Chapter 8( What Happened?

Sly's POV

OK so I hate JESS! But here is what happened after Jess left (I'M SO SORRY IF I GET SOME INFORMATION WRONG!I HAVEN'T WATCH THAT MANY OF SLY'S VIDEOS AFTER JESS AND CASTOR LEFT SO DON'T JUDGE ME! Also if I don't use all details from Sly's channel. Like Kid Hero. )

Flash Back!

After Jess left after the battle with the Gawkens and A BIT of Loki we didn't know what to think. We look low and high for her but never found trace. It hurt us to think that are one true friend Jessica was gone... Shortly after Castor left. He came back to tell us he found JESS! We were all so excited! But ends up she wasn't there. So we went back. Everyone kinda split into there different ways. Me and Kala became a thing. Steven himself.... Katz turned into venom for a short period of time. Jose got these rings that made home evil and turn the hall into..... Blood..... Alex went to Metropolis... Kala become Spider Woman and wants ALL THE SUITS!....And... OH YEAH! I have this evil side thx to Jose! ULTRON PRIME! So I hate him... Like usual. Yep! But we all stayed together to fight crime! YEAH!

End of Flashback!

".... And that's what happened after the time period you were gone!" I said to Jess. Her expression was shocked! "So let me get this straight, YOU turned evil because of Jose, Kala wants all the suits, Katz was venom, Steven was well Steven, And Castor is still crazy about chickens!" She said. We all nodded. "Yep!" Katz said. "Wow. Just wow! And I thought my life was crazy!" She said. "OH YEAH! What about YOUR LIFFFFEEE JESS!" Castor said. "Oh right well...."

Jess's POV

After I saw you guys dead I found an apartment area and lived there. I met new friends named Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Garoth, Laurence, Dante, Nicole, Travis, Aaron, Lucinda, Cadenza, Vylad, and Zane! I didn't trust them at first so I told them my middle name Aphmau so they won't figure out I'm Lady Thor! Most of the boys found me attractive which made it feel AKWARD being friends with them... I kept thinking about the Few every day until I saw them on the news.

End of Flash Back!

"And we'll you guys know the rest!" Jess said. "WAIT! THEY THOUGHT OF YOU ATTRACTIVE ! HAHHAHA RIGHT!" Jose said laughing his head off. Steven looked angry. I stared at Jose " Well they would of ran from you! EVEN WHEN YOUR SUIT IS OFF! OHH!" I said crossing my arms back in forth. "OH YOU JUST GOT BURNED" Alex said "OH SHUT UP ALEX BURN! ITS NOT LIKE THEY WOULD DO THE SAME TO YOU!" Everyone went OHH "Oh NO THEY WOULDN'T! I HAVE THE PERFECT BODY! WERK IT! HAVE SOME STEAK FOR YOUR BODY!" Alex said while Throwing steak at Jose "HEY THROWING STEAK AT PEOPLE IS MY THING!" Castor said (if you have watch Iron and Coal with Satiel and Castor n Jess's channel then you would understand the joke I just made! HEHEHEHEHE!!!!) "OH SHUT UP YOU CRAZY CHICKEN MAN!" Steven screamed back at Castor "SAYS THE ONE WHO BLEW UP MY CHICKEN COOP!" Castor replied, Wait What? "I THOUGHT YOU WERE OVER THAT!" Sly said joining the conversation "SHUT UP STARK!" Alex, Castor, Jose, and Alex all screamed at Sly " I should shut up?! YOU ARE THE ONES TO TALK YOU ARE ARGUING OVER HOW AWSOME YOU GUYS ARE WHEN IT'S CLEAR..... I'M THE BEST OUT OF ALL OF YOU!" Sly said showing his musseles "OH REALLY?" they all asked. They kept on arguing and me and Kala were laughing our heads off, and for some reason Kala had some pop corn on her! "HAHAHA! THEY ARE ALL SO STUPID! THEY ALL ARE UGLY AND WE ARE THE BEST!" Kala said as we high five each other while eating some pop corn after words. "IKR! HAHAH" I said "Hey you want to come to my new house and leave these suckers!" Kala said getting ready to run " Yeah!" I said while getting up ready to run as well. We ran to Kala's leaving the boys behind to argue over who was the Best and the most attractive!

3rd person's POV

"Hey! Were did the girls go?" Castor question "Probably ran away from your horrible Chicken smell!" Steven said while whipping at his nose like he is trying to get rid of a nasty Oder. "HEY! Now I feel like eating some chicken!"' Jose said taking out a cooked chicken. Castor gasped "HOW DARE YOU?! YOU MURDER!" "OH SO THAT'S WHY GIRLS RUN FROM YOU! YOUR FACE, SUIT, AND NOW YOUR ODER!" Alex said to Jose "WAIT! JOE THAT'S MY CHICKEN" Sly said sounding angry "HEY! STEVEN STOOL SOMETHING TOO!" Jose remarked "STEVEN!" "YEAH! I stool a chicken sandwich!" Steven said while eating the chicken sandwich "YOU THREE ARE ALL MURDERS!" Castor cried out. Why the rest guys were arguing Alex was secretly eating chicken under his steak from Castor.


Hey Team,

I hope you guys like this chapter! I finished my testing so......YAY!!!!! NOW I CAN MAKE MORE CHAPTERS! YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Also I'm doing a Q/A this Friday so ASK ME QUESTIONS! updates on the next chapter!

Love y'all!





FLAME~SAMA CHAN OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
906 words!

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