Part 38
It took Cat half an hour to get to the mansion, luckily for Magnus she is on her days off. Even though its not the first time he called for help but its the first time Magnus act cold around her. After she's done tending to Rafe, apparently he needs Alec more than he need the medication. Some people believes that a child falls ill once they get detached from their loves one. He kept mumbling and hiccuping in his tears begging Cat to get Alec back. Magnus wasn't in the room at the moment when she treated him.
"Aunt Cat please, Alec didn't do anything wrong. Daddy won't listen to me, he doesn't tell me why he left." He begged and Cat couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. "Rafe, if he didn't do anything wrong then why he left? Plus you can't have Alec around you all the time. Someday, he might need to leave as you are growing up." Cat soothe as she rubs his arm up and down. He was sitting down on the bed facing Cat. "But he made daddy happy." The look on his face made Cat kept her mouth in silenced, unable to answer. Instead, she sighed and let him lay back on the bed. She tucked him to sleep and left the room.
Cat left and went to Magnus' office only to found him drunk as a skunk while seated at the couch lazily. He has his glass of scotch in his hand while his head tilted back looking up the ceiling. "Magnus where's Alec?" She asked. He didn't turn his gaze but just kept his gaze to the ceiling. "Gone." He answered whispering. Cat didn't quite catch the answer at first but then she understood but it only raised more questions that answer her question. She came closer and sat beside him on the other couch set.
"Magnus what happened? What do you mean gone? You guys were doing great so far." She asked and she heard Magnus snorted. "Honestly, I thought we're good either. I guess I was stupid enough to believe that either." He stood up and raised his glass gulping the last drop of the burning alcohol down his throat. "He just fucking left me." He thrown the glass towards the wall and it shattered to the ground earning Cat a gasped of horror. "HE FUCKING LEFT ME! ALL ALONE IN THIS MANSION! After everything I did for him. After I poured my heart out to him, HE LEFT ME!" Magnus broke down into a sobbing tears kneeling on the floor and Cat grabbed him pulling him into a hug. His sobbed and tears were echoing in the room and Cat worried as she never seeing him like this before.
"He left me Cat, he didn't say why, he just left. I should have known he's only in it for my money. He is no different than all those sluts out there." Cat stopped hugging him and pulled his body away from her, now they are facing each other in a kneeling position. "Magnus, look, I don't know what happened between you two but there is no way Alec would have behaved like this for no reason. I have seen him, he would give his lives just to make you and Rafe happy. There has to be an explanation for this. Did you try to talk it out with him?" She asked and Magnus shook his head before he stood up and headed to the liquor table. He poured himself down another glass of scotch and gulped it down in a swift move before he poured another.
"Its late, I don't want you or anyone talk about this matter anymore. I don't want to hear his name in this house anymore. You may leave. I'll ask Maia to send you a cheque in the morning. Good night Cat." He went to his desk with his drinks but Cat beat him to it, "I am not your employee you can ditch me like this! You better act like Magnus I used to know not this asshole or we are no longer friends anymore." She screamed her heart out for his attitude but only to be met by his chuckled and annoyed grinned.
"Leave then, just like him. Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine." He whispered the last comment as he snickered a devil grin which irritates Cat more than she already is. She saw Magnus gulped yet again another drink and another, with a sighed, she grabbed her purse and ready to leave but before she did she took a last glanced at her drunken friend over his desk, "Call me when you finally grow up. Goodbye Magnus." She slammed the door and heard another glass break in the room, not bothered him being hurt or anything, she left. She leave him with his misery and drunken soul thinking about Alec.
For days he drowned himself in work trying to avoid his feeling on thinking about Alec. Maia had tried all her best to cheer him up but failed. She also felt weird when Magnus told her Alec had left and she refused to believe he wanted Magnus for money but no one can talk him out. No one can put some senses in him. Not until days later when he was visited by Camille at his office. "I told you you would regret it." She said making her point at Magnus for being miserable. "I'm not in the mood to talk. You can leave." She didn't budge but instead she locked the door behind her and closed the drapes to cover the mirror. She slowly strode towards Magnus side and rubbed his shoulder with her pointy manicured fingers. Her red nail polish grazed Magnus' body from left to right and lowered. "Let me take care of you Mags. I know you want me." She whispered into his ear and he moaned when Camille began to kiss his temple and his jaw before trailing to his neck.
Its been a while since he had been touched and he misses Alec greatly. He felt like making Alec deserved this when he pulled Camille on his lap and fuck his way into her.
Two weeks later
Alec has been Liam's punching bag for two weeks and he already felt like he was dying. He would come home and fucked him all he could and if he got bored he start to hurt Alec with knives or sometimes just his punches and his kicked. He would leave in the morning and left Alec all alone in the apartment with no food or drinks to help lessening his starvation and sometimes for days he left Alec without any food and when he came back he only gave him pieces of bread and juice bottle. Alec would eat like a lost puppy and he noticed how skinny he got for being treated like this, his ribs is showing and his cheek is more hollowed now.
Its not just the tortures that made Alec miserable but also the fact that Liam made Alec like his source of income. He brought men to their apartment as a client and he would fucked Alec and they would pay him after. Its not usual but on occasional once or twice each week and the customer is specific person. From the way they dressed, they look like Magnus kind of people, wealthy, powerful and most of them, married. Alec saw how they slipped their wedding band in their pockets before he was tortured into being a sex slave.
The most painful thing is that when Liam throw him a piece of new paper article of Magnus and Camille getting back together as the reporter caught their photo eating lunch together and being intimate. Its not the title that hurts him the most but the photo of Magnus kissing Camille fully on her mouth. He breaks into tears when he read the news and he knew this is for the best, for both of them. Magnus would never go for a guy like Alec and he would never be look the same ever again by Magnus. His dignity had been ripped out by Liam and his body had been used like a piece of trash discarded after being used.
It was mid day when Alec heard a rustle of key opening the front of door. Usually Liam would be home by late evening and after dark so it must be one of his customers that he promised to come and fulfill their lust. Alec was chained to the bed post earlier so he limped his way towards the door to see the person who entered. But to his surprised, the person who came forward was the person he thought the last to see till the day he die. He felt giddy as his breath hitched in a sudden panic attack. He wasn't felt nervous nor he felt scared but rather relieved and he felt overwhelmed. He couldn't hold on to his knees as he gripped the door frame with the person stood in front of him. He fell to his knees and let the darkness invaded his sight. He felt the familiar warmth embracing his skinny body and just before he fall into unconsciousness he mumbled whispering into his ear, "Magnus. Save me - please."
One day earlier.
Magnus had totally shutting everyone out including being with Rafe. As devastated as he is, Rafe also misses Alec and kept asking Mary if he knew where Alec lives but she doesn't know as no one knows where he had gone too. Their dinner, breakfast nor lunch had became silenced like eating with the dead. Only sound of cutleries clanking the plates and both father and son haven't spoke in days. Magnus would goes to his drunken state but never shown himself in front of Rafe and usually he would left early in the morning before Rafe wake up.
Just last week they had started to patch up their relationship when Magnus accidentally burst out his anger towards Rafe. He had been asking about him lessen each day but that day he crossed the line. He refused to eat and Magnus had his patience at the maximum level. Rafe pointed out that he doesn't want to touch any food since he doesn't know whether Alec had eaten or not. Magnus turned to an angry monster flipping all the plates away when he burst in anger and made Rafe never to mention Alec's name again. Rafe was terrified and had nightmare for days but few days after the incident, Magnus beg for his forgiveness which he had to accept as he as well saw how different his father had become. Magnus pleaded him not too mention Alec ever again, as it hurts him the most for thinking what he did.
Things at the mansion had come back to normal, just like before Alec entered their lives. Magnus had just had his breakfast with Rafe when he walk out the mansion with Jax waiting at the car door that he opened for Magnus. He entered after a curt nod from him. They both sat in the car with dead silenced. Jax saw Magnus looked out the window when they were passing the woods where Alec had ran off to before. "Sir, can I talk to you about something." He asked. Magnus was dozed off to his thought and his gaze went back inside the car looking at Jax who had his eyes on the road. The road is straight covered with woods before they would enter the main road and headed to the freeway into the city.
"Go ahead." He nodded for Jax to speak. "Its about Alec sir." He said but before he continued Magnus raised his hand stopping him mid sentenced. "One more word about that slut than you are fired." He said, apparently he had been firing people all over the company for being incompetent, reckless and simply unable to submit his orders in time. He had turned to Magnus Bane, the arrogant, snob, cold hearted Bane. The Bane before Alec had enter his lives.
What he didn't expect was that, Jax swift the car to side of the road in a quick move causing their body shifted to the side. "What the hell Jax? Are you trying to kill me?" Magnus shouted and he saw Jax unbuckled his seatbelt and went out. He opened the door for Magnus and not letting him out by his own, instead he gripped the collar of Magnus suit and dragged him out. He slammed Magnus body on the car causing him a groan.
"Just shut the fuck up and listen! I don't want to do this but sir you have hurting all the people around you including yourself! If you have the brain of a genius for bringing such empire to success surely you can see that Alec was threatened to leave you. He loves you more than anything he had in this world and he loves your son just like his own. Not even that bitch you flung around all these years love your son like he did! I know you had been seeing her again just to void your feelings." Magnus shoved him back with his forced and he fix his suit and tie while Jax eyeing his move. "What are you? A hitman?" He asked and Jax held back his laugh for the inappropriate time.
He knew Magnus wasn't aware of his pass, he knew that he was an ex soldier but he didn't knew him as the special forces along with his brothers. "I was with special forces back in the army. I never told you that but I guess you deserve to know. During my training, we learnt how to read expression. People seemed to act tough when they were threatened in order to save the one they love. Just like Alec did. There is no reasonable explanation why he left in a sudden without explaining himself." Magnus rolled his eyes after Jax spoke and he doesn't want to listen to this conversation anymore. He opened the car door and was about to open it wider only to be slammed back by Jax. "Sir, please just listen."
He sighed rubbing his temple and was about to protest but Jax held out his finger stopping him mid-sentenced. Mostly it would piss Magnus off but this time, he was stunt cause out of all people he knew who work under him, Jax never disobeyed him and always true to his word.
"The night at your party, I saw Mr Amari's son, sneaked out from the back door of your hotel, I saw him wearing one of the hotel's uniform and throw it in the dumpster before escaped through the alley. I try to track him down but then you called to bring you guys home. I remember you spoke with your PI about tracking the guy who hurt Alec and I recognized him from being Mr Amari's son. I think Alec is at his house right now as we speak."
When Jax finished Magnus looked deep into his brown eyes with a frown on his face. He doesn't want to listen but somehow this new information might worth to listen too. "Sir, I contacted my brother after Alec left, they followed him after and apparently they saw him dragged Alec back to their old apartment and they never saw him come out. They were few times, he brought customers and few of them I recognized as one of your clients going into the apartment. I know its too much for you to accept and you would say I am lying to you but sir, if I'm right, imagine what condition he is right now?"
Magnus couldn't help but the last words made his heart ticked. The sight of Alec when he saw him on the ground still haunts him. He shook his head with that thought and sighed. "We're late. Take me to the office now. I have a meeting." Magnus said and Jax sighed rubbing his temple. He nodded opening the door for his boss as he slide in. He was about to close them when Magnus pressed his hand against it, "Never pulled that stunt on me again Jaxon. We'll see him tomorrow." He signed and Jax couldn't hide the smile on his lips before turning to the driver seat.
Magnus and Jax had been waiting outside the apartment waiting for Liam to exit. Soon as they saw him leave, they barged into the apartment only to be stopped by one of Liam's guard outside the apartment door. "What's your business here?" The guard asked. His body as build as Jax only bigger and taller. Magnus felt like Rafe in between him and Alec. "I'm here for my price, I heard my whore is inside." It disgust Magnus to say those things but he had to play along otherwise he would tell Liam about his presence here. He nodded and Magnus handed him a hundred dollar bill to keep his eyes and mouth shut not letting anyone know he is here. He smirk before he took the bill from his finger and opened the door for Magnus. "Nice doing business with you sir." He said and Magnus entered with a smug look on his face. Jax waited downstairs for him keeping him alert in case Liam or his father came back.
As he entered, he saw Alec's bruised face with few cuts on his cheek and his lips, pale, skinny as bone with his white shirt lose on him and a pair of grey sweatpants with blood and dirt on them. He was leaning against the doorframe with his eyes flooded with tears he assume for seeing him standing there in front of him. Magnus didn't had any chance to say anything when Alec falls on the floor panting his breath in a panic attack. He ran towards him, catching him from the fall and cradled him on his lap. "Magnus, save me, please." He whispered before he fell into consciousness.
A/N: I can't sleep so I guess I'll write and update then..
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