Part 180: Car pool chaos

Ren used his phone as a GPS, and Momo used hers, to help navigate. The drive was going to take a couple hours just to get to the right city, and no telling how much they'd have to do later. They made sure the tanks were full.

Luckily, Momo's credit card worked anywhere, though she was going to have an interesting time explaining it if her parents asked.

Wally told Shine she'd taken all the difficult people. Shine said he'd taken Bakugo and Monama, so that wasn't true.

But all in all, Wally's group was pretty well-behaved.

Medea didn't end up feeling as relaxed in the car as she thought. Turns out it twisted and turned a lot more than a train did...and the road they were on was pretty winding and rough in some places.

Even Momo kept gripping the seat as they were jostled. Wally seemed fine.

Camie kept gawking at the scenery because it was so different.

Bakugo fell asleep, which was pretty funny, with his feet on the dash.

Medea flinched as they went over another rut. Her eyes flickered purple.

"Maybe you should hold my hand," she said to Monama with a straight face.

"What?" Monama said.

"Ohh," Camie smirked.

"I don't know why, but I seem to have better control. Maybe it's some weird synergy thing." Medea said, "and I don't want to set the car on fire if I get startled and blaze up."

"Yeah, would be bad," Wally said, looking in the review mirror.

"Mr. West, if you could just keep your eyes on the road..." Momo said politely.

"Relax, Peaches, no one else is even on the road except our friends, and they're behind us because Shine drives slow," Wally dismissed it.

"But there are twists and turns on the road," Monama said.

Wally thought they were being paranoid. "You guys take the bus. Do you tell that driver to be careful?"

"Well, they're professionals," Momo said.

Wally gripped the steering wheel. "Professionals, huh? Let me tell you something, kid, I can drive a freaking javelin (that's like a really high tech plane), and I've been driving a truck for years, which is harder than a mini-van, and that's a test of your manhood right there to even be seen driving this thing."

"Hah," Hawks snorted a laugh.

"And I think I can safely say I'm pretty professional," Wally said, "In fact, I'mma prove it to you."

"Uh, Mr. West, I don't like the sound of that," Momo said.

Wally stepped on the accelerator, and the car's speed shot up to probably 80 mph.

Medea yelped.

Monama grabbed her hand because he was afraid she was actually going to set the seat cushions on fire.

"Aw, how sweet," Hawks said before he almost hit his head on the interior. He used his wings to prop himself up more securely.

Wally's phone rang.

"I gotta thank Endeavor for these high class phones that have service all over the world," Wally said, "even out here." He answered it.

"Ah, use both hands!" Momo said.

Bakugo sat up. "What the he-- is going on?"

"West-Sensei is trying to prove to us he can drive by driving over the speed limit!" Camie said.

"Oh, really? Awesome!" Bakugo leaned forward. "This is way better than creeping along."

Wally put his phone on speaker. "What is it, Sunshine?"

* * *

"Sunshine?" Mirko said to Shine.

"It's cute, and if you say one thing about it, I will pull this car over and kick you into the snow," Shine said.

"What is it?" Wally's voice came over speaker.

"Why did you just speed up? Did you see something?" Shine said.

"Oh, no, the kids are whining about how I'm not a pro driver, so I'm proving them wrong," Wally said.

"That's stupid," Ren said.

"Oh, heck yeah!" Mirko leaned forward. "We should do that--race or something. If we do that, I want to drive."

"Rumi, for the last time, you are not driving this car," Shine said.

Shigaraki had his arms crossed. "This conversation is so asinine."

"Miss Likstar, they say you're not supposed to be on the phone while you're driving," Iida said nervously, "and they say it's every bit as distracting even if you're not holding it."

"Iida, you know they also say not to distract the driver by talking to them," Shine said.

Iida was conflicted yet again by his role.

"Well, don't get too far ahead," Shine said.

"Oh, come on, honey, you can drive a little faster than that. What are you doing, 50?"

"I don't know, it varies," Shine said.

"Wait, you don't know how fast you're going?" Mirko said.

"Shut up, Rumi... like 50 or so," Shine said. 

"So go faster than that," Wally said.

"Just to prove a point? Maybe you're that confident, but what if we see ice on this road?" Shine argued.

"It'll be fine. I'm faster than this car. I'll just get out and stop it," Wally said.

"I'm not sure that's the best logic, hon," Shine said.

"Is he really that stupid?" Shigaraki asked.

Shine slammed on the brakes, and Shigaraki almost hit the dashboard.

"Oh, wow," Shine said, "Sorry, it's just when people insult my fiancé, I get a little jumpy. I wouldn't say that again if I were you. I might stop even harder."

Mirko and Ren laughed.

Iida didn't think it was funny. He'd hit the back of the seat in front of him.

"You do know I could dust this whole car!" Shigaraki snapped at Shine.

"And then you can walk the rest of the way, in the cold," Shine said, "because I'll just portal myself to Wally's car if you do that. So we're clear on that, right?"


"Sounds like you've got it handled," Wally said, "So, you gonna speed up?"

"If Shigaraki keeps bugging me, I might," Shine said, "just to get this over with faster. And Mirko's being a real pain too. Who knows? I could outpace you from sheer annoyance."

"If you think this is bad, picture 8 sisters on the bus with you," Ren said, "Field trips were a nightmare..."

"I can picture it," Shine said.

"I think you'll be fine, but just call me if they do anything too scary, like try to grab the wheel," Wally said.

"Iida's already backseat 💺 driving, so I think we've got that part down," Shine said.

"Oh, Peaches is doing that over here," Wally said.

They heard Momo say she wasn't trying to do that.

"I love it when people without licenses tell you how to drive," Shine said humorously.

"Kind of like people without licenses telling us how to hero," Mirko said.

"Ah, but, Rumi, the difference there is," Shine said, "that to get a driver's license, you have to go to the DMV and actually prove you can drive. To get a hero's license, you have to pass a test that proves you can beat the crap out of other people--a heroic attitude is negotiable, from all I heard. Basically, a hero's license doesn't prove you'll act like a hero, but a driver's license proves you have at least driven before."

Mirko frowned at her.

Shigaraki thought that was funny.

"I must say, she is better at debate than you are," Ren said to Mirko.

"Shut up." She elbowed him.

"Nicely done," Wally said, "You know, I wish you were over here. Someone could sass these kids for me. All I can do is just take this turn way too fast."

A chorus of protests and pleas from the passengers and a "Do it!" from Bakugo met this remark.

Wally didn't actually take the turn really fast, but the kids were terrified anyway.

"This isn't very heroic behavior," Shigaraki said to Shine, "scaring your own charges."

"Oh, please," Shine said, after hanging up, "You gotta scare people every once in a while just to put the fear of God into them. And I'm sorry, if driving fast is the worst thing we've ever done to them, that sure as heck beats dropping a building on them in training."

"UA is crazy," Ren said.

"Miss Likstar, I object to Mr. West frightening my classmates," Iida said.

"Get out and catch up to the car if you want to have a conversation about it," Shine replied.

"But, Miss Likstar, I really shouldn't be exposing myself like that out here," Iida said, "Just because we don't see anyone doesn't mean we should be reckless."

"This is going to be the whole drive, isn't it...?" Shine said.

Mirko suddenly put her ears up. "I've got it. I finally figured out what annoys you. You don't like being told what to do."

Shine laughed. "Oh, wow, you got me... What tipped you off? Other than I never do what anyone tells me to do, except my partner and my God."

"I mean it drives you crazy though," Mirko said.

"It won't work for you, Rumi," Shine said, "You don't have the credibility for me to take it seriously if you tell me to do something. You're just a mild annoyance."

"So if I keep telling you to let me drive, you won't find that annoying."

"Rumi, did you ever think people don't try to annoy me because maybe you won't like it if I'm annoyed?" Shine said in a warning tone.

"Please, Miss Mirko, do not provoke her." Iida tapped Mirko's shoulder. "I've seen her do completely unacceptable things when she's angry. She threatened to throw out Mineta's hentai once."

"Oh, that's classic," Mirko said, "That's hilarious."

"Threatened? I actually did it because he said something inappropriate," Shine said.

"And she's lectured our teachers," Iida said, like that was a worse crime, "and insulted them!"

"Sounds like this is just her doing something actually useful," Shigaraki said, "How you get away with it is beyond me, though, Likstar. Don't they consider you a villain for doing that?"

"Yeah, some of them do. But the thing is, I'm right," Shine said, "and so they can't talk. And I know several of the kids' parents, including Endeavor, who asks me to report info him on how safe his son is. Glad someone has a little common sense. So since then, they've been afraid to fire me or annoy me too much. No one wants Endeavor on their bad side."

"Wow, diabolical," Ren said. 

"I didn't plan it," Shine shrugged, twisting her hands on the wheel, "It just happened. I just use the gifts I'm given, that's all. See, we believers think that God gives us tools and position and power in order to help us do what we're meant to do, and that it is both foolish and ungrateful not to use something just because some people might disapprove of it. God is unpredictable, and people who are most like Him will be unpredictable too."

"I would describe you as unpredictable," Mirko admitted, "But don't you ever feel like it's cheap to win a fight that way?"

"No," Shine said, "I don't turn down my Father's gifts. I learned that a long time ago. You see, I don't need to prove that I'm tough enough to do that without help. And I'm smart enough to know that any success is a gift, even if I was trying as hard as I could be, because my efforts cannot control the outcome of something without other factors coming into play too. And when ego is out of the way, life becomes so much easier. A true warrior of our faith could march into battle ready to impale the enemy if necessary, but humble enough to let someone else tie their shoes for them, should they trip or be unable to do it. We have nothing to prove, but we have a lot to lose by hesitating and wasting time. I suppose few of us are really there yet. I don't like it when people treat me like I'm not capable." She eyed Iida through the review mirror.

"But I'm learning. Of course there is a time to not allow yourself to be demeaned. David didn't let Saul tell him he couldn't fight a giant, but he was polite about it... I need to work on that."

Ren laughed at that. "I like you. You're cheeky."

Shine and Rumi both glanced at him.

"So this really just does run in the family," Shine said.

"Our family likes strong people," Ren said, "Back in the day, we used to bullfight."

"That's bulls---," Mirko said, "That's ridiculous. We're not Mexican."

"Is that really Mexican? I thought that was Spain..." Shine said, "Eh, maybe I'm mixed up. I know it's Mexico in the Book of Life... I'd believe that about an ancestor of yours, though."

"I'd believe Ru-chan would do it now, if you dared her to," Ren said.

"But would the bull do it if you dared him to?" Shine said.

Mirko smirked.

* * *

After about an hour of driving had passed with this kind of banter, they lapsed into the silence of people on long trips.

"I don't like this," Iida finally said, "This is barely even a lead. We're in a strange country, we know no one, we don't even speak the language that well. We have a guide we aren't 100% sure we can trust, and we have less than 3 days to find our friend, from the sound of it. Against these odds, we have...what? Confidence? I just don't like it at all."

"Imagine dealing with all that," Shine said dryly, "I mean, yeah, strange country, no one knows who you are, you don't know the language, and a guide that you're not even sure of.. I mean, who could imagine that?"


"Miss Likstar, are you comparing our situations?" Iida said.

"Yeah, kind of," Shine said.

"But, Miss Likstar, I don't think it's the same. We could get in big trouble for this."

"We could die."

"We could die too!" Iida said.

"Uh huh," Shine said, "Well, forgive me if I don't feel sorry for you. I get how hard it is, believe me, but it strikes me as odd that you're asking me to care. When did you ever care how hard it was for us?"

Iida looked stunned. "Miss Likstar...I'm sure we never meant to be harsh."

"I know that well enough." Shine stared straight ahead, looking tight. "But, you see, I don't really care. It's called being kind. I won't be as mean to you, of course. I don't believe in returning evil for evil, but I don't have to pity you either. I'm sorry if that's hard to hear."

"If someone treated me the way those brats treat you," Shigaraki spoke up, "I'd kill them."

"And he's here too," Iida glared at him, "one of the people responsible for what happened to my brother."

"Actually, Iida, Shigaraki had nothing to do whatsoever with that," Shine said, "and he wanted to kill Stain too. So really, you have something in common."

"What? You're comparing me to him?!" Iida said.

Shigaraki shot Shine a look.

"Oh, wow," Ren said, "This just got interesting." He was fiddling with a device while speaking.

"Wait, is this what you were talking about earlier?" Mirko said, "Wow...oh, wait." She turned to look at Iida. "I see it now. You're Tensei Iida's brother. Ingenium. I always forget his real name, so I didn't think about it. You look just like him, though. I hear Stain messed him up pretty bad. He seemed okay at that party though."

"Other than he was in a wheelchair," Ren said, "Isn't he?"

"Yeah, that," Mirko said.

Shine chuckled. "Very sensitive. But it is what it is. He's cool."

"Stain targeted him, huh?" Shigaraki said, "Why? Was he a false hero?"

"No! He was the best hero and best brother in the world!" Iida cried, angry now, "Stain had no right to do what he did. He's been crippled for life!"

"Why didn't he kill him?" Mirko wondered, "Why did he just leave him like that?"

"Because his whole thing was speed," Shine said, "Stain's not out just for blood alone. If he can make his point by crippling someone, he will. Or perhaps he thought Ingenium was not bad enough to murder. I can't really be sure. He's crazy."

"But he has conviction," Shigaraki said. 

"Are you defending him?" Ren said, "Didn't Likstar-san just say you wanted to kill him?"

"I did. He annoyed me," Shigaraki said.

"Didn't he, like, cut you up?" Shine said.

Shigaraki rubbed his shoulder. "Yeah."

"But he didn't kill you," Shine said, "I remember--didn't you say he thought you had a little conviction...? Not what I would have called it, but Stain is not my sort of villain."

"Oh, piss off, Likstar. Like you know anything about it," Shigaraki said.

"I do, actually."

"He let you go, huh?" Ren said, "Weird."

"He couldn't have killed me. Kurogiri was right there," Shigaraki said, "He was an idiot."

"Why didn't Kurogiri stop that?" Shine said, oddly, "If he was right there."

"Master said to let it happen," Shigaraki said, "It was a teaching moment."

Shine's mouth dropped open. "Uh...and Stain stabbed you?"

"Yeah," Shigaraki said.

Mirko and Ren and Iida all cast him odd looks.

"What is it, Miss Likstar?" Iida said then. 

Shine pulled the car over suddenly. "I need a minute." She got out and walked to the side of the road.

"So I can drive now, right?" Mirko said.

"Not the time, Sis," Ren said.

Shine picked up a rock and threw it over the side of the road. It hit a tree with a loud thump even they could hear.

She came back in and shut the door. "Sorry about that."

"What was that about?" Ren asked.

Shine just shook her head at him like, "don't ask."

"So when did you try to kill Stain? I'm confused," Mirko said.

"With the nomu," Shigaraki said casually.

"The ones... Oh...but wait, I thought nomu going haywire on a city was a bad thing," Mirko said.

"Well, now I know that!" Shigaraki said, like it was that obvious, "but at the time, it seemed like a good solution."

"It didn't work," Shine said, "He's still alive."

"Unfortunately..." Shigaraki said, "but it no longer really matters. No one cares about Stain now."

"I never understood why everyone was so fascinated with him," Shine said, "I appreciate that he has high standards for heroes...but I could never condone his methods... Oh, I'm sorry Iida... I forgot..."

"It's all right, Miss Likstar. I've had to hear it often enough to get used to it," Iida said, "but I don't really see the LOV as any better than Stain. Both of them kill heroes. Why do you think there's a difference?"

"I never met Stain," Shine said, "I can't say for sure whether I'd see anything in him, so I can't answer that."

"You make no sense," Iida said.

"Maybe she's just open-minded," Shigaraki said. 

"You can't talk," Iida said angrily, "after all the times  your League has attacked my classmates and I! And kidnapped Bakugo."

"You're in class 1-A?" Shigaraki said blankly.

Ren snorted.

"What? You don't remember me?!" Iida said.

"Should I?" Shigaraki said. 

Iida was furious. "I don't believe this..."

"If he remembered you, it would only be because you annoyed him," Shine said, "so take it as a good sign."

"That's not good! That just makes me sound unimportant," Iida said, "And...and you know this, Likstar, and you're still friends?"

"Hey, kid," Mirko got tired of this, "ever think it might be because they're friends that your dumb class stopped getting attacked by the LOV?"

Iida blinked. "Excuse me?"

"That last attack was months ago," Mirko said, "I know. I was there. It just stopped, didn't it? You know why that is? Likstar did them a solid because she's honorable, unlike most people, so they called off attacking the school anymore. You can probably thank her for you all even being still alive. She has the ability to earn the respect of heroes and villains both. Can you say the same about you?"

Iida gaped at her.

Shine was gaping at her too, so was Ren.

Shigaraki was silent.

"So ungrateful." Mirko leaned back, crossing her arms.

After an awkward pause while that sank in, Iida leaned back. 

"At what cost?" he said darkly, "What did you give them in return?"

Shine gripped the wheel tighter. Her mouth was set in a thin line.

"Maybe they aren't as big of a--h---- as that," Mirko said. Iida was getting on her nerves. "Give it a rest, kid."

"I am shocked that a top hero is defending this," Iida said.

"You know, maybe provoking a villain you're in the car with isn't that smart," Ren said coolly.

Iida frowned at him.

"Nevermind," Shine spoke finally, in a low voice, "He is upset because of his brother. I understand that. I won't take it personally. Though Iida has never been open to us, I do care about him too, and I can see it is difficult for him. This is a huge test of his morals. I'm just going to play music for a while, if that's okay with all of you."

"Are you sure?"Mirko said. She was 100% willing to kick Iida's butt if Shine wanted her to.

"Yeah, it's better to drive with music. Especially early in the morning," Shine said, as if she didn't understand the question. Or she did, but wasn't going to embarrass Iida further.

She turned up the volume.

"I lay on the carpet. A wrench to let you, incarbonating emotion, tears rising to the rim.

I fled to the walls, yeah. Be sure I'm surrounded, where no one can find me.

But there's strength behind a lowered gate, a humble embrace,  a vulnerable place.

 Say you're open through tears and trembling. It's a major step. It's ok to fret.

Here's safe place to lay your heart down. It's a second chance. It won't be your last.

Letting my guard down enough to be held close. There's strength in the open, the broken and exposed. 

Should I flee to the mountains, be sure I'm surrounded where no one can find me? There's strength within an open space, a humble embrace, a venerable place."

There was silence for a while, but Shigaraki kept twitching or scratching like he was agitated, and Mirko kept glancing at Iida reproachfully and then staring out the window.

Ren just tinkered in silence.

Finally Shine and Wally both pulled over at a gas station, so the group could have a rest stop. Iida got out.

Shine leaned back in the seat and sighed.

"Why did you let him talk to you like that?" Shigaraki could stand it no more. "Insolent little brat."

"You could have just told him to frick off," Mirko echoed, just as angry.

"I don't want to push him too far," Shine said.

"And so you'll just let him say whatever he wants to you?" Mirko said.

"Did you ever change someone's mind by being cruel to them?" Shine replied flatly.

Mirko leaned back, arms crossed.

"I guess I do let myself be made the bad guy," Shine said, "but at least I know I won't act on it. Better that then let other people get torn apart."

"No one's asking you to take the blame here," Mirko said.

"You have a way to convince Iida that this was a good idea?" Shine said, "Because it seems to me, if he doesn't want to see it, he won't. And that thing with his brother is still fresh. I know he's trying to hide it and act like it doesn't still bother him, because that stupid hero school teaches the students to do that." She kicked the floor of the car angrily. "And to let themselves be injured to prove a point... You think I want to break him?"

"Why not just explain that you didn't do anything wrong?" Shigaraki said.

"Is it that easy?" Shine said, "Have you ever tried it?"

"Well, no," Shigaraki said, "I wouldn't do that."

"Exactly," Shine said, "I've spent enough time explaining things to Iida. I let him come on this because he is getting too strung out about not being able to do anything, but I expected this treatment from him. Sometimes you just have to take it. I can't change Iida's opinion of me. Perhaps he'll see something on his own."

"But why does he think this is your fault?" Mirko said, "Like you wanted that girl to get kidnapped. Isn't that what you spend all your time trying to prevent?"

"Did you ever take out your anger on someone because you could?" Shine said, "Because they were safe? Though they didn't deserve it?"

Mirko hesitated.

"I have," Ren supplied wryly.

Shigaraki had Kurogiri...not that he'd thought of it that way at the time, but Shine's way of saying it made him wonder.

"I usually feel like they deserve it," Mirko said.

"And that's another issue," Shine said, "We convince ourselves it's justified. I've done it too. I try not to judge Iida too harshly. He can't lash out at his actual teachers for all the stress they put the kids through and then expect him to clean up by acting as class rep, because they can't do their jobs. Perhaps he lashes out at me and Wally because we act responsible enough for him to feel he can blame us." She tugged her hair. "It's not really me he's angry at, you know. If he wants to yell at me over it, it's not fair, and I shouldn't have to be the verbal punching bag for him. But I'd sooner let him yell at me than hurt someone who will take it personally. When we're trying to keep the peace, sometimes we have to take some hits for other people."

Shigaraki sort of saw what she meant there. "You mean, you're fighting so someone else won't have to."

"Sort of," Shine said.

"I still think you should just stop him," Shigaraki grumbled.

"I'm touched by your evident concern," Shine said dryly, "but I don't think you have as many years of leadership experience as me. Some things you need to let go or you'll go nuts. I can't argue with him all the time. I'd appreciate it if you all wouldn't either."

"Hey, I won't say a word," Ren said, "I just think you have odd taste in who you work with."

"Don't I ever..." Shine said.

"Would you tell anyone else to just take that?" Mirko said grimly.

Shine thought. "Not if it was really hurting them. I don't think it's hurting me."

"It looked like you were going to cry," Mirko said.

Shine looked at her. "You're right, Rumi." She opened the door.

"What is she doing?" Ren said.

"Something good." Mirko climbed into the front seat, kicking Shigaraki in the process.

"Watch it!" he said.

Mirko rolled down the windows shamelessly.

Shine walked up to Iida, who was standing outside the station.

"I didn't want to say too much in front of the others," she said, "but you must stop talking to me that way you are. You would never talk to your other teachers this way. Stop using the fact that we are different as an excuse to show us absolutely no respect."

"Miss Likstar," Iida looked up, "I think I do show respect. I'm always polite, but this is--"

"This is something you do not understand and you do not know all the details of," Shine said, "We've done nothing to hurt your friends, and I've risked a lot to help them. I deserve your respect. And do not lie to me. I know you. You are polite to everyone because you were raised that way. I understand that just fine. Politeness does not equal respect. I don't know that I've seen you truly respect anyone. Respect means you care what someone else feels and thinks and if you are being fair to them. You have your nose so far up in the air, trying to hold everyone up to the standard of your family, that you don't look at who you might step on. I know it is what you were taught, so I don't blame you as much as I could. But think for one second, sometime, Iida, about how you would feel if someone treated you the way you treat us."

Iida blinked at her. "Miss Liksta--?"

"You call out your class in public for minor offenses," Shine said, "There's a wise thing my Master said once: 'You strain out a gnat and swallow a camel' and 'you point out the speck in your brother's eye, but ignore the log in your own.'  Your pride in being above everyone else is far more of a flaw in your character than some minor indiscretion on your classmates part. I know, it's taught. But whatever the hero world says, Pride is a death sentence, Iida, and it's time you learned that. I've been too easy on you about it. I'm sorry for that." She bowed. "I expect you to comport yourself better. And you'll treat Shigaraki with respect also, not because you think he's worthy, but because it's the decent thing to do, as we're all in this situation together. Do you understand?"

Iida was speechless.

"I said do you understand?" Shine's eyes flashed.

"I understand..." Iida said meekly.

"Good." Shine walked toward where Wally was.

Mirko laughed.

"What was that?" Shigaraki was stunned. 

"That was awesome," Miro said, "Also, I'm driving now."

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