Part 25: Scheming with Todoroki

Wally and Shine stayed up well into the night talking about what Miss Joke had disclosed to him. They discussed the points of it thoroughly and what it meant for the hero world. 

"No wonder no one here wants to criticize it," Shine said, "Not that we hadn't guessed it, but, her coming right out and saying it is shocking. It's like everyone knows, and the illusion of security in this society is a thin shell that one little blow could crack."

"It does. I never thought I'd miss the news at home so much... but at least there, we have a choice about listening to it," Wally sighed, "What do you think we're supposed to do about it...? I can't get what she said at the end out of my head. That we have to get used to it, and we can't change anything."

"It's kind of telling she already thinks we want to." Shine put her fingers together.
They were sitting against the wall in her room.

"But she's only trying to keep us from doing something reckless and stupid." She put a hand on Wally's shoulder.

"The thing is, babe, we can't exactly change it, can we? Now that we know how it all stands, our only concern is whether we conform to it or not. I for one, refuse to think so small as all that nonsense, and I'm not a super, so it doesn't affect me at all, really. You have the harder call to make. We're here for an indefinite amount of time. Do you want to remain a vigilante? Or try to lay low? Whatever you do, I'll help you. We bring different things to this mission. It can't be a coincidence that you, a super, are here, on this world of heroes... I back you up at home, I'll do it here."

Wally took her hand. "Yeah, but you're not my sidekick...You have your own job, your own field here, and I'm still new at it. I think if I try to be a super, I'll forget I'm supposed to be a you said before... I can't just go off busting down the LOV's doors, even if I could find them. Even at home, doing something like that, I'd need a whole team, not just myself."

"And we have no indication we're supposed to bring down the League," Shine said, "Look at where we were sent to--here, UA. Clearly that is the primary focus for us. The problem is here... but, look who we met on day 1. Dabi, the other villains, so I take it we're also meant to be involved in that... because the kids are. We can't afford to be ignorant if we're going to protect them. All my instincts are saying pursuing this thing with Dabi is the wisest course of action. We must learn more about both sides to do our job well. Or we're irrelevant."

"If we do learn more about both, then we're relevant to both the League of Villains and the Heroes. Is that what your saying?" Wally said, "We make ourselves too useful to be ignored on both sides?"

Shine rubbed her hands together. "I don't know if we can pull that off, but, we can still gain valuable insight into the problem by investigating more... I'm more interested in the people involved, but if there's one thing I know about them by now, it's that they take no one seriously who isn't useful."

"You've got that right," Wally said, "they thought we were a joke until we proved we could keep up."

"And they thought we were naive until I made that point about them being at odds," Shine said, "Clearly, we'll have to earn everything--they won't hand it to us. That's why I say we can't afford to slack off learning more, even if we're busy, but I won't let that be the most important thing for me."

"So, you want to meet up with Dabi again? He sure seemed receptive," Wally said sardonically.

Shine shook her head. "Not just yet. There's something I need to do first, some thing I need to find out."

"Okay," Wally said, "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later. I'm still not sure these rooms aren't filmed," Shine said, "For now, let's just get some sleep. We're going to be busy tomorrow."

Around all the events always going on around UA, the students still had to reflect on what else passed. Todoroki pondered Endeavor's strange visit. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it just seemed different than usual. He also began to feel less suspicious of Shine since their previous conversation. It was hard to mistrust someone once they'd shared something like that with you and acted like they understood. Shine asked him the following day, at the end of the day, if he was all right after the visit, and he took the opportunity to voice his confusion, having no filter.

"He's never said that before," he said, "but I don't know. It probably doesn't mean anything."

Shine shrugged. "He seemed in a mellow mood when I talked to him."

"What exactly did you 'chat' about?" Todoroki asked.

"You." Shine didn't even miss a beat.

"What? Why?"

"'Cause he asked. You think he came to the office to be polite? He was trying to find your class. Then he wanted to know how you were doing."

"And you told him?" Todoroki really had no reason to be that shocked--he'd never told her not to talk to his father, but somehow, he'd assumed she'd be on his side in this.

"You really think not telling him would have been wise? Then he'd really freak out and look for you." Shine had flawless logic.

Todoroki had to admit she was right. "I suppose. I just don't know why you'd want to talk to him if you could help it."

"Well, I was curious," Shine said, "After what you told me, I couldn't help it. Call it morbid, but I wanted to see if he would give me the same vibe."

"What did you think?" Todoroki said, with interest.

No one ever spoke about this to him other than his siblings, and that was brief and vague and mostly just Natsuo being angry about it.

"I don't find him scary," Shine said, "That's good... but he was domineering. Not that I'm not used to that--seems to be the norm around here. Still, he wasn't as bad as before. I could tell being No#1 had really started to sink in...That would stagger any man. I know another person like that in Wally's world, and he's had a hard time dealing with the pressure too."

"That's all?" Todoroki said.

Shine twirled her hair. "Todoroki... would you be offended if I asked some personal questions?"

"Depends on the question," he said.

"Of course, after what you said to me, you've kind of brought it on yourself. Fair is fair," Shine said, as if to herself.

Todoroki was still not over being ashamed of himself and winced. "Uh, about that..."

"No need to worry, I'm over it," Shine waved, "but since you're so direct, you must not be easily offended by it. I just wanted to know more about the rest of your family. Do you have siblings? I think you mentioned it."

"Yes... I do..." Todoroki said, "Why?"

"I wanted to know if they were affected by all this the same as you, which is an impertinent question, but, after you asked me about my life, it's not so bad."

"I don't mind, I suppose." Todoroki didn't really think whether they would want him to share it or not. "My sister is okay with it all, but my brother still hates my father, and I agree with a lot of what he said. To be honest, I don't know either of them that well... Were your siblings also not a part of your life?"

"Oh no, we used to get pitted against each other," Shine said casually, "I didn't like them very much because I was the 'bad child', which was bullcrap. I was a great child...but then we realized it was stupid to blame each other, and we're really close now. We supported each other to get out of it. Siblings can be the best allies in these cases... You only have two, then? Both at home still? With him? That's unfortunate."

"I think they'd prefer not to be there, but my father doesn't exactly want them to move out," Todoroki said, "It's not the safest thing either, and..."

"You Japanese people live at home longer, don't you?" Shine said, "Like, in America, it's seen as responsible to move out as soon as you can, but here, isn't it more of you support your parents, but you don't necessarily move out till marriage? Forgive me if I'm stereotyping, I don't have much to go on."

"I am not the best person to ask. I don't know what ordinary people do," Todoroki had no sense of bragging by saying that.

Shine hid a smile.

"Okay...well, your family is not normal." 

"I did have another brother," Todoroki reflected, "but he's been gone for years."

"Oh, he moved out?" Shine said.

"No, he's dead," Todoroki said.


"I'm sorry, I had no idea," Shine said.

"At least, I think he is," Todoroki went on, looking puzzled, "I don't know much about what happened. I know he was just gone one day, and no one told me anything, but there was a fire, I think. Or it might have been his quirk, they meant. And my siblings never talk about him. And my mom never does either. I saw him with them, but we never talked." Then it occurred to him this was odd.

"Why are you asking?"

"I wanted to know more about your family," Shine said, "Like I said, you tell people this stuff, they get invested."

"You actually want to hear about it?" Todoroki looked unsure what to do with that.

"I know, I know, I'm too nosy," Shine waved, "A bad habit I've picked up from all my friends in other worlds always telling me their back story. I just assume now that they're going to, and I get impatient. Sorry."

" don't need to apologize." Todoroki stared at his left hand thoughtfully. "I don't know if I like that you're asking or not. It's never happened before."

"Yeah, well, in America, we don't hesitate as much," Shine said, "I know a lot about my friends there, but none of you people ever tell me anything... Cultural difference or world difference, I can't say."

"Both, maybe." Todoroki hardly noticed the world part. "Well...for now, I guess I don't mind too much. It's normal to talk about siblings, right? I just don't know anything about mine, so it's..."

"Embarrassing," Shine said, "Yes... actually, I understand that better than you might think. When you live your whole life hiding the truth about your family, you miss a lot of details. I learned stuff years after it happened..."

"You think I should know more?" Todoroki guessed. 

"I think I would want to know more," Shine hedged, "but what you want, that's your call. And theirs."

"I wouldn't mind knowing a little more about them," Todoroki mused, "I don't remember as much... I really only started remembering things after the Sports Festival. Maybe I blocked it out before then."

"It happens." Shine had memories of doing the same thing.

"I can't just ask them though," Todoroki thought out loud.

"You know, they might actually want to talk about it. Sometimes people want to be listened to." Shine didn't say this to get information, she honestly thought that it was true.

"I wouldn't know where to start," Todoroki shook his head.

"You overthink," Shine declared, sitting back, "I'm sorry about your brother... though perhaps I should be more sorry you didn't get to know him better. It sounds awful, but I can't pry into that."

"No, but I wish I did know what happened. The truth is, I'm not sure I want to know more. I'm finally not as angry at my old man," Todoroki frowned, "If I learn what happened, it might change that."

Shine bit her lip. "There's some sense in that," she said, "but, also, you can't move on if there is something that you always wanted to know but were too afraid to know...I didn't have that luxury myself. I got it all told to me whether I liked it or not...but I'm glad that, at least, I know what happened. I could heal from that. Not from what I don't know."

Todoroki though about that. "I could go home and try to learn more about it... but, I don't know..."

Shine shrugged. "Up to you...I'm not sure they'd just tell you that though. It's a sensitive subject, clearly... They want to forget about it."

"I couldn't ask my mom," Todoroki said. 

"Oh, gosh no." Shine could only imagine how that would go. "Do you guys have any photo albums or something? That might help."

"You know, I think we had some. I remember my mom making me get pictures taken of me..." Todoroki remembered, in particular a certain outfit that he really hoped the picture for had been lost, "but I don't know where they are. Fuyumi might."

"That'd be so cu--uh, interesting," Shine amended quickly, "Though, for me, photos can be kind of triggering..." She grimaced to herself.

"I think I'd be okay." Todoroki, now that he had the idea, was starting to think it was a good one. "It could take a while, though, to find them. I don't know if I want to explain why either... I'd have to though."

Shine thought it would be inappropriate to offer to help with this, though she was dying to, but for her own purposes, she knew it would be wrong to offer. She couldn't be unbiased, so she said nothing.

"Unless... no, that's impossible," Todoroki kept thinking. 

"What is?" Shine asked curiously.

"I just thought, if you came, we might be able to go through it in time, but that's asking way too much," Todoroki said. "It's not like it's your problem. It was just  a foolish thought."

"Uh... no, I'd love to do that," Shine said readily, "but, I must be upfront. I have my own reasons. Your family interests me, so, if you want an impartial person, you should not ask me."

"I really don't care." Todoroki had absolutely no qualms about exposing his family and never had. "It actually would make it less like me imposing on you."

Shine didn't know whether to be impressed or concerned with his level of calm about the idea. Future spy, much?

"Well, if it truly won't bother you, I'll gladly help," she said.

"I could go tomorrow. It's Saturday," Todoroki said.

"Okay with me. Aizawa will have Eri more on that day, anyway," Shine said. "But...uh, pardon me, but, Todoroki, if we really want to get this done, I think we might need another person to help us."


"I can't read Japanese," Shine shrugged, "and you might have to be talking to you family, if we're not letting them know we're looking into it. As sneaky as it sounds, if that's what you want, then I think we need someone else who can speak the language and who's fast. Wally's out. It's too noticeable if he and I go somewhere with you alone. I think another student would be best. Someone it would make sense for you to bring home, for studying or visiting or whatever."

"Midoriya?" Todoroki said.

"Deku can't keep a secret," Shine said flatly.

She was certain that Deku letting her whole past thing drop to Todoroki indicated he had no feel for sensitive subjects, "Plus, he's too nervous. He'd give the whole thing away."

Todoroki was secretly a bit into this whole reconnaissance thing, though he wasn't very skilled at it, and Shine talking about it in that way intrigued him. "Well, who would be good?" 

"You aren't close to many people," Shine said, "and, I'd feel comfortable with very few of them. And they wouldn't want to be involved if I was. I think there's only one person who'd possibly agree to this."

"You mean, Yaoyurozu?" Todoroki said, "You want her involved?"

"I'd trust her discretion more than anyone else's at this whole school. She's never let anything I've told her slip," Shine said loyally, "and she knows when not to say something. Don't you think she's perfect?"

"I guess I see your point," Todoroki agreed, "Well, it's fine with me, but we shouldn't pressure her into it if she doesn't want to."

"I agree," Shine said, "but she'll agree to do it, or I don't know her as well as I think."

Shine was 100% correct. Momo was very surprised to be asked, more by Todoroki than Shine, honestly. Though he actually said very little. But since it wasn't illegal, she was perfectly willing to help, and Shine knew, which Todoroki didn't, that she secretly found this sort of thing exciting and loved an excuse to do it without grades hanging in the balance. 

Momo also brought up the more practical problem of getting permission. "Todoroki can go home, but how can we explain going with him?" Momo asked.

"Oh, you leave this to me. We'll ask Aizawa together," Shine said, "Just let me do the talking."

Accordingly, that evening, they all went to his  office and requested being able to go to Todoroki's house the next day.

"Why all three of you?" were the first words out of Aizawa's mouth.

"I think that the whole point of being the supervisor is not letting any students go somewhere alone again," Shine said, "and he said you had to take him before, but you'll be busy watching Eri. This is my job. I can go, it's fine. And I need the practice navigating, so I don't get lost again. But I'll need Momo to help me read things, and you know, if Wally and I keep going around together, we're going to attract attention."

Momo waited for Aizawa to ask why Todoroki wouldn't be enough help for Shine, but either he knew Todoroki well enough to know that tutoring was not his thing, or he didn't care. "Very well, just don't stay gone for such a long time this time. You have 3 hours."

"Four," Shine said, "You have to allow how long it takes to get there. Even that's short."

"Fine, 4," Aizawa waved them out. "Text or call when you leave, so I can time it. And when you return, or you will be disciplined."

"Yes, sergeant," Shine said sardonically.

But they left happy.

"I didn't think he'd agree so easily," Momo admitted. 

"You just have to speak his language," Shine tossed her hair, "It's easy. He wants you two to be safe."

"Is there anything I need to bring tomorrow?" Momo asked. 

"You know, to really look legit, we should bring food or something," Shine said, "Is that what you do here?"

"A gift would be acceptable too," Momo said.

"I don't think that's necessary. It's my house." Todoroki never liked to over complicate anything except his own life. "My sister's not the suspicious type."

Shine didn't think Todoroki was that good of judge of character, but she had no proof to the contrary, so she said nothing.

The next morning, though, when they were all getting set to leave, Bakugo accosted them.

"Where are all you d--- extras going together?" he demanded.

"Why does it matter to you?" Todoroki was not in the mood for this--now or ever.

"I can see you're up to something--" Bakugo began.

"Shh," Shine hissed, "Alert the whole class, why don't you? If you must know, Bakugo, we're going to Todoroki's house. We're helping him with a project. It's not actually any of your business."

"And the teachers know?"

"We told them," Momo said quickly.

"What's it to you?" Todoroki said.

"You're only making us sound sketchy," Shine said, "I know we're literally sneaking out to avoid the suspicion of the most paranoid class at this school, but let's not make it easy for them. Sheesh. Actually, Bakugo, you could help us."

"Why would I do that?" Bakugo said.

"You don't like being left out," Shine shrugged, "and we really could use someone here who'd tell everyone where we went if they ask, in case they freak out. I'm sure you could cover for us convincingly."

"What's in it for me?" Bakugo said.

"Nothing--" began Todoroki.

"If you help us out, I'll tell you something about us," Shine said, point blank, "Whatever you ask, but only one thing."

That offer was too good for even Bakugo to refuse. 

"If you're lying, I'll kill you later, " he shrugged, "It's not like it's hard to tell people you went out for some stupid errand, just don't except me to do this for free."

"How heroic," Todoroki said saltily.

"Let's not kick a gift horse in the mouth," Momo hissed, "I'm just surprised he's not giving us a hard time."

Shine smiled like this amused her. "Later."

"There's really no reason we couldn't tell the class where we were going," Momo said, "It's not that strange, is it?"

"Oh, sure, we could have," Shine said.

"What? Wait, then why didn't we?" Todoroki looked up.

"Because it's more fun this way, and I get bored with my life cooped up here," Shine said roundly, "and it's my way of sticking it to them for treating me like a spy."


"That's...kind of..." Momo began.

"Petty? I know," Shine said, "I'm kidding... sort of... While I do enjoy the drama of playing secret agent, I wouldn't bother hiding it from the class for that reason."

"What is the reason?" Todoroki asked.

"Why did you agree to it so easily?" Shine countered.

"Well... I guess, I don't really want them to know," Todoroki said, "I mean, they could... but the part I don't know about is..."

"Exactly," Shine said, "and how on earth could you explain me going if it wasn't something that urgent? I have no reason to meet your family. This is to spare you embarrassment. I suppose I am sparing myself further annoyance, but how could I possibly make it worse at this point? You getting dragged down with me on the other hand, it's just not necessary. The last thing I need is conspiracy theories about me and any one or two students going around this stupid school."

She had a point, albeit a gruesome one.

"Miss Likstar--" Momo began.

"Please, call me Shine. That makes me so nervous when you say Miss Likstar," Shine said, "That's what people call me when they're mad."

"Uh...okay, Shine," Momo felt weird saying that to an adult, "Why don't you like UA?"

"What makes you think I don't?" Shine said wryly. 

"Uh..." Momo faltered.

"No, I'm just messing with you. I don't exactly try to hide it," Shine said, "but, let me ask you, what reason do I have to like UA?"

"The staff lets you stay here for free," Todoroki said, "They took you in."

"For their own purpose. They are afraid to let us go off on our own, and we could manage if they did," Shine said, "Plus, they film us when we're around Eri. They track us when we leave." She held up her ID. "And they are convinced we'll betray them, which I admit, is tempting, but unlike some of the heroes around here, I can not act on my more disagreeable impulses. I don't hold grudges, it's a waste of energy, but neither do I try to like people who are only waiting for a chance to screw me over."

"There aren't trackers in our IDs," Todoroki said, "That would be illegal."

"Is it?" Shine said, "There's a tracker in this. Trust me. It's 'different' from the other ones. Nezu thinks he's so subtle."

"Can I see?" Momo was horrified, "I'm sure you're wrong, Mi-- Shine, and I can prove it." She formed some kind of scanner in her hand. "It's easy to check for tracking chips."

"Why would you know how to make that?" Todoroki said.

"To check if I'm being tracked, you know, after a villain attack," Momo said. She ran her device over the card...then she frowned. 

"It's there, isn't it?" Shine said.

"Uh...yeah..." Momo said.

Todoroki frowned. "That's strange. What about ours?" 

Momo scanned her own ID. "I'm not seeing one. I think it's illegal to track us off campus."

"Though had they done that at that camp you were all at, where anyone could have gotten lost in the woods, I think a lot of problems could have been avoided," Shine said flatly.

"Shine... I don't know why... I mean, I'm sure they have a good reason," Momo said.

Shine sighed. "It's really cute that you both are so obviously taken aback by the idea. Don't worry about it, I'm used to it by now. Just forgive me if I have no amiable sentiments to them. I'm not going to let it affect how I work though... Well, I did doodle on some papers..and okay, I made a face at one of the cameras... but let's not talk about it. We're not talking about me, okay? Which way are we going?"

Todoroki pointed, and she started marching that way.

The two students exchanged a glance.

"They're just tracking them for our safety," Momo said.

"Yeah, sure," Todoroki agreed, "Let's just hurry. We only have 4 hours." He caught up with Shine. Momo hurried after them, putting aside her questions for the time being.

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