An idea that turned into a story

Before the actual story.

A lonely girl went out to eat when all of the sudden she heard a whimper or a cry out in a alleyway. She went to check it out and found a child crying in a box. When she looked at the child, something switched and all the sudden the child got quiet and stared, but not at her tho (This is important). The girl at first was frightened, but then asked the little boy if he'd liked a new home with her after she'd had found out he was homeless. He stared at the ground as he nodded and the girl took him in as her own.

At first, everything was fine, but then she started to notice something strange about the boy. She starts to realize why the boy was abandoned in the first place. The kid would just stare. It's honestly getting creepier and creepier the longer he stayed with her. So, she decided it was best to let him go.

She made up an excuse to take him to daycare because she had work. The boy seemed to already figure out what she was going to do but didn't speak about it, stared directly in to her eyes before he cried. That was the first time he'd ever looked at her in the eyes. However, she didn't take notice and continued to think he was just sad that he had to go to daycare. She told him it would be alright and to just make a couple of friends when he gets there. She highly doubt he'll make any friends, but she didn't care at the moment as she dragged the child to the car and drove off. The child wouldn't let up and continued to cry, the girl got fed up with the crying but ignore it and continued to drive.

Finally, after she had arrived at her destination, the child had tired himself out to the point the he'd pass out from exhaustion. The girl sighed and carefully got him out the car seat without waking his up. Successfully, she brought him inside of the adoption center, or the orphanage, if you must, and dropped him off.

By the time the boy woke up, he realized that the girl really had done it, he looked around and seen many kids of his age but didn't feel like communicating with any. He wouldn't dare to look at someone in the eye, fearing the worst.

He was upset bit mostly angry, that the girl would do such a thing and also angry at himself for not trying to do anything about it. So, the only thing he could do is cry, cry himself to sleep, hoping that someone else would chose him as their own and wishing something bad would happen to a certain someone.

1. With the girl, when the boy was still living with her, she had found a guy. They've both has been going out for a while and they both has been happy. After she lefted the boy. The couple were still happy, but then, after a few days, the guy was getting distanced. The girl tried to get him back but he would just shove her away. A couple more days and the couple started getting into fights and threatening each other. The guy finally had enough and left her for good.

2. The girl would sometimes go out to walk, shop or just to find somewhere to eat. Miserable, The first few days without the guy and boy, seemed to let the girl feeling a bit down. Walking around town, people would stare at her. She would think that there was something on her face or something of that sort and brushed it off. After that, everytime she would take a walk, people would stare at her either in pity, in anger or would just stare. She would try to ask why, but she would get no response back, only stares. She would get uncomfortable and leave. But, everywhere she goes people seemed to stare at her. She didn't like it. So she gave up waking and returned home, after, of course, getting groceries that would last her a few weeks.

3. She can't take it anymore. She feels like she's being stalked. She feels like she is going insane. She keeps twitching every now and then and looks behind her every 5 secs as if she believes that she is being followed. She talks to herself, screams, pulling her, now greasy hair. She hates it, she hates it, she really does hates it. She, at one point, blamed the boy, she had, for doing this to her. ... Well... She's not wrong, this was the boys doing. She just didn't know it was him yet.

4. After a month of pure hell, everything seemed to go back to normal. She took better care of herself more than normal, her hair is no longer greasy, she went outside and no one bothered her, AND the guy came back! He had apologized, saying that he had no idea what came over him. She finally felt at peace, like nothing could ever stop this peace from messing this up. ... Pssh, yeah right.

5. She has gotten a fever. The guy tried to take care of her but was slowly losing interest as he was going out longer than needed. The fever seemed to get worst as days went by. Finally, she cracked. She got up from her bed, slowly went out of the house and disappeared. Never! To. Be. Seen. OoOOOooOo.

To the actual story now.

That was a year ago when that happened. ^^

There's this guy, he wanted to adopt a child. He had a sister, that was living with him, but she was always gone, doing something in her own time. They've really never truly hang out together as a family. Pretty sad, right? He gets lonely in the house sometimes, so he decided it's best to finally get someone or something to accompany him. He could've gotten a dog or cat, but his sister wouldn't allow that, so a child is his best bet. He's sure that his sister would like to see a child, and that it wouldn't be too much of a problem to take care of one.

He went to the adoption center and asked if he could adopt a child. With an obvious answer, He went to the back and looked at all the possible children he could adopt. He looked and looked and finally found one that stood out. He was a light brown skinned boy with fuffy Coco brown hair faded white as it goes down. It looked like a cup of hot chocolate. As he went closer to him, he noticed the boy staring down at the ground, he looked lost in thought. The guy didn't think of sorts and couched down so he could get a better look of him. Chubby face, wide silver eyes looking down at the ground, little freckles dusted around his cheeks. Above his head, on his hair, he could see little hair strands of white. To conclude, the kid was adorable and he wanted to adopt this child as his own. He asked the little one if he wanted to and of course he nodded. As they were settling in, the guy asked what age, and the boy told him he was 5.

Just like the girl, except for getting rid of him, he noticed the boy would stare. Not at him but at nothing in particular. Sure, he didn't think much, thinking that it was a kid thing. Well, he's not exactly wrong... But, the fact is that the kid hasn't been directly staring at him or in the eyes.

One day, he was with his sister, watching TV, the boy was in his room, sleeping. The guy decided it was time to check the child. He went upstairs and found that the child's door was open and the boy was out of bed, staring at the floor, he didn't acknowledge the guys present and He looked like he was about to cry. The guy slowly walked towards the boy, and called out his name. The boy snapped his head up and stared at the guy, obviously startled. Upon realizing what he had done, the boy eyes widen, tears starts to pore out. He was about to scream until the guy immediately hugged the boy and hushed him saying that it's alright and took him straight to bed. The boy was petrified, the guy stared in his eyes, he didn't want to see the outcomes of it. Everyone seems to die when they look at him in the eyes. The guy was the second person to love him and NOT leave him. The guy tucked the boy in bed and kissed his forehead goodnight.

For the first couple of weeks, everything seemed fined. Nothing really happening to the guy. The boy was relieved, it seemed as if the boy could finally looked at someone in the eyes without having to worry about the outcomes of it. The boy has gotten closer to the guy. The boy smiled for the first time and had finally warmed up to him. The guy was happy that the boy finally started talking and smiling more. He felt proud to be called a father. It only took about three months to get the boy to warm up to him.

After about a month, the guy starts to notice something blue walking around. He blinked and rubbed his eyes to see if it was real. When he opened his eyes, it was gone so he thought it was just his imagination and shrugged it off.

But then after a while, he went to take a walk and he would keep seeing blue blurs. He assumed it was fake but after looking at the blue blurs, they looked more and more like ghosts. He figure that he can now see ghosts and thought it was pretty cool. He got back home and told his sister about what he could see now, she didn't believe him, of course. He expected too.

He went upstairs and seen his child staring at the floor again, he looked at the floor and seen a blue blur. The guys eyes widen, could the boy also see ghosts as well? He would like to find out. So, he did, he called out the boy's name and asked. The boy looked confused first but then his eyes widen. He looked at the guy in fear and beckoned the the guy to follow him.

The boy went to a blue blur and pointed at it, asking if he could see it. The guy, confused, nodded his head. The boy started panicking saying that this was his fault. He should've of been more careful. The guy hugged the boy, asking what's wrong, and the boy told him, he is not what he'd think he is, that he's a monster, a devil (persay). The boy told the guy that he was cursed when born that if he looked at a person in the eye, they'd be cursed, as well. Either they would go insane, disappear without a trace, get insanely sick, have extreme bad luck or die. It seems as if the guy didn't conclude any of the following, so he felt extremely lucky.

The guy told the boy that he wasn't a monster and that everything would be fine, nothing would happen.
The boy grew up and the guy was right, nothing really happened except for the time the guy got sick and the boy cried thinking it was his fault... It wasn't, it was just a common cold. The boy has gotten sunglasses to hide his eyes. He goes to school, the guy had to take everything of his power to get the principal to agree to let the boy keep his sunglasses on during the whole school year. The principal reluctantly agreed. That's why there's a rule about no sunglasses in school unless it's prescripted.
Because he'd gotten sunglasses. He was different from others. People would bully him because they often thought he was blind. One time, he came across a bully and the bully took off his glasses. The boy didn't want to open his eyes but the bully forced them open causing their eyes to be locked. The next day, the bully acted strange, like he was drunk, swaying from side to side as he walked. After about two days, the bully was no where to be found. The boy blamed himself for looking into the bully's eyes and blamed the bully for taking his sunglasses and forcing his eyes open. From then on, the boy was the gossip of the month and was often avoided.
That was, until a young girl and boy came into his life. They didn't know what had happened since they just moved into town. They lived two houses down from the boy's. Ironic, right? The kids were twins, the boy was older by 10 mins. They were both smart, rich (from their parents), and loved to talk and hang out with one another.
The twins got to the school by car and became the gossip of the week. One person came up to them and offered to show them around. They agreed. After being showed around, people went up to them and asked them all sorts of questions, They looked and were uncomfortable but all of a sudden the questioning stopped when a young boy spoke up. Everyone looked at the boy in surprise, the twins took this opportunity to escape and left with only one thought in their mind, they wanted to thank the boy for saving them.
When they got the chance to thank him, the boy brushed it off, saying that they were just in the way. The twins were interested in the boy, so they stuck around him. Before long, someone pulled the twins aside and told them the rumor about the boy. The person said that the boy had sunglasses for a reason and that it wasn't because he was blind. Which the twins already knew and got bored until they heard more of the rumor. The person told them that there was a bully who'd use to bully him and had gotten the guts to take off his sunglasses to force his eyes open. After that, he acted drunk and disappeared. The person said that It had to do with the boys eyes, so everyone avoided him and that the twins should too.

The twins didn't believe what the person said but was curious to see if it was true. They decided to look for the boy during lunch hour. They found the boy sitting alone outside, on a bench, under a tree. He looked lonely. They sat next to him and started talking as if they were his friends. The boy looked confused and asked what they were doing. They told him that he interest them and that they wanted to be his friend. The boy didn't believe them so he yelled at them and walked away.
The twins wouldn't let up. They followed him around, talked as if they weren't following. They sat near him but not beside him. The boy allowed it, and that is until he realized each day, at lunch, they sit closer and closer by him. He got mad but then decided brush it off, he didn't care anymore, they can do whatever they wanted. They twins took noticed how the boy didn't look tense anymore and looked content like he didn't mind letting them get closer to him. They figured that it was okay to sit beside him again. And so they did.
After a while, the boy seemed to really enjoy their company and hung out with them. The twins seemed really happy. The twins and boy got to know each other better. They found out that they lived close by. The boy met the parents of the twins, while the twins met the boys father figure and the guys sister.
One day while they were hanging out at the twins house. The girl twin asked the boy about the rumor. The boy looked devistated, he told them not to leave him alone and that the rumor was true. The twins looked surprised, upset, but mostly, interested. They asked all kinds of questions like what color is the boys eyes, why'd the bully go loco after seeing his eyes, does it happen to everyone if they look, what are the symptoms when you do look or after, Etc. Etc.

The boy was surprised, they didn't think he was weird, or a monster? The boy tried his best to answer their many questions, struggling a bit. After that, they've gone closer, just like the boys father, the twins were proud to be called his best friends.
The boy grew up into a loving home with good people in it. He got good friends and a loving family of his own. A wife and three children, one of them were adopted.

As the time went by, the, so called, curse faded away from existence. At the age of 38, he found out the curse was gone when he accidentally forgot his sunglasses and went out on an date with his girlfriend (This was back before they got married and was still dating). She told him how his eyes are really gorgeous and he immediately left the date. After a while, his girlfriend visited him and they hung out together. He told her about the curse and she stayed with him, hugging and telling him, it was alright, yet he was still afraid what would happen to her.

After about a month, he noticed that nothing exactly happened to her. He asked if she felt weird or felt anything different. She told him no, other than her boobs growing bigger....
He was surprised, he tried it on a few others and got the same results. That's when he realized the curse was gone. He was really happy and relieved that he didn't have to wear sunglasses anymore. He told everyone he knew and they were really happy to hear and celebrated. The boy also found out that the father couldn't see any blue blurs anymore.
After everything that happened, the people who were claimed missing, were still missing, never to be found.

The End!


Omg finally! (╥﹏╥) Just so y'all know I'm to lazy to write out names. If you don't understand the terms of he, him, her, she all in one sentence then oops! Sorry. Ya, so, Hope you enjoy, this was the most longest one chapter of my life. This wassss supposed to be an idea of what to write be it turned into a story real quick (You can tell if take your time reading it). So, ya. I'm gonna let y'all be now so goodnight/morning/afternoon/evening to wherever y'all are.

Bye, My Gummies bears and worms!

Started at: 12am
Ended at: 3am

Words count: 3080 words

Update: you know... I wasss going to publish the thing without editing it but then I was like "haha, no." So, I went through some heavy editing before publishing this and omg. It was alot. There might be a few errors but idk. Peace!

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