Chapter 1
Just believe in myself
Kono sekai de owannai yume
Oikake speed up!! speed up!!
Hashiridashita konkyo naki omoi
Ima, just believe in myself
A kid Dash is seen in a room, looking out the window, as we see his present self-looking up, followed by a kid that looks like him but was seen crying, as we then cut to the present self of him. As both of them transformed into Super Saiyan God, rushing at each other and lands a punch to their face, which was followed by a bright light as the title screen comes in.
My Xenoverse Adventure
You light my fire mune kogasu
Shoudou ni touch
What i want to hear kimi no emotion
Dash is seen standing outside Kame House, closing his eyes, as flashes of Cyrus, Zynax, Tara, Kiyomi, Nathan, Saichi, Ace, and Sayori pops into his mind, though he gave a tiny smile at remembering the last one
Whatever will be, will be, ima wa
Gekiryuu no age
How are you feeling? boku no motion
We then see his look-alike kneeling at a grave, as flashes of Towa, The Masked Saiyan, Slug, Turles, and a girl with orange hair and a dragon tail. He then clenches his fists upon getting an image of Dash.
Tachimukau tame no strong Ties te o tottara
Are we ready? ' Play Fair'
Tara is seen flaring her Ki, ice covering her hands as she and Towa clashes fist/staff. Zynax is seen skidding back, as he wipes blood from his lips and glares at Broly. We get brief glimpses of the heroes and villains, before ending it with Nathan transforming into Super Saiyan 4 and rushes in.
Just believe in myself
Kono sekai de owannai yume
Oikake speed up!! speed up!!
Cyrus grits his teeth and transforms into Super Saiyan 4, then grabs Turles by the face and slams him into the ground, firing a point-blank blast, Kiyomi, in Kaio-Ken, is seen fighting against Kid Buu before the two fire a blast, as Dash powers up into Super Saiyan God and glares at Final Form Mira.
Just believe in myself
Kodoku na yoru o koete yukunda
Mirai e speed up!! speed up!!
Sayori Ki goes red to white, as she flies high into the air and fires multiple blasts down, as both Nathan and Saichi both fight against the one that looks like Dash. He gets sent back and looks up to see Dash firing the Spirit Bomb, as they both let's out a primal roar.
Hashiridashita konkyo naki omoi
Ima, just believe in myself
We then cut to the Four-Star Dragon Ball, the light shining on it, as we see the two as kids, then mid-teens, to their current self, standing back-to-back as the screen fades to black.
-End Opening-
"Ah, do I have to take off the device? I look so weird!"
"Stop it, young man, you look ridiculous with that outfit and look!"
"But Master!"
"Don't Master me, young man! And to make sure you won't use it again!"
"Already told you why! And don't think about asking Bulma for help either!
An old man, holding what looks like a stick, is seen watching the interaction with a small chuckle. This man was Master Roshi, an old fighting Master that taught many warriors in his life, including the legend himself, Son Goku.
Roshi: I swear.... That kid reminds me more of Gohan than Goku.
We pan over to Dash, who's seen having an annoyed look on his face, as his Master took away a device, revealing what he actually looks like, then breaking it, which shocked him, as she merely gave him a stern look. He gave a sigh, as he rubbed the back of his head, looking into the mirror, taking in his actual appearence.
Dash: Man... This is weird...
A woman sighed, her tail wavering back and forth, before she walked over and straighten out his Gi. A smile etched on her face, as she felt happy for her student. This is Son Saichi, one of his masters.
Saichi: Stop it, you'll have the ladies swoon over you.
Dash: *embarrassed* Master...
Saichi: Ah, but you already have that one girl... What was her name again? Sayori?
Dash: It's not like that! Sayori is just a friend, besides she's not interested in that crap, and neither am I.
Saichi sighs, remembering how her boss used to tease her and Nathan, and she gave the exact same response, and now look where they are, married. Roshi chuckled softly, soon enough, the three exited the house, now standing outside, as both Saichi and Roshi looks at Dash, who's looking up in the air with a nervous look on his face.
Roshi: Your training has certainly progressed well but be careful not to grow overconfident in your abilities.
Saichi: And don't hesitate, because even the smallest hesitation, can lead to your downfall.
Dash: Gee, now I feel better, thanks....
He takes a deep breath, preparing to take off, when suddenly....
They look back and see three kids running towards them, two boys and one girl, though it looked like the girl was struggling to keep up. These three are Goku Jr, Son Beat, and Son Note.
(Couldn't find an image on him in his casual wear, but oh well)
(Before anyone says it, yes, I know Beat and Note aren't related, but for the sake of this story, they are. Age follows as appearance, Goku Jr: 11, Beat: 10, Note: 12)
Goku Jr: You promised you'd train with us today, Dash!
Beat: Yeah, do you really have to go so soon?
Note: *panting* Guys, he has.... An Important mission....
Dash: *rubs back of his head* Crap, I did promise, didn't I? Hmm, ok, how about this? As soon as I get back, I'll train with you three, alright?
All 3: We'll hold you to that, big bro!
Saichi: Alright, alright, wasted enough time already. Dash, get going, you'll be late at this rate.
Dash: Right.... Here I go!
With that, he covers himself in purple energy and took off, leaving everyone else to watch him leave. Saichi shakes her head with a smile, before ushering the kids inside, as she turns to Roshi.
Saichi: I better head off too, lord knows he gets himself in far too much trouble.
Roshi: Hehehe, he may be powerful for a boy his age, but that man still has much to learn, hehe, his hesitation to train reminds me of Gohan, but we both know the reason.... It makes it, what, 5 years now? When are you going to-?
Saichi: Mind your business, old man.... I'll.... I'll tell him when he's 18....
Roshi: 18?! Good Kami, Saichi, you already lied to the boy for about nearly all his life! Are you really going to add another year?
Saichi said nothing, before she clenches her fist, then takes off into the sky, leaving a milky white trail, as Roshi sighs, shaking his head before heading inside.
-Time Skip. Location: Conton City-
After flying through the air for a few minutes, Dash arrives at the outskirts of Conton City, a city that's home to the Time Patrol, defenders of Time. Dash looks down at the city with a smile on his face, taking in everything below as he passes the Orange Star High School.
Dash: *thinks* Conton City, home to us Time Patrollers.... Man, spent a lot of time in that school, studying, practicing, and honing my skills to prepare for this... Hmm, still hard to believe I was able to graduate early than some of the others, but never look a gift horse in the mouth as they say... I-I think...
He spots where he had to go, and quickly flew down and landed, once he did, he waved at everyone walking by him.
Dash: *thinks* The road was tough, since I stopped training for 5 years, but even then, I had some good memories here, like meeting Sayori.... She's.... Cool.... Hope she's ok, haven't heard from her in a bit, probably busy I'd imagine.... Still, time to show what I can do!
As he finishes his thoughts, he sees a small pink skin girl standing with hands on her hips, smiling at him, which he returned.
Chronoa (The Supreme Kai of Time)
Chronoa: Ahem! Attention! Sound off new recruit!
Dash: *stands straight and salutes* Dash, Rookie Time Patroller reporting for duty, ma'am!
Chronoa: *giggles* At ease. Allow me to formally welcome you into the Time Patroller Ranks rookie! However, before we can say it's official, we gotta see how ya handle in the field. Think of it, as a final test if you will.
Dash: *confused* Forgive me, ma'am, but I was under the impression that I'd be starting my first missing, yes? And I thought the Elder Kai would be here?
Chronoa: What, am I not good enough? Anyway, it technically still is but a controlled situation. There are some bigger ones, but those, like you, are only given to ones chosen by either me, the old geezer, or the three heroes. But you'll soon see what I mean anyway, now, right this way!
She then turned and began walking a set of stairs, with Dash following behind, as they kept going until they reached a strange door. He watches as she held something up, allowing her to enter, quickly understanding, he does the same, and enters through the door as well, stumbling as he takes in the sight in front of him.
Chronoa: This is the Time Nest, where my friend Toki Toki lives. It houses the Time Nest, which is where we'll be cunducting your test. Any questions so far?
Dash: Wow, this is amazing, it's huge! Uh, but one question, you said earlier, that for those like me, they're given specific missions, correct? By any chance, do you know a Sayori?
Chronoa: *surprised* You know her?
Dash: She's a friend I made two months ago, though it's been 2 days since I heard from her.
Chronoa: Understandable, she's on a special mission right now, which I can't tell you I'm afraid.
Dash didn't look pleased with it, but shook it off, he seen how strong Sayori was, so he knew she was fine, still, it didn't make him feel any less nervous. After that, the two walked inside the Time Nest, where Dash could have sworn it felt bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
Chronoa: Finally, my pride and joy, the Time Vault! Quite possibly the most sacred and important place in the cosmos, as it quite literally the conduit that controls all of time. For which I, your fearless leader, am in charge of overseeing. This is where you come in! As a Time Patroller, you are charged with making sure the timeline stays on track! And now for your test, for some of the smaller recruits they'll do some basic chores, but for all recruits like yourself, we have them test their abilities to make sure they're able to get the job done. With that said, you ready to get started newbie?!
Dash: *nods* Ready to get started ma'am!
"Now wait just a minute!"
Dash: What the?
Startled, he turns around and sees an old looking Kai standing at the entrance of the Time Nest, looking a little worn out, but also looking quite angry about something. Upon seeing him, Dash instantly recognized him, the Elder Kai.
Elder Kai: As your senior, Chronoa, I should've been the one to address the rookie! To think you would start the test without me being here is shameful, and you know it!
Dash: But you weren't-.
Chronoa: *cuts in* Shameful?! This is my job old man! And what are you even doing here anyway?! Pretty sure both Shin and Kibito were keeping you busy, hazben!
Dash: Um...
Elder Kai: Why you little! I'll have you know, Chronoa, I am a respected Kai known by all! Not to mention, I'm not too bad with the ladies, am I right?
Dash: What in the fu-?
Chronoa: Please, like any sensible girl with good taste would ever fall for that ancient mug you call a face!
Elder Kai: You know, for a Kai that lived for millions of years, YOU SURE ARE MORE BEAST THAN BEAUTY!
With that, the two started to argue, as Dash just stood there awkwardly, but slowly started to get annoyed. These two are the ones he'll be answering to? His eye started to twitch slightly as they got louder.
Dash: Can I just start the mission already?
-10 minutes later-
After that whole debacle, Chronoa cleared her throat and gave Dash a warm smile.
Chronoa: Ahem, sorry about that, anyway, now for your first assignment! We use this specific timeline within the multiverse known as a Parrallel universe, for testing recruits like yourself.
Elder Kai: This specific parallel timeline is known as a pocket rift, a universe where anything can happen. But for the sake of the test, your mission is to act as if your making sure things stay on course for the main timeline.
Dash: So.... What's in this one?
Chronoa: Glad you asked! This specific timeline will have you deal with Raditz, a Saiyan who not only survive the destruction of his home planet but kidnapped the child of Son Goku. However, this Raditz is much more powerful than he was in the original. Because of that, Goku and the evil King Piccolo r don't have a hope in hell of beating him. Their chances were slim originally, but now, it's second to none.
Elder Kai: And that's where you come in, boy! Aid Goku and Piccolo in defeating Raditz, but remember, they must be the ones who defeats him.
Dash: Defeat a Saiyan who's more powerful than he was originally.... Brilliant, let's do this!
Chronoa: When you're ready, step up to the podium and grab the scroll!
Dash: Right! See ya soon!
He walks up to the podium, grabbed the scroll, before being enveloped in a bright light, that soon died down, revealing that he's gone into the timeline.
Chronoa: Good luck!
Elder Kai: The boy seemed like he's ready, but do you think it'll be enough? Guess we'll see.
Chronoa: I'll see if I can pull up his files, heard spectacular things about him from his masters.
"No worries, he'll be fine. He may be a bit hesitant, but he's powerful for his age."
They both turn to see Saichi standing by the entrance, leaving them shocked and surprised, but Chronoa merely smiled at seeing her friend.
Chronoa: Oh? I never expected you to be here.
Saichi: *giggles* Yeah, I WAS supposed to watch over the kids, but I believe, that my little warrior needs some support, ma'am.
Chronoa: "Little warrior", aww, a nickname for him already.
Saichi: Shhh, don't let him hear that, he doesn't like it. So, where is he at?
Chronoa: Just about to start, c'mon let's view the scroll.
-Age: 761-
We cut to a field, seeing a massive crater in the ground with what seemed to be a white pod in it, before cutting to two people facing against someone. The two are Goku and Piccolo, both of them looking a bit beat up, as Goku's outfit was ripped and torn in some places, while across from them, is Raditz, Goku's brother. Goku rushes in and clashes with Raditz, the two exchanging blows while Piccolo held two fingers to his head, yelling while powering up. During the clash, Raditz manages to gain the upper hand and started unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks, giving Goku no time to react, as he stopped, fired a purple-pink energy blast that knocked Goku down. Raditz instantly teleported to him and prepared the finishing blow.
Raditz: Die!
Goku: Agh!
But before he could, a voice rang out, stopping him.
With the energy he gathered, he fired what seemed to be some sort of drill beam from his fingers at Raditz. The Saiyan, forgetting about his brother for a moment, stared at the attack in shock... Before grinning, as he's covered in a purple glow and eyes glowing red, he sidesteps the attack, watching it connect with a rock behind him, before launching a blast at Piccolo, who didn't dodge the attack in time. Goku got up a little bit and shouted at his arch-enemy.
Goku: Piccolo!
Raditz grinned, before his scouter suddenly activated, picking up a nearby energy signature, before looking up in the air. A light fills the air, showing Dash standing tall, ready to complete his mission...... Until he realizes he's standing in the air and not on the ground.
Dash: *looks down and starts flailing* Gah! What the fu-?! Woah!
He falls to the ground headfirst, then collapses, as everyone on the field stared in shock and bewilderment. As back in the Time Nest, everyone gave a tiny sweatdrop at what they saw, as Chronoa looked at Saichi.
Chronoa: Your little warrior, huh?
Saichi:.... He takes more after Nathan....
Back to the fight, with a groan, Dash slowly got up, rubbing his head in pain, mainly the spot where his head hit a rock.
Dash: *hisses* Damn, my head.... Stupid time travelling paper bullshi- I mean, ahem!
Realizing the situation, he focuses up and walks forward, then punches his fist into his hand as he glared at Raditz.
Dash: Hello there....
Raditz:.... What?
Piccolo, surviving Raditz's attack, slowly walks over to Goku.
Piccolo: Someone you know, Goku?
Goku: No... But.... *laughs and takes a stance* I'm pretty sure he's someone we can trust.
Before anything can get started, Dash suddenly hears the Elder Kai speaking to him.
Elder Kai: Hey, can you even hear us?
Dash: H-Huh?
Chronoa: Loud and clear! We can communicate with you this way from the Time Nest to give you advice!
Elder Kai: Your entrance was really darn lousy by the way. But I suppose we can talk about that later.
Dash: It's not my fault, the trajectory on this crap is clearly lazy, and I didn't build the damn thing anyway. *mutters* Old judgmental bastard.
He turns and sees Raditz giving him a look of impatience, annoyance, and curiosity.
Raditz: I wasn't aware that Kakarot had anymore allies to boot, especially one with a power level as impressive as yours.
Dash:.... Is he comparing me to a carrot?
Raditz: *taps scouter* Oho! A power level of 900. Well purple boy, you are certainly more impressive than the green man or my brother, but... No matter how much trash there is, it's still trash!
Trash.... A simple phrase that doesn't really faze most people, but for Dash....
"You're nothing but pure utter trash, (REDACTED)!"
"Scums are we? If that's what we are, then you (REDACTED), you are nothing more than trash!"
Goku: I don't know what's going on.... But any kind of help is accepted. We gotta save Gohan at all cost!
Piccolo: *stares at Dash and thinks* His energy is astounding.... Could he be another obstacle for me...? Tch, oh well, for the moment it seems like he's on our side... Now that I think about it, this is perfect! *out loud*Goku!
Goku: *turns to him* Huh? What is it, Piccolo?
Piccolo: I have a plan on how to take him down but it's gonna take the two of you to pull it off, so list-.
Before he could finish explaining his plan to Goku, Dash, with rage and hatred in his eyes, rushes in.
Dash: Damn you!
He throws a punch, but Raditz merely moved to the side, as Dash bounced off the side of a rock formation and clashes with Raditz, the two exchanging punches and kicks.
Piccolo: Damn that idiot!
Goku: It's no good, we gotta back him up!
Piccolo: Dammit to hell!
The two then rush in to help, but Raditz sees this, and merely appears behind Dash and kicks him away, making him crash a bit of a fair distance away. With him out of the way, Raditz easily defended against both Goku and Piccolo's combined assault, as he speaks to Goku again.
Raditz: Come and join your family, Kakarot!
He then vanishes, leaving the two to be on guard, before appearing behind them and elbowing the two away. Feeling something, he turns and sees Dash rushing towards him again, but before he could strike, Raditz quickly delivers a blow to his gut, making our hero cough up spit, before he's kicked away into the air, as Raditz quickly appears above and backhands him towards the ground, causing him to crash hardly into it.
Raditz: Hmph, is this really the best you guys can muster? Come now, surely you sorry lot can do better, I'm starting to get bored here!
Dash, still lying on the ground, still appeared to be in a small fit of rage, before the voice of Saichi snaps him out of it.
Saichi: Dash! Get up! What the hell were you doing?! Those movements of yours were sloppy and pathetic!
Dash: *slowly calming down* S... S-Saichi?
Raditz's scouter soon picks up something, catching his attention, as he looks to the air and smirks.
Raditz: Still standing, huh?
Up in the air, we see Goku with his arms cupped to the side, as he began to charge his attack.
Goku: Ka.... Me.... Ha.... Me..... HAAAAAAAAA!
Dash gets up in time to see Goku firing a blue energy wave from his hands straight towards Raditz, the collision creating an explosion that shook the area.
Goku: Did I get him?
When the smoke cleared, Raditz is seen standing with his arms crossed with a smirk on his face, while also being unharmed.
Raditz: *chuckles* Not bad, brother! But still pathetic! Allow me to show you, HOW IT'S DONE!
He then quickly vanishes and appears before Goku, quickly striking him in the stomach, before giving him an axe kick, sending him straight to the ground.
Raditz: Pathetic Kakarot! You shame our family and our race with your weakness! And don't think I've forgotten about you, green man!
He turns to Piccolo, who after getting knocked away, gathered energy for another Special Beam Cannon. Seeing that he was spotted, Piccolo grew nervous and slightly fearful.
Piccolo: No, I haven't even begun to gather energy yet!
Raditz: It's too bad, that you all thought you could actually beat me!
He rushes to Piccolo, and before the Demon King can even react, Raditz delivers another kick, sending him crashing into the ground. Back in the Time Nest, Chronoa, Elder Kai, and Saichi all watch the fight, not liking it so far.
Chronoa: It's not going pretty well; ya think we should call it?
Saichi: No.... It's too soon to call it, besides, all he needs is a wakeup call.
Dash slowly stood up, wiping so blood from his mouth, trying reel in his sudden anger by taking a couple of deep breaths.
Dash: Damn.... It happened again.... I need to calm down before rushing in again.
Saichi: Pull yourself together, Dash!
Dash: Saichi? So, it is you! What are you doing there?!
Saichi: Tch, right now? Being disappointed on how my student is acting!
Dash: I-I'm sorry, it's just....
Saichi: Bah, don't you dare say it's because of a simple word! Roshi, Nathan, and I taught you better than to let a measly word get into your head! Listen... Raditz may be a push over to most, but he's still a warrior.... Strong as you might be, you can't beat him alone... If you let your emotions get the better of you, it'll lead to a disaster! So, focus up!
Dash closed his eyes, taking one final breath before sighing, she's right, if he loses himself to his emotions, people can get hurt, just like....
Dash: *shakes head* YES MA'AM!
Saichi: Kakarot and Piccolo are your key to victory, don't let that go to waste, kiddo... And remember what we said...
Back with said Kakarot and Piccolo, the two tried to gather their breath.
Goku: Piccolo, are you alright?
Piccolo: Heh, I won't allow myself to die, before the entire world bows to me! Listen, I only have one more of those left in me. It needs to count, so you have to hold him still!
Goku: Got it!
Piccolo: *turns and glares at Dash* And you! I don't know who you are, but defend me with your life until I'm ready!
Dash: Roger, leave it to me!
Goku: *stands next to Dash* We gotta attack him together to break his defense, that way, we can give Piccolo an opening! You ready?!
Dash: Lead the way, I got your back!
Raditz: Heh, even the two of you won't stand a chance against me!
With this, both Goku and Dash charges in, with Piccolo holding two fingers to his head, charging up his attack again. Raditz scoffs at seeing the two charging towards him, but before he can do anything.
Goku: Gotcha!
Goku out stretches his hand, smacking Raditz in the face with a mini ki shockwave, making him stumble. Dash appears in front of him, before unleashes multiple punches, then delivers two kicks, sending the Saiyan into the air, where Goku appeared and struck him in the back, then unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks, before pushing him away with his palm. This led to Dash sledgehammering him into the ground, before firing multiple ki blasts towards him. Goku rushes down to meet his brother, but this time, Raditz was prepared, as the two zoomed around the area, trading punches, kicks, and blasts, but Dash had enough and powered Ki into his right leg, then teleports and kicks Raditz in the face, sending him flying, before Goku sledgehammered him into the ground.
Piccolo: That's it, keep it going! I'm halfway there!
Raditz got up, having some visible marks on his body, as he started to get angry.
Raditz: Ngh, what is this?! I am being pushed?! Impossible.... They're mere weaklings!
Both Goku and Dash land on the ground, as Goku smirked at Dash.
Goku: Alright! What do you say to one more push?!
Dash: Set it up, and I'll knock him down!
With that, the two rush at him again, but Raditz was heaving none of it.
Raditz: You two think just because you gained an edge means you won?! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!
Before the two could reach him, he suddenly let's loose a burst of energy, that knocked Dash back as he collided into the ground, as Goku flew back, but before he could recover fully, Raditz threw another attack, which hit and had Goku collapse on the ground. Before he could move, Raditz appeared and stepped on his chest. Meanwhile, at a distance....
???: That should spice things up a bit.
??? 2: I don't see why we don't just kill them all right now, this whole sideline crap is boring!
???: Now, now, my friend, we have our orders, besides this makes things more interesting...
??? 2: Tch, whatever...
Back in the Time Nest, everyone notice the sudden shift in Raditz's power, becoming concerned.
Chronoa: Something's not right!
Saichi: I noticed it too...
Elder Kai: Now what are you two yammering on about?!
Saichi: Raditz... His power just suddenly shot up... But it doesn't make sense.... Unless....
Chronoa: Unless it didn't just shot up on its own, it's them!
Back in the timeline, Raditz, still stepping on Goku, looks down and tries one more time.
Raditz: Look, I'll do you a favor and spare you both.
Goku: Shut up! There's no way I'd ever join you!
With Dash, the young hero felt like his body was pinned by multiple needles, safe to say, he's not doing good.
Dash: Ugh... It feels like... I've been hit with a massive building.... Can't move...!
In the Time Nest.
Elder Kai: Where's our top field agent?! Get him in there, now!
Chronoa: There would be no point! He's out on patrol! I can't send Nathan, his hair would be confusing and there's a chance for a compromise, not to mention he's on his own mission, and I can't send Saichi in her condition!
Saichi: I'm fine!
Chronoa: Saichi, you know if you go in there, you risk losing the-!
Saichi: I KNOW!... Sorry, but don't worry... My pupil can handle this.
Elder Kai: SAY WHAT NOW?!
Chronoa: Saichi, this is way beyond his level! It's too-!
Saichi: Chronoa, you've been my friend for years, right now I'm asking you to trust me on this.
Back to the fight, Raditz felt disappointed with his brother, but decided it's over.
Raditz: Then playtime is over... What?!
He's caught off guard by his scouter picking up and unusual energy source, turning to the crater where his pod is, a small boy with a tail jumps out with an angered look, surprising Dash.
Dash: I-Is that a kid?! Wait... That's Gohan!
Gohan: Leave my daddy.... ALONE!
He covers himself in energy, before charging in, aiming to hit Raditz with his head, but like earlier, his eyes glow red and body glows purple, having a sinister grin on his face. He sidesteps the boy's attack, watching as he collapses on the ground, and aims his hand at him.
Raditz: You brat!
Goku: Ngh, S-STOP!
Goku's shout echoed in Dash's ear, as he watches as the little boy was about to meet his demise, as Piccolo could do nothing but watch, as he was still gathering energy. Dash closes his eyes in frustration, as the world around him went dark.
"For a long time.... I wanted nothing to do with my true self... I... Rejected it...."
"Don't tell me this is the best you got?!"
"This voice?!"
Dash is seen panting, his disguise on, as above him stood Nathan, glaring down at the kid.
Nathan: Hmph, you want to better yourself, but how can you do that when you limit yourself?! At this point, you'll be the weakest time patroller in the city...
Dash: I.... I....
Nathan: I know it hurts, that's why people don't like the truth, but it's the only way to build yourself up... Weak as you are now, Dash, you still have the potential to be the strongest patroller around! Tell me, what's your dream?
Dash said nothing, and turned his head away.
Nathan: You'll never reach that goal if you don't take this seriously!
Roshi walks up to them, having been observing the fight.
Roshi: The true path to power is melding both body and spirit as one!
Saichi: *walks up and held Nathan's hand* To be quick, strike the opponents from the dark... To move silently like a shadow...
-End Flashback-
Dash clenches his fists, the memory replaying like an old record, as Saichi watches from the Time Nest, holding her hands together in a silent prayer.
Saichi: *thinks* Please, Dash... You can do this... Just believe in yourself and your power!
Raditz soon fired his attack, creating a large pink explosion, as Goku watched, horrified that he couldn't save his son. Suddenly, Raditz's scouter picks up something, making him turn around to see Dash placing down an unconscious, yet unharmed, Gohan on the ground. He turns and gives Raditz a huge glare, before slowly walking to him, leaving not only him shocked, but Chronoa and Elder Kai as well.
Elder Kai: His power level... It's suddenly rising rapidly!
Saichi: *smiles and thinks* Good job, Dash...
Goku, who's still on the ground, smiled in relief when he sees that his son is ok.
Goku: *thinks* He saved Gohan... Thank goodness... But the ki I'm sensing from him... Just who is he?
Dash: That's it, Raditz, no more playing around! From here on out, it's you and me!
Raditz: *on guard* What's going on here? Not even a second ago he was on the ground, on the verge of defeat! And now suddenly he's back up, like he wasn't even tired in the first place. Who or what is he?!
Back in the Time Nest, Saichi decided to tell them both her little secret.
Saichi: You see, there's a good reason why both me and Nathan wanted you to recruit him in this job.
Elder Kai: And what may that be?
Saichi: Well, two reasons really, so I'll hit you with the most surprising one. He's....
At the fight, Piccolo could feel that he's almost done and calls out to Dash.
Piccolo: It's almost ready, just a few more minutes!
Dash: *takes a stance and mutters* Remember what they told you, Dash.
Raditz: *annoyed* I think we let this little dance of ours continue long enough! It's time we finish this!
Gritting his teeth, Dash suddenly lets loose a scream, his body generating a purple aura around himself that shook the ground. As Goku, Piccolo, and Raditz all stare at him in shock.
Piccolo: H-His power....
Goku: It's more intense.... Yet...
Raditz: 1,000.... 1,100... 1,500...., 1,800?!
Dash then covers himself in a golden glow, before charging straight in, hitting Raditz with his elbow, knocking him away. But he wasn't done, as he then started kicking Raditz all over the place like a ball, before sledgehammering him into the ground. Raditz burst from the crater, pissed, and flew after the hero with rage in his eyes.
Raditz: Dammit! DAMN YOU!
Dash meets him head-on and the two began match each other blow for blow, something that shocked Raditz. How the hell can someone who struggled against him, can suddenly match him in terms of strength? But as the two continuing trading blows, he started to notice that Dash was slowly surpassing him in speed. Before he could think on it more, Dash grabs him by the face, then starts spinning him around rapidly, before jumping into the air, and throws him into the ground, causing it to shake. Raditz got on his hands and knees, eyes widened in disbelief.
Raditz: T-This shouldn't even be possible! This planet is supposed to have nothing but mere weaklings! Just WHAT IS HE?!
That's when his scouter alerted him of something, making him look up, only for his eyes to go even wider, as on the ground, Goku's eyes went wide as well.
Goku: N-No way...
Raditz: That pose! It's an exact copy....!
"KA..... ME.... HA.... ME.....!"
(Dash isn't in Super Saiyan, only base, and his Gi isn't damaged)
Raditz: Wait, his speed, strength... You mean to tell me he's a...
Back in the Time Nest, both Chronoa and the Elder Kai had a look of utter shock on their faces.
Saichi: Keep it down, will you?! *sighs* Yes, as you know, there's very few Saiyan's in the time patrol, but that's mainly due to our nature, which is why all of the ones here are mainly 25% Saiyan's with very little power in them to prevent them becoming a threat.... But he's different, not only is he an ancient Saiyan, a full one, he's also me and Nathan's... Well, you know...
In the air, Dash charges up his attack, then, once he felt it was ready.
(Same thing, not SSJ nor Gi damaged, only base)
Seeing the attack coming, Raditz quickly ran out of the way, his scouter read a power level of 2,000, he knew he couldn't block an attack with that much power. The attack collided with the ground, creating an explosion, causing Raditz to cover his face with his arms.
Raditz: Sure enough, he's a Saiyan alright! But that's impossible! Besides me, there's only 3 others including Kakarot... *scouter beeps wildly* What now?!
Dash: *covered in a purple glow* Piccolo, are you ready?!
Piccolo: Ready, give me an opening! Now!
Dash: I'm on it! Take this! SHADOW..... PUNISHER!!!
Fist covered in a purple and black mist, he rushes in and punches Raditz square in the chest, making him fly back, as Goku suddenly grabs him from behind and held him in place, despite the constant struggling to break free.
Raditz: *scared* What?! What are you doing?!
Goku: Now! Piccolo! DO IT!
With his move ready, Piccolo fires his attack again, only this time, Raditz had nowhere else to go, especiall with Goku holding him in place. The attack connects with Raditz, before piercing not only him, but Goku as well. When it died out, both brothers fell to the ground as Raditz gave one last scream.
Goku: Hehehe.
With that, the two collapse on the ground, dead, never to wake up again. Piccolo lowers his arm, panting slightly, before he smirks.
Piccolo: Serves you right...
He walks over to the two, when suddenly he realizes something, Dash was nowhere to be seen, as he looked around.
Piccolo: What was that? Where did....?
A couple of feet behind him, Dash stood there with a proud look on his face, before sighing in relief, he did it, he completed the test. With that done, he's then surrounded by a bright light, before vanishing, unaware of the two pairs of eyes watching him leave.
As he returns to the Time Nest, he drops to his knees and holds his arm.
Dash: Agh, damn, I think I put too much power into that attack.... *looks up* So, did I pass?
Saichi: Heh, damn right you did... Conton City buffet is on me, kiddo....
Dash: Hehe, I'll hold you to that, master.
Chronoa: There were a few hiccups here and there, but you managed to succeed pretty well.
Elder Kai: However, that entrance of yours along with your sudden brash actions didn't really leave much to be desired.
Dash: Everyone's a critic these days...
Saichi: Haha, but hey, you did good in the end.
Chronoa: As she said, we all agreed that you passed the test! And now, without further adieu! Dash! We welcome you as fully fledged TIME PATROLLER!
Dash: R-Really?!
Saichi: Mhmm!
Dash: *Gif below* Hehe! Yeah!
Saichi held her chest, finding her student's smile to be adorable, as Elder Kai brought up a point.
Elder Kai: Though I must say, Raditz's power was stronger than the test's settings.
Chronoa: It was rather odd.... I'll have someone look into it later, but for now... Let's let him celebrate his victory, he earned it.
With that, Dash has now officially become a part of the Time Patrol, but what was the cause behind Raditz's sudden burst of power?
-To Be Continued-
-Ending (None, to be determined)
(Boom! First chapter of the story is out for all to read and enjoy! I hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you guys in the next chapter or another story, peace!)
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