Part 41
Guys, please don't kill me yet since initially I planned on ending this stories so happy ending but since I will make a sequel, I decide another ending. Please don't hate me for doing this.
Last Chapter
Magnus POV
I slammed the door of my car before I ran inside the garage. "What do you got?" I asked Mason and Cole sitting in front of the computer typing away the computer. "I completely forgot this. I hacked through our police scanner and traced the car's record. That edition has a tracking device for GPS system. We run through the scanner and found a location, it seems out west somewhere, here's the coordinate on the map." He said handling me the piece of paper with bunch of numbers on it. "Cole thank you so much, I really appreciate it." I told him and the look on their face made me wonders what else are they not telling me. "There's s-something else." Mason said. "The PI got some evidence that your fiancé has some affairs with Amari's son. This picture shown few weeks back before Alec left, and this was today." They showed me a picture of her kissing Liam while being naked in some apartment window, and the photos of her driving with my son in the car with her. "That bitch is gonna get it."
I said before I ran off but I was held back by one of them, I turned around and saw Jade was holding my arm, "Woah, woah, woah, where do you think you're going? Amari's guys are gonna kill you."
I sighed before pulling my arm away, "I don't fucking care, he has my son. For one thing its pissing me off is that she knows how it weakens me but other, she is not my fucking fiancé for god sake, why everybody keep saying that?" I could feel all of their stares at me would meant something that I didn't actually know, I raised my eyebrow demanding for an explanation. How I wished I didn't then and people always said, be careful what you wish for. Cole handed me a piece of newspaper and for long time I haven't actually read tabloid news and above all, a newspaper. Who still buys newspaper anyway? They have it all online and the business side was the only thing excites me. I took it roughly and flipped it to the cover of the paper, it dated week ago but not the date that shocked me, the headline of it.
It was picture of me and Camille kissing at the restaurant but funny thing is the picture was actually gazillion years ago, probably when I'm still immature boy who thought I was in love with her. "This is rubbish." I threw the paper away in anger and it hit the wall as it shreds to pieces on the floor. The headline of the cover still plays in my mind. "The Notorious Bane finally settled down with Spanish model/long term girlfriend" it says and I scoffed at the writer who wrote cheap stuffs like this too gained attention and cheap publicity.
"Well? Are we leaving or not?" I asked them again and this time all three of them except Cole suited with bulletproof vest and a black suitcase in each of their hand. "Aren't you coming?" I asked Cole but instead of answering me directly, he crossed his legs on top of the desk with his body leaned back, tilting the chair a little bit. "I'm intel, I don't need to be front in action, I'm underground." He said smirking in process with a wide grin on his face. That was changed immediately when Mason, their eldest, slapped him on the back of his head, "Feet off, I'll see you with Jax later." He said raising his hand with suitcase on his shoulder. Cole groaned as he replied, "Yes daddy." He snide. We all had to shook our head to Cole childish behavior.
We were walking to their car and I was to mine when I stood and thought of something. "Wait!" I accidentally raised my voice earning them a startled shock on their face, "What?" Jade asked me. "Shouldn't I got one of those?" I pointed at their vest and Mason laughed at me like I'm a freaking comedian. They thought I was being funny when I asked them for one vest but my stunt face made them stopped. "I don't think it will fit and you are not to enter unless its cleared. Let us do the dirty work." He said. I groaned in protest but what choice do I have. They already helping me enough, more than enough actually. I just hope today would go quickly and all of this matter will be put to an end.
3rd Person POV
"Well Alexander? Choose!" Christopher asked Alec again and yet he can't formed any words to choose between the two most important people in his lives. He shook his head in tears and kept his gaze on the floor while he kneeled in front of him. It looks like he was begging him for money but on the worst case, he begged for him to spare the lives of the people he loves. Christopher hated being ignored so he grabbed Maryse and made her kneeled on the floor before him and Camille pushed Rafe to follow. Now they both kneeling in front of Alec in the same position and he stood behind them. He cocked out his gun and pulled the safety away before he continued. "Choose, or I'll blow their brains off. Then you can't have them both."
Maryse tried to fought but he smacked her head with the gun causing her fall back on the ground, she can't let him hurt a child so she grabbed him in her arm and hugged him, more like shielding him from the devil. Rafe didn't understand why this man hated them so much and he is just a kid unable to do anything, he kept his gaze at Alec as Alec sobs in tears. He never seen Alec this bad and it hurts that he can't do anything to make it better. "Alec." He called.
"Its okay sweetie, keep your eyes closed like we're playing hide and seek okay?" Alec said with everything he could to make it less scary as it seems. He obeyed and close his eyes with both of his hand while snuggled into Maryse shoulder. Liam then took a chance to step behind Alec and gripped his hair back. He felt like his head is gonna ripped out with the gesture but Liam like it rough. He leaned closer to Alec's ear and whispered, "Choose Alexander, or the next thing you see is blood from their head on the floor." His stinks alcohol breath made Alec want to puke his guts out. He shut his eyes tight shaking his head in protest, thought he delayed few more minutes but then he wonder, why would he delayed things since he doesn't know whether help is coming or not. If they do come, its probably to late.
"Please, do anything you want to me but please let them go. Please." He begged but Liam and his father had the smirk expression on their faces. Camille on the other hand was crossing her arms around her body decided to came forward to Alec and Liam. Alec looked to her figure and the disgusting perfume she poured on herself reeked Alec's nostrils. "Hold him down, I still didn't have my fun with him." She said and immediately Liam grabbed Alec's both arm behind his back and he protested greatly but not till Camille had a piece of metal rod that people used to poke the wood in a fireplace.
She stood before him again with the metal in her hand and stabbed Alec's leg with it. "AARGGGHHHH!" Alec screamed in pain with the metal stuck in his leg as Camille jabbed it deeper. "That's for taking my man." She said vengefully as she pulled out the rod and Liam released his grip still kneeling behind Alec, letting him lean on his body for the pain. He wrapped his arm around Alec's chest as he laughed at her. Blood were seeping through Alec's leg and soaked the floor underneath him. "Enough!" Christopher voice boomed making Camille startled and throw the rod beside Alec before she went to his side. "Choose, on the count of three or I'll shoot." He said. "One."
Alec was breathing heavily and his chest heaving, raising up and down. Liam still latch behind him like an infant with his demeanor laughter non stop since before. "Two." Christopher continues. Alec shook his head unable to say a word. Instead, he close his eyes shut and the sound of a gun clicked, boom.
Alec doesn't want to open his eyes but he felt the pain on his back and wet. He felt Liam's grip loosen and soon he fell to the ground behind him. He looked around, he saw him lay lifelessly with his eyes both open but his chest are no longer rising. Wait, his chest, blood seeping through his shirt and there's a hole on it in the middle of his chest. That is why he felt wet.
Alec didn't think twice before grabbing Maryse and Rafe away, ignoring the pain on his leg. "Run, run and don't look back okay." Alec said to them and he charged at Christopher to get his gun away while he still stunt at seeing his son dead on the ground. Camille had other plan, she swing the metal rod from the ground and hit Alec on his head then she pushed Maryse away from Rafe and grabbed him instead. Alec was groaning on the ground before Christopher came forward and fought his way with him. He gathered all his strength in fighting back and he managed to push Christopher away from his and slammed his face on the table hitting his jaw and took the gun away from him. He pointed at her with his blurring vision and wet hair, while she had Rafe in her grip. "Do it! Shoot. But you think you won't hit him?" She said with a smirk. His throbbing pain in his head didn't help much with the aim and his injured leg gives way in his stand so he fell to the floor still holding the gun at her.
Alec looked behind him, Christopher still on the ground and Alec think maybe he had broken that guy's jaw. Maryse then grabbed her by her hair and she slipped Rafe away from her, accidentally knocked him on the table near them. Rafe's head hit the corner before he fell to the ground and Alec screamed, "Rafe!" He raised the gun at her and shoot her right on her abdomen, slightly lower the naval. She gripped her stomach that blood now seeping through and fell to the ground. Alec raced to Rafe and picked him up in his arm. No blood or cuts just bruised start to form but he hasn't open his eyes to him. "Rafe, oh god, Rafe please wake up."
Christopher rose from the ground and took the rod before walking to Alec and Maryse who now more distracted to check on Rafe unaware of him approaching. He raised the rod higher to stabbed Alec but then again, another shot coming silently in the house breaking his glass window. Alec looked behind him in horror as Christopher stood behind him but now his face more stunt and there's a blood dripped from his forehead down to his nose. His body fell to the ground behind them and that time, all of the men came to inspect the area and shooting began killing all of Christopher's men.
"Alec! Rafe!" Magnus' voice boomed behind those men and one of them that looks like Jaxon but more older pulled Maryse away out from him causing her to flinch, Alec nodded at her for assurance and she obeyed. "Oh god Rafe!" Magnus screamed and pulled him away from Alec's embrace. He lay weak in his arm as he cried, "Magnus," Alec called him but the next thing he didn't expect was him to react towards Alec. "Shut up! Just shut up! It's all your fault Alec! I hate you! If anything happened to him, I swear to god, you will be sorry Alec. I hate you Alexander!"
Alec was taken back at his words, he was right, it was his fault, all of this its his fault. All of it. Every single bit of it. He didn't exactly answered but saw him carried Rafe away from him and escaped through the door. Behind the door is bright light and that was the only thing he could see, too bright. He can't barely focused on the bright light then suddenly he felt cold, then darkness, all the light were gone, replaced by the darkness and silenced. How odd, he thought. Earlier all the noise is too much too take and now its dead silenced. As if he was underwater but he is breathing, he thinks. Suddenly all the pain, was gone, disappeared.
"He's down! Take him to the hospital quick! He's crashing." One of the paramedic said before they load Alec's body in the ambulance with Maryse by his side. Alec fell unconscious right after Magnus left and slowly his pulse weaken as well as his breathing, its almost seemed like he gave up. Maryse took his hand and silently prayed in tears, "Alec you can't do this, please, you need to stay. I have so much to fix and its all starts with you baby. Please. If you can hear mummy, please, come back. Please." Her tears dropped on their fisted hand and she brought up to her forehead as she continued to pray.
They settled in the hospital with Magnus being brought to the pediatric unit and Alec and Maryse to the trauma area. They separate them which Maryse protested greatly and one of the guy who pulled her earlier took her away and hugged her, hushing her in silent prays that Alec would be fine, he has to be.
Magnus was waiting outside the room while they took Rafe in, it maybe like an hour ago after they arrived at the hospital and Magnus tapping his feet nervously waiting. "Mr Bane." Someone called and he immediately stood, "Yes, how is he?" He asked the doctor. "He's fine, just a little bump and small concussion, we keep him here tonight just in case. he's asking for you." Magnus thanked the doctor and ran inside seeing Rafe plays with a stuffed toy giraffe on the bed with a small band aid that filled with colorful animal character on it. "Daddy!" His bright eyes widen as Magnus pulled him in a hug. "I'm so sorry, I will never let you out from my sight anymore you hear me?" He told him in their embrace as he giggles, "Its okay daddy, Alec saved me. Can I see him?" He said and the moment he heard his name, the memories of the earlier event caught his throat. 'I hate you.' That was the last thing he said to him. He knew he was over reacting when he saw Rafe in his arm unconscious.
He immediately stood and told Rafe to stay there while he comes back. He didn't answered Rafe's questions and kept walking. As he approached the emergency department, it was different than the pediatric area. More people swarming the area with cuts, coughs and screams. He winced at how loud the person screamed. Then his eyes met Mason, he immediately pulled Magnus away from the area and they both now talked in the corner where its actually much quieter.
"I want to see Alec." He whispered. His eyes met the floor instead of Mason's green eyes. "He's badly injured Magnus. Apparently the bullet hit Liam went through to Alec's back, its left inside his body. The blow to his head causing his skull to crack and bleeding in his brain. Magnus they did everything they could. He was bleeding pretty badly." Mason put his hand on Magnus' shoulder and Magnus flinched, slapping it off from its previous place. "What are you saying? Where's Alec?" He asked in fury.
"He's gone. I'm sorry Bane." Magnus fell on the floor with his breath quickens as he clenched his shirt tight. His chest is getting tighter and more difficult to breathe. "No, No, no its not true, it can't be. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to say it. Mason, I need to apologized to him, I need to say I'm sorry. Please, I need to tell him, I need to tell him the truth. I need him back. please, get him back for me. Mason!" It broke his heart to tell Magnus that and he let him sobbed his tears on the floor of the hospital.
Magnus traced his feet back to Rafe's room. He was lying on the bed watching the television, his favorite cartoon was on. He doesn't peel his eyes away from it when Magnus entered. "Rafe." He said slowly. He tilt his head to his father figures by the door and he is a mess. His eyes are red and swollen, he is no longer his usual father. Magnus slowly walked to him and sat by the side of the bed. He sat up facing his father waiting for him to continue. "Its about Alec." He muttered and he listen attentively.
"He was really sick when they took him away. They tried to do everything to save him but he -" Magnus couldn't continue his words and sobs coming from his chest. Tears flooded again in his eyes as Rafe still had the confusion face on him. "He's with the angels now sweetheart. He is in heaven." Magnus said. Rafe looked surprised but still the confusion in his face. "When is he coming back?" Rafe asked. Magnus broke down into his sobs and shook his head, "He's not coming back baby." Rafe looks at his father in a crying mess, "Is he gonna be okay?" He asked, Magnus couldn't answered instead he just nodded. He pulled Rafe into a hug and continued his cry on his son's shoulder. Never he thought how painful it is for him to accept it, but what done is done, so he thought. He just wished Alec could forgive him for what he did and deep down in his heart, how he wished he wasn't a complete idiot for leaving him like that after days of searching for him. Now he had to live his lives in guilt knowing Alec will never come back and he had lost him forever.
A/N : Again, please forgive me for ended it like this, I have new stories coming up for you guys, this stories will continue.
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