The Scares
sorry for being MIA, but I literally had no motivation and no idea where to go with this story. BUT
because of a new friend o mine some new ideas were formed, so this is dedicated to you!
ALSO I GOT A 4.0 LAST QUARTER!!!!! YASSSS first time ever and I'm really happy and wanted to share. so hard to do in uni
anyways, in other cool news, I have my very own car now which i am also excited about, and the school year is almost over, then i get to go on a cruise to Alaska! I love large ships, and ships in general, both figuratively and literally.
so yeah.
vote. comment. enjoy :*
In hindsight, Louis would really only like to run through a forest screaming happily and giggling as Harry's wolf runs beside him. However that is not what happened.
They were laying in the meadow again, the days were getting colder, but Harry was a walking furnace so Louis was never all that cold. Louis was snuggled up to Harry's chest with his warm sweater wrapped, somehow, around the both of them.
"Harry?" Louis asks quietly.
Harry makes a small grunting noise, his eyes closed. Louis hesitates, which causes Harry to open one eye and look down at his mate.
"Um, what your parents asked about," Harry tenses. "When are we going to mate?" Well, that came out a lot more blunt than he intended.
Harry twists his head to look at Louis more easily, "whenever you're ready. Were young, we have time. I'm in no rush no matter how much I want to mate you. Whenever you're comfortable and ready, then we'll mate, but not until then."
Louis smiles at Harry shyly, his entire body tingling with fond.
"Thank you."
Harry grins then hops to his feet.
"Enough of this serious talk, let's play!" He shifts into his wolf quickly, not really thinking of his clothes, and jumps around nipping playfully at Louis' sides.
Louis lets out a string of giggles, rolling around trying to get away from Harry's snout.
With a scream like laugh Louis shouts, "Stop, stop, agh!" He swings his arms lightly pushing at Harry's large head. Harry following all of Louis' giggles with wolfy chuckles.
Suddenly Harry freezes, his head shooting up to look amongst the trees. Louis looks to Harry in confusion and a small sliver of fear. If Harry is tense it can't be good.
Theres a few trees and bushes that rustle, Harry let's out a low growl of warning. His posture becoming more tense as he steps over Louis' body in protection. Louis' body is beginning to shake in slight fear, not liking the growls that begin to come from the tree lining in response to Harry's own.
Following the growls are four large wolves, just slightly smaller than Harry, and looking almost rabid. Foam leaking from their mouths, hackles risen, and teeth snapping as they approached. Louis saw Harry's eyes widen and flash to his own.
With his hind paw Harry slightly nudges Louis, and he stands slowly. The four wolves growls only sounding louder and more aggressive.
"Harry," Louis voice is so small. He doesn't know what's going on, aside from the fact that there are some angry wolves, but where did they come from? Are they apart of Harry's pack?
Harry barks loudly at Louis, who jumps in fright.
That's when they pounce. All four rabid wolves bound towards the both of them. Harry snaps back into focus taking the closest one down easily snapping it's neck with a bite and a twist. Harry barks at Louis again trying to get him to run away. Louis finally getting the hint starts running as fast as he can through the forest.
It's quiet minus Louis' heavy panting and heart pounding. He can hear it in his ears. He knows one of the wolves came after him, it's the only thing making him run faster.
Adrenalin rushing through his blood, Louis' thighs burn with exertion but somehow are able to keep moving. He can here the thumping of large paws on the soft earth along with his own footsteps close behind him. He doesn't know where he's going, running aimlessly, his only goal to lose the wolf hot on his trail.
He doesn't know if Harry's safe, he's terrified, and almost blind as exhaustion and tunnel vision kick in, but he has to keep going. He jumps over several tree roots, fallen logs, and snake like vines when he realizes he can no longer hear the wolf. He stops abruptly looking around. No sounds are made aside from his heavy breathing, not even birds are singing.
He's completely lost, nothing familiar, and now he's lost the rabid wolf. To be honest he'd rather know where it was. He looks around frantically, trying to listen to even the smallest of sounds. A snapping branch comes from his left side, his head turning in that direction slowly, his entire body frozen in fear.
The wolf walks out of the bushes, stalking up closer to him. He can't run now, in one leap the wolf would be on him.
He's going to die.
With that thought in mind Louis bites his bottom lip, trying to keep his tears at bay while the snarling wolf readies to pounce. Louis lets out a desperate whimper of fear from his lips, and the wolf jumps.
It all seems to happen in slow motion after that. Louis closes his eyes, tries to think of Harry so at least his last thought would be happy, when a deafening growl rips through the air and several loud thumps follow it.
Louis' eyes snap open to Harry's large wolf snapping and clawing at the rabid wolf. Harry goes in for it's neck right away trying to get a tight hold on it with his jaw, but the other wolf shakes it's head rapidly and claws at Harry's face in retaliation. It's back and forth clawing and biting, loud growls getting mixed together in anger when the wolf manages to tackle Harry onto his back and claw a large gash from one side of his stomach to the other, Harry lets out a yowl in pain causing Louis to snap out of his frozen state. Louis watches on as Harry pushes the pain away to kick off the wolf and jump on it, taking it's moment of surprise to lock his jaw around it's neck and bite down until a loud crack is heard and the wolf goes slack.
Harry releases the wolf's neck after a few seconds, to make sure it was actually dead, before looking up to his mate and rushing over to him.
Louis had tears running down his face, he wasn't sure when they started, but now he couldn't stop them. Louis ran to Harry and stuffed his face into his fur, sobbing in relief. He really thought he was going to die. Louis could feel Harry shift in his arms, fur receding into skin and cracking of bones from wolf to human.
"Are you okay?" Harry asks urgently, his voice coming out breathless. He grabs Louis face between his hands to inspect him.
Louis immediately notes that Harry is covered in dirt and dried blood, no doubt most of it from the wolves that attacked. He's also looking incredibly pale and sickly, his eyes visibly going in and out of focus.
"Harry? Harry are you okay?" He looks down to inspect Harry's body, finding the long gash from the wolf's claw going diagonally across his abdomen. It's deep, flesh torn, and bleeding profusely with some abnormally colored puss like substance seeping out among it all. "Harry! Oh my god!"
"Don't worry about me, I'll heal," He pauses, his breath coming out shorter, "you're okay?"
Louis nods with a quick yeah. Harry's quickly loosing balance, leaning more and more on Louis as seconds pass, his eyes drifting closed. Louis's panicking, "no, come on Harry stay awake, just a little longer," Louis adjusts them so Harry's arm is around Louis shoulder, and Louis starts in the direction of where he thinks his house might be. "Harry? Harry look at me," Louis says, patting Harry's face to keep him awake. "Which direction is my house, Harry?"
Harry blinks hard, finding it hard to keep focus on anything but the pain building in his abdomen. He weakly lifts an arm to point to just the right of where their standing. Louis starts walking, having trouble supporting Harry's body weight while being so tired out from all the running.
They make it to the line of trees in Louis' backyard before Harry becomes complete dead weight and loses consciousness. Louis collapses under Harry muttering a string of 'no's. He rolls Harry onto his back, looking at his chest that had only gotten worse in the half an hour it took for Louis to walk them both. The wound was now a sickly black color, dried blood all around it, and torn flesh splayed open.
"Mum!" Louis shouts towards his house, hoping to every single god that exists that she's home. "Mum! Please!" He doesn't know what to do! His hands hover above Harry's wound like they would miraculously heal it, but nothing happened. His mum comes rushing out of the back door a few seconds later, taking in the sight of her son sobbing violently over Harry's unconscious body.
"Louis! What happened?!" She shouts.
Louis snaps his head up, "they attacked us, Harry killed them, but-" He cut off into another sob. "I don't know what to do!" He cries.
Jay runs over quickly, see's the ghastly wound, and gasps horrified. "Come Louis, we'll take him inside and clean him up, I have some sutures in the medical box." She tries to say as calmly as possible. They both grab Harry under his arms and lift him as best they can while they carry him into the house and put him on the couch. Jay runs off to grab her medical box from when she was a nurse, and is back in a couple minutes.
"Louis go get some wet towels, a bowl and some rubbing alcohol." Jay instructs. Louis sniffles, does as she says, and is back quickly.
Over the next hour the both of them clean, disinfect, and suture Harry's stomach. Louis, not really being able to stomach the sight of a needle and thread going through his mate's body, looks at Harry's face instead.
Even with the wound sewed up and blood cleaned, it's still a black-ish color, and constantly secreting foul smelling puss. Jay had never seen anything like it during all her years as a nurse, she didn't know what to do.
So Louis sat there, wiping away the puss with a warm cloth, holding Harry's hand with his other. Jay brought down some large sweatpants to cover Harry's lower half, neither of them noticing he was naked until after the wound was sealed.
The doorbell went off while Louis was wiping away a large bout of puss that had formed, he threw the cloth into a pile of dirty ones nest to the couch and stood to get the door.
When he opened it he wasn't expecting Zayn to be standing there with a small satchel and smelling like a fresh herb garden.
"Zayn? What are you doing here?" Louis asks in surprise.
Zayn smiles slightly, "I had a feeling."
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