. "Between the two of us, I think that house is too quiet for my granddaughter. She's not one of those really loud, obnoxious kids, but she thrives off energy and chaos. I think she's a lot more like her old grandmother than anyone else. I was always a live-wire in my younger days too. Perfect for a hero, right? I don't know why her classmates give her so much crap."
Bakugo didn't know why she was telling him this. Why did old people always think you wanted to hear about their family lives...? But it was kind of interesting to hear it from someone who knew Camie more personally than just a classmate.
He didn't fail to notice Camie had obviously had enough going on to complain about it to her grandma too.
"But I know she'd like someone who can keep up with her," Nana went on, "Sure you won't join us for a bit? I think she went to get some cotton candy... Hmm, she's been gone a long time. I wonder if she started flirting. That girl's just like me."
Bakugo frowned. "Well, I guess it beats doing nothing while I'm waiting for my stupid class, but don't get all chummy about it."
"Perfect, let's go find her," Nana said.
Camie was in fact getting cotton candy...and flirting.... Or at least, the vendor, who was probably two years older than her, was hitting on her. He thought she looked pretty spacey and easy to get.
Camie actually was onto him and trying to figure out a way to exit the conversation. "Yo, nice talking to you and all, bro, but I gotta find my poor, little, old grandma before she gets lost."
Nana would forgive her for calling her little and old if she knew the situation, right? Or maybe not...
"Oh, you're here with your grandma. That's sweet," the candy vendor said nicely, "Want me to help you find her?"
Geez, dude, take a hint! Camie thought. "Uh, no, I think I can manage. Wouldn't want to take you away from selling this high calorie, weird, swirly stuff here," she said.
She knew what it was, but she was trying to send a message there.
"It wouldn't be any trouble," the guy began.
Camie debated just using her quirk to escape. Nana would kill her if she didn't come back soon too, but then, she wasn't suppose to use that in public. Ah, rules were made to be broken!
But before she could do anything, someone gabbed her arm.
"Where have you been, idiot?" It was Bakugo.
Nana was right behind him.
"Oh...uh, hi," Camie said. Then she glanced at the vendor. "Babe," she added.
Bakugo gave her a look that could not be put into words.
Camie made a pleading face, shooting her yes at the vendor like "help a girl out."
Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"Oh, you're her boyfriend," the vendor said.
Bakugo sighed. "You got a problem with that?" he said angrily.
"Uh, no, glad you found her. She was worried." The vendor glanced at Camie in annoyance. "You could have just said that, not make up some lame excuse about your grandma. Who would believe that?"
"Excuse me, young man, but I am her grandma." Nana crossed her arms. "Do you usually call it lame when kids hang out with their grandparents? In my day, that was being a nice kid."
"Oh..." The vendor looked embarrassed.
"Yeah, next time take a hint, jerkwad," Camie said, "And don't go insulting my Nana like that. Later."
She tossed her hair, and the three of them walked away.
"You can let go now," Camie told Bakugo.
He did, with a tch sound.
"Thanks for that. Man, some people will just not leave you alone." Camie waved her hand.
"There's always a few of those at every festival," Nana said, "Just hit 'em with your purse next time."
"Agh, Nana, no. This thing was expensive. I'm not mad liquid!" Camie said, "Lol, Bakubro, why are you hanging with my g-ma though?"
"It's a coincidence," Bakugo grumbled.
"I thought you could use someone else to have fun with. I'm just gonna slow you down," Nana said, "You two can go off and do rides or something while I sample some food."
"But what about the candy?" Camie held it out.
Nana took one. "What about it?"
Camie snickered. "Eh, you're too funny, Nana."
"Well, you get if from somewhere, sweetheart. Who knows? Maybe I'll scope out some hotties myself while I'm here," Nana said.
Okay, she really was just like Camie.
"What's her quirk?" Bakugo asked, once Nana had moved a little farther off.
"Nana's? I dunno if I remember..." Came rubbed her head. "I think it's, like, she can make her thoughts visual for a few minutes? It's not that powerful, kind of like an early version of mine, y'know? But it does make shopping for her way easy, if you get me... Btw, you don't have to hang out with me. I bet your class is doing something mad lit for this festival."
"I don't care," Bakugo said, "I don't want to hang out with those idiots anyway."
Camie tilted her head. "Well, in that want to hit up the carnival a few blocks from here? I saw the Ferris Wheel."
"Fine." Bakugo shrugged.
About an hour later, Camie said, while eating some festival food, "You know, this is like our 2nd not actual date because of my grandmother."
Bakugo gave her a weird look. "Don't say weird s--- like that."
"I'm starting to low key think she's shipping us," Camie said.
"Ew," Bakugo said, "That's dumb."
Camie raised an eyebrow, kind of offended, and shrugged coldly. "Ah, well, you know. It's just what family does. It's like a ritual. I was trying to be funny."
"That's not what my family does," Bakugo said darkly.
"Oh, sure they do," Camie said.
"No. They don't," Bakugo said, "My mom says no girl would ever like me. Eh, she's probably right. That stuff is a waste of time anyway."
Camie glanced at him sideways. "Way to go all serious, there, bro."
Bakugo shrugged. "It's just the truth. Why does it matter?"
"I don't think that's a very nice thing to say to someone," Camie said, taking a sip of soda, "I mean, y'know, there's someone for everyone, right? People have really diverse tastes."
Bakugo didn't reply to that.
"I see how it is. You have low self esteem, huh?" Camie pronounced.
"What? No, I don't!" Bakugo said.
"I think you just think no one would ever like you because you're so loud, rude, scary, and violent," Camie said, "And low-key, I bet you don't even like yourself all that much."
Bakugo glared at her. "Frick off."
"I'm just saying accept yourself, love yourself, bro. Like the vine," Camie said, "Girls like confidence, right?"
"Is that really true?" Bakugo had always been skeptical of this fact, based on the annoying couples he'd known in middle school.
"You," Camie said, "I don't think it is... Huh... Well, my advice is crap. You know though, if you own something, people will respect it though, I bet. Just 'cause you're a jerk doesn't mean you can't have your good points. Just appreciate them for what they are. I like myself, you know, even if I'm an airhead."
"You know..." Bakugo was going to say something rude, then he thought better of it. "There's a counselor at UA now. She says I have trauma or some crap."
"Oh, you so do," Camie said.
Bakugo was embarrassed and didn't say anything.
"I didn't mean that in a bad way..." Camie said, "Like, it would be weird not to, right..?"
"Well, anyway, I don't now how mentally strong I am, but I'm going to be the strongest in the school," Bakugo said.
"You know, I've figured out why you're so on all the time," Camie said, "I think, yo, it's like, no matter what you accomplish, it's never good enough." She tapped her chin. "That's low-key depressing. Maybe even high-key depressing."
"What? You always have to do better and surpass youself. Why is that freaking depressing?"
"I mean...I guess, but, like, can't you ever just breathe for a bit and be, like...chill?" Camie said.
"It's not like you're any different. All heroes are like that," Bakugo said.
"But I'm not like that," Camie said proudly, "I'm just kind of okay with where I'm at while I'm there... I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking too much about it."
Bakugo wondered though. Cece had said he had an inferiority complex... Maybe Camie was onto something.
"Well," he said in a lower voice, "I can't be satisfied if I know I have weaknesses. I have to be perfect."
"But you can't be perfect," Camie said, "That's so whacked out."
"Like All Might."
"All Might? But he' know, retired..." Camie said.
"So he's not perfect, right? So cut yourself some slack, bro. Stop acting like you gotta impress people all the time with that tough guy act. I can see right through you."
"You can, huh?" Bakugo turned to give her a fierce glare.
Camie met it without flinching. "Yeah... Don't look at me like that. I know you ain't gonna do s--- to me. You know I'm just shooting straight with you. Anyways, I don't think you're as mean as you think you are, you know, Bakugo. I bet people just don't get you. Pisses you off, right? I get it... Do I ever..." she shrugged, "But if you go around being angry about it, it's kind of...uncomfortable. I mean, it's not like it's their fault. We're just different. We gotta embrace that, not get angry over it."
"I don't have a problem with being different," Bakugo said.
Camie snorted. "Oh, sure... You're always denying you have any emotions or problems because you think you're just like everyone else, huh? You really want to be that way? Remember? I can read people pretty well. You just don't come off that way."
Bakugo scowled at her. "Then go find someone more normal to hang out with, dumba--." He started to storm away.
Camie ran to catch up. "Bakugo, I'm not dressed for a chase right now. Slow down...ugh..." She almost tripped on her sandals.
Bakugo just barely slowed. "Go away."
"You're such an ass." Camie finally caught up and grabbed his arm to stop him. "Don't get so offended over it. I like you better because you're not normal, so chill, okay? Dude, I like weird people. You see who I hang out with? I'm weird too. I thought you were down with that. Isn't that your thing?"
Bakugo stopped. "Well...I guess..." His friend group was pretty bizarre.
"Like, that's actually what makes you kind of cool-- all your friends are, like, people who don't really fit in, you know? It's like they just get drawn to you, and they feel cooler," Camie said, flipping her hair, "Like, I want some of that, you know? All anyone thinks of me is I'm a weirdo. Even though, clearly, I'm awesome."
She was nuts.
"Don't be all mad at me," Camie pouted, "Like, I say dumb stuff all the time. Don't take me so seriously."
"I take everyone seriously, idiot."
"I know.... It's so annoyingly cool..." Camie rolled her eyes. "Like, just laugh something off once in a while. I feel like I become way more heavy around you because I just can't, like, not say something serious if you're gonna take it that way. It's one of those making it happen by thinking about it things."
Bakugo thought Camie was just trying to smooth things over, so he sighed. "Whatever. I know what you meant. Let's just go."
"Okay, whew, that was so tense for second there," Camie giggled, "Glad that's over."
[Pause for me to mentally bang my head on the keyboard wondering how Bakugo hasn't put this together yet.]
* * *
Aizawa was getting really tired, and it wasn't even fireworks time yet. Miss Joke had staked out their spot, but now there was nothing much to do about it.
Shine and Wally ran into them though, also on the look out for a good vantage point. "Oh, you have to join us, then," Emi said.
"On a roof?" Shine said.
"Don't worry, babe, I'll protect you." Wally put his arms around her waist like she was a comfort pillow.
"Okay, okay, fine," Shine yielded, "But it's a while before the show, I think, according to the app I have. Eri, you holding out?"
"I want to go get more food," Eri said.
"You've had a lot already," Aizawa said.
"Please...?" Eri gave him the doe eyes.
"You think that's going to work on me?" Aizawa said.
"Actually, I'm hungry again too," Wally said, "Want me to take her with me? I'll just get her a little snack. Nothing too bad."
"Fine," Aizawa sighed, "but no more candy apples. They're bad for your teeth."
"Look at you, you've become the worried parent real fast," Emi said, grinning, "Do you do this to your other kids too?"
"No, he has Iida to do that for him," Shine said.
They both laughed, to his annoyance.
"Maybe I'll just take a nap..." He sat down against the wall.
"You know how dirty the street is?" Shine asked.
"I don't care. I fight on the street all the time. There's a thing called showers," Aizawa said.
[What a power move.]
"Can't argue with that. I once saw him fall asleep in a flower bed after an all nighter," Miss Joke said, "But I didn't tell him when the sprinklers were about to come on... That was a fun day."
"I can't stand you..." Aizawa muttered.
"I'm sure you don't mean that," Shine said, "All of you are so...negative to each other. Why? Just be nice... Sheesh."
"Eh, I know he's just grumpy." Emi patted Eraser's head like he was a cat, much to his chagrin.
Shine snorted. "Wally is never mean to me when he's tired."
"Don't brag on your perfect relationship to single people, Shine. It's cruel," Emi said dryly.
"Sorry, can't help but casually flex on you," Shine replied, "Oh, you know what happened to me the other day? I saw Rumi..." She began telling Emi all about it-- and meeting Cece too.
"Well, this counselor sounds interesting."
"She's the worst staff member yet..." Aizawa muttered, half asleep.
"I know you like her better than you're letting on," Shine said, "She agrees with how much we both dislike UA."
"Oh, huh?" Emi said, with a suspicious glance at Aizawa, "Is she attractive?"
"She was pretty, not the level of these next top model Pros, but who is?" Shine said, "I mean, no one really looks like that. I'm convinced you all take make-up lessons."
"Spoken by the woman who could be a model. You're so tall and your complexion is so good," Emi said jealously, "Geez a lot of women would love to have your natural assets, Likstar."
"Oh, gosh, stop," Shine was embarrassed, "That's so awkward... I have noticed you all comment on some stuff a lot more... Maybe it's a cultural thing. But let me say, I don't think chest size is any way to rate yourself, and the talk about it is weird to me. Midnight is always going on about stuff like that."
"Okay, fine, I won't bring it up," Emi said.
Please, Aizawa thought. He was embarrassed just listening to this.
"But anyway, Rumi really was that mean?" Emi changed the subject.
"I think she hates me." Shine sounded uncharacteristically down about it. "I don't know why I care. She's a pain...but I still like her. I'm starting to think I like rude, angry people."
"I think you're too nice," Emi said, "You feel like those people are just good deep down... Well, I liked her too, but she was wrong to be that mean to you. You've never hurt her in any way... I can't understand what got into her... I mean, no one has the right to treat someone like that."
"Right on, girl," Shine said, "But...well, what could have set her off? It has to be the LOV thing."
"She's just embarrassed she got beat up, and she took it out on you," Emi declared, "I've had it happen to me hundreds of times. Some people can just not accept defeat... It's hard for women pros too. We tend to be ranked by sexiness first, at least around here. And she worked hard to get to the #5 spot. And the top female spot, like I told you... That no teamwork thing she's got? There might be a reason for it. You know that of all the women heroes who work in teams, there's a majority of them who don't run their agency? They're usually sidekicks or partners to men."
"Really?" Shine said.
"I hear it's not the same all over the world, but it is here," Miss Joke said, "and we get a lot of attention. It's just... let's face it, Shine. Women are physically weaker, even with training, unless it's our quirk to be stronger. Men do better as Pros on the combat level. We can pull off every other aspect of the job just as well, if not better, but that's the part people rank based off. Attack power. Rumi even being in the top ten is massively impressive. And she probably didn't want anyone saying she was relying on sidekicks to get there."
"I see," Shine said, "And I would agree...if I thought it really mattered. But I don't think it matters to rank high. It's a really fickle system and ignores plenty of factors that really are important. I don't think it's valuable the way you do."
"And I don't care so much. I've never been able to rank anywhere near high enough to worry about it," Miss Joke said, "But it's a big deal to her. And to many other Pros. No doubt she feels threatened by her failure. Try not to judge too harshly."
"Okay..." Shine said quietly, "That's fair enough. I will think about it."
Aizawa glanced up. Since when was Miss Joke so serious and wise about this kind of thing? Weird.
Emi looked way proud of herself too. "Wow, that was so deep, huh?"
"It was... Hmm, shouldn't Wally have been back? Sheesh, he said 5 minutes." Shine checked her phone.
"He likes his food, huh?" Emi said.
"Yeah, he does...but the show will be starting soon now. That time just flew by. He's gonna miss it-- and Eri... I'm calling him." Shine dialed.
Wally didn't answer. She frowned.
"He could have not heard it," Emi said.
"It was on vibrate to avoid that," Shine said, "We both know to answer our phones. We have kids to keep track of... Something is not right. I'm going to look for him."
"I'll help, then," Emi said.
"Me too." Aizawa stood. "If Eri got lost I want to know."
But he thought it was probably nothing. West was just a dolt who would forget to charge his phone or something. If there was a fight, they'd have heard it from where they were standing.
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