Contest End
Very long contest... Like seriously. 30+ submissions. Almost all of them relating to Bakugou (I can't tell if you all write for Bakugou because you wanted to or because he's one of my all time fav anime characters) That's the most submissions into any of my contests but hey! I pulled through. I thank all of you for taking the time to write and submit pieces into the contest. Many of you flat out admitted that you didn't care about winning but as a means to get your piece critiqued and earn advice from me. I actually highly respect that quite a few of you are going out of your way to get advice. Some people have too much pride or find help to be wrong or annoying. Trust me, advice can break down your walls sometimes but much like Yoda once said: "Failure is the greatest Teacher."
Okay everyone, before I get into everything, the BEST advice I can give everyone is to write your stories on Google Docs. Wattpad isnt reliable at all when it comes to saving the progress you've written on stories but Docs saves your progress after every word written. Docs has two newer(?) Functions where not only does it spell check automatically but it does grammatical changes like suggesting different words to use, taking out unnecessary words or adding commas and periods where necessary. Honestly, the basic functions on Docs could've saved a lot of errors many of you made.
Okay then, let's get on with who the winners are.
1st Place:
Where Memories Sleep
Located: Writings
How? Besides silly typos, I think this is the most flawless oneshot that's ever been submitted into my vast array of contests. I legitimately told you at the beginning of your oneshot that Quality beats Quantity since you were explaining why you wrote nearly 10k words but damn. You definitely brought your A Game. Show Vs. Tell definitely wasn't a problem with you. You were taking names and kicking ass with all those beautiful scenes you made. You captivated each and every five senses here from the tiny details of rain 'staining' Shota's clothes and the way his goggles felt beneath his chin. Those are the tiny details that make your readers feel as if they're IN the story. Not to forget that your word choices were perfect. They were advanced and beautiful words that weren't so grand that anyone could understand them. It also felt like some of your word choices didn't sound like real words at all though and I had google open to see if they were but hey! Every word was real. Unless I'm REALLY in the mood to go big or go home be it a chapter or a oneshot, I rarely ever write with as much quality as you did here. I highly respect you as an author now. Round of applause for you.
2nd Place:
MHA Contest #7 Entry
The IMAGERY!!! Your imagery is honestly speechless. Like you're painting a picture, I could visualize every little detail you described without any effort. I do agree with readercreator though from when she commented her opinions on your story. The pacing and imagery is great although you could easily describe scenes the physical connections were more told than shown but still great either way! Although I sort of wish you said why the Reader turned villain, I'm not upset at all. I loved the interactions between her and Kirishima and the dialogue was realistic and not overly 'fake' as though you'd only see it happen in a cartoon. I only have one critique for you: you really shouldn't use a verb right after commas. When I took a creative writing class, I got knocked HARD for using verbs right after commas and nearly failed the class since it was a bad habit of mine. Instead, either use a period, semicolon or give the second half of the sentence a subject to prevent this mistake. End of discussion. Color me impressed with your work.
3rd Place:
I Remember: Bakugou x Takahashi Airi
Located: Contest Submissions
Extremely short and to the point. At first, I was extremely confused as to what was happening and then it all hit! This oneshot really reminded me of 50 First Dates where Adam Sandler had to be extremely patient with the girl he fell in love with since her memory wipes out every night as she sleeps. It really hit me in the feels knowing how much Bakugou was enduring and how patient he had to be with his wife. I sort of wish the oneshot didn't end so suddenly like maybe a Bakugou villain fight would've made this oneshot perfect or a conversation between the two but otherwise I really liked your oneshot. My only critique is that you HAVE TO start a new paragraph whenever someone new talks. Otherwise, you did near perfect. You had just enough storytelling, no background information for your OC was necessary, the emotions were there. Normally oneshots less than 1,500 words don't do well at all so I congratulate you. Overal, I enjoyed your oneshot the most in this contest.
Winners, You can find your prize list at the end of the update. Remember, to claim your prize you MUST DM me. Also, if you want your submission to be posted on my main book, your submission MUST be written on Google Docs and shared to my personal email. I'm only giving my email out to the winners who want their submission reuploaded.
Here is my feedback on everyone who took part in the contest whether you won or not. Yes, I remained very honest and opinionated when it came to feedback. Constructive criticism/feedback is what shaped me into the writer that I am today. You also need to be open to suggestions and ideas from others. If I hurt your feelings, either keep it to yourself or let me know through a DM. However, if I find your reasonings to be bit ridiculous like 'I put so much time and effort into my piece I should've won!' Or you begin ripping on me as the judge or upon those who did in fact win then don't expect me to get back to you. In fact, expect yourself to be muted.
Boku No Hero: Decibel
You're the first runner up. I nearly placed you in 3rd place but honestly I gave it to the other writer since it's the best short oneshot to ever be submitted into any of my contests and that you yourself had a few critiques. Other than that, your submission was the longest and in such little time you already rewrote your submission. I read the oneshot version by the way and will read your revised one on a later date since I loved your submission beginning to end. It was complete, a beginning middle and end with a conflict and everything. I've never really understood why people ship Jiro and Momo but now I'm a shipper thanks to you. You had two minor problems that kept you from 3rd place though. Your comma usage needs work. In the future, look over comma rules. Many times where you should've used a period instead was a comma which lead to run on sentences more often times than not. On top of it, you really can't put a verb right after a comma. The only words that can be used after a comma are after, for, as, if, to, by, when, etc. Basically, introductory words. Also, your dialogue was great! Just work on show not tell a little bit in the future since you got a little repetitive saying she did this then she did that.
Standing Up: Bakugou x Reader
Okay, don't take this the wrong way but I felt like your oneshot didn't work. The oneshot is confusing for anyone who hasn't seen Cinderella Story and even though it's my favorite of all the Cinderella stories even I was confused. You should've re read your story as you had many typos, miss used words, and it didnt flow together all that well making reading this feel robotic/a rough draft. There was too many OCs, you really didn't need to go in depth about everyone's quirks since they never used the quirks at all within the story either. An important piece of advice I learned in my Creative Writing class is that if information isn't vital or necessary to help the story move forward then delete /forget it. I sadly also felt you focused on the wrong parts of the movie/relied too much on the movie. Reliance made the story too predictable and when you can predict what's to come it's a little boring. I myself have written crossovers before and when anyone writes them don't be afraid to change up dialogue, events and settings. Reason why I felt you focused on the wrong parts of the movie is because your oneshot didn't feel like a Bakugou x Reader at all. The oneshot could've still worked with what you already wrote but maybe if you added the Ball or maybe a few text conversations to help me understand why the Reader and Bakugou fell in love then you could've easily saved the oneshot.
I'm very much aware that I ripped apart your oneshot. I completely understand if you're upset but that's what happens with constructive criticism. I hope you're on the same page as I am. You're a wonderful writer and we all make mistakes.
What Are We Then? An EraserMic Story
Cute, very cute. This was actually my first time reading an EraserMic story and I genuinely liked it. This story however wasn't perfect, no story is perfect, so let's get on with your critiques! This story was almost entirely 'He did this then he did that' there was rarely a moment to breathe which leads us to too many paragraphs!!! You had a new paragraph every two or three sentences and honestly most of your story could've been compressed together. That being said, only start a new paragraph when someone new is talking or when you've written 5+ sentences. Therefore, slow down, use descriptive words, stay in the moment longer in order to beef up those paragraphs. Never type in a number like 24 or 12. Always type out the entire name of the number unless it's a ridiculously long number. Thats a big nono when it comes to writing. Lastly, you rarely used the correct form of words especially there, their and they're. Please learn the correct forms! Besides that, your piece was really fun to read. Even those who read your submission before me were commenting how much they loved it and you should be proud of yourself.
Located: MHA
I always eat up Bakugou x Kaminari fanart and I loved your oneshot. It's really hard to accurately depict Bakugou in writing and you're one of few people I've read from who could write him near perfect. Or, how I depict him at least and people tend to say I'm spot on accurate. While you made next to no mechanic mistakes in your writing as far as I could tell besides repetitive vocabulary, I had problems with your storytelling as a whole. There was a lot of Bakugou did this, Bakugou then did that. Oh look! Now Kaminari is doing something. Your story was overbearing with tell compared to show when in reality you need to be more reliant on Show Verses Tell. The story as a whole just felt like a list of things Bakugou and Kaminari did. While I definitely respect the scenes you did create, from them learning they like each other till marriage. All that I can really say to you is that next time just slow down and build upon the scenes some more. If anything, your smut and dance scenes were fully fleshed out while everything else sort of faded into the background. This Is all because the other scenes more or so felt like a list of activities they did compared to those two specific parts.
Us: Kaminari x Jirou
Located: Writing Contest
Your story is a bit cliche yet realistic. Your story is something that I think we've all experienced at one point in our lives which I like since it makes your story relatable on a number of levels. Doesn't get past the fact that your story was a lot of he said she said. It wouldn't hurt if you had added in what Kami or Jiro did during their interactions over the phone. Yes, you did that a little bit with saying Kami lied on the bed like a teenage girl, but maybe you should've became a little more in depth about it like saying what they thought or if they had little quirks like chewing on the cords to their hoodies, embracing a plush, smiling at texts they recieve or engraving the conversations into their head as too much reliance on dialogue isn't all that entertaining. An easy way to fix that problem is to use the five senses of writing.
Seiji x Reader: Comfort Food
Located: My Hero Academia Contest Entry
You really should've kept to one point of view. You started off in first person then jumped into 3rd person in which your entire story would've been better off in 3rd person. When you wrote in 1st person, you had so many problems. You had a lot of 'I did this then I did that'. Even though you're in 1st person, you still have to describe what other people were doing or to get more descriptive about surroundings. Here, I'll help you out a little. In your story you wrote 'I knocked him to the ground, and sat on him so he couldn't move.' Instead you could've said 'With a kick, I managed to knock the bird man to the ground. Even though his Shadow was attacking me, I figured that sitting on him would make him stop.' I just made your sentence more descriptive and it focused more on the surroundings rather than the Reader herself. What bugged me about your story as well was that you kept inappropriately using commas when there should've been a period and that you had a mountain of typos. Proof Read! It'll help you notice mistakes. Also, Miss Joke doesn't teach Shiketsu. Unless the Reader went to her school and Seiji went to Shiketsu, Ms. Joke really shouldn't have been in your story.
Multiple Submissions!
Located: Izuku x Reader Oneshots
Okay so since you have multiple submissions and didn't give me a direct answer on which oneshot you'd like to be critiqued on, I've decided to take bits and pieces from each submission for an overal critique. All of your submissions were almost entirely all Tell and no Show. Instead of saying what your characters said or did, go into detail about how they did particular actions. Like instead of saying he grabbed a bottle you could say that he reached out and grasped the bottle with a firm grip. Next, you don't need to address what someone said 100% of the time. Sometimes you can just have what the person said and then move onto the next paragraph. OR if you want to ignore me on that, NEVER USE SAID!!! This piece of advice ties into the previous comment. You kept saying he said she said. Instead, say exclaimed, yawned, questioned, etc. Your writing will increase in quality with little changes like these. Otherwise, I overal liked all of your oneshots. Fluffy, cute and to the point. Although i do recommend you make Uraraka less bitchy in the future. Even I cant believe she'd be that bitchy.
Can't Wait: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Proof Read. That's the best advice I can give you. Every other sentence made no sense as it was missing a word or had an extra word that ruined the sentence as a whole which made everything so hard to read. You also weren't using the correct forms of words not to forget that the story had a lot of 'you did this then you did that.' Also, I saw no value in Monoma or Bakugou. All of the good conversations happened between the Reader and Denki rather than her and Bakugou. Maybe if there was more context within your story to help me understand why the Reader and Monoma fell in love in the first place then further context as to why Bakugou fell in love with her would've helped your story along. Bakugou is a difficult character to write for since he isn't the most friendly character out there and that it's hard to open his hard shell.
What is Real Love?
I get that the Reader was desperate to be loved but I really do wish there was more context. What made her feel unloved? Why did she choose Katsuki of all people? It didn't help that Katsuki was extremely out of character too. You were incorrectly labeling who said what and it caused confusion on my end. Lastly, almost your entire story was 'he did this. He did this. He did this.' A perfect example from your submission was "he walked over and kissed me. He handed me a cup of coffee. He sat next to me." This is a really bad repetitive habit that you need to curve. You need to use the 5 senses of writing to avoid writing like this. Another way to help yourself with this problem is to ultimately have your 'Reader' express more opinions be it through speech or thought.
Survive With Me: TodoDeku Oneshot
Located: Book Ideas
Your oneshot really reminded me of a few Apocalyptic AUs I've written a year or two back and I enjoyed your take on the AU. Your mechanics aren't flawless though and you're making quite a few beginner mistakes in your writing. Whenever someone new is talking, start a new paragraph. Whenever someone is done talking, you must either put a comma or a period before you cap it off with a quotation mark. Lastly you were using commas when you should've been using periods. Read out loud to figure out where to take a moment to breathe when reading and add commas or periods whenever it calls. This is all opinion but I deeply wish you had spent more time on certain moments. Like Uraraka's death was at most three short paragraphs long and then brushed to the side quickly. Shoto and Midoriya's confession was so low key I didn't even know it happened until I went back and reread it. Maybe for future reference, spend more time on landmark scenes like these by becoming more descriptive or delving into the emotions of others to make them more powerful and memorable scenes.
Bakugou x Reader
Located: K.B Oneshots BNHA
Because I've read this sort of plot line a million times before, it didn't exactly catch my interest. I truly felt that Bakugou was very out of character as since he's such a pride driven character he wouldn't cheat let alone beg his girlfriend to stay. To beg, ask for help, lose fights and such is just the tip of the iceberg of things Bakugou's pride prevents him from doing. My biggest problem with this oneshot was that you need to start a new paragraph whenever someone new is talking. A personal suggestion for you maybe as an edit or a rewrite is for you to turn the oneshot into a Bakugou x Reader x Todoroki and then put just slightly more focus on the date the Reader had with Shoto. Maybe go into more depth about what Shoto and her talked about. The oneshot was a Bakugou x Reader x Todoroki if we wanna get technical but overal you did a decent job since new paragraphs were your main concern.
This Town: Hawks x Reader
Located: BNHA x Reader Oneshots
Not the first songfic I've read but you've taken more than enough inspiration from said song to make a unique fanfiction. My main problem with your piece had to be the countless run on sentences and the inappropriate use of commas. You CANNOT use a verb after a comma. Not only is it not correct but it doesn't sound right either. Yes, use commas all you want but use them appropriately. Read your work out loud and if you need to take a breather, place a period or comma in said place. My next piece of advice is too proof read. There were extra words in places and misspelled words all over the place that ruined the experience and made reading difficult at times. Next up is to show not tell. The entire story was Hawks did this then he did that. To avoid this, get descriptive, delve into his thoughts, build upon the scenes and dialogue some more. To be honest though, this story would've worked better through Hawks' point of view rather than 3rd person. This story revolved around him anyways with his side of the break up being top priority. If you would've gone through his point of view, I believe your show not tell problem would solve itself.
New Game
This was definitely a unique oneshot. It was an MHA oneshot without it actually being an MHA fanfic, well, if that makes any sense🤔 I guess my point is that the story wasn't reliant on the MHA plot or characters and became a piece of it's own. I loved the plot and character development. She learned the hard way that there's consequences for her actions. I especially loved her quirk except I wish you would've built upon it some more. Maybe you could've referenced more relevant game characters? You did point out that you were referencing under the radar and forgotten games but if you used more relevant characters like Cloud Strife, Zelda, Bowser or others then the Reader would relate to your book more and get more interested in the reading. In reality you were referencing characters that us the readers have NO CLUE what the character looked like. Which comes to my next point: Use more description and build upon your scenes more. Taking that extra few minutes to write about what the scene looks like, the actions everyone's making or what your game characters looked like would've increased your reading quality tenfold. Like what did the bank look like? What did the robbers look like? What quirks did they have? But also that if you would've fleshed out the fight scene some more then I would've become more involved. I was literally reading this book blind as I had no character, setting or action descriptions. Work on creating a picture next time, captivate the five senses!
Backstabber: BNHA/MHA x Reader
Interesting start to a potential book. I haven't read an MHA book where the MC is a traitor and she fits the bill surprisingly well. Her personality and thoughts match that of a disconnected individual who refuses to get close to those around her. I definitely picked up that she had a past and that Shigaraki really was a brother in her eyes. Even her quirk was unique and one to remember. Not very often I come across quirks or powers where the user has drawbacks. First chapter was brought together pretty well, the second one not so much. The events were all rushed, bled together and didn't stand out let alone have any significance. Your vocab could've also been worked upon. You also really can't use verbs after commas and your sentences ran all over the place. Use more commas, spend more time on making your moments stand out more,and maybe pull out a thesaurus and exchange some of those common words for better ones.
Entry 3
Located: Writing Contest Submissions
I was invested in your story beginning to end. While time traveling quirks aren't uncommon in pop culture, I like the unique aspects to her quirk and its drawbacks. Bakugou's personality was accurate too. The plot was especially interesting given your MC practically doesnt have a set timeline and just lives in whatever and how Bakugou got all caught up in everything thanks to his own stubborn nature. Out of all the contests you've entered in the past, you've done the best this time around and have made great progress to become better at what you do. That being said, I found little to no mistakes you made however you need to condense words though like you kept saying there is when it should've been there's. My last problem was that you could've done more show than tell. There were very brief descriptions whenever the two of them time travelled. It would've been nice to know how different each time frame was from the other. Were there new buildings? Different scenery? Did people dress differently? What did some of the pro heroes of that time period look or act like? Adding small details like that would've put your story over the top.
In Another Universe: Anime Bakugou x Nerdy Teru
You know, I'm both flattered and creeped out at the same time. It's scary how well you know me lol. Bakugou is one of my top 3 favorite anime characters out there and now I legitimately want to paint my headphones Bakugou style. You know, you already pointed out that your story's plot is cliche but it works! It was cute, there was character development, no plot holes and honestly I loved how her parents were beyond worried about their daughter.
Improvements? You probably should've stuck to Teru's POV or 3rd POV. While it is okay to jump POVs in anything, normally professionals change POV one a chapter so constant POV changes aren't recommended. You also had silly typos so just proof read in the future. Lastly, your story REALLY lacked detail. The emotions were there but pictures weren't painted. The actions were unnecessarily repeated like you typing 'she turned around in the room then left the room'. You could've just condensed it to 'she spun around and left.' So, yeah, get more descriptive without repeating actions.
Into the Unknown
Located: Contest Submissions Book
I wish you luck in the future of your fanfiction since this apparently was the first chapter. Of course with it being the first chapter there's a great many questions left unanswered which kept me on the edge of my seat. While there is nothing wrong with starting a sentence out with a verb, you 'abuse' said technique and you shouldn't rely on it so much. While I did enjoy your grammar choices, you weren't using a good handful of the words in the right place or they had a completely different definition than what you were aiming to use them for. Completely opinion but I personally feel that whenever your MC has inner thoughts or has a flashback you should create an all new paragraph. Those inner thoughts took away from the conversation or moment because of how long those inner dialogues went on. Creating separate paragraphs for those inner dialogue moments and flashbacks will help give them more significance and keep your writing clean.
Just a Little Lie
Wow, okay, lots of really odd ships in this. Like I knew that Midoriya x Kirishima was a thing and honestly while I dont personally ship them they are a cute ship but Bakugou x Iida? That was definitely a plot twist I never saw coming. Honestly, in the back of my mind, based on this cute little oneshot the ship isn't all that bad. Thankfully, you already pointed out your own mistakes within the oneshot! Yes, definitely, you had lots and lots of grammar mistakes. It blew my mind when I saw guessed written as guested. Besides that, just proof read to realize those mistakes and make your piece flow much better. However, you need to start a new paragraph whenever someone new is talking.
Broken Promises: EraserMic
I REALLY liked your narration. Some of the best I've seen in quite a long while. I have small and basic advice with you so let's make this quick. Please do your research, Enji and Shouta are 10+ years apart therefore they wouldn't go to UA at the same time. Lots of spelling errors. Just go back into your oneshot and proof read basically. You'll notice the misspelled words or the correctly spelled words but they're not the correct workd you intended to use like of and off. Two completely different words girl. Although your narration was impressive, basic descriptions just really weren't there. When narrating, they primarily focus on the characters and their actions instead of the background. Just go back and and add some description or make the actions made become MORE immersive. If you're not gonna get into backgrounds, just focus on the actions. To put it more simply, like a blind person: because they lost their sight, their other senses are heightened to make up for their loss. You too have to make up for lost details by making that narration outstanding.
My Hero Academia Oneshots and Scenarios
Okay so you're the first person ever to submit a book of scenarios into one of my contests. To be honest, I really can't critique you because scenarios are really just a collection of ideas. I loved all of your scenarios though on the part you tagged me on especially the one with Midoriya. I can't place you in this contest but I'd be happy to allow you to request one of your scenarios to be written in oneshot form from me.
Heartbroken: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Very unique concept, an overly technical quirk, interesting backstory: you have it all. You had two blaring problems I need to address though. You REALLY need to start contracting your words. Everywhere I turned you were using they will, you will, I will and so on. Any word that can contract SHOULD be contracted because they made your story and dialogue clunky. Turn those words into they'll, you'll, I'll, etc. Next up, don't say emotions, SHOW them. Your entire story was you telling us what people were feeling. The Reader was mad, she was fed up, Mic was confused. Next time, show the emotions through body language instead of words like: the reader gripping her hands into fists, people cocking their brows, the corners of mouths pulling downwards. The entire story was Tell and no Show. Work on the opposite next time.
Electrical Energy Called Love: Denki x OC
You know, I gotta say I love how immersive you made that first chapter. It felt like I was actually taking part in a text conversation. The chat names were honestly clever, there was just the right amount of comic relief and each text fit the texter to a T.
A really big problem of yours I had was that you got off topic quite a bit, that or you put in a little too much detail. A common rule in writing is to only write content that is vital to the plot not anything unnecessary. Like did we really need to know that Nana was watching a Mirai Nikki TikTok? Did we need to know EVERY LITTLE DETAIL of her lunch? These little facts could've either been condensed to have much less attention or it could've been taken out of the story completely.
Proof read please. So much made little sense at times be it a missing word or a randomly placed extra word in the middle of a sentence. More of a reason why I say you should proof read is that why did Aizawa say 'y'all talk to Nana and talk' was that a mistake? It doesn't sound right. Also, don't abbreviate anything unless it's a text. Would a character really say STFU? In reality they would actually say shut the fuck up. If anything, people actually say OMG in conversations but again just try not to abbreviate.
Villain Reader x Midoriya
Great start on your new book. Its interesting and a bit comical as you took cliches from others anime like the toast thing. Your story however was really hard to read as you weren't starting a new paragraph whenever someone new speaks. I had a hard time telling who said what. You also weren't using the correct forms of your and there. Also, go ahead and do your thing, but did you really have to name that side character Tamaki? We already have Tamaki Amajiki so of course I was confused. It wouldn't have been that difficult to give that side character a new name and on top of that he practically had the same exact quirk as Oboro. Unless you have a reasonable explanation behind your choices, I'd like to hear them.
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Located: Anime One Shots
Okay, your oneshot was cute and all but I had quite a few problems with it. Yeah, this is fiction and all so things don't have to exactly be realistic but most if not all of your conversations sounded like they came out of a cartoon or a corny movie because the dialogue was extremely straightforward and formal.They just weren't believable and I wasn't enjoying it. To help yourself out, maybe speak your dialogue out loud to yourself, have a text to speech program read out loud or even have yourself and someone else act out the scene. Would the pieces of dialogue be a conversation you'd have with someone else? Did the characters ever take a second to breathe or think or even add um here and there? (Because could your MC really retell an entire day's worth of events as if she had perfect memory without stopping to think of what exactly happened?) Next problem is your comma usage. You made comments about the commas within your story when you weren't even using them correctly. There were times when those commas should've been periods, were used at inappropriate times AND you can't put a verb right after a comma. When you wrote Miss, you weren't using the correct form. A capitalized Miss is a title for an unmarried woman. Not capitalized miss you missed a throw or something. Small details like that can completely change your story. You also had clashing details. You said two weeks passed and then the very next paragraph your MC claims that she and Shoto were together for MONTHS. You might want to fix that. Lastly, I wish you would've shown me more of your MC and Shoto's early interactions. They went from being unable to stand one another to suddenly lovers? I would've liked to see more of a transition instead of a punch to the face.
1st Place: you get a request of any kind written from me for My Hero Academia. I normally don't allow lemon requests in which you're free to request if you win said prize.
An artist request as well. It can be drawn in pen, marker, or just black and white pencil.
2nd Place: you get a request written from me for My Hero Academia of any kind.
An artist request from me of any kind. Pen, marker, or pencil.
3rd Place: You get a written request from me for My Hero Academia except you can't request a lemon.
Here, I'll leave a few pictures of my artwork down below to help those of you with an art prize decide on what you want. MORE pictures of my art can be found on my book of artwork OR my Instagram haircolorstorm. PLEASE keep in mind that I'm primarily a pen and reference artist. Marker and pencil requests are still open, they're just not my strong suits but I WILL NOT draw OCs.
Thank you everyone once again for taking part in my writing contest. I won't be hosting another one ever again sadly. Also, I ask that you don't host contests of your own unless you're a relatively decent writer who knows the ins and outs of writing like the backs of their hands like the winners of this contest or a veteran writer like I am. I'm currently trying to get a sci fi book of mine published in real life. If it gets published of course you guys are gonna be the first to know. More of a reason why this is my final contest. My dream of being a writer is nearly fulfilled.
Have a great day everyone!
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