The Meet Ups
Louis was cuddled into Harry's wolf form in the middle of the meadow on a Saturday afternoon. They were enjoying the nice weather and each other's company. Louis was still perplexed on why he was friends with a wolf, but instead of making himself go crazy with his thoughts, he decided not to question it. Harry on the other hand was just happy to be with Louis, although still not ready to reveal that he had a human form too.
"Hey, Harry?" Louis mumbles from his spot, face buried in Harry's neck of fur.
Harry lets out a breath of reply.
"How do you know English? You're not like other wolves. Not that I've met any."
Harry obviously couldn't answer that in words, so he turns his head and licks Louis' cheek instead.
"Ah Harry! Gross!" Louis exclaims laughing. Harry makes a weird chuckling noise at the sight of Louis' scrunched up face. His mate is adorable.
Louis giggles as he cuddles his face back into Harry's fur. It's so soft and comfortable, Louis found himself taking naps on it most days he and Harry met up.
"Hey, Harry?" Louis repeats.
Harry huffs out another reply.
"Mum wants me to get a job. Meet people before I start school in the fall." Louis says quietly.
Harry doesn't make a sound, only turns his head to look at Louis.
"If I do, then I won't be able to come here everyday."
Harry whimpers at that and Louis tightens his grip around Harry's neck.
"I don't want to, I'll try convince her to let me have a free summer. Settling in excuse."
Harry curls his body around Louis as best he can, nuzzling his muzzle into Louis' stomach.
"I don't want to go to school either." Louis starts, "my last one wasn't so nice to me, and it's the last year! Everyone's already got their friends." He sighs. "Why can't I just live out here with you for the rest of my life. I like you better than people." He giggles.
Harry nuzzles farther into Louis in a silent form of agreement.
"Hi mum." Louis says when he walks through the door later that afternoon.
"Hi love, have you looked around town for a summer job?" She asks, not looking up from her book.
Louis hesitates and it causes his mum to lift her head.
"I was thinking that maybe that's not such a good idea, to get a job. We just moved here and I haven't been able to get used to everything yet. Plus I don't really want to work." He blurts.
"Oh," Jay says quietly. "Well alright then, you don't have to, but that means you get more chores around the house. Can't have you doing nothing." She says. Louis beams and says a quick thank you before going up to his room to collapse on his bed.
Louis' mind automatically goes to Harry when his eyes close. Such a smart wolf, and a big wolf. Louis still wasn't sure how it was possible. He googled some stuff the other day and it didn't really answer any of his questions, only eliminated possibilities. One being that Harry is a dire wolf, but they went extinct a long time ago. He found nothing on the fact that Harry could understand English and even spell.
Louis sighs not really wanting to give himself a headache with all his thinking. So he stands up, strips his clothes and walks into his en suite bathroom to take a shower. Once done with that he puts on a sweater and loose sweats and walks downstairs to find his mother making food.
"Smells wonderful." He says.
"Thank you lovely, just a tortellini soup. Was too lazy to make anything else." Jay replies.
Louis chuckles and walks to the cabinet to grab bowls. He then grabs two spoons from a drawer next to the fridge and sets their small dining room table.
When they sit down to eat Jay asks, "so Lou, where have you been going everyday? And for so long."
Louis' spoon stops halfway to his mouth. Should he tell her the truth? He told his mother everything. He could say where he goes and who he met, just skip over the part where it's a wolf that he's met. He felt bad for skipping a big part of the situation, but his mother would never believe him.
"I met someone," he starts, his mother looks up in shock. "In a meadow in the forest behind the house." He continues to eat.
"Really? You sure they're safe love? Meeting in the forest seems..." She pauses, "sketchy."
Louis chuckles. "Mum, he's fine. He doesn't talk much, at all really, and he's very nice. We sort of just lay in the grass together."
Jay squints her eyes, "okay, fine. I trust you love, but if he hurts you in any way I will hunt him down. No one hurts my baby."
"Mum." Louis whines.
Harry lets out a huff trotting his way back to his house. Shifting back to his human form at the edge of the property he jogs to the back door and heads inside. He runs up to his room and grabs a pair of shorts and boxers, then goes to take a shower.
He's making himself a sandwich when there's a knock from the front door. He lays down his materials on the counter and walks over to open the door.
"Hi Harry!" His friend Liam shouts. Liam is the Alpha's son, meaning Liam will be taking over sometime in the next couple years. Harry never bothered with getting into a position of power in the pack. He's a warrior, does his duty (and is the best fighter) but he held no interest in looking after everyone. He's lazy.
"Liam, why the shout mate? You're right in front of me." Harry says. Liam shrugs and pushes pass Harry.
"Oh a sandwich." Liam says gleefully. Harry sputters.
"Hey that's mine!" He whines.
Liam shrugs. "Make another."
Harry rolls his eyes and starts to make another sandwich.
"So where've you been mate? You're always gone during the day now." Liam asks taking another bite.
Harry smiles to himself and dreamily says, "I found my mate."
Liam's eyes widen. He hasn't even found his mate yet.
"Well congrats. You going to bring him round then?"
It was known and widely accepted that Harry was gay, it wasn't uncommon for there to be same sex mates in werewolf packs.
Harry winced a little at the question. He couldn't bring Louis around yet. He had to figure out how to tell Louis about their kind first.
"No, he-he's human, and I met him in my wolf form. As far as he knows I'm just a giant wolf that can understand him." He sighs. He takes a bite of his sandwich, to distract his mouth from blurting anymore of his frustrations.
Liam's eyes fill with sympathy for his friend. He can imagine how frustrating it must be for Harry not to be able to hold his mate and talk to him in person. He decides not to say anything knowing Harry doesn't like the useless words.
They sit eating in silence for a little bit, both lost in thought until Harry's mother, Anne, and sister, Gemma, walk into the kitchen.
"Why so quiet boys? Hi love. Hi Liam." She says with an eyebrow raised and kisses them both on the head in greeting.
Harry mumbles a hello, still lost in thought. Liam decides to answer.
"Harry found his mate, but he's human and only knows Harry as a wolf."
"Oh that's rough." Gemma blurts. Anne gives her a small glare. "Sorry." She mumbles.
"I'm sorry love, how are you going to tell him?" Anne wonders.
Harry shrugs, finishes the last bite of his sandwich and stands. "I'll figure it out. I'm happy with him right now so no need to worry." He says with a smile.
"Ah crap." Liam whispers and glares at his watch. "Sorry got to go, dad wants to 'go over alpha duties'." Liam says with an eye roll and air quotes.
Harry snickers and earns a glare from Liam. "Have fun Alpha." He says mockingly.
Anne slaps him upside the head. "Harry, you should know your not supposed to speak to him with that tone." She scolds.
"But it's Liam." He complains and rubs his head. Gemma just rolls her eyes and walks out.
Anne sighs. "Go learn Liam, you're already late right?"
Liam's face falls and he grimaces then runs out the front door. Harry chuckles again and that earns him a glare from Anne. He raises his hands in surrender and goes upstairs to his room. Upon arrival he falls into his bed and with a last thought of his beautiful mate he finds himself falling asleep.
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