Total Drama Idea 1: Noha's Total Drama - Season 3 #3

99. Sitting in economy class again after breakfast (one side Team Victory other side Team Chris + have been flying for 9 hours) + run into turbulence --> Owen panics & Noha tries to calm down

100. After "Death Trap" says, hole rips open in the cover --> everyone grabs hold of it & Noha bites into her book, which was about to be sucked out + Leshawna just loses 6 Alejandro catches + Owen's seatbelt tears & clogs hole 

101. Noha rolls her eyes at Alejandro's flirting + Owen asks for help --> Alejandro & Noha have an idea at the same time 

o DJ & Bridgeth try to calm Owen down 

o Leshawna & Harold look for enough rope for each of them to tie themselves 

o Noha & Alejandro look in the cargo hold to see if they can find anything to temporarily patch the hole 

102. Looks through some boxes and initially only finds useless things + Alejandro starts to take apart some empty boxes --> Noha finds a toolbox with nails, a hammer and a nail gun 

103. Hear strange noise + decide to get out of the hold as quickly as possible 

104. Everyone ties themselves with rope as tightly as possible to each other & to the most stable object + put the plan into action --> works 

o DJ, Tyler & Alejandro pull Owen out of the hole (standing on the right side) 

o Bridgeth & Noha hold boards in front of holeo Harold & Leshawna nail boards 

105. Owen thanks others & everyone decides it is safer to spend the rest of the flight in the dining area + Noha goes into Confessional 

o Noha: >I knew Chris was stingy, but I thought that he at least cared enough about his own life to at least make sure the plane didn't. apart. breaks! Either he's on such a high trip now that it doesn't matter to him or he has an emergency plan.< *holds the bridge of his nose* >But to address another topic. I can't be the only one who notices that our Latino is about to wrap every girl on this plane around his little finger. But the real problem is that, in addition to his good looks, he also obviously has social skills. If he manages to get the boys on his side, he will be untouchable.<

106. Goes back to others (some play cards, Owen eats to calm nerves) + takes out book to continue reading 

o quote; P.138: ">Once again Jefferson's revenge was thwarted, and once again his fierce hatred drove him to continue the persecution. Before that, however, he had to acquire the necessary funds for the crossing. When he had saved enough to survive on the road, he sailed across the ocean and followed the trail of his enemies from city to city. He repeatedly failed to catch up with the refugees. When he arrived in Petersburg they had just gone to Paris, and when he followed there they had just embarked for Copenhagen; He also got there a few days late because they were already on their way to London. In the end he managed to track her down in the English capital. How this happened is best learned from Jefferson Hope's own account, which Dr. Watson wrote in detail in his diary.

107. Is approached by Alejandro about a book + says that he's even interested in crime/mysteries --> start a conversation and talk about some books he's read 

108. 3 hours later Chris says that everyone should meet in the dining area/common room + intern hands out headset and small microphone to everyone 

109. Chris about to explain challenge & Harold interrupted to ask if it's an elimination or reward challenge 

110. Murmurs break out among participants + Chris announces where to land next: Japan --> Harold points out cultural misrepresentation (points to Chris and bosses' annoyance) 

111. Chris and boss exchange looks (Noha already has a bad feeling) --> Door is pushed open & participants are sucked out 

112. Listening via headset Bell (makes everyone fall silent when listening) & Noha says what everyone is thinking + Chris says would consider saving her if singing 

o Start holding hands as you list things + holds Heath and Tyler's hands 

113. Landing in a huge bowl of rice standing in a studio + Leshawna mad at Harold because it's Chris and Boss's fault for throwing her out of the plane (Noha doubts this because they got headsets and microphones --> suspects that Chris got Harold used as an excuse to do)

114. Alejandro intervenes & compliments Leshawna in Japanese --> Noha Confessional 

o Noha: >Now he speaks other languages too?! Tsk, as if this were something special. I speak 6 different languages myself, but am I bragging? No! Jesus, how can you be impressed by something like that?! Although...Japanese is quite a difficult language. No, don't let him bring you down, Noha!

115. Climbing out of bowls & lining up into teams + Chris explains 1st part of the challenge: Human pinball 

o 1 volunteer climbs into a huge hamster ball and is flipped around by the team + says there is still a little local surprise 

116. DJ goes for Team Victory and gets a little panda baby as a sidekick - he is very aggressive towards DJ 

117. When Chris asks who is going for Team Chris, Noha's eyes widen & refuses to enter hamster ball --> is on the verge of a panic attack (breathing quickens, hands are shaking) + Izzy puts Noha's forehead against her shoulder and pats her back while quietly talks to her 

118. Others wonder what has (Courtney suspects Noha is also claustrophobic like Gwen) + Owen says it isn't & that they really, really shouldn't ask Noha about it (has a very bad memory associated with it) 

119. Alejandro volunteers + charms panda --> other girls think it's cute (go "awww") 

120. For Team Amazon, Cody goes (to break up an argument between Courtney, Heath and Gwen) + has to go into the hamster ball with Sierra 

121. Challenge begins (Owen and Tyler take care of the pinballing & Izzy takes care of Noha, who slowly calms down again) 

122. Noha calmed down when heard DJ crying (holds unconscious panda in arms) + Alejandro wins for team challenge (have advantage for next part of challenge) 

123. Chris does break transition + gives 1 hour break before meeting on the planeo Some use time to make confessional 

124. Are in 1st class and are shown promo (TDA for Japan: are dubbed in English) + Chris announces next challenge: Have to film a Japanese commercial (apply for new candy from boss "Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tale ") --> Team Chris is the first to look around in the cargo hold for material + rated 4 hours for filming and editing & Chef 

125. Look around + Alejandro finds boxes with monster costumes, military costumes and model houses --> Has an idea + everyone agrees & Noha suggests we could use old filmmaking methods that used to be used to shoot Gozilla films (when men were still in costume) 

126. Noha builds a miniature city with Tyler + Owen is too enthusiastic and stomps, the city shakes --> Noha asks Owen to take a step back so that he can deal with the city

127. Need a few takes (take Izzy's shimmering one because it's the best shot) + Noha takes over editing because she's the only one who knows how to use a program like that --> Chris says they only had 5 minutes left before handing it in 

128. Are back in 1st class + Owen still in costume (sticks to him) --> watch spotso Winner: Team Amazon | Loser: Team Victory 

129. Noha frustrated that they're in economy class again + it turns out it was an elimination challenge 

130. Chris gives them 2 hours before flying on + Noha does mini sightseeing & buys a small figure of Detective Conan in the store (loved the series as a child + owns a few collector's books) 

131. I'm about to push the curtain aside and enter the economy class when I see Alejandro sitting next to Harold through a small gap (finds it suspicious) 

132. Takeoff at 8:30 p.m. + Team Victory is called to the elimination room 

133. Team Victory returns without Harold + Noha in Confessonal 

o Noha: >I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Alejandro had something to do with Harold's elimination. I can't imagine that it's a coincidence that he's sitting with Sir Kulturprecise and that he then takes off. If my suspicions are confirmed, then he is a more dangerous opponent than Heath could dream of being!

134. Noha wakes up with a sore back and curses under her breath while trying to relieve the pain by stretching 

135. Heath makes fun of others & provokes Alejandro during breakfast 

136. Owen sits snoring next to her in economy class + Leshawna looks at yo-yos (Harold gave her before jumping out of the plane) 

137. Chris stands in the doorway with a curtain & asks how they are doing (not serious) + Leshawna asks where the next destination is & Chris says the next destination is everything they asked for (No pinball, no panda, no candied fishtail) 

138. Goes into turbulence & Owen panics + Alejandro presses points on Owen's shoulder causing him to fall asleep/lose consciousness --> Noha Confessional 

o Noha: >He has knowledge about pressure points?! I really don't know whether I should be impressed or worried.< 

139. Noha tries to buckle up & belt breaks (Noha: >Allaena< |*Shit) + Alejandro offers to hold on so he doesn't get hurt --> Noha hesitates at first, but agrees after almost falling off the bench & ignores jealous looks from other girls + notice after a while that it is getting colder on the plane 

140. Landing skidding on the runway + getting out & stumbling over each other in the snow (Owen is the only one lucky) --> Chris says where they are (in the wilderness of Yukon (nearest town is a few miles away))

141. Chris stands at the starting line in a winter jacket (river with pack ice) while everyone else is freezing (Noha regrets not packing longer pants) + Heath angrily asks where their jackets are & Chris says he ordered them (it would take a few weeks to finish). are) 

o Confesional: Noha: >I should have known there was a catch. We spent two seasons with this man and I worked for him for almost a year. Whenever Chris does something seemingly nice, there's always a catch. He is tujasid alsharu. The devil in human form!< |*the incantation of evil 

142. Courtney suggests that they should stand close together to keep warm + almost all the girls crowd around Alejandro 

143. Tyler hugs Bridgeth & she pushes him away "I have a boyfriend" + Owen offers to hug Noha & doesn't wait for an answer before doing so (it's warmer, but Owen's hugs are painful) 

144. Owen abruptly lets go of Noha when Chris drinks cocoa + Chris starts to feel a little uncomfortable around Sierra (knows what his favorite drinks are, even though it's not on the fan page) 

145. Chris explains challenge: Have to find your way over ice floes, first team member to do it pulls dog sled and have to make it to the finish line + pass all checkpoints & don't have to worry about falling into water (have two divers to get you out) 

146. Heath wants to know what reward is + Chris says that they found out that trying harder when thinking that could be eliminated 

147. Boss blows horn to start challenge + Noha and Owen stand on the river bank and see Izzy clearing the way with Flickflacks without any problems 

148. Noha is the first to jump onto the ice floe and falls on Po (sliding almost to the edge) + Owen jumps after to help her --> Noha is catapulted back into the snow & Owen says that it's okay 

149. Noha rises trembling from snowdrift (feels snow in places where snow never wanted to be) + approaches shore again --> looks at ice floes for a moment and how others are doing (those who can still see) & sees Alejandro together with Bridgeth 

150. Ignores train of thought & concentrates on own task + Remembers what Adla once taught her about the most important aspects of pakour --> implements these to get over the ice as quickly as possible (jumps back onto land with roller) 

151. Hears Chris make a comment but ignores him as he walks past + saw that Sleigh is already gone & can still see him in the distance Izzy's hair 

o Confessional: Noha: >The only good thing that happened to me while I was Chris's assistant was that I had more or less constant strength and endurance training. At least that's the nice way to describe the fact that I was forced to carry several kilos of heavy objects from A to B because the crew was busy doing other crazy things from Chris, the few interns we had were scattered to the four winds or completely incompetent! If it wasn't for the pay, I definitely would have flipped Chris the bird while throwing my resignation in his face.<

152. Pulls up sled and jumps on it (Tyler pulls and Izzy glows green (don't ask)) + pulls one of her snacks out of her bag while gasping for breath 

153. See Alejandro and Bridgeht next to the flagpole of the checkpoint (Noha: *rubs his eyes* >Am I imagining it or is Alejandro not wearing a shirt?< *Looks at his six-pack & blushes a little*) + comes back to think, as he sees that Alejandro and Bridgeth are about to kiss & he backs away after leaning forward --> Bridgeth remains stuck with her tongue on the mast & Alejandro puts his shirt back on and gets on the sled 

154. As we continue driving, Noha looks back before Alejandro looks sharply + looks at her questioningly --> Ignores Alejandro 

o Confessional: Noha: >Did he not only seduce Bridgeth but also trick her into getting stuck? I knew Alejandro wasn't to be trusted! He is nothing more than a Don Juan, a Munfatir alqalb*, a...a slimy eel! But I won't fall for him.< *soon hands into fists and looks down to the floor and has a dismissive effect* >It won't end like it did with Dustin.< |*Heartbreaker 

155. Meeting Owen at the checkpoint & Owen wishes they were in Russia (have huge cakes) because he's hungry + Tyler can't move --> Noha has an idea (digs around in the sleigh and finds some nails) 

o Asks Tyler if he has spare shoes (Yes) 

156. Tells Tyler to give her shoes so she can push nails into them (improvised spikes) --> Tyler says feels strange, but works 

157. Alejandro compliments the idea & calls it "cerebro" (cerebrum) for the first time + Noha turns away & hears bells through the headset

o Confessional - Alejandro: >She's impossible! Anyone else would have fallen for my charm and believed me that it was just a tactic to give our team an advantage. But that only seemed to make her angrier. She's definitely a hard nut to crack, but sooner or later she'll fall for me or my name is no longer Alejandro Burromuerto!

o Confessional – Noha: >Does he think he's clever enough to call me who knows what just because I don't understand the language? Ha, the joke's on him. Two people can play this game!

158. Are on the ice bridge when Tyler has trouble pulling again because of being heard + Owen indicates that he has to do it urgently & starts to do the pee dance --> Ice starts to break (Noha: >Owen, I think you really should...<)

159. Falling down, but Tyler still holds on (Tyler, Schlitte, Alejandro, Izzy, Noha, Owen) + Noha suppresses scream as Owen grabs onto her ankles 

160. Climb back up one by one & help Tyler get up and pull up sled + push sled slightly off site before climbing back up (goes downhill) --> Tyler is dragged along before they can pull him onto sled + see finish line and team victory and Team Amazon 

161. Noha tells Owen to lean forward (get faster) + overtake Team Amazon --> Are winners because Team Victory doesn't have Bridgeth with them 

162. Alejandro ignores Owen's high five + Noha gets off the sled and falls (only now notices the pain in his ankles) --> sits up, pulls socks down a little & sees that ankles have already turned purple and a little swollen 

163. Owen asks what happened + Noha expresses suspicion that she has a bruise because of the fall when Owen grabbed her there & reassures him, as if she sees that Owen has a guilty conscience (Noha: >Hey, that's not so bad, Lunchbox . I just have to cool it down a bit and put my feet up and it will heal faster.<) 

164. Izzy and Alejandro help her to her feet and support her as they go back to the plane + Chris says as soon as everyone is on board they will fly straight on 

165. As we go to 1st class we see Bridgeth (tongue still stuck to mast) trying to say something to the others 

166. Takes off shoes and leans seat back so legs are up + Alejandro brings ice pack for ankles --> thanks him and calls him "Thueban albahr ghrwi" 

o Confessional Noha: >I bet you want to know what Thueban albahr ghrwi means. It was nothing more than slimy eel and that's exactly what it is.

167. Izzy puts her backpack in the holder next to her seat + Owen puts her tray of treats and something to drink next to her (knows what she likes to eat) 

168. Noha snuggles up in a blanket and takes out her iPod to listen to the podcast + feels the plane taking off (4:10 p.m.) 

169. Alejandro Confessional: >Bridgeth was expendable. That's all of them. Some have proven to be more...challenging than others. But one by one they will perish. Even the near fall turned out to be a golden opportunity with Noha's minor injury.

170. Are traveling for 2 hours before landing (have to stop over because of storm --> too strong to continue flying (8:43 p.m. local time)) + Team Chris happy because that means they can enjoy luxury for longer (And Noha has more time to rest her ankles) 

171. Flying off again at 7:40 a.m. + getting breakfast (swelling has now gone down, but still has bruises)

o Noha feels like she could cry at the sight of the good food 

172. Owen eats bar snacks, Izzy gets a massage, Tyler does training exercises, Noha lies on rubber and reads, Alejandro grabs some snacks and goes to economy class 

173. Chris calls everyone into the hold to get into the dinghy + tells them to hold on while he tells them where they are going #New York City (landing in the water near Liberty Island) 

174. Walking ashore from Liberty Island + Chris explains challenge: Have to get strollers from the top of the Statue of Liberty (they climb it with a rope), follow buoys with a rubber boat to get to Central Park, where more information is explained 

o Sierra talks in between + compliments & mentions that Chris used to make bad films with talking cats --> Noha sees Alejandro looking at Sierra with a small smile 

• Confessional-Noha: >He has that look again. But I doubt he'll be able to wrap Miss Stalker around his finger. Unless he somehow managed to turn into Cody.

175. Chris gives the signal and one after the other start climbing (Alejandro, Izzy, Tyler, Noha, Owen) 

176. After 25 minutes we hear Chris complaining that nothing has happened yet + Noha is holding the rope in shock because Alejandro suddenly swings to the side and talks to Sierra 

177. Cody catches up with her and Tyler + Cody just loses and ends up in the Dicolte of the Statue of Liberty --> Noha looks at Tyler + Sierra saves Cody 

178. Reached the top after 35 minutes + Tyler and Noha help Alejandro pull Owen up & Izzy looks down and says Owen somehow got tangled in rope 

179. Chris is annoyed + Team Amazon has completely reached the top --> Heath gets the stroller & Sierra talks to Chris (says knows every one of his appearances and mentions his cooking show, which was canceled after only 1 episode) + slide down the slide pole/fireman's pole 

180. After 37 minutes, Team Victory has reached the top + Owen is stuck in the nose of the Statue of Liberty --> have to let something down from the rope + Noha asks if anyone happened to have anything slippery with them --> Izzy gets a bottle of cooking oil out of his bag 

o Noha: >Izzy, why?< 

o Izzy: >You never know whether you might suddenly get the opportunity to cook something somewhere or have to make your escape route slippery so that the RCMP don't catch you.< 

181. Alejandro rappels down and lubricates nose area before dropping something to pull Owen's legs --> Owen slips out & Alejandro quickly climbs back up to help pull again 

182. After 40 minutes have pulled Owen up + Izzy volunteers to get stroller --> slide down + suddenly goes dark before hearing noise followed by Owen's scream

183. Are in the boat + Team Amazon is coming towards us again --> buoys for the entrance to the sewer (cover noses because of the smell) (Noha: >Bialhajar al'aswad almuqadas! That's worse than being locked in a public toilet with Owen , after eating a bunch of cheese!< |*By the holy black stone) 

184. Hearing Leshwana's voice echoing in the tunnel & roaring from something (Tyler: >Did you hear that? That sounded like a...<) + huge albino ligator appears in front of them --> everyone screams + Noha instinctively grabs the nearest object to hold on to & Alejandro speeds up the boat 

185. Noha only realizes what she was clutching in panic when Alejandro speaks to her + blushes a little 

o Alejandro: >Senorita, as much as it flatters me that you seek my presence in the face of danger. I have to ask you to let me go. Otherwise, steering this vehicle will prove to be extremely difficult.

o Noha: >I didn't...I would never...That...that was just a stupid coincidence, nothing more!

186. Continue driving for a while before Alejandro is hit by a low-hanging pipe and falls off the boat --> Noha stops the boat & puts the boat in reverse 

187. Reach the end of the tunnel & drive through the pipe (landing in the lake from Central Park) + reach the dock where Chris is standing with a gas mask 

188. Sierra mentions that Chris was in a boy band (Noha sees Chris' eye twitching) + everyone laughs --> Chris snaps after Sierra says he was born in 1978 + Noha sees Alejandro smiling 

o Confessional-Noha: >So that was his plan. While I'm not a fan of his method, Alejandro really knows how to steal an advantage from someone else. Sierra could have snuck an advantage for Team Amazon with all her Chris idolization throughout the season. Well played eel, well played.

189. Chris explains next part of the challenge: One of each team must sit in the baby carriage and be pushed through the park to the turtle pond, where one must grab an apple with their mouth before running to the finish line in the heart of Central Park 

o Sierra wants to say something + Chris shouts angrily & Alejandro winks at grumbling Heath 

190. Alejandro suggests that Noha should be in stroller (might rest her ankles even more) + need to sing

191. All teams reach the pond at the same time (Tyler, DJ, Sierra get apples) + Alejandro and Heath clash a bit --> Heath throws a stone at Alejandro, who dodges and hits Noha in the head (loses consciousness) 

o Alejandro: >It's really a shame that Sierra lost Chris's favor. Don't you agree, Heath?

o Heath: >Don't act so innocent! I know you messed with Sierra's head to make this happen! Better stay away or you'll regret it!

o Alejandro: >Or what? Also, what evidence do you have for your accusation? As far as I can see, your team member just lost their advantage and you're acting like a little child trying to blame it on someone else.<

192. Heath takes the opportunity when Team Chris isn't looking (cheering on Tyler) and swaps their stroller with others (mother sitting on bench nearby) (Heath: >That'll give this idiot a chance to mess with my team.<) 

193. Noha comes to, moaning & holding her head (Noha: >Jarish almaws allaein. What happened?< |*Cursed moose groats) + starts screaming as mother starts screaming --> before she can realize what's going on she gets something heavy laid on himself (can hardly see anything & has difficulty breathing) 

194. Hears angry Alejandro & manages to lift heavy object + Heath pulls up 

o Heath: >If you hadn't fallen asleep, we never could have won. It seems like your laziness is good for something after all. Well, at least for my team.

o Noha: >Asleep? I only lost consciousness because you and Alejandro were acting like two little boys, teasing each other. The stone YOU threw at him hit ME right on the head! I'm lucky I didn't get a concussion because of it.

195. Chris announces that there was a reward challenge + have a good 7 hours to go before flying on, but should be back on the plane at 9:30 p.m. --> Lindsey happy that she's still getting to go shopping 

196. Noha showers for almost an hour to get rid of sewer smell + goes sightseeing & takes photos 

197. Meets Gwen near Broadway & sees that the last New York performance of "Beeteljuice" is on and has time to watch --> want to watch + Courtney there too (also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to see a musical) & joins them ( However, Gwen and Noha warn about thematic issues in the piece) 

o Complete Musical:

198. Buy small souvenirs (album) + take a photo with the actors (one recognizes them as a participant in Total Drama + ask the girls not to reveal that they are/were there until the episode aired otherwise they would really get in trouble) + get an autograph on photo (have an instant camera there) 

199. Singing some of the songs on the way back to the plane + Heath snaps at Noha for spending time with his team members (Noha: >Oh sorry, King of Mean, I didn't know that having fun with others is now forbidden.< ) (Heath: >Save it, nerd! Every ally of Ale-jer-ko is an enemy of mine!<) (Noha*mumbles sadly*: >Tsk, ally. Pawn/piece is probably better.<) ( Heath: >What was that?<) (Noha: >It's none of your business!<) 

200. Sits down next to Alejandro and Owen (the only seat left on their side) + leans against the wall

Continued on next page -->

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