DadInnit Story + House


The house has small cobblestone stairs that lead and surround the front porch, with dark oak wood on the floor and spruce wood railings (has a bunch of plants/flowers on hanging pots, or just normal pots, there). Spruce door, and the walls are made with oak wood with some stone bricks mixed in. The roof has cobblestone on the edges while being filled filled with dark oak again. It's right on a cliff, yet has a mountain behind it. So the house looks small, but is actually big bc you can only see half the house, the other half is in the mountain, and in the cliff.

There's technically a basement that is just under the cliff's end, and then you can see a cobblestone plus oak edges box, the walls just being glass, and then on the floor, there's just a sort of elevator that brings you down the cliff, where the garden and farm are. Obviously, there's grass, but it's just covered with plants, flowers and animals. But right where the gardening and farming ends, there's sand, leading to the sea. Technically a beach.

I might both draw it and make it in Minecraft so you guys can see. Although I don't think I'll be able to find the perfect cliff, and I'm not building a fucking mountain, cliff and beach just for that. I'll make a house connected to a mountain, or just without the mountain, then make the garden. Separately. As well as the 'basement', I guess.



I think I'll make this for when he runs away and finds Techno's house. Or maybe after? So it's like, he thinks Techno now hates him (let's say Techno's just hurt, but kinda understands that he's still young and is put in a fight over 'morales', when it's actually just the government and shit), he's put back in exile, Dream continues his 'being a bitch' role, and pretty much everyone in L'Manburg (except Ranboo, from my knowledge?) wants him dead and are being assholes. Again, I don't know much about the SMP since I've just recently started getting into it. Pls no hate if anything is wrong, and instead correct me and try to explain. I'm quite dumb tho, so I might not understand at the first try.

Anyways, so Tommy runs away, taking with him anything that would help him survive for at least a week, so he wouldn't have to make stops. He stole one of Techno's capes, a pair of winter boots, a compass, and a bit of food, but he left a note, apologizing for both the betrayal and the stolen things. GhostBur had also given him AliveBur's coat and beanie.

He got really far from that one week, so that's when he decided to stop by a village. He got some food, got some villager to fix the coat's rips, and even tamed a horse. He named her "Helen".

He kept going, non stop for another week and a half before stopping at another village. That's where he met Clementine. She was 4 years old, and he helped her. She didn't remember her name, so Tommy named her Clementine. All she had was a fruit basket someone gave her, and she had the note her possible parent left her with. All it said was;

"Take care of my daughter, her birthday is 24 November"

Yes, they have birthdays.
Yes, I just realized I forgot to mention them.
Fun fact tho; Elliott's a Libra, like meeee
(๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و

Ahem, anyways;

Tommy took Clementine with her and so they traveled towards the next village, which was in the middle of a jungle.

There, they got even more help and made more friends. Tommy saw how beautiful everything in the village and the forest was, which then got him into art. He also realized he won't be able to always pay a villager to fix his and Clem's clothes for when they rip, so he bought a book and kit for sewing.

They were eating in front of a shop when a young raccoon hybrid ran past them with some restaurant owner following them, looking pissed. Tommy, obviously, went to look, dragging Clementine along since he couldn't just leave her alone.

Long story short, he met 7 year old Walter, birthday May 7th, by getting him out of trouble with the owner and even bought him food. Tommy took him in too, and they continued their yourney. Walter's hair was a mess and unkept, so Tommy helped him untangle and tie it up so it doesn't get in his face.

They made camp for the night, and when Tommy went looking for wood, is when 3 year old Beatrix, birthday August 26th, just fricking fell from the sky and yelled "Carrot maggots!" as she hit ground. Bea was pretty much like Tommy. She was loud, excited, and called herself a 'Big Girl'.

He helped her too, obviously, and so they continued their journey. They kept going from village to village, Tommy learning a lot of stuff to help him as well as interests, before they found the perfect home place. They started building, and after half a year, their house was done, with a small farm and a slowly growing garden.

It's been half a year, but only Walter aged up, so it's the beginning of July now. Beatrix's birthday is next month, August.

Tommy was coming back from working at one of the villages, the townspeople telling him to go when it started to rain. It had been raining a lot the past weeks. As he made his way back, he found 10 year old Elliott, birthday September 29th, hiding under a tree, away from the rain while shaking with both fear and cold, wincing every once in a while when drops of water made contact with their skin.

Tommy rushed over and covered them with Techno's stolen cape, and rushed them back to Helen. They quickly got home, where Tommy warmed them up, fed them, and asked Walter to take care and comfort them while he went and got more blankets.

Slowly but surely, they got Elliott to calm down, and tucked them in on the couch. All night, Tommy stayed awake building Elliott a room, knowing they'll be staying.

By the end of the week, Elliott became an official Innit.

After Beatrix turned 4, so it's near the end of August, Tommy was working at one of the villages when they asked for a specific material that was found in the Nether. Tommy had already been to the Nether to look for materials, but he did destroy them right after just in case the others from L'Manburg could find it.

So, he made the portal, went through, and when he was almost done, what did he find? You guessed it. Bennet! The 2 year old was left in a handmade bed with crimson grass, mushrooms and roots, with a note right next to it. It said;

"This is my son Bennet (at least they added a name), and his birthday is September 2nd.

The mushrooms in his head need to be cut off once a month. Please take care of my baby.


He took him, obviously, and went to give the villagers the materials. Honestly, at this point, all the villagers in the area won't even bat an eye whenever Tommy comes back with a new kid. I'm pretty sure they all made bets on how many kids he's going to have by the time he becomes 21.

Only I win that bet. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, yeah, that's how Tommy found each of his children. Might add new hybrid kids, especially that ghast kid idea I saw last week. ( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)

Anyways, this is just a scene that popped in my head with this AU.
I'll write it as if I was writing an actual chapter of a book, since I gotta practice my writing. Sorry, it might suck. I stayed up the whole night, it's currently 6am and I can't go to sleep cuz we'll be going out to a BBQ and celebrate my sister's graduation. And before y'all say to just take a quick nap, that's not how my body works, trust me. One time, I wasn't even sleep deprived, yet I fell asleep right before lunch ended, so then class started, and we had an exam, and everyone tried waking me up. Like, literally everyone. They screamed, nudged me, banged my table, but nothing. I woke up an hour and a half later. I was already halfway through last period. Which was gym. I was late. I am a legit corpse when I fall asleep, sleep deprived or not.
Sorry for the ramble.

How SBI found the Innits

Third Person POV

Walter walked through the woods, with Clementine by his side and Bennet in a baby back sling, using a soft wrap their father made. Bennet cooed and giggled as he played with his big brother's tail, while the other chatted with Clementine, both holding a bunch of sticks in their arms.

Their dad sent them off to collect sticks, knowing the dry and flammable ones were a little more deep into the forest, while he stayed back and fixed one of the granges. It had rained a storm last night, so Elliott was still a bit shaken up, and dad was worried Beatrix would try to practice flying again and come back all bruised so he made her stay.

They were about to head back, seeing as they had no more space on their hands, when they came face to face with a very tall man, with long pink hair, that would remind you of death, accompanied with an also tall guy that looked high and sleep deprived, and another who was shorter yet looked older, with a pair of big, dark, crow-like wings.

Walter, on instinct, pulled his sister back, making both of them drop the sticks, and tried hiding Bennet from their view as much as possible. One stick stayed in his hands, thick enough to hurt and not break, and long enough to manage.

Bennet, noticing the tail's change of rhythm and how tense Walter became, moved his head back forward and peaked through his shoulder. At the sight of the piglin, he mooed, making grabby hands at the familiar creature, yet unknown character.

Clementine pulled his hands back while keeping her strong grip on her big brother's arm. She looked ready to fly all three of them back to their home if needed, while the older looked ready to fight. One thing in common, is they'll use every piece of energy they have in them to protect their family.

It seemed like Techno noticed it, because all it took was one quick look at them up and down, before he retreated his sword.

Walter and Clementine swore these men look like Uncle Techno, Grandpa Phil and Uncle Wil from how dad described them. Long pink haired piglin hybrid, blonde with crow-like wings, and a brown coat with a beanie.

Philza, the only one that was good with kids, slowly stepped forward and crouched a bit, making the oldest sibling take a step back, moving the stick back as if he were about to swing it at his face. He actually might, if the snarl that came out of his throat wasn't enough evidence, his glare hardened and fangs stuck out. Still, Phil kept his calm, and pulled a soft smile.

"Hey little girl." The comment was directed towards Walter, making his heart beat faster and his glare to deepen, his grip on the stick so strong his knuckles whiten. Clem's hands pulled at his arm slightly, a message that meant "Don't listen to them" which comforted him a bit. But the old man didn't seem to notice. "We're not here to harm any of you, we just got a bit.. lost. Could you give us directions? Or know someone that could give us directions?" He asked softly, that kind smile not wavering even for a millisecond.

Before the oldest could respond, the sister pulled at his arm and a couple feet away from them. Wilbur placed his hand on Phil's shoulder, signaling him to stand back up, and started talking. "Are you sure about this?" He asked his father quietly, glancing at the kids every once in a while, and noticed the mooshroom toddler staring at them. "They may be young, but they seem smart enough to plan a trap." Techno turned to his brunette brother and smirked.

"You scared of kids, Wil?" He asked teasingly, a small snort coming out as Wilbur punched his arm with a scowl.

Right as he opened his mouth to throw an insult or curse, the kids turned back to them and stepped forward. The raccoon one not dropping his stick.

"We will take you to our father; he knows this area like the back of his hand. But," he paused, the calm look turning back into a glare. "you'll have to do something for us in return."

All three adults glanced at each other, before the high-looking dude sighed, the pig man crossed his arms, and the old bird shrugged. The winged one turned back to them and nodded, that same soft smile back on his face.

"Sure thing. What do you want us to do?" The two young siblings look at each other, before smirks formed on their faces, which worried the adults a bit.

When they looked back up at them, the little sister spoke up. "You'll carry the sticks."

The kids walked in front, happily chatting as their three slaves carried the sticks, their expressions tired and annoyed by all the weight they're carrying. Even Techno is tired, since the older kid took one look at him and assumed he was the strongest. Which he's not wrong! But throwing more and more sticks on his hands was not necessary.

The walk felt like hours, when it was actually just a couple minutes, before they reached this beautiful looking field leading to a cliff with a house at the top, as nd from their point of view, they could clearly see the basement built inside the cliff. And by the sounds and smells of it, it was facing a beach.

They were honestly shocked. The house's materials combination looked beautiful, and the many plants and flowers planted around and on the house just made it feel homey.

Instead of walking the path that lead to the front door, they went right onto the bottom of the cliff, where a garden and farm were situated.

They walked towards the farm, where a slightly long strawberry-blonde haired person seemed to be standing, and two other kids flying around. One, an Enderman, and the shorter one, a bee hybrid. The bee held her sibling tightly, laughing loudly as the other held onto her for dear life. His legs waving around, desperate to touch the floor. That's when they heard a familiar scream, coming from the blonde in front of a grange.

"Beatrix!! Put your sibling down!" Tommy screamed as he stood almost right under the flying pair. The bee, Beatrix, just laughed more. "Bea, I'm serious! Put! Them! Down!!"

Beatrix pulled Elliott up to wrap her arms around his torso instead, blowing a raspberry out at her father. Tommy scowled before putting one hand on his hip.

"Beatrix Pollen Innit, you put Elliott down right now or I'm counting to three!!" He put his other hand out, holding three fingers up to emphasize what he'll do.

Beatrix froze, yet didn't put the other down.

"One!.. Two!!" The girl quickly flew down, almost loosing her footing as she landed. Tommy's angry expression quickly turned to fear as he rushed forward. "Jesus! Honey, be careful!" He quickly checked them both, his brows not relaxing even after he sighed, seeing as they were not harmed. "Just please try practicing flight somewhere soft, and strength with nothing alive." He half joked, half lectured as he emphasized the word 'alive', pinching his daughter's cheeks.

Beatrix whined, but her frown turned into a smile as she giggled softly, making her father smile lovingly at her.

Tommy turned and ruffled Elliott's hair before nodding his head towards the garden. The Enderchild smiled before rushing towards the Allium part of the yard, the bee girl flying off who knows where.

"Mama!" Squealed the mooshroom child, making Tommy's head snap towards them, but he didn't even bat an eye at the three 'strangers' that accompanied his children.

"My babies!" Tommy rushed forward, embracing all three kids in a hug. He pulled back, the worried expression back on his face. "Where have you been?! You took so long, I was about ready to go and look for you myself!" His eyes then landed on their hands, eye brows knitting in confusion. "What happened to the wood? Did something happen while you were out there? Were you attacked? Are you hurt?" He checked them over hurriedly, the panic filling his eyes like blood coloring water.

Clementine quickly held her dad's hands and smiled at him reassuringly. "We're fine, dad. We just ran into some strangers who needed directions and spooked us a bit." Tommy tilted his head to the side a bit in even more confusion.

"But you guys.... don't know anything about directions.." He glanced between the two, waiting for an explanation.

The siblings smiled awkwardly before both looking back at the trio, making Tommy finally notice them. Time seemed to stop as the family of what used to be four looked at their youngest, and fourth, member.

"I... Right, directions." Tommy quickly snapped out of it. He noticed the wood sticks he asked for on the three adults' hands, and looked at his kids with an unimpressed face, one eye brow raised in faux question. The two grinned, more like grimaced, up at their father. He shook his head, letting out a scoff of a chuckle. "Alright, you three go take care of the animals, I'll handle them." The two nodded before Tommy kissed Bennet's forehead, the baby letting out a soft 'Mama' at the affection, before they walked away.

He looked back at his old family, all standing there, awkwardly holding the sticks. "Um... You can leave those over there." He pointed to the side of the sheeps' grange, all three walking over to drop them in a pile. Tommy started heading back to the path they had come from earlier, signaling them to follow. The four made their way down the path to the front door, the silence tense and uncomfortable.

When they stepped inside, the first thing they noticed was the size difference of the outside and the inside. From the outside, it looks like a small house where maybe two or three people could live in, but the inside shows how it goes right into the mountain, and that there was space enough for more than 10 people.

Tommy lead them down the hall and into the living room, gesturing to the couch so they could sit. The couch was huge, and even more was the living room. It made them feel small.

They watched the blonde start looking through drawers. "Do you guys need.. a map? A compass?" He looked back at them, holding a bunch of rolled up maps and compasses. "I could give you directions to a village with an Inn or someplace where you can stay in for the night?" The three just stared at him silently, almost as if they were noticing every little detail of him. He felt exposed, like when you go to a party you didn't you were supposed to dress formally for.

After almost three minutes of pure silence, Tommy sighed. He put back the maps and compasses, and sat down on the couch across from them. "You have questions; ask away."

"You have children!?" They all exclaimed, Tommy quickly shushing them, pointing exaggeratedly to the front door. "You have children?" This time, only Phil and Wilbur asked that. Techno probably let his shock slip by accident.

"Yes, I do." He sucked in a breathe, turning his gaze to the wall, waiting for the "you're too young" lecture. But, none came. Instead, he got an excited squeal from both Wil and Phil, exclaiming;

"I'm a grandpa?!"
"I'm an uncle?!"

He turned back to look at them, and saw even Techno showing a but of excitement. His shoulders slowly relaxed. But not completely. The only times he's ever fully relaxed is with all his kids close to him. When they eat, when they play, when they dance. Knowing and seeing his kids are safe and close always brings him this warming feeling of happiness and peace. And it's all thanks to his kids. He doesn't know what he'd do without them.

"You guys... You.. you don't mind? You're happy for me.?" All three pair of eyes looked at him, snapping out of their fantasies of what they'd teach and do with their niblings (in Phil's case, grandchildren).

Phil's eye brows knitted in slight confusion, but a small smile formed on his lips. "Of course mate.. Why wouldn't we be?"

"Tommy," Wilbur leaned forward, resting his hand on his knee that he just now noticed was bouncing rapidly with anxiety. " we are not only happy, but so fucking proud of you." He grinned reassuringly at his little brother.

Tommy chuckled, his eyes burning with incoming tears by the wave of emotions he was drowned in. "Oh God, they're gonna be so happy to finally meet you." He gave a wet laugh, the tears freely falling down his face.

All of their expressions turned confused as they glanced at each other. "'Finally meet us'? What do you mean?" Techno asked.

Tommy gave another chuckle, as he cleaned his face and sniffed. "I may have talked a little bit about you guys." The boy got up and went to the kitchen where he quickly washed his face. When he came back, he saw the others were still on the couch. He sciffed and rolled his eyes. "Come on now, you guys don't want to officially meet your niblings and grandchildren?" At that, they all got up and followed Tommy out the door and back down the cliff.

The blonde walked towards Walter, who was already with Bennet, Clementine and Beatrix, all petting and feeding the cows. Tommy laughed softly as he watched his kids play around with the animals.

Bennet was the first to notice him, as he rode on a cow's back. He exclaimed "Mama!" making the rest of the kids turn to their dad, all exclaiming "Dad!" or "Papa!"

Bennet mooed at the cow he was riding, making it start walking towards Tommy. The blonde grabbed his youngest and pulled him towards his chest, blowing kisses on his cheek to make him squeal a giggle. The rest rushed towards Tommy, hugging him wherever they can reach.

"Alright, calm down now, I just want you guys to meet some people." He explained, balancing Bennet on his hip. He turned towards the garden and called out to his oldest, a black mob of hair poking out of the flowers. He gestured him to come, and Elliott teleported and fell right into Tommy's arms.

"Hey! You're getting a bit better at teleporting! I told you you could do it." He winked at his child in an 'Told you so' manner, before standing alongside his kids, facing the three adults.

"Are they old friends of yours, papa?" Beatrix asked as  flew up to her dad's shoulder.

Tommy shrugged. "Ehh, in a way."

"Are they from L'Manburg?!" Clementine exclaimed excitedly, making the others perk up at the mention of their favorite stories' location.

"One of them, yeah." He shrugged again. The kids all looked at him with expectant eyes, waiting for him to just say it. "They're my family."


They all started yelling, squealing and technically just erupted into chaos.

"I almost fought the Blood God?!!?!"

"Holy cow! The Angel of Death in person!!"

"Carrot maggots!!!! It's actually them!!"

"Is it true you died and became a ghost?!"

"Can you guys teach me how to fight!?"

"Pleeease, could you teach us how to fly!?!"

"Could you teach me potions?!"

"Cute little baby cow noises."

"Alright, alright! Calm down kids! Breathe!" Tommy exclaimed over the yelling, getting their attention almost immediately as they quieted down. "Good. Let's head inside, alright? Your grandpa and uncles will be staying for a while, so you guys will have aaaall day to ask your questions." The kids didn't even complain as they all rushed back into their home, Tommy, Bennet, Techno, Phil and Wilbur walking more calmly behind.

"Soo... You sure you talked only a little bit about us?" Wilbur teased as they reached the path.

"Oh, shut up." The blonde grumbled as he rolled his eyes in annoyance , yet he couldn't help but smile at the thought of his family being complete now.

And, as he leaned on the kitchen counter, watching his kids ask their uncles and grandpa questions, and Techno sat Bennet on his knee, letting the baby mooshroom play with his braid;

He shoulders finally relaxed, his chest let go, and he could finally breathe.


Hope you like the story idea

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