Total Drama idea 1: Noha's Total Drama - Season 2 #3

123. Watch new episodeo Courtney says she is forced to form an alliance with Beth because of Lindsey + Beth says she has to go to sleep with Brady (photo) (Izzy: >Hey, I still don't believe that!<)  Beth says straight to her face that there will never be an alliance with her would enter her 

o Duncan plays pranks on Harold with snails + Harold says one sounds like Leshawna (Leshawna: >Excuse me?! I hope I misheard.<) 

o Wake up to the sound of a gong in the middle of the forest + Duncan smells that it is Camp Wananakwa 

o Chris shows up in a martial arts outfit & shares the topic + boys vs. girls  Courtney complains + Chris thinks up an excuse why Owen doesn't participate 

o Owen is supposed to spy on both teams and sabotage one + has a guilty conscience but is grateful that this means he doesn't have to take part in the challenge 

o One of the team has the role of trainer, the other is a fighter + has 4 hours to prepare for Kung Fu fighting 

• Boys: Harold = fighter, Duncan = trainer 

• Girls: Beth = fighter, Courtney = trainer 

o Fighters make progress (Beth kicks tree over | Harold punches through sandbag because of anger (and tries to strangle Duncan)) 

o Showdown with robosuits (fighters in suits, trainers use controllers to control) + Owen is dressed as a geisha (meant to beat the gong)  Harold corrects that geisha is Japanese and kung fu is Chinese 

o Owen gives both teams tips/info/warning + Chris annoyed that Owen isn't doing his job 

o Boys dismantle the girls' robots + now Duncan vs. Harold for a reward  have to bring a cup of water to the mountain and give "master" tea to get bonsai 

• Owen's punishment is to accompany the boys as a guide 

• Girls have to help out in the kitchen 

o Owen tries to get Duncan and Harold to pour water on each other  doesn't work + boys even support each other (Noha: >Who is that and what did he do to the real Duncan?<) 

o After Chris threatens that he won't get any money, Owen tries to use snail to manipulate Harold 

o Beth is on the phone with her boyfriend (Izzy: >I still don't believe that...<) (Heath: >We get it, crazy girl! You don't believe Beth has a boyfriend. I don't believe Beth has a boyfriend . NO ONE in this room believes Beth has a boyfriend. We get it, you don't have to say that every time!<) 

o Duncan insults Leshawna just before the top of the mountain  Harold throws his water in Duncan's face + gets a punch in the jaw 

o Harold pours water in front of Master, attacks him and steals the bonsai 

o During dinner, Beth proposes alliance to Courtney + Harold releases Snail to freedom 

124. Approached by Bridgeth and Jeff asking if they could help with planning for the next show/finale (would also give her part of the salary)  Agree because money can be used for university

125. Watch new episode 

o Participants are woken up by loudspeakers + Duncan complains about his mattress (Harold filled it with stones) 

o Chris in reused costume announces theme (Out of Space) + everyone gets a box with a special item in it (from people outside the film set)  still no one believes Beth has a boyfriend (Geoff: >We could Make a bet on whether Beth really has a boyfriend.<) (Bridgeth: >GEOFF!<) (Geoff: >No offense intended, babe. But you have to admit that that sounded very unbelievable from the first moment.< )  Most people bet that Beth came up with | Noha, Eva, Bridgeth, DJ abstain | Lindsey and Tyler believe Beth (Trent: >Why don't you bet with Noha?<) (Noha: >Please. I have a policy of not betting on anything that's as easy to win as stealing a baby's lollipop.<) 

o 1st challenge: Sleep in Zero Gravity state for the rest of the night (simulate weightlessness with a roller coaster + Owen starts to panic) 

• Terror due to asteroid alarm  Harold solves problem + Owen uses Harold's nunchaku to break windows (creates negative pressure) 

• Courtney and Beth use Owen as a peg  are allowed to decide what order the next task is (Courtney decides: Harold, Owen, Duncan, Beth, Courtney) 

o 2nd challenge: Who can last the longest on the gravity trainer/simulator a.k.a. the vomit comet 

• Harold 5.6 sec + accidentally killed Duncan's pet tarantula | Owen 10.3 sec. + stinked up his suit | Duncan 23 sec (gets 10 deducted for vomiting) + vomits | Beth 35 ½ sec. + suddenly kisses Harold | Courtney refuses 

o Chris names Beth the winner + everyone is disgusted that Chef uses suit to cook Gambo 

o Courtney and Beth argue in trailer + Harold confronts Owen (found out/concluded sabotaging) 

o Are voting (each with their own ulterior motives) + Harold is out  before leaving, Duncan pulls down his pants + warns others that Owen is a traitor 

126. Play with Harold and Cody (Noha dominates the battlefield) 

127. Is surprised that you haven't heard yet that the episode will be shown soon + finish her book

128. Watch new episode 

o Noha wonders why so many episodes always start with the participants asleep + Duncan overtired because he was in Courtney's trailer all night  received a 32-page letter (all of his mistakes are in there, which should be changed + memorization) 

• Noha: >Bihaqi aljahimi?* What's wrong with her?! I mean, yes, we know what a control freak Courtney is, but a list of things you don't like about your partner that you want them to change? Why doesn't she make it easier for herself and look for a guy like that instead of completely changing her potential boyfriend? Weren't his "mistakes" also the reason why she fell in love with him in the first place?< | *What the hell? 

o Chris calls participants to breakfast where the topic of the challenge wants to be announced 

o Beth says that she overheard almost all of the conversation until she dozed off around page 9 and later page 22 + feels sorry for Duncan 

o Everyone cringe at how Duncan lets Courtney boss him around (Harold: >Duncan and I had our differences...okay a lot of differences, but even he didn't deserve that kind of treatment.<) 

o Chris has a parrot on his shoulder as a reference to the film's theme (animal lover/buddy) + says what makes these films special (start as enemies, start to like each other through shared experiences and become BF's) 

o 1st task: Have to find an animal and teach it to be exactly like you  Winner is the one whose animal is most similar to you (have 3 hours) 

• Courtney: Shark  Beth makes a comment and everyone laughs 

• Duncan: Chameleon  in memory of his pet (Noha: (>He already knows that spiders aren't reptiles...or insects, right?<) 

• Owen: Bear 

• Beth: Raccoono Montage of first training attempts + Courtney demands compliments, which Duncan has to give her every hour 

o Chris whispers something to Owen + Owen starts sabotaging otherso Will be judged by Chef and Chris (Beth 2x10 | Owen 2x6 | Duncan 2x8 | Courtney gives the two sashimi which is what the shark regurgitated)  Winner: Beth 

o For the 2nd task we drive into the forest: we have to find the way back to the film studio (it's just Duncan, Beth and Owen, Courtney is in the water). First back wins immunity 

o Owen has GPS + montage scene of others hitting each other (Beth panics, Duncan runs into a trap, Courtney fights with shark)  Winner: Beth + Duncan has become a bit "Lord of he Flies". 

o Raccoon gives Courtney PDA + Courtney can finally read message from lawyers (informing that Owen is really a scammer/works for Chris) 

o Duncan gets a kiss and goes back to normal + Courtney wants to add some points to letter & Duncan says lost (ate) 

o Ceremony: Votes (Duncan half asleep) + Courtney voted out & Owen fired #Double Elimination 

129. Everyone is relieved that Courtney has no chance of getting the money, until Heath and Noha point out that they will soon have Courtney among them again  everyone groans a little 

130. Geoff suggests taking advantage of the last few quiet hours, especially as finals approach, by watching movies, playing games, etc.

131. Goes over finale planning with Bridgeth and Geoff (are in a meeting room for privacy + escape Courtney's complaints) + are informed that finale will be Life the next day 

132. Continues working when Bridgeth and Geoff say go to sleep + Noha says she'll be working on it for a while  falls asleep at the table 

133. Gets woken up the next day by Bridgeth and Geoff + freshens up before heading out

134. Be taken to the studio + see everything live 

o Beth is scared alone in the trailer + Duncan sleeps with a jackknife  Anesthetic gas is thrown into the trailero Wake up tied to a mast (pirate theme) + get a reasonable breakfast 

o Chris shows up in pirate clothes and talks like one + explains the task (obstacle course + treasure hunt through all sets) & says Beth should change her behavior/motto if she wants to win prize money 

o Get tasks explained: 1st task: Have to clean the "Plumsdeck" with cotton swabs | Task 2: Climb the oiled mast and attach the flag | 3rd task: Shoot a cannonball into the MonsterSet 

o While Beth and Duncan are doing task 1, Boss says that Show is leaving and has gotten another offer + Chris doesn't believe him (Heath: >Oh~ there seems to be trouble in paradise.<) 

o Duncan was done but has to do it again because Bigfoot used it again + Beth leaves hanging after he tried to leave her hangingo Are on task 2: Beth is having difficulties and Duncan succeeds on the first try + Chris tries very poorly to convince his boss to stay 

o Duncan in 3rd task #air cannon (must use an air pump to build up pressure) + Duncan asks boss if he is okay because he doesn't make any comments  Duncan has to get into the cannon + Boss and Chris continue to argue (Noha: >I know Not about you, but I think it's the most entertaining part of the season.<) & Beth also completed the 2nd task 

o Duncan ends up on the film set + boss gives further instructions #Boss and Chris have swapped roles  Everyone laughs (Trent: >Oh, that's too good.<) 

o Treasure hunt: If you answer questions correctly, you skip the challenge and can move on to the next set 

o Beth talks to Chris & has to do 3rd task + Duncan is already way in the lead but can never answer questions completely  has to do challenges 

o Beth reaches set + answers every question (catches up quickly) + boss out of breath because she always has to run back and forth 

• Everyone looks at Geoff and Bridgeth incredulously when Beth tells them where the craziest place was where they made out (Chris Solarium) 

o Chris proposes to Boss: Chef follows Duncan and Chris follows Beth + Beth lies something to get Chris and Chef's relationship back on tracko Duncan and Beth on the same set + both can answer the first question correctly (Beth a little upset because Courtney is the only one who didn't make an effort to get to know each other better) 

o Second question Berh snapped  Courtney shocked + others clap because Beth said what others more or less thought 

• Courtney: >What?! You don't all see me like that!< 

• Kathy: >Well it was pretty unfair that you complained on the show.< 

• Sady: >Kathy is right. The others won their place fair and square, while we were simply unlucky.< 

• Courtney: >What was fair about that?! Anyone could have ended up in the lake! It was just a series of stupid coincidences!< 

• Noha: >You just said it yourself, Miss C.I.T. ANYONE could have ended up in the lake. Was it frustrating that we didn't have a shot at $1 million, yes. But instead of being angry, we were happy for our friends. For someone who is very insistent on fair play, everything you did this season was far from it. Even all your attacks of jealousy were completely unfounded! I don't even understand why Duncan would even go to such lengths to do what you wanted just to give your relationship a chance after what you did just to get the money. And before you throw another tantrum like a little child, you should really think about and reflect on your entire behavior.< 

o Both have to do the final challenge + start insulting Chris  everyone laughs & Duncan and Beth help each other avoid being shot + everything is smoothed out again between Chris and the boss 

o Both reach the stage at the same time + Geoff asks what they should do now to decide who has won

135. Take a break to quickly find a solution + Noha gets an idea (Peanat Galery will decide with a vote)  quickly writes something down for Geoff (should improvise if necessary to get the length of another episode) + tells the crew to do it as quickly as possible picking out specific clips for a "what happened last" & setting things up for plot twists 

o Geoff begins a flashback after a break 

o Beth and Duncan want to know what happens now + Bridgeth says they have edited together footage of everyone  should sit together on the winner's chair/throne 

o Bridgeth and Geoff announce that they will show behind-the-scenes footage of Chris + Noha stops briefly to see the preview herself (Noha: >Hehe. I've seen this so many times and it never gets old.<) 

o Geoff and Bridgeth get a little emotional + Leshawna agrees before saying to hurry up so everyone can get home 

o Show the best recordings of the entire season for "That will leave a mark" + Duncan asks/begs to just give one of them the prize money 

o Courtney suggests a quiz show to decide who gets money + everyone against & Geoff says that Noha is already on to something  Camera pan to Noha (doesn't notice at first that the camera is aimed at her) (Noha: >I don't care like you do it makes it, makes it easy! Because I can guarantee that if everyone isn't prepared in 10 minutes, heads will roll!< *notices camera* >Oh, *clears throat* it'll take a while here. Maybe someone will come up with something , to bridge the time until we're ready back here? HEY, who said you should put that there?!<) 

o Harold has an idea (Beth and Duncan have to go through certain forms) + Eva says it's getting boring and should do something else 

o Noha is over with preparations and wanted to give the green light when boss and Chris come into the studio + Chris takes down her clipboard with plot twist plan & says that she likes the idea and doesn't need her help anymore for the showo Bridgeth and Geoff show clips with Chris + are interrupted by Chris and Chef (Noha is pushed by Chef to Peanat Galery)  Chris takes over the show + reveals how the decision will be made (everyone can ask the finalists a question + can decide who wins) 

• Noha: >Sorry, guys. There wasn't really anything I could have done about it.< 

o Shows clips of finalists + Owen says no need to ask questions because she already knows them & Chris dramatically asks if they really do (Shows clips where Duncan is nice and Beth is mean/selfish) 

o Have a break + Noha asks Bridgeth and Geoff if Chris knows that if everyone really votes again there is a chance that there will be a shoot-off (doesn't notice that Izzy was standing nearby) 

o Sits back in place + Izzy says not to worry about voting, has an idea 

o Question round begins + some tasks (dance battle, eating contest, drawing)o Courtney wanted to ask a question, but signal that time is running out comes and we have to vote  Dixiklo is voting booth 

• Everyone looks at Noha (Noha: >What? That was the quickest thing I could get organized with the barely any money we had left. I would like to see you in that situation!<) 

o Votes are counted (Duncan: 3 | Beth: 4 | Explosivo: 1) 

• Noha quietly to Izzy: >Izzy, you crazy, brilliant genius.< 

• Izzy: >I told you I came up with a solution.< 

o Beth wins + turns out her boyfriend is real (Izzy: >Ha, I didn't see that coming.<) 

o Duncan and Courtney go out for a meal #date

136. Are celebrating in the hotel before everyone goes home 

o Some do karaoke + Izzy persuades Noha to join in  Requirement that she is allowed to choose a song + need a few more (song that has in her head needs six singers:

· Courtney: Kathrin of Aragon

· Gwen: Anne Bolyn

· Bridgeth: Jane Simore

· Leshawna: Anna of Cleves

· Izzy: Kathrin Howard

· Noha: Kathrin Paar

o Do two more encores because others insist on it

137. Saying goodbye at the airport + Noha is standing alone at the counter when Chris comes up to her and offers to be an assistant (He saw how everything was arranged and is impressed by her competence) 

o Has no interest at first until Chris mentions that he can make good money 

138. Gives her 1 month to think about it (after all, she's going on vacation first) + should call the number when she's decided (gives her a business card) 

139. Is picked up by Adla and Logan at the airport and tell her what happened while we were away + Noha only half listens because she's already thinking about Chris's offer 

140. Is greeted by family and realizes at dinner that his mind is somewhere else  tells them about Chris's offer 

o Everyone gives their opinion (some say to accept, others to reject)  Connor says to make her own decision and not let others influence her (after all, it is her life) 

• Make a pros and cons list 

141. Shortly before the end of the month she decided + calls Chris (accepts offer)  should meet him in Toronto in 1 week to sign the contract and discuss details of what exactly her tasks will be

142. Says goodbye to family & is taken to the airport by Connor + tells her if she has any difficulties to just call and some of them would come and help her 

143. Meets Chris in the office + is happy to accept the offer  Noha reads the contract carefully before signingo Gets good salary 

o 2x a week off (she can choose when) 

o Would have to wear different clothes (your looks might reflect on Chris)o Chris is right to fire her for just cause (his understanding). 

144. Noha is needed as a stylist to do makeovers with her (see picture) 

145. First 4 months: Chris turns out to be a pleasant boss + meets with Owen, Eva and Izzy (the only former participants who know about their job + meets them in casual clothes) & talk about what's going on with them now 

o Izzy has signed her first contract for a film where she is the leading actress 

o Owen appears in some commercials to help pay his family's debts 

o Eva takes part in body builder competitions 

146. Noticed that Chris was acting strangely 2 weeks after announcing that Season 3 had been greenlit  Ignored this because he wanted/needed to concentrate on his job 

147. 7 months after the end of the 2nd season, Noha is deeply involved in planning for the new season "Total Drama Douchebag" + has to deal with Chris' constant changes  only endures this because she keeps telling herself that money is needed for later training

148. Celebrates her 16th birthday with her friends + says how tiring it is to work under Chris now (challenges are nothing compared to what she has to do sometimes)  Has to pay a lot because Owen ate so much (almost 2 months' salary ) 

149. Is often called on the company cell phone by Blainely, who is trying to get insider information about the latest Total Drama season  Noha blocks every time until the number is blocked 

150. Is suddenly called on a private cell phone + Takes a good 3 months until something happens (had to change number 5 times during that time)  makes it clear to Blainely that he shouldn't bother anymore 

o Hacked into her calendar and messed everything upo Last call makes it clear that she was the one who messed up appointments and will do more if she doesn't leave her alone 

151. Works late into the night to follow Chris' orders + wonders why Chris often leaves the room when he gets a phone call and why he doesn't really supervise planning 

o Starts to get overtired often + drinks coffee to stay awake  Interns do a lot of things wrong, which they then correct themselves in addition to actual work 

o Falls asleep more often at the table where she works late into the night  noticed how the boss put a blanket over her and asked Chris if he wasn't exaggerating (wouldn't be surprised that Noha would get burned out if it continued like this + wouldn't help them either  Noha thinks she was imagining)

152. Tells Chris appointments for the day  to pick up suit from dry cleaners for awards ceremony 

153. Chris sends him out to get him coffee and a cup of coffee + he grumbles to himself when it starts (actually it's the job of interns and not assistants) 

154. Duncan makes a comment as he returns to the red carpet with an order & gets a slap in the back of the head from Courtney (others don't recognize them until they talk) 

o Duncan: >Hey, who is this hottie?< 

o Noha: >Someone who is obviously out of your league< *takes off glasses as he approaches* 

155. Gives Chris his coffee and his muff & others make fun of the fact that Noha works for Chris + replies that she is well paid and shows her salary with her cell phone  some people's mouths remain open 

156. Chris' new stars are coming + Noha explains the concept for Chris' new show 

157. Chris takes a sip of coffee & spits it out + fires Noha because Lete was cold and goes in with boss  Noha lets out frustration from the last few months + while talking, takes off headset, throws it on the floor and steps on ito Noha: >'anti... 'ayuha sayiq aleubidi, abn aleahirat al'ajraba! 'ahadha hu alshukr aladhi tahsul ealayh li'anak 'ajhadt nafsak 'iilaa 'aqsaa ma yumkin 'an yahtamilah al'iinsani?! Hal yatimu tarduk min aleamal bisabab shay' tafih jdan, faqat li'ana qahwatak lam takun dafiatan bidarajat kafiatin? Narju 'an tanfatih hafr allaenat al'abadiat taht 'aqdamikum watamhu wujudukum albayis watatrukukum tueani min aleadhab al'abadii!< | * slave driver son of a mangy bitch! That's the thanks you get for having worked to the limit of what is humanly tolerable?! Getting fired for something so trivial, just because your coffee wasn't warm enough? May the pits of eternal damnation open beneath your feet and wipe out your miserable existence, and may you suffer eternal torment!

158. Eva leads a little to the side so that she can calm down + Izzy says that the door could open for others 

o Eva listens quietly while Noha talks about what she had to go through in the last few months and the only reason she didn't quit was because she wanted to earn money for her education (Owen, Izzy and Eva know what Noha originally wanted to win money for + that despite good finances, her parents want to that even working for their dreams doesn't mean they grow up to be spoiled nouveau riche children) 

159. Noha has calmed down again when others hear Izzy asking to go back in to open door + see awards ceremony  Courtney goes through a temper when hearing that other show won instead of Total Drama 

160. Chris wins award for best show host + thanks the TD crew and doesn't say a word about candidates  Noha kicks the torn-off television and says that Chris wouldn't even be close to finishing the preparations for his third season if they hadn't spent some whole nights there would have worked through it because his interns are a bunch of incompetent idiots 

161. Leshawna respects Noha's behavior + girl with microphone (Sierra) motivates not to give up & suggests stealing interview in New York (use bus from DJ's mom + Sierra gets on board and has camera with her) 

162. We've been on the road for a few hours (the driver has been changed every now and then, Courtney is currently driving) + Noha changed in the toilet in the meantime (hadn't unpacked her suitcase at the hotel yet) 

163. See Chris' new stars bus + overtake and shoot at Owen's snacks (use Leshawna's bra as a catapult)

164. Duncan and Courtney argue before making out again + bus runs off the road and falls off the cliff (Noha: > Lahazati al'akhirat wa'ana muhat bial'aghbia' fi 'aghlab al'ahyani! 'arju allah 'an yarhamani.<) | My final moments and I'm surrounded by idiots for the most part! Please Allah, have mercy on me. 

165. Sees some ropes & calls Izzy, Eva and Gwen to help her tie ropes and make a makeshift anchor + work and have a smoother crash landing (no one is hurt, but a little in shock)o Noha: >Honestly, I didn't expect that to work.< 

166. Crawling out of rubble and hearing the helicopter move away + split up (one group tries to find help & the rest stays at the wreckage) 

o Looking for help: Geoff, Trent, Beth, Justin, Kady, Sady, Eva and DJ's Mom 

167. Sleeping outside (Noha took a little distance from everyone so as not to repeat the event from Iceland again) + wake up to the smell of DJ's cooking 

168. Hear noise and look up (are Chris and boss in the helicopter) + are rescued by them (helicopter has very strong magnet to lift bus)  are taken to the film set 

169. Experience TDDirtbags was just a trick to get everyone together because participants present will be from the new third season: traveling around the world and visiting different countries (Alejandro was a help to Trick + was promised a place in a new show)  Chris convinces with a chance of 1 million Dollar prize money (assuming new, revised contracts are signed for the season) 

o Receive a list of what to pack once everyone has signed the contractso Have 2 weeks before meeting in Toronto (get shuttle bus from airport to runway + will record intro in between) 

170. Everyone flies home first to prepare for relay

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