Part 32

Weeks passed and Alec couldn't be anymore happier. Although in his wide smile and bright eyes, he still couldn't hide his insecurities and lies from Magnus. He wanted to tell him everything and every time he tried to say something, they were either interrupted or Alec just changed into another topic denying the subject. Rafe on the other hand couldn't be anymore happier and introduced Alec to everyone as his friend rather than his nanny. Alec loves him to the deepest of his heart and he treated him just like his brother or a son.

Thinking back on his brother, he wonders what Izzy and Jace would be up to by now. How he misses them so much that it hurts him on thinking about it. He tried to hide his feelings away but his eyes couldn't. Every single time he cried he had to hide it from Magnus and made up another excused for it. One day, is all he need. Just one more day and he would tell Magnus everything and confronted him but every time he did, he would procrastinated. Alec is not afraid on telling Magnus the truth but the real reason is the outcome of telling him afterwards. Would Magnus kicked him out? Would he be angry? Would he be pleased? These thoughts clutters his mind and yet again Alec would hold back on telling him the truth.

"Rafe, that is not the right key, you know better. What's wrong with you?" Alec asked but the small boy next to him just kept his gaze down on the piano. He sighed and never did answer him so Alec had to do something. He closed the piano key and carried Rafe in his arm towards the couch of their living room. He sat him down and kneeled in front of him. "What's up." He asked but Rafe kept his gaze on his fingers. Alec sighed since Rafe came home yesterday, he's been off and Alec thought he just tired but this is not Rafe used to be.

"Hey, I'm here if you wanna tell me anything. I promised I won't tell anyone okay." He cupped his small cheek and just then he looked up and his eyes met Alec. His blue eyes that stares into Alec was now red and threatened to let the tears fall. "You promise you won't tell daddy?" He asked. Now Alec worried. It must be something big that he couldn't tell Magnus so he had to keep it to himself. "I promised Rafe. What is it?"

"There's this new kid at school. He always bullied me for being too small. Usually I won't pay any attention but yesterday he -" he chocked in his own words and Alec couldn't bear his heart. He raised from his knee and hugged him from the side taking his seat next to Rafe. The boy cried in Alec's embrace soaking his shirt. He never seen Rafe this vulnerable before and for him, Rafe was the only one that always there to cheer everyone up. Now Alec tried all his best to return back the favor. Alec stroked his hair back as he let him cry to his chest. After a while, Rafe stopped crying and Alec wiped his soaking face with his long fingers.

"What did he say?" Alec asked and Rafe looked at him tilting his head up since Alec is still way taller even though he's sitting down. "He said mummy left me because I was too ugly and she hates me." Alec's heart broke hearing the word came out from the poor boy mouth. Never in his life he would met someone who would do that to a six year old, a kid no less.

"Rafe listen to me. Don't listen to whatever other people had to say to you. People gonna talk and you can't do anything to shut them up. Those kind of people are the one you need to feel sorry for cause they fail to see what a wonderful person you are. You have a beautiful family and daddy loves you more than you could ever imagined. He would die for you if you asked me. His loves for you beats the love of people who have two parents to love them."

Rafe looked at Alec in such adoration and the small smile came at his face which relieved Alec the second he saw it. He wrapped his small arm around Alec's neck and gave him a tight hug. Alec sighed in relieved thinking he done something right in talking to him about this. He rubbed Rafe's back softly and he pulled away shortly after. "Feel better?" He asked and he nodded wiping his tears with his sleeves. "Do you want some ice cream? I heard it would make you feel better if you feel sad." Alec said and Rafe nodded in enthusiast upon hearing the word ice cream. Alec didn't know better but he remembers every time Izzy broke up with her boyfriends she would spend her night drowning in those.

They went to the kitchen and Alec sat him down on the island chair before grabbing the bucket of Ben & Jerry with two spoons for him and Rafe. They both dig in and didn't say a word. Alec smiled at the chocolate smeared on Rafe's cheek as he tried to feed a big spoon into his mouth. He took the napkin and wiped them off from Rafe face before continued eating beside him. "Alec?" Suddenly the small boy voiced. He hummed in response before he asked further. "Do you have a family?" He asked and Alec stopped midway on feeding himself before he swallowed a big gulp in his throat. "I do, once." He answered slowly. "What happened to them?" He couldn't tell Rafe to stop cause he's just a curious little boy and living with them for months caused him to be a little more curious than ever. "I lost them, cause I never appreciated what I had before." He knew he was wrong for saying that but he felt right in saying them. He choose wrongly, no matter what family comes first, father always said that to him and he remembered it well.

"Do you have a mummy too?" Alec couldn't forget the way Rafe asked him. He must have missed her scent and the feeling of having a mother is different than having a father. The thought of mother brought him to his. He would never forgave himself for what happened to his mum. He blamed himself everyday after he heard what happened. He wasn't aware he was staring at the half emptied bucket of melting ice cream when Rafe tapped his hand. "Alec I'm sorry." He was stunned unknown for what happened. He shook his head and his eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "What? Why?" He asked continued feeding himself the sweet chocolate.

"Every time I asked about family or mummy you would be sad and I don't want you to be sad. Daddy would never understand. Only me and you, we have the same thing." He said and Alec couldn't help to notice the boy in front of him spoke nothing but the truth. They do have something in common, they both motherless. Alec was quiet not knowing what or how to answer. But then Rafe put his spoon down and climbed off the chair, "Thank you Alec, I feel better now." He said before he stormed off to his room for his own entertainment. Alec shook his head before he closed the lid of the ice cream bucket and planned to keep it back in the fridge. "Rough day?" A voice called behind him and he turned almost immediately dropping the spoon on the floor.

The clinking sound of the silverware fell on the marble floor surprised Magnus and Alec both. Luckily he grabbed the ice cream bucket before he would dropped them too and made a mess. "Y-You scared me." He said before he bend down to grab the spoon but grabbed by Magnus in time. "I didn't mean to scare you Alexander. I thought after months you wouldn't be so jumpy anymore, I guess I was wrong." He said handing Alec the spoon. He took it with a smile and head to the sink to wash them.

As he washed the spoon Magnus came behind him and wrapped his arm around Alec's waist. He kissed him on his neck earning Alec a moan. "M-Magnus, s-stop." He wiped his hand dry before he moved himself away from Magnus. Now they both stood in front of each other separated by the table in the middle. "Is everything okay?" He asked since Alec rejected him like that, he felt Alec trying to avoid him. "Y-Yeah, I don't want Rafe to see us making out in the kitchen like that." He kept his gaze on the table before wiping the table cleaned from the watermarks. "Alexander, You are really special you know that." He said as he stepped closer to Alec.

"I-I d-don't know what you mean." He stuttered in his words which earned Magnus a chuckled. He stepped beside Alec and he let his hand run down his arm. He could feel Alec flinched a little before he relaxed in Magnus arm. "Come here." Magnus signed his arm wide open for Alec to hug him but Alec retorted and stepped away from him. "I-I think I'll go check on Rafe." He said and before Magnus could answered him, he is already gone and Magnus sighed in disappointment. He tried for days to get Alec to come true to him but he failed and he know Alec is hiding something from him. He wanted Alec to tell him the truth although he did pay few people to bring some info on him but all of them failed. There's no record of birth on Alec Lewis, driving license or even identification details on him and his searched has come to a dead end. He wanted to confront Alec on this and he demand to be tonight, whatever it takes.

Dinner was silenced and Magnus couldn't help but feeling Alec and Rafe hiding something from him. He eyed them both as they eat in silenced. For Alec sure he believed but Rafe, he always had something in his mind to say and tonight, he seems to be in different place. "Rafe." He called and he saw Rafe shot him a surprised look like he did something wrong. Like once when he hide Magnus passport away so he won't be able to leave the country but end up telling the truth since Magnus promised he would come along. "Yes daddy." He answered. "How was school? Is everything okay?" Magnus asked and he saw the way Rafe looked at Alec and his eyes seemed begging for him to say something but Alec raised his eyebrow at him. "Well?" He asked again.

"School is fine daddy, same as always." He lied. Alec for one knew it wasn't as always. "Really? Then why do I feel you both had something to tell me but decided to keep it as a secret." Magnus twirled his wine glass looking at both of them as he leaned back in his seat. "Rafe I think its better if you tell daddy." Alec answered and he saw how Rafe's head shot up with an angry look towards Alec. "You promised me you won't tell him! You lied!" He screamed at Alec. He was taken back at the sudden behavior which caused him to swallow back his words. "Tell me what?" Magnus asked and now he's getting impatient. He felt in his own house, he's the last person to know everything.

"I hate you! You promised but you lied!" He stood up abruptly dragging the chair behind him and tried to run off but Magnus caught his arm in time. "Hey, hey don't talk to Alec like that. What is happening? What are you hiding from me?" Rafe tugged his arm away from Magnus but Magnus pulled back harder and they both had a tugging wars which Magnus had to let go since he doesn't want to dislocate his son arm. He saw Rafe running up the stairs and slammed his door shut. He eyed back at Alec and he too had the same expression on his face. "What the hell was that?" He asked and Alec sighed leaning back on the chair he seated rubbing his temple.

"He got bullied in school and he doesn't want you to know." Magnus slammed his fist down on the table and the whole thing shook, Alec was startled in shock has he wasn't very good at handling this, especially how Liam used to do that to him. "Why the hell in the world, I would be the last person to know about this? Why are you not telling me? What else I didn't know? What else are you guys hiding from me?" He questioned him and Alec couldn't help but feeling vulnerable at Magnus rage towards him. "I-I swear I only k-knew this today. I-I tried to help him." Alec chocked on his words trying his best to explain to Magnus but his mental damaged self wouldn't let him stop stuttering and tears starts to brim in his eyes.

"Why is it every time things happened in this house I would be the last person to know? It seems to me that I am not important enough for you guys to share your little secret with me isn't it?" Alec couldn't answer. He felt his breath quickened as his gaze blurred with his tears. He swallowed hard few times trying to say anything but failed which earned Magnus another slammed on the table, "Answer me Alexander!" Alec shut his eyes tight as the memories flooded in his mind. The resemblance in Magnus and Liam is futile and Alec couldn't differentiate the person beside him was not Liam but Magnus.

****"Answer me Alexander! Who the fuck is he?!" Another slammed on the table as Alec remembered. "I-I d-don't know. He was asking me for my number but I didn't answered him anyway." Alec remembered the incident he had when a guy asked him for his number since he was interested in Alec and Liam just happened to caught him in time. He wouldn't dare to look at Liam but the next thing he knew, Liam raised his hand slapped Alec hard on his face causing him to fell from his chair. "Liars!"****

"Liars!" Magnus spoke and Alec couldn't help and start panicking. Magnus going to hit him and he sure of it. He saw Magnus raised his hand and that moment Alec flinched and protect his face with his arm begging Magnus to not hit him. "Please." He begged. Magnus was caught by surprised and never in his mind he would raised his hand to his Alec. He was just raising it to take his wine glass but the look on Alec's face and the way he was protecting himself broke Magnus to pieces. He saw Alec was crying under his arm and he stood.

He kneeled beside Alec gripping his arm away from hiding his face so Alec would look at him. "Hey, hey look at me, Alexander please." Alec fight back Magnus gripped and he stood up from his chair and ran towards the staircase. Magnus witnessed both of them running upstairs in only brief moments and the event confused him more since he had no idea on what is happening. He left his dinner table to head upstairs, this is gonna be a long night, he thought.

He stopped at Rafe room first and he knocked few times before he entered. He saw Rafe lying on the bed face down on the pillow. He sighed scratching his neck as he stepped closer. He sat on the bed beside his son. He rubbed his back softly before he called him, "Rafe." He shook his body not wanting Magnus to touch him and moved his head to the other side so he won't facing him. "I guess daddy is not important to know everything that happen to you anymore. Maybe I should go and never come back. At least you have Alec now right." Magnus stood and turned away his body but caught by Rafe who jumped on the bed and hugged him from behind. It works, every time. Magnus knew it was lame for him to play this card but it works every single time they fought.

Magnus sat beside him but now Rafe lies on his back facing Magnus with a red and wet face. Magnus wiped his tears away with his hand and sighed. "Why didn't you tell daddy? I would go and punched that kid for you." Rafe tears now turned into a chuckled which earned Magnus a smile as well. "Daddy you can't hit a kid, the police will catch you." He said and Magnus had to laugh at that. "Well, A- surprised you know that, and B- I'm hurt because my baby was hurt. I won't let anything or even anyone hurt you." Rafe nodded and he raised himself on a sitting position looking into Magnus' eyes.

"I'm sorry for not telling you daddy, I promised you I will tell you next time." He raised both of his palm signing he won't lie at Magnus and Magnus nodded before he peck him a kiss on his forehead. "Come on, time for bed." He pulled the blanket away so he could get underneath it. "Daddy no, wait. I need to say sorry to Alec." He tried to escape from the bed but caught by Magnus and he sat back down. He raised him well since he felt bad for what he did to Alec and even refused to go to sleep without saying his sorry. "Maybe not tonight, Alec is tired. Tomorrow okay sweetie?" Magnus asked and he shook his head and tried again to escaped from Magnus grip. "No, I need to say sorry. I didn't mean it. Daddy he needs to know I'm sorry." He said and Magnus again gripped him and pulled him back on the bed.

"I know sweet pea, daddy will talk to him first okay. I promised you will see him first tomorrow." Magnus promised and Rafe kept looking at the door before he looked back at his father. "Okay daddy. Please tell him I'm sorry." He begged and Magnus smiled nodding. He pecked him again another kiss on the forehead before he tucked him in. He left the room with a relieved one thing is solved and another thing need to be resolve.

After he closed Rafe's door he went and knocked on Alec's. Few knocks and no answer, he entered anyway. "Alec?" no answer so he walked further and the room was darker than usual. He noticed the room and the bed is empty. "Alec?" He called out again and then he heard a whimper coming from the bathroom. He didn't noticed it before but the bathroom light was on and the door was slightly ajar. He opened the door and found Alec on the floor hugging his knees rocking his body front and back in tears. He hide his face in between his legs as he keep on muttering something.

The sight broke Magnus' heart as he stepped closer and kneeled beside Alec. He still wasn't aware that Magnus beside him but when Magnus held his shoulder he flinched and moved further to the corner of the bathroom away from Magnus. He look like wounded puppy who had been beaten up by his owner and the owner is Magnus. "Alec I'm not gonna hurt you." He held up his hand in defense and tried to come closer to Alec but the closer he got the further Alec pulled away but his back already hit the wall and Magnus was torn to know what exactly happened.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Please, don't hurt me." He said and Magnus heart shattered to pieces when Alec thought he would hurt him. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm me, I'm Magnus, its me. Alec looked at me, I'm not Liam." He tried to come further and closing the gap between them but Alec seems to be a different person right now. The person he never knew existed. It seems that he is back at his old life with his old boyfriend. He grabbed Alec by his cheek with both of his palm and made Alec look at his face. "Look at me, Alec its me. Hey, you're safe, I'm not gonna hurt you." Alec shook his head trying to release from Magnus' grip and Magnus couldn't help but straddling him between his legs so he won't able to kick him in that special place.

Alec clawed his fingers away from Magnus gripped and tears rolling from Alec's eyes onto Magnus' hand as he kept muttering words of please and sorry over and over again. Magnus had no choice, he had to bring Alec back to his own self, so he pressed his lips on Alec's and moments later Alec stopped fighting. Surprisingly he didn't fight back the kiss but end up kissing him back. In one deep breathe, the kiss deepened and Alec let go shortly after catching his breath. "Magnus." He whispered. "Come back to me Alec." He whispered back and Alec hugged him hiding his face in the crook of his neck.

They both sat in that position for a while before Magnus released him. He still tearing and Magnus wiped it away just like he did to Rafe. "Wanna talk?" He asked and Alec for once in his life, he nodded. Magnus was taken back on the gesture but glad anyway. He stood pulling Alec with him and they both exited the bathroom heading towards the bed. Alec sat on the bed and Magnus sat in front of him facing each other. He saw how Alec sighed few times but their hands tangled in each other neither of them want to let go.

"I want to tell you the truth, about everything that happened to me, why I'm being like this. You deserved to know the truth, you helped me countless time, you saved me from my nightmare and gave me everything I could ever hoped for." Magnus listened to him and nodded without interrupting him. He looked at Alec and broken when he saw how hard it is for him to find a word to explain.

"My real name is Alexander Lightwood. I'm the first born of the Lightwood. My father had a good business here in New York many years ago but after I turned down my own father for marrying me to his business associates daughter, my life changed. I lost my family and they all disappeared from my life. I was homeless and a kid who grew up with money wouldn't know how to survive without a single cent in his pocket to live. The night I met Liam is the night I accidentally killed a man. I killed him just over a piece of bread but it wasn't my attention at all. It was an accident but Liam used it against me. He threatened to bring me to the police and had me locked up for the rest of my life but never would I thought he would treat me like this." He looked down to his hand in Magnus gripped. He felt how the grip tightened when Magnus heard the truth.

"Treat you how?" He asked. Alec had to swallow a gulp in his throat before he continue. "Like I'm a punching bag. Not a day goes by without his hit. Punch, slaps, yells and even kicked you named it. I survived all these years because I want to see my family again. The reason because he knew my sister Izzy. He keep threatening he would killed her and do nasty things to her which I begged and obeyed his every command. I was wrong thinking he had every nerve to do that to me but I had no choice. I owed him my life since the day he saved me. I thought he's a nice guy at first but things changed, I guess people changed too." Alec kept his gaze down on their tangled hands. His eyes again filled with tears on remembering every single blow he received from Liam.

Alec noticed Magnus kept his silenced for a few moments and he decided to look into Magnus eyes but Magnus looked the other way. "Magnus please say something." He begged and gripping his hand tighter but Magnus released from his and got off the bed. "Magnus please. I'm sorry I lied." Alec pleaded for his attention and mercy but Magnus just stood with his back facing Alec. He sighed and head out closing the door behind him not leaving any words.

Alec was heart broken, he knew this day would come and he knew he would lose Magnus for his own lies. He deserves this more than anything. He knew it was too good to be true when he had Magnus in his life to love him and now he had witnessed him walked out from him. What hurts him the most is that he had it coming. He knew this would happened and no matter how many times he prepared himself he can never be ready. He's not ready to let go especially this is the small happiness he could ever feel after years of misery.

Alec felt his chest tightened in his breathes as he lay his body on the bed curled in a ball whimpering in tears. He never felt so alone in his life after Magnus left him like this. He never knew how much he needed Magnus in his life especially now. 

 A/N : A gift for my readers since its my birthday and I haven't write in a while. I hope you guys enjoyed it. 

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