Full Moon Dreaming
The rest of the day went by quickly. We met up with the rest of the Marauders for breakfast which was, as usual, delicious.
They hexed a few more people, got a few detentions, and teased James about flirting with Lily. It wasn't a bad day in the least.
By dinner time, James had asked Lily out about five times and was rejected eight. The last time, Lily didn't even give James the chance to talk. Sad, right?
I've told Lily many times that she would like James if she gave him a chance, but she always insisted that I was brain-washed by "that crazed group of lunatics" as she called them. Their names even sound good together; Lily and James....James and Lily...Lily Potter. It has a good ring to it. They are meant for each other! Lily will realize it eventually, but she's doing whats best for her, and I support that.
Tonight is the full moon. James, Sirius and Pettigrew will be with Remus all night. They had me, as usual, brew Remus' potion. I really didn't mind. I find solace in the motions of potions.
"Lucy, is the potion ready, love?" Sirius called from the bottom of the girls' dormitory steps. I quickly poured the colorless potion into the small vile, without answering his question. "Lucy, I can't go up there....so, you'd better...err...hurry up! Yes, you'd better hurry up!" he concluded. I made sure the vile was as full as possible before I slowly walked down the stairs to give it to Sirius.
"Yes sir, here it is!" I said smugly as I handed him the small vile. His hand brushed over mine and sent a chill throughout my body. My eyes were locked on his grip. He tugged on the vile a bit impatiently. I realized I was still holding on to the potion and quickly released my grip.
I shook the day dreams out of my mind and quickly apologized to him. I watched him walk away from me. Only did he turn around to flash his oh-so-famous dazzling lopsided smile. How I loved that smile of his. I could feel the blood pooling in my cheeks.
I returned a smile and clumsily made my way back up the stairs, tripping over every other step. I needed to get my mind off that boy, he is all I've been thinking about lately.
I started to walk away but I decided to turn around and smile to her...would that be weird? What do I care. I looked over my shoulder and smiled, a bit crookedly. I probably looked like a nutter.
She giggled at me and smiled back. She had a beautiful smile. Oh and her eyes? Don't even get me started on those orbs- OK I needed to walk away before I got carried away.
The four of us Marauders made our way down to the Whomping Willow entrance to the Shrieking Shack for Remus' furry little problemo. I held Remus' potion in my right hand and his extra clothes in my left hand.
Soon, we were standing on the outskirts of the school grounds, just before the Whomping Willow. In second year we learned to use the Immobilus charm to calm Willy, so now we have a way to get into the tunnel that leads to the shrieking shack without breaking our arms. Thank Merlin's Beard, because a night in the infirmary listening to Poppy's "good old days" stories is not a fun night at all.
James recited the charm incantation and the branches stopped swaying and relaxed in an upright fashion. He entered tree trunk with Peter trotting closely behind him. Next was Remus, and lastly me. I looked around to make sure no one was trailing us. Once I decided the coast was clear, I patted the tree trunk and the branches started flying around everywhere!
I followed the rest of the marauder blokes I call my friends down the long cave-like tunnel to the shrieking shack. There was a long night ahead of us. Once we were inside, we made our way to the only room that was still in tact.
It was a medium-sized bedroom with a four poster bed on the left wall, a piano adorning the middle of the room, and a large hearth on the right wall. There were old tattered photos and portraits scattered about. Most of the junk in there was from us marauders, all the other trash in there was broken furniture and trash like that, all thanks to good ole Remus.
I knew that it would be a while until his transformation. It was usually around eleven o'clock, which was about an hour from now. That is exactly why I brought food.
I pulled out the many snacks that I had packed- OK, Lucy packed them, I admit it- and started to fill my hungry, hungry stomach.
Lucy has always been so considerate of others. I love the way she helps everyone around before even thinking of herself and doesn't expect a thing in return.
Lucy...I need to do something for Lucy, but what? All I know is that it needs to be really special. I can't get this girl out of my mind! I guess I know how James feels about Lily now.
I woke up from one of the most uncomfortable nights I had had in a long, long time. My back was very sore and my head ached severely. And, curiously, my wrists burned like hell. I couldn't entirely remember my dream, but I could remember bits and pieces.
It was rather gloomy, and scary, if I might add. It was way too realistic, not a fun dream. At. All.
I could remember my self running from something, or better yet, someone. Sirius was yelling for me, I couldn't see him, but I could just barely hear his voice echoing in the distance. As my vision slowly reemerged I saw James and realized I was in Sirius's arms, who was holding me while running. His eyes were bloodshot. He had been crying. James started throwing hexes at some random figure. His voice was the only voice I could hear. It was dark and very much unsettling.
I couldn't remember anything else, not that I wanted to, because I didn't. The dream was bad. No It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare, and the worst part was, it wasn't scary witnessing it, the scary part was feeling like I had been there, just like that, before.
I quickly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped off all of my clothing, stepped into the shower and turned the water to almost freezing.
It was relieving, like washing away all of my troubles. I washed my hair and scrubbed my body before rinsing. I dried myself and walked out of the bathroom into my dorm. I stumbled over to my trunk to get my robes, making sure I didn't wake the other girls up.
I threw my clothes on. The usual uniform: White blouse, Gryffindor tie, grey skirt, over knee-high black socks and black Mary Jane shoes. Not to forget the run-of-the-mill Hogwarts robe with the small Gryffindor emblem on the front.
Once I decided that I was about ready to leave, I did. By this time, Lily and Alices bed's were empty and made so I walked down to breakfast with Marlene McKinon, another one of our roommates.
On the way to the Great Hall, we chatted a bit about which classes were the best, which were the worst and last but, OK least, how over-rated "Slug Club" is, even though the both of us still go.
We entered the great hall for the second time that year and sat at our usual seats. Marlene went to sit by Lily and Alice and I went to sit by my two favorite boys. James was half asleep laying in his muffin, Remus just looked dreadful. There were bruises all over his face and huge black bags under his eyes. Peter was happy and peppy as usual. Like most of the boys, Sirius was not in the best mood. He didn't even bother to say a simple 'Hello' to me when I sat down, maybe he didn't notice...
"Hello boys. How was the night?" I asked somewhat sincerely as I looked over all of their sickened expressions. I earned a few muffled responses and a glare from Remus but that's about it. Ho hum. I didn't blame him! I had no idea what he had to go through..
"You ok, Sirius?" I whispered in his ear. Leaning closer to his head that was hung over his untouched food.
"I need to talk to you later. Meet me in the Room of Requirement at seven." he ordered and walked out of the Great Hall without a goodbye. That was rather weird. I finished my meal and waited for the schedules to be handed out. McGonagal gave me my and Sirius' schedules and asked me to deliver his to him, obviously not trusting the marauders.
I started walking to the place I knew he would always go. The tree by the lake.
As I had predicted, he was laying on his back under the tree with his head resting on is inter twined fingers. His breathing was steady and he looked as though he was sleeping.
I picked up a small broken branch from the ground and started poking his torso "Sirius. Sirius." I said over again until his eyes jerked open. He jumped off the ground and tackled me. Once he was sitting on top of my body he leaned down inches from my face and lingered for a second before blowing air into my eyes. "Ah get of me you berk!" I laughed.
He obeyed and took the schedule I held out to him.
"What classes do we have together?" he asked. Scratching his head and cocking his head to the side like a dog.
"Each and every one." I replied nonchalantly. He jumped up and down and squealed with glee "Come on or we will be late! Double potions with slytherin!"
We ran up to the large castle, sprinting through the corridors like small children playing a game of tag. I shrieked every time Sirius tried to tag me. He would just chuckle. By the time we made it to the dungeons, we were doubled over holding our stomachs from laughter.
I looked up to Sirius, he looked down to me with a genuine smile before entering the large wood door. I followed closely behind him into the filled potions class. There were only two tables opened. One with some random, weird-looking slytherin and the other taken by Snape. I looked back at Sirius who now stood by the door glaring daggers at the boy at the table closest to him.
The small boy got the message and jumped out of his seat moving quickly towards Snape, leaving spots for both Sirius and I. He smirked and sat down.
Professor Slughorn watched that whole little scene take place but just shrugged it off and continued teaching. "Who can tell me what these potions are?" he asked the students in the large classroom. It was so quiet we could almost hear crickets chirping, until Lily slowly raised her hand. "Yes? Lily, lovely Lily, come on up!" he exclaimed.
She awkwardly got out of her chair and made her way up to the front of the classroom where the potions were placed. She walked up to the first one and wagered in the stench. By the looks of her reactions, I reckon that she didn't like the smell. "This one is the Peace Draught." she stated "A most putrid stench, indeed. The peace drought brings the drinker a most peaceful sleep, therefore, it is so called the Peace Draught." she shuffled down to the next one and sniffed it just as the first, "This is amorentia...one of the strongest love potions in the world..." she said wearily moving closer to the cauldron.
"Alright, thank you, Lily!" Slughorn said and pushed Lily back to her seat. "Yes, class, Peace draught and Amorentia." he motioned his large chubby hand to both of them, "And last but not least, this small vile is a rather spawny potion is called Felix Felicis, otherwise known as-"
"Liquid Luck." Sirius stated in awe. Everyone's heads jerked around to see if it was really him who said it...it was! We were all flabbergasted. Sirius blushed from all the unwanted attention.
"Why... yes, Mr. Black! Yes it is!" The chubby professor exclaimed, just as surprised as the rest of the class. After this, I decided to tune out the rest of the class and doodle in my journal. I took out the small antique notebook with the gold dipped pages I just adored. I opened it to the first clean page and started on my doodling. Butterflies, quaffles, flowers, random lines, grindylows, hippogriffs, and other random objects were soon adorning my pages. Though, I did well, I honestly didn't give a hoot for this class or the old nut-job who taught it.
"Luuuucy?" Sirius singsonged with a goofy look. I was snaked back to reality. I blushed ...oh bugger.
"Sorry? What are we doing now?"
"Slug told us to make a potion." He stated. Shrugging his shoulders and taking a pumpkin pasty out of his robes
"Oh! Imagine that!" I exclaimed, "Professor Slughorn has asked us to brew a potion! In potions class!" I added sarcastically.
Sirius just pushed my arm playfully and told me what we had to do for the potion. I got the ingredients and tools and we began.
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