Part 40

Strong language, triggered scene.

Alec couldn't believe after all those months on denying and self blamed of his mother's death and yet she is kneeling right in front of him. He doesn't want to believe it either but the woman in front of him right now is the woman who he longed each day to hug, kiss and tell her how much he is sorry for broken their family apart. But he is not the only who had doubts, the way she reacted next confused Alec as much as she is.

"You BASTARD! You lied to me! You said my son is dead! You said he's dead!" She charged at Christopher with all she might and clutched her small hands on his neck but what strength does she has to fight of a demon like him. He gripped her wrist as she kept on punching and clawing him and smacked her right in the face hard causing her to fell on the floor in front of Alec. "Mum!' He shouted and he knocked Liam's head with his from behind and he stumbled back releasing the grip on the chain. Alec took the opportunity to charge Christopher in front of him with all the energy he had left in his body.

Although he had been starved by Liam and all of his energy drained in the tortured earlier, he still had the adrenaline pumped in him after seeing his mother being hit. There is nothing more disrespectful than a man hitting a woman and Alec despised those. He nudged hard on Christopher's stomach and he fought back equally. With so much that he can do with his hand behind his back, Christopher didn't think twice to hit Alec in merciless act.

He punched, kicked and when satisfied with the sight beneath him only then he stopped. Alec was weak and frail under him, coughing out blood while curling himself in a ball clenching his painful torso. Maryse went to his side and held Alec's head on her lap. "Stop, please, stop." She begged raising her hand to stop Christopher in hurting Alec. "Fucking - STUPID boy! You think you could hurt ME?! Pathetic! Just like your WHORE of a mother!" He screamed at both of them while Maryse protectively shield Alec under her body.

Alec groaned in pain as he tried to fix his seating. Its not easy to do so when you have both arms around your back and agonizing pain on your body. He looked up to see Christopher angry face and Liam came closer with blood pouring out from his nostrils. He didn't know why he felt happy, the bastard deserved it. "Take them to their cell. Let them rot." Christopher commanded and Liam nodded with a smirk. Alec looked to his mother with tears flooded both of their eyes. "NO! Please mum, I'm sorry. I love you mama, I'm sorry for everything. Please Liam let me go! Mama!" Alec shouted, he screamed in vain trying to release himself from Liam's grip but he was stronger and he was dragged away from the person he had prayed to see for years and only get few minutes of her touch. Maryse couldn't stop crying seeing her son being dragged away from her again and the memories of Alec disappeared from her lives were played over and over again in her mind. She clenched her chest in pain of seeing her son lost from her sight as she kneeled crying her tears out.

Magnus POV

Its been few days since Alec disappeared and I have tried everything, everyone to find him. Jax is still in a hospital receiving transfusion but Cat said he's gonna be okay. I had to apologized to Sarah, his five months pregnant wife for what happened but we didn't exactly spared the detail for what happened. She was infuriated for what happened thinking he had left his old live behind when he married her but little did she know he was protecting me. After some time of convincing an angry pregnant woman, which believes me, its freaking hard. She even threatened to sue me and told Jax to quit his job but Jax's brothers convinced her that I was not to be blame as he is trying to do his job.

Mason, Jax elder brother has been looking up some clues for Alec location but failed. We tried to locate the security camera from the street near the apartment for the car plates number but sadly, the car was unregistered and the trace of the video lost footage in middle of the journey as if someone tampered with it and delete the whole thing. We were in their place they called Yard. They are four brothers shared their passion in car when they all retired from the army, Jax being a bodyguard as well as a chauffeur while their brother opened up a garage.

"Whoever did this, he knew his shit. I can't get access of the Amari's account on any details of his property or his assets." Cole, their younger brother said as he tapped his fingers on the computer. I sighed not just that I'm tired but they are gone like they were off the grid. "Hey, we're gonna find him okay." Jade tapped his hand on my shoulder gripped in assurance. I looked up with my obvious tired eyes and nodded.

"Maybe you should go home to your son Magnus, he must be worried sick." Mason said approaching us. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath, I completely neglected Rafe in these few days. I called Mary to have a look at Rafe and that was few days ago. I can't do this to him, its not fair for Rafe. "Yeah you're right. Please call me if you find anything." I told them as I stood and grabbed my coat. "Will do Bane." Jade answered me while I swung my coat around my shoulder, not bothered to button them. I grab my keys and I left their place.

I drove back to the mansion in half an hour and I reached there at the crack of dawn. I told Mary to let Rafe stayed these past two days and don't let him go to school. I still feel threatened by Liam and his father and I doubted if they will take my son for hostage. My biggest fear of them all. I walked in my empty house greeted by nothing but silenced. Usually at this hour Alec would be up and showered before prepared himself for our breakfast making. The sight I would give all my money in the world to give. The entrance to my door brought memories on the day he left with tears after being hugged by Mary. My heart ached at the thought how bad I behaved at him and now I have no idea whether or not I will see him again.

I climbed the stairs and took my shower. I changed my clothes to simple shirt and sweatpants before I headed to Rafe's room. He was still asleep under his pile of blankets and pillow all over the floor after being kicked by him. He was sleeping on his stomach and he was clenching a piece of paper in his hand. I lay next to him placing a pillow under my head and pulled him over me. He immediately wrapped his small arm around me and his cheeks on the crook of my neck. Seconds later his soft snores tickling my neck as he continued sleeping. I took the paper from his hand that covered with crayons colored with red and blue.

When I look at the crumpled paper in my hand I want to burst in tears. Its a drawing of him in a middle of me and Alec. As crooked as the drawing for a six years old, its still the most beautiful thing I had ever scene. With Alec being taller than me, his hair Rafe colored in black and mine purple while him being in the middle and all of our faces had the biggest smile on it. At the bottom of the paper he wrote, "I love you. Daddy, Alec and me." I can't bear my heart thinking how Alec is right now and the thought of him being tortured by those people hurt me. I guess Rafe noticed my tears and silent sniff when he stirred in his sleep. "Daddy?"

He looks at me with those eyes and for once I have no words to describe how I feel right now having him in my arms. Its always been us together all these years and when Alec walked into my life, it changes thing. He made me see how Rafe yearn for a family and how he made me happy these past few months has effect on him too. His lessons with Alec and surprisingly for someone who didn't had a chance to go to college, he is the brightest of them all. The late night talk he had with Rafe telling stories of damsel in distress being waited for her prince to come has opened my eyes that he was the damsel need to be save.

Rafe wiped my tears that flowed from my eyes and look at me attentively. "I love you, do you know that?" I asked him. He nodded before he answered me, "I love you too daddy." He doesn't know that I found Alec and we had our agreement not to speak about him again. Thus, he didn't ask me anything about it but I got the feeling that he wanted too except he doesn't want to make me upset so he kept his silenced.

"I promised I will bring Alec back for you okay." I told him and immediately he sat up facing me in a bright eyes and enthusiastic behavior. "Promise?" He held up his pinky finger to me and I grabbed it with mine. Its our little thing when we promised each other something. "Promise." I smiled and he went back lying down on my chest. "Daddy can I go to school today?" He asked and I sighed since I know how much he loves to go.

"How about today we stay together with daddy and tomorrow you can go to school." I asked and again he stood. "Really? You don't have to go to work?" He asked and I lift myself up hoisting it on my elbow before I nodded.

We end up slept for few more hours before Rafe up and about, active as a possum at night making me up as well. We spend the day going to park eating ice cream and we drove around the hillside. He asked where Jax is and why I'm the one who drove but I told him Jax is sick and he needed rest so he stop asking me further. We were home that night exhausted and Rafe slept the whole time in the car. I carried him to his room as I ready myself to bed as well after I put him to sleep.

I checked my phone and still the text from Mason saying they are still working on finding Alec and the rest of my notifications are from Camille and I ignored all of it. I don't feel like using her for my stress relieved anymore and I know I was bad treating her like that but if she wants to be treated like a queen she shouldn't acted like a whore. I ignored all the message in my voicemail and ready for bed.

"Rafe, I will pick you up later today okay." I crouched down to his level fixing his tie and his bag strap while he nodded. He ran off to his class after kissing my cheek and waved me goodbye. I decided I should go to the office today since I have left a great amount of work to Maia and its not fair for her as well.

We were drowned with work today when I noticed its almost three in the evening. "Crap!" I cursed. "What is it?" Maia asked me. "I have to pick up Rafe from school. I'm late already." I am so damn late already and he was suppose to be out around two and now its almost three. I quickly grabbed my keys to my Audi and how I glad I drove that today since its fastest to get to Rafe. I drove and called the school to noticed them I'm coming to pick him up, through my car speaker and then I spoke to the one of the teacher there. "Sir, I don't think its necessary, your fiancé picked him up already." She said. "What?!" I shouted. Camille and I are not back together and I didn't remember made any arrangement with her to pick up Rafe from school. "Yeah she was here before the bells ring and said you are in a meeting and you said she will pick him up. I can't call you to confirm since you are in a meeting."

"Fuck! Called the fucking police right fucking now! I didn't make such arrangement and she is not my fiancé." I screamed at her and she quickly obeyed. I cancelled the call and immediately called Camille but to my luck, her phone is off and went to voicemail. "Fuck!" I slammed my steering wheels hard cursing my situation. Tears starts to brim from my eyes as I drove pass other car. I don't care for those copper wants to arrest me and they should find my son before I blew their fucking heads off.

I decided to call the boys at the garage to inform them what happen. "Magnus?" Mason picked up my call and I'm losing my shit. "Mason, Rafe is missing! Camille took him. Fuck! I don't know what to do!" I cursed as I speed. "Come by the Yard, we got something that might help." I drove in a speed light with my heart racing and praying my son safety.

Alec POV

I can't remember the last time how I taste the sunlight on my skin. The room is dark, too dark for me to see even. Each time the door open, my heart sworn to let me ended my life right there and then. I can't take the torture anymore and my body bruised badly with cuts all over and my eyes are blurred as my sight is covered with my swelling eyes for crying. My throat hurts like knives piercing each time I took a swallowed and my lips cracks in cuts and dryness. They barely fed me anything and the last time anyone send me food was maybe few hours ago or is it maybe a day ago. I can't keep track since I didn't see any sunlight to count the day. It felt like years waiting here. It doesn't help either when the only food they gave me is dry biscuits and water that smells like clogged drained. Prisoner in the county prison had better food than I am, I think.

I was free from my chains when I'm in the room and my wrist and ankle are bruised with the chains. Purple-ish line formed on each of my joints and I swore its hurts every time I move. My thoughts ended when I heard the door being open and the light from outside came making me hard to see. I prepared myself for another tortured as the person walked in. But then I felt a warm hugs enveloped my body. I was confused as I can't see properly. When I could make out who it was, I hugged the person back.

"Alec. My boy." She cupped my cheek and I saw how hurt her eyes are. She got bruised on her cheek and cuts on her lips. I traced my finger on it with hatred on my eyes. "I'm fine, don't worry about me." She assured me. I couldn't speak as my throat hurts badly. In my torture I wasn't allowed to speak, scream or even groan so I have adapted to the silenced and now its difficult for me to speak. She didn't bothered to ask me any question as she kept hugging me. Its more than enough.

"I made a deal with him. So he would let me see you. I just have to see you, I'm so sorry for what happened Alec." She keep rubbing her finger on my cheek as I couldn't find my voice to ask her what deal. We were both interrupted when the guards came and took us both away from the cell. I was too tired and even too weak to fought back so they held me and dragged me by my arm to the living area to be met by the reaper himself.

There stood Christopher with his son with their alcohol glass in their hand, it seems to be either scotch or bourbon but the thought of water made my hunger and thirst to rise. They pushed me on the floor and I sprawled and later my mother came by my side. Only then to be pulled away from me and she was held by the bastard. I hated how he handled my mother and I want to stood and kicked him since I'm not chained but the energy in me barely hold me to stand. I tried even to stood but falls back on my knees making me more in pain.

"So, your mother had made a deal with me for your freedom." He spoke and I looked up to my mother who being held in his arm, "She promised an eternity with me with no trial of escape in exchanged for you freedom. I said I'll think about it. But Alexander, now I have a deal for you to make." He said in his disgusting husky voice. He snapped his finger and later the door open and the sight of another person I hated the most other than those two appeared, but she wasn't alone, oh god she wasn't alone.

My eyes widen in sight as I saw the person walked in. Camille walked in her stilettos that I hated so much not just because of the noise, no offense to those who wore them but she made it everything to be hated. She dragged someone with her, she dragged Rafe with her. Still in school uniform with his bag behind him. "Alec!" He shouted and ran to me. His small arm caught my neck as I falls back on my bump. I returned the hug as tears flowing like river.

But our moments of sweetness have to be interrupted by these devils. He was dragged by his bag pack from me, Camille took him away from me and stood beside my mother. Now all of them face me while I sat on the floor looking up to their eyes. "I told you have other plan for your rich boyfriend." Liam added and Camille cleared her throat as if she's correcting him, "Opps sorry. You're fiancé." He corrected and she stood smiling. I scoffed looking at her thinking Magnus already dumped her sorry ass.

"He won't leave me now for sure." She said so confidently. "Oh and congratulations in advanced." Liam added. I was confused in their conversation and they noticed my confusion. "Oh forgot to share the great news. I'm pregnant. Magnus is gonna be thrilled." She said with a stupid smile on her face. I don't believe any words she said as she is as a snake in a bush. "Don't be sad Alexander, I told you before you will regret this. The soon you left, he fucked me in his office, raw." She spoke and even though there's a child present they don't concern on covering his ears. Rafe look at me in tears as does my mum.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't form any words to fought back. Its not that I didn't want too, I have too much to tell her, all the letters in the world but in sake for Rafe I held myself plus what's the point. I can't help but feeling broken and my heart shattered now since she said its Magnus'. "Okay kids, enough. Back to business." Christopher spoke and my gaze move from the ground to his grey eyes.

"Now Alec, in order for your freedom, you get to choose. Either you took Rafael with you or your mother. Be glad I give you one of them, but the person who'd stay, he or she will be mine forever and you will not to see them again."

I don't know why my life so fucked up that they had to treat me like this. I never prayed to the one they called god as I have forgot his existence. I didn't belief in him since the day my life is ruined. But if there is god who witness everything right now, please. Please send help. Please don't let me choose between them as I love them both deeply and I rather choose to kill myself rather than choose them. Please god, if you're there. Send help. Send my guardian angel like you promised when I prayed for you every night like mum used to teach us. Send me my savior so I could watch them grew and live on their lives doesn't matter whether or not I'm there to witness it. Please, send it to me fast. 

A/N : I can't sleep so here's the update. Hope you guys like them, I'm thinking making a sequel on this story after I finished it, what do you guys think?

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