Part 9

Finally time clocks turned five which means Alec's suffering is over. He can't go on with this dreadful woman anymore and its only been his first day. He quickly scattered his things to go back to the office and gave his full report to Magnus. As he scurried himself, he heard the bitch gave him orders for tomorrow and how he hated to remind himself for it. He reached to the car and Jax already waiting for him, opening the door and he climbed in with his folders in his hands. Jax drove away from the building and headed to the company.

As Alec ascended the floor in the elevator, he can't help feeling nervous and anxious on meeting his boss. He was expecting him but he felt unprepared on seeing him. As he walked down the hallway, his heart thumped faster and more irregular. Sudden twist felt in his abdomen like thousands of butterflies flying freely inside. When he reached his final step, he stood by the door with his hand hanged in the air. He didn't have the courage to knock on the door and face Magnus but he had too. Its his job as his PA.

He breathes in deeply and sighed out, he knocked on the door softly before he heard Magnus' voice to enter. He pulled the door knob and enter with his head down and his hand gripped tight on the folder. He walked slowly towards the giant desk and he placed the folder in front of him. Magnus still has his eyes glued to the screen and typing away with his fingers, he didn't bother to look up and make eye contact with Alec even though its the only thing he wanted to see after whole day they had been separated from each other.

"S-S-Sir, your report." He stutters with much embarrassment. He heard Magnus stopped typing and turned his body towards Alec, rested his elbow on the desk with his both hand clenched together. "Sit, Alexander." He instructed and Alec took it reluctantly. He saw Magnus read through his report and made few changes here and there. He saw how Magnus' eyebrow furrowed and relaxed while reading it. His expression cause Alec to felt more uncomfortable than he already is.

"Are you sure about this? Did Natalie said anything?" He asked. He knew Alec has a good skill on designing and he never thought he would make such changes. Bold if he must say but better than what Natalie has to offer. Alec nodded and he pointed out few things from the design like colors and placement. He is more intrigued on the grand ballroom and how Magnus can make a lot more money in renting it out not just for the guest of the hotel. He closed the folder and leaned back to his chair gazing upon Alec. He didn't dare to look into Magnus'e eyes and he kept his gaze towards the floor. There were silent haunting the space within them and Alec swore he could hear his own heart beating. "S-S-Sir if you don't like them, you c-can always changed them back. Y-Y-you don't have to change according to m-my perspective."

Magnus stood and start pacing himself towards his own pantry and poured himself a drink. He asked Alec for one but he politely declined them. He heard Magnus came back to the desk and leaned his body towards it while facing Alec. He saw how Alec shifted in his seat and fixing his collar as if it was too tight for him. "I noticed how your stutter got worst when I'm around Alexander. But certainly not when you were around Miss Pearce. I heard a lot what happen today from her but I choose to hear it from your side too." He cocked his head to his side to get a better look at Alec who had his head kept down, if possible under the table. He slowly raised his head and his hazel eyes met Magnus' brown eyes.

"I don't know what she told you but I c-can explain everything." He cleared his throat as his voice suddenly became hoarse. Magnus smirked before he continued sipping his drink. "What is it that you want to explain Alexander? All she said was she enjoyed your company and looking forward in seeing you again tomorrow." He said and Alec shot a look towards him. That bitch is really manipulative and condescending. How many guys need to suffer under her command to please her. Before Alec could continue, Magnus saw the uncomforted gaze in his eyes and a frown formed. "I never like that woman and I surely don't like it if she get comfortable with my employee. But nevertheless, I needed her for the design and she is the best in New York. Plus I kind of obligated to her since she is part of the family. Sort of." He mumbles and Alec couldn't believe his heart. "P-Part of the f-f-family?" He asked. His eyebrow furrowed in confusion demanding for explanation. Magnus nodded and sipped his drink emptying the glass. "She's my cousin, one of my shareholders as well. No matter how bitchy or rude someone can be but business is business. I don't take personal and business matter all mixed up." Alec nodded understood where the bad attitude came from, it runs in the family it seems.

"Tomorrow you won't be needing to go there, I just want to test your knowledge for today. You will be needing here at the office. Maia will help you if you need anything and we have lunch meeting tomorrow with Mr DeLuca. New associates of mine. Come on." He said as he grabbed his coat from the hanger beside his desk and headed towards the door. Alec followed suit unaware where they are going. "Where are we going?" He asked after they walked out from the office. "Home, I'll send you home." Magnus said as he was about to reach the car held by his driver Alec stopped himself behind him and he notice Alec presence far from his behind. He turned to look at scared Alec with a shock expression on his face.

"You don't have to do that. I-I-I can go home by myself. Have a lovely evening Mr Bane." He said as he literally sprinted away from him. He thought he was fast since he run tracks during his high school year but he was wrong. He felt a sudden tugged on his arm causing him to stepped backwards from his path. He looked around and saw Magnus with a fury eyes looking at him. "What is wrong with you? Get in the car and I will send you home." He pulled Alec but Alec flinched back and swatted his arm away. "N-No, I can go home by myself. Don't worry about me." He continued to walk off but again Magnus stood before him pushing his shoulder with both of his hand.

"I said, get in the car. I'm not sending my employee back in middle of the storm coming. I know where you live Alexander and you don't have to be embarrassed by it." He released Alec's shoulder when he saw Alec's face getting more unreadable. He wonders what got him so upset by driving him home. Alec looked up and saw how dark the sky has became and soon it would be storm coming. He can go back by a cab and spend his money just to get home quicker but he can't allow Magnus driving him home. What if Liam saw him out from his car and he would be very upset. He remembers the last time Liam got jealous of someone sending Alec home and he chased that guy away not too mention the beating. He can't let Magnus being threatened by Liam, but he knew how insisted Magnus were.

"Alexander, say something!" He was startled by Magnus raised voice when his whole body shook  in fright and tears pooling down his cheek. He wasn't aware of his silent that cause Magnus to raise his voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to startle you. Look, I will drop you off anywhere you want me too but please get in the car before we were both drenched." Somehow Magnus' apology was soothing and Alec nodded softly following him to the car. Alec kept his eyes outside through the car window and his mind kept telling him to stay calm and nothing will ever happen if Liam didn't see anything.

As the car drove through the rain and storm, Alec kept his eyes outside and his breathing calm. They were both silent for a few minutes in the car when suddenly Magnus decide to speak. "You afraid of the storm didn't you?" He asked. Alec scoffed thinking of Magnus thought so little of him. Its not the storm he's afraid of, its the story behind it. He remembers it well the day after few years he was abused by Liam. How he loves to keep Alec locked in the bathroom with thunder clapping in the sky. How he was so scared holding his both ear to lose his fear. How he sat in the bathtub trying to ask Liam for forgiveness for spilling his booze but Liam had his way of an forgiving. How bad he was beaten that day, kept in the bathroom to starve for days. But he can't tell that to anyone, nobody would understand. No one can healed his scar and certainly not Magnus. He just nodded to whatever Magnus had predicted in him and continued his gaze back to the outside world.

He pointed at the corner of the street which leads to his apartment. He thanked Magnus and quickly gotten himself out from the car and ran towards the alley. Its the shortcut to his apartment and he managed to got in a split second. He sighed in relief when he notice his apartment is empty. Liam probably had business with his father and so he scurried himself to the shower before he got himself sick.

Magnus couldn't quite figure out what is wrong inside Alec's head. Most people Magnus can read within seconds but with Alec is unpredictable. Not too mention a handful. How Alec got so upset and scared hearing he want to drop him off at his apartment made him questioned everything in him. So he decided to let it go for a while since its a private matter and he knew Alec would need time to open up too. Unlike any other people, Alec tested his limit to the maximum and he yet need to figure out his quirk behavior. 

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