Part 195: Getting Better

A few days passed of one dizzying update after another to Dabi's arrest.

The news media wasn't covering much else, and social media was on fire. Even the news in other countries were mentioning it, though less.

Nezu stayed out of it, and no one knew Dabi had been hiding at UA.

Dabi submitted to questioning, screening, all of it. He was, of course, put in quirk-restraining cuffs.

His treatment wasn't very nice, but it was less cruel than it would have been if the guards had not been afraid of him...and also unsure it was really him. Some were sure he was lying for attention.

Naturally, DNA tests were going to be done. It was going to be a while before the world really had the truth confirmed.

As he'd said, Dabi didn't sell out the League, though he was encouraged to do so by the lawyer he was provided. He might get off easier.

All he would tell anyone is that the League wasn't plotting anything as far as he knew and hadn't for a while, and their real problem was probably elsewhere.

That opinion didn't mean much to the police. They thought he was just being a smarta--, which he was.

Endeavor was allowed to see him, and Shoto, but no one else was, and Endeavor stayed away for obvious reasons. Shoto did visit briefly to tell him everyone was okay, but since they were watched the whole time, he had to be really vague. Dabi also didn't act very nice to him. Perhaps because he didn't want to look weak or too familiar to the law.

Shoto told Shine that he seemed okay, but Shine really wasn't so sure. She was going nuts not being able to visit and condole with him in person.

Wally was less upset, but he did kind of get it, and he thought it sucked for Dabi. But everyone thought that.

Shine finally relieved her feelings by paying the LOV her first visit in a while.

They were glad to see her for once; they were all so bored with Shigaraki still out of it.

"Is he still sick?" Shine was worried.

"He's just not getting better," Silk shrugged, "With his immune system, it's like this cold latched on and won't let go. He's waking up every so often, but he won't eat hardly anything or drink a lot. I swear, that doctor taught him absolutely nothing about health."

"Oh, real shock," Shine said, "Well, I'll visit him if he'll let me."

"Go ahead. Maybe you can get somewhere." Silk tossed her hands up.

Shine peeped in. Shigaraki was kind of asleep but not fully.

"Hey," she said.

He looked up. "Why are you here?"

He sounded even more hoarse than usual.

"Just checking in again," Shine said, "and...I'm bored."

She didn't say, "I can't take care of Dabi, so I'm venting my maternal instincts on all of you!" but she was thinking it.

"Go away," Shigaraki said.

Shine didn't take it seriously. "Really, getting sick on top of everything--it's like you like making me worry."

"Shut up."

"You're kind of grumpy too," Shine said, "I hope you're drinking plenty of fluids. You know, hydration is important."

Sullen silence.

Shine sat down on the floor.

"I can try to help," she said, "If that's okay?"

Silence again. Maybe he'd fallen back asleep.

Shine's mind wandered back to Dabi. She really hoped whatever she'd done with him, it was enough... He might be out of reach now... She was trying not to go there...

"Everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a savior
The hope of nations

Savior, He can move the mountains

My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave. So take me as You find me, all my fears and failures
And fill my life again
I give my life to follow in everything I believe in
Now I surrender, yes, I surrender..."

"What are you doing?" Compress looked in.

"Singing," Shine said.


"I felt like it...and it helps me calm down," Shine said.

"Ah, I suppose you know about Da--" began Compress.

"Hush." Shine held her fingers to her lips.

Compress huffily poked his head back out.

Shigaraki stirred and seemed to wake up again, but he didn't really remember Shine coming in.

"Why are you here?"

"Wow, you are sick," Shine said.

She got up and moved closer. "Just go back to sleep. I'm just trying to think. It's quiet in here."

"What are you talking about?"

"Here." Shine handed him a cold compress he had not been using. "The League is worried about you. You should at least try to get better."

"What do you care?" Shigaraki grumbled, still not fully conscious, "How am I supposed to get better when those things keep squeezing me? I can't breathe..."

Shine's eyes narrowed. "I see... That's too bad. What's doing that to you?"

"It's a big hand, not like the smaller ones..." Shigaraki was not making a whole lot of sense, but Shine was familiar enough with babbling to kind of follow along anyway. "Maybe it's what took Kurogiri..."

Shine bit her lip.

"This isn't just about having a cold," she said to herself, "It's everything wonder--the stress finally got to him... This sure does feel familiar." She shook her head.

"I'll tell you what, Tenko," she said, risking using his real name, "I'll stay here for a while, and if those hands come back, I will chase them away."

Shigaraki was far too out of it to make sense of what she was saying or even react to her using his real name.

"It won't work," was all he said.

"Try it," Shine said, "and if it doesn't work, it can't be any worse. Just try to relax." She was talking to him like he was a 4 year old, but...well...that was kind of how she perceived most of the LOV.

Shigaraki went quiet, so either he took her advice, or he was just passing out again.

Shine waited a while, but it wasn't that long of a while before he started coughing again and seemed to be choking.

Shine's eyes lit up.

"Peace..." she said slowly, holding up a hand.

Sometimes words have a lot of power.

The choking stopped.

Shine nodded to herself. "No wonder he's not recovering. Do those idiots even actually pay attention to anything?"

She got up and went out into the other room.

"Silk?" she said.

Silk looked up from...was that knitting she was doing?

"Da?" she said.

"Try lavender tea," Shine said, nodding her head at the room, "and I might try calming music, also."

"Why?" Silk said.

"Because sickness isn't always just in your body," Shine said, "I'm surprised none of you know that around here. If someone is troubled, it's going to be hard for them to recover, and if you all bothered to watch him at all, you'd know that."

"Know what?" Mirko walked in in costume, so probably she'd just got done working.

"I'm lecturing Silk," Shine said.

"And I missed it?" Mirko made Silk more angry by saying.

"Look, I'm not sure what New Age stuff you're talking about," Silk said to Shine, "but is just a cold."

"Nothing is ever just one thing, Silk. And I'm not into New age," Shine said, "This is science too. I mean, do you even really care?"

"I'm surprised you, the good guy, is professing to care so much," Silk said, rather rudely, "It's none of your business."

Shine frowned. "Excuse me?"

Silk knew better, really, than to push her buttons, but now she had and she wasn't going to take it back, so she just crossed her arms.

Shine snorted. "I've put up with the League's shenanigans for months, longer than you have, New Blood, and I think I can be concerned if I want to be. I like them alive, thanks. What's with this attitude? I thought you were the mature one."

"I am, but," Silk frowned, "I don't like being told what to do."

"Well, get used to it," Shine said, "People will always tell you what to do. See if what I suggested works before you dismiss it just because I told you to do it."

"That is also a command," Silk said.

"Please," Shine amended.

Mirko snickered.

"So I guess you were here to check on Shigaraki," she said.

"Yeah, and everyone else, but I guess they're a little shy. They left pretty soon," Shine said, "Well, how is it going?"

Mirko shrugged. "It'd be better if this foot would heal."

"Have you considered that working while it's healing may be preventing it from healing? Take a week off," Shine said.

"Nah, I can still beat people up with one foot." Mirko tossed her hair. "It's fine."

Shine sighed.

"She doesn't listen to you either," Silk commented.

"Mirko doesn't listen to anyone," Shine said, "and we'll just have to come to terms with that. How's the training?"

"I'm not dead yet," Mirko said, "so I guess it's going okay. I better find her and make sure she did her homework." She left.

"So what is your deal?" Shine tilted her head. "I really don't understand you. And you're hiding something." She studied her.

Silk shook her head. "Nothing of significance."

"Silk, don't try that with me," Shine said, "I've never poked much into your history. I never saw a point. You are just kind of here. But I'm not dumb either. I know that, of many people who knew about Dabi's identity, you were one of them."

Silk looked up. "What?" she said.

Shine tilted her head. "Everyone knew in the League. You used to work for the ninjas. Tell me that doesn't seem convenient to you?"

"Are you accusing me of that?" Silk said.

"Not yet," Shine said flatly, "I was going to see how you reacted... You've got a good poker face." She pursed her lips. "But that does not always fool me."

Silk's skin prickled. "I have no reason to expose him."

"I suppose not," Shine said, "I haven't mentioned this to the rest of the League... You must have grown on them a lot if they didn't think of it either. I mean, they aren't usually this dumb. You should carefully reconsider keeping your secrets, though. Someone might get suspicious of you."

"Is this threat?" Silk asked.

"Oh, no, just a warning," Shine said.

"That is same thing," Silk said.

"I warn people what will happen, Silk, not that I will make it happen," Shine said, "That is the difference between a threat and a warning. Ah, well, here." She suddenly had a box of food supplies in her hands. "This should help."

Silk jumped. "How...?"

"It's pretty easy, really, as long as I know where the item is," Shine said, "as long as they aren't cursed with black magic or something."

Silk stared at her.

"I mean, I like you just fine," Shine went on, "but if I do find out you betrayed the LOV in any way," she folded her arms, "I'm a woman of peace, sort of, but I will take you down if I have to."

She spoke so calmly, it was worse than a threatening tone.

"So yeah, honest, okay?" Shine shrugged. "Bye. Good luck." She left.

Silk dropped her knitting needles.

* * *

Shigaraki somehow did do better after Shine's visit. She really just seemed to bring life wherever she went. He woke up sometime the following day with the fever actually broken.

He didn't remember very clearly what he'd been saying or thinking while under it. A lot of unpleasant images danced in his mind, but they were unclear.

He felt down, though...for him... Could be hunger and dehydration talking.

He sort of stumbled out of the area he'd been relegated to and found the other members doing ...not much.

Spinner was watching some kind of anime on Medea's phone, because she didn't have it on her at the moment (and he borrowed it without asking).

Silk was working on the same thing she'd been doing the previous day.

Compress was flicking cards into a pile with sleight of hand.

Twice was just sitting talking to himself as usual, and Toga was nowhere in sight.

Neither was Medea herself.

"Oh, Boss, you're up." Compress noticed first.

"Shigaraki? Are you finally better?" Spinner's tone would have been unmistakably relieved to anyone else, but Shigaraki never noticed it.

"I seem to be," he said groggily, "How long has it been?"

"4 days," Silk said.

"I was out of it for 4 days!?" Shigaraki said.

"Yeah, you were worse than Dabi used to get after using his quirk a lot." Spinner didn't help.

"You probably should be taking it easy still." Silk came up. "I think the fever is gone though." She held up one of those scanning devices that don't require physical contact... "Yes, it is... That's a relief."

"Maybe it was the tea," Compress said.

Silk rolled her eyes.

"It's been awful since you went down," Spinner said, "Da--"

"Before you tell him anything, I think he should get chance to wash off," Silk interrupted, "Feeling grungy after you're sick is worst feeling ever. You can tell him all our petty problems later."

"But--" began Spinner.

"That's not really--" began Shigaraki.

"That is order!" Silk said, "Or I not make dinner, and we don't have anything left over."

Spinner pouted. "Fine. Hurry up, Boss. We have a lot to go over."

Shigaraki wasn't going to agree to it, but now he was backed into a corner.

* * *

"...And he turned himself in," Compress said, some time later.

Shigaraki was, because Silk was making him, drinking more tea, but he almost disintegrated the cup when Compress said that.


"It was awful." Spinner was really being over-dramatic, Silk thought.

"And we were going to bail him out," Compress said, "like good League members, but that woman--" and he only used that tone for Mirko "--wouldn't let us."

"And she beat us up," Spinner whined.

"She didn't touch you," Silk said, "because you're a pansy, and you didn't do anything."

"Well, yeah, after I saw what she did to you, I wasn't going to poke the bear," Spinner said.

"When was this?" Shigaraki was irked.

"A few days ago, and she's been putting on these airs ever since." Compress gestured.

"I think she and Medea are out in the alleyway now," Spinner said.

"You should sack her," Twice said, "No, have mercy..."

Shigaraki was annoyed. "I get down for 4 days, and this is what happens? You all can't handle one pro?"

"With all due respect, sir, you're the only one anywhere near powerful enough to actually compete with her one on one, and she caught us off guard," Compress said, "Well, Twice maybe, but he's Twice..."

Twice didn't argue that.

Shigaraki sighed. "Fine, I'll handle this. Since you're all so afraid of it." He left.

"You know you basically just misrepresent what happened," Silk said, "Why? Do you just want to get payback on Mirko for slamming you?"

"I didn't see you correcting me," Compress said.

Silk took a sip of tea. "Nyet," she admitted smugly.

"I just want her to stop acting like she's the boss around here," Spinner said, "She told me to get off the phone yesterday, like it was her place to order me around."

"You're the one who did it," Compress said, "Simp."

"I didn't want to get beat up!"

"Is not yours anyway," Silk said.

"Yeah, but we're villains. Who cares?" Spinner grumbled.

* * *

"Dodge," Mirko yelled at Medea.

"Oh, nice try," Medea said. "I already know you're just saying that because you want to sound like Piccolo." She crossed her arms. "You don't have anything left to throw at me."

Mirko slammed into her with her actual body and knocked her onto the ground.

"Oww...." Medea groaned.

"Never say that," Mirko said, getting off her and helping her back up, "Idiot!" She hit her in the head.

"Hey! Stop it!" Medea said.

"Make me," Mirko said.

Medea lit herself on fire and swatted at her blindly. Mirko stepped back with ease. "Are you even trying to hit me? If you want to take a shot, it better not be a potshot."

"Are you fireproof?" Medea said.

"I might as well be for how close you're getting," Mirko said.

Medea shoved at her, without flames. "I hate you."

"Sticks and stones," Mirko said.

Medea covered her head. "I'm not getting any better at this..." she said flatly, "Maybe I should just quit."

"Don't give me that loser talk," Mirko said. She thought of Shine and Fuyumi's advice. "You've been keeping the fire on longer."

"And I'm turning purple!" Medea said.

"Yeah, I have a theory about that. I think you're not used to putting out more chemicals for a long time, so you're overcompensating," Mirko said, "sort of like how fat people sweat more because they aren't used to exercising. But once you get balanced, you'll probably not turn purple anymore."

"Oh, thanks, so now I'm fat," Medea whined.

"No, your quirk is," Mirko said.

"That's stupid. You're stupid!" Medea said.

Mirko jerked her forward. "What did I say about insulting me?"

"That I'd better only do it if I was ready to challenge?" Medea said.


"Well, if we were competing for brains, I think I'd be able to challenge you," Medea said snidely, "But why use brains when you can use brute force?"

"Why, you..." Mirko said, "All right, fine, you beat me in a battle of wits, and we can quit for the day."

"No, I want more than that," Medea said, "If I beat you, I get to put you through some weird kind of torture like you're putting me through."


"You have to do something I want," Medea said.

Mirko shrugged. "Fine. If I win, you're doing this for another, two hours."

Medea glared at her. "Fine. Here's the game: Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"That? That's what you want to compete over?" Mirko said.

"It requires anticipating your opponent. That's a heroic quality, isn't it?" Medea said.

"And you think you can win?"

"I have a 50-50 chance--better than any other odds I have on you," Medea said.

"Fine," Mirko said, "Best of three."

They did it, and Mirko picked rock, of course, and Medea picked scissors.

"I thought you said you would anticipate me," Mirko said.

"Just go again," Medea said.

This time Medea picked rock and Mirko picked scissors.

"I thought you'd do paper now," Mirko said.

"Because I'd think you'd be dumb enough to do rock twice?" Medea said.

"Well, we're tied. Next round decides it," Mirko said.

She did rock again.

But Medea did...

"Hand gun," she said, "Hand gun beats all."

"What?" Mirko said.

"So I win."

"Cheating is not winning," Mirko said.

"Excuse me, is it cheating if I just know more tricks that you do?" Medea shot back, "Because that sounds like loser talk to me."

"For the record," Mirko said, "I have seen this before. Ren liked to do that. Until I banned it."

"Well, I'm not Ren, so I guess it's legit." Medea smirked. "Or are you really going to be a sore loser? What, upset that a 16 year old outsmarted you?"

"You cheated."

"Heroes cheat too," Medea said "Like, is it always fair when you beat up opponents with weaker quirks? Guns level the playing field. I'm just thinking smart."

"I--" Mirko tried to find a way out of that. ", I'll let you have it once, but from now on you can't use tricks like that."

"Oh, sure, I'm just gonna go shower and enjoy my freedom," Medea said.

"Wait." Mirko tapped her foot on the ground. "Let's try something else real quick."

"You said--"

"And you cheated. You're lucky I'm letting you off at all," Mirko said, "One more thing."

Medea sighed. "What?"

"Try to think of something about your quirk that you like," Mirko said, " good thing."

Medea blinked. "What? That's...dumb."

"Just try it."

"Why should I?"

"Because I said to."

"Oh, well, I can't argue with that," Medea sassed her.

"You're only prolonging your own agony here," Mirko said "I can keep you out here till you do it."

"I really doubt you could," Medea said.

"I'll hunt you down," Mirko said, "I ain't got nothing better to do today."

"Clearly... Ugh, fine." Medea hesitated. "I...I can't think of anything."

"One thing," Mirko pressed.

"I don't freaking know... It's purple?" Medea gestured wildly. "I like purple, so I guess. I mean, at least it's not green. Can you imagine--green fire?"

[Shego fans are outraged now.]

"Okay...I guess that counts," Mirko said, "Now think about that and turn your quirk on."


"I'm trying something here. Just hold that thought in your mind."

Medea made a very good teenaged girl disgusted face, but she closed her eyes and focused, then she turned her flame on.

Flame spread over her arms much more slowly and evenly than it usually did.

Medea opened her eyes and blinked. "Whoa..."

Then it shot up at her surprise and went back out.

Mirko had really had no idea if it would work, but she was going to have to thank Shine and Fuyumi later for this. "Wow...dang, that got better results than I thought you would." She rubbed her chin.

"How did you know that?" Medea said.

"I got...tipped off..." Mirko said.

"I couldn't do that for long though." Medea rubbed her arm nervously. "I start thinking of all the reasons I have to be careful, and...maybe it's a mental block."

"Yeah, you've got to get out of your head." Mirko rubbed her hair. "But...uh...good job, I guess? I'm not really good at this."

"Uh, sure," Medea said. She looked down. "Sorry about what I said... I'm just... I hate that my quirk takes all this extra work to control and it's so dangerous. Maybe I just want it to go away after all."

"Hey." Mirko grabbed her shoulders and gave her a shake. "Don't talk like that. Everyone's quirk is dangerous. I mean, Likstar said it--you can kill someone with a toothbrush, so it's not really about that. If you get it down, you'll be able to do whatever you want."

"Sure," Medea said.

"You really need to get a thought for when you feel like this," Mirko decided, "I don't know. I usually just think about how fun it is to beat people up."

"Not helping."

"So what things are you glad you did because of that quirk? There has to be something from those missions. Just think about doing that more," Mirko said.

Medea tilted her head. "I mean, yeah, I'd like that... You think I can get that kind of control...?"

"Absolutely." Mirko was finding this positive reinforcement thing easier than she thought. "Any day it's going to happen--I can feel it. Then we can really begin to train."

Medea laughed kind of nervously. "Oh, goody... Well...fine, okay. I'm still taking the rest of the day off though." She pulled away. "I think you're getting purple on your clothes now."

Mirko looked down. "Hm...oh, well." She wasn't wearing her costume.

Medea turned toward the door. "Oh, Boss-man!" She almost ran into Shigaraki. "Geez, I didn't see you there."

"Back from the dead, huh?" Mirko said, trying to rub the purple off her outfit to no avail.

Shigaraki was a little dizzy and didn't answer right away. "I was looking for you." Meaning Mirko.

Mirko looked puzzled. "Me?"

"Ohh, I know what this is about," Medea said, "And, for the record, I was on her side."

"Huh?" Mirko said.

"I'm taking a shower," Medea said hastily. She slipped inside.

"So, finally feeling better?" Mirko said casually.

Shigaraki was not to be deterred. "I hear you attacked the League?"

"What? Oh...Compress? He started it," Mirko said.

"Started it?"

"Yeah, he was all, 'Remember last time?' and I was like, 'B----, I've had it with you bringing that up,' so I kicked him," Mirko said.

"You are not supposed to attack the League."

"So? He's not supposed to threaten me," Mirko shot back, "and he's done that multiple times, so if you're not gonna stop him, I don't see why I can't."

She kind of had a point...

"And about Dabi--"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about him." Mirko didn't wait for him to finish. "That was jacked up, but what can you do? At least he had the guts to face it head on."

"Huh?" Shigaraki thought she was dodging. "I meant about not bailing him out."

"You mean that thing he specifically said not to do?" Mirko was confused. "Why would...? Oh, did those jerks actually say that? They're just sore that I stopped them."

"Why would he say that?" Shigaraki didn't buy it.

"Uh, because it was his whole plan to get arrested," Mirko said, like it was obvious, "Trying to save everyone trouble. It's like he's been body snatched. I always thought he was a selfish prick, but something had to be decided, so he did it. You got a problem with that?"

Shigaraki felt he had been told two different stories here.

"Are you saying Dabi is okay with going to prison?" he said.

"Don't know if I'd use the word 'okay,' but he's accepted it." Mirko cocked her ears. "Just hope Daddy can bail him out of a life sentence. Endeavor knows now, BTW. Dabi told him."

More shocks.

Shigaraki was not really ready for this yet.

So now Dabi really was going to prison... This was...a lot...

He leaned on the door-frame. "That stupid moron..."

Mirko shrugged. What was there to say?

Suddenly she heard yelling inside.

"Give me my phone back!"

"You weren't even using it. Just let me finish this episode!"

"Frick no! Get your own d--- phone!"

"Just wait 10 minutes!"

"I want it now so I can play music in the bathroom."

"That's just weird!"

"Excuse me." Mirko moved toward the doorway.

"Hey!" she yelled, "Spinner, cough it up! Don't make me come in there."


"B----," Spinner muttered.

"I heard that," she yelled.

Medea seemed to have the phone. "Do not touch my s---." A door slammed.

Shigaraki rubbed his ears. "Don't yell like that. Someone could hear you."

"Not everyone has my impeccable hearing, so I had to make my point." Mirko was unconcerned. "If we're done with this interrogation, I have a million better things to do."

"What are you teaching Medea?" Shigaraki changed the subject instead.

"Oh...just...quirk control..." Mirko said.

"What's the point of that? She should realize what she is," Shigaraki said.

"A teenager?" Mirko said.

"No, destructive," Shigaraki said.

Mirko's ears went back. "I better not hear you say that to her face."

"It's what her quirk is," Shigaraki said, "She should accept it."

"And I think you should shove it up--" Mirko was rather vulgar. "What kind of thing is that to tell a kid?"

"Why does her age matter?"

"Wh--" Mirko remembered who she was talking to and unclenched her fist.

She looked down. "I guess it's useless to expect you to get it, of all people. Let Medea decide what she is."

Shigaraki didn't quite understand this sudden tonal shift. "If she tries to fight it, she'll only get worse," he said instead.

"I know that, Moron," Mirko said, "She's gotta learn to use it."

Wait, now they were agreeing? But... What was he even trying to say now? He didn't know.

"Just so we're clear..." He rubbed his head. What just happened?

"Well, perfect." Mirko didn't get it either. "Glad that's settled. If you'd get out of my way now, so I can go inside..." She started to move.

Shigaraki moved at the same moment to avoid her but tripped over the door frame he had not fully gotten away from.

He didn't fall over this time, but unluckily he stepped on her bad foot.

Mirko yelped and swore, picking it up, and then she almost lost her balance.

Shigaraki did trip now, trying to back up and grab the door but missing and getting her hair instead.

They both fell over, which hurt, especially since he was still getting over the cold's heaviness in his lungs.

But horror of horrors, Mirko landed on top of him this time instead of on the floor.

"Ow--" She didn't even notice for a second. "D--- it, that hurt! Watch where you're going! And what was with yanking my hair like that too? Jerk!" She shoved him...then it occurred to her the position she was in.

There was an awkward half second of just staring at each other, then she jumped up.

"What the h--- did you--?" She swore.

" it a bad time?" Compress interrupted.

Shigaraki looked up at him, confused.

Mirko was red. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just going to see how it was going, but if you're preoccupied," Compress said, "I can come back."

"I just hit my foot," Mirko said hastily. She rubbed it. "That's all."

"Of course," Compress said, "Believe me, Mirko, you wouldn't hit anything else around here."

Mirko almost choked on rage.

Shigaraki didn't get it.

"Are you all right, Boss?" Compress asked.

"No," Shigaraki said, "I feel like someone just dropped a safe on me."

Mirko kicked him.

"Well, you should probably not lie there. It's not very clean," Compress said, "If this hero would not mind actually moving."

"You're the one blocking me, jackass." Mirko pushed past him in a huff.

"I wonder what's with her?" Compress said innocently, "Some people cannot take looking undignified for even a moment."

Compress would be one of those people, but Shigaraki didn't know what dignified meant well enough to know that.

"Did you twist that bit about Dabi?" he asked.

"Oh...I may have left out a few details by mistake." Compress feigned innocence again. "But it worked out, right?"

Just not for me, he thought privately, a little miffed that it hadn't gone his way.

"Be more careful." He walked away kind of miffed also.

"Well, I must say, I didn't expect that to be the main thing he was mad about." Compress rubbed his head. "What about Dabi?"

[You know, I'd say that Mirko and Medea's training is the worst teaching relationship I've seen, but since it's still better than any of the UA staff, I really can't.]

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