Naruto Idea 1: Neko to Inu to Kitsune | Cat-Dog-and-Fox #2

Sarada's necklace and kunai:  

Boruto's necklace and kunai:  

Naruto's appearance (more or less) as Hokage + family:

Story/Plot Idee

Early childhood 

 NS: 480 #Age 3/4 

o Is avoided by everyone & wanders aimlessly through the village + stomach growls --> stops in front of Ichiraku and takes money out of his pocket (not enough for food) 

o Lies sadly in bed & holds his stomach because it hurts from hunger 

o Goes to a clearing he found in the forest and collects things to eat (fish, mushrooms, herbs) + starts making food over a small campfire when it gets dark 

o Meets Hiruzen for the first time + shares food with him 

o Meets Hinata, who ran away from her uncle's funeral + brings her back --> doesn't understand how Hinata can be sad when she lives in such a big house 

 Searches/rummages through garbage cans/clothing store containers for clothes when it's dark (usually gets thrown out or ripped off by owners) 

 NS: 327/328 

o Events from Kurama's perspective 

 NS: 257 

o Plays pranks so that the adults pay attention to her + starts to wonder who her parents were --> Asks 3rd Hokage who her parents were + gets no answer #Age: 5/6 

 Beginning – The Last #Age 7/8 

o It's winter when she wanders through the village + sees Hinata being teased --> stands up for her & takes the short straw 

o Has her first temper tantrum when she sees boys destroying her scarf + scares her into running away --> is sad about the scarf (it was a gift from one of the ANBU #Inu) 

o Hears Hinata when she tries to thank her & apologizes that it was her fault that Naruto got involved --> Naruto says it's no big deal + that she doesn't like bullies 

o Hinata is called by a guard & thanks Naruto again + Naruto listens to Hinata like a guard says that she should stay away from her (it would only cause trouble) 

o Naruto picks up the scarf again, shakes off the snow and puts it back on before continuing to wander around 

o A few months later (beginning of spring - slowly starting to thaw) finds a small package in front of her door with a note thanking her again for her help --> is a new scarf in orange and red

Childhood – Academy [ages 9-12]

 (1st year + other sensei) 

o Tries to make friends with others + many have no interest in it 

* Boys think like other girls + girls only talk about one topic (Sasuke) & make fun of her clothes behind her backs (some openly) --> Naruto doesn't understand why it's important to other girls how they look/wear what (is more practically oriented) 

o Avoids Kunoichi lessons (even though he knows that it will affect his grades) + only comes voluntarily if it's about cooking/housekeeping (knows himself that just eating ramen isn't healthy + hopes to be able to make more out of the little he can do/finds in nature) Skips these or does something else (e.g. training) 

* finds it unfair that boys have more hours in this regard to improve skills 

o Tried to take part in lessons at the beginning of his time at the academy + was ignored when he raised his hand (when asking questions or when he knew something) --> came up with an idea, how to get people to notice you #Pranks

 NS: 482 

o Stands up for Hinata when she is teased + reacts like Kushina when she is provoked 

o Intervenes in Choji and Shikamaru's argument --> both no longer know what it was about & laugho Spend the rest of the day together + see Ino being dumped by Sasuke --> run when they see Ino's look

 (2nd year (already had 4 different senseis (asked for transfer after 3 months)))

 o Beginning – The Last 

* Their task was to write down who they would want to have with them if the end of the world was imminent (before Iruka became Naruto's caregiver) + Naruto doesn't know who to write down --> start looking out the window, lost in thought

o NS: Episode 176 – 178 

*Iruka becomes Naruto's new teacher --> treats her like other teachers/adults 

* Naruto plays a prank with a mask on three boys who made fun of her --> accuses Iruka, when he confronts her, of being like everyone else & decides not to come to the academy anymore 

* Sneaks out of the apartment when Iruka shows up there + is approached by boys --> would be friends with her if she does/passes a dare test 

* Iruka finds out what happened + follows Naruto --> doesn't want to go with him because of the chance to make friends + distracts with jutsu 

* Looks around hills + finds special kunai --> runs into enemy shinobi + tries to buy time with sexy jutsu (doesn't work because women) 

* Can lure enemy shinobi into a hunting trap + runs back towards the village 

* Kakashi finds out what's going on + follows Iruka 

* Hears Iruka calling for her + calls back & falls down the embankment 

* Iruka finds her + enemy shinobi --> loses consciousness + Iruka flees from shinobi with Naruto on his back --> get support from Kakashi 

* Naruto is checked out in the hospital + Iruka brings information to the 3rd Hokage --> then returns to the hospital to wait until Naruto wakes up + go to the academy together 

* Have a conversation in front of the tree + Iruka marks a spot on the tree and says that when he reaches his size he will be an excellent ninja --> start of friendship

 NS 257 

o Sees hatred in Sasuke's eyes during the training fight --> learns that Sasuke is the only survivor of his family/clan 

 NC: Episode 88/89 

o Iruka puts a leaf on Naruto, Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru's foreheads (to help them concentrate) 

 NS: 240 

o Naruto and Kiba have competitions/contests

Canon Classic (12/13)

 Team allocation 

o NC: Episode 1 

* Fails exam 

* Kiba tries to cheer up (Naruto says it was only because of Doppelgänger Jutsu) 

* Mizuki speaks & Kiba has a feeling something is wrong as he watches Naruto follow Mizuki 

* Learns about "secret exam" 

* Learns the truth

o NC: Episode 2 

* Meets Kunuhamaru when talking to Hokage about a photo, 

* Meets Kiba + he points to little pursuer 

* Konuhamaru wants to learn from her 

* Defeats Ebisu + tells Kanuhamaru that the technique A) can only be used in an emergency and B) only works against men like Ebisu 

o NC: Episode 3 

* Comes into class + Kiba is surprised (says he will explain what happened later) 

* Sits next to Sasuke because there is no other seat free --> is pulled out by Sakura and Ino 

* Sits on the table in front of Sasuke + is accidentally pushed by the person in front of him --> accidental first kiss (Kiba thinks that was it for Naruto) 

* Distracts other girls after first kiss #second Sasuke (none of the boys would have thought that would work) + runs out Class 

* Escapes thanks to shadow clone (hides herself while FanGirl Mob chases clone) + sits next to Kiba (space freed up by pursuit) 

* Other girls come back + are confused that Naruto is already back + unharmed 

* Iruka comes in + announces teams --> is happy with Kiba that they are on a team + freezes when he hears the name of the third member 

* Fangirls complain loudly + Naruto bangs her head against the table --> Kiba asks what is doing + Naruto says that he is trying to wake up from the nightmare 

* Tells Kiba what happened when they have lunch break (omits the part about Kyubi)

o NC: Episode 4

* Meet Kakashi + introduce themselves (Kiba has a dream that has to do with his clan) 

* Are told that they have a survival test the next day 

* Are angry that Kakashi is late + Kakashi explains the rules/task --> ​​Kiba and Naruto turn it into their own little competition 

* Naruto gets pretty angry after Kakashi's "secret" technique (similar to their mother) + Kiba reveals his hiding place in a panic + advises Kakashi and Sasuke to get to safety (Kakashi has a slight flashback) 

* Naruto tries to punch him & Kakashi dodges --> Earth is a bit splintered (weak version of Tsunade's punches) + Kakashi can retreat in the chaos that Naruto is causing 

o NC: Episode 5 

* Fall for tricks/traps (Kiba laughs when he sees Sasuke in the earth) + Naruto is punished because he wanted to eat secretly 

* Kakashi says why didn't you manage it + willing to give 2nd chance, but are not allowed to give Naruto food --> do it anyway and pass

  Waves Country

o NC: Episode 6 

* Have been doing D missions for a month + Naruto wants a more difficult mission 

* Are supposed to escort Tatsuna + Kiba holds Naruto back when Tatsuna says something about her size 

* Kiba smells the scent, but before he can say anything they are attacked --> Naruto freezes + gets scratches 

* Tatsuna tells the truth + Naruto swears never to freeze again 

o NC: Episode 7 - 9 

* Are attacked by Zabuza 

o NC: Episode 10 - 12 

* Kakashi wakes up + starts chakra control training with Team 7 (Kiba is the first to get it after several attempts) 

* Find out what happened in Waves Country 

* Naruto is angry because Inari is only feeling sorry for herself + goes out to continue training 

* Meets Haku in the forest and they talk 

o NC: Episode 13 - 19 

* Fight on the bridge 

* Sasuke realizes that he has feelings for Naruto when he protects her from Haku 

* Akamaru whimpers as the Kyuubi's chakra flows out 

* Fight won, Sasuke still alive + return over the completed bridge

 Filler 

o NC: Episode 101, 186 | NS: Episodes 189, 194 

* Filler 1 (NC 101): Team 7 tries to find out what Kakashi looks like under his mask --> ​​Naruto considers using transformation jutsu at the hot spring to sneak over 

* Filler 2 (NS 189): Kiba and Akamaru are not happy that they have to pretend to be cats 

* Filler 3 (NS 194): During the mission, Naruto and Sasuke are glued together 

* Filler 4 (NC 186): Team 7 (minus Kakashi) is assigned as representatives for to serve at the funeral ceremony 

* They agree that Sasuke should be the representative + he is given laughing poison + Kiba has already taken it himself before Sasuke suddenly starts laughing and knows that something is wrong --> it becomes clear that Naruto has to act as a representative

 Chuunin selection exams 

Before the exams 

o NC: Episode 20/21 

* Have been back for 1 month, meet ninjas from another village and learn about Chuunin selection exams 

* Kakashi says that when they feel ready, they should go on a certain day

Written exam 

o NC: Episode 22 - 25 

* Make their way to the exam room + are stopped by Lee (wants to fight Sasuke) --> flirts with Naruto? 

* Meet others again + get to know Kabuto --> Ninja info cards 

* Test begins + Sasuke and Kiba have a bad feeling about Naruto + she is panicking 

* Naruto shows willingness to risk everything + passes test --> Anko appears 

Forest of Death 

o NC: Episode 26 - 36 

* Get rules explained + have to fill out form 

* Think about strategies + person attacks Naruto when he has his pants down --> gets to know her anger (Kiba was able to recognize imposters by their smell and Sasuke points to weapons bag) 

* Get separated + Naruto loses her jacket & is eaten --> escapes thanks to shadow clone 

* Sasuke realizes that "Naruto" is not real + Orochimaru says that he recognized it well (even made an effort to get a jacket to deceive the puppy boys) 

* Boys vs. Orochimaru (Kiba asks if he only imagines, or the weird snake aunt is after Sasuke in the first place) 

* Naruto shows up and gets involved --> uses chakra from the Kyubi (Akamaru whimpers slightly when this happens) 

* Orochimaru catches Naruto with his tongue and manipulates seal (does not tighten seal but loosens) --> Kiba uses animal-human clone when Naruto is thrown to the side + Akamaru catches him 

* Orochimaru gives Sasuke the mark of the curse + Kiba wonders what to do now that the others are out of action 

* Has found shelter and set up some traps in the area (Akamaru carried Naruto + Kiba Sasuke) 

* Kiba does his best to protect his comrades with Akamaru (the guy with sonic power is the worst for him, Akamaru) + suddenly gets help from Lee (either because of feelings for Naruto or because of rivalry with Sasuke) 

* Are in a real dilemma + Team 10 comes to help --> Sasuke wakes up with the curse mark (Akamaru whines) 

* One of the Oto-nins manages to get to Naruto, pulls her up by her hair and holds kunai to her throat --> makes Sasuke really angry 

* Naruto wakes up + doesn't understand what's going on --> is shocked when he sees how brutal Sasuke is + holds him back (similar to Sakura in the canon) 

* Oto-nins retreat, Sasuke loses consciousness again and Naruto asks what the hell was going on + Kiba says that she probably doesn't want to know 

* Say goodbye to Team 10 + Naruto finds out what happened since she lost consciousness & how she feels 

• Kiba saw that Orochimaru did something before Naruto fell unconscious 

* Naruto feels unchanged + thinks about next steps 

* Naruto has an idea to fake the sky scroll by look at what is written in the earth scroll + are stopped by Kabuto (explains what happens if you try) 

* Set off together towards the tower (plan: lie in wait for other teams that are on the way) 

* Steal scroll from Kiri-nin + reach tower & open scrolls --> passed

Elimination round/pre-selection 

o NC: Episode 37 - 50 

* Hokage gives a speech + are told that they will do a pre-selection round because too many have passed & gives Genin the opportunity to drop out --> are given rules explained (random generator) 

* Sasuke vs. Yoroi + Kakashi goes somewhere with Sasuke to seal Mal (does not tell Kiba and Naruto what he will do) 

* Shino vs. Zaku 

* Kankuro vs. Misumi 

* Ino vs. Sakura 

* Tenten vs. Temari 

* Shikamaru vs. Kin 

* Naruto vs. Kiba (both look at each other in surprise) + hear murmuring as they jump into the arena because they are both on the same team (some think that it could be interesting because they both know each other's fighting style and jutsus) 

• Kakashi has now returned + says that Sasuke is resting is 

* Before the start they talk (can see who is stronger/better) + make a deal that the loser has to invite the winner to dinner (complete meal) 

* When the last punch is made, eyes briefly turn red + Kiba freezes briefly --> Naruto's punch hits + she wins 

* Hinata vs. Neji 

* Naruto is angry about the way Neji behaves + knows that Kiba has a small crush on Hinata 

* Lee vs. Gaara 

* Dosu vs. Choji 

* Pairings for the 3rd test fights are drawn/lotted 

• Naruto vs. Neji 

• Gaara vs. Sasuke 

• Kankuro vs. Shino 

• Temari vs. Shikamaru

Training month (Between exams) 

o NC: Episode 51 - 58 

* Naruto wants to train, but Kakashi does one-on-one training with Sasuke + has a replacement trainer for her (Ebisu) --> Naruto is not happy 

* Tries to leave Ebisu behind + agrees to let him train 

* Meets Jiraiya + "persuades" him to train her --> calls him a pervert when he states his condition 

• Had an idea for her special technique because of what she saw 

* Starts training (water walking) + has a lot of problems (chakra suddenly cuts off or water sprays meters high) 

* Jiraiya explains to her that she has two types of chakra in her (her own large reserves + Kyuubi) 

* Jiraiya shows her technique (familiar spirit jutsu) + she signs contract & starts practicing the jutsu 

* Only gets tadpoles + frustrates them --> Jiraiya notices that when they get frustrated, their eyes turn red 

• Jiraiya checks sigel + notices change & corrects it 

o NS: Episode 179/180 

* Naruto is worried because training isn't really making any progress (Jiraiya has stopped training for the day because he has to do "research") --> Hears something about the "Legacy of the Fourth Hokage" + asks Team 10 for help to find it (thinks it could be a strong jutsu) 

• It's just training parkour from Gai 

o NC: see above 

* Jiraiya says that she should take a day off and use the day as if it were her last + meets with Kiba and tells him about her training & teases him about Hinata 

* Jiraiya says that she's trying something that's very dangerous + pushes her off a cliff --> lands in the subconscious and meets Kyuubi 

* Summons Gamabunter + he doesn't believe her that she summoned him --> clings to him all day to win the bet 

* Manages it & loses consciousness from exhaustion + Gamabunta catches him & Jiraiya shows him the signed contract --> Gamabunter takes him to the hospital before disappearing 

* Wakes up in the hospital a few days later & sees Shikamaru --> suggests teasing Choji 

* Sees Gaara in Lee's room and tells him to kill him + Naruto realizes that Gaara is like her 

* Shikamaru asks if she's okay (has noticed that she's tensed up) + Naruto waves him off 

• Shakamaru sees that she's not telling the truth, but says nothing 

* Naruto sits in her room and thinks that if her life had just been a little different, it could have ended like Gaara 

• Reflects that she has always swallowed and hidden all her anger and all her sadness --> but when came up, were each time stronger than before


o NC: Episode 59 - 80 

* Naruto slept badly + goes to the academy lost in thought --> meets Hinata there 

* Realizes that she is late + runs towards the arena (doesn't pay attention to where he is going in his rush) 

* Meets Konohamaru + gets even more lost because of his shortcut + is chased by cows/bulls because of his idea 

* Reaches the arena at the last second + blushes a little because of her appearance 

* Notices that Sasuke isn't there + hopes that he doesn't start to get the same habit as Kakashi (coming late) 

* Fight: Neji vs. Naruto 

• Naruto angry because of all Neji's talk about fate 

* Sasuke's fight is postponed + Shikamaru vs. Temari begins 

* Kankuro gives up the fight before it has even started + Sasuke is counted out 

* Sasuke & Kakashi arrive at the last second + Naruto thinks the performance is exaggerated 

* Sasuke vs. Gaara + Naruto and Shikamaru go to the audience to talk to friends Genjutsu is placed over the arena + invasion begins 

* Naruto is woken up + Kakashi sends Sakura, Naruto and Shikamaru after Sasuke, who is chasing Gaare (gives them Pakkun) 

* They notice that they are being followed + Shikamaru has a plan (he stays behind with shadow clones and buys them time #wrong trail) 

* They pass Temari, Kankuro and Shino + reach Sasuke, who is fighting Gaara (Sasuke is out of action because of the curse mark) 

* Naruto relieves Sasuke in the fight + Sakura is used as leverage so that he cannot flee (Gaara wants a fight to the death) 

* Naruto tries to summon Gamabunta --> gets Gamakichi and has to protect him 

* Summon Gamabunter + Shukaku takes control of Gaara --> Naruto manages to wake Gaara 

* Naruto wins + has built a relationship with Gaara (says that he knows how he feels) 

• After the last encounter he thought long and hard + realized that without people who are important to him he could have chosen the same path 

* Return to the village (treated by medic-nin on the way) + learn of the death of the Hokage 

* Funeral

 Search for Tsunade 

o NC: Episode 81 – 96/97 

* Are training when Jiraiya shows up and says that he needs Naruto to find someone who could help Lee (Tsunade) 

* Kakashi finishes training + Naruto says goodbye before rushing home to pack his bag 

* Meets Jiraiya at the gate and begins his journey + Kakashi, Kurenai and Azuma meet Itachi and Kizame --> comes to fight + Itachi says that they are after the Kyuubi's Jinchhuriki 

* Sasuke and Kiba have heard that Kakashi is in the hospital + learns from Gai that Itachi was in the village and is after Naruto 

* Sasuke is gone before Kiba can ask what he means --> Kiba learns that Itachi is Sasuke's older brother and responsible for the Uchiha Masaka 

* Jiraiya and Naruto reach the first village + Jiraiya sends Naruto to the hotel with the room key after seeing a pretty woman --> Naruto mumbles all the way to the room & does some improvised training 

* Sasuke reaches the same village and starts looking for Naruto 

* Naruto hears a knock on the door + thinks it's Jiraiya --> faces Itachi and Kisame (Naruto finds it strange that the man in front of her looks like Sasuke) 

* Is asked to come out + Naruto does so, but doesn't take his eyes off them (feels something is wrong and wants to give himself some space) 

* Kisame suggests that they tie Naruto's legs because he doesn't like the way she walks + Naruto immediately draws kunai 

* Sasuke shows up & confronts brother --> loses house & is put in genjutsu + Naruto wants to help Sasuke, but is stopped by Kisame 

• Notices that chakra has become weaker after she was touched by the sword 

* Jiraiya appears + Itachi and Kizame retreat 

• Itachi says before disappearing that the Akatsuki organization is after the Kyuubi and the other tailed animals 

* Naruto runs straight to Sasuke & tries to wake him up + Jiraiya says that he is in Genjutzu --> only Tsunade could help him 

• Naruto realizes that he has feelings for Sasuke 

* Gai appears and attacks Jiraiya because of confusion + brings Sasuke back to the village 

* Travel further + Naruto sees Rasengan for the first time --> Jiraiya begins to teach her first stage (takes 1 week to complete)• Had idea thanks to cat 

* Shows Jiraiya that he has done it + starts second stage (takes 2 weeks to complete) 

* Has mastered second stage + has to connect first two in third stage 

* Reach village where Tsunade is + meet she 

* Naruto learns that Tsunade is to become the next Hokage + Tsunade insults position/village --> Naruto gets angry and challenges to a fight 

* Tsunade defeats with just one finger + make a bet (master Rasengan within the week) 

• If Naruto wins: Tsunade becomes Hokage, takes back everything she said, gives Naruto her grandfather's necklace 

• If Tsunade wins: Naruto has to give up savings from Gama-chan 

* Shizune explains why Tsunade is like that + Naruto is determined to win the bet 

* Naruto finds Shizune and Jiraiya + learns that Tsunade plans to meet Orochimaru 

* Naruto goes between Kabiuto and Tsunade + fight --> successfully performs Rasengan, but was hit by Kabuto (has pain in chest and has difficulty breathing --> collapses) 

* Tsunade begins first aid for Naruto + fight between the Sannin --> Tsunade decides to accept the post of Hokage 

• Stands between Orochimaru and Naruto when he tries to take her out 

* Naruto wakes up + they go back to Konoha 

* ?Episode 97?

 Return to Konoha 

o NC: Episode 98/99 

* Reach Konoha + Naruto asks her to check on her friends 

* Meets Kiba and Sakura in Sasuke's room + explains who Tsunade is 

* Sasuke wakes up & Sakura immediately throws her arms around his neck + Naruto feels a stab in his chest when Sasuke says Sakura's name 

• Tsunade and Kiba notice a sad expression in Naruto's eyes 

* Naruto quickly smiles again (puts on mask) + go to Kakashi and Lee 

* Sasuke only notices that Naruto was in the room when she has already left the room + Kiba congratulates the "idiot" --> Sasuke doesn't understand + Kiba says that if he doesn't know what he's talking about, there's no point in explaining it to him 

* Tsunade says that Lee has little chance of continuing to be a ninja if Operation agrees 

* Konohamaru has barricades himself in the Hokage's office + Naruto tries to get him out + Tsunade comes and breaks down the door because he needs a document from the office

 Filler 

o NC: Episode {141 – 147}, 162 – 167, {184}, 197 – 201 + own ideas + NS: Episodes 

* Filler 1 (NC 162 – 167 inspired): Team 7 is given the task of investigating something 

• Traders have been disappearing at the mountain pass for months + those who come back swear that it was the work of ghosts 

* Naruto gets nervous after the word "ghosts" is mentioned + tries not to show fear --> doesn't quite work 

• There is a tragic legend about the pass 

* Kiba has fun when they are at the pass (scares Naruto) + Naruto gets angry --> Kakashi calls for order 

* Paranormal event happens --> Naruto then clings to Kakashi/Sasuke 

• Kiba says that he couldn't smell anything + Sasuke has nothing to do with Sharingan recognize 

* Have reached the place where the disappearance happened + "paranormal" event occurs --> Sasuke and Kiba confirm that it is the work of humans, even if it doesn't look like it 

* Naruto close to the edge of the cliff + breaks off --> Sasuke tries to grab a hand + misses by a few centimeters --> Naruto falls into the abyss + attackers can escape by distraction 

* Naruto manages to make a chain of shadow clones (one holds on to a tree/branch that protrudes from the rock) + swings on the wall & discovers a cave --> decides to enter 

* Holds one hand on the wall + after a few meters always feels his way with his foot before moving on --> after a while suddenly sees something glowing 

* Sasuke frustrated (the curse mark reacts to this) + follows the trail of the criminals --> finds a camp at the cave entrance + starts to plan 

* Naruto enters a large cave, which is of course lit up & has a lake + finds a stone with an inscription that can no longer be read --> suddenly hears a voice 

* The rest of Team 7 waited until nightfall to implement the plan --> comes to the fight + 5 opponents manage to retreat 

* Remain standing in the clearing, see a mysterious person (silhouette of a young woman) + woman asks for what does not belong to them again --> fight (strange things happen) 

* Team 7 reaches the clearing & recognizes person #Naruto --> but does not react to her when she is called out + notices that her fighting style is different than usual 

* "Naruto" takes a wordless object (necklace/bracelet/ring) from the unconscious enemy + steps back from where he came --> the rest make sure they cannot escape before Naruto follows 

* Arrive in the same cave that Naruto found earlier + "Naruto" speaks (is not her voice) 

• see her clearly for the first time + her eyes are expressionless --> Is possessed by the spirit from legend/story 

• Stealing the object has woken her from eternal sleep + apologizes for borrowing her comrade 

* Spirit leaves Naruto's body --> collapses + Sasuke catches her 

* Naruto is confused about what happened & has to be supported (has no strength because of the thing) 

* Finnish Mission + on the way back finds out what happened --> goes crazy at the thought that the spirit has taken possession of her

* Filler 2 (NS 182): There is unrest on the border of the Fire and Wind Kingdoms --> Joint mission with team from Suna (reunion with Gaara) 

* Filler 3 (NS 183): Naruto is hunted by Medic-Nins because they believe she has the chakra virus --> other teams have been assigned to capture her 

* ?Filler 4 (NC 184)?: Akamaru becomes aggressive because of the virus + Naruto tries to help Kiba --> find a way to heal Akamaru 

* Filler 5 (NS 191): Team 7 sees Kakashi with a woman + they follow the two (can't believe that someone would hang out with their Sensai) 

* ?Filler 6 (NC - OVA 4)?: Competition challenge Chuunnin & Jonnin vs. Genin 

* Filler 7 (NC - 197 - 201): Find out that someone is planning to destroy Konoha (Chuunin & Jonnin at their limits) + Naruto recognizes the person --> ANBU try to get information from Naruto through Jutsu because he can't remember normally 

* Discover bombs + trigger point 

* Shikamaru finds out what the old man has planned + Naruto already in the fight --> are too late (was Genjutsu) + find out that the old man abandoned his plan because of an encounter with Naruto (she reminded him of his grandchild)

* Filler 8 (Inspired by NC Film 1): Team 7 is given the task of protecting someone while on their way home 

* Are at a place where clients are supposed to meet + hear commotion --> girl runs into Naruto & both fall to the ground + freeze when they look at each other (they are similar except for Naruto's lines on his cheek) 

* Find out that girl is + person they are supposed to protect --> Princess doesn't make it easy for the team (behaves quite bitchy and thinks she's better than them) 

* Are attacked + can scare attackers away & Princess makes a snarky comment 

* After setting up camp, find out why Princess is like that 

• Father was killed in a coup when she was very young --> had to grow up quickly to be prepared to pursue responsibilities (her way is to protect herself from others #facade) 

* Naruto is supposed to go with Princess in a rickshaw + Princess has an idea & urges Naruto to agree to this, as it is ultimately their mission to protect her --> Naruto reluctantly agrees 

• Swap clothes + put on make-up (Naruto still wears a small weapon bag under his clothes for emergencies) 

* Ambush + girls flee from rickshaw --> "Naruto" is overpowered & Princess kidnapped 

* Others arrive at "Naruo" (Sasuke and Kiba don't understand how he let himself be overpowered so easily) + fall silent when the stripes on his cheeks are blurred by snow 

* Princess claimed that it was Naruto's idea --> Sasuke and Kiba say bullshit (knowing that Naruto would never come up with such an idea, let alone willingly join in) 

* Princess doesn't know what to do, after all it is their duty to protect her and if someone gets hurt in the process of fulfilling their mission, it's not a big deal --> Kakashi holds Kiba and Sasuke back + makes it clear that yes, it is their mission to protect, but does not excuse the deliberate endangerment of one of them 

* They will get to the target as quickly as possible to help Naruto 

* Naruto wakes up + is taken to the person in charge --> when he forces him to look into his eyes, his make-up smudges + Naruto uses surprise to free himself 

* Tries to find an exit + does not understand how someone can move properly in the clothes --> is overwhelmed + is given a chakra absorber & loses consciousness after receiving electric shocks 

* Leader gives the order to lock Naruto in a cell + bring the real princess to him 

* Rest of the group is attacked again + Princess is kidnapped in the chaos --> Is locked in a cell opposite Naruto's 

* Naruto wakes up (hanging from chains from the ceiling) + after looking around, sees princess --> hears conversation between princess and leader (if she gives him something/tells him, he would be able to leave again) 

* Naruto confronts her that simply gives up --> Princess explains her reason + from childhood + Naruto says that she won't give up & frees herself from the Kyuubi with chakra from the device + takes a lockpick out of shoes to pick the lock/locks 

* Naruto adjusts the kimono a little to be able to move better in it (tears & shortens a little) 

* Come into confrontation with leader + Princess ready to stand up for what is right --> Naruto has problems keeping up + is hit hard because Princess had to defend 

* Leader ready to finish Naruto + Sasuke comes at the last second and takes an attack for her --> Leader uses the opportunity to grab Princess + Naruto worried about Sasuke 

* Sasuke says he should follow leader otherwise it will all be in vain + Naruto hesitates before doing what Sasuke said --> Manages to defeat leader 

* Princess thanks Team 7 & takes position + head back to Konoha (Kakashi carries Sasuke because of injuries)

 Leaving Konoha/Difficult decision 

o NC: [Episode 107 – 135] + 220 

* Sasuke back in hospital + Naruto has a nightmare (moments where Sasuke protected her) 

* Sits thoughtfully in bed and looks out the window (it's a full moon) + comes to a decision 

• Knows that there are people who are after her because of the Kyuubi (Itachi/Akatsuki) 

• Doesn't want more people to get hurt because of her 

* Packs bag with most important things + writes letter 

* Sneaks into Sasuke's hospital room + puts letter on his bedside table along with her headband + leans forward as if she wanted to kiss him, but holds herself back 

* Makes it out of the village + a few kilometers away Oto-Nin crosses & is attacked by them 

• ​​Oto-Nin have noticed them and used the element of surprise 

• Have orders from Orochimaru to administer a serum if she crosses their path 

==> Serum affects seals/her emotions --> has difficulty keeping Kyuubi under control 

* Naruto tries to get away, but is followed by them --> tries to use doppelgangers as a distraction to shake them off 

* At the same time, Sasuke wakes up + finds Naruto's headband & her letter --> informs Tsunade 

* Tsunade calls Shikamaru (is team leader) + is supposed to create a team to bring Naruto back --> set off at dawn 

• Choji 

• Kiba & Akamaru 

• Neji 

• Sasuke (has Naruto's headband in his pocket) 

* Team finds place where Naruto was attacked + are alarmed --> Kiba and Sasuke recognize Naruto's tactics + can find out which direction the real one took

* At the same time, Naruto is resting (has managed to shake off the Oto-Nins for the time being) + wonders what they want from her or why they were even near the village --> remembers Sasuke's mark (was similar to Oto-Quintett) + thinks that Orochimaru is after Sasuke again 

* Hears a noise & hides + hears one of the Oto-Nins upset about her --> knows where she is + overpowers her 

• Drive Naruto to a certain place with attacks + Kidoumaru uses spider web to stick her to a tree 

* Tayuya is the one who gives Naruto serum (pushes blonde's head to the side to ram liquid into a vessel in her neck) --> Naruto screams (feels his body is burning) + loses consciousness 

* Team hears scream + Neji uses Biakugan --> reach the place + see Naruto tied up with spider web and unconscious under one of the Arms of Kidoumaru 

* Oto-quintet happy to see Sasuke (can complete the rest of their mission) --> Three go with Naruto (are sure that Orochimaru wants to see the result of his serum) + Jiroubou stays behind to incapacitate the team and then follow Sasuke 

* Can escape through Shikamaru (pretended to negotiate their release if Sasuke turns himself in) + Choji stays behind for the fight --> rest gives chase 

* Team catches up with Oto-Nins & is held at bay by Kidoumaru (threw Naruto to Tayuya) + has the same plan as Jiroubou (take out others & take Sasuke with him) 

• Naruto's hair gradually starts to turn red (approx. 1/3 from the roots already red) 

* Neji is the only one who can do something against him + others continue to pursue 

* Team catches up with Oto-Nin again + Kiba gets into a fight with Sakon --> fall into a ravine 

* Shikamaru and Sasuke face Tayuya + notice Naruto's changed hair color (hair half red) --> Tayuya wants to get ready for a fight + Naruto wakes up with a chakra boost (Kyuubi), frees himself (with longer nails) and hits Tayuya before fleeing 

• Didn't notice Shikamaru & Sasuke --> Shikamaru suspects that's because that's the last thing Naruto can remember 

* Shikamaru sends Sasuke after Naruto (says that he thinks Naruto will calm down more quickly if he sees him) 

* Naruto reaches a clearing + collapses a little from pain (breathes heavily) 

• Canine teeth are sharper become 

* Feels anger rising in her because of the thought of Oto-Nin and Orochimaru --> begins to hear Kyuubi, who laughingly says that anger should be surrendered + remembers her fight with Gaara & doesn't want to let it come to that

* Kimimaro shows up + says why he is there (should actually make sure that Sasuke is brought to Orochimaru) --> there is a small fight (Naruto is outmatched + tries to fight against the influence of Kyuubi) 

* Kimimaro recognizes who Naruto is (calls her Jinchuuriki) + considers taking her prisoner for Orochimaru's research/experiments --> Naruto uses shadow clones as a distraction & flees 

* Sasuke comes to the clearing & sees Kimimaro destroying Naruto's last clone + comes to the fight --> Kimimaro intends to incapacitate Sasuke and bring him to Orochimaru (priority compared to Jinchuuriki) 

• During the fight, Sasuke learns what a Jinchuuriki is + what burden Naruto has been given 

• This also helps him understand some of the strange events (the Forest of Death incident, how they recover so quickly after difficult fights can) 

* Lee comes to support + Sasuke pursues Naruto 

* Naruto arrives exhausted in the Valley of the End + sees her changes in reflection 

• Hair completely red 

• Canine teeth are longer and sharper 

• Fingernails are longer (like claws) 

* Naruto is shocked & emotions are a complete storm + continues to hear Kyubbi's voice, who is trying to influence her & Naruto instinctively covers his ears in an attempt to block him out (doesn't work) 

* Sasuke catches up with Naruto + confronts her --> convinces her to come back (holds out his hand) 

• Why did she run away instead of talking to them? 

• She admits the fears she has + says that now she looks like a monster, which everyone always thought she was 

• Sasuke says that she is not a monster (was far beyond her control) + is sure that others will accept her + Tsunade finds a way to undo the effects of the serum 

* Naruto is about to take his hand when suddenly he grabs her head --> Sasuke is worried and asks what is going on, Naruto says that he can no longer control it 

• Sasuke is a little shocked when Naruto looks up again (one eye red with a fox pupil) 

* Tears run down Naruto's face before he says that he should run + other eye turns red --> the fox's chakra begins to envelop him + is on all fours (reacts/acts like a beast/wild animal/instinctive) ==> fight 

• Sasuke can keep up thanks to the Sharingan (has developed further) 

• Naruto gets his first tail 

• Curse mark reacts --> Rasengan and Chidori meet (Sasuke's headband gets scratched by Naruto's claws)

* Sasuke unconscious & Naruto about to deliver the final blow + Kakashi appears & uses seals to incapacitate him 

* Uses doppelganger to send both Sasuke and Naruto back towards Konoha + Sasuke wakes up briefly & informs Kakashi that Oto-Nin gave Naruto something + were actually after him 

* Medic-Nin come towards him + reach hospital & Tsunade is informed (is on the way to the operating room) --> Tsunade says that Naruto should be taken to another room + should be tied to a table with seals for safety 

* Tsunade able to get serum out of system, but hair has individual red strands, nails are longer and canines are a little similar to Kiba's 

• During procedure Naruto woke up and struggled against the restraints with red eyes 

• Lost consciousness when the last of the serum left the system + Tsunade sends to the lab to have it examined 

* Naruto wakes up + has to listen to a lecture from Tsunade & finds out what serum has done to her 

• Strength has increased 

• Senses have become sharper 

• Could be irritated more easily (influence of the Kyuubi) 

* Have a plan/idea that Naruto will go on a training trip with Jiraiya for three years to learn better control 

* When he is released from the hospital, he packs a bag + meets Kiba, Sasuke and Kakashi at the gate & gets her headband back from Sasuke --> Say goodbye + Naruto sets off on a trip

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