Part 39

Guys like always thank you so much for being so supportive and your kind words is what I lived for each day. This story contains strong language and content so please don't kill me for the ending. Thank you

Alec was carried to the empty hard bed and placed softly by Magnus. He wanted to cry for being such an idiot for treating Alec the way he did before. The look on Alec now just proved how he had been tortured by that bastard and made Magnus angry more. He sat beside him stroking his pale bruised cheek with his thumb waiting for him to wake up.

Luckily for him, Alec's eyes slowly flustered opened and trying to adjust to the light in the room. He groaned as he shifted his body but winced in pain shortly after. "Hey, slowly." He heard Magnus voice spoke beside him and he tilted his head to the side. A frown upon his face rather than a smile with him staring for quite a moment before any of them spoke. "Is this a dream?" He finally asked and Magnus leaned forward with a smile. "I'm so sorry Alexander. I should have known." He whispered and Alec slowly raised himself on the bed shifting his leg on the floor. He winced at the pain shooting on his ribs for the punishment he had earlier and Magnus frowned at the sight.

"Come on lets go." He drag Alec's arm up but only to be held back. He pulled his arm away from Magnus grip that loosely apply and looked up to him. "You should go. If he sees you, you're as good as dead." He marked. Magnus didn't care for any of his threats and for him, its disgusting to treat such a human being like this. "Alec come on, I can't leave you here." He again pulled Alec but he pulls back and sat straight. "Magnus, I'm honored you are here to save me but I can't. My life is here. I don't belong in your world. This has been and always had been my fate. Just go. I don't want him to see you. I can't have him hurt you."

Magnus sighed before he kneeled down in front of Alec. Their eyes met and gazed upon each other before he spoke. "If you love me, you will come with me. I can't make the same mistake twice Alexander. I can't leave you here knowing it might be the last time I saw you. Please, I beg of you, please come home with me. I need you." Magnus leaned his forehead against Alec with his hand wrapped behind Alec's neck. Their breath hitched as they panted, feeling the warmth in their closeness. Slowly Alec given in and nodded and followed Magnus to the door.

As they approached their exit, Alec was stopped by a rattling sounds of keys behind the door. He panicked and quickly react. He pushed Magnus back in the room and shoved him inside the wardrobe. He was right, a good place to hide. "Alec what the hell, let me out." Magnus banged the wardrobe door but Alec shushed him behind the doorframe. "Magnus please, you have to stay quiet. Don't let him know you are here. Please, stay and whatever happened please just stay in here and don't come out."

Apparently Jax has been calling Magnus' phone for him to answer but he didn't turn it on and he had to hide so that Liam won't see him and suspicious about it. The guards that Magnus paid was not there guarding duty since Magnus paid him to stay quiet. As Liam entered the apartment, Alec was leaning against the wardrobe whispering to Magnus behind it. He was shocked in surprised to see Alec whispering but couldn't catch the words. "The fuck you're doing talking to yourself?" He asked. He removed his belt and his gun he placed them on the table next to the bedroom table. He still had his belt on his hand.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself." Alec answered before leaving the wardrobe and headed to the bed. Liam snorted and walked closer to him but he flinched back and held his knees towards his chest. "I always knew you are crazy bitch. Did you talk to the dead now Alec? Did you talk to your brother?" His comment hurts Alec deeply and Alec didn't think properly before he charged at him. He nudged him in his stomach hoping to fight back but was caught by Liam and he punched Alec's stomach making him groaned in pain. He crunched his body on the floor with a heaving sound of pain in his stomach. Later Liam pulls him back up on the bed lying on his stomach. He grabbed both of Alec's wrist behind his back and grabbed the belt he had earlier to tie them both together.

Alec was helpless when he was tied like that. Liam locked himself in between Alec's leg and pulled his pants down. Before Alec could say anything, he shoved his cock into Alec without any lubes and Alec screamed in pain. He thrust further with his hand around Alec's neck and that was the cue when Magnus can't take it anymore. He stormed out of the closet and pulled Liam from Alec slamming him on the floor. He punched him over and over again before he stood and kicked him in his stomach. "What the fuck?" He cursed at Magnus, surprised at his presence in the room.

He took the gun from the bed side and a kick on Liam's head he shoved the gun towards Liam's forehead right in between his eyes. "Go ahead, call your guys in, the next thing you'll see is your blood splattered on my face." Liam held back, raising both of his hand up surrendering, not wanting to get shot. "Like you know how to use a gun Bane." He snickered a grinning smile with his teeth all bloody with the early punches. Magnus pulls back the gun and cocked it ready for shoot like an expert before placing it back in his head. "Wanna bet?" He asked.

"The fuck you want? He is mine. You already have your fun with him." He spat only to make Magnus more infuriated than ever. He swung the gun over Liam's face and blood gushed out from his mouth. He spit it at the side before turning his gaze back at Magnus. "He is not your toy, he is a person. If you ever touched him again, I swear to god I will make you regret the day your mum fucks your dad to have your existence in this fucking world. You'll be sorry the day you met me." Liam was trying to catch his breath, his face might be stern with courage but his eyes and his chest is otherwise.

Magnus turned around and went to Alec. He was still tied into the position and Magnus helped releasing his arm. He helped pulled his pants back on and helped carry him on his feet. They were halfway to the door when Magnus felt pain and numb feeling behind his head and everything around him went dark. The last thing he heard was Alec's voice calling out for him and then he felt nothing but darkness.

Alec POV

I had to hide Magnus in my closet otherwise Liam will kill him and I'll never forgive myself for anything that happened to him. He caught me talking, whispering against the wardrobe and he thought I was a crazy bitch. Better be called crazy than for him to find out. He pulled me to the bed and make up a snide comment about me talking to the dead. I can take it if its about me but he said Max's name, I flipped out and went forward to hurt him but he punched me hard and made me kneeled on the ground in pain, oh god, please don't let Magnus sees that. But of course he did but I'm surprised he didn't barged out from it and killed the fucking guy.

Liam had my arm twisted around my back and the pain jolted from my stomach to my shoulders. Its to agonizing but what happened next changed my perception. No matter how many times they fuck me, its still hurts and it never felt like this when I was with Magnus. He forced himself in me few times before I heard him fall on the ground. Faint voices of Magnus behind me made me want to stay awake but honestly I felt my body drained and pulling me away to darkness.

I heard Magnus threat behind me as Liam remained quiet and the sound of gun cocking felts good and relieved. I wonder why didn't he just shoot the guy and be done with it, probably he doesn't want to get his hand dirty and let someone died by killing them. I felt him untied me and pulled my pants up as he slowly lifted me up and helped me towards the door.

We were almost the reaching to my freedom where I felt Magnus grip loosen on me and I saw him fell to the ground with a shattering pieces beside him. I fall next to him as I had no energy to stand with no help. I saw Liam stood behind us with a devil grin on his face and the shattered pieces was actually the night lamp by the bed post. He crashed it on Magnus head and now he fell on the floor with his eyes slowly drooping into unconsciousness. "Magnus" I called out, placing my palm against his cheek but he then closed his eyes.

I didn't know whether I'm just born unlucky or probably a witch put a hex on me that made my life so freaking bad luck. Everything I had, I lost them, my family, my mother, my future, Magnus, all of them disappeared from my life. Liam saw our closeness and it got him so angry he pulled me by my hair to lift me up. "Now I will teach you a lesson, you will reckoned the day you wish you would never had met me Alexander. You will be sent to the dungeon and lived the rest of your pathetic life there."

I didn't know which one is more scary, leaving Magnus on the floor not knowing whether or not he would still be alive or headed to the dungeon he just said. The dungeon was actually located in his father's mansion and its actually forbidden place for anyone to enter except if he calls them in. He would keep his woman and sometimes girls for human trafficking business and let the client had them in middle of the night. It sounds gruesome but actually its way worst than that. It felt like living back in the 1800 where slaves get tortured and beat up, drugs, guns and all the illegal stuff were kept there.

Liam had me at the edge of the stairs and dragged me down with him. I couldn't protest as my hair being ripped away from my skull. At the middle of the stairs I started to fight my battle. "Liam please, no! Let me make sure he's okay please." Liam didn't budge only thing I did was to make him more angrier than ever. I never thought I would see this side of him but he just pushed me down to the floor. My body rolled as I fell and hit the bottom floor with pain all over me. I noticed my ankle did the worst and I assumed that it must have been twisted or worst, broken. I wouldn't dare to look at it.

My gaze turned to the side of the stairs where I saw a body lay on the ground and I recognized it immediately, it was Jax. Oh god, please don't let him be dead. I will never forgive myself if anything happened to any of them. Before I could checked whether he is alright or not, I was pulled again and this time rougher. Tears brimmed on my eyes and it falls as I blinked.

"You asshole! Let me go! Fucking let me go!" I tried to protest in anger as he gripped me harder but then he hit me right in my face. I gripped my head which is now wet and the smell of metal invade my nostrils. I saw my tip fingers is red and I noticed my hit had injured me. It cause my vision to be blurry and its hard to stay focus. I felt like I want to fall asleep and never to wake up. "Carry him to the car, this bitch is going back to the mansion." His sound faintly heard but that was the last thing I remembered before I fell into darkness.

3rd Person POV

Magnus woke up in a sudden and noticed the heaviness inside his head as he sat. He was still on the ground and he look around, not recognizing this apartment he was in anymore. The apartment look familiar since he'd been here before but it was different now. Alec's presence made the house looks warming and he felt warm in his heart when he thought of Alec. But then he realized Alec is no where near him and he stood rushing to the bedroom only to find it empty. "Alec!" He screamed for him hoping he would be around but failed. The house is empty and so does the guard outside. He climbed down the stairs and pulled out his phone to call his driver.

Few rings appeared and he could hear the ring nearby him. He tried to locate the sound and found Jax's body limp near the staircase. He went to his side and inspect him almost immediately. He pressed his two fingers on the side of his neck and released a breath when he felt a pulse. He immediately called 9-1-1 for help.

He quickly placed his phone back in his pocket and turned Jax on his back. He groaned as he cuffed his abdomen with his hand and Magnus noticed the blood seeping through his black shirt. "You're gonna be okay, Jax do you hear me. The help is coming." He promised. Jax finally looked up and saw his boss face and he winced on every move. "I know where they took him." He tried to speak. "Shh, we talk about it later okay." Jax shook his head in disagreement before he cleared his throat. "We won't have time for that, he will be dead if you don't hurry. I heard him, I heard he said, he will take him to the mansion. Its Amari's castle where he kept all of the illegal stuff. He's a drug lord and no one knows where is the location of the castle but I heard once you go in, you will never come out alive to tell the tale."

"You need to find my brother and they will help you find him. Here, called them. His name is Jade. He will help. Just tell your name, they already know you are under my protection. I'm sorry boss. I can't help you now." He groaned again in pain and this time the blood is getting more and soaked the floor beneath him. "Just hang on Jax, they are coming okay. Just hold on please." Magnus begged and he could only nodded.

After the ambulance took him away, Magnus still held the phone in his hand, he scrolled through the contact list and found the name, he tap on the button, and after the third ring, it answered. "Jax, where the hell are you? Did you guys found him?" Apparently he knows about the plan, Magnus cleared his throat and spoke, "Jade, it Bane. We found him but he came back sooner than we thought, he shot Jax but now he's on his way to the hospital. I need your help. He's gone. They took him to Amari's castle. I need you to locate it for me." Magnus let out a breath and he heard him do the same. "Come to the address that I will text you. Be here quick if you want him alive." With that he ended the call. A minute later, he received a text and he immediately drove to the address.

Alec POV

I never thought that if my life would end, it would be ended this way. I always had a choice and I choose not to pick them. If only I could turned back the time, everything would be okay. I opened my eyelid slowly and noticed the dark room I was in. It was a small chamber with nothing on it. I was chained on the wall with my arm hung above me. The chain rattled as I moved probably alerting the guards behind the door when I heard the metal door open. When it flung opened I saw Liam with his stupid grin on his face. He closed the door behind him as he approached closer to me. "Welcome back sweetheart. We are gonna have so much fun." He said and I could feel the bile rising up in my throat for hearing him called me sweetheart. Instead of repeating it back, I spat on his face and the look on it wasn't happy.

"You'll gonna regret that." He said wiping the saliva on his face with his sleeves. He took out a knife from behind his shirt and pointing it towards my torso. My shirt were ripped by him in a quick move and I was prepared to receive his stab when suddenly a voice came behind him saving me from his torture. "Sir, your father called you in the dining hall, he asked for you and him." The voice marked. I sighed in relieved when he put away the knife and looked at me. "I guess playtime will have to postponed till later." He said and he asked the guard to release me.

I thought I would walk freely but instead the tie me on my back and dragged me to the dining hall where his father is, the pain shooting all over me especially my ankle. As we entered, the dining hall is a huge ballroom with a long table that could fit thirty people in one occasion. It looks elegant but the creepiness is still there when we watched Christopher ate a steak like Hannibal. "Ah, glad you could joined us." He stood and welcome us after he wiped his mouth with his napkin. I struggled with my chained as he came closer. He lifted my chin to face his face and I looked at his grey eyes with hatred.

"You know, your mother is a beautiful woman. I guess you got her looks then." He said and I tried to charge at him only to be pulled back by Liam. He pulled my chained and I groaned in pain as it pulls my shoulder together. He kicked me on my back and made me kneeled before his father. "We were friends, obviously back in college. She decided to choose your father instead of me. So when she disappeared from my life, I decided to stalk it. How they got married, how she gave birth to you and your siblings. How she was cheated on by your father. Such woman should not be cheated on but she chose him so she deserves it. So when I saw you, I immediately recognized you as her son and I know about the family dispute. I made you killed that man, I loathed him anyway I guess thank you was in favors. But when your father heard the news of how she dies in a crash really cracks me up. How can he be devastated about her passing when he let her slipped from his fingers. He single handedly ruined his own family with his action. Do you want to know why your father decided to move you guys and marry you off?" He asked and I looked up with tears blurring my vision hearing him talk disgustedly over my family.

"Because I threatened his life in exchanged for her and you guys. So he decided to flee the country. But I know he left you behind. When she came to me years ago begging for my help to find you, I was rather contented that she will leave him but never would have thought she would go over the mile just to save you so I made up a plan." My head shot up and my heart is beating out of my chest. I saw him flicked his fingers to sign one of the servants and I saw them went out from the room. Seconds later I saw them carried a woman chained up with hairs messy covering her face and her clothes dirty as a rug. They pushed her to the ground and she kept her face on the floor with chains on her hand tied together on the front.

He kneeled beside her as he kept his gaze on me, "Darling, I kept my promised." He whispered and the moment she lifted her hair up, my chest couldn't take it anymore. It ached for the longing of her presence. She might be dirty and messy, no make up on her face, the smell of her jasmine oil that she always put on her hair had gone but she still who she is, she still the same person as she look into my eyes and she had caught the same expression as mine. Our breath hitched as I tried to escaped from my grip but Liam held me stronger. "Mum."

A/N: Guys don't kill me yet but sorry I had to leave at that. I need a break and I will not be posting in few days but enjoy the cliffhanger tho.. Love y'all ❤️

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