Part 37
Warning strong content, strong language and some inappropriate scenes. If you get triggered by those things, don't read them.
Magnus woke up the next day with Alec not by his side. He was wondering why he is up so early and look around the room for any signed of him but only to be met with the silenced and emptiness. He got up from the bed and headed straight for shower and get himself ready for work. After he finished, putting on his suit and tie, he went towards the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as he approached the area, he heard Alec's voice talking to Rafe.
"I told you not to eat too much." His voiced appeared and as he walked in, he saw Alec holding Rafe on his hips as he leaned against the sink. "Morning people." Magnus cheered and when Alec turned, he was horrified to see him covered in vomit. He managed to wipe out the vomit with the wet cloth and his shirt is now soaked revealing his abs underneath it. "What happened to you?" He asked and saw Rafe leaning his head against Alec's neck. "Rafe got tummy ache for eating too much sweets yesterday, I blame Maia." He signed closing the tap water off with Magnus chuckled behind him.
"Here let me." Magnus held out his hand to get Rafe from Alec but Alec pulled back and swing Rafe away from him. "No, I don't want you to be late for work, plus if he got vomited all over you, you need to changed. Just go, I'll handle him." Alec barked and Magnus sighed. He nodded before he leaned against Rafe temple for a kiss and towards Alec but Alec pulled back and his kiss were supposed for his lips now went to his cheek. Magnus furrowed his eyebrow in confusion for the rejection and looked at Alec in questioning look. "Is everything okay?" He asked. Alec nodded and smiled before he answered him. "Yeah. Just I have vomit all over me, I don't want you to smell like one either."
He lied, he couldn't let his emotion got into him since he had to figure out some way to tell Magnus that he is leaving today. "Are you gonna be home late?" Alec suddenly making Magnus turned back and smiled. "Not sure, why? You want me home early?" He asked but Alec didn't show off his emotion and instead he kept a stern look on his face. "Just be home early, we need to talk." He said and now Magnus started to get to worry. When people say they need to talk it means something bad would happen and he sense it with Alec. "What is it?" He asked.
"We'll talk later when you're home. I need to put Rafe down and I need to change. I'll see you later." He said and tried to passed Magnus but he held his arm and pushed him back. "Tell me now." He demanded. Alec knew Magnus won't let it go but he had no choice. He wished things were different, he wished how he would met Magnus not in such complicated situation. Instead of giving what he wanted Alec shook his head, "No, we talk when you got home. Have a good day." With that he left Magnus stumble in his thought in the middle of the kitchen.
The whole day Magnus at work, he couldn't focus. He tried to think if something is wrong or maybe he did something wrong but if Alec is angry at him, why didn't he say so. He was interrupted few times just to gain back his focus which annoys most of his client. Maia noticed the worry in him and after dismissing their last clients, she closed the door of their meeting room and went to Magnus side. "What is wrong with you today?" She asked. Magnus had his head in his hand resting his elbow on the table looking down, he sighed before he lifted it up. "I don't know, Alec said he wanted to talk." He said and Maia crossed her arm against her chest looking down at Magnus. "Oh oh, what did you do?" She added
Magnus shook his head, literally he doesn't know what he did wrong but when he looked at his watch, it shown four in the evening. "I have to go Maia, cancel the rest of the meeting today, tell them I will reschedule later." Maia nodded with a simple answer before she watched Magnus stormed out from the office in a hurry. He kept telling Jax to be quick as he can sense something is wrong. As they reached the mansion, he quickly went out from the car not even waiting for Jax to open it for him. He ran upstairs and noticed Alec was not in Rafe room so he headed into Alec's room instead. Rafe was sound asleep when he shut back the door and left.
As he entered, he called out his name, "Alexander, I'm home. What is it that you want to talk about?" He asked and when he turned he was shock to see Alec sitting by the chair near the window with his duffle bag he has in his hand. The one he had when the first time he moved in. The clothes he had was also the one he wore the first time he came to this mansion. "What the fuck is this?" Magnus asked. Alec sighed before he stood up, his face is emotionless and he tried to hold his tears away. He needed to look strong in order to succeed this.
"I'm sorry." He started. "For what?" Magnus raised his voice a little earning Alec a little startled and he kept his gaze down. "Alexander please, tell me if I did something wrong so I can fix it." He came forward and held Alec with both of his shoulder. Alec couldn't hold back, his tears falls and dropped on the carpet under his feet. "That's just it Magnus, you have done nothing wrong. You have been so kind to me and I could never pay you back. For all the things you have done, I wished I could repay you but I can't. Its for the best if I take my leave from now on. I can't be a burden for you anymore." Alec felt the grip loosen and the warmth faded as it changes to sudden coldness.
"After everything I did for you, you just gonna walk out and leave?" He asked and Alec couldn't tell him what happened. He wish he could just burst out and tell him what happened but the threat Liam made and the thought of Magnus hating him for anything that could happen to Rafe is terrifying. "think about Rafe Alec. please. If you can't do this for me, do it for him. He needed you. I needed you, hell we needed you. Please." He begged. Alec shook his head and the grip he had on his bag tightened. He could see how his knuckles turned white from gripping it too hard.
"I'm so sorry Magnus. I know you guys will be okay if I'm not here anymore. Please don't make this harder than it already is. Please tell Rafe that I'm sorry and I love him." Alec moved towards the door passing Magnus beside him. He heard Magnus sighed and he had his hand gripped in a tight fist. "So just like that then? After you sucked me dry then you're off to the next person with money? Is that it? Maybe its true then, you are a slut! Are all the stories you tell me is true Alexander? About you being a victim and all? Or is it just game you playing to get my sympathy and feeling sorry for you? No wonder you father hated you so much and you used me? How am I so stupid to believe you in the first place." He scoffed but tears won't stop flowing from Magnus eyes for saying stuffs like that to Alec.
Alec didn't answer cause he needed this. He need Magnus to be angry at him so he could forget and move on. Although his tears clouded his vision, he could see Magnus is at verge of falling into his emotion either. "You can say all you want Magnus, I have nothing against it, I hope you're happy. Please do take care of yourself. Just know that whatever I did, I did it because I love you. Both of you. If I'm not here anymore, just know that I forgive everything that you just said to me and I'm sorry. I really am." Alec said but Magnus didn't bother to look at him. "Just fucking leave, don't ever show up and be around my family again." Magnus added.
He nodded and he held the door knob to open, but he held back and look at Magnus behind him as he turn. "If Izzy and Jace came here to find me, just tell them to move on and forget about me. Just like before they know I existed." Magnus looked into his eyes and saw the tears in it, he never understood why Alec loves making thing complicated and sure as hell he doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. "I'm not fucking interested to see you or your fucking family again. You can take your drama and your family dispute and get the hell out of my fucking house!" Magnus yelled and Alec was taken back, shock hearing the tone.
Alec know this is for the best but hell, he need them to be safe, all of them. As he walked out from the mansion Mary stopped him by the entrance. "Alec? What happened? Why are you crying? Where are you going?" She bombed him with such questions and Alec couldn't answer them without hiccuping in tears. She didn't think twice but to hug the man stood in front of him. "P-Please take care of them for me, tell Rafe I love him so much and I am so sorry for leaving." He said and Mary pulled back. "Where would you go? Please Alec think it through." She said and as Alec was about to answer, they both were interrupted by Magnus at the top of the stairs. "MARY! Get that flea bag out from this house right now! Tell Jax to changed the security code at the gate." He said and Mary looked up to him with such horror. Magnus never got this upset and angry before, much more to change the code for no reason. "He is to never step foot on this property again. If he did, he will be shot for trespassing." Magnus added and Alec held out his sob as Mary pulled him closer for a hug.
"Goodbye Mary." He said pulling him away from her which she tugged his shirt but he let her finger slipped and ran out. Jax was still at the car when he saw Alec came out running and held him to stop. "I heard what happened sir, if you want I can drop you off anywhere you want." He offered but Alec shook his head. "I don't want to get you in trouble, I can manage from here. Thank you Jax." He said and he tried to leave but Jax big build body blocked him.
"Whoever threatened you to do this, I can help. My brothers are all in the army in special forces, they can help." He asked and Alec was surprised to hear the word from him, how did he know? "How did you know I was threatened?" He asked and he can see Jax sighed, "I'm trained for this, I know who's the victim and who's the culprit. Just tell me who and I will asked my brothers to help." He said and Alec shook his head. "They'll kill him, they'll kill Rafe. I can't risk that. I have to go." Alec ran passed him ignoring the fact that Jax would probably tell Magnus about their conversation earlier.
Alec reached the town by seven after the long walks and hitch a ride from a couple who coincidentally heading the same direction. He headed to the club which belongs to Christopher in midtown and its not just ordinary night club where people would enjoy music and alcohol, its also consist of strippers and human trafficking, not too mention, guns, drugs and gang members. He knew they run illegally their business there and he is the Italian tycoon that people are actually scared to interfere with his business. He has his cops and investigators working for them, even judges at the high supreme court and basically everyone important is under his influenced.
As Alec entered, the familiar smell of alcohol and sex invaded his nostrils. He tried not too gag but the feeling is there. He look around and tried to see if Liam is there but not a sight so he decide to go to the VIP lounge and look for him there. As he open the door, he was right, he was there in between the strippers. One of the stripper with blonde hair is between his knees sucking his cock and the other brunette is eating his face. He didn't realized Alec has entered the room when he was occupied with those two girls. He slammed the door shut earning a startled gasp from three of them. "What the fuck!" He asked and as soon as he saw Alec, he stood, pushing the blonde by her head roughly away from his hard cock. "Welcome home lover."
Alec didn't know why he didn't just stab the guy right there and then at the club, he is so vulnerable with being half naked and no guards to protect him. But then he thought, his father is way worst than Liam is. Later, Alec was literally dragged from the club and now they were at home. Back to the dump where he spend the earlier years of suffering and torture. Alec was pushed back towards the apartment and he noticed, all of the neighbors he used to know is no longer the same face. He must have removed them and placed it with new attendant and probably from their gang members.
The familiar scent that haunts Alec almost every night came back and now it got worst than ever. He was pushed by Liam and accidentally fall on the ground causing a loud thump heard echoing into the empty room. As he turned on his back, he saw Liam changed the locks and now it has more than one locks. Locks with key, strap and even knots, you name it. He noticed how Alec was eyeing the door locks and he smiled grinning at his face. "All for you love, won't let the past happened again now won't we. Plus I don't want interruption while I fucked you till your death."
He stormed forward and held Alec by his arm lifting him up on his feet. He pulled Alec by his hair and dragged him towards their bedroom. Alec thought the living room was enough scary for him but he was wrong, the bedroom was way worst. The bed that used to have sheets, duvet and blankets are now only with sheets, no pillow and chains on each of the bed post. His usual book case were now gone and the only thing is there is a small table holding the lamp by his bedside, the light was not even bright to shine the whole room. In front of the bed was their usual wardrobe and he can see all of his clothes is gone and the wardrobe is empty. In his thought, a good place to hide since the wardrobe is tall as he is and now its empty.
He was startled when Liam again pulled him by his hair and slammed his body on the ground. Before he could act, Liam had one of the chains tied on his left hand and when he protest, he grabbed the other hand and tied it. The chain is solid metal and there is no way Alec could pick lock it to escape. He climbed back down and dragged Alec's leg and tied to each of the bed post before he disappear into the living room. "Liam, please. Don't do this." He tried to be reasoned with him but honestly, who can reason with a mad man.
He saw Liam came back with a knife and a scissors in his hand. He was terrified beyond believe when he saw Liam came back and straddled him with a devil smirk on his face. He has one of his shirt ripped in his hand and before Alec could ask, he placed them in between Alec's mouth and tied it tight behind his neck. "Now, you can scream all you wanted love. I can't wait to hear them." Alec was squirming under him and even though he was chained to the bed, he still could move as his chain can be manipulated. He wanted to kicked him in the balls but bad move if making him more angry in a position like this, god knows what would happened to him tonight.
He took the scissors and cut Alec's shirt ripping it off from his body exposing his now healed body. No bruises, no scars and its cleaned, unlike before. "I guess that rich bastard do take care of you well. Not a mark." He said and trailed the scissor on his body. Alec was panting hoping he wont use the scissors to hurt him but he was wrong when Liam decided to poke his shoulder with it. He screamed in agony for it as blood were sipping through the wound and soaked the sheets underneath him.
"That's for stabbing me last time." He said and he shifted lower to Alec's leg. He took the same scissors and ripped Alec's jeans off and exposed him naked. He took his time staring at Alec's flaccid cock and trailed his empty hand there. "I guess he fucked you too Alec? Lets see who fucks better?" He flipped Alec on his stomach and his bloody shoulder now scraped on the sheet with pressure earning Alec another groaned.
He heard shuffling behind him as he prayed to god to just end his life right here right now. He doesn't know whether he could handle this. He wasn't sure whether he could survive another torture like this anymore.
After hours of fucking and Liam took a knife scraping Alec's back as he thrust harder and he loves how Alec screamed with every thrust and every scratch. He was exhausted for his torturing activity where he left Alec chained up on the bed naked and crying, more like sobbing. He stopped crying after a while he lay there and Liam already opened his chained and his mouth cover, "Here, clean your fucking self up, you disgust me." He tossed a bunch of clothes at Alec with few towels that feels like a steel wool. Alec took one of the towel and pressed it down on his wound as he winced in pain, he heard Liam laughed. As if someone was telling him a joke and he laughed. He glared at him but didn't bother to ask what got him so amused. "You are pathetic Alexander. You really thought that rich bastard would save you? We have other plan for him."
Alec's head shot up and gazed on Liam's face when he heard him, "W-What do you mean?" He asked but Liam scoffed, "As if you deserve to know. That is just for me to know and for you to find out later." He scoffed again and left the room. Alec heard him left the apartment and locked the door from outside as he left the building. Alec slowly stood up and headed to the small bathroom and closed the door behind him. He let all the items he had in his hand all on the floor as he slumped himself together. He sobbed for like hours and wonder if he could have tears left to cry. He hugged his knees to his chest and rocked his body back and front like a kid. "Please. please. Make this stop. Mama take me with you please. I can't do this anymore." Alec looked up to the ceiling and hoping his dead mother would hear him. He wanted to kill himself but then he noticed, all the knifes, the razors and the scissors are gone. Liam knew he would try to kill himself, so he removed everything from the apartment when he's not around.
Alec slummed back on the floor with pain all over his body. His shoulder stopped bleeding a while ago and he cleaned it up nicely and placed a piece of gauze to covered it, hoping it won't get infected. He looked at himself in the mirror and words starts to haunt his mind again. Disgusting, pathetic, slut, he wished he were born different and he wished he won't have to see another light, he prayed that god would take his life and ended his misery. He cried hugging himself in front of the mirror as he look at his worthless being and he can't even stand up for his own life, how can he protect others.
Magnus mansion
"Daddy, I want Alec." Rafe whined and Magnus had it enough with people calling his name. He had been trying to get Rafe's fever down. He has been vomiting and his fever his peaking at the highest level even after the medication. "Rafe stopped saying that name. He's gone and he is never coming back. We are stupid to believe that he care about us." Magnus placed another wet cloth on his forehead to bring down the fever. Mary by his side keeping his silenced as she heard Magnus feed Rafe the lies. Alec loves them and he loves them greatly, and if he did something like this it means he is trying to protect them and Magnus failed to see it. She tried to talk to Magnus but he refused to listen and shut everyone out.
"Nooo, I want Alec." He whined again and Magnus is at the edge of his temper. "Stop! Just stop okay. You are not a child anymore and Alec is gone! Don't ever mention his name in this house ever again, you got me?" He raised his voice at Rafe and glanced at Mary as well. Rage wailed a cry and Mary took him in her arm cradling him to soothe his fear and sickness. Magnus gripped his hair as he walked to the door and head out, he pulled out his phone and called his best friend Cat for help. "Cat I need you, Rafe is sick." He said and without any answer he put down the phone rudely.
A/N: I want to confess something to you guys. Lately I told you people I have been sick and the real reason is that I'm getting myself treated for my suicidal attempt and my depression behavior since its gotten out of control. The medication they gave me is making me sleepy and weak and I hate every minute of it, so I stop. A year ago, my therapist suggested for me to write my angst and my anger down somewhere and hence, my fanfic stories. I thought it would make me feel better but I was wrong. People hated what I wrote and they insisted I put it down and kept my silenced for months. I didn't reply to any comments nor I showed myself to this page.
Be glad you have a perfect family that cares for your being, that you got to see them every single day, cause I'm not. Be glad if you are pretty, and you have friends to support you, cause I don't. If you guys think my stories are too much for you to read and handle, let me know. I will stop right here right now and I will delete everything that ever existed.
All of my stories are based on my past of being a rape victim, abusive father, neglected child, you name it. I chose to be a nurse cause I thought I'm good at helping others but all of that made it even worst. I would go to work, put a smile on my face and act like I have no problem in the world but when I go home, I cut myself and I stand on the ledge of my window from the third floor waiting to make the jump but thinking on the look on my sister face would crushed my soul. Someday, my mother or my sibling wouldn't know that finally I did it, finally I am free.
Let me know, should I delete this? Voice it out, tell me the truth.
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