Part 31: A call for help
Class 1-A decided not to talk about what happened. They were too scared to-- the whole thing just seemed so big and beyond them.
Momo still felt partially responsible. Todoroki and Bakugo seemed to be the only ones not shaken up by it. In fact, Momo heard Todoroki address Shine while she was making coffee the next day.
"What you said, you know it was out of line, right?"
"I know. I expect to get a call to the office at any moment this morning," Shine replied, "but don't you worry about me, Todoroki-san. I don't have much to lose here. Did I use that right?"
"Yes, if you wanted to be an equal," Todoroki replied. He paused. "Uh... I thought what you said, about Tokoyami, was... well, right. I thought the same thing, but I didn't say so. It made me wish I had sooner."
"You said something, though," Shine said.
"Who told you?" Todoroki said.
"No one. I was eavesdropping around the corner. I dashed away once I heard you all start moving," Shine said slyly.
"You... really shouldn't--" Todoroki realized midway through the sentence that all of them had been eavesdropping on her.
"Yeah, don't finish that," Shine said.
"Well, it was true," Todoroki said.
"It was," Shine said, "and I was proud of you, not that it had much to do with me, but I'm sure it was a relief to finally say it."
"It was," Todoroki said, "but reckless. It could build resentment between classes."
"Oh, please, that's already there. If anything, speaking the truth destroys resentment between reasonable people. I've avoided many misunderstandings by being direct, myself... Everyone around here trusts you so much, and you're probably one of the most straightforward people in the class. Facts speak for themselves," Shine observed.
Well, that was true, Momo thought.
"Miss Likstar, do you think the Sports Festival was out of hand?" Todoroki remembered now that they had acted a little odd about that. "Is that when you began to think the teachers were reckless?"
"No, sweetie, I began to think that my first day of training with your class," Shine said dryly, "Wally and I never saw such dangerous training except in this one world.... and they had no choice-- they were fighting literal monsters... but at least they were not fighting each other so ruthlessly as that...Well, I can't think you really want to hear more of this. Everyone is already mad at me." She sighed.
"I think the students are more reckless than the teachers," Todoroki seemed hung up on this.
"No," Shine said, "The students only risk their own safety. A man (or woman) can do as they like with that, and we'll never be able to ascertain if it was justified or not, most of the time. When you are risking someone else, most especially someone less powerful than yourself, you are being irresponsible."
She sipped her coffee. "Perhaps it's just a world difference. Still, if it's my job to keep you all safe, I'll not just pretend that doesn't include the training here. Seems to me Deku gets hurt more often in training than he does fighting villains. Todoroki... believe me, okay? That's all I want, safety."
She seemed oddly worried about this.
"I believe you," Todoroki said slowly, as if he was just realizing it himself, "Don't mind the rest of the class so much, by the way. I think they are just nervous about what Vlad King will do. They are still concerned about Tokoyami."
"Oh, I know," Shine said, "I didn't take it too personally. Hey, shouldn't you be getting ready for class?"
"Yes." Todoroki left.
Momo hastily pretended she hadn't been listening and had been reading, but he made eye contact, and she was pretty sure he knew.
Bakugo had videoed the whole thing, and he sent Camie a large clip of it with a laughing emoji (a habit he picked up from her texts). Camie called him over it.
"Dude, who is that? Your supervisor? That was so wild!"
"Those punks had it coming," Bakugo said.
"That's kind of mean, lol." Camie didn't sound too broken up about it. "But, like, isn't a secret that they're even there? Why you sending me this?"
"'Cause you're going to delete it," Bakugo said.
"I am?" Camie said.
"Doing it now." Camie made some swiping motions. "Well, I'm totes flattered by your trust and all...but why do you keep telling me about this? Can't you talk to your own class?"
"Frick no, I don't even want to talk to those losers," Bakugo said.
"But you do want to talk to me," Camie said.
Bakugo felt he was turning red. "No, but, I got to think it out somehow... It's driving me nuts, all the secrets, and the class is too frigging jumpy. They don't get it."
"I don't get it either," Camie said, "but, low key, I think you're just saying I'm not really a liability here."
"Exactly," Bakugo said a little meanly.
"That's so prickish," Camie said, still not very concerned about it, "but, hey, since I've got the deets on all this, maybe you could keep a secret or two for moi."
"What? What could you possibly have?" Bakugo said skeptically.
"Well, it's a secret," Camie said, "but...over here at Shiketsu, people are saying that there might have been some League activity... It's probably just a rumor, but the teachers are making us come to school in groups now. Everyone's freaked out."
"Why does it need to be secret?" Bakugo thought this was probably something the rest of the schools or heroes should know.
"Not really sure, fahm," Camie said, "but it's on the Q.T. Technically, I don't even think us students are supposed to know about it. They told us the new rule was just for general security...It's almost low key offensive that they think we don't know what's up. I mean, we have Flitter."
Leave it to Camie to be offended over someone doubting her social media savvy.
"Well, if there are villains around, the Pros can just kill 'em," Bakugo said.
"Is that your version of a comforting speech, bro?" Camie said, "That's not helpful at all."
Sullen silence.
"Uh... no offense," Camie added, "Did you see that trend on Trick Talk?"
"I don't watch that sh---" Bakugo said.
"You and your uncultured a--" Camie said, "Well, check it out. I gotta go anyway. Lates." She hung up.
Bakugo had been trading texts with Camie for the past few weeks, ever since the first call, and now it was just the norm for them. He hadn't really intended to, but Camie kept asking for the latest "tea" on UA and was kind of impossible to deter until she got an answer... or so he said to himself.
In a way, though he wouldn't admit it, it was nice to have someone outside the situation be aware of it. It could be very... isolating to live at Campus and wonder what the outside world might be plotting, or what the social tide might be shifting to, and no one was less savvy than Bakugo at keeping up with stuff like that. But Camie knew it all. She always had a very cavalier attitude about it, but still, it was useful.
The fated office call came after homeroom class was over. Shine was surprised it was Aizawa who called her. "Are we making this a weekly ritual, Eraser?"
"Don't call me that, and it's your own fault," Aizawa said, "I'm getting tired of repeating the same pattern."
Shine got an odd look. "I have a feeling this may be the last time," she said.
"You... think you're going to be dismissed?" Aizawa said.
"No, but I have the strangest premonition that after this, no one is going to bother trying to talk me or Wally out of anything," Shine said, "and you're not going to bother trying to rein us in... are you?"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. What is your explanation for your actions?" Aizawa said.
"I already gave it. I refuse to give another one," Shine said.
"What about talking to 1-B, how do you explain that?" Aizawa said.
"Someone should," Shine said, "Why don't you answer my questions? What the heck is with the school's handling of the issue? Are you intending to do anything about it?"
Aizawa sighed. "You're exhausting. Are you aware of that?"
"Yes," Shine said, "Are you aware of how exhausting my job is?"
"It can't be worse than mine," Aizawa said, the most human thing she'd ever heard him say.
Shine softened a little. "I'm sorry for making you more work and stress. Class 1-A are kinder to each other... I'm sure that's your superior teaching and effort to be fair between students. I am not trying to kiss up to you, but most of what I said was leveled at the others, who all show favoritism in some way, but I've never caught you doing it, except at Shinso. And there's some reason there, I guess."
"You don't make sense," Aizawa sighed, shoving some papers aside, "If you are fully aware of the consequences of your actions, and you still do them... there is no reasoning with you. But, for the student's sake, you shouldn't be encouraging them to disrespect the school. Don't you ever think about that?"
"Thank you for finally talking to me like an adult," Shine said, "and... yes..." she frowned, "I do... more than Wally does, I think. It's so simple to him-- do the right thing... but I am a teacher, and I know I would not like it if my students were told to think badly of me... Still, if it was true... if I truly was irresponsible, then it's best for both of us if I'm called out. You can't imagine this wouldn't benefit you staff in the long run."
"You make a lot of assumptions that we haven't thought about any of this," Aizawa said.
"Oh?" Shine said, "Let me see if I can get this right: You have talked about it. You bring it up in every meeting. You are seconded usually by All Might, Snipe, and occasionally Present Mic and Midnight and Ectoplasm contribute a little. Nezu says you all have fair points, and he will keep it in mind. Then you plan your tests and activities, and Vlad does whatever the flip he wants, and Nezu makes no noticeable changes. Then you get carried away and let the student undergo massively stressful training, in order to compensate for not being able to explain why the school is so powerless to protect them."
Aizawa blinked at her, a little annoyed.
"On top of this, you know there's clearly a mole at this school keeping the League one step ahead of all of you, and you refuse to tell the students that either," Shine said, "but you of all people know your class is too smart to not notice it eventually. Maybe this year, maybe next, but it'll happen. So, you're biding your time till that situation blows up in your faces too. Meanwhile, the most useful thing most of the staff can think of to do is blame me for pointing out how stupid it all is."
Aizawa gave her a strange look. "You made a whole lot of accusations, there."
"Please, tell me where I'm wrong and I will apologize," Shine said.
"We are investigating the mole," Aizawa said.
"Aizawa," Shine lowered her voice, "do you really think Nezu would not be able to flush them out? He's delaying it on purpose. I don't know what he's focused on-- maybe it's getting the kids into agencies. Maybe that's safer. Maybe there's another reason for it. But, come on, the mole could be exposed easily enough. It's not being prioritized because it's just not that important. That's not really rocket science. You don't even care much yourself about it, do you? Do you think UA is invincible?"
"No..." Aizawa said, "but our students are tough. We can keep them safer, at least, this way. If it goes how you want, they'll be relying on us to protect them. We can't do that all the time. You can't protect them all the time either."
"You believe me on that?" Shine surmised, "That's good. I thought so... but... you see, that's a bit hypocritical to me. They all live here because it's 'safer', but is any place safer than another? Arguably, they would be safer away from this school altogether."
Aizawa took that surprisingly meekly.
"I'm aware," he said flatly, "but at least we're close enough to help. You can't promise these kids security, as much as we all might wish we could. It's a fantasy..."
"Wally and I know, Aizawa, security is a fantasy, if we mean surety. Life isn't safe, but we can be secure in a more lasting thing than that. All we want the kids to see is that there's a rock to stand on when your life falls in. We can promise that much. That means not living in fear.... You must have noticed the effect isolation is having on them. You can be brave to face villains and a coward to face the world and people in it; true heroism has to apply everywhere, I think. We don't fear the world, and we're not even... you know. One can't always be fighting crime."
Aizawa studied her critically, almost as if he wondered if he even knew what she meant.
"You think you can teach them that?" he said finally.
"If they can learn to see," Shine said, "We can't give them security, but they can still have it. Yes, we can teach them, if they will learn. You too."
"Don't worry about me," Aizawa said dryly, "but... I reluctantly admit there's some merit in your idea of heroism. They'll have to go out into the world. We're sending them out as heroes soon, but that's not the same, you're right. I'd only question if heroes are ever really a part of the rest of society the way you mean it."
"Strictly speaking, we aren't a part of it in the way you meant that," Shine said, "but I don't refer to society. I mean the people. We can't hide from the world always. For a time it made sense, but we have to face it on multiple fronts, and learn to help in whatever way we can. Quirks or no quirks."
"That's an odd statement," Aizawa said, "like you know something."
"Don't be such a tin foil hat wearer," Shine said, "I don't know anything about that... I don't care either. Not sure why that's so hard to understand-- have I ever made this about quirks? That's what you all do." She leaned on her hand. "And I do worry about you, Aizawa. You're just as bad as us. You think you have the whole burden of these students on you and you alone... At least we keep each other sane and grounded, but who is doing that for you?"
"Don't make this into something it's not," Aizawa said, "Stick to the students. I don't need your help. Whatever it is."
"Why, Aizawa, I've been giving it all along," Shine said, "What do you think these little chats of ours are?"
"You getting in trouble," Aizawa stated flatly.
"Like I'd come to this if I thought that was all," Shine said, "Please, I have better things to do. But I like talking to you. Wally thinks you're pretty cool, like one of his buddies, actually. Maybe both of us feel a little less out of the zone with you because of that. Maybe it's because your quirk doesn't allow you to be as big headed as some of the others... but I agree that me getting in trouble is not the way to keep doing this."
"You don't just get to decide that," Aizawa said.
"Don't I?" Shine said, "I'm tired of Nezu making you do his dirty work. You can tell him I want to talk to him directly next time he wants to keep me in check. As for you, I think we should just be friends. We're on the same side here, you know."
"Likstar--" Aizawa began.
The phone rang right then.
"What? Who calls during school hours?" he griped. He picked it up. Then his whole expression changed. "Why are you calling this number?... Likstar? She's right here."
"Is that Emi?" Shine asked.
Aizawa gave her a strange look. "How did you know?"
"Sixth sense," Shine said, "Why is she calling you to get to me? What's wrong."
"Here." Aizawa handed her the phone.
"Emi, what is it?" Shine said.
"Shine? I need you to come here right now. You can, right?" Emi said in a what was the most shaken up voice Shine had ever heard her use, "Bring West or Eraser or both. Okay? I don't want to take any chances with this line."
"Of course, of course," Shine said hastily, "Give me two minutes." She hung up.
"She needs us to go there, now."
"Us?" Aizawa said.
"You heard her. There's no way this isn't serious. Let's go." Shine stood up.
"What about your partner?" Aizawa said.
"Wally?... True, we may need him, but Eri..." Shine said, "You know what, I'll just send him a note and call him in later if necessary." She grabbed a pen and wrote something down on a sticky tab, then held it up. The note poofed into thin air.
"You can teleport objects without a portal?" Aizawa said.
"Don't be silly. The portal is too small for us to see unless you look really close," Shine said, "but this one won't be." She waved her hand and a purple doorway opened.
"Wait, you need to get permission to leave," Aizawa said.
Shine just raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'll write it later," Aizawa sighed. They both jumped into the door.
Miss Joke was pacing around an office at Ketsubutsu when they showed up.
"Wow, that was fast," she said.
"What's this--?" began Aizawa.
Miss Joke covered his mouth. "Shh, no one else knows you're here. Keep it down." She pushed both of them into the office farther and shut the door.
"Who's in trouble?" Shine asked.
Miss Joke bit her lip. "It's one of my students. They didn't come in today, and their parents just called to say they needed to leave school early for an appointment... and we realized they are unaccounted for."
"Crack timing," Shine said, "Gone missing on a day they'd need to leave early, but, it's kind of suspicious."
"Yes, I feel certain he is not just playing hooky," Miss Joke said, "but, the principal refuses to call the police, and they won't let me leave because I still have to teach my class... but we both know, if a villain is behind this, it'll be too late by tomorrow, when we can file a missing person's report."
"Do you have reason to suspect villains?" Aizawa said.
"This is supposed to be a secret, but there have been rumors," Miss Joke said, looking concerned. "Look, I didn't know who else to call. All my other Pro hero friends will not go looking without the police order. I thought, maybe with West's speed...."
"Of course," Shine said, "but, if you show me a picture or the student, I can also try that."
"I have one here." Miss joke held up her phone and showed them.
"That's the one who can aim things really well..." Aizawa said.
"I don't recognize his quirk, but I remember his outfit," Shine said, "Itejiro Toteki. He's a bit mysterious..."
"Yes..." Miss Joke said, "and after what happened to that one girl from Shiketsu..."
"He could be replaced and no one might notice," Shine finished.
"Can you stop doing that?" Aizawa said, "Now, I agree, there might be some reason for concern, but without a warrant, you can't exactly go searching for him anyway, except on the street."
"Oh, DJs aren't bound by those rules," Shine waved, "If Emi asks for my help, I can do it, and don't worry, it's very rare to be caught. I haven't been caught yet."
"That's not better, Likstar!" Aizawa said, "You can't fight a villain even if you find one. You can't take the kid into custody-- that's like kidnapping."
"If I find him, and he's just playing hooky, then I'll just get Emi on the phone...Oh, wait, I don't have a phone." Shine frowned.
"D--- it, Eraser, why couldn't you let them have a flipping phone?" Emi said, getting more stressed, "Even a flip phone. It's just smarter that way."
"Well, it's no use going into it now," Aizawa said.
"A note then," Shine said, "I can send you a note. I just need to have paper on me." She picked up a note pad from a desk and a pen.
"I won't hurt a villain unless I have to," she went on, "We can just try to get away, like with Momo. But why on earth would they want to target you, Emi? Didn't you think you'd be later?"
"I don't know," Emi said, "I hope I am just imagining things."
"I'm certain this is all a false alarm," Aizawa said.
He wasn't nearly as certain as he sounded, but that was his way.
Then he noticed something else. "You've been in contact about this... more than just letters."
"I guess you did go through the letters, then?" Shine said, "I knew it."
"Why can't we be friends?" Emi said, "Unlike you, Eraser, I actually like people who are a little unusual."
"Oh, he likes that too, but he doesn't want anyone to figure it out," Shine said.
"That's true," Emi snickered.
Aizawa didn't like being spoken of like he wasn't there.
"How about we focus on the problem? I don't have long. I have to get back to class soon. How do you intend to go looking, Likstar?"
Shine took out her UA ID. "First things first." She poofed it out of the air.
"What...?" Aizawa said.
"I'm not being tracked while I'm doing this," Shine said, "There's too many possible complications about it. What if the mole found out? Can't be too careful...Now, Wally is a crime detective, so I need him. We'll retrace your student's steps quickly. If we find nothing, we try my method. Don't worry, Emi, we'll find him or crash trying by the end of the day."
"Please don't die," Emi said, "I don't need that on my conscience too. Thank you, by the way."
"It's nothing. You've been very kind to us, and I'd never forgive myself if I didn't return the favor," Shine said, "Aizawa, I need you to go relieve Wally. Sorry for the schedule interruption. You and Emi should stay in contact in case we need to relay more information, and if you could try to find out more about these rumors, I'd appreciate it. Emi has her class to take care of."
"Yes, and I have to be back in a few minutes," Emi said, "UA always has the scoop on this stuff, right? That's a good idea."
"I'll try, but I make no promises," Aizawa said.
This indicated he was more concerned it might be true than he was letting on, and both women looked somber. But Shine had to hurry out of the school, so she sent Aizawa back to UA, and Wally came through the same portal a moment later.
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