Total Drama Idea 1: Noha's Total Drama - Season 3 #6

383. Are at lunch (already 7.5 hours flying + everyone eats sensible food) + Chris says that 1st class is needed to prepare for the next challenge (everyone has to be in economy class) & trying to gain advantage by eavesdropping will be punished 

o Has a special guest there 

384. Courtney accidentally sits on Gwen's hand + Courtney has solution to Gwen's sunburn problem (has bucket of green tea and bird guano mixture) --> Heath says what guano is 

385. Sierra uses pizza box as a laptop and writes pad + Noha makes fun of her (imitates her) --> Owen splashes her with nose milkshake while laughing 

386. Noha can't help but laugh as pepperoni shoots out of Owen's nose and hits Heath + Alejandro apologizes 

387. Noha also apologizes (wants to freshen up/take a shower before having to take on the next challenge) + thinks she heard a scream --> opens the door with a towel wrapped around her and calls out but gets no answer (thinks she misheard) 

388. Returns to Econemie Class (has hair tied in a ponytail) + sees that Alejandro is still missing (assumes he still needs a break from the madness) & continues reading book (3rd volume). 

o quote; P.10: "The letter, which had no date, signature or address, read: "A gentleman who wishes to speak to you on a very important matter will call on you this evening at a quarter past eight. The services you recently rendered to a ruling European house prove that you can be entrusted with matters of the utmost importance. This judgment was confirmed to us from all sides. So please be home at the designated time and not misinterpret if your visitor is wearing a mask.

389. Chris reports over the loudspeaker: permission to land was rejected/denied --> have to jump out of the plane + there aren't enough parachutes for everyone (boss miscounted) 

390. Race into the elimination room, where there are parachutes & first jump out + there are only four candidates left (Noha, Owen, Sierra, Cody) & three parachutes --> Noha trips Cody and grabs one of the parachutes, puts it on and jumps out (Noha: >No offense!<) 

o Confessional – Noha: >Was that a dirty move? Yes, I admit that. But the alternative would have been that Cody and Sierra would have gotten a flat belt and I would have had to share one with Owen. I like the Big Guy, but I like my life a little more.< 

391. Her eyes widen as Bridge realizes where she's heading (Tower Bridgeth) + flinches a bit as Owen falls on the double-decker bus 

392. Enter the bus and drive off + Noha looks out the window and sees posters of musicals (Noha: >I hope we can get through the challenge quickly, then maybe I'll get the chance to see "Six" at 8:30 p.m.<) (Gwen: >And here I was thinking you'd be more interested in seeing 221b Baker Street.<) (Noha: >Normally that would be true, but it's already late and I bet by the time we're done it will be Herlock Holmes Museum already closed.<) 

393. Heath is first to notice Alejandro is missing & Chris repeats question ominously + tells something about London before challenge explained (Need to find Jack the Ripper before he gets them) --> On the way to the Tower of London 

o Reason why Team Chris already has one less player 

o Noha realizes that she really heard the scream & must have been from Alejandro + asks others if they think he's okay 

• Tyler calms her down (is sure Al can take care of himself) 

• Owen thinks it's cute that Noha is so worried (referring to the fact that she likes Al) --> Noha denies it & claims it's only because it already puts her at a disadvantage compared to Team Amazon 

394. Reach Tower of Londen: Get a bag where rippers are supposed to stuff it + Chris how exactly it works (get clues that lead to the next one before the last clue leads to the hiding place) 

395. First clue is hidden in guard's clothes, which one has to take off to find + everyone shocked 

o Confessional – Noha: >Allaenat ealaa wahid akhar! How in three devil's names did Chris get permission for this?!< |*Damn another one! 

396. Bell rings

o Team Chris quietly agrees as Team Amazon sings that rock, paper, scissors will decide who has to take off guard

397. Noha looks frustrated as Team Amazon is already walking along + Tyler dawdles --> says to stop deliberately slowing down team + Tyler says he doesn't care about pulling someone out with teeth --> Noha massages temples/bridge of nose and says no one said he had to do it like that 

398. Owen tries to make a joke (wears guard's hat) & can't get a fart out + Noha starts searching through clothes that have already been taken off 

399. Found nothing except a pen and lint & refuses to search the guard's underpants + Owen suggests that they find more guards to undress and takes off his hat (the clue was in it) --> Noha gives him a look before the clue reads and Leads towards the south tower 

400. Is a little out of breath when reaching the top room & has a snack + see various torture instruments 

401. Chef explains in sheep judge outfit what needs to be done (one is clamped on a rack and others have to turn) + Tyler volunteers (says be flexible because of yoga) 

402. Noha tells Owen to tie Tyler up before he changes his mind + Owen says he noticed she was acting a little different while tying Tyler up (again hinting that she likes Al more than she lets on) 

403. Noha denies + replies that this is not the case & does not notice that he delves into what he says and comes to Ex (gets angry and breaks arrow) --> Tyler wants Owen to operate the rack 

o Noha: >What?! How did you come up with such an idea, Owen? I would never fall in love with someone who flirts with every girl he meets and doesn't care how other people feel.< *takes arrow that happens to be lying there* >I mean he didn't seem to care at all that Bridgeth already was in a relationship or Lindsey or Leshawna. How could you be sure that his interest is serious and not just some ploy to get something out of it or that he and his buddies are having fun playing with the feelings of a stupid, naive little girl because they can't get any better white. CAN YOU HEAR ME, DUSTIN? I WON'T FALL FOR THAT AGAIN!< *breaks arrow in two* 

o Tyler: >I would feel a lot more comfortable if Owen operated the rack.

o Owen: >So, uh...who is Dustin?

o Noha: >Huh?

• Confessional – Noha: >Oh shocker. The nerd was once in a relationship that didn't end well (sarcastic). I won't say what happened back then, that's private and should stay that way! The only thing I'll say is advice to all the girls out there who think they've found their dream guy: first make sure you really know your partner and if something is too good to be, I would question.

404. Owen is at the bike & Tyler starts screaming --> Owen and Noha have hands in the air in front of them (haven't started yet) + Tyler promises to be quiet 

405. Owen starts & Noha stands at the shutter, which opens slowly (says how much longer + assures Tyler that it's good and it'll be over soon) 

406. Noha gets the hint when Luke is wide enough & Owen immediately lets go of the wheel & Tyler whimpers a bit as he lies flat on the rack again 

407. Noha reads note (mention of food) + Owen runs straight out --> Noha calls after him + tells Tyler that he will be back immediately before Owen gets lost 

408. Catch up with Owen and stop him (1. Don't know where the banquet hall is | 2. Still have to get rid of Tyler) --> go back and hear scream 

409. Race last piece + Tyler is gone --> agree that they can't separate anymore if they don't want to get caught + go to the banquet hall 

410. Reach banquet hall + Noha goes into dog mode when sees corgies --> Owen takes her out again when reminded of challenge 

o Noha: >'awh ~ kam hu latayfa! Owen, have you ever seen such cute guard dogs? Yes, that's you. Yes, that's you.< *starts petting dogs* |*Oh~ how cute! 

o Owen: >Noha? Noha? Noha?!

o Noha: >What?

o Owen: >What about the challenge?

o Noha: *blushes* >Oh. Hehe.

411. Starts searching table while Owen distracts dogs + finds colored egg with clue & Owen makes bad joke about "fur coat for animal lovers" (dogs jumped on him and bit him)

412. Noha reads the clue & Owen comes up with a solution + Owen stuffs dogs into bags (could be used against Ripper) & make their way to the bus 

413. Before entering the bus, Noha takes metal rod to defend herself + follows Owen into the bus 

414. Light begins to flicker before going out completely + someone holds Noha's hand in front of her mouth and drags her to the front of the bus --> in a panic, Noha steps on her attacker's foot and bites his hand 

415. Sees angry look for a moment (thanks to light from street lamp) & is pushed into driver's cab (loses metal rod in the process) + hears door being closed behind him 

416. Jumps up and tries to open again, but door won't open (Ripper used metal bar to lock) --> starts banging on door in panic while slowly having a panic attack (Noha: >No, no, no, no , no! Open the door! Please open the door! Asmahuu li 'an 'akhruj min huna! Raja'! 'ana 'atawasal 'iilayka, aftah albabi! Raja'a. Raja'!< |* Let me out of here ! Please! I'm begging you, open the door! Please. Please!) + screams as current situation overlaps with trauma situation (doesn't notice what's happening around her) 

o The driver's cabin with little light outside becomes a broom closet whose light bulb has broken 

o Sits huddled in the corner and rocks back and forth + tears running down her cheeks 

417. Owen overpowers Ripper with the help of the Corgies (and his fart) + Owen opens the door and turns the lights back on & helps Noha get out of her state (if she doesn't know what to do, he moves on to the next one) + one of the Corgies approaches approach her and nudge something 

o 5 things that can be seen: Owen, Corgie, steering wheel, ... 

o 4 things that can feel: clothes, floor, corgie, ... 

o 3 things that can be heard: her heart, Owen's breathing, the dogs' panting 

o 2 things that can smell: Corgie's sausage breath, Owen's fart 

o 1 thing that can taste: aftertaste from the snack you had 

418. Noha takes Corgie in his arms, stands up and pets him & just wants to go back to the plane because he is tired/exhausted + Owen throws the bag with Ripper over his shoulder and leads Noha out of the bus (is quieter than usual and just stares ahead of himself ) 

o Interns are already waiting for them to go to the plane 

419. Reach plane at the same time as Gwen and Courtney (also have something in the bag) + Owen is relieved that everyone is okay & apologizes to Tyler for forgetting --> Tyler is okay with it, knows how Owen gets when it comes to food 

420. Gwen and Courtney ask what's wrong with Noha (hasn't said a word yet and seems generally distracted) + Heath makes fun of Noha having a breakdown  Gets dark looks from everyone 

421. Chris says it's time to see who won the challenge + tells them to be surprised and say "Old Man Jankins" (said to be a reference from Scooby Doo) --> doing this (except Noha) + are really shocked when Chris wears a mask pulls off and Zeke appears (has got greenish skin + only makes growling noises) 

422. Chris explains that he had a deal with Zeke after finding him in the cargo hold (could join in again if he manages to catch everyone) + will take care of him as soon as he continues to fly (boss puts Zeke in a small chamber for now) 

423. Check what Gwen and Courtney brought with them --> is Duncan + Chris names Team Chris as the winner because they solved the task & was reward challenge (get Duncan as an additional member) + Team Amazon still gets a small reward because they brought Duncan back (get sensible food) 

o Duncan wants to leave again, but Chris holds back with memories of what a breach of contract entails 

424. Chris says that they won't be flying until the next morning + can explore the city until 11 p.m. except for Duncan (doesn't want him to try to run away again) 

425. Noha on the way to 1st class when Gwen and Courtney suggest going to see the musical they wanted to see (if they hurry they could still get to the theater) + Noha politely declines (is exhausted and wants to lie down) --> Owen, Gwen and Courtney looks a little worried

426. Alejandro asks what musical is all about + the three explain that Noha was really happy about the opportunity to see it & after last season they even sang a few karaoke songs together 

427. Alejandro has an idea how to cheer up Noha + asks Courtney and Gwen if they could tell him where the musical will be playing & Owen where Noha's camera is 

o Confessional – Alejandro: >It's all part of my tactic to win Noha's trust for me. Additionally, your current mood could have an impact on our performance. It's definitely not because I'm worried or I can't stand seeing her so depressed. Definitely not!

428. Noha takes off her shoes, lies down on one of the rubbers with Corgie in her arms and pulls the blanket over her head before burying her face in the dog's fur 

429. Wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmare and holds hand over mouth to avoid waking others + huddles on rubber knowing only trying to sleep will get nightmare again + too tired to read 

430. Sits there for a few hours before Alejandro wakes up to have a drink + sees the dark circles already forming under her eyes --> chats (Noha tells him what happened to her back then) 

o Was fooled by Dustin (only went out with her because of a bet) + he pranked her at the middle school prom & then locked her in the broom closet --> was found by twins + has been claustrophobic since then (has gotten better when I know that at any time can leave the room) & mild to severe panic attacks when it's pitch black --> That's why she became the way she is now + Alejandro now understands why she reacted like that in Japan 

o Distanced himself from siblings after the incident + stopped smiling/showing emotions --> Siblings persuaded parents to give them a dog for the holiday (Golden Retriver; Arc) 

431. Alejandro is sorry she had to go through that & apologizes for reminding her of that idiot + gives her a little something that he thinks will put her beautiful smile back on her face 

o Autograph card from the actresses from Sixo Video/recording where actresses hope that she will get better soon 

432. Noha smiles slightly & thanks her + Alejandro is about to go back and lie down when Noha grabs his shirt and prevents him from leaving + asks him to stay with her for a while --> holds her hand and watches her for a bit before falling asleep sitting on the floor next to her 

433. Noha doesn't wake up until she's already flying + Alejandro greets her & gives her a tray of breakfast (missed it --> Alejandro stopped others from waking her up because he thought she needed her sleep) 

434. Noha thanks & asks others not to tell about previous night's conversation --> Alejandro promises that lips are sealed 

435. Noha notices how nervous Tyler is and asks what's wrong + Alejandro says it's been like this since last night after coming back from the toilets & got even more nervous when he asked and Duncan woke up and put emphasis on DEATH in his sentence --> Noha comes to the conclusion that whatever is going on with Tyler, Duncan has something to do with it + Alejandro says the same conclusion has been reached

436. Chris says over the loudspeaker to come to the dining area + says to go to the birthplace of the Olympics: Rome, Italy --> Alejandro & Gwen say Courtney was right + Noha makes passive-aggressive comment (Noha: >Wow, Chris . It seems like your interns aren't exactly the brightest candles in the candlestick. You should really get a competent assistant to make sure something like that doesn't happen. Oh wait, you had that and you got them because of some stupid coffee that was supposedly too cold fired!<) 

o Confessional – Noha: >Am I still bitter that Chris fired me for a stupid reason? Perhaps. Will I hold this against him forever if the interns mess up? You can bet on that!

437. Chris grumbles and calls interns before saying that everyone should hold on except one intern (pushes parachute into his hand) + plane tilts & intern falls out --> Alejandro has wrapped his arm around Noha's waist to give her more support 

438. Chris tells second intern to quickly find some information about Greece & goes to boss to correct flight course 

439. Everyone slowly gets back up & Noha says with red cheeks that she can let go again + Teams egg each other on & she notices Gwen avoiding Duncan's eye contact 

440. Go back to respective classes & Noha sees Gwen trying to talk to Courtney, but she brushes her off because she wants to spend some time with Duncan + Noha tries to read a book but thoughts keep wandering to Tyler and Duncan --> goes to Confessional 

o Noha: >Okay, whatever happened between Tyler and Duncan is still on my mind. It's like a complicated puzzle that I really want to solve. I saw Gwen being very careful not to look Duncan in the eyes. Could it have something to do with it? I already have a theory, but I can't imagine Gwen would stoop so low as to get involved in something like that. I'll be watching all this for a while, maybe my suspicions will grow stronger or it will be completely different than it seems.

441. Land in Athens and have to climb steps to the Acropolis + Noha says that if they really wanted to travel to the birthplace of the Olympic Games they should have flown to Olympia on the Peloponnese Peninsula (in other words between 289 and 327km away) 

442. Standing in front of Acropolis (The Acropolis - the landmark of Athens (Greece)) & Chris reads from the piece of paper the intern gave him + Owen is already about to undress when Chris mentions that earlier Games were played naked --> Noha already raises her hand to protect her eyes from the view and turns away slightly (Noha: >Allah jayid! Owen, don't you think you've done that more than enough in season 1?!< | *Good God) + Chris stops him (just a fact, not a request) 

443. Chris explains how it will work: All challenges are one-on-one competitions + winner gets gold medal --> team with the most medals wins 1st class 

o Confessional – Noha: >A challenge with purely physical tasks? Now I really hope we win or I'll end up on the chopping board.<

444. 1st task - Greek scavenger hunt in the Odeon of Pericles (Must find treasure there and come back): Gwen, Duncan and Noha report --> Chris decides that Gwen and Duncan will go (apparently Duncan was a little faster than them when reporting) 

o Gwen and Duncan behave strangely + Noha suggests that their only chance may be to win a medal 

445. As a punishment for not singing along to other songs because of an attempt to quit, Duncan has to sing until the end of the challenges/shooting otherwise he will get a handshake from the boss 

446. Gwen & Duncan get trash can lids as shields and are led away by boss + Chris goes to the next task with others (don't have to wait until others are finished) 

o Courtney is obviously worried/jealous and prefers to watch Gwen and Duncan 

447. 2nd task - Ancient Greek martial art Pancration in the Temenos of Dionysus (has no rules + goes until only one is standing) --> Cody volunteers but is waved off by Courtney and volunteers at the city dinner + Owen ready to compete against Courtney (Chris says Cody leaves because he was the first to report) 

o Noha makes little jokes about Cody (even she would be able to defeat him) --> angry Sierra volunteers to fight Noha for Cody's honor + Chris approveso Participants: Cody & Sierra | Owen & Noha 

448. Should step in a circle + bell sounds

449. Cody runs towards Owen and is pushed out + Noha runs away from Sierra (Chris: >You know this is a fight and not a run, right?<) (Noha: >And do you know that I do prefer to live?!<)

450. Sierra grabs Noha by the hair and drags her towards him before grabbing the collar and throwing her out of the circle --> Alejandro reacts immediately and catches her + Owen takes advantage of Sierra's inattention & his dissatisfaction with what she did to Noha and wins (gets 2 medals) 

451. Gwen shows up with her own medal + Courtney immediately asks what's wrong with Duncan & questions Gwen about something --> Chris leads on to the next location for the next task (Stoa des Eumenes) 

452. Task 3 - Hurdles: Courtney volunteers & Alejandro offers Tyler space if he does him a favor (will come back to this later) --> Courtney wins with ease & Tyler already stumbles over the first obstacle (Noha: *covers her eyes* >Let me know when the train wreck is over.<) 

453. Alejandro and Heath have to do tiebreakers at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus (have to try to achieve the medal with wing construction, whoever does it first wins) + are led into the makeshift changing room where they also have to put on an outfit 

454. Noha blushes and stares when Alejandro sees (has his hair tied up in a braid) + is spoken to/teased by Gwen about it --> Noha says it's because she's hot 

o Confessional – Noha: >Okay, that was embarrassing. But can you blame me? I mean Alejandro looked like the embodiment of a typical depiction of an angel. An...incredibly alternative angel.< *sighs dreamily* 

455. Before Chris gives the signal to start, Alejandro turns to Tyler and says that he calls in a favor: Tell him what he knows about Duncan and Gwen --> Tyler saw Duncan trying to kiss Gwen + Chaos entrupts & Courtney is held back by Sierra + Cody pounces on Duncan 

o Courtney: >I thought we were friends and you were just trying to cheat me out of my boyfriend. I hate you!

o Gwen: >Hey, Duncan tried to kiss ME and I stopped him. Maybe I was once interested in Duncan in that way, but I would NEVER prey on someone else's boyfriend.

o Courtney: >Oh and should I believe you?! Then why didn't you tell me?

o Gwen: >I TRIED! But you always brushed me off or said we'd talk later.

o Courtney: >LIES! A real friend would have insisted that the conversation not be postponed!

456. Chris gives the start signal & Alejandro takes off + Heath briefly distracted by chaos before realizing what Alejandro wanted to achieve and follows him 

457. Team Chris watches Heath and Alejandro + feathers fall down to them --> Noha's eyes widen, remembers mythology again + asks Chris if he has an idea for tiebreakers from the mythology/legend of Icarus & Chris confirms 

458. Heath almost medaled (managed to overtake Alejandro) when Noha says how the story ends + happens exactly as she says that 

o Noha: >Chris, could it be that the tiebreaker is based on the story of Icarus?

o Chris: >Yeah, pretty good idea, right?

o Noha: >No it's not! Don't you know how the story ends?!

o Chris: >Well, who cares about something like that?

o Noha: >You should be interested in this! Because Icarus became arrogant, he flew too close to the sun and the wax on his wings began to melt and he ended up...

o Both: *looks up as Heath screams* 

o Noha: >...falling into the sea.<

459. Alejandro grabs medal before his wings fall apart too (screams in Spanish) --> Noha tells Owen to lie on his back where Alejandro will probably land + Alejandro lands softly & Team Chris is declared the winner 

460. Chris says they have free time until 7:50 p.m. + Alejandro compliments her quick thinking 

o Confessional – Noha: >I can't deny it anymore. No matter how hard I tried, it didn't get to this point. I have feelings for this eel. And the worst part is I can't even be sure that the compliments he gives me, or generally what he says, is meant seriously! I feel sorry for Gwen, who got caught in Courtney's crossfire because of Duncan, but there was one good thing about the whole thing: Alejandro's manipulation of Tyler took my rose-colored glasses off again. I can't do anything about my feelings, but as long as I keep in mind that I can't trust him, I hope to act rationally enough to avoid becoming his next victim.

461. Noha takes some photos before returning to the plane + sits brooding in 1st class & has a sad smile as the thought occurs that the only chance to be with Alejandro is only her dream (Only in a dream can she be sure that he doesn't lie to her) 

o Leaves early because Courtney didn't want to deal with her tantrum (hit Duncan over the head with plates of food before throwing them out and acting like a toddler) 

462. Leaves the plane again to go to the Acropolis + when Alejandro asks claims that she thinks she has forgotten the camera --> Alejandro sees the camera in her backpack (hits it) + follows her to say that she found the camera 

463. Noha enters the Pantheon & sings + Alejandro stands behind the pillar and listens/watches (his heart starts to beat faster)

o Noha leans against pillars or winds around them while singing 

o In place of stone, she stretches out her hand towards a bright star before placing her hand in a fist in place of her heart

464. Alejandro gets a little panicked when Noha makes his way back to the entrance where he is + acts as if he had just come to tell her that he found her camera (both are a little red) --> walk together in silence back to the plane & Alejandro says he needs to talk about something for a moment 

o Confessional - Alejandro: >I don't know what's wrong with me! When she's near me, my stomach feels strange, I can't think straight, and my heart stops when she laughs. Dios mio. I...I've never felt this way about anyone else.

465. Take off + can hear Courtney's protest all the way to the 1st grade --> can guess who was voted out 

o Duncan sits away from everyone with an ice pack on his head/eyes 

466. Noha is engrossed in the book when hearing Owen, Tyler and Alejandro's conversation + Noha agrees with Tyler's statement (mentions that the same thing happened to her brother Jamal (she was 10) & his ex-girlfriend learned her lesson) 

o Confessional – Noha: >And you would think that a person would be a little smarter than cheating on a partner who has 8 siblings and everyone has a different way of dealing with people like that. Hey Cindy, I hope you're feeling really bad!

467. Duncan claims it was a mistake + everyone gives the look --> Duncan admits it was the heat of the moment + he likes Gwen solely because they both have similar interests and she doesn't try to change him 

o Noha asks if he ever said that to Courtney + Duncan replies that he tried, but Courtney always waved him off or distracted him (Duncan: >Have you ever tried to talk to Courtney when it came to something where she had a completely different opinion? <) 

468. Noha stretches and asks Staudest how long he's been on the road (10 hours) + decides to take another nap (Jatlack is starting to get to her + is glad that at least so far they've always had some free time at destinations to recover from something) 

o Says to wake them up if something happens + listens to TrueCrime:

469. Is woken up by Alejandro (plane is in slight turbulence + should meet in the dining area where there are snacks as a "last meal") + Noha puts the iPod in one of her trouser pockets 

470. "Snacks" input turns into fruit + Owen gets one of his states again & eats banana with peel --> Noha stops him from eating more bananas (reminds him what happened last time) 

471. Tyler starts doing pull-ups & Noha talks to Gwen (she's sorry Courtney was voted out but she just wasn't available to talk to) 

472. Alejandro suddenly pulls Noha's arm and lets her fall to catch her with one arm + Noha asks, after both have stared into each other's eyes for a while, why he did that --> Alejandro points to Tyler's shoe, which would have hit her if he hadn't intervened + Heath eyes both of them suspiciously 

o Confessional – Heath: >Why does Ale-jerk-o try so hard to wrap Miss Know-It-All around her finger? It's obvious that she's already fallen for him like most of the other girls. Is he trying to soften her up to form an alliance with her? She seems to have more to offer than just her knowledge, which was quite a surprise when you think back to Iceland. Or could it be that he... No, that's absurd. Someone with the same smarts and social status as me would never fall so low and go soft over a nerd. I will still keep an eye on the two of them and if they have an alliance, I will break it up!

473. Light suddenly goes out (Noha: >Please tell me that Tyler didn't somehow break the electronics with his pull-ups.<) + Plane suddenly goes into a nosedive --> starts flying around in the room + Noha instinctively grabs something around him to hold on 

474. Plane catches itself and lands (landing roughly on the ground + Noha on something that grabbed) + light goes back on & Noha turns red when she sees that Alejandro is sitting on --> gets up immediately & apologizes (stumbles over own words) + Alejandro says it's not bad (after all, he couldn't control her) 

o Confessional – Alejandro: >Isn't she cute when she's so nervous?<

475. Owen has a panic attack + Alejandro counts down from 3 and snaps & Owen is calm --> Noha learns that Alejandro hypnotized Owen while he was sleeping (offered to help Owen get over his fear of flying) 

476. Get out & Noha looks at her watch (11 p.m.) + Chris says where they are: Area 52 --> Duncan gets a wipe from Electric Laser (was the only one in Area 51) 

477. Chris explains challenge (have to sneak into Area 51 warehouse, find alien artifact and bring it intact to Chris) + Chris warns of special forces, security system or shipping to alien planet with memory wipe (says have on camera until sunrise, but actually only have 2 hours (only Possibility to get deal with Army)) 

478. Team Amazon and Team Chris are sent on different routes + split up at Duncan's suggestion to find entrance (Noha, Alejandro | Tyler, Owen, Duncan) 

479. Alejandro asks how she assesses her chances of winning (presumably better chances than Amazon as long as there is no argument) + both stop and exchange looks before saying "Oh crap" in their respective second languages and quickly try the others again to find --> already hear argument between Duncan and Tyler 

o It's about Duncan's attempt to cheat on Courtney again + hear the bell

480. Noha walks past them as song ends + Duncan asks others if Noha has always been so...bossy 

481. Take cover behind small rocks and see the base + Noha finds open space when Tyler was about to run --> see Rabbit get caught by the security system 

482. Duncan has an idea (take stones and trick motion detectors) --> Alejandro, Tyler and Duncan make it to the next group of rocks + Noha stumbles near the group & Alejandro pulls her by the arm to safety before she falls to the ground (holds her against his body ) 

483. Owen runs with stone & is thrown through the security system into the base + is sucked through the extra-wide pipe into the interior of the warehouse --> Tyler begins to climb up the electric fence despite warning attempts from the other three + see a passage in the fence and wait for Tyler on the other side 

484. See Team Amazon running into the warehouse + getting through the door before it can close again 

485. Gwen asks where Owen is & Tyler tells what happened + Chris spoke up over the loudspeaker & left the security system activated --> Alarm goes off & split up (Noha: >Narju 'an yulen kris wanaslah limudat 100 jil!< |*May Chris and his descendants will be cursed for 100 generations!) 

486. Noha runs into Gwen & asks how things are going for her at the moment while searching through boxes (Gwen has the feeling that Sierra has her on the kicker --> sang the entire song about trying to steal Cody) + hear noises and separate again 

o Noha was just about to turn the corner when she heard quick footsteps and pressed herself against the box 

o Runs backwards and bumps into Gwen 

o Search together while entertaining + whoever finds what is entitled to it 

487. Noha gets into trouble (the path in front of her is blocked by a box shelf + she hears other three paths approaching steps) + sees a small gap --> takes a running start, jumps through the gap and rolls over before standing up and dusting herself off 

488. Notices Duncan looking at them with his mouth open + continue searching together (didn't find the artifact or Owen) --> hear screams from Alejandro and Tyler & start running 

489. Reach the two and see how they are shocked by aliens (have clung to their face) & hear Owen's voice from a huge object behind Alejandro and Tyler + Duncan takes care of the alien problem & Noha tries to crack the thing 

o Looks at the keypad (8 numbers) + notices that there is a small card slot next to the keypad 

o Managed to remove plate below control panel (used nail lying on floor to unscrew screws) 

o Connects iPod to control panel & opens gate of object + Duncan managed to separate aliens from faces (they locked one in a box)

490. Owen comes out with extreme make-up (Noha: >Are you just coming from a casting as Joker for the new Batman movie, Lunchbox?<) + Owen thinks his memories have been erased and contradicts himself --> comes to the end himself 

491. Owen calls Alejandro "Al" again while Noha uses her IPod + Alejandro says something that Noha doesn't hear and snaps --> Owen puts his underwear over his head and starts singing 

o Noha: *Looks at Alejandro* >Really?

o Alejandro: >In my defense: Only if a person is already ready to do something in a normal state can you get them to do it under hypnosis.

o Noha: *rubs the bridge of his nose* >Of course. And how do you plan to get out of here unnoticed when he's like that, Thueban albahr ghrwi?

o Alejandro: >That's no problem, Cerebro.

492. Alejandro cancels hypnosis & Owen falls unconscious (now have to carry him) + Chris reports (triggered security system in the warehouse + informed that Team Amazon are already on the way to the exit) 

o Are surrounded by laser nets like in Paris 

493. Noha has had enough & connects the iPod to the control panel again and starts typing incredibly quickly on it + when asked what does it says that A51 has been hacked --> ignores the boys' reaction and concentrates on the task 

494. Alejandro says that it's impossible and that they should think about a solution together to get out + Noha says that it's done and unplugs the iPod again --> Security system switches off and others look at her speechless 

495. Noha says who should do what & have a small time window to reach the door and fence + boys follow Noha (downloaded the building plan of the warehouse) 

o Noha: >Okay guys, we only have 5 minutes to get to the warehouse door before the alarm goes off on the other side of the base, giving us enough of a distraction to reach the fence and 2 more to get out to come within the radius of the security system. Tyler, you take the box with our intergalactic friend. Protect her like your life depends on it! Duncan and Alejandro you carry Owen and try not to drop him if possible.

o Duncan: >And how do you know where to go, nerd?

o Noha: >Very simple. Because I downloaded the warehouse blueprint while hacking into their systems. You would really think that the government of one of the largest military forces would do a better job of encrypting its data.<

• Confessional – Noha: >I want to state as a disclaimer that I hacked into one of the most top secret bases in the world just for the challenge. I have no interest in causing any havoc with my abilities...unless they're impostors. Therefore you have no reason to set the FBI or the CIA or Home Land Secruiti on me.

496. While following Way Out, Alejandro asks where can he hack from + Noha says taught herself when she was 6 & hacked into her favorite website back then to update it (later even got paid to keep the site up to date) 

497. Noha gives the door signal to wait and counts backwards with his fingers before the alarm goes off on the other side of the base + run to the fence --> Tyler overtakes Noha after they are out of danger radius 

498. Almost reached Chris (and don't see Team Amazon anywhere) + Tyler stumbles and box flies over the finish line and lands in front of Chris --> Chris says that alien life form didn't survive the flight + others ask "What?!" & Alejandro and Duncan drop Owen 

499. Amazons show up and win + Owen wakes up and asks if they won --> Noha screams into her hands in frustration 

500. Chris says we'll fly straight on + stand in line to vote & Noha glares at Tyler 

501. In the elimination room, Chris lists why they deserve to be voted out & starts handing out bags 

o Owen: Time wasted on new hair & makeup 

o Duncan: Make deals before helping team members 

o Alejandro: Team members hypnotize, which was the reason why Owen had to carry 

o Tyler: Reason why alien life form became unliable 

o Noha: The only one who was really efficient that surprised even him --> first to get peanuts 

502. Decision between Duncan and Tyler --> Tyler is out (4:1) + go to economy class & Noha tries to make things comfortable somehow

Continued on next page -->

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