
"Those sleeves were a bitch. So you feel better?" Dan Smiled.

"Much better thank you. I'm honestly probably leave my shirt off. For the rest of the day." I smiled, with my eyes still closed. 

"Go for it I seen how much sweat you. Had pour off you. Yeah keep that shirt off. But what the heck are you made. I've never seen a seventeen-year-old built like you. You're built like a freaking Marine." He teased playfully punching my shoulder. I chuckled.

"Okay Rosalina you can come back over. Sin you need anything else just haller." I said not even bothering. To open my eyes or even except. For giving him a thumbs up. Ever heard him get up and go back to sleep if she move back over sitting beside me.

"So you got a girlfriend?" She, I have to look at her. But didn't move my head. Catching her looking me all up and down.

"Me no never had a girlfriend. I mean has crush on a few. But never actually dated anybody. Why, you?" I laughed.

"Just two. Holy crap are you serious. I mean not to be rude you're a total hunk. Half my friends would scratch. My eyes out just work talking to you." She said,  I laughed.

"Oh ya. Well you might think I'm that now. But before I blossomed. I wasn't exactly even appealing. Trust me nobody ever noticed me. Why are you still interested?" I joked snickering.

"Listen homeboy nothing could say. Could make me not interested in all that." She joked back. Making me laugh.

"Yeah but sweetie if it's long-distance. you know it's not going to work?" Her dad said.

"Woodland where you from?" I was pretty impressed with her persistent.

"Actually I'm from Woodland too." I laughed. Making her smile excitedly.

"Cover." She said.

"Maple." I replied.

"HA. Its not long distance if you told me to freeze up from us." She yelled to her dad.

"Okay fine you win. But only because I like him." He replied in defeat.

"So can I be your first girlfriend?" She asked eagerly.

"Isn't it supposed. To be the guys supposed to ask the girl. Not the other way around." I chuckled.

"Are normally. But I'm not waiting for you to ask me. So I'mma ask you." She said,  bluntly. Which only caused me laugh more.

"All right but you got to remember I'm a purebred. Which means I can only actually get serious with my partner. Are you still okay with that?" I asked.

"Yeah good as long as I can keep you all to myself. I can technically take that please. Plus I've dated half-breed. Before I know how dating a skinwalker goes. And trust me that's not what I'm looking for anyways. I'm looking for something. More long-term anyways. Why do you think I asked because. If the skinwalker chooses you they can't get another. Which means I don't have to worry about cheating. Plus mortal guys my age I just trying to sleep around. Why do you think I don't really date humans after the first boy had a crush on no he didn't do anything. But he did try to peer pressure me into. It and I was like dude we're 13 calm. The shit down. My dad was actually. The one that had to come in and make him leave. I told him I was doing. Why do you think dad said he likes you." She said, as the other passengers moved to the front. To give us our space leaving only us and her dad in the back of the bus.

"Understandable yeah I know most guys my age were like that. Why do you think I'm the complete opposite. And if anybody ever tries to do that again just tell me. I'll make sure they don't do it again. I least you know I respect women. In other words. You don't have to worry. About that with me." I assured, her and she kissed my cheek.

"Hey I'm just glad you said yes. Since you're up purebred. Most purebred avoid dating humans."

"Yeah well I'm not most. Purebreds and I was also raised by humans. I have nothing against them. Plus how can I say no to the first girl. That's been genuinely interested in me. Besides like I said if you just been dating it's not like your mom can the measure soulmate now that's serious commitment. He says we're both still pretty young. We shouldn't be thinking about that serious anyways. One reason why I will never understand my brother. He acts like sex is nothing and to a skinwalker it's the opposite. I mean he's literally the same age as me it had more girls than I care to count. And no I don't mean as girlriends. But I do like his current one she's a sweetie. She's damaged goods but she's a sweetie. Which reminds me she's going to flush it when she sees me.

She's got a bad background. She came from an abusive family. But the stays between us." I whispered in her ear.

"Hey I don't air my boyfriend's dirty laundry. In other words I'm not going to tell anybody your business." She assured me.

"I know. But I'd rather be honest with you. Then you find out later. I mean cuz I want to see somebody. I might as well be honest with them." I replied, as she grabbed. My hand weaving her fingers through mine. Holding my hand. Taking a picture with her phone. Started taking over when interest for typing here she was putting Mentos her background for her social media page. But I did laugh when I seen the caption. 'OMG he's so perfect. Look at how tiny. My hands are compared to his.🤣'

"What you can't get mad at me. If they can't see your face." She said, posting it.

"Under normal circumstances. That would be the case. But you're my girlfriend you get special treatment. Which means if you a picture. All you got to do is ask." I said she jumped on my lap and took a bunch of pictures of her with her head on my chest with my arms around her. All you could see was from my nose down. But it was a really good visual of my muscles. As she typed another caption. 'Who needs a throne. When I get a man built like this.'

"Can they post I'm not posting any with your actual face in it because if anybody recognizes that you're a skinwalker. They might try to start shit. I made that mistake with the half-breed I dated like they flipped so I can only imagine how they would react to find out your actual purebred. But can you take a picture with my flexing? Sorry but I do absolutely love your muscles." She asked, giving me the big eyes and the pouty lip.

"Yeah come her." I've been making sure to get her into view. Leaving one arm wrapped around a waste in the other are used to flex. I watched over her shoulder issue took picture after picture listen to poses. Making sure to keep my face out of it. As she captioned all of them. 'My man is built like Hercules not even joking.' 'Haters going to hate.' 'Does he treat you like a queen? Mine does.' 'He spoils me way to much.' 'Loyal.' 'How could he not make me crazy' 'THIS IS ALL MINE. Hands off my precious.'

She posted them. She was still sitting on my lap. As I laid my chin on her shoulder reading. All the posters she scroll through her news feed.

"Damn Kitty obsessed with cats." I said.

"Yeah she's kind of got like ten." She replied. Answer notification started going off like crazy. I watched as she flipped through to see. They were all on the pictures she posted. She clicked on the first one. Of  just our hands with us holding hands. There were so many comments. But her best friend commented. Congratulations and we just kinda scand. The other comments on the other pictures. Till she stopped on Pacific boys.  JR who commented. 'Ha to think I was actually thinking about getting back with you despite the fact we're different species. Fake bitch.' I snatched her phone. Commenting.
'Say that again half breed and I'll show you a fake bitch. No one insults my queen without having. To deal with her king first. Which is me never you.'

As he replied. 'Well your guts for a human I'll give you that.'

'Who said anything about me being human halfwit.' I snickered. 'So your hybrid?' He replied. 'Negatory not even  close. Try again.' I commented.

"So much for hiding the fact your a purebred. Your enjoying messing with him." She asked.

"Hell ya no asswhole calls my queen a bitch or fake without me having something to say about it. Besides I honestly don't care who knows what I am or what they have to say about me being with a human. It's none of their business. It's my life not theirs. I'm the one that has to live it not them. I'm not ashamed of what I am. Princess neither should you. We might be different species. But we all bleen the same." I whispered, she smiled.

"I'm honored to be your girl friend. I'm not ashamed of the fact that we're both different species. I'm not used to being with a someone whos actually a real man." She said kissing my cheek.

"Ya well get used to it. Because I'm not going anywhere." I replied kissing her cheek. She laughed. As her phone went off started her totally killing the mood. She lifted her phone to see her best friend calling. She answered, putting the phone to her ear.

"The hell girl. Congratulations. But when did this happen. Where can I meet this new hunka hunka. Sorry but those pictures DAMN. And who boo." Her friend said, she talked so loud. When she's excited.

"We got stuck on the same bus. I had to take from grandma's.  He was traveling by himself. And as soon as dad overheard he just turned seventeen. Dad asked, him if he wanted to sit by him since I was the only passager his age. And the rest is history." Rosalina replied. As Mallisa laughed.

"So why is he shirtless on a bus?" She laughed.

"Umm..." Rosalina replied, trying to make an excuse.

"Babe just tell her. She's gonna end up meeting me at some point anyways. Since she's your bestfriend. So either way she's gonna figure. Out sees me anyways. So will your other friends." I said.

"Holyshit even his voice is sexy... Wait what's he mean find out? And I'll notice when I see him? Is he ugly or something?" Mallisa asked. She just handed the phone to me. I put it to my ear.

"Shes nervous her friends wouldn't like me because I'm a purebred. That's why none of the pictures have my face in them. I don't wear my skin. Since I was raised by humans so I don't feel comfortable wearing one." I exclaimed.

"Rosalina there's is nothing wrong with him being a purebred. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. She should be proud to have someone. That's willing to defend her like you did. With her ex. And you're an actual gentleman. And even if our other friends don't like. Then their not her real friends. Because a real friend wouldnt care. Who she's with as long as shes happy. So Rosalina be proud of your man and skrew. What everyone else thinks." Mallisa said.

"Thank you I've been tell her that. I'm not ashamed of what I am. And should she. She's my queen. So if anyone would mess with her. They got to go threw me first. She my first girlfriend. So I'm determined not to let anyone mess it up and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. My names Sin by the way." I said, before handing the phone to her ear.

"So what do you think of him?" Rosa asked.

"Honestly he sound absolutely amazing. He actually genuinely cares, adores, and thinks the world of you. HES A KEEPER. So can I ask what type is he?" She asked.

"Well he was adopted right after he was born. By a mortal family. So they honestly don't know what he is. But they think he's a purebred demon. But hes a total sweetheart. Warning hes huge in person." Rosa smiled.

"Whicked I can't wait to meet him. Could you possibly take a picture. With his face. I'm so curious of what he looks like." She said, as I nuzzled her neck.

"Ya give me a sec someone's being really lovey dovy, and affectionate. I sware hes part cat. Just video chat me." Rosa said, pulling the phone away from her ear. Then she put it video chat. Making her friends face on her screen.

"See I can't get his attention. When he's like this. Babe. Babe." Rosa said, turning her head to me as I affectionatealy snuggled her. As my horns grew out.

"I can hear you. I just like snuggling and nuzzling you. So yes I'm part cat." I joked putting my head on her shoulder looking. Before facing her phone screen. Waving at her. She waved back.

"Well it's nice to put a face to a voice. Rosa you should be happy with such a good looking boyfriend." She said, I laughed.

"Nice to meet you Millisa." I smiled.

"I'm just glad to see she's finally in good hands. No ones ever treated how she deserves to be treated. I'm rooting for both of you." She said, before getting off. The rest of the time we watched videos. Getting on social media commenting on her friends statuses and comments. That they commented on her pictures. When suddenly even my phone went off turns out. From a secret messaging app. But the more pictures she took the more I noticed that markings were starting to show up all over my body. 'Hey dude. I didn't say that to you to make you mad. I said that she used to you would know to be aware. She was about ready to ask me back out. When she found you and I don't want her using you. Because I'm like me you do sound like a very nice guy and I don't say that to too many people. But I'm guessing that your purebred and I have a lot of respect for purebreds. And by the the pictures. I can tell you're a royal is markings on your body. Mark you as a member of Royal bloodline and just. So you know she's aware of this snatcher phone. When you get the chance you'll see what I mean. And go to her house as soon as you arrive. I'm her neighbor I will show you that I'm not lying to you. But I really don't want her misleading you. My king would have my head. Especially if I was aware of it and didn't help you.' I read. As my girlfriend got comfortable and fell asleep on my lap. And I decided to message him back.

'How'd you get my number first of all and second how do. I know I can trust you even though you seem sincere. I do care for her and I don't want to make a rash decision. Like that just based on somebody that. I don't know. Who already tried to cause me trouble meet me at her house. Or I'll meet you out of yours. Because I'm probably going to go her since my family is not home.' I texted sending it to him.

'You got it man. I wouldn't mislead you like that. I promise because from. What I can tell you're. Not just a royal you're a king and I'm not stupid enough. To lie to a King that's a death sentence.' He said sending me a message from her phone showing. Her talking to someone else in fact several people. Talking about my markings and how she had caught in the biggest catch ever. One of them even commented saying hey if you marry him you at least you'll have high status.

'Dude look in her purse she has two phones she did it to me too believe it or not she only dated me because that was a noble because she knew I had feelings for her she's good at manipulating people. Especially non-humans because we're too trusting because she's human we think that she's not going to use us. Why do you think that she had you flexing and stuff in the pictures there was a reason she was trying to show off that she got a nice one cuz trust me anybody that she thinks is stronger than you shows up she'll hit on them. She even tries to seducing my king. The first time I introduced them.' He said sending me a picture of her trying to sit on the king of vampires lap. She look like she was being all flirty like when she first met me. But he looked very uncomfortable. So whenever she was sleeping I guiltily looked in her purse while her dad was sleeping since it was such a long ride. And found the second phone. Just as he had said in war do you know. Where was a shit ton of messages on it. From a contact she had as my true love always and forever. That had been messaging her nonstop asking her if she got my blood yet. Why did she need my blood. What was she using me for. It wasn't unknown. That skinwalkers had blood that could be used. To cure all kinds of stuff like cancer and non-cruable diseases. He gave me the pin so I unlocked it to actually read what was going on. And that's exactly what it was the guy she was actually in love with had cancer. So he was having her try seducing any. Skinwalker she could get a hold of to get their blood. The stronger the better. And from what I read her father knew nothing about it. In fact your father forbid her to see him. Her dad did not trust him. Because of how manipulative he was. Because he wasn't just collecting the blood for that any blood he found that he couldn't use he was selling to pharmaceutical companies they could use antibodies in their blood to use in medicine. But he also showed me stuff that he had gotten off the guy's phone that proves that he didn't actually have cancer using that as an excuse to make money. Because of how much they were paying him for the samples which was thousands. But if she gets the blood of a king it will give him more Millions. They've been trying to get samples from Kings will offer. Enough for him to no longer need her. And he was talking to other women. So she wasn't the only one he had doing this. But the last message what really pissed me off how he said if she got my blood he'd be set for life. Because of how much they're paying for a king's blood. Are much much more powerful. Than even a regular purebred. I sent him all of the screenshots I had taken from her phone and he clarified that that's what he was trying to warn me he only found out. Because he caught her giving him his blood. But she never succeeded. Because all the kings are so much older than her. They don't go after minors. So she was using me. Beause I'm the youngest king on the record. I thanked him and told him I appreciated his cooperation and told him I'd be there within two hours. Because in all reality we've already been. On the bus for 7 hours and altogether it's more like 10 hours. I had him directly connect my phone to her second phone. So I could prove to her dad. When I expose her that I'm not lying. But also to prove to her that she's being an idiot and to give up on him. Because he's just using her. I flipped her phone back without her even knowing that I opened it and he bugged it to. Where she couldn't tell that I had read the messages. But I did Jack the viles she was going to sticks the blood in and the needles. She wouldn't be able to use any on me. I made sure to hide them securely where she couldn't find them. Some of them are already full but they weren't mine they were marked. By other being like a werewolf or vampire. When was none other than her best friends boyfriend's. Because he was part dire wolf. Which was kind of disturbing to know. That she was even doing this to her friends.

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