Part 30
Isabelle POV
"I found him."
"Him who? Your soulmate?" He snickered a smirk form on his lips. "Daddy, I found him, I found Alec." Her eyes filled with hope but then shatters when her father looked at her in disgust. "I thought I told you not too mention him nor look for him. I forbade you to go to New York again." Izzy couldn't believe after all these years, his father would still hold the grudge on her elder brother. She thought he would changed but its the other way around.
"Daddy, haven't we suffered enough? Alec suffered enough. Here we are living in luxury while Alec lives in the streets scraping food for living. Not too mention he was taken care by some guy who used him like a slave. Where's your heart daddy? He's your son."
"He's not my son! He is the reason for your mother's death and I wish he's dead instead of her. If anything happened to him is at his own fault and he deserved every bit of it!" He raised himself from the desk chair while Izzy had to taken back a few steps in tears. "You're the reason for mummy's death, not him. For everything that happened in our family, is all on you. If he's not your son, then I'm not your daughter anymore." She turned her heels wanting to leave but her foot stop at her fathers words.
"Leave but remember then who will pays for your credit cards? Your car? And don't forget your expenses traveling with your so called friends? Tell me Isabelle how exactly you're living without my money?" She couldn't answered her father, she couldn't process the thought of losing Alec but again, she is dependent on her father for her living cost and her constants shopping spree. "I thought so, so before you would stormed off from my office being angry at me, think back. You can't survive without me Isabella." She turned around and looked at her father stood by the desk looking at her with a sharp gaze.
"You'll be surprised how people would survived without you dad, you said the same thing to Alec and look at him, he survived didn't he?" He scoffed sat himself back on the chair clutching his hand together. "Survived by being somebody's slave, sure." Izzy stormed out from his office and headed to her room, her luggage already being unpacked by the help and she plopped herself down on the bed sighing.
She sat up and let her legs dangled from the ground while her eyes falls on the picture framed by the bed side. She held the frame and tears brimmed from her eyes, it falls after her blinks and she held the frame closer to her chest. It was the picture of her, Alec and Jace during one summer when they were at high school. They were young and the only problem they faced was exams and homework. How she wished she could turned back the time on being a child again, no worries on the world with problems falls on your shoulder.
She clutched the frame tighter as she sat back leaning her body on the pillow. "I will come back for you big brother, just hang on. I promise." She leaned to her side placing the frame back in place and rested her head on a pillow slowly drifted herself to sleep.
Magnus Mansion
"How's your talk with my mother?" Magnus suddenly asked as Alec was helping Rafael putting on his best clothes. They are going out for dinner and Alec hated going out. Not that he is socially anxious around people but the thought of being caught by Liam's and his father's men knowing he is with the Bane would put their lives in danger.
"Yeah, I supposed, thank you." Magnus tried to get his attention by making him turned and look but Alec kept his gaze towards Rafael. "Daddy, I look handsome!" He yelled and Alec had to pull away his ears from his loud voice as it screeched. "Rafe you don't have to be so loud, daddy is only five feet away from you." Alec stood fixing his shirt as Rafe jumped up and down with his airplane toy. "Come on Rafe, we're late." Magnus looked at his watch and Alec knew how he hated being late to anything. He's the man of punctual and responsibilities but when it comes to his son, everything is chaotic.
"M-Mr Bane, maybe I should just stay here at the mansion. You go and have fun with Rafe." Magnus looked back at him with a worried look on Alec's eyes. "Is everything okay Alexander?" He asked closing the distance between them. "Y-Yeah, its just, better if you would spend time with Rafe and Camille. He needs to get the idea of her being the mother later." His eyes kept on the ground not wanting to met Magnus' pairs.
"She has been constantly visiting me at the office almost every single day and I kind of need to have my own personal space without her, I kinda want a Camille free evening if you don't mind. Its frustrating." Alec nodded in understanding but still kept his gaze down. "Is there anything else in your mind Mr Lewis?" He asked and this time Alec looked up to his coy filled smile on his face. Alec had to held back his thoughts on everything. How much he wanted to tell Magnus everything especially the truth. instead, he just shook his head and smiled weakly before following him downstairs with Rafe already at his feet eager to go out for their dinner.
The restaurant quite expensive and luxurious to Alec thought but yet again, Magnus would never eat at the normal humble restaurant. They both sat down and ate their dinner talking about their day while Rafe mostly do the talking part. Alec felt he needed to go to the bathroom when he excused himself to Magnus. Rafe still gobbling in his dessert and didn't pay attention to him.
He walked into the bathroom and no one is there so he did his business in silenced. After he's done, he washed his hand and moment after, some guy walked in and locked the door behind him. He looked around and saw it was Liam.
"Hello Alec. You look good. I see you haven't changed being a whore of yourself, you just couldn't resist can't you?" Alec face dropped and pale on the view of Liam in front of him. He tried to escape through the door but it was blocked by Liam and he managed to lock it. As Alec wants to pass through him, pushing him to the side to get to the door, Liam grabbed his waist and slammed him back on the wall behind him.
Alec gasped at the contact that hurts his chest and back. Liam wrapped his grip on his throat as his mouth opened searching for air but Liam's gripped tightened even more."How I missed this Alexander. Your weeping, gasping for air. Come on beg for me." He gripped tighter and Alec's eyes rolled back. His mouth gaped open as his hand clawing for escape. "P-P-Pleaase, L-Liam." He begged.
"How is it feel being taken care of by that billionaire? Did he fucked you like I did Alexander? Did you miss this." He let his other hand roamed around Alec's body as he squirmed in disgust. Liam leaned his nose inhaling Alec's bruised neck. "You still smell so good slut. You've been taking care very well I see." Alec can't help with tears started flowing involuntarily. He felt disgusted every time Liam would do that.
Alec squirmed trying to get a released but he knew Liam is stronger than he is, so he decided, to kneel him in that special place. He groaned in pain as he fell to the ground with Alec falls besides him. Alec tried to catch his breath by coughing few times for air. His vision blurred due to lack of oxygen as he crawled himself to the door. He opened the lock and to his greatest sight, it was Magnus.
"Why the hell did you lock the door? Did you-" he looked down and saw Alec on his knees breathing heavily. "Alec?" He kneeled beside him pushing his body to lean on the wall. His face wet with tears and he cupped his cheek as he sob in his words. "What happened? Who did this?" He asked and Alec was trembling, his hands shaking roughly as Magnus gripped in his. "L-Liam." He managed to say it and pointed behind the wall. Magnus stood abruptly leaving Alec on the cold floor in tears before checking each stall for any sight of Liam.
He went to each stalls and saw the last stall has a small window above and it was opened, probably he escaped through it. Bastard. He muttered. his thoughts went back to Alec who now clutching his knees together sobbing in his tears. "Alec, hey look at me, he's gone." He cupped Alec's cheek as he tried to get Alec to look at him but Alec was in fear. His eyes closed shuts but tears flowing through.
"I wanna go home, I wanna go home, I wanna go home." He kept repeating his words and Magnus felt like he's a frightened child scared on the monster in a closet. "Daddy?" Rafe voice came behind him and he wanted to keep Rafe away from this but as soon as he saw Alec he got scared. He saw how scared Alec got as his body shaking on the floor like he's having a cold but his forehead is sweating and his neck is red in claw marks.
"Rafe be a good boy and lets go home okay? No questions." Rafe nodded and as Magnus helped Alec up on his feet, his body shivers and his knees wobbled. Magnus had to hold his body against him in order to keep him steady. One of the restaurant worker caught them on sight and helped Magnus carrying Alec to his car.
"Mr Bane we will find the person who did this and we will take full responsibilities." The guy in a suit appeared mostly like a manager stood beside him as he helped Alec to the car. "You right it should. One of you worker might let this happen as he was locked in the toilet unable to escape. Fix this or I will shut this restaurant and sent you all jobless." He climbed to his seat of his car and slammed the door, the worker behind it nodding at his departure. He asked Jax to drive them back to their mansion and he saw Rafe hugging Alec for comfort.
His six years old son straddling Alec on his lap hugging him while hushing comfort words to him which to his surprised he never saw this side of him before. He was touched at how Rafe calm Alec and he couldn't help but wrapping his arm around Alec's body keeping them both to his side for warmth. "I'm so sorry Alexander, I should have known he is still looking for you. I'm so sorry." Silenced, no responses from Alec as he leaned against Magnus' chest. Magnus felt tonight was partially his fault. He thought Liam would have been quiet for a month with no sign of activity whatsoever. He was wrong. They know his whereabout and he has planned something out for Alec, he sure of it.
As they reached home, Rafe and Alec already fell asleep in each other arm. Magnus couldn't bear his heart to wake them up but they can't sleep in a car all night. He stroke Alec's cheek softly gazing at his beautiful face. He had no doubt Alec angelic face has caught his attention since day one. His lips that he dying to kiss and his hair that he want so bad to grip with his fingers. Then his eyes fell to Alec's neck and he saw the marks from earlier. It started to bruise now and it even have claw wound on it due to nails. He was interrupted from his staring when his driver cleared his throat holding the door open. Alec soon awoken from his sleep and looked to his side with Magnus staring at him.
"Why didn't you wake me up? How long have we arrived?" He asked rubbing his eyes with Rafe still in his arm cuddling onto his chest. "Not long, we just arrived." Magnus said and he took Rafe from Alec before he climbed out the car, Alec followed suit.
After they entered the mansion, they both went upstairs and ready for bed. "Alec you go ahead ready for sleep, I will just put Rafe down in his room." Magnus tilted his head towards Alec's room to instruct him to get in but Alec shook his head. "Its okay I can't take him." He held out his hand for Rafe but Magnus pulled it away from him. "Go and I will come and check on you later. Don't argue with me." He held out his finger to Alec and he closed his mouth before trying to say anything. He nodded and turned on his heels heading towards his room.
Magnus sat Rafe down on his bed and pulled out his shoes. He placed both of his short legs under the blanket and tucked it until his chest. "Daddy." He whispered. "Yes sweetie." Magnus answered back, sitting down by his side. "Is Alec gonna be okay?" Magnus sighed before he answered. "I don't know Rafe, but I will make sure he is okay." Rafe nodded and turned to his side. Magnus stood up kissing him on the temple ruffling his hair a bit and as he was about to reach the door he heard him mumbles his last words. "Please make sure he's okay." Magnus nodded and he closed the light in the room leaving the light by his night stand on. He closed the door as he approached Alec's. He knocked few times before he entered.
He saw Alec already changed his clothes and sat on the bed. Magnus went to the bedroom and crouched down by the sink grabbing something. Alec tried to tilt his head out to see what he was doing but his neck hurt when he extended further. He winced in pain and Magnus heard it. He walked out from the bathroom with a white box in his hand and a towel in other. He sat in front of Alec flexing his one leg and the other he let dangled out from the mattress.
"Let me see." He asked and Alec shook his head. "Its fine. Its nothing really." Alec pulled his blanket further to his chest hiding the mark but it stuck since Magnus sat on it. "Alec show me your neck or I will hold you down and exposed it myself." Alec eyes widen at the thought of Magnus word. "You wouldn't." He held his shirt closer to his neck as he leaned back trying to see whether Magnus is lying or is he telling the truth. Magnus sighed placing the box next to him and next thing Alec knew, he jumped on the bed straddling Alec in between his legs and he held both of Alec hand above his head. Alec froze in that position after trying to squirmed his way out but Magnus was surprisingly stronger.
"Okay okay, get off me." Alec pushed him back and he sat up fixing his shirt. Magnus on the other hand had a smirk on his face due to his triumph. He opened his suit jacket and flung it on the floor, later he folded his sleeves to his elbow and grabbed the box next to Alec. Its a first aid kit box that Magnus had in each bathroom in the house. "Closer." He signed his finger for Alec to move closer but Alec didn't budge. So he decided to scoot closer to him.
Magnus held out a cotton ball and dapped it on the brown bottle. Later the edge of the cotton turned to brown just like the bottle. He looked at Alec and Alec tilted his head to side exposing his neck to Magnus. Magnus held back his gasped on seeing the cuts on it and dapped the cotton lightly. Alec winced in pain as it made touch. "Sorry." He apologized and goes softer and slower. "Its okay, I have worst." Alec answered. Magnus stopped dapping the wound and wiped his finger with the towel he brought with him.
"Worst than this? I can't imagine." He looked at Alec who had his head down to his lap playing the fabric on the blanket. "Worst beyond your imagination, but its in the past. Thank you for saving me." Alec looked up and saw Magnus leaned closer examining the wound with his finger. "How can you put up with him after years of together? Why didn't you report this?" Magnus asked, again their eyes met.
"22 police report, 5 court hearing, 45 hospital visits and marks all over the body every time I did the report. They had people working in the police station, people working at the courthouse. Why do you think I stayed with him that long?" Alec answered and he felt his eyes filled with tears. He heard Magnus sighed and he leaned closer to him.
Warning: smut alert ahead. Read at your own predicament
Alec felt a finger under his chin tilting his head to look at the person in front of him. They both stared deep into each others eyes before Magnus could form a word. His mouth gaped apart but no words came out and his eyes falls into Alec's lips. He cursed himself why he looked at it and so does Alec. With no words, Alec felt his lips crushed into Magnus. In one breath, their lips locked into a deep kiss and involuntarily his hand creeped up to Magnus soft black hair. He felt Magnus fingers trailed on the back of his neck before he gripped Alec's raven hair.
Alec thought he would stop and so does Magnus but neither of them wanted too so that would explained on how Magnus got on top of Alec straddling him in between his legs under the blanket. Magnus stopped and pulled back himself to look at Alec. His hand are on Alec's chest and Alec's hand are on his shirt buttoned. Alec looked at their position swallowing the lump in his throat. He looked back at Magnus before he nodded and Magnus captured his lips again.
He ripped Magnus shirt sending buttons flying across the room and Magnus wiggled himself from his shirt. He then took the hem of Alec's shirt and pulled it out exposing his bare chest. Their lips connected back to each other and this time Magnus licked Alec's lower lip begging for entrance. Alec opened his mouth as Magnus tongue entered and he mirrored the action. He can't help feeling his cock twitched especially when Magnus grinding his hip on Alec's. He could feel Magnus hard on pressing his lower abdomen.
"M-Magnus." He whispered. Magnus hushed him before he placed his finger on Alec's lips. "Shh, shh Alexander. Please. I needed this. I need this since the first day I met you. I can't hold it back anymore. I can't keep lying to everyone about my feelings to you. Please don't tell me to stop. Please tell me you feel it too, tell me you want this." Magnus leaned in kissing Alec in every words as Alec's eyes looking at him with wide eyes. "I want this. I want it so bad." With that Magnus lips sealed again in another kiss. He took Alec's hand and placed it on his throbbing cock that tightened under his dress pants. "Look what you do to me Alexander. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't -" Magnus were interrupted by Alec's lips on his again and his hand stroking his already hard member but he was blocked by the fabric covered his crotch.
Alec found his finger on Magnus' belt and he quickly undid the belt. He opened the button and slipped his hand behind under Magnus' brief gripping his muscular butt that he adored so much. "Fuck Alexander!" He cursed under his breath. He quickly pulled Alec's hand away and ripped the blanket to give him more access and he palmed Alec's hard on. He pulled down Alec's shorts and his cock sprang free. He didn't think twice before his hand wrapped on Alec's hard member. He gasped upon the touch as Magnus' hands were cold making precum leaked from the tip of his cock.
Magnus leaned down kissing Alec's lips then he moved to his chin before his kiss trails to Alec's chest and down to his stomach. Every kiss sent electricity to Alec's body that he trembled under Magnus touch. As Magnus got closer Alec felt more hardened. He felt Magnus breath hitched on the tip of his cock, he was teasing with Alec and he knew it. Later when Magnus done playing by the tip, licking the precum, he put the whole cock in his mouth earning a gasped from Alec. "Fuck, Mags." His hand gripped Magnus hair as he bobbed up and down Alec's cock. "Fucked Magnus where did you learned how to do that?" Alec's twitched as his cock hit the back of Magnus throat earning him a gagged.
Magnus looked up and their eyes met. Alec on the other hand trying to catch his breath and Magnus sealed his lips with Alec again. "I was bisexual back in college. I still am." Alec had to smile at the thought and Magnus pulled his pants and his brief down letting his cock free. He kicked his shoes off and his gaze went back to Alec.
Alec sat up and he trailed Magnus abs with his finger. He had his shirt thrown on the floor and finally Alec made contact with his cock. Alec stroke it up and down and he felt it throbbing in his palm. He licked the tip that also leaked with precum. With one breath, he sucked in till the very end hitting his gag reflex and he do it over and over sending Magnus to the edge. His hand gripped on Alec's soft hair pushing him faster to suck his cock. He could feel his stomach tightened and any moment he would explode his load in Alec's mouth. But he doesn't want too yet so he pulled Alec's head away and he can see a strand of saliva dripping down Alec's chin. He wiped it with his thumb and kissed him hard.
He let Alec's body leaned back and with his strength he flipped him over and Alec now on his stomach. He let his tongue run down Alec's back till he reached his bare ass. He smacked it and Alec gasped in shock. Magnus pulled Alec's right leg up and got in between his ass. He separated the cheeks and let his tongue wet the area. He heard Alec groaned and he can't help gripping the sheets in his fist. "Magnus please." He begged.
Magnus raised back and he lie on top of Alec playing his tip at the entrance while kissing Alec's shoulder and cheek. He spat on his four finger before he lubricated his tip for the entrance. He doesn't want to hurt Alec and his cock is quite width for him to adjusted. Slowly he entered him and he gasped. He let Alec adjusted first before he moved slowly and his paced quickened with his breath.
"Mags. Fucked. Oh god, don't stop." Alec panted and his voice made Magnus want to cum again. He pulled out and Alec felt disappointed at the feeling of his cocked rammed into him. He pulled Alec back on his earlier positioned and held his legs wrapped around Magnus waist. "I want to look at you while I fucked you Alec. I want to feel you cum." He crashed his lips on Alec's again and rammed his cock into him earning him another gasped.
"Magnus, fuck!" He couldn't take as Magnus slammed his hard cock in him driving him to madness. "fuck, I'm coming." Alec said and that drove Magnus to edge. "Come with me Alexander. Come on. Come baby." He slammed it harder and Alec gripped his back tighter clawing his nails in but he couldn't feel the pain, only pleasure. He bit Magnus' shoulder as he shudder in climax and few thrust later Magnus came in him.
Magnus fell on Alec's body panting breathless for air as they both came from their high. "Fuck I need that." Magnus groaned and Alec couldn't help but chuckled. Magnus took the towel he had earlier and wiped Alec's torso that covered with cum before he wiped his and fell on the bed next to him. They didn't say a word except looking into each other's eyes and slowly they both drifted to sleep.
a/n : patience is a virtue people. Not every story need to be about relationships. I don't want to write smut but I guess this is what people want. Enjoy ~
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