Part 109: Dabi angers Medea

Shine took them this time to a parking lot.

[see part 29 for when the below happened]

"Dabi has been invaluable for showing places no one looks." She said. "But fair warning, I can only do this about 3-5 more times."

"Oh, so you do have a limit," Hawks said. " I thought you were really OP there."

"She is," Mirko stated.

"I need a break, man," Wally rubbed his neck. "I can't keep up with how fast these guys move, which is funny, since, you know, speed is my thing...geez I'm hungry."

"Here," Shine pulled an energy/protein bar out of her bag.

"Oh, thanks," he took it and started wolfing it down.

"You...always carry snacks?' Hawks asked Shine oddly.

"Mmmhmm, just in case," Shine said. "Wally has to eat for his power...and I do for my portals at some point, not as often, but I worry about him passing out...and you know in costume he can't carry food, so I got in the habit."

"Wow, that's really sweet," Hawks approved. "You know, you don't see too many couples put that much thought into things anymore."

"You hang around the wrong couples, then," Shine said wryly.

"I think we could all use a minute to chill," Wally said between bites. "So let's take five. I'm sure an idea will come to one of us if we just let it alone for a second."

"That's a waste of time," Mirko said tersely.

"Well, you do you, Bunny Girl, but I'm going to de-stress," Wally said. Moving away and doing whatever he did to destress. Jog maybe? Watch clouds?

Shine nodded to his suggestion and sat against the wall next to the parking lot, though it wasn't very clean. She started singing to herself, apparently that was how she cleared her head.

[Rest--half alive]

Mirko paced and said nothing to anyone for a while.

Shigaraki did his thing where he leaned on a wall and stared at his hand...though he hadn't brought any extra ones with him. Which he probably regretted now.

Hawks tried to come up with a plan while scouting in a way that frankly, just made all of them more nervous to watch, so they didn't.

Mirko finally stopped pacing in front of Shine.

Shine looked up like she was expecting more accusations.

"About what I said before," Mirko sounded really uncomfortable. "Maybe I took it a little too hard. That's just kind of how I am. I didn't mean it to be an insult."

Shine blinked. ""

"Shut up!" Mirko said.

"I meant, 'wow, I didn't think you didn't mean it that way at all'," Shine said, rather brutally, even if she didn't realize it.

Mirko huffed. "Whatever...I heard what you said. So I thought you were probably pissed about it."

"What I said...I didn't say anything about you, did I?" Shine didn't remember mentioning her by name.

"No, but it was pretty clear that's what you meant...Just tell me to my face next time."

"I did tell you to your face, Rumi, you don't listen," Shine said a bit warmly. "You are the most stubborn person I think I've ever met. Except me, I guess...I know how my parents must have felt now. Karma, right?"

Mirko couldn't tell whether that was a joke or not.

"You're saying I'm your karmic punishment for being a brat?"

"I'm saying I've been told my entire life I'm 'difficult,'" Shine said candidly. "Disrespectful, stubborn, belligerent, unteachable, you name it. My guess? You've heard at least half of that too."

"All of it, actually," Mirko said dryly. "And that's weird to me, you don't come off as the type who would have argued a whole lot."

"I don't?" Shine snorted.

"No, you keep yourself in check too much. You hold back, don't you? Don't use your power to demand respect. Which I think is dumb, for the record."

"You would...I've never thought I could do that," Shine said. "I was always guilt tripped so hard for asserting myself, I stopped doing it except on other people's behalf usually...I don't know, if that didn't happen to you, I think you're lucky. Anyway, I don't want to bully people. I've been bullied too much."

"You let people bully you?" Mirko said, raising an eyebrow.

"I let you bully me, didn't I?" Shine shrugged.

Mirko's mouth dropped open.

Shigaraki was listening to all of this and he smirked to himself. Likstar always pissed off heroes so easily.

"I'm not a bully," Mirko said.

"Yes, you are," Shine was quite calm about it. "But I don't think you are on purpose, hmm? You just don't see it that way, that's what you keep saying. So I'll overlook, for now...And you're being nice enough to set the record straight, I want to be fair. But seriously, what would you do to someone who treated you the way you treat me?"

Mirko pictured it. "Kick their a---."

"All right, if they were a Pro who outranked you and could probably beat you up with one hand tied behind their back, what would you do?"

"They could beat me in this scenario?"


"I'd still try to kick their a--, I might as well go down fighting if it comes to that," Mirko said.

"I believe you," Shine said. "But there are times it's not worth it for me to do that. I have people I need to take care of, I can't risk my neck getting into every match there is. I suppose you can't conceive of that, but try." She shrugged. "If it came between saving people and letting yourself get pushed around, what would you do?"

"What do you mean? When would letting myself get pushed around ever save anyone?"

"There are times it does, biting your tongue, holding yourself back, it's smarter...some risks are not worth it. My question is, are you willing to do that?" Shine asked.

Mirko didn't like this game.

"I don't know, I doubt it'll ever come up." She said.

"At least once in your career, it will, if it hasn't already," Shine said. "And you'll have to decide." She shrugged again. "Once, I thought like you. I'd never let myself get put in that position...but I thought I could prevent it, that was my mistake. I now know I can't. Sometimes I have to take a hit. If you are really strong, taking a hit will make you stronger."

"I can take a hit, that's not the issue," Mirko said.

"But can your pride?" Shine replied slowly. "Because that is often what makes us the most stronger. Just food for thought."

"I didn't ask for one of your speeches," Mirko grumbled.

"Oh, you shouldn't talk to me at all then," Shine laughed. "I literally cannot help myself. I'll go off anytime. Wally distracts me with jokes, try that."

Not really Mirko's thing.

After a pause she said. "Likstar, do you believe people when they tell you you're difficult?"

"I know that I am," Shine said quietly. "Sometimes it's on purpose."

Mirko huffed. "That's a load of crap. You shouldn't take that from them. So what if you're a lot to handle? It's their problem isn't it?"

"I've heard that before, but no one actually believes that when they are on the receiving end of it," Shine said. "Then there are only two types of people: The mature ones who would never call it difficult at all, and the liars." She smiled wryly. "Surely you know that."

"Well, you might be right there," Mirko said. "People are all such liars about really wanting the real deal. But who cares? I'm at the top. Maybe you'd be too if you didn't believe that nonsense."

"I'm sorry, but I get it reinforced a lot," Shine said. "I think it's easier for you. You have a following. Plenty of people will like you, forgive me, because you're hot, nevermind your personality. And plenty more will like you because you can crush bad guys, forget your character. Forgive me again, but your level of complacency is very easy to maintain under those circumstances. Us ordinary people who are unknown, and none too liked by the people who know us in general...well we don't get away with it. I know one thing, I may just not be nice enough to be liked a lot, people who do like me tend to like me very decidedly, people who dislike me, they tend to lie about why. Guess I'm scary like that. But trust me, it's hard to find real friends when you stick to your principles in any--that is this world."

"You just called me complacent," Mirko was mad now.

"You are, very," Shine reiterated without shame. "Sorry if that was news to you...what do you call it? Confident?"

"Uh, yeah, duh."

"Nah, you're too touchy about it for it to be confidence. You're not sensitive about a lot of things, so people don't notice it, but when someone questions you on your way of life, you don't like it huh? Girl, you could not go one day in my shoes. I get questioned in that way every day just about, I've stopped noticing it's rude at this point...and hey, I'm here to teach. You've insulted me plenty of times on it yourself, and you don't even think of it that way. How do you take it when I return the favor?"

Mirko didn't like this at all. "I think it's a little different."

"How?" Shine inquired.

Mirko was at a loss.

"I mean...I have the credentials to back it up, why should I listen to critics?"

"Good argument there, it's not like plenty of schmucks have credentials," Shine said. "I know things about the number one hero that--but it's better not to say that to you. Oh, and Hawks there? The number 2 hero? Also a double agent? What do credentials mean?"

Shigaraki thought this was hilarious, in his own twisted way. Likstar was right. The dumb bunny just couldn't accept it was all worthless.

Mirko sat down across from Shine, which meant she was now upset, in her own way.

"You do have a point there," She admitted saltily. "But I'm not like that."

"Look where we are," Shine said. "Who we're with? Rumi, this would be so much easier, if you simply didn't care. You know who here cares that you're a Pro and working with a villain? You. No one else gives a rip...well, okay, Shigaraki is probably spiteful about it, but who cares what he thinks? From where I stand, it's not a problem. But you're too proud to allow that, huh? Be honest, you've been a jerk this whole time not just because you're naturally that way, but also because you're embarrassed."

Mirko frowned at her. "Why would I...what do you know about it?"

"I've seen it before," Shine said. "In fact...I act the same way when I'm embarrassed...who doesn't? And you're mad at me for saying it, aren't you? But it's so obvious. Listen, I don't care. Wally doesn't care. I bet Hawks doesn't even care. There's no one here to impress. If you need to be a little out of your depth, that's fine."

She leaned back and looked up. "Goodness knows I am."

"I'm not weak like you," Mirko said that without even thinking about it. "I don't need to cry on someone's shoulder."

Shine looked down at her. "Weak? Wow...Do you know, in our Bible, our Lord was so frightened before dying that he sweat blood? The Lord Himself. That amazes me every time I think about it. And I feel stupid for thinking I can get by without being afraid sometimes. And I will never take you seriously if you claim that, we might as well not pretend to be honest with each other at all then. You pros, you're all so...stupid. You think you can never admit it. You think you're better than God..."

Mirko bit her lip. Why was this bothering her? Normally she'd never listen to this. Maybe she'd been hanging around Shine too long...was this how she got people under her spell? It was hard to follow what she said, but she just wanted to get it, whether to argue or agree, she couldn't tell. Both maybe?

"Why are you so threatened by the idea of being just a little bit vulnerable anyway?" Shine wondered aloud. "I mean, it's like you all are just...drilled in it. I've never met so many people so shut down to any sign of weakness--or even humanity. But you all make me sick at times, because you have almost no compassion either...You can't be kind to others if you can't be kind to yourself, that's the truth. I don't mean that I hate you or anything, I just...I feel like, you are never really real with me. None of you. Not you personally alone. It's like...I can't ever not be talking to heroes."

She shook her head. "No wonder I like the villains...I mean they're liars too, but at least they know they are."

"You sound really weird right now," Mirko leaned away. "Who's lying?'re kind of overdramatic."

"Me?" Shine's tone was not lost on her.

"Hey, ready to talk yet?" Hawks came down. "I don't see anyone coming, maybe our little trick worked for now, but we can't stay like this."

Mirko stood back up. "Sure... but we're no closer to an answer, are we?"

Shigaraki came up. "You know what Likstar, I think maybe you just solved it."

"I...what?" Shine said.

"It's just like you said," Shigaraki said. "You prefer villains. Maybe that's the point."

"You were listening?" Mirko was mad.

"It may be time to just call in the League," Shigaraki ignored her.

"But I thought you wanted--" Shine began.

"I don't want them to find us, sure, but if they come here, that won't happen. If we want information, that's the fastest way to get it. We use my people," Shigaraki declared. "And then you can just send them back, or whatever. No one has to get hurt."

"Your...priority is that they dont get hurt?" Hawks was confused.

"At such a time it would be very impractical if they did," Shigaraki said.

They stared at him.

"Hey," Wally had rejoined them. "I think he might be right. We're just running in circles. The pros are no good (no offense.) Maybe the LOV are the only option. If they're any good as teammates, they're preparing for this already."

Shine nodded. "Very well, if you agree, then I agree."

"You do?" Hawks said.

"Wally's instincts are good," Shine said. "And while I thought we were avoiding that, I don't see any real reason not to ask them for help. But not all of them. Someone must stay behind to find a new hiding place or I can't help with that. Can you communicate that?" She meant Shigaraki.

"Likstar, Toga won't go in anyway," Shigaraki said, like she was stupid. "And neither will Twice, problem is a non issue. Try to keep up."

Shine took that snark with surprising grace. "Right."

She shrugged, then opened another door way.

* * *

The LOV had moved locations successfully, though in a rush, so the new spot was just a temporary one. They were trying to find a more permanent one.

Tension was high since Shigaraki seemed to be in danger. All of them knew what would happen if he got killed.

All For One hadn't planned for this one, Compress thought to himself annoyed.

Dabi had half a mind to go after Shigaraki himself...but didn't know where to find him. That just made him mad. At times like this it'd be super helpful to have a warping quirk.

Even the newbies were tense. Silk was stress drawing on her screens.

Lethe and Medea didn't say much to anyone, but whispered to each other.

Dabi went outside to scan around, then came back in, on the way he ran into Medea.

She was such an odd looking little girl, with her purple streaks but normalish looking face. Her eyes weren't even purple today, so did she wear contacts?

She annoyed him, honestly, this kid should not be hanging around the LOV. What was Compress thinking bringing in amateurs...Though Lethe's info gathering skills were impressive.

Medea glared at him when he ran into her. "Watch where you're going fata--." She said.

Dabi wasn't fat, but that was just rude.

"Watch it, yourself," he growled back. "Someone might step on a little drip like you."

He walked on, but then light behind made him turn around. Medea's eyes were on fire and so was half her body, purple flames that didn't look natural at all.

The color was what made Dabi uneasy. Fire wasn't purple unless it had some kind of special chemical in it. Not one he was sure he should inhale.

[It uses metal salts, if you really want to know. Can combine blue alcohol fire with red mineral to make purple flames. Can read about it here if you're curious,get%20the%20desired%20purple%20color.]

"What did you say to me?" Medea said.

Dabi sneered. "I said someone might step on you, you got a problem with that?" He lit up his own hand.

"You think you can talk to me like that just because I'm a teenager?" Medea launched herself at him--and passed right through his flame when he tried to block her with it.

[Design by Onerose]

She grabbed Dabi by the throat and slammed him into the wall with more force than he'd expect from such a skinny kid. Her eyes were pure flames now...suddenly it reminded him of Endeavor a little. The anger... the sudden movement, all of it.

He froze. Perspiration breaking out all over him even without feeling much heat...then he began to feel it. Her fire wasn't like his, it wasn't so hot it felt cool---but it was hot.

Spinner and Compress and Toga saw what was going on and rushed over. "Hey, let him go!" Toga said.

Leave it to her to not want anyone but herself to take a stab at someone.

Compress reached to put Medea in a marble, but his hand went through her. How was she doing that?

Spinner also wasn't able to latch onto her.

Dabi was definitely starting to burn. He tried to pry her hands off himself, but he went right through them too, yet she still had him pinned. Either she could phase in and out faster than he could move, or she could do both at once.

Then Lethe was behind her. "Medea!" he said in a terrible voice--it wasn't loud, it wasn't threatening, really. Just...immovable.

[Designed by Onerose]

Medea froze...then she blinked and let Dabi go. He dropped to the ground, coughing from the heat and the strain on his vocal cords.

Lethe grabbed Medea's arm as her fire disappeared. "What did I tell you about losing your temper?" He said to her, still in that voice. "You've been acting up again. Come on." He dragged her away. "I'll deal with her. Don't worry about it," he tossed back at the others. "Sis and I need to have a little talk."

He took her into a side room.

"Are you okay?" Spinner asked Dabi.

Dabi nodded, though he wasn't. He already could feel himself start to get a chill from being overheated like that and then cooling off. "What was that?"

"I saw this before," Compress said soberly. "When I first ran into them...Medea has a devil of a temper, but she listens to her brother. It's the strangest thing, uncanny isn't it? But she hadn't acted up, so I didn't think to mention it before."

"Don't set her off again," Spinner warned Dabi crossly. "That was the weirdest thing I've seen in a while."

Dabi didn't reply, but privately he had no intention of setting Medea off again. That little snip of a girl had just scared him worse than almost anything had in a long time. Over a temper tantrum. Shigaraki hadn't scared him at all when he met him, so why did Medea?

She was dangerous.

* * *

Lethe and Medea returned to the others after at least 45 minutes had passed.

Medea said nothing to acknowledge what happened. She didn't even look at Dabi oddly.

"You know we don't allow that kind of violence between League members." Compress said.

"What kind?" Medea said blankly.

Lethe elbowed her. "He means like I told you. No threats."

"Whatever, I didn't threaten anyone anyway," Medea huffed, she sat down in a corner. 

"Want to play cards? I'm dying of boredom," she said to Silk.

Silk raised an eyebrow. She didn't want to, but she was afraid to say no and set the girl off. "Sure, I guess."

The older members, except for Toga and Twice, looked at each other with expressions that said "What the h--- was that?"

Why was she acting like nothing happened?

They stared at Lethe. He shrugged. "Don't mind sis, she's working on her impulse control. But I wouldn't push her buttons," with a look at Dabi. 

Dabi was starting to think it was Lethe's buttons he shouldn't push...what kind of power did this kid have?

[Theories? Who's figured it out yet? Comment if you want. We probably won't find out for a few more chapters at least. But it'll be interesting.]

* * *

It was only an hour or so after that that they saw the portal. They waited, no one came through.

"You know I think it's calling us," Compress said.

"Think so? Well...Shigaraki might be then," Spinner said. "He'd only use her if it was desperate though."

"I think we can all agree it's desperate," Dabi moved to the door. "Let's go."

Lethe and Medea looked up.

"Hey, we should too, we could be useful." Lethe said.

Medea nodded.

Silk didn't want to be alone with Twice and Toga--she was afraid they'd make out in front of her or something gross like that.

"I'll come then, who knows, maybe they want all of us."

But of course the two nutjobs didn't make a move toward it. In fact, they cowered away from it. That just got weirder to see every time.

The rest of the LOV raced through the door, though the newbies were a little wary of it, but they just followed the others' example.

[So who's excited to see more of what the newbies can do? I know I am.

Btw, Silk in my OC, and The twins are my sister's creation. Team effort!]

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