.After a while of swimming Kalel and I went on the sand to tan. I was humming along to the tune coming through my earbuds when something blocked my light. I opened my eyes and saw a group of girls standing there.
"Umm hi sorry to bother you but we were just uhh....wondering if we could maybe....please get a picture with you....and Joey and Anthony." She motioned to Kalel and I.
I smiled, "Sure ill get them."
"Oh my god thank you so much." One of them said.
"You're really pretty."
"Thank you!" I blushed and called Joey and Anthony over.
"What's your name?" I asked handing the phone back to the lovely girl.
"Lauren." She replied taking her phone.
"Hi nice to meet you," Joey smiled at one of the girls. "What's your name?"
"Lexi, could I um....get a picture with you?" She asked shyly.
"Of course!"
"Hi I'm Megan," said a girl handing her phone to Kalel.
"And your name?" Anthony asked, placing the phone in the girls hands.
"Melanie," she quietly said.
"Hey what's your name?" I asked after I took the picture with the sweet girl.
"Alessandra," she replied picking up her beach towel from the sand.
"That's a very pretty name," Joey said.
"Eeheheh thanks!" Her face lit up as the girls said goodbye and made their way down the beach.
"They were sweet," I said sitting back down in the chair.
We tanned for a while before the boys asked us to get in the water.
"I am not getting in that water!" Elouise yelled to them.
"I will!" I yelled, getting up and walking towards the shore. Kalel got up and followed me. I dipped my toe in the upcoming wave and the water wasn't that bad. I began to walk in until the water got up to my waist. I shivered and Joey swam over.
"Do not touch me." I hissed.
"Why?" He asked, playing dumb.
"If you splash me or dunk me under I swear to god ill kill you." I growled stepping into the water till' it was just under my bikini top. Joey followed me out.
"How did you afford this ticket?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I just bought it okay?"
"What about your sisters wedding?"
"Well, hopefully if I get the job, I can go."
"So how was Playlist Live?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Good, really fun. I liked meeting all the fans but I missed you."
"I missed you too. No offense but you looked like shit in your vlogs." I admitted waking closer to him.
"Yeah I felt like shit."
"Ha, you shoulda seen me. I think I put on like 10 pounds."
"Nonsense, you look as beautiful as ever."
"Thanks," I said draping my hands around his neck and placing a sweet kiss on his lips. I pulled away and he picked me up bridal style.
"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed knowing what he was doing. He dunked me under the water and pulled me back up. I flailed around and kicked away. I flipped him off half-joking and went up to the very shallow water close to the shore and sat down, letting the water wash over my legs. Tanya came and sat next to me.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, just wet and annoyed."
She laughed. "Is alright. We're all going to dinner tonight and I'm guessing you'll join?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
"No problem. And would you like to be in a video with me and Elouise?"
"That sounds fantastic," I smiled and gave her a hug.
"Alright, great," we talked a bit more getting to know each other.
"So where do you work?"
"I'm actually waiting for an e-mail to get accepted into fashion design."
"Wow! That's great!"
"Yeah thanks,"
I got back in the water for a while before everyone decided to go back to the hotel. I moved my bags from Kalels room and put them into Joeys.
"I'm getting in the shower before we go to dinner." I said walking into the bathroom.
"Kay," Joey said taping away on his computer. I heard him start to vlog before I turned on the water. I steeped in and let the hot rays caress my body.
"You tell all the boys no, makes you feel good." I sang, shaving my legs. "I know you're outa my league, but that won't scare me away ohh no. You've carried on so long, you couldn't stop if you tried it, you've built your wall so high no one can climb it. But I'm gonna try. Would you let me see beneath your beautiful, would you let me see beneath your perfect. Take it off now girl, take it off now girl. I wanna see inside. Would you let me see beneath your beautiful, tonight." I shaved my other leg and started to shampoo my hair. "You let all the girls go, makes you feel good." I heard Joey murmuring from outside the door. "Joey what are you doing?!" I yelled.
I heard him open the door.
"Nothing. What's that song you're singing?"
"Beneath your beautiful by Labyrinth."
"I like. And your voice is nice."
"Awe, thanks."
"I'll be right back."
"But I want you to join me!" I whined. I heard the door close and I knew he had left. I grumbled to myself and rinsed my hair. I heard the door open and shut again.
"Sorry I was vlogging."
"It's fine and you could have told me because now you have to edit that out."
"Or not,"
"Joseph Michael!"
"What are ya middle naming me for," he faked a hurt tone.
"You will not let your viewers hear that,"
"Fine ill edit it," he grumbled stepping in.
"I missed you so much." I murmured stepping closer and wrapping my arms around him.
"I missed you too." He said kissing me.
"Joey. We're. Gonna. Miss. Dinner." I managed to get out between kisses.
"That's fine with me."
"Ha I'm sure it is." I said stepping out and drying off. I threw on a lace top and a pair of patterned jeggings and started to dry my hair. Joey came out of the bathroom when I was about done and he was only in a towel.
"Something wrong?" He asked smirking.
"Shut up and get dressed." I growled, adverting my eyes. I applied some light makeup and turned on my curling iron, curling my hair into loose waves. I grabbed my clutch and waited by the door for Joey.
"Ready?" I asked linking my arm with Joeys.
"That is NOT what happened!" Kalel giggled. "He fell! I didn't push him." We all started laughing and I took a bite of my food. Oh no. No no no. I shifted around uncomfortably in my seat. I had to fart and I was not going to let it out at dinner. The old trick where you cough and fart at the same time never works. I tried to hold it in so it would go away but it was coming out. (How do you write onomonopia for a fart?)
It rippled on the leather of the booth. Everyone looked over.
"Sorry," Joey murmured. "I um.....excuse me..... I didn't mean to let that slip." Everyone chuckled and I let out a sigh if relief. I looked at Joey and nodded, blushing a bit and he just smiled, giggling to himself. We all finished up our dinner and got into our cars, driving back to the hotel and saying good nights before we went in out separate rooms.
"Thanks," I breathed shutting the door.
"That was hilarious." Joey laughed.
"I didn't mean it!" I covered my face with my hands.
"Hey, it was cute," he says pulling my hands away and placing his lips on mine.
"I don't think my farts are cute." I grumbled, pulling a pair of sweats out of my suitcase and changing into them. I crawled into the king sized bed and flipped on the tv. A rerun of Doctor Who was on so I kept it to that and pulled the covers up to my chin.
"Wanna go swimming?" Joey asked stepping out of the bathroom.
"Joey it's 10:30,"
"That's ok,"
"The hotel pool is closed!" I argued.
"I wasn't talking about the hotel pool," he said seductivly.
"What were you taking about then?" I asked cheekily.
"Lets go back to the beach and jump off the dock."
"Fully clothed?"
"Lets go," I grabbed his hand and ran out the door.
"Is this safe?" I asked, stepping into the sand.
"Why wouldn't it be safe?"
"I don't know.....we're naked. Will things crawl into our bodies?"
"When you wear bottoms, your body still gets wet and things can still 'crawl in our body' "
"Okay....eew that's really gross," I said, slipping of my shirt. I shimmied out of my pants and unhooked my bra. Finally, slipping of my panties and staring down at the water. "Is it gonna be cold?" I asked Joey who was slipping of his boxers.
"I don't know, jump in." I plugged my nose and plunged into the water. "It's not THAT bad," I said, motioning for him to jump in. Joey jumped in and I turned my head so I wouldn't get the water in my eyes. He swam over to me and pulled my close, crashing his lips to mine. There was nothing sweet about this kiss, nothing like the sugary sweet kisses we shared earlier. It's all about passion and hunger and lust.
"So have you ever....done it in the ocean before?" Joey breathed.
"Do you have condoms?"
"In my pocket."
"Oh my god," I laughed as Joey pulled himself up on the dock and reached for his pants. "Woo! Look at that ass!" I yelled. Joey laughed and jumped back in the water.
After we finished, Joey and I swam around for a while and just talked before we heard voices.
"Kalel?!" I screamed.
"What the hell?!" Anthony demanded.
"Looks like you guys had the same idea as us." Joey swam over to the dock.
"We're all friends here right?" Anthony asked, taking off his shirt.
I turned around, "Im not looking till' you both jump in."
"Did anyone being towels?" I heard Kalel say.
"Uh....no." I turned back once I geared two splashes.
"Oh well," Anthony shrugged.
I woke up around 10:30 the best night sleep I had gotten in a week. I rolled over and saw Joey on his laptop. After we went swimming last night, we saw lights so we threw cloths in out wet bodies and ran.
"That was the best night sleep I got since you left," I murmured, scooting over so my head rested on Joeys shoulder.
"Good morning," he chirped.
"What are we doing today?" I asked stretching.
"I don't know, let's meet up with everyone and see."
"Ok but I want to be back before 8 because the Teen Choice Awards are on."
"We're in the Bahamas and you want to watch the Teen Choice Awards. You're such a dork." He laughed pecking my lips.
I closed the door behind us and kicked off my shoes and threw my purse on the chair. I latched myself on to Joey and smashed my lips to his. He carried me over to the bed and started to take off my shirt.
"Couldn't wait till we got up here, could you?" Joey questioned referring to dinner where I kept teasing him by putting my hand close to his crotch and drumming my fingers on his thighs. I giggled while Joey wrestled with my jeans. When he finally got them off he laced his fingers through my hair. I pulled away and moaned as he attacked my neck, licking and biting gently, smiling through a couple kisses when I pulled his head closer to mine. I tugged his jeans down and ran my hands up his back. Joey kissed down my stomach and back up to my shoulder, nibbling on my skin causing me to shiver.
"Mmm Joey, what time is it?" I breathed.
I pushed Joey off of me, "The Teen Choice Awards are on!" I scrambled to find the remote.
"Wha....!?" Joey stuttered
"Sorry when this is over okay?" I said placing a kiss on his cheek.
"You're kidding right?"
"I'm sorry but I wanna watch,"
"Come on y/n, we're both in our underwear and you're gonna stop now?"
"Shhh it's starting."
"Fine whatever."
"HES TWERKING HOLY SHIT! THE FEEEEEELS THE FEEEEEEEEEEELS!" I screamed shaking my hands all around. Harry Styles was twerking on the TCA. "JOEY HOLY FUCK AHHHH!"
"Calm down," Joey was laughing so hard.
"Shut up! Where is my laptop?! I need to google the GIF of this!" I jumped off the bed and threw open my suitcase, grabbing my laptop and getting online. "FOUND IT!" I posted on tumblr and tweeted it.
"Seriously?" Joey gave me a weird look.
"I'm having my period in a few days so if you want sex, shut up," I spat crawling on the bed, continuing to watch the Award show.
"Good it's done," Joey grumbled. "Where were we?" I giggled pulling off my shirt that I put back on because the AC was cold. Joey pressed his lips to mine and pulled off my underwear.
"A condom," I whispered before a joey scrambled over to his bag and pulled out a condom. "Go easy tonight, were in a hotel. Wouldn't want to wake up anyone else," I winked.
"It's so hot, make it stop!" I whined wiping the sweat from my forehead and sending Joey a grimace.
"Hold on just let me call up the weather," Joey chuckles, mimicking a phone with his hand and holding it up to his ear. "Yes? Weather? Um my girlfriends is too hit so could you tone it down a bit?" He pauses, giving me a sarcastic thumbs up as I groan from my spot on the bed, waiting for Kalel to call. It was the next day and she was picking our activity for today. "What's that? No. I mean, like, temperature wise. I know she's hot," I groan louder but it only seems to I courage him, "Alright well, lovely chat, bubye." I try my hardest to suppress the grin tugging at my lips. "You couldn't be a bigger dork if you tried." He smiles, settling beside me on the bed. "Good thing I'm not trying."
"Let's go and get something to eat yeah?" Joey suggests.
"Alright lets go."
Joey and I walked to a little cafe down the street. We ordered and took the food beneath a tree near by.
"Boys are so lucky," I whine, stretched out underneath the shade of a tree.
"How so?" Joey asks from his spot close beside me.
"Boys can just rip off their shirts in public and in this heat, it's socially acceptable." I reply, kicking off my flip flops and playing with a piece of grass. I can practically feel him smirking beside me.
"It wold be entirely acceptable to me if you felt the urge to rip of your shirt in public," I groan in response and turn to face him. His green eyes, playful. "Stop being cute, idiot. It makes me want to kiss you and it's too hot to move." He smiles my favorite smile, "Eloquently put," and dispute the fact that he's extremely hot and extremely tired and extremely ready for an icy bath, he makes and effort to bring his lips to mine. I swear the temperature rose. We finished our food just as Kalel called and told us where to meet her. She was planning our next event and she told us it was the zoo. We hailed a taxi and it took up to the zoo where our group was waiting outside.
"Hey guys!"
I skipped out of the zoo with my arm linked with Kalels.
"That seal that gave kisses was ADORABLE!" I squeaked.
"Sooo cute!"
"Ready to go colab?" Elouise asked.
"Lets go!" Joey, Tanya, Jim and I all went back to Elouise's hotel room to film.
A/n: I'm going to skip ahead a few days.
The past 4 days were great. We filmed, went out to eat every night. Joey and I also had sex pretty much every night which was fun. ;) we swam and had a great time.
"Joey lets go back to the hotel," Joey had his arm around me while I stumbled down the street, a bit tipsy.
"I'm getting us a taxi right now," Joey slurred as we stepped into the cab. Joey was sober enough to give the driver the hotels address.
"When we get back to the room, I'm going to tear you apart," I growled in Joeys ear.
"I bought some whipped cream," Joey whispered. I giggled drumming my fingers close to Joeys crotch. "Don't tease," Joey scolded, tensing up.
"And what are you going to do with the whipped cream?" I innocently asked moving my fingers closer.
"Stop," he growled pushing my hand away.
"Why? Is something....wrong?"
"Everything's fine." He grumbled as we pulled up to the hotel. "You're gonna pay," he whispered as we ran up to our room.
"5 days in a row eh?" I asked slamming the door behind us.
"I'm surprised you can still walk," Joey joked throwing off his shirt.
"Haha very funny. I'm surprised you can still get it up." I crashed my lips onto Joeys as he picked me up and pushed me against the wall. "Where's the whipped cream?"
"Ooh kinky are we?"
After that Joey and I got cleaned up and he was laying on the pillow and I was laying with my head at the end of the bed and me feet close to Joeys face.
"How many kids do you want?" I asked, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.
"I don't know 2 maybe,"
"I want 2 or 3,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
"I want to go to your sisters wedding with you,"
"You do?"
"Well yeah,"
"O-okay that's great,"
"When is it?"
"Are you tired?"
"No, are you?"
"Will you come cuddle with me?" I crawled up to the head of the bed and laid my head on Joeys chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed contently and yawned. "I though you said you weren't tired."
"What time is it?"
"You're so beautiful,"
"You smell like baby powder,"
"Ummm thanks?"
"You're like a sexy toddler."
Joey burst out laughing and I just smiled. "I love your laugh," I whispered.
"Do you think we'll get married someday?" Joey asked quietly.
"Yes," I answered closing my eyes.
"Promise me when were ready and we both live together and we both have actual jobs, you'll marry me," I picked my head up and put my hands around Joeys neck, pulling him closer and I placed my lips on his.
"I promise," I whispered before giving him a long sweet kiss and going to sleep.
I woke up around 11 and got right in the shower. All the girls were having a day to ourselves and going out tonight. We only had a week left and I was a little sad. I met Kalel outside her room and we rounded up all the girls. We went to a diner and had breakfast then went down to the beach.
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