Mina complained to Hagakure that things were dull the following day. She didn't say it was because of the gloom still hovering over the class, but that was the reason they all were thinking. Even at lunch, things seems hushed. Shine's absence was noticeable-- She always ate in the cafeteria with the students, but she wasn't there that day.
Conversation turned out be more dull. They had never noticed how Shine often brought up different subjects from regular school ones. Movies, stories, personal questions, etc. It wasn't anything to notice, normally, but when they were left to themselves, they tended to just talk about training and quirks and schoolwork... and that was what they were just gravitating around today.
"We talk about school all the time," Hagakure groaned. "How about switching it up?"
"Okay... what should we talk about?" Mina asked.
"Um... the weather?" Hagakure tried.
Mina gave her a look.
"How about the news? Ribbit," Tsu suggested.
"Ugh, that's depressing." Mina waved her hands sporadically. "Doesn't anyone have an interest outside what's immediately around us?"
"Nice word choice," Tsu said, dryly.
"I know, right?" Mina was pleased with herself. "I don't know where that came from."
"Yao-Momo." Hagakure tugged her arm, snapping her out of her daze of being lost in thought. "You must have an idea! What can we talk about that's not boring?"
"Nothing's boring if you approach it with curiosity," Momo said. She was still absorbed in the events of the past two days.
"Boys, we could talk about boys," Mina suggested.
"No," Ochaco and Tsu both chorused firmly.
Mina pouted. "Well, I'm out of ideas. Even discussing the weather would be better than this."
"The weather is lovely today," Ibara said, sitting across from them at the 1-B girl's table.
"Sure when she says it, it's okay," Hagakure muttered.
Monoma, who seemed to follow Ibara, perhaps because she was less aggressive, gave them one of his supercilious smiles.
"Where is your bizarre older sister toady? Did you finally scare her off?"
Ibara winced in sympathy.
"She's visiting a friend," Momo said, with more dignity than the other girls would have mustered just then. (Momo only assumed Shine must be doing that if she was not with them.)
"Oh," Monoma looked disappointed.
"Did you want her to be here?" Tsu asked weirdly.
"No, of course not. I'm just surprised, after all your hostility--"
"Monoma!" Kendo grabbed him by the collar and yanked him away. "Sorry," she called.
"How do you think he knew about that?" Mina hissed.
"Maybe everyone knows, and they're all silently judging us!" Hagakure said, shrinking down in her seat.
Given how many students had the ability to eavesdrop and gather intel, this really wasn't much of a stretch.
"Word travels fast," Tsu shrugged, "Well, Mina, that was a different subject."
"Not what I meant," Mina moaned, "Ugh, I'm tired of always fighting over this. So what if they're a little strange? Who isn't?"
"I think it's the conflict they cause constantly that was really the problem," Tsu said dryly.
"Yeah, but does it bother anyone else that, like, the whole school is on their side?" Hagakure sat up again.
"What makes you say that?" Ochaco asked.
"Look at them giving us dirty looks," Hagakure said.
Since she was the only one who could make eye contact with the rest of the students without them knowing, she could catch them doing that whenever the other girls' backs were turned.
Ochaco and Tsu didn't see what she as talking about, but they shrugged.
"When did they become so popular?" Ochaco wondered.
"When we aren't looking. Ribbit," Tsu said warily.
"Likstar and West got to know everyone," Hagakure supplied. She knew all the gossip. "Everyone else liked them more because our class made it clear we didn't want them around. General Studies likes them because they rooted for Shinso to make it into the hero course, and they talk to them. The Support classes, I heard, like Shine because she looks at their gadgets (probably to gather information, but they don't care). 1-B... I actually don't know why they'd like either of them after what happened."
"Well, they called us out too," Ochaco said, "I mean, they said all of us should treat each other better, so... they're fair, maybe?"
"It was none of their business," Tsu grumbled. She was mad still about what Shine said to her.
"I bet there's some 'rebels' at the school who even like them going up against the teachers," Hagakure went on.
"How do you know all this?" Momo asked.
"I hear stuff around. If you weren't always reading and thinking about class work, you might too," Hagakure sounded very smug. She didn't often get one up on Momo.
"I wonder why their weirdness doesn't bother anyone else," Mina said.
"That's easy-- it bugged us, so it won't bug them," Tsu said, "If 1-A doesn't like something, the other classes want to show they're different."
"It's part of the appeal," Hagakure agreed, "like how people like weird music just because it's unpopular."
"I'd give them a bit more credit than that. They can be very amiable," Momo looked up.
"But they had an edge," Hagakure said, "The attention the Pros gave them, that's going to make the other classes think they're important. I doubt they intended it, at least I'm sure West-san didn't, but if wider popularity was their goal, things couldn't have worked out better. I bet it'll only get worse from here."
"Maybe we didn't realize what we had," Mina moaned, "I mean, all these people see them as the cat's pajamas. What did we miss?"
"I'm not sure we missed it," Ochaco said, "We just didn't like it. Whatever it is. I'm still not sure."
"Their friendship," Momo said gravely, "From the very start they offered it in their way, and we shoved it back in their faces." She stared at her food almost sadly. She kind of looked like Todoroki with his soba whenever he was upset.
"Maybe... we went a little hard..." Ochaco admitted guiltily.
"Yeah," Mina sighed, "I feel like a jerk. I don't know what got into me. But we can't undo it now. I bet they hate us."
"They don't," Momo said quietly, "They only want you to be safe."
"That makes me feel even worse!" Hagakure said, "Why even care? But do you think they'll be okay with us if we just apologized and acted like this never happened?"
"Do you think we deserve that even if if they were okay with it?" Ochaco said.
"Deserve what? What about all the concerns we had?" Tsu said.
None of them had noticed that some of the boys, as well as 1-B, were listening to this more closely.
"It is concerning," Mina said, "I mean, how... you know, they don't tell us much."
"But is it enough to... to... you know?" Hagakure.
"Wouldn't it be best for us?" Tsu said.
"Well, they'll all hate us more," Mina said, "Dang it... they like to cover their bases. Why did they have to come here at all? No one asked them too." She put her forehead on the table.
Momo sighed. "It's... not like that.... Can we talk about it later?"
"Why not now?" Ochaco said, "Is it a big secret?"
Momo wished she'd speak lower. "Uh... not exactly, but you know, they have a lot of reasons, and it's a little unreasonable to expect two grown adults never to leave the school, certainly. It's not like with the students. I think we overreacted."
"Uh... maybe," Mina said, "but they could just explain that."
"Shine was insulted that you even asked or accused her and spied on her," Momo said, a little warmly for her, "I'm sure most people wouldn't want to explain themselves."
"Why do you always defend them?" Hagakure grumbled.
Momo was embarrassed and put out by that and fell silent. She felt she could not help the situation any more if they were going to get mad at her over it.
"I wouldn't be surprised if getting us to fight amongst ourselves was her goal," Tsu said, "We shouldn't make it come true. Let's not argue."
"Fools!" Monoma apparently could contain himself no longer. "Typical 1-A! You understand nothing at all about the people around you!" he jeered.
This time Kendo made no attempt to stop him. She was too curious to hear this.
"All this nonsense you've been saying," Monoma went on, in a very irritating tone, "Likstar and West don't care about applause. Why would they care about you idiots arguing? You just can't stand that other people besides you get to be a part of anything to do with your class. Perhaps they just wanted to learn about the rest of us. Unlike you, they don't measure everyone by their quirks and training, they just think of them as people. You're hopeless, you know. No, you've lost your chance--" He started to laugh psychotically, but Kendo finally bopped him on the neck. Even she was a little surprised though, because he actually had a point.
Momo began to feel she was no longer hungry and left the room.
After the afternoon round of classes... in which many students performed badly, to Aizawa's annoyance and partial concern, the class came back to the dorms.
"I can't believe Monoma of all people scolded us," Mina said.
"I can't believe I thought he might have a point," Ochaco said.
"I can't believe he's capable of saying anything that makes sense," Hagakure said.
"What I can't believe," Jiro said, "is that even Monoma seems to like those weirdos. That's not a promising sign."
"Well, he likes Shinso too," Kaminari said.
"What are we going to do, Iida?" Ojiro asked him.
"I'm... not sure," Iida said, "What should we do? As class rep, I want to keep us all safe. But it would be unwise to act rashly."
"I think it's best to just let them stay," Todoroki spoke, "We all overreacted."
"Did we?" Sero said.
"Well... we did kind of do some of the same stuff," Kirishima admitted.
That was what most of them had been thinking since it happened.
"Welp," Kaminari said, "I guess that's just kind of how it is."
The decision seemed to be made, because Iida shrugged. "Well, does anyone have any objections?"
The class looked at each other. "I don't like it," Tsu said, "but if you all think there's nothing we can really do about it, then I can't do much about that."
That kind of made them feel guilty.
Momo was already inside doing homework, but the DJs weren't around. They had gone out after Wally got off his shift. They didn't come back until after dinner time. It couldn't be said most of the class could focus much on homework. Iida very awkwardly asked if both of them had a moment.
"Ah, here we go," Wally didn't help anything by saying.
Shine bit her lip. "What is it?"
Iida looked more uncomfortable than ever. "Uh... well, the class has given it some consideration, and ... well... we think that whether you stay or go should be the school's decision, so we are just going to let them handle it... if that is acceptable to you."
He wished both of them didn't look so surprised when he said that.
"Oh... not what I expected," Wally made it worse again by saying.
Shine tried to maintain some dignity. "Well, thank you, Iida, for letting us know." She bowed, either ironically or in an attempt to imitate him.
Iida wasn't sure what else to say.
"But this isn't going to work," Wally said, "All this snooping around and spying on us and trying to get one over on us. Maybe it would be better if we just left."
That wasn't expected.
"Oh... no, you shouldn't do that!" Kaminari got up. "I need your help to pass English!"
Shine choked on a laugh. "Uh, Kaminari, I think that you can pass English without me."
"Oh, shoot, I need that too!" Mina said.
"You guys can't leave because of us! The whole school's just going to hate us more!" Hagakure wailed.
"Huh?" Wally was genuinely baffled.
"Yeah, you need to get fired on your own!" Mineta said.
"Shut up, Mineta," Sero said.
"We... uh, had underestimated how much the school might miss you if you just left for no reason." Iida straightened his glasses. "So... perhaps you should wait until a more discreet time."
"You telling us to stay because of peer pressure?" Shine crossed her arms. "How stupid."
"No, no, because you should stay," Kaminari said, "It's better for everyone. Come on, guys."
"What do you think, Babe?" Shine looked at Wally.
Wally struck a very nonchalant pose. "Ah, well, you know, I'm good either way. It does seem a little mean to them to jet after they asked us so nicely."
"I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth," Shine shrugged, "I guess we could oblige you all by sticking around... and, hey, as far as I'm concerned, it could be really fun. If you all stop judging us constantly, we'll make the rest of our stay here the best time you've had at UA. And that's practically a promise. If you don't second guess every nice thing we try to do, you know, I think we could."
Way to rub it in, Shine, they all thought. But, honestly, her being kind of petty was easier to take than being overly patient would have been at the moment.
Momo was up in her room wondering what the class had decided and hating the fact that she couldn't do anything about it when Shine poked her head in. "Hey, good news! They're not going to get us kicked out!"
"Oh... really?" Momo said, relieved.
"Yeah, apparently our popularity is greater than we thought," Shine said, "I don't know what they meant by that, but I'll take it. I guess it's kind of like the pharisees being afraid of the people who believed John... or something.[References Matthew 21: 25-26] Anyway, I'm in a celebratory mood right now. But I figured you'd probably be worried about it. Wally and I are going to watch a movie, if you want to join. Later..." She ducked out.
Momo sat up. "I forgot to tell her what we decided..." she realized.
Todoroki had the same thought, and both students collided outside Wally's room. Wally and Shine had a movie player. And a stack of movies in English... Where had they gotten this?
Todoroki couldn't resist asking that outright, though it wasn't very tactful.
"Oh, all this?" Shine said, "This is from our worlds. Turns out the tech there is almost the same."
"But you brought all this with you?" Momo was amazed. "You only had a backpack..."
"Oh no," Wally said, eating some pizza, "We summon it when we need it."
"Saves storage space," Shine said.
"You... summon it?" Todoroki said.
Shine held up her hand, and a book appeared in it. It seemed to just fall out of the air.
"Yes... years ago I didn't know this trick, and I really had to bring everything I could think of with me. I only just discovered I could do it recently. It was such a pain having to have two houses, two libraries, two of everything. Much simpler now."
"Oh..." Momo wondered if that meant she never needed help.
Shine saw her look. "Oh, don't feel bad, sweetie... This doesn't work with everything so well, you know. I have to know where it is. I have to own it. It has to be small enough to be moved without noticing, so you can be sure all the nice things you all did were not a waste, but they aren't a waste anyway. Kindness is never a waste. Besides I can thank you all for this new amount of control I have."
Wally nodded.
"I would think it's not safe," Todoroki said, "In movies, isn't it dangerous to bring items from a different time or world into this one?"
"Ah, you do your homework, and you're quite right," Shine nodded, "but there are exceptions. If the item is something that cannot be traced easily, that already exists in said world, and is not a weapon, food, or medicine, or materiel that is alien to the world in its biological make up, then it's all right."
She held up her fingers. "You see, a future tech item is not allowed. Could introduce the wrong thing to the world. It's too easily identifiable as a DJ's item. A brand that doesn't exist here may be all right if it's not something anyone is likely to take notice of, like this video player. Usually it's too different between countries anyway to cause a problem. Weapons, for obvious reasons. And... well, food is usually okay, but we don't need to bring it here. You already have it. Medicine is more complicated."
"Why?" Todoroki began to find this more interesting than expected.
"Oh... it could poison us," Wally said very nonchalantly.
Momo gasped. "Really?"
"Yes, a lot of worlds have magic based medicine," Shine waved, "or medicine that relies on certain genetic properties the inhabitants have that we do not. For example, a quirk based medicine here, or drug, like in poor Mirio's case, would either not effect us, or it would effect us far worse than you. I usually bring my own medicine for small ailments, and we really don't get sick. One of the perks of the job. I suppose we may just not be affected by the germs here like you are."
"That's fascinating." Momo was intrigued. "How fortunate for you... Did you say magic based?"
"Oh yes, most worlds have magic," Shine said casually, "Some have natural magic... Bad magic is the most common though. What? Did you think it wasn't real?"
"I... believe you've said it was, but... I never know what you mean," Momo said quite honestly.
"Stick around. You'll learn a crap ton about other worlds," Wally said. "This woman can't shut up about them."
Shine shoved him. "I really don't care that much if we talk about them or not, you know. Just if you're curious. It's not like I get to discuss it often. So it's fun. But, as a rule, I don't share much about other worlds with the natives. It's too unsettling for them. They begin to feel uneasy in their own universes... It's a very few people who can accept that well... You see, people who want to believe in other worlds too much can get very unstable if they learn about them and get obsessive, and they are never satisfied with their own world anymore."
She held up a book titled The Magician's Nephew. "It's in here, for example... so, it's imperative one knows who can and cannot accept it."
Todoroki nodded somberly. "And... you think we can?"
"Well, you did, and so far you're not pestering us," Wally shrugged.
"If we sense you start obsessing, we'll stop," Shine said, "but neither of you seem like the type. You're grounded, aren't you?"
They didn't know how to answer that.
"Now, where is Bakugo?" Shine asked, going to the door, "Probably standing right out here."
"No one was in the hall except us," Todoroki said.
"Yes, I don't think Bakugo is even on this level," Momo said, "I don't even know if he heard the class's decision.
Shine opened the door casually, and no one was there.
"Aw, I really thought that was going to work," Wally said.
Shine casually reached an arm around the door frame and yanked someone into view. It was Bakugo.
"Hey, crazy weirdo! Let go of me!" he growled.
"You underestimate his powers of hearing," Shine said, "Why don't you just come in instead of listening outside, Bakugo?"
"You really shouldn't do that," Todoroki said, "It's very rude."
"Like you're one to talk," Bakugo grumbled.
"But how do you always know when...?" Momo was puzzled.
"You're predicable!" Bakugo snapped.
"Well since you're here too, you can tell us what you decided," Shine said, " and, you all should vote for a movie, because Wally and I can't decide between Two Weeks Notice and 300."
"300 is crap," Bakugo said.
"Hey, no it's not," Wally said, "It's got lots of fighting."
"Bad fighting," Bakugo scoffed.
"Well, my first choice was Die Hard, but Shine doesn't like it," Wally said.
"It's fine. I just don't want to watch something super violent and gory right now," Shine said.
"I hate those movies," Momo greed.
"Blood and gore make a movie realistic," Bakugo said.
"Really? 'Cause last I checked, the average person really sees a minimal amount of that every day," Shine said.
"Characters in those movies don't see it every day, dumba---, it's just for the days in the movie!" Bakugo shot back.
Shine blinked. "Well, I suppose you have me on that... Wow, that felt weird."
"Why can't I ever think of that kind of response?" Wally complained.
"What's really unrealistic is those stupid chick flicks that girls like," Bakugo said in disgust, "I hate freaking love stories."
"Yes, well, you and every other 12 year old boy have that in common," Shine said dryly. "A real man knows that's just a part of life like any other."
"People dying and blowing up is a part of life!" Bakugo said.
"Is it just me, or has this conversation gotten really stupid?" Wally muttered.
"So far we're tied," Shine said, "Todoroki, you'd better be the deciding vote here."
"Oh... I wasn't going to stay to watch..." Todoroki paused because Shine and Wally both looked so disappointed. "I mean, I never watch either kind of movie, so I don't really know."
"Which sounds like more fun?" Wally said meaningfully.
Todoroki tilted his head. "What's the other one about?"
"A rich guy and a lawyer who are total opposites but get together, and she teaches him to be a better man, and he helps her learn to have a sense of humor," Shine said, "And there's some lovely shots of New York in it too. Starring Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock. I've seen almost every movie she's in."
"Boring movies," Wally said.
"You told me you like The Blind Side," Shine said.
"I forget that's a Sandra Bullock movie," Wally said.
"Ugh, it sounds disgusting," Bakugo said.
"And the other one is people killing each other?" Todoroki seem to be considering this way more seriously than most people would have.
"Well, there's other stuff too," Wally said.
Todoroki thought some more. "I think Miss Likstar's sounds better. But I really don't know if I'd like either of them. I just don't see the point of watching people kill each other on screen."
Bakugo gave him a look like he'd just spoke gibberish.
Momo looked relieved. "Well, I guess that settles it, but I don't know if we can understand your movie..."
"Not to worry. Subtitles are a thing," Shine said, "and just ask us if you don't get it."
"I'm not sticking around for this!" Bakugo cried.
"I thought you'd say that," Shine said, "You don't really seem like the type to try new things. It's more comfortable to stick with the usual stuff, after all. At least Todoroki and Momo are willing to challenge themselves."
Bakugo very sullenly remained in the room, though it took a full 20 minutes for him to sit down.
To their surprise, Shine and Wally seemed perfectly okay with asking them what they decided while the movie was playing. Then again, they'd seen it before.
"I guess it's okay if you teach us some stuff," Todoroki said, "The class decided you can stay, so..."
"Oh, we wouldn't have left just if they said to," Shine said, "but if you did too, there's no reason for us to stay."
"What do you mean?" Momo asked.
Wally passed her some popcorn. She took some to be polite... then it ended up being really good.
"Another directive of World Walking," Shine said, leaning back on a beanbag chair, "It's a mutual agreement. It's usually for just one or two people. Maybe more. If they are okay with it, you can stay until the mission is over. If they decide they don't want your help, then you have to go. It's bad when some people tell you to leave, but if even one person wants you to say, you have a link to the world. Once they all reject you, the link is severed, and staying is forbidden. Sort of a 'shake the dust from your feet' type of thing. You can see, it would be dangerous to remain and try to force things to happen."
"Are you saying all three of us would have had to make the same decision for you to go?" Todoroki said.
"Yes," Shine said, "All of you... It's better than it being one person, though. That can be nerve wracking."
Bakugo couldn't even imagine depending on someone wanting him around to get a job done. What a stupid system, he thought.
"That's so fragile," Momo voiced almost the same sentiment, "Isn't it a bit tragic if it goes that way?"
"Yeah, but we'd be creating a lot more of a problems by not doing it that way," Wally said.
"You seem to live very precariously." Todoroki didn't approve of the plan.
"And you don't?" Shine countered, sipping some tea.
At one point in the film, Shine told them not to look. Bakugo did anyway... and regretted it.
After it was over, he abused it as boring and stupid.
"If you pick next time, can I call your choice boring and stupid?" Shine asked.
"The frick?! I'd never pick anything bad like that," Bakugo said.
"I liked it okay," Momo said.
"Who asked you?" Bakugo said.
Momo gave him a look. "There's no need to be so rude."
Bakugo didn't say anything more to her.
"I guess it was all right, but I don't think real life couples work like that," Todoroki said, though no one knew less about it that him.
Wally snorted. "Yeah, I wish we were all super rich."
"Hmm, the charming, non serious, flirty, popular man and the know-it-all, principled, one-woman army." Shine leaned on her knees. "I can't think of any real life couple I know that sounds like that... Oh wait, it's us."
"Hey, I'm not a player!" Wally said.
"It's a parallel, not an exact replica, hon," Shine said.
"Well, I wan't going to say you were like Lucy," Wally pouted, "You have a sense of humor. See, I can be nice."
"Hence the charming part," Shine said. "Anyway that's what the League used to think of you, but I never did. I was just teasing you."
"I know..." Wally grinned slyly, "but you always fall for that for some reason."
Shine hit him with a pillow.
"Just ignore him," she told the students, "and go to bed."
"Shut up, you're not our mom," Bakugo said.
"And when would your mom make you go to bed?" Shine asked.
The answer was a long time ago, but Bakugo didn't say it.
"Hey, what were you going to do?" Todoroki asked him, "Were you going to be their student or not?"
"Like I'm going to take orders from them!" Bakugo said.
"Well, that's okay. You don't have to be part of it," Shine said lightly, "I'll just keep that in mind going forward."
"You can't hide stuff from me," Bakugo scoffed.
"Come now, Bakugo," Shine said, "This isn't going to work if you can't even say what you want. Perhaps you're not ready after all."
"I am freaking ready! I'm ready for whatever you throw at me! Just wait!" Bakugo slammed the door.
"Are you sure you want him to be a student?" Todoroki asked them with a straight face.
Wally winced. "That kid has problems."
Shine was laughing into a pillow. "Gosh, I love him... This is going to be fun."
"So what will we learn?" Momo asked.
"We'll start talking about that tomorrow. It's too late now," Shine said.
They had to agree, after a glance at the clock, so they went to bed.
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