Chapter 17: Five Years Later.
Skylar's Pov:
"Come on, Elli. Eat some for aunty!!"I said making an airplane with the baby food so my nephew ate it.
"Bla!!" He said shaking his head from side to side.
"You don't like it?" I asked while he shacked his head saying no.
"How about we go and get you something else?" I said while he clapped his little hands.
I picked him up from his chair while I looked at the mess he had done.
"Lucy!!!" I screamed for the maid as she came running in.
"Yes miss Frost?" She asked kindly.
"Can you clean up, please? I would but I have to get something so Elliot can eat." I said smiling.
"Of course." She said smiling.
"Thank you so much. Bye Lucy. If Jack gets back tell him to call me."
"Bye, Miss and will do." Was the last thing I heard before I closed the door.
"Know lets go get you some...." I was cut of by my phone ringing. I fished it out of my pocket and answered it.
"Yellow?" I asked as I opened my car door.
"Hey, Sky." I heard Ethan's voice say.
"Sup, Ethan. Everything alright?" I asked as I put Elliot in his car seat.
"I need you help." He said whispering.
"Why?" I asked as I closed the door and walked towards the drivers seat.
"You know my anniversary is tomorrow and I have no idea what to give to Luna." He said freaking out while I giggled.
"Meet me in the mall. " I said as I started the engine.
"Okay, see you there. Bye!"
"Bye." I said.
"Ready, Elli?"
"Weady!" He said clapping his hands.
I laughed as I started the engine and exited the mansion gates.
Elliot is my nephew meaning he is Jack and Elsa's kid. After graduation, everyone left town. But still stayed in touch. After 3 years together my brother asked Elsa to marry him at to what she said yes.
Luna and Ethan got married also. They got married right after Elsa and Jack. Then Halley and Brandon. Last but not least Nathan and Nicole.
Me? Nah, I am the world greatest aunt. Why do I need a guy?
Elsa got pregnant with Elliot a few months after the wedding. Making Elliot 2 years old. Neither of the other have kids till now. Except Merida and Hiccup. They moved back to Scotland and from what Luna tells me they had twins. A boy and a girl. Also Nicole is 6 months pregnant.
"We are here!!" I said as I parked the car and got out of it. I unbuckled Elliot and grabbed him. I got his stroller out of the trunk and put him in it.
"Babysitting I see." I heard someone say making me turn around to face purple eyes.
"You know it! Best aunt in the world on duty." I said posing. This made Ethan chuckle shaking his head.
"How are you buddy?" He said ruffling Elliot's platinum blonde hair. The boy giggled at that action.
"Uwle Ewhan." Elliot said pointing at him.
"You got it buddy." Ethan said smiling. He was always good with kids. He will make a good father. Ups, I Have said to much.
"Now let's go. I need food for little Elli over here since he didn't like carrots. And we also need to by the perfect present for Lu." I said grabbing the stroller and pushing into the entrance.
"How about this one?" Ethan said showing me a heart shaped locket.
"It's beautiful! Just give me a sec." I grabbed the locket and went to the girl in the cash register.
"I have a question." I said with a smile.
"Of course, what would that be?"
"Can you write a message in the back of the locket?" I asked while she smiled.
"Of course."
"Thank you." I ran back to where Ethan was playing with Elliot.
"You can write a message in the back!!" I said excited.
"Really? What should I write?" Ethan asked his eyes lighting up.
"Wait a sec. Put the locket on me." I said giving him the locket and turning around.
"Why?" He asked.
"If it fits me perfect, it will fit her." I said as he put the necklace. I turned around.
"Perfect!! What do you think Elli?" Ethan asked while he nodded his head.
After Ethan took it off, he was still debating on what to write.
"How about, Love you Lu. With love Ethan!" He asked while I shakes my head saying no.
"How about, Leathan forever!!"
"That is what you would write!!" He said while I laughed.
"How about, You are my Luna. The one who guides me though everything. I will love you Luna. Forever. " Ethan said while I clapped.
"That's it!!" I said happily while Elli did the same. Ethan told the lady what he told me and she wrote it down.
After that we exited the store.
"Thanks, Sky." He said hugging me while I had to stand on my tippy toes since he was a head taller than me.
"No problem, Ethan. You are my best friend after all." I said smiling.
"Skylar?" I heard someone say while Ethan's eyes open wide. I turned around to face, Rapunzel? (Bet you thought it was Max)
"Rapunzel? " I asked shocked that little miss blonde is standing here before me. Her hair is short and brown instead of her golden long hair.
"Skylar!! It is you. I want to say I am sorry for the way I acted. I was a bad person and I am sorry for that. Can you forgive me?" I stared at her shock is Rapunzel Corona, the actual Rapunzel Corona apologizing?
"I forgive you." I said with a smile.
"Thank you. I have to go but it was good seeing you. You too Ethan." She said and turned away. I turned around to face a still shocked Ethan.
"You heard and saw that right?"
"Yes, Ethan. Now if you excuse me I have to buy food for little snowman over here." I said making Elliot laughing knowing he was little snowman.
"Bye Sky." He said kissing my cheek.
"Bye, Ethan." I said waving my hand as he disappeared. I turned around.
"Let's get you some food mister." I said as he laughed again.
"Potatoes or Banana?" I asked Elliot showing him both packages.
"Banana." He said reaching for it.
"No I have to pay it, my little snowman." I said laughing with him. I turned around to put the package in the basket only to bump into someone.
"I am so sorry, Miss." Said a voice I would always remember.
"Max?" I whispered looking up to meet with ocean blue eyes.
"S-skylar?" He asked stepping back and looking me up and down.
"Yeah, that's me." I said nervously.
He looked as handsome as ever. He was taller than which I found cute when we were dating.
"How you been?" He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Good. How about you and Dawn?" I asked slowly.
"Uh, we never dated." He said while I nodded.
"Blah blah!!" Elliot said behind me making Max notice his presence.
"Is he your kid?" He asked as a hurt expression took his face for a sec.
I gulped. "Max this is Elliot, my..." My phone rang cutting me off.
"Yellow?" I answered like I always did.
"Hey, sis. I just wanted to check up on you and Elliot." I heard Jack say.
"Want to talk to him?" I asked.
"Yes, please." I took the phone out of my ear and clutched down in front of Elliot's stroller.
"Elliot, daddy wants to talk you." I said giving him my phone.
"Dada!!" He said happily while I stood up.
Max had his hand in fist, after I mention daddy. I guess he is jealous. Let's see what happens.
"So, what did you do after...." He left the question in air.
"You cheated on me? Well I went to collage and I have a degree in Journalism. I work for my brothers company, writing articles or slogans and stuff." I said easily while he was shocked.
"I am a doctor. At the local hospital. Well I am a doctor in training but I work there." He said while I nodded my head.
Elliot hit my leg, meaning he was done. I crutches down and whispered something in his ear while he smiled.
I put the phone in my ear.
"When will you get home? Elli and I are lonely." I said to Jack making it sound like if he was my husband or something.
"I will get of early today."
"Yay! Finally!! So you can both have a father son bonding time." I said
"Yeah, I do. I will see you when I get home. Okay?"
"Bye, love you."
"Bye, love you too." I said and hung up.
"Momma, I want Banana." Elliot said just like I told him too. I looked at Max who had a mad expression.
"So Elliot is your kid?" He asked and I nodded.
"Who is the dad?"
"Why do you care?" I asked.
"Look it was stupid that I cheated on you, but you did it first." When he said that my eyes went big.
"Excuse me, what the hell did you just say?" I asked looking him in the eyes with my death glare.
"You cheated on me first so I cheated back."
"Max Rider I didn't cheat on you!! What the hell are talking about?!" I screamed at him.
"You cheated on me with Nathan!!!" When he screamed that my face softened.
"The night at the cafe? You saw us?" I asked in a low volume.
"Don't tell Max!! I saw everything, Sky!! You broke me!!" He said his eyes crystallized.
"Max, I agreed to go with him to his girlfriends birthday party. That was all." I said as a tear went down my cheek.
"Sure, and I went with Dawn to her boyfriends birthday party." He said being mad again.
"Max, I freaking Loved You!!!! You were my number one!! I was looking for you in the graduation ceremony to tell you I loved you!!!" I screamed tears falling down my face while his softened.
"You loved me?" He said pointing to himself.
"I did!! With all my heart." I grabbed my basket and Elliot stroller toward a the cash register.
After paying everything I walked out, wanting to run home and cry in Jacks chest all night.
"Come on Elli, let's go home to daddy." I said crying and walking faster.
Stupid destiny I hate it!! I thought to myself self as I cried and screamed in my pillow. I cried and cried till I thought I'd would die.
I heard the door rattle and open. Someone sat beside me and started to stroke my hair.
"Sky, will you tell me what happened?" I heard Jack's voice say.
"I bumped into Max." I said looking up.
"That is why Elli said something about a strange man." Jack said while Skylar smiled. "Talking about Elli, he wants to see you."
Just as he said that the doors opened revealing Elliot in his Pjs. His hair was messy just like his fathers. He ran and climbed in the bed.
"Bad mad made aunty cry." He said hugging her neck.
"I am okay, my little snowman."I always called him little snowman.
"But you cried." He said his eyes getting crystallized making my soul brake.
"I am smiling now!! You made me smile." I said smiling and started to tickle him.
He started laughing while I kept tickling him. Jack just sat there chuckling, while watching us.
"See aunty is Happy now!! Who made her happy?" I asked while he smiled and pointed to himself.
"Little Snowman!!" He said while I nodded and kissed his cheek.
Elliot has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes like Elsa but his physical features are like my brothers.
"I love you, aunty." He said hugging me.
"I love you too, little snowman. Now let's get you to bed." I said going to stand up but he shacked his head saying no.
"I want to sleep with you." He said with a smile while I looked at Jack.
"If your okay with it, then I guess he could sleep with you." He said and I looked at Elliot.
"Guess you are sleeping with me. But I have to take a bath. Stay here with Daddy." I said as I walked towards the bathroom.
"And Olaf, the little snowman, lived happily ever after in summer." I whispered the last part since Elliot was already asleep. I placed the book in my night stand and then I turned off the lights. I looked at the celling thinking about his words.
'Did he really think I was that kind of girl?' I felt my eyes water but I hold it back. I didn't want to upset Elliot more.
He was wrong. I didn't cheat on him but instead of confronting me, he goes and cheats on me. Max Rider I loved you, and now I have no idea if I still do.
With that last thought I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep, with my arms around Elliot's little body.
Hey guys!! As you can see double update. Hope you enjoy. Check out my best friend LunaAlenora. We have an account together, it's Blakenora. We shall be publishing a book soon called Cupid's Daughters. Anyway, hope you like it.
Sky Out!!!!
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